Two Streams of Future Probability

through Kiara Earthwalker

August 16 & 17, 1999


I am Windrider, time traveler. I return to your time to share a message. When I lived in your time I often wondered what it would be like to be visited by someone from the future, who had perspectives and answers to some rather perplexing questions I then had, and perhaps some solutions to some very pressing problems we faced together in human culture and planet Earth. I wondered then what such a being would look like and what they would say.

Perhaps my very existence among you as a traveler from your future may be reassuring, for yes you have survived as a species, and yes, there is more to existence than your daily rhythmic boredom.

As I said earlier, I am a time traveler. That is not a strictly accurate statement from my perspective, for it is not a matter of traveling through time so much as folding through dimensions, which is part of ascension consciousness, as I will explain shortly. For now I would just like to state that I am "back" in your time for a specific purpose. You are approaching a great "shift of the ages", and there are two main streams of probability that stretch out before you as a species. My purpose is to speak with you about these two streams, and perhaps provide some perspectives.

As to how this message is being transmitted to you, I have permission to merge with my twentieth century self in freely chosen partnership. I will remain so until the completion of this writing.


Windrider is not so much my name as my function. I am what you might call in your timeframe an ascended master. When I lived in your time I was a rather ordinary 3rd dimensionally fixed human, but many many human ones have achieved ascension mastery in my time, which isn’t really time in the way you currently experience it.

I can see that I have some explaining to do, so let me begin with the notion of time itself. Like much else, this needs to be intuitively grasped not merely intellectually understood so that it may engage your intuitive vision to the threshhold of your own direct experience.

Time is a function of frequency. Just as you can have several tones occupying the same space in a musical chord, so the universe is a multidimensional construction, each dimension characteized by a certain frequency, or density. Your experience of time varies according to your experience of density. In the 3rd dimensional frequency you are currently experiencing prior to the Shift, time is linear, with a distinct past and a distinct future overlapping in a "now-time" called the "present". The present is a miniscule moment in 3-D reality. In the higher frequencies of density your sense of now-time is greatly expanded, collapsing the partititons between past and future and allowing you a much greater experience of "presence".

Shamans, mystics, prophets, and meditators through the ages have learned to collapse these partitions and travel to other dimensions, only to return aain to what you call the "real" world. Some, like the aborigines of Australia, were fluid enough that they knew how to live between the worlds, what they called "dreamtime", as their primary reality. In traveling between the worlds all these early travelers were able to intuit visions of future events as well as access the past through "akashic" libraries.

Very few, however, in all of Earth’s history, have been able to dissociate enough from a 3-D timeline to actually participatein or change future or past events. There are reasons for this, some of them having to do with collective consciousness in a free will universe. The very act of participation in a specified time frame allows for a change within that timestream, which plays havoc with the laws of causality.

Why am I here at this time then, you may ask. Do I not risk altering your own timestream, and do I not in doing so negate collective free will? The answers to those questions may surprise you. There are many time travelers in your domain at this time, mostly without a whole lot of fanfare, many through a process of merging with a past identity, some actually incarnate in time translated bodies. I would make bold to state that were it not for our interventon at pivotal times, your planet would be extinct today. Do you ever wonder why some of the more cataclysmic prophecies of Cayce, Nostradamus, and various ancient scriptures have not come to pass?

Are we not then interfering with your collective free will and karmic choices? Please understand that many of us time travelers are future aspects of your own selves, responding to a call you yourselves have made. You might call us aspects of your higher selves, which would be an accurate statement, since we do exist in a higher frequency dimension from your perspective. It is also true that the collecive consciousness of Earth at this time has called for higher assistance, and we are part of the response to that call as well. A third reason that we are able to time travel into your world at this time is the opening of certain time portals through some of your government experimentations such as the "Philadelphia Experiment". Whatever the original reasons and questionable outcome for such experiments, the fact is that in breaching these time portals, the veils into the 4th dimension have thinned, allowing not just various forms of visitation from other worlds and dimensions to your planet, but also bringing your entire planet to the brink of a 4th dimensional leap!

You might ask why, when I mentioned earlier, that our activities are usually in secret and without fanfare, that I am attempting to publicize my presence in this way. That brings me to the essence of my message to you at this time, what you you are about to undergo as a planet, and why your full participation is invited in this grand moment.


I mentioned earlier that there were several reasons why participatory time travel hasn’t been possible before. Another reason that your highest mystics and scientists have had limited success in this venture is the nature of your 3-D locus itself. For in order to travel independently in time you need to have at least a 5th dimensional locus. You need to be grounded in a simultaneous perspective that is vast enough that your now-moment can embrace eons of linear time in an infinite variety of parallel dimensions. A very few ascended masters in your history have achieved this, but not very many. This, my friends, is what you are emerging into as a species.

The cusp of the 21st century is an exciting time for you to be living in. I do not wish to repeat here what the more intuitive ones among you have already attuned to, so I will simply say that yes, you are at the threshhold of an awesome collective event, a "birthing" if you will, a "shift of the ages", a Zero Point long foretold and long awaited not only by shamans and prophets on Earth but throughout the infinite galaxies. For reasons that will become clear to you, what is taking place on Earth now is creating a ripple effect through all Creation. A whole new cycle of evolution is beginning through all the God-universes, and this little planet called Earth has a key role to play in it, which incidentally, is why you have such a wide gallery of spectators observing you at this time. It has to do with the fact that some of the highest beings in Creation are currently incarnate on Earth, along with the most diverse array of lifeforms and origins ever assembled, all incarnate in physical density in a great experiment of unification.

Those of you who have had experiences of unity-consciousness will know that it is no great effort to experience Oneness with the All on the higher dimensions, while it is here on 3-D Earth with its infinite diversity and polarity consciousness where that becomes a test of courage and commitment. With so much of your Earth’s longing for spirituality based on the need to escape the pain and suffering of being human at this time, it may surprise you to learn that you are the cutting edge of God-consciousness right now in this physical density. If Earth can experience unity-in-diversity on a physicalized (3rd or 4th) dimension, it greatly expands the activity of the Heart of God as the entire Universe begins a cycle of inbreath back to the Mind of God.


For yes, there are cycles within cycles within cycles enfolded in your planetary birthing. Not only are you nearing the end of a millenium but you are also at the end of a 2160 year Piscean Age. The Aquarian Age you enter into is not just the beginning of another Age but the beginning of an entire 25,920-year cycle marked by the precession of the equinoxes. This Precessional Year also reflects the orbit of your solar system around Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades. Twice during the Precessional Year, including at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, you enter the influence of a high-vibrational stream of unified light known as the "photon belt", emanating from the Galactic Sun, which synchronizes your entire galaxy to the Mind of God.

Your Galactic Sun is likewise completing its own spiral through the galaxies nearing the moment described in the Hindu Scriptures as the "inbreath of God". Everything in the current cycle of Creation up to this point has been an expression of the "outbreath of God". Now is the moment of return, when all things in all dimensions in all universes fold back to a higher octave of Unity. It is like the speedometer in one of your automobiles synchronizing to 99999 before turning over to Zero Point.

Zero Point refers to a convergence taking place on Earth that ties together all these great cycles with all the dimensions in Creation in the journey back to Oneness. The cusp of a millenium links with the cusp of an Age links with the cusp of a Precessional Year links with the cusp of a Galactic Cycle links with the cusp of the Creator’s Breath.

What does this mean? Because of the unique nature of this particular Zero Point, Earth stands at the threshhold of a cosmic moment of birth in which Creator and Creation become one. In other words, the veils between the dimensions are about to disappear for a moment of time, or rather a moment out of time, long enough for Creator consciousness to slip into the hearts and minds of all beings embodied on Earth, and by reflection, the entire inhabited universes. In this moment of timelessness, it is as if all Creation holds its breath with the Creator, and is then forever after infused with the Spirit of God.

The frequency of oscillation of any lifeform has to do with its connectedness with Spirit. In that moment of Infusion, the frequency of all beings on the planet will be raised in one extraordinary jolt of awakening. And since time and dimension also have to do with frequency, you will be suddenly catapulted into the 4th dimension as a collective event. While the collective transition to the 5th dimension will yet take a while, some of you may find yourself going past the 4th into the 5th or even 6th dimensional frequencies, activating the ascension process. Thus it is that I, Windrider, having found myself in 6-D after the Shift, chose to dissolve my 4th dimensional body into the unified light, and found myself practicing the ability to translate through all times and dimensions of the Creator Universes.


With that background, I wish to now speak with you about the two streams of probability that currently stretch out before you.

The Great Shift I have talked about is inevitable. It is a certainty in all the probable timelines of your future. What actually happens at this Zero Point, or Cosmic Birth, is still undetermined, however, and depends entirely on the collective consciousness latent in that moment.

My existence among you and that of other masters from your future reflects the fact that a proportion of humanity has sucessfully navigated through the Shift. It does not reflect what that proportion is. That keeps ever changing, and our wish is that this include the greatest number of beings possible.

These are the two probability scenarios that exist at this time. One is that at the moment of Zero Point that all beings on this planet are translated into the 4th dimension. This is the best case scenario. The other is that there will be a split between the worlds, that those who are prepared to move into 4-D will do so, and those who are not will remain behind in 3-D to play out their karma on a parallel Earth, which will likely result in cataclysmic destruction.

The third alternative probability and worst case scenario, that your entire planet would be destroyed in a great cataclysm, no longer exists. This did seem a likely possibility up until a decade or two ago in your time, and on behalf of all the ascended masters I congratulate you on the shift of consciousness you have already undergone so as to avert this! There is a great light being carried on the Earth right now. This is why we believe it is possible to shift out further from the second scenario of partial translation into 4-D to the best case scenario of a full translation of planet Earth. This is also why the advent of Zero Point has been postponed to the extent possible in order to give all humanity the opportunity to make the Shift together.

Many of your ancient prophecies speak to the second stream of probability because that seemed to be the most hopeful scenario envisioned at that time. Jesus spoke of the "rapture", of two men working in the fields, one of whom would be taken, the other left behind. Christian, Muslim and Hebrew scriptures are replete with images of a "day of judgement", when the "righteous’ would be rewarded and the "unrighteous" punished.

There are also metaphors in this age that reflect the first scenario. The story of "the hundredth monkey", which is an apt description of bioloical as well as spiritual evolution, is one example. Always it is true that when there is a sufficient number of beings envisioning and practicing a new paradigm, that the "law of grace" is then invoked, and the rest of the monkeys, or humanity, as the case may be, are brought into entrainment.


What needs to happen for mass consciousness to shift from the second to the first stream of probability? The second scenario is based on "karma", the first scenario on "grace". You need to understand that the "law of grace" is a higher octave of the "law of karma". And you need to understand and fully embrace your personal as well as collective shadows.

When the master Jesus spoke of forgiving your enemy he spoke not of condoning their actions but of recognizing that you and he both were shadow and light together, and that forgiveness provided you both an opportunity to practice a divine alchemy, unifying both shadow and light in the experience of Oneness. He also counseled us to "love your neighbor as yourself".

The test for awakened humanity is this. Can you extend the hand of forgiveness and love in this expanded sense to your brothers and sisters in ignorance and darkness, a forgiveness that arises from compassion, a forgiveness that embraces your neighbor, yourself, the dark lords, the powermongers, the satanic forces, the military mind, the secret governments, the illuminati, the "reptilians", "greys", "annunaki", or whatever your own version of the "enemy" happens to be?

When you do so, this activates the law of grace, and brings to an end a polarized conflict that opens the door to a full planetary awakening. More than that it provides an opportunity to resolve and heal a long drawn out intergalactic war, and bring much suffering to an end. It assures that in the "inbreath of God" to come that none get left behind. This is the best case scenario, and one that I have traveled back into your time to seed once again.

It begins with belief, followed by desire. Know that it is possible to experience a graceful pain-free unified birthing into the Fourth Dimension and beyond. Know also that you are capable of being the agents of God in this great alchemy. You have already proved this in averting the third probability of cataclysmic destruction.

I depart now, and I impart you with love and grace. Know that you have great assistance in this profound opportunity ahead. Call on the ascended masters and the brotherhoods of light, the angelic hierarchies and the Elohim, call on the avatars and saints throughout the ages, call on the star nations and the intergalactic councils of light, call on your higher selves and the Christ, call on the Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Univesal Logos, call on the Great Spirit that many call God. You are not alone, and we are not separate! Adonai!


Note from Kiara: This transmission came through during the Grand Fixed Cross of August 16 and 17, 1999; also coincidentally the twelfth anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, after having spent a week in spiritual retreat and ceremony in the upper meadows of Mount Shasta. My own experience of the transmission was an expanded state where a barrage of concepts, energy and information flowed through that I was left to translate into writing to the best of my ability. There seemed to be a lot more wanting to be said, which I have left out for the purpose of focus and brevity at this time. Feedback from readers and accounts of similar experiences would be welcome. You may contact me at Please feel free to forward, copy or share this information as feels appropriate.

From: (Shoshana)

Reply-to: (Shoshana)


Transmission from the Christ: A Message for Humanity

Through Kiara Earthwalker

August 12, 1999

These are the times spoken of. There is a great gathering of energy at this time, a great convergence of focus and attention from many beings of many intentions from all over the Universe. We refer to the time window of August 11-13, 1999.

We wish to explain this phenomenon through the metaphor of a movie some of you may be familiar with, "The Dark Crystal". There was once a Great Crystal, and a race of beings that guarded this Crystal. The Crystal represented all the Deep Forces of Creation, and through this Crystal a mighty and wondrous power filled the Earth. Soon, however, this power became unbalanced. At a Great Cosmic Conjunction of 3 suns, the Crystal shattered, and the guardian race split into two races. The "mystics" embodied love and wisdom, but without the power to guard the Crystal Forces. The "skeksis" embodied power and ruled through the Crystal, but in the absence of compassion they could only reign through terror.

Each was a dying race, and the Earth was a dying planet. There was a prophecy, however, that at the next Triple Conjunction ages hence, a child would restore the Crystal and heal the Earth. If he failed in his quest, however, the "skeksis" would rule forever.

Does this metaphor sound familiar? You have fallen out of balance, and war, suffering, division, and terror now fill the Earth. The "mystics", in their own quiet way, have held out a light through the ages, a light that has been seemingly small and ineffectual next to an all consuming darkness. Both the "mystics" and the "skeksis" have long awaited the birth of the Christ child, one in anticipation, the other in dread.

As in "The Dark Crystal", you too have had your prophecies for the restoration of a Golden Age, a reign of peae, the Kingdom of God on Earth. I say unto you now, that time is at hand.

Astrologically, on August 11 of this year, you experienced a highly visible solar eclipse, the biggest of the centrury, along with a Grand Cross in the heavens. This Grand Cross is the playing out on a collective level what one individual, known to you as Jesus, played out two thousand years ago on another cross. Much is being shifted loose in the Earth’s collective consciousness at this time.

There is a realm of unified light and a realm of polarized light. Polarized light requires its complement of darkness to give itself meaning and purpose in 3rd dimensional creation. Thus there have been lords of darkness as well as lords of light in all of Earth’s 3-D history, each with a part to play in the great unfolding drama. As the Earth prepares for a shift into the 4th dimension and beyond, however, the time for polarization is coming to an an end and you are witnessing an amplification of both polarities, dark as well as light, in preparation for the coming unification. World events reflect this, as well as each individual psyche In the Great Pyramid of Giza, between August 11 and 13 of this year, as well as certain other key times, you have been told of rituals being performed by certain individuals designed to enforce a skeksis-like agenda to control the Earth’s consciousness grids, open the portals to lower astral entitities, and to rule forever through terror. This is part of the culmination of the great drama, the 3-D battle between dark and light, good and evil.

The gelfling child of the Dark Crystal is the innocence of Christ consciousness awakening in the secret heat of all beings. In the movie, as soon as the gelfling fulfills his quest and the Crystal is restored at the moment of the Triple Conjunction, the mystics and the skeksis are pulled back together into one immortal being in a great flash of unified light. The age of polarity is coming to a close As Earth births into the 4th and 5th dimensions, dark fused with light is producing a unified light that has noopposites, a light that derives meaning and strength from the balance of both in love, wisdom and power. Beyond the dark sun and the light sun is the Unified Sun.

The three days from August 11 to 13 represents a cosmic replay of the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. The "illuminati" rituals and other events on Earth serve to focus the dark in much the same way as the Sanhedrin, Pontius Pilate and Roman soldiers were used in an earlier day. Their focus has been to shut down the Christ consciousness grids and to allow the "King of Terror" to reign through the skies in a bid for absolute control of the Earth.

Know, however, that this cannot and will not be the case. The Kali Yuga is over. Whatever events you see being played out in the near future, the Resurrection is at hand. Do not become polarized by what you may perceive or judge as negative. For some the Resurrection into unified consciousness has already taken place. For many it is a journey in process. And when the Ascension takes place, which is sooner than you might imagine, for there are many great cosmic beings assisting in this activity, it will be as a planetary event, a birthing of worlds beyond your most beautiful imaginings.

It might interest you to know, from a heliocentric perspective, that the eclipse chart reflects not a Cross but the symmetry of a perfect Star of David, a symbol of resurrection. The heliocentric chart for any event reflects the perspective of the soul, in this case, of the planetary soul. It is your birthchart for transitioning into the 4th dimension!

We have awaited this moment of birthing for timeless eternities. Take heart, beloved ones, and know that from this point on your journey into oneness will be highly accelerated. You are both the midwives and the children of the Golden Age!


Note from Kiara: This transmission came through this morning in the high meadows of Mount Shasta, a sacred portal that many consdider as equivalent to the crown chakra of the planet. An interesting phenomenon showed up in the evening sky after sunset last night, an appearance of dark rays from a black sun streaming across the eastern skies. My dreams last night were quite apocalyptic. This morning, however, the energies of Resurrection are quite unmistakabale, and a quiet peace seems to pervade everywhere.
