NEW QUAKES - 4-4-10
updated 2-18-11

2-18-11 - 5.1 quake

see previous quake swarms below
A swarm of larger earthquake has hit this area in
the last couple weeks.
The quakes in blue are 3.6
[ Dreams/Visions/Prophecy ] [ Main
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Date: July 18, 2007 at
22:01:17 From: Hannah//Or, [DNS_Address] Subject: The tail
of the turtle will snap |
I heard this about an hour ago.
Any clues? Was meditating on the loss symptoms my friend and I just
experienced and the massive loss that will be occurring when I
'heard' this. | |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
12:09:57 From: Dee Finney, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: The tail of the turtle will
snap |
URL: Turtle Island
Prophecy |
Hello all: Some time ago, I had
a prophetic dream about Turtle Island you might be interested in
reading about. Wondering if the tail of the turtle is
Florida? I've had a dream some time ago about Florida snapping
off of its current location and moving north along the gulf coast.
Hard to figure out how that could happen
NEW DREAM - 2-23-08
February 23, 2008 at 21:03:05
From: MCYoung/Tx
Heads Up PNW and West
February 23,2008 3:33pm(central)
After two nights of not recalling my dreams I did dream
today of seeing friends up on Orcas Island and others in
Seattle. I'm not entirely certain what was happening but I
recall being at Harborview Hospital in a waiting room with
many friends who have passed over.
One of the friends to my knowledge has not passed over so
we were the only two who had not. I asked my friend who's
name is Robbie what was going on. She said we were here to
help the ones who would be coming in to cross over.
At this point I was now up on Orcas Island with my friends
there. They were preparing to move inland because of the
coming quake that would "Rock the Island Like A Storm..."
Then I was yet again in another area somewhere in the
cascades I think. My friend Wesley was there along with a
few others. We were in a cave securing water,food and
blankets along with other emergency supplies into kits for
individual distribution.
I asked Wes what was happening and he said "that Big One
is coming and it will hit the west coast like a storm, so
we're preparing for it."
The dream again changed and now I found myself sitting
across a campfire in a cave with Old Woman. She motioned
toward the pictograph map of north america on the wall
behind her and she said "The Tail of the Turtle Is
Someone near me said "San Diego to Barstow to Bakersfield
to LA and back again. Watch Wyoming, Utah, Montana and
Idaho. Go look at your maps again for the signs." I turned
to ask which signs but Old Woman spoke saying the maps you
all have gathered tell you to WATCH THE SIGNS..."
At this point I was awakened. It was 3:33pm.
I will try to find the maps and post them. I just wanted
to get this posted as whatever this is be it a quake or
something else, it is coming rapidly...or that's how it
It may take awhile to find the maps but any who have
followed my dreams these years they are the ones of a few
years ago that show the circles and triangles. And Curly
Bear? I think found some of the Bay area that shows some
fault lines that follow the roads clear down to San Diego
Watch the White Wolf,Wheeler Ridge,Owl Lake and the
GARLOCK where it crosses the San Andreas at Tehachapie I
think??? I'm not sure it this is where it crosses.
Anyhow, what is happening NOW in the west both above and
below SoCal including Chile, Peru, Equador, Mexico are all
precursors to the coming storm my friends, Old Woman and
the other person were telling me about.
As always I could be wrong, I have been ill so this may
all be part of that. However, if this information is
correct it is time to move inland if possible and batten
down the hatches if not. The timing I am not certain about
but I believe if this is correct it will be within this
current year.
peace and
God bless
http://www.greatdreams.com/baja-california.htm History
of Baja Quakes
Q. Dear
Prophecykeepers... what is the prophecy concerning the volcanoes in
the Northwest and their long prophesied "order of
eruption" that will signal the worldwide earth changes?
A: From
Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf: "Well that information is in Last
Cry, I believe Days of Destiny, and Changing the Tides
of Fear... and the volcano is POPO and then, or first, the
volcano (double volcano) at Tenochtitlanm (the Azteca Capital which
was built on an Island, actually a volcanic Dome) in what is today
Mexico City. Then the tail of the Turtle will break an all hell
breaks loose, moving northward up the tail, up through California,
Oregon, Washington and up to the Canadian Cascades...Again Mt.
Rainier is Grandmother, and Mt. Baker is Grandfather, St. Helens is
one of the daughters or Little Sisters." Dr. Ghost Wolf
excerpted from: http://www.prophecykeepers.com/faqs.html
THE LONG VALLEY CALDERA: in eastern California,
near Long Valley, which I wrote about in the Ninth Thunder Prophecy
; is what should be watched closely. The rapid build up in that
region most likely will lead to eruption very soon, leading to the
closing off of pressure valves along the cascades. Remember the
Elders always stayed close to the vision that "The Tail of the
Turtle would break. When these things occur, and the Turtles tail
begins to heave, and break up we will know the time is near."
excerpted from: http://www.prophecykeepers.com/ghostwolf8.html

USGS scientists along with our colleagues at the U.S. Forest
Service have published a new Fact Sheet, Boiling
Water at Hot Creek - The Dangerous and Dynamic Thermal Springs in
California's Long Valley Caldera. The Fact Sheet was written in
response to safety concerns regarding recent hot spring activity and
geysering in Hot Creek Gorge. Due to the unpredictability of the
hazardous spring activity, the U.S. Forest Service has closed parts
of the Hot Creek Geologic Site. Fact Sheet 2007-3045 explains why
the previously popular swimming area is thermally unstable.
Excerpted from: http://lvo.wr.usgs.gov/
Earthquake Map of
Long Valley Caldera Area
Long Valley caldera, located at the
boundary between the Sierra Nevada and the Basin and Range
Province, is one of the largest Quaternary
rhyolitic volcanic centers in North America. The caldera is
elliptical in shape and 10 by 20 miles (15 by 30 km) in
size. The elevation of the floor of the caldera is 6,500
feet (2,000 m) in the east and 8,500 feet (2600 m) in the
west. The elevation of the walls of the caldera reach
elevations of 9,800-11,500 feet (3000-3500 m) except in the
east where the wall rises only 500 feet (150 m) to an
elevation of 7,550 feet (2,300 m).
activity began in the area about 3.6 million years ago
when trachybasalt
and trachyandesite
lava flows covered an area of about 1,500 square miles
(4,000 square km). A short time later, geologically
speaking, rhyodacite
was erupted as flows and domes. Geologists interpreted
these more silica-rich compositions as the first
eruptive products of a growing magma chamber.
The Long Valley caldera was produced by a catastrophic
eruption about 730,000 years ago. The roof above the
magma chamber collapsed, forcing 150 cubic miles (600
cubic km) of rhyolitic magma to the surface in the form
of Plinian
ash columns and associated air falls and ash flows. The
volume of ash is comparable to similar caldera-forming
eruptions at Yellowstone
and far exceeds the volume of ash erupted from
stratovolcanoes. For example, the large eruption of
Tambora in 1815 produced 10 cubic miles (40 cubic km) of

Cross Section of Long Valley
From: http://volcano.und.edu/vwdocs/volc_images/north_america/california/long_valley.html
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Valley_Caldera
Origins of the caldera
The known volcanic
history of the Long Valley Caldera area started several
million years ago when magma
began to collect several miles below the surface. Volcanic
activity became concentrated in the vicinity of the present
site of Long Valley Caldera 3.1 to 2.5 million years ago
with eruptions of rhyodacite
followed by high-silica rhyolite from 2.1 to 0.8 million
years ago. After some time a cluster of mostly rhyolitic
volcanoes formed in the area. All told, about 1,500 square
miles (4,000 square kilometers) were covered by lava.
All but one of these volcanoes, 1-2 million year old Glass
Mountain (made of obsidian),
was completely destroyed by the major eruption of the area
760,000 years ago, which released 600 cubic
kilometres of material from vents just inside the margin
of the caldera (the 1980
Mount St. Helens eruption was 1.2 km³). About half of
this material was ejected in a series of pyroclastic
flows of a very hot (1,500 degree Fahrenheit or 800
degree Celsius) mixture of noxious gas,
and ash
that covered the surrounding area hundreds of feet deep. One
lobe of this material moved south into Owens
Valley, past where Big
Pine, California now lies. Another lobe moved west over
the crest of the Sierra
Nevada and into the drainage of the San
Joaquin River. The rest of the pyroclastic material
along with 300 km³ of other matter, was blown as far as 25
miles (40 km) into the air where winds
distributed it as far away as eastern Nebraska
and Kansas.
However, much of the material ejected straight into the air
fell back to earth to fill the 2 to 3 km deep caldera
two-thirds to its rim. |
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
00:33:24 From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address] Subject:
Hannah...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
"BTW:: didn't you dream
about some tail of the turtle vision? Know where it would be
geographically speaking? See post below yours."
Yes, many
times. It was Old Woman who has said "The Tail of Turtle Will Be
Broken." Then in a later dream she said it had alread begun. The
location of the Tail of the Turtle(ie. Turtle Island which is North
America)is said to be the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Others have
thought it could be the Baja but I have personally thought it is the
thin piece of land that connects Central America with South
I think this area because of the tectonic
plates(Cocos iirc) in that region and the plausability of the land
breaking or sinking there as a result.
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
04:23:12 From: Kate
in AZ, [DNS_Address] Subject: I just assumed you're
dreaming of the Galapagos! |
URL: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2007ewap.php |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
05:09:44 From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address] Subject: Hi
Kate...Re: I just assumed you're dreaming of the
Galapagos! |
Well, after a lot of research
and help from others I became convinced the "Tail of the Turtle"
that Old Woman was speaking of was indeed in that area:

| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:10:05 From: Viz, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: Hannah...Re: The tail of the turtle
will snap |
If we are talking about Native
North American material here, then I think you should look
further North. The heart of Turtle Island is another island within the island of North America. Up here in Ontario, we have
a place called Manitoulin. It is an island, but also part of an
archipelago of islands that divide Georgian Bay from Lake Huron.
This archipelago or spine of rocks is actually the Niagara
Escarpment. Manitoulin is a sacred place. Check your Ojibwa
sources. This omen is troublesome to me.
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:39:18 From: Hannah, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re:
Hannah...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
I'll look up what you
suggested. I am troubled because lately these whispers have been for
actual places or events. When I do get them in my non native tongue
i pay attention. | |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:33:50 From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address] Subject: Hi
Viz...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
Oh my! That's new info for me.
I was going by the Hopi and other Native oral historys. Also because
the original message in which I was told this by "Old Woman" was in
the context of a sequence of events involving southern california.
At the time I had no idea there was a legend about Turtle
Island nor that in SoCal there were actual faults and locations with
the names I was being told.
I will indeed have a look at the
information to which you are referring...and am certainly not ruling
it out.
peace mc | |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
00:45:36 From: Hannah, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re:
Hannah...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
Hmmm. thanks MC. Interesting
about the word that I heard being snap vs broken. Might be just a
shaking leading up to the break.
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:36:56 From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address] Subject:
Hannah...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
Or maybe Viz is onto something
and an event will occur in TWO places?
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
00:31:03 From: kemokae, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: The
tail of the turtle will snap |
Supposedly that's when Mexico
City gets their biggie quake and the tip of it splits off the
mainland. Yes, there's millions of people that live in Mexico
City and as I've said before it sits on the "San Andres" of the
south, directly on top of it, with a huge volcano that overlooks
it all. | |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:41:03 From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address] Subject: Hi
Kemokae...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
Yes, I think it was you who
first told me about this iirc. I've learned so much from you about
many things and consider you a true treasure on these boards. Thank
peace mc | |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:05:42 From: Hannah, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: The tail
of the turtle will snap |
I think I might have gotten
Mexico when I heard the word tortuga (sp). I asked hubby and he said
it is the phrase used in Mexico to refer to turtle.
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
01:50:35 From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address] Subject:
Hannah...Re: The tail of the turtle will snap |
If you remember there was a 7+
quake in Mexico a few years back and it was felt here in San
Antonio. Anyway, it was after that quake that Old Woman told me "The
Tail of the Turtle will be broken...it has already begun." I took
this to mean the quake in Mexico was the beginning of the series of
quake events in the ring of fire and along the west coast
culminating in southern California.
| |
Date: July 18, 2007 at
23:50:13 From: Jean
in E OR, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: The tail of the
turtle will snap |
Hannah, I heard several
years ago that the tail of the turtle will be broken. At the time I
felt that meant Panama. America was Turtle Island to the native
peoples, if you look at her on the map, the head is near New
England, Florida is a leg, Texas is too, Vancouver-Seattle area is a
leg...maybe I've gone too far with this, but anyway, the tail goes
down into Central America. What do you think? Blessings, Jean
| |
Date: July 19, 2007 at
02:06:33 From: Hannah, [DNS_Address] Subject: Thanks
Jean |
I'm only going on instinct
right now, but based on the language I was given in the second
whisper, I'd say Mexico, either Gulf or Mexico city. Not sure
weather either of these is a tail because I felt I was looking at
ink spots and drawing to a blank movie screen. Might be I'm a little
too tired to see. | |
Date: July 18, 2007 at
22:35:58 From: eiluj, [DNS_Address] Subject: Isn't there
something in one of the (probably) Hopi prophecies? |
Don't know if it was the tail
of the turtle ... or the head of the turtle ... or something else
about the turtle.... | |
See the Robert Ghostwolf postings above. |
Date: July 18, 2007 at
23:43:12 From: Hannah, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: Isn't
there something in one of the (probably) Hopi
prophecies? |
I'll google Hopi..oddly I got
the message in spanish as well a little later on. The last few major
life loss events have been preceeded by being told a message in a
language I'm not fluent in. The first time it happened was a sign on
an embassy. | |
Native American Prophecies
Many people feel the birth of the Rainbow Family was foretold many,
many years ago by various Native American tribes. Unfortunately, all of
these tales are Oral Histories, so the specifics vary from version to
version. About all we can do is compare the versions, and try to get the
basic "feel" of the prophecy.
Warriors of the Rainbow
This prophecy is the one that has become famous as it fortells the
birth of the "Rainbow Warriors", who will save the earth from
environmental destruction. Many people feel that we are these Rainbow
The Rainbow Warrior
- A short story about what it means to be a "Rainbow
Warrior". This version comes from a farm in Ohio.
- Warriors
of the Rainbow
- This version comes to us from Lelanie FullerAnderson "The
Cherokee Lady", who has published severalbook on Indian Herbal
Medicine. This version she says was told to her as a young girl by
hee Grandmother.
- I have a new book on kindle - "The Warriors of the Rainbow"
Thanks Lelanie
- web site ;
- personal email
Lakota Sioux Prophecies
- Black
Elk's Vision
- This is a summarization of Black Elk's vision as retold in the
book "Black Elk Speaks". This talks alot about
"Rainbows". and the Rainbow Tribe of many colors.
Hopi Prophecies
The Hopi prophecies are probably the most famous, as they talk about
the "Age of Purification", and there are many people that
believe the signs foretold in this prophecy have happened in the last 50
years or so.
- Frank
Waters Version
- This is probably the best known version of the Hopi Prophecy.
This is the version with that talks about the emergence of the
Rainbow Family. It goes "...This is the Eight Sign: You will
see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and
join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom...."
- Thomas
Banacyca Translation
- This is the version by Thomas Banacyca, one of the few hopi
allowed to translate the Hopi Prophecies to English. Most other
folks version are based on talks with him, so this is the original
- Address
By Thomas Banyacya
- This is the text of a speech by Thomas Banyacya to the United
- Lee
Brown Version
- This is from a talk given by Lee Brown at the 1986 Continental
Indigenous Council, Tanana Valley Fairgrounds, Fairbanks, Alaska.
This is an interesting version as it has parts of more modern
history interwoven with the Hopi prophecy about the 4 brothers.
Other Hopi Prophecy Web sites
Prophecies of the Future
- This is a whole other web site on the Hopi Prophecies. Included
on this web site is information which discusses this prophecy from a
meeting in 1981 with the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Budhists also have
a similar prophecy, which was discussed when the Dalai Lama met with
the Hopi Elders a few years ago. There is also an interesting page
on a meeting between the Dalai Lama, and some Hopi Elders here.
- Hopi
- Historians, politicians and large numbers of corporate
shareholders would have us believe that America's Indian Wars are
over. The truth is, many of America's indigeneous people continue to
this day to assert their inalienable, aboriginal rights. At the
political, moral and spiritual center of this defiant resistance to
500 years of history, stands the Hopi Sinom -- the sovereign Hopi
- The Hopi
- Touch The Earth Foundation was founded in 1992. Our mission is
to provide education and instruction in cross-cultural customs and
beliefs. We are dedicated to the protection and preservation of
Native American wisdoms and traditions through a variety of hands-on
educational programs designed for people of all ages. Using ancient
teachings, stories, art and song to help people connect with their
environment and center their lives--thus promoting self-esteem,
peace, and unity.
Other Native American Stories
These are links to other sites that have other Native American
Stories that aren't prophecies.
- The
Lost Tablet of the Hippie
- This is a true story about a mysterious carved tablet found in
a corn field on Rainbow Farm in Oregon, which was brought to the
Hopi elders just before the first Rainbow Gathering.
- Native
American Lore
- This is a great web site with a large collection of myths and
- From:
Dreams/Visions/Prophecy ] [
February 25, 2008 at 00:50:54
From: mystic
Re: Heads Up PNW and West Coast...Barstow |
Hm.. Dee ...I
was reading your link there...Viz said about the turtle and
Manitoulin Islands. I know them well cos I live pretty close
by up north here. Ojibway tribe is big thru these parts up
north....well except north east where one runs into oji-cree
tribes... oh and metis.
Well from the stoney people up north ...this may help MC
btw...I give you a little story telling... :)
Traditional people call North America "turtle island" because
it is shaped like a turtle (Florida is one hind leg, Baja
California is another, Mexico is the tail).
In the Ojibwe Story of the Great Flood the turtle offered its
back to Waynaboozhoo to bear the weight of the new earth. The
new earth was formed from a piece of earth recovered by
muskrat from the bottom of the water which covered the
world.Cf. Noah & The Flood The expression "there are many
roads to the High Place" means Nat. Americans should support
and respect each other's traditions and one tribe's beliefs
can shed light on the others. According to the Ojibwe creation
story the Original Man's first responsibility after he was
placed on Earth was to follow the Creator's instructions and
walk the Earth and name all of the animals, plants, hills, and
valleys. He also named the parts of the body.Cf. Genesis Many
English words are derived from the Ojibwe language such as:
Mississippi "Miziziibi"(large water), moccasin "makizin,"
moose "mooz," pecan "bagaan" (nut), toboggan "zhooshkodaabaan,"
Milwaukee "mino-aki," etc.. The rivers that run underground
are the veins of Mother Earth and water is her blood,
purifying her and bringing her food. Mother Earth implies
reproduction and fertility and life.
The Creator, Gitchie Manido, sent the wolf to keep Way-na-boo-zhoo,
Original Man, company while walking around creation. After
they completed that task he ordered Original Man and Wolf to
go different ways.
The wolf and man (the Ojibwe) are thought to be similar
because both walked creation, mate for life, have a Clan
system and a tribe, have had their land taken from them, have
been hunted for their hair, have been pushed close to
destruction and are recovering.
Manitoulin means spirit island in the Ojibwe language. The
island was a sacred place for the native Anishinaabe people
who were Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi.
According to their tradition, and from recordings in birch
bark scrolls, many more of them came from the eastern areas of
North America, or Turtle Island, and from along the east
coast. They traded widely across the Continent for thousands
of years, and knew of the canoe routes west, and a land route
to the west coast. According to the oral history, seven great
miigis (radiant/iridescent) beings appeared to the peoples in
the Waabanakiing (Land of the Dawn, i.e. Eastern Land) to
teach the peoples of the mide way of life. However, the one of
the seven great miigis beings was too spiritually powerful and
killed the peoples in the Waabanakiing whenever the people
were in its presence. The six great miigis beings remained to
teach while the one returned into the ocean. The six great
miigis beings then established doodem (clans) for the peoples
in the east. Of these doodem, the five original Anishinaabe
doodem were the Wawaazisii (Bullhead), Baswenaazhi
(Echo-maker, i.e., Crane), Aan'aawenh (Pintail Duck), Nooke
(Tender, i.e., Bear) and Moozoonsii (Little Moose), then these
six miigis beings returned into the ocean as well. If the
seventh miigis being stayed, it would have established the
Thunderbird doodem. At a later time, one of these miigis
beings appeared in a vision to relate a prophecy. The prophecy
stated that if more of the Anishinaabeg did not move further
west, they would not be able to keep their traditional ways
alive because of the many new settlements and European
immigrants that would arrive soon in the east. Their migration
path would be symbolized by a series of smaller Turtle
Islands, which was confirmed with miigis shells (i.e., cowry
shells). After receiving assurance from the their "Allied
Brothers" (i.e., Mi'kmaq) and "Father" (i.e., Abnaki) of their
safety in having many more of the Anishinaabeg move inland,
they advanced along the St. Lawrence River to the Ottawa River
to Lake Nipissing, and then to the Great Lakes. First of these
smaller Turtle Islands was Mooniyaa, which Mooniyaang
(Montreal, Quebec) now stands. The "second stopping place" was
in the vicinity of the Wayaanag-gakaabikaa (Concave
Waterfalls, i.e. Niagara Falls). At their "third stopping
place" near the present-day city of Detroit, Michigan, the
Anishinaabeg divided into six divisions, of which the Ojibwa
was one of these six. The first significant new Ojibwa
culture-centre was their "fourth stopping place" on Manidoo
Minising (Manitoulin Island). Their first new political-centre
was referred as their "fifth stopping place", in their present
country at Baawiting (Sault Ste. Marie). Continuing their
westward expansion, the Ojibwa divided into the "northern
branch" following the north-shore of Lake Superior, and
"southern branch" following the south-shore of the same lake.
In their expansion westward, the "northern branch" divided
into a "westerly group" and a "southerly group". The "southern
branch" and the "southerly group" of the "northern branch"
came together at their "sixth stopping place" on Spirit Island
(Template:Coor dms) located in the St. Louis River estuary of
Duluth/Superior region where the people were directed by the
miigis being in a vision to go to the "place where there are
food (i.e. wild rice) upon the waters." Their second major
settlement, referred as their "seventh stopping place", was at
Shaugawaumikong (or Zhaagawaamikong, French, Chequamegon) on
the southern shore of Lake Superior, near the present La
Pointe near Bayfield, Wisconsin. The "westerly group" of the
"northern branch" continued their westward expansion along the
Rainy River, Red River of the North, and across the northern
Great Plains until reaching the Pacific Northwest. Along their
migration to the west they came across many miigis, or cowry
shells, as told in the prophecy.
So the manitoulin Islands were the 4th stopping place.
Their migration path would be symbolized by a series of
smaller Turtle Islands, which was confirmed with miigis
Well lesson done for today....
Ahaaw, wiingezin
(Okay, you take it easy)