compiled by Dee Finney

8-19-04 - DREAM - I dreamed multiple times that I was sending
myself an e-mail about Tuatha Del Danaan. The last time I had a
picture of a dawn rising on a meadow and I knew I was making progress. |
Wikipedia says:
Legendary history
The Tuatha Dé were descended from
leader of a previous wave of inhabitants of Ireland. They came from four
northern cities, Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias, where they acquired
their occult skills and attributes. They arrived in Ireland, on or about
May 1
(the date of the festival of
Beltaine), on dark clouds, although later versions rationalise this
by saying they burned their ships to prevent retreat, and the "clouds"
were the smoke produced.
Led by their king,
they fought the First Battle of
Magh Tuiredh (Moytura),
on the west coast, in which they defeated and displaced the clumsy and
Bolg, who then inhabited Ireland. Nuada lost an arm in the battle.
Since he was no longer perfect, he could not continue as king and was
replaced by the half-Fomorian
Bres, who
turned out to be a tyrant. The physician
Dian Cecht replaced Nuada's arm with a working silver one and he was
reinstated as king. However, Nuada was dissatisfied with the replacement
so he turned to
Dian Cecht's son Miach, who made him a new hand of flesh and blood.
Dian Cecht slew his own son out of jealousy.
Because of
Nuada's restoration as leader the half-Fomorian
complained to his family.
The Tuatha Dé then fought the
Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh against the
Fomorians. Nuada was killed by the Fomorian king
poisonous eye, but Balor was killed by
Lugh, who
took over as king.
The Celtic god Lugh was also called Lamfhada (of the long arm)
in Gaelic.
The evil Underworld god Balor was the sun god Lugh's
grandfather, whom Lugh, "the shining one" had to kill. Lugh
was king of the Tuatha De Danaan.
A third battle was fought against a subsequent wave of invaders, the
Milesians, from the northwest of the
Iberian Peninsula (present day
Galicia and Northern
Portugal), descendants of
Míl Espáine (who are thought to represent the
Goidelic Celts). The Milesians encountered three goddesses of the
Tuatha Dé, Ériu,
Banba and
who asked that the island be named after them; Ériu is the origin of the
modern name
Éire, and Banba and Fodla are still sometimes used as poetic names
for Ireland.
Their three husbands,
Cecht and
Gréine, who were kings of the Tuatha Dé at that time, asked for a
truce of three days, during which the Milesians would lie at anchor nine
waves' distance from the shore. The Milesians complied, but the Tuatha
Dé created a magical storm in an attempt to drive them away. The
Milesian poet
calmed the sea with his verse, before his people landed and defeated the
Tuatha Dé at
Amergin was called upon to divide the land between the Tuatha Dé
Danann and his own people, he clever alotted the portion above ground to
the Milesians and the portion underground to the Tuatha Dé. The Tuatha
Dé were led underground into the
mounds by
Dagda. They survive into modern-day Irish conscienceness as gods and
goddesses, the
and the mysterious fairy-folk of Irish mythology.
The Tuatha Dé Danann fought against the witch
and her three sons. They are said to have brought
chariots and
to Ireland.
The Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann
The Tuatha Dé Danann brought
four magical treasures with them to Ireland:
These four treasure can be linked to the four elements, and four
suits, found in
Tarot and
throughout pagan mythology. The Cauldron (or Cup) represented water. The
Spear (or Wand) represented fire. The Stone (or Coin) represented earth.
The Sword represented air. These symbols still carry over in modern
playing cards, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades respectively.
Tuatha Dé Danann High Kings of Ireland
AFM: chronology from the
Annals of the Four Masters; FFE: chronology based on
reign-lengths given in
Seathrún Céitinn's Forus Feasa ar Erinn.
Tuatha Dé Danann family tree
The following table is based on the
genealogies given by
Seathrún Céitinn and in the
Lebor Gabála Érenn, and references in
Cath Maige Tuireadh. It is not clear whether the various Elathas
and Delbáeths are meant to be different figures of the same name or
different traditions regarding the genalogy of the same figure. It is
also notable that
Fomorians such as Elatha and Balor are closely related to the Tuatha
Iarbonel Faidh
| |
Allai Indai
| __________________________|__________________________
| | |
Orda Nét Elatha
| ____________________|______________________________________________ |
| | | | |
Etarlám Esar Brec Delbáeth Dot Bres
| | | |
| | | |
Eochaid Dian Cecht Elatha Balor
| | | |
| ___________|___________ _________________|______________________ |
Nuada | | | | | | | | | | |
(Elcmar) Cu Cethen Cian Miach Airmed Dagda Fiacha Delbáeth Ogma Allód Ethniu
(Nechtan) | | | | | (Ler)
_____|____ | | _____________|____________ | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Etarlám Nemain Bec-Felmas Lug Cermait Aengus Bodb Midir Brigid Boann Delbáeth Manannan
| | | (Tuireann)
| | _________|_________ ______________________|__________________________________
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ernmas Abean MacCuill MacCecht MacGréine Fiachna Brian Iuchar Iucharba Danand Goibniu Credne Luchta Ollam
|__________________ |
| | | |
Ériu = Badb | Aoi
Banba = Macha |
Fódla = Mórrígan = Anu
Other members of the Tuatha Dé Danann include:
Popular culture
The Tuatha Dé Danann (spelled Tuatha Dé Danaan in the books) play a
prominent role in
Karen Marie Moning's novels. The first set, the Highlander series,
are standalone romance novels that are best read together and in order
and the Fever series which are suspense novels (so far, no romance) the
first of which is "DarkFever".
The exotic characters in
Julian May's
Saga of Pliocene Exile are based on Tuatha Dé Danann and Fir Bolg.
The Tuatha Dé Danann, and the Fomorians (spelt Fomhoire) play vital
roles in
Juliet Marillier's "Sevenwaters Trilogy"
The Tuatha Dé Danann appear in a chapter of
Poul Anderson's book The Broken Sword, a fantasy novel placed
in northern Europe during the
Middle Ages. The hero Scafloc travels from Britain to Ireland and
meets the People of Danu in a deep sidhe.
"Tuatha Dé Danann" is used in the
Highlander books by Karen Marie Moning.
Eoin Colfer's book
Artemis Fowl, it is said that Dé Danann created the
Giant's Causeway with the force of their magic blast while fighting
the demon
The Tuatha Dé Danann (spelled Tuatha de Dannon within the game)
appear in the online game
City of Heroes as enemies with the appearance of hulking, green
creatures with antlers. They are sometimes led by 'Boss' monsters called
"Bres". In the game, they reprise their role as enemies of the
Bolg, who are now pumpkin-like creatures. This is explained in-game
as a side affect of the two groups having been transported to their new
home (and constant warzone), the Croatoa sector.
The Tuatha Dé Danann appear in Diane Duane's book A Wizard Abroad,
in which the battle of Lugh and the Formori is resumed in modern times.
Lugh uses his spear to kill Balor of the Evil Eye, king of the Formori.
The spear is said to be the mythical
Spear of Destiny.
The Tuatha Dé Danann are featured heavily in
Morgan Llywelyn 's book Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish
Many of the Tuatha Dé Danann appear in
Laurell K. Hamilton's
Merry Gentry series of books.
The Tuatha Dé Danann are featured prominently in
Alison Baird's novels
The Hidden World and
The Wolves of Woden.
The Tuatha Dé Danann are referenced in the
Outlanders novel series by
Mark Ellis (aka
James Axler) as having engaged in a long war with the Anunnaki for
possession of the Earth. The last of the Danann, the mad god Maccan, has
appeared twice in the series (Dragoneye
Mad God's Wrath), wielding the deadly Silver Hand of Nuadha. The
Danann princess
Fand has also appeared in
The Tuatha Dé Danann (TDD-1) is the codename of one of
advanced submarines in the
Full Metal Panic anime/manga series.
The Tuatha Dé Danann are presented as a water-breathing species from
Thierna Na Oge, one of the five lost cities of
Atlantis in the
comic book limited series by Neal Pozner and Craig Hamilton.
They are portrayed as gods in
Mark Chadbourn's
The Age of Misrule trilogy, in which the ancient gods return to
The Tuatha Dé Danann appear in the roleplaying game
Shadowrun. In the context of the game, they are Irish
elves who
appeared after the magical awakening of 2011. The claimed Ireland as
their homeland, renaming it
na nÓg. They consider human and other non-elven Irish to be their
inferiors, whom they refer to as
Non-Irish elves often view them as a model to emulate.
In the roleplaying game
Changeling: The Dreaming, the Tuatha Dé Dannan are mysterious
godlike beings who are ancestors of the fae.
The Tuatha Dé Danann inspired a Brazilian Celtic/Folk Metal band,
Tuatha de Danann (band), whose lyrics are mainly about fantasy and
celtic folklore.
The Tuatha Dé Dannan also inspired a well-known traditional Irish
De Dannan.
The Fir Bolg are represented in the online game World of Warcraft as
Furbolgs, bearlike, hulking, feral, tribal creatures with large bellies,
usually wielding spears.
Dark Ages (computer game) players are refered to as 'Tuatha de
Danaan' a slight variation of 'Tuatha Dé Dannan'.
a celtic/hip hop group from Britanny, has a popular song called La Tribu
de Dana. Which is French for 'Tuatha de Danaan'. In the song, adapted
Alan Stivell's,
tells the story of a celtic warrior.
External links
In a private discussion between a group of friends in 2006, I received
this information:
In the 1920 book Life
Understood, which I re-consulted this morning, not having read it for
several years it states:
"The early monkish analysts
state that Ireland was first inhabited by Cessair, the grand-daughter of
Noah [St Germain], who according to Professor Rhys, represented a tribal
goddess of the pre-Celtic people. She and her followers were possibly
Atlanteans, who, on the submergence of that continent managed to escape to
The Prince Heremon whom Tea
Tephi married was known as Eochaid in Ireland and this name continued down
through the lineages of the Irish kings. Heber is also another version,
relating to their Hebrew ancestry.
Heremon was the son of
Princess Scota (daughter of pharaoh Nectanebus of Egypt). Scota married
Gathelus of Spain otherwise known as Milesian (from which we obtain the word
'mile'). At some stage, Scota and Gathelus visited Ireland - it was known as
the invasion of the Milesians - and Scotland was named after her. Scota was
not the daughter of King Zedekiah..
According to 1920 book, Life
Understood, Tephi was a family name; Taphath was the daughter of Solomon (I
Kings 4 verse 11). The name 'Tea Tephi' signified 'a tender twig'. The
root 'taph' signifies and infant, and iis the Hebrew word used for 'little
one' in numerous places. 'Tea' also means 'little'."
However, I believe it is
important to bear in mind that specific names given in the Bible had cryptic
meanings and the fact that she was known as the Tender Twig in the Bible,
and as Tea Tephi in the Annals of the Irish Masters, signifies TT -
connected with the Twin pillars of Moses - the Ark of the Covenant and
Freemasonry. She was the young 'twig' of the vine of the House of David.
[note: Moses was Ahkenaten; See:
http://www.greatdreams.com/moses.htm ]
In the Bible the sister is
not named, only mentioned as a princess; also in the Annals of the Irish
Masters, she is not named. However, Scota, as mentioned earlier above, was
the mother-in-law of Princess Tea Tephi Mor.
Scota's son, Heremon/Eochaid/Heber,
was of the tribe of Dan - the Tuatha de Danaan. There are many gods and
goddesses of this tribe, bound up in Irish mythology, including the children
of Don/Dan who were regarded as deities in the sky. Another of the gods of
Dan, was Odin who is also Thor in Scandanavian mythology. 'Dan' in Danmark
(Denmark) and Scandan... prescribe to where the tribe of Dan left their mark
as they travelled towards the British Isles.
TEA TEPHI. Buried ineradically in the
poetry and folk-lore of Ireland is the tale ... The praises of Tea Tephi,
daughter of Lughaidh (equivalent in Erse of ...
www.asis.com/~stag/jerrytea.html - |
Eochaide and Tea Tephi were the complete
fulfillment of Jacob's command that Judah ... With the arrival of Tea
Tephi, and her subsequent marriage to the ...
www.asis.com/~stag/stone.html - |
Lost Tribes of Israel
Did he travel there in 583-560 BC from
Egypt around the same time of the destruction of Jerusalem, with: the scribe
Baruch, Ebed-Melech, Tea Tephi (daughter ...
www.bibleprobe.com/lost.htm |
The Ark of the Covenant measured 1 1/2 cubits (one and a
half), which today would be 2.5 feet.
But the Egyptian Royal cubit measurement was different, and
below it mentions dividing it by 60.
I am probably on a wild goose chase here - but the point I am
making is if the Ark of the Covenant - twin pillars of Moses concealed within
the Ark of the Covenant were so small, for they had to be in order to fit into
the Ark of the Covenant, then why the measurement of her burial place being 60
feet? Was it purely a hint of the Freemasonic connection, or one of latitude.
Downpatrick in Ireland, is 54 degrees North.
St Germain's (Merlin/Columba's) favourite Psalm about Tea
Tephi's royal wedding, is Psalm 45. He could have given it any other number,
i.e. Psalm 33, but he didn't.
To the chief Musician upon
Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves.
1 My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things
which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready
2 Thou art fairer than the
children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee
for ever.
3 Gird thy sword upon thy
thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty.
4 And in thy majesty ride
prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy
right hand shall teach thee terrible things.
5 Thine arrows are
sharp in the heart of the king’s enemies; whereby the people fall under
6 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the
sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
7 Thou lovest righteousness,
and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil
of gladness above thy fellows.
8 All thy garments smell
of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they
have made thee glad.
9 Kings’ daughters were
among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of
10 Hearken, O
daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and
thy father’s house;
11 So shall the king greatly
desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him.
12 And the daughter of Tyre
shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall
intreat thy favour.
13 The king’s daughter is
all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
14 She shall be brought unto
the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her
shall be brought unto thee.
15 With gladness and
rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king’s palace.
16 Instead of thy fathers
shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth.
17 I will make thy name to
be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for
ever and ever.
Given that the Grail family were the Essenes, am using their
I am looking to see if any particular numbers stand out as
common denominators.
In Greek alphabet, T = 300 -discount 0's = 33 i.e. T.T. for Tea Tephi,
placed side by side, letters T.T. = 33
T+ T in Greek alphabet = 600 (discount 0) 6 = 2 lots of 3
i.e.33 - Thirty-Three.
Thirty Three comprises of twin capital letters of the letter 'T' which in
turn correspond to the Twin Pillars of Moses concealed within the Ark of the
The princess was buried beneath a mound which measured exactly 60 feet (
drop the 0) and follow same rules we have two lots of 3 - 33.
Germain = 309 which added = 12 (0's don't count)
Noah = 129 which added 1 + 2 + 9 = 12
Ararat = 803 which = 11 (Noah's ark and Mt Ararat)
Eochaid = 101 = 11 (discounting 0) (Eochaid/Heremon married
Tea Tephi)
Ephraim (Great Britain) 344 = 11
Columcille (ancient name for St Columba) 344 = 11
Merlin (St Columba) = 335 which = 11
T +T (for Tea Te phi) + phi (5) = 11
Taliesin (St Columba/Merlin) = 806 (discount 0) = 14, 1 + 4 = 5 (Phi?)
In Gemetria, TT = 800 (discount 0's) = 8
Thirty Three = 1646 adds up to 17 and 1+7 = 8
Saint Germain = 1070 (discount 0's) = 8
Mound = 170 (discount 0) = 8
Tender Twig (Ezekiel's riddle about Princess Tea Tephi) =
1877; which adds up to 32, and 3 + 2 = 5 (phi?)
Scota - (ancient name for Ireland) = 771, = 18 & 1 + 8 =9
Tea Tephi = 909 (discount 0) = 99, 9 + 9 = 18, 8 +
1 = 9
Scarlet Thread = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
(Ezekiel's story of the princess is called the Scarlet
Psalm 54 (of her wedding - favourite psalm and probably
written by St G.) 5 + 4 = 9
Heremon (otherwise called Eochaid - husband of Princess TTM)
= 378; = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
Downpatrick = 1638, = 18, 1 + 8 =9
Jeremiah (St G) who took A/C & princess TTM to Ireland = 279
= 18, 1 + 8 = 9
Dun da Lethglas (old name for Downpatrick) = 842 = 14 & 1 +
4 = 5
Mor (for Tea's other name) = 310 (discount 0) 3 + 1 = 4
Mor also means a mound and she was buried beneath a mound,
could be long stretch of imagination, but if we put 5 & 4 together, for the
place and the mound, we have 54 degrees which is exactly where Downpatrick is
Also bearing in mind St Columba's favourite psalm 45 - about
her wedding. He must have given it the number 45 for a very good reason.
Mention of the Ark of the Covenant always occurs in verses 33, in the Bible.
33 = Thirty Three = TT = Twins Pillars of Moses concealed within the Ark of
the Covenant.
I am still thinking about 54 degrees north (Downpatrick) where the Mound of
Down is, and the fact that St Columba's favourite Psalm was 45 - and it is
about her marriage to Prince Heremon of the Tribe of Dan. I do not believe
that that particular psalm is a random number chosen - I believe it is
Clues are as follows:
Certain historical figures, possibly the
same beings re-incarnating across history know where the Ark
of the Covenant) is hidden because they hid it. So we need to bear in
mind that they left us clues to decipher. They are obviously not going to
materialize and show us where it is.
The importance of the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant hinges on the fact
that after it is found, we will gain world peace.
The A/C is part of the Freemasonic rituals.
There are 33 initiatory degrees in Freemasonry (nothing to do with degrees
N.S.E. W. etc.)
The Head of Freemasonry is St Germain.
As Sir Francis Bacon, he and Sir John Dee (Kuthumi) translated the Bible
into English.
Sir John Dee at that time, was the Grand Master of the Rosicrucians
affiliated with Freemasonry.
According to the Bible, apart from other items, the Ark of the Covenant was
built to house the twin pillars of Moses - which are TT.
Mention of Moses, Aaron (St Germain) who was given charge of the Ark of the
Covenant, occurs in 33 in the Bible.
Moses & Aaron were of the tribe of Levi, and Aaron was the first High
Priest of the tribe of Levi.
Aaron [St Germain] means a 'box'/'chest'/'sarcophagus "commonly applied to
the Ark of the Covenant".
Noah [St Germain] "the Gilgamesh version of the Ark calls it simply ekallu,
meaning 'great house' or 'palace'."
In Revelation II, verse 19 (which is 1 + 9 = 10, the perfect number of
completion), the Covenant Box is mentioned as being discovered and opened.
Revelation II could represent twin pillars. Kuthumi wrote Revelation when he
was John the Beloved.
According to Peter Dawkins of the Francis Bacon Research Trust, UK., the
number 33 is the Elizabethan simple cipher for BACON, (B=2, A=1, C=3, 0=14,
N =13), total 33. (Francis Bacon was St Germain who translated the Bible).
The late Alfred Dodd, biographer of Francis Bacon informs us in his book
titled Francis Bacon’s Personal Life Story as follows:
Thirty-Three: “‘33’ was the numerical signature of Bacon as
well as the Highest Masonic Degree, and the symbols of ‘T.T.’ run like a
golden thread throughout the ceremonials of Masonry and Rosicrucianism from
the first Masonic Step…’T’ and the ‘33’ candles on the Rosicrucian Altar.”
In the Targum Onkelos 33:12 (Aramaric Version of the Bible):
"The beloved of the Lord shall dwell safely by him: the shield shall be
over him all the days, and the Shekinah (Ark of the Covenant) will dwell in
his land".
Using the Pythagorean method of ciphers (Pythagoras was Kuthumi who
reincarnated as John the Beloved)
33 + 12 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9.
The 'beloved of the Lord' was John the Beloved (Kuthumi). In his
incarnation as St Patrick, he built his first church at Saul, near
Downpatrick. - Downpatrick is named in his honour. The areas are on Leylines.

St Germain in his incarnation as St Columba/Merlin/Taliesin, born in
Northern Ireland during the 6th century AD, (which is also 33) prophesied that
he would be buried with Patrick (Kuthumi) and St Brigid (Mary of the Gaels -
the Lady Portia of St Germain
fame ). At the time this would have seemed most
unlikely. When Patrick died, he was buried on a hill, which overlooks the
Mound of Down - Brigid was buried in Leinster in the south of Ireland, and
Columba was buried on the island of Iona, Scotland. However, due to Viking
raids, Columba's were taken to Downpatrick and so were Brigid's and they were
buried together with St Patrick.
Writing under the name of Taliesin, St Columba wrote:
"My prosperity in guiless Iona" (where he established a major centre of
Learning of the Ancient Mysteries and where hand written copies of the Bible
were done)
"My soul in Derry (where he was born in Northern Ireland)
"And my body beneath the flagstone beneath which are Patrick and Brigid"
There has been a Cathedral on the hill for many centuries. They are now
buried beneath a flagstone there. According to F.L. Rawson in his book titled
Life Understood (1920), the location of the burial place of the A/C was near
the Town Cross.Today, that Town Cross stands in front of the Cathedral on the
hill overlooking the Mound of Down. It was originally a location marker for
the town.
Going back in time:
In circa 586 BC, St Germain in his incarnation as Jeremiah the Prophet
(mentioned in the Bible), prophesied the fall of the Temple of Jerusalem by
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. It was in this Temple that the Ark of the
Covenant was housed.
In his incarnation as David, anointed by the Prophet Samuel (St Germain) as
King of the House of Judah, Kuthumi designed the plans for the Temple and
before his demise, made his son Solomon (El Morya) promise to build the Temple
in which to house the A/C. (Prior to this, is had been house in a tent).
King Zedekiah of the House of Judah and his two princely sons were captured
and killed by Nebuchadnezzar. Prior to this event, Jeremiah (St Germain) who
was the great great grandfather of the princes, and their sister, Princess Tea
Tephi Mor, escorted her along with Jacob's Pillow (which in Ireland became
known as the Stone of Destiny - the Coronation Stone of Great Britain), to
Ireland. They also took the A/C. They landed on the North East coast of
Northern Ireland (Ulster). (North East is Downpatrick).
In the Bible (Ezekiel), there is a riddle about the 'Tender Twig' of the
vine of the House of Judah, the last remaining royal descendant - deciphered
in Irish legend, she was the Princess Tea Tephi Mor.
Tender Twig is also TT. TT represents not only the Twin pillars of Moses,
but also Thirty Three.
Tea Tephi is also TT in initials, and also phoenetically TEA TE with Phi
So I don't know if the Phi is related....
'Mor' is not a Middle Eastern name - as in having come from Jerusalem.
'Mor' in Gaelic means a 'Mound'.
Tara, County Meath, in the southern region of Ireland (which is the
Republic of Ireland), was the home of the High Kings of Ireland. Jeremiah (St
Germain) reunited the House of Judah with that of the tribe of Dan, when he
conducted the marriage ceremony between Prince Heremon (tribe of Dan) and
Princess Tea Tephi Mor, upon Jacob's Pillow (Stone of Destiny which became
Britain's Coronation Stone eventually housed underneath the throne in
Westminster Abbey).
In his incarnation as St Columba, Archdruid High Priest who was the Merlin
of the 6th century AD, he wrote many hymns. His favourite Psalm was number
45. This is the Royal Wedding of Princess Tea Tephi Mor.
5 + 4 = 9. And mentioned above :
In the Targum Onkelos 33:12 (Aramaric Version of the Bible) "The beloved of
the Lord shall dwell safely by him: the shield shall be over him all the days,
and the Shekinah (Ark of the Covenant) will dwell in his land".
Using the Pythagorean method of ciphers (Pythagoras was Kuthumi who
reincarnated as John the Beloved)
33 + 12 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9.
Within the Rosicrucian school of thought there is a lot of instruction
about it as it relates to our incarnations. Apparently, if/when we reach the
9th level of the spiral, in our experiences of life, then we have completed
our mission for this incarnation. It is also three times three or
completeness, the third time around the triangle. This could be the reason
we don't recognise (in the Rosicrucian Order) any degrees above the 9th, all
a student is permitted to say is that he/she is studying beyond the 9th.
Hope this is useful, talk soon.
Also, the mound (Mor) where I believe the princess is buried beneath, is at
Downpatrick, County Down, Northern Ireland, which is 54 degrees north and this
is why I believe Psalm 45 is a clue as to the degrees of its location.
The princess was buried with the Ark of the Covenant.
According to the Bible codes, the Ark of the Covenant is hidden 'North'.
According to the Irish bards of the time, she was buried beneath a mound
that measured 60 feet exactly.
The Mound of Down (Downpatrick) measures exactly 60 feet in height.
Using the Pythagorean method, 0's are not counted, so 60 = two lots of 3 -
33 (as in Freemasonry) and its rites to do with the Ark of the Covenant.
In his incarnation as Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Alexander (St
Germain) wrote of a dream in which he was taken by a green man (Ireland is
known as the Emerald Isle and the tribe of Dan to which Prince Heremon who
married the Princess belonged, is allotted the 'Emerald' as their tribal stone
in the Bible) - to a distant land.
Alexander was taken to the top of a Mount/Mound and there he discovered two
large Pillars measuring 60 feet in height.
Thus, we have 3 clues of 60 feet - which are obviously clues to its
So, we are looking at 54 degrees North and a mound which measures 60 feet.
As mentioned, this is the exact measurement of the Mound of Down and
Downpatrick is 54 degrees North.
Although the Princess and her husband ruled from Tara, they later went
North and his brothers ruled from Tara.
They belonged to the Irish tribe of Dal Fiatach, and its palace was at Dun
da Lethglas (later to be called Downpatrick). This palace which lies beneath
the mound with ancient ramparts around it, has never been excavated.
It is said to have been as important and as large as Tara.
The question is, has it not been excavated because high up members of the
Orange Order of the Freemasons know what is located beneath?
According to Nostradamus, the Ark of the Covenant was hidden in a field
which would have to be excavated.
The Mound of Down is in a field. The field was once Marsh land surrounded
by water until 1957-58 when it was reclaimed. (See photos on my website).
According to F.L. Rawson in his book titled Life Understood (1920), upon
the arrival of the Ark of the Covenant on the North East coast of Ireland:
"...the preliminary service (for the Ark of the Covenant's arrival) was
conducted in the underground chapel in the fortress of a chieftain who
protected Christianity...the lighting of the chapel in a beautiful way by the
Urim and Thummin..."
And also, that the Ark of the Covenant was concealed in a sarcophagus in
the chapel in a damp place. You will see by the photo on the website, that
the River runs very close to the Mound and the field - so it is very likely
that there is a cavern/tomb beneath.
Further in in the book of Ezekiel in the Bible, (and it was Ezekiel who
gave us the story of the Princess)
there is mention of the new Temple of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was also Zion
and Britain means the Land of the Covenant and the Land of Zion. Northern
Ireland is part of Great Britain - whereas, Tara in the southern region where
some believe the Ark of the Covenant to be hidden, is in the Republic of
Ezekiel's Temple "the kings built the thresholds and door-posts of
their palace right against the thresholds of my Temple, so that there was only
a wall between us."
The kings would refer to the Milesians kings - Prince Heremon who married
Princess TT Mor was a Milesian -
In the Bible Codes, Michael Drosnin wrote referencing the Ark of the
Covenant's whereabouts;
"It suggested that we might find more than an obelisk/pillar [of Moses]
that the obelisk might be part of a palace or temple, either built to house
the code key; or perhaps the Encoder."
The Encoder of the Bible refers to himself as the 'Lord of Code'.
St Germain as Sir Francis Bacon, and his tutor Sir John Dee (originator of
007) who translated the Bible into English were both Masters of Ciphers and
codes. Therefore, St Germain is the 'Lord of Code' and he was Lord Bacon.
Ezekiel 47: The man led me back to the entrance of the Temple, Water was
coming out from under the entrance and flowing east, the direction that the
Temple faced. It was flowing down from under the south part of the Temple
past the south side of the altar. The man then took me out of the temple area
by way of the north gate, and led me to the gate that faces east. A small
stream of water was flowing out at the south of the side gate."
Discussing the Temple, the authors of the Hiram Key quote from "the eighth
chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews which quotes in full the Jeremiah [St
Germain] passage which preceded it:
"....an eternal planting, a holy house of Israel [Great Britain] a most
holy conclave for Aaron [St Germain] witnesses of Truth and judgment, and
chosen by divine favour to atone for the earth, to render the wicked their
deserts. This is the tried wall, cornerstone, whose foundation shall not be
shaken nor moved from its place."
(Aaron - St Germain was the first High Priest of Levi in charge of the Ark
of the Covenant. Ezekiel stated "All the priests are descended from Zadok:
they are the only members of the tribe of Levi who are permitted to go into
the Lord's presence to serve him." This is referring to the new Temple which
houses the Ark of the Covenant. Zadok was Samuel the Prophet who anointed
David (Kuthumi) as King of the House of Judah).
"Whilst all of Freemasonry is concerned with the building of a spiritual
temple on the design of Ezekiel's view of Solomon's Temple, the 'address in
the north-east corner' immediately comes to mind.
"At the erection of all stately or superb edifices, it is customary to lay the
first or foundation stone in the north-east corner of the building. You,
being newly admitted into Freemasonry are placed in the north-east corner of
the Lodge, figuratively, to represent that stone..."
The Mound of Down lies to the north-east of Cathedral Hill Downpatrick.
"To the south, a stream of water flowed." The River Quoile near the Mound
and field, flows south to Saul.
After the marshes were drained the river became very small - a stream in
Downpatrick, once called Dun da Lethglas, means the 'Green sided place
beside the stream'.
Now we return to Ezekiel:
"Then the man took me back to the bank of the river and when I got there I
saw that there were very many trees on each bank. This water flows through
the land to the east into the Jordan Valley [do not take this literally - its
a clue to the tribe of Dan in Ireland] and to the Dead Sea. When it flows
into the Dead Sea, it replaces the salt water of that sea with fresh water.
Wherever the stream flows, there will be all kinds of animals and fish [this
was a future prophecy]. The stream will make the water of the Dead Sea fresh,
and wherever it flows, it will bring life. There will be as many kinds of
fish as there are in the Mediterranean Sea. [So obviously this place is not
in the Middle East] but the water in the marshes and ponds along the shore
will not be made fresh. They will remain there as a source of salt. On each
bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food."
The River Quoile, Downpatrick was where St Patrick first landed.

c.385–461, Christian missionary, the Apostle of Ireland, b.
Bannavem Taberniae (an unknown place in Britain, possibly near the Severn
or in Pembroke). He was one of the most successful missionaries in
history. In the winter of 432 Patrick landed near Saul and remained until
spring, when he went to Tara and gained his first major converts. He
defied the pagan priests of Tara by kindling the Easter fire on Slane, a
nearby hill. This challenge to paganism created at first indignation, and
subsequently respect, in the court of the high king. Tara became Patrick’s
headquarters, and with a band of followers he successively converted Meath,
Leitrim, Cavan, and W Ireland. Further details of his missions are only
generally known. |
By the 1950
The flooding in Downpatrick was serious. The problem was solved in 1957
by the new tidal barrier which was built 2 miles downstream at Hare Island,
creating Quoile Pond-age, an area where flood waters can safely gather before
being discharged into Strangford Louch at each low tide.
Strangford Lough flows east into the Irish Sea which is also known
traditionally as the British Mediterranean Sea.
Northern Ireland is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the
Irish Sea to the East.
According to local tourist info:
"The present freshwater lake was created by the construction of a tidal
barrier across the estuary of the River Quoile in 1957.
Ezekiel: "There will be as many kinds of fish as there are in the
Mediterranean Sea. Wherever the stream flows, there will be all kinds of
animals and fish."
Tourist info:
"The Quoile is rich in insects, providing food for fish such as rudd and
eels. In turn, these may be eaten by grey herons, cormorants, and grebes.
The Quoile attracts migrating wading birds in the spring and autumn. In
summer, swans and many breeding wildfowl appear."
"The resulting dramatic change from salt water to fresh water is
illustrated by the succession of developing habitats rich in wild life. The
natural colonization of the former seashore has resulted in the marsh plants
growing along the river fringes, with reed-beds, rushy grassland and alder or
willow scrub in old muddy bays. Woodland oak and ash is developing on the
higher stony shores. Periodic flooding maintains distinct zones of
"On each bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food."
Tourist info:
"Soon after the barrier was built, plants began to grow on the former
seashore. First grasses, then bushes and eventually trees arrived as a
natural succession progressed."
"But the water in the marshes and ponds along the shore will not be made
fresh. They will remain as a source of salt."
Along the River Quoile is Salt island and Salt Lough producing 'salt'.
The Mound of Down located next to the River Quoile, was once known as the
'fortress in the marsh'.
Mound Of Down

There is much debate concerning this site. Some believe that it was
the residence of Celtchar mac Ulthechair, the legendary Iron Age hero of
the Ulster Cycle. If this is the case then by the early Christian period
it had become the administration centre of the Dal Fiatach Kings. Others
believe that both these establishments were located on Cathedral Hill.
You can get to the top via the western end of the mound where there
are spectacular views of the Mourne Mountains and the Quoile estuary
The Normans built a castle on top of an earlier
large egg-shaped manmade earthworks which has a steep bank and wide
outer ditch.

This view was taken from an aircraft coming in to
land at Belfast City (Harbour) airport in 2005.
Only 6.5 km S of the centre of Belfast , "The Giant's Ring" is an impressive
and atmospheric monument,
consisting of a circular bank some 3.5 metres high
enclosing a large space some 180 metres in diameter and 2.8 hectares in
The henge seems to be one of those monuments erected by the late-Neolithic
"Beaker People" of N Britain
who were responsible also for the large free-standing stone circles at
Ballynoe and Newgrange,
as well as the stone circle backed by a henge at Lough Gur.
E of the centre of the enclosure is a small
passage-tomb whose vestigial passage faces W,
and which may have been erected (with a tumulus) a little before or a little
after the henge.

Only 6.5 km S of the centre of
Belfast via the Malone Road and Minnowburn Beeches, The Giant's Ring
is an impressive and atmospheric monument, consisting of a circular bank
some 3.5 metres high enclosing a large space some 180 metres in diameter and
2.8 hectares in area. At least three of the 5 irregularly-spaced gaps in the
henge are intentional, and possibly original. The henge seems to be one of
those monuments erected by the late-Neolithic "Beaker People" of N Britain
who were responsible also for the large free-standing stone circles at
Ballynoe and Newgrange, as well as the stone circle backed by a
henge at Lough Gur.
E of the centre of the enclosure is a small passage-tomb whose vestigial
passage faces W. It may have been erected (with a tumulus) a little before
or a little after the henge.
Excavations beyond the bank yielded evidence of more Neolithic activity
Michael Drosnin's Bible Codes: "Human nearby in Crypt", "North", "Tongue of
Sea [Mouth of River Quoile] which is dead."
"In a field on top of a hill"
All these descriptions apply to Downpatrick and the Mound of Down.
Poem by 6th century Bard, St Fintan - pupil of St
Germain/Merlin/Taliesin/St Columba - and it is most probably that St Germain
was the author leaving us clues:
"The wife of Heremon of noble aspect
A rampart was raised around her house
For Tea, the daughter of Lughaid (God's House)
She was buried outside in her mound.
A habitation which was a Dun and a fortress.
[Note: strange that a qualified bard would say dun and fortress - because
dun means fortress as in Dun da Lethglas]
The seat of kings it was called.
The princes, descendants of the Milesians.
I am Fintan the Bard
The historian of many tribes
In latter times I have passed my days
At the earthen fort above Temor (Tea Tephi Mor)."
King Aedan Mac Gabran (the real King Arthur) was an incarnation of
Kuthumi. His daughter, Princess Gemma married King Cairellus and their
residence was at Dun da Lethglas. Fintan the bard became the tutor to their
son - so therefore, he literally "passed my days at the earthen fort above
Temor (Tea Tephi Mor).
"A rampart was raised around her house."
The Mound of Down is surrounded by several ramparts.
12th century Irish Bard:
"Where after her death was Tea's monument?
The grave, the great Mergech (Hebrew burial place)
A sepulchre [tomb] which has not been violated.
And she lies beneath this unequalled Tomb,
It is a mystery not to be uttered."
As mentioned before, Dun da Lethglas (the 'greensided place beside the
stream') was the royal seat of the Dal Fiatach - the tribe to which Princess
Tea Tephi and Heremon belonged in Ireland.
Info from Irish book.
"The Mound of Down is one of Ireland's major earthworks. Somewhere
underneath the Hill lies a royal site once inhabited by a king and his
followers before that. Its size and appearance are very similar to the fort
of the kings of Tara, suggesting that the king was a very powerful ruler. A
more recent description showed that the earthwork consists of a mound set
within a pear-shaped banked enclosure, and may have been considered as a
motte/bailey. The bailey occupies the whole elevated area enclosed by a bank
and shallow ditch. We believe that much remains to be investigated lying
hidden under the topsoil of centuries."
"In the 6th century AD it was recorded that there was a great church at Dun
da Lethglas (Downpatrick). At that time the town was an important religious
and academic centre. A Dun was a circular fortified enclosure. The fort
takes up a vast extent of ground and comprehends at least three quarters of an
English mile within its circuit."
Another clue discovered by Michael Drosnin - the Ark of the Covenant was
hidden beneath a royal abode - a 'Tel' which is the Hebrew word for 'an
ancient archaeological site - a mound of earth covering the remnant of ancient
The Mound of Down was the headquarters of the Dal Fiatach of the Ulaid, the
royal kings of Ulster (descendants of Princess TTM).
Info: "It is important to emphasise that the ruling Dal Fiatach supplied
the ecclesiastical as well as the secular headship, and that this was likely
to have been the chief reason for the choice of Dun da Lethglas as
their ecclesiastical centre. "
"After St Patrick's death, in circa 493 AD, his remains were carried to Dun
da Lethglas, a hill already crowned with the earthworks that enringed the
fortress of the Ulaid."
"Dun da Lethglas is one of the six royal sites of Ireland named in early
literature. Nothing then is certain about this mysterious Mound and nothing
more can be stated about its history until it can be excavated. Since this
earthwork is the largest in the north of Ireland, and is situated beside a
town of such historical importance as Downpatrick, showing such potential for
information about the past, it is to be hoped that the archaeologists of the
Department of the Environment will make this a priority in their forthcoming
programme of work." (2000)
Story by Taliesin/St Columba/Merlin/St Germain 6th century.
Pwyll goes to the top of a mound which is above a palace. [So, if the
mound is above the palace, then the mound is buried beneath].
The mound had a reputation of somehow being able to cause injury if one
came too close to it.
[The Ark of the Covenant is protected by some kind of electrical discharge
called Urim and Thummin].
Whilst sitting upon the mound, Pwyll met a princess who materialized from
the vicinity of the mound - there had been many sightings of her as an
Behind the mystery is the painting titled Shepherds of Arcadia by Nicholas
Using the Pythagorean system, Shepherds of Arcadia adds up to 88. 8 + 8 =
16 and 1 + 6 = 7.
Ark of the Covenant adds up to 70 minus 0 = 7.
In the Bible the Ark rested on the 7th month
King Solomon built the Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant in 7 years.
The Seventh Seal and the Number Seven.
In the Biblical book of Daniel, 12:4, Daniel is told to close the Book
and put a seal upon it.
12 +4 = 16, 6 + 6 = 7.
It is reputed that by utilizing mathematical diagrams, the position on the
sarcophagus tomb in the painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia, has a hexagram -
Seal of Solomon in the centre. It is at this, that the three shepherds and
shepherds are looking. I believe it is the tomb of Princess TTM containing
the Ark of the Covenant.
It was King Solomon (son of King David/Kuthumi) who built the first Temple
in which to house the A/C and perhaps the 7th Seal mentioned in Revelation (by
Kuthumi) corresponds.
"When on the sounding of the trumpet by the 7th angel, the Ark is
discovered in Ireland as prophesied in Revelations II, verse 19, 'there was
seen in his temple the ark of his testament. (excerpt from Life Understood,
"Ezekiel 17:22 reads that the 'Tender Twig' [Princess TTM] is to be
planted in a place described as 'eminent'.
Her name is derived from the Greek word Temoiria, which in Latin is
interpreted 'Conspicio' and every place which is conspicuous and eminent...
Professor O'Riordain of University College, Dublin deals with the anme,
giving it its ancient form as Teamhair na Riogh 'Tea Mur', the wall of
'Tea', and again 'a meeting place which is conspicuous and eminent' and in
the Book of Leinster ' a place from which there is a wide view.'
Interestingly, (and I only just beginning this research seriously),
in Exekiel in the Bible, Princess Tea Tephi Mor is spoken only of as the
'Tender Twig'. But the initial letters are stil 'TT'. It is only in
Irish legend that she is known as Tea Tephi Mor. In Gemetria, the value
of T T = 600 and Phi (as in Te-phi) is 500 - the 0's are discounted and
so the total is 11 - which 'maybe' could refer to the twin pillars of
Moses in the A/C. The verses written about her in Irish legend were
during the era of St Germain/St Columba/Merlin/Taliesin, and are
attributed to his pupil, St Fintan - but behind St Fintan, would be St
G. I have already mentioned previously that the letters TT represent
the twi pillars of Moses in 'Freemasonry'.
Now, ask yourself why a princess from 'Jerusalem' would be given the
name of Tea Tephi Mor.Mor as stated, is Celtic for Mound. None
of the biblical names for the families of the Palestine/Jerusalem have
her name.
I have always thought it curious that Princess Tea's name was Tephi
: Te is still 'T' phoenetically and as mentioned on a previous
occasion, TT (her initials) could represent Thirty Three whose verses
in the Bible concern the A/C which formulates part of the initiations
in Freemasonry.
If her name is a cipher, then think of it this way.
Tea = T
Te (for Tephi) = T
So, it is definitely TT
(Mor in Gaelic means a mound)
If these clues, then what does the phi represent?
Regarding Princess Tea Mor Tephi and the A of the C (and the Stone
of Destiny) Her descendant, Fergus Mor (son of Erc) took the Stone of
Destiny to Scotland.
Because I also do genealogy, it occurred to me that her name
should/could be written as Tea Tephi Mor. I believe there are clues to
her name. TT for the twin pillars of Moses = 33, and I discovered when
I was writing in the new book about Iona, that Angel's Hill was had a
Gaelic name of something for 'fairy' (can't remember it today) Mor.
And then I thought how strange it was that a daughter of Zedekiah,
last king of Judah/Jerusalem, should have a Celtic surname of Mor.
The autobiography of queen Teia Tephi, that she wrote
in her palace at Teltown,
is called the "Book of Tephi
Queen of Tara and Gibraltar". It is absolutely full of
ancient-historical and prophetical information, including prophecies
about the near future. It is a fascinating book written in verse, like
the famous Irish Metrical Dindsenchas
A Brief History...
The Teltown Funeral Games were held for centuries to commemorate the
death of Tea "Teia" Tephi (queen Tailte -
Tailtiu), the queen of all Ireland, who
lived in her palace on Rath Dubh at Teltown and reigned in the sixth
century B.C. These games were held in the form of a Fair and were not
only to commemorate Teia Tephi and her death, but were also to help
the people to remember The
Perfect Laws of Freedom and Justice contained in The Torah, that
she brought with her when she came to Ireland from Jerusalem, arriving
in 583 B.C.
The word 'Torah' is Hebrew and means The Law and is the collective
name for The Five Books of Moses, which contain God's Perfect Laws;
Statutes; Judgments; Economic Policy; Agricultural Policy and Healthy
Balanced Diet. The Five Books of Moses are The First Five Books of The
Old Testament / Covenant of
The Bible; the original copies of which are kept in
The Ark of The Covenant,
along with The Two Stone Tablets with The Ten Commandments written
upon them.
Teia Tephi was the daughter of Zedekiah, the king
of Jerusalem, who died in prison in Babylon after witnessing all of
his sons being killed, shortly after the invasion and destruction of
Jerusalem by the Babylonians
in c.588 B.C. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Teia Tephi was
taken by Jeremiah The Bible Prophet, along with The Lia Fail Stone (The
Stone of Destiny / The Throne of Israel - the British peoples)
and The Ark of The Covenant to Ireland for safety, stopping at
Gibraltar; Breogan in
Spain and Marazion in Cornwall on the way.
Before they were due to arrive in Ireland,
Jeremiah was advised by God that there was going to be a rebellion
against The Torah, and that he must take The Ark of The Covenant to
a secret hiding-place until it was safe for him to bring it to
Ireland. So he took The Ark in a separate ship and departed from
Teia Tephi who was escorted to Ireland by Bres the son of Elatha,
ruler of Cornwall and a fleet of 53 of his ships.
When Teia Tephi arrived in Ireland, landing at Howth, she was
embraced by most of the Irish people, who are themselves
Israelites descended
mainly from the Tuatha de
Danaan (the tribe of Dan who was the
fifth of Jacob/Israel's twelve sons) (as
also are the Milesians) and the
Zarah (of
the Red Hand - Genesis 38:27-30) branch
of the tribe of Judah. She then married Eochaidh Mac Duach, the Ard
ri (high king)
of Ireland and Tephi was acknowledged queen of all Ireland standing
upon The Lia Fail Stone which she had brought with her from
Jerusalem and had been placed upon the Inauguration Mound (An
Forrad) at The Hill of Tara.
Teia Tephi then, with the help of her husband Eochaidh, began
instituting The Torah, or God's Laws to Ireland. The Torah is
perfectly fair and un-biased, uniting everyone, with no rich or
poor, all under one system, with no corruption. Under The Torah,
nobody can oppress anyone else by inflicting their own selfish
opinion or laws and taxes on them, so nobody can put themselves over
others (all men were created equal in
God's Eyes), thereby eliminating bribery
and corruption. Eochaidh, who later on inherited the title
Ollamh Fodhla from his
teacher Jeremiah the Bible Prophet, is renowned in Irish history as
being the Great Law-giver of Ireland, because he re-instituted The
Torah (God's Law and true justice)
to Ireland, and, as quoted by Eugene A. Conwell in his book "The
Discovery of The Tomb of The Ollamh Fodhla" from the "Book of Lecan",
Eochaidh built Duma na n-Giall - Teamur - The Mound of The Hostages
at Tara.
As Ireland, up to that point, had been divided into many small
kingdoms, each with its own king or warlord who had made up their
own laws and taxes to make themselves rich, many of these kings and
warlords didn't like The Torah, because under God's Laws they would
have to redistribute the wealth that they had unfairly taken from
the people. Then they would become their peoples' equals, or
servants as a true king should be (Deuteronomy
17:14-20), rather than falsely placing
themselves above their people making the people slaves to them.
A huge battle then transpired, where all of the evil rulers of these
small kingdoms, who didn't want to conform to The Laws of The Torah,
rebelled against Teia Tephi in what was known as the Battle of Unna
or the Battle of the Second Moytura (plain
of towers - in the Boyne Valley).
The Battle was held in the
Boyne Valley near Slane, where Teia Tephi and her army defeated
the rebels in one of the bloodiest battles in Ireland's history. A
total of six thousand six hundred and sixty-eight people were killed
in the battle, over two-thirds of whom were on the side of the
rebels. Those killed in the battle from both armies were buried
through-out the Boyne Valley.
Peace was then brought to all of Ireland as The Torah was fully
re-instituted as National Law and Teia Tephi and Eochaidh ruled over
all of Ireland from The Hill of Tara (Taueragh
- Torah).
At this point Jeremiah The Bible Prophet was advised by God that it
was safe for him to bring The Ark to Ireland so he landed at
Carrickfergus (according to local legend)
and The Ark of The Covenant was taken across country to The Hill of
Tara. A special subterranean tomb was constructed beneath where
Teamur - The Mound of The Hostages, built by Eochaidh mac Duach, now
stands and, according to the Irish Dindsenchas (The
History of the Eminences)
The Ark of The Covenant
was placed in it. It was then temporarily sealed until Teia Tephi's
death when she was to be placed in the subterranean tomb with it,
according to most ancient Irish historical documents.
Once The Ark was safely placed in the subterranean tomb, Jeremiah's
mission for God was completed and he died and was buried in what is
now known as Cairn T, the Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla, at Loughcrew. A
stone inside Cairn T is inscribed with hieroglyphics that describe
Jeremiah's boat journey
with Teia Tephi from Jerusalem to Ireland and also gives
astronomical calculations which give the dates when the Battle of
Unna was fought and when Jeremiah died.
Teia Tephi had a palace built for herself at Teltown near Kells and
lived there with her husband Eochaidh and they had four children.
Their firstborn was a boy named Aedh who died in his teens and was
buried in Teamur - Tephi's Wall (now known
as The Mound of The Hostages) at Tara.
Their second born was a girl named Ainge and their third was Aengus
who grew up to be Ard ri after his parent's death. Aengus was,
according to his mother, very arrogant and had the grandest tomb in
Ireland built for himself and was buried there at
Newgrange (Brugh
na Boangus - Brug Oengusa).
Teia Tephi knew that after she died the people
would eventually forget her and
The Perfect System of Law
contained in The Torah that she brought with her to Ireland.
Before she died on the 1st of August, 534 B.C. she asked the
people to remember her and The Torah by holding Funeral Games in
the vicinity of Teltown, where she lived, in her honour, around
the 1st of August, every year.
The Ancient Rules of The Teltown
The Teltown Funeral Games were originally set along the lines of a
Fair rather than of actual competitive games and were designed to
help people to remember The Laws of The Torah and to teach the
young people how to behave themselves in the correct manner.
Prizes were given at the games for best behaviour throughout the
year and throughout the games. The rules of The Teltown Games are
according to The Torah and are as follows:-
1. No wounding or robbing of any man; No trouble; No dispute; No
reaving (ravaging; taking by force,
carrying off); No challenge of
property; No suing; No
Law-sessions; No evasion; No arrest.
2. A Fair without sin; without fraud; without reproach; without
insult; without contention; without seizure; without theft;
without redemption:
No man going into the seats of the women, nor woman into the seats
of the men, shining fair, each in due order by rank in his place
in the High-Fair.
Unbroken truce of the Fair the while through Erin (Eire)
and Albion (Britain)
alike, while men went in and came out without any rude hostility.
Corn and milk in every stead, peace and fair weather for the
Fair's sake, were granted (by God)
to the tribes of the (Danite)
Greeks (who had migrated to Ireland as
de Danaans and Milesians) for
maintaining of Justice.
3. Forbidden for Teltown is gambling; Forbidden to ride through
it; Forbidden, to look at it over the left shoulder, when leaving
it for a meal.
The Three Heinous Spoils, Patrick forbade in it:-
a) stealing of oxen.
b) slaughter of milk cows.
c) burning of empty byres.
Patrick preached - so it is a judgment - that none who did such
things should find peace, so long as Teltown shall stand, for
ever, so long as its royal raths endure.
The Eastern Rath (Airthir),
the Rath of the evil West, the Rath of Lughaidh, the Rath of Lort,
the Rath of Lore, the Rath of Cu, the Rath of Canu - Hail! The
Rath of the Seed of Tadg, the triple rampart of Tailtiu.
The triple rampart of Tailtiu (at Tara),
famed beyond all lands, the spot where the kings used to fast,
with laymen, with clerics, with captains of hundreds (by
Tephi's Wall - Teamur - The Mound of The Hostages),
so that no disease might be visited on the land of Erin.
From the Lamentation (mourning)
for Teia Tephi to the reign of Loegaire mac Neill was held a fair
every single year, by the Firbolgs, who were there, and by the
Tuatha de Danaan, by the children of Mil (Milesians)
thereafter down to Patrick after the first coming of Christ.
In the triple rampart of Tailtiu about tierce, Jesus granted to
Mac Eirc (said Patrick)
to take away the three plagues from Erin - it is not unknown. That
the custom of Gall-cherd should be put away, the sinking of the
ships off Bregmag, and the pestilence of the sons of Aedh Slane:
to Mac Eirc it was no disgrace.
Till Patrick came after Christ was held the Fair at Teltown that
[through teaching The Torah and true sportsmanship they] subdued
[God's] Curses
[written into The Torah as Penalty Clauses for breaking The
The Teltown Fair and the teaching of good-behaviour from The Torah
should be re-instituted (according to
Nostradamus) to bring back good weather
and blessings from God, to all who keep it. It is said that during
the reign of Teia Tephi (wrongly deified
as Bo/Bovinda) and Eochaidh mac Duach,
her husband (wrongly deified as the
Daighda), under The Torah, it never
rained except at night and that, when it didn't rain, there was
sufficient dew to grow crops in great abundance and so the
"Daighda's Cauldron" was therefore always full.
God promised in The Covenant, in The Torah, that if any people
kept His Covenant He would Bless their land and make their crops
grow in abundance* but if they broke it He would Curse the land
and the people would perish§, by their own choice.
* Deuteronomy 28:12 The "I AM" shall
open unto thee His good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto
thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand:
and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.
§ Deuteronomy 28:18
The "I AM" shall send upon thee cursing, vexation,
and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do,
until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of
the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken Me.
The Funeral Games were famous throughout the known world and were
visited by people from all over the world to commemorate the
peace; prosperity and unity that The Torah (God's
Law) had brought to Ireland and all
peoples that lived by it, under God's Blessings written into it.
There were Three Marvels connected with the Funeral Games at
Teltown, which may have been prophecies rather than past events,
as they appear to tie-in with some of the Prophecies of
Nostradamus and The Scriptures.
The Three Marvels of Teltown are said to be:-
1) The Headless Man.
2) The boy's manikin son.
3) The descent of a priest from heaven (the sky).
Marvel number three appears to correspond directly with lines two
and three of the following of
Nostradamus' Prophecies:-
Quatrain 10,72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra un grand Roi d'effrayeur
Rescuciter le grand Roi d'Angoulmois.
Avant apres Mars regner par bon heur.
The year 1999
seven (sept)
month (July or Sept-ember)
From heaven will come a great King of Terror/Alarm/Warning (Prophet
Elijah - see The Old Testament Book of
Malachi, chapter 4)
He will bring back to life The Great King of Israel (Christ
from the Tribe
of Joseph/Ephram - Genesis 49:10; 22-24 k.J.A.V. of Bible).
Before (warning)
after war (Armageddon)
reigns in good (God's)
time -
(the Seventh i.e. the Sabbath Millennium
- the third millennium A.D.).
In Scripture in the Book of the Apocalypse/Revelation we are told
that Christ has eyes like flames and of course if this happens and
He has eyes like flame* then no-one will be able to see His head
because of His eyes and that would then make more sense out of and
fulfill the first marvel of Teltown - The Headless Man. Christ, of
course is The
High-Priest of all time (Hebrews
5:5-6) and His coming would also
simultaneously fulfill the third marvel too - the descent of a
priest from heaven.
* Apocalypse/Revelation 19:12 His eyes
were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He
had a NAME written, that NO man knew, but HE himself (Rev. 2:17)
The second marvel of Teltown - 'The boy's manikin son', doesn't
seem to fit in harmony with the other two marvels. It could
possibly be a mis-translation and be supposed to say 'The Father's
mannequin Son', in which case it would fit perfectly with the
other two marvels and the other prophecies. The Father being God
and His mannequin (model)
Son would of course be Christ, God's well-beloved (model
- mannequin) Son, in whom He is well
Proposal for 2000 Teltown Fair &
Funeral Games...
To promote
Teltown; Oldcastle,
Loughcrew and the
surrounding areas in Co. Meath and its amazing rediscovered
history and heritage; to help to reintroduce the teachings and
values of The Torah that Teia Tephi brought to Ireland and to
bring the whole community closer together; we wish to restart the
Teltown Fair and Funeral Games, during the July - August school
holidays, at the height of the Summer tourist-season, when the
weather should be most favourable for outdoor events. The Fair
should be held around the 1st. of August as that was the date that
Teia Tephi, whose death the fair was always held to commemorate,
The Fair was traditionally held around Teia Tephi's palace at
Teltown (Rath Dubh),
but as it grew in popularity the area needed to hold it made it
expand further afield. Eugene A. Conwell; who discovered the Tomb
of Ollamh Fodhla, on Tuesday the 9th of June in 1863, at the
Cemetery of Taillte at Loughcrew, nr. Oldcastle; wrote in his book
"Discovery of the Tomb of
Ollamh Fodhla" that
the Teltown Fair's larger events were held between Teltown and
Oldcastle on the plain between Loughcrew and the Tower of Loyd.
This would have brought together the people of Oldcastle; Kells,
which included Teltown and the surrounding area of Meath. Many of
the people of Kells have great affection for Oldcastle/Loughcrew
which should facilitate their joint co-operation in the Teltown
Fair and may spring from former times, when the Fair was held
jointly by their ancestors.
The aforementioned time of year for the Fair (July-August)
would be ideal to work in with the schools because it coincides
with school holidays. Also, parents could take their children to
the Fair as an ideal family holidays activity, to get them out of
the house and keep them out of mischief, where there would be
something of interest to everyone in the whole family. Oldcastle
and Moynalty, whom we hope to include, both already have fairs and
displays, every year, that are held around this time of year and
we believe that incorporating the Teltown Fair theme and dress to
them, would make them even more inviting to tourists and locals
The Fair would be set in the theme of the ancient Teltown Funeral
Games that were held for centuries and the ancient rules of the
games and The Laws of The Torah would apply to the Fair, including
the traditional system of rewards for the best-behaved children at
the Fair and throughout the year.
We suggest that Kells; Oldcastle; Moynalty and other interested
communities get together to hold the Teltown Fair with as many
traditional events, activities and demonstrations at the Fair as
possible, such as arts and crafts; weaving and spinning;
face-painting for kids; traditional fancy dress; stalls with local
produce; Horse and Donkey rides; traditional and popular music;
musical instrument-making; Astronomy*; wood and leather-work
demonstrations and other cottage-industries. There could be daily
or weekly feature-events such as a Traditional Ploughing-Match;
Fishing Competition; River Kayaking; Archery; Small-Bore Shooting;
Trap or Skeet Shooting; Environmental-Awareness displays;
Agricultural-displays; Irish language displays; the possibilities
are endless and we are open to any suitable suggestions... We also
suggest that the Teltown Fair be advertised world-wide to bring
much needed tourism to this beautiful area of Royal Meath, that
has such a wealth of fascinating historical heritage sites to
promote and visit, along with the Historical Teltown Fair.
* David Moore of Astronomy and Space
Magazine offered in 1999 to bring a large telescope and to provide
people to man and operate it for the full period of The Teltown
Fair and to come himself too.
The event would be run as a huge country-fair, to give people the
opportunity to get out of the noise and hussle and bussle of town
and city life, to give them a chance to try country-style
activities and experience the Ancient Celtic History and Heritage
of Co. Meath in a hands-on way. Minibus tours to all of the
historical-sites in Royal Meath, including Teltown; the Loughcrew
Cemetery of Taillte; the Boyne Valley Cemetery and The Hill of
Tara, among others could be run, giving detailed information about
the combined history of the whole province and walking tours of
each of the sites as they are visited.
Advertising for the fair can be done cheaply and efficiently as
well. The cost of a Web-Page on the Internet is minimal or free
and we already have all of the relevant information about the
history of Kells, Teltown; Loughcrew; etc. and of the Teltown
Games prepared and up on our own Web-Site that others could access
and link to. We have booklets prepared and ready for print for
each of the historical sites in Royal Meath and also have
'The Book of Tephi, queen
of Tara and Gibraltar', which gives a complete and detailed
account of the sixth century B.C. history related to this area.
Advertising in Dublin and other larger cities is easily covered
too, most holiday-makers travelling around Ireland stay in either
Hostels or Bed & Breakfasts, and most Hostels and Bed & Breakfasts
have notice-boards on which posters or flyers can be placed. The
cost of these posters and flyers are minute, considering the huge
numbers of people who travel through these places and take the
time to look at notice-boards etc., looking for things to do and
see in the country they are travelling through.
I firmly believe that the Teltown Fair could easily be
re-introduced this year to permanently put Kells; Teltown;
Oldcastle and Moynalty on the tourism and heritage map, bringing a
much needed boost to the local economies of Kells; Oldcastle;
Moynalty; etc. and their communities, hopefully creating new
interesting and sustainable jobs to keep the young people from
having to leave and go to the big cities to work.
The Teltown Games would also help to reintroduce the amazing
rediscovered heritage of Royal Meath with its tremendous
historical significance, which affects not only everyone on the
island of Ireland, but also the people of
America and the
Commonwealth, amongst
many others, as it describes and proves our collective true
history and heritage as being descended from The Twelve Tribes of
Israel who were led out of
Slavery in Egypt by Moses and given the Perfect Laws of
Liberty contained in The Torah to follow, so that we would never
become slaves to anyone ever again (providing
we obey The Laws of The Torah).
The Book of Kells is referred to in the
Annals of Ulster as
being "The Chief Relic of the Western
World." It contains 678 illustrated
calf-skin or vellum pages with the last two being without
illustration. The major part of the Book was probably written in the
Columban Monastery's scriptorum on the island of Iona, in Scotland
and was coloured using natural dyes, made by the monks. The ink has
not faded in 1000 years.
There is a lot of nonsense talked about
the four symbols that are used in the Book of Kells:-
CALF and
historians say that they are supposed to represent the four
Apostles. They do NOT
represent the Apostles but represent the Twelve Tribes of Israel, to
whom the Apostles were sent, by Christ.
The four symbols are
the four Brigade-Emblems of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, who camped
around "The Tabernacle"
in the wilderness during their "forty year punishment and
wandering", in the wilderness under Moses.

The encampment was square, with three tribes
camped on each of the four sides. The centre tribe of the three, on
each side was the Brigade-Leader, so their
standard was the dominant one, on each of the
four sides. Those
four tribes were
Judah; Reuben; Joseph/Ephraim and Dan.
Judah's standard is a
LION; Reuben's standard is a
Joseph / Ephraim's standard
is a wild-ox
CALF (which today has
become a Unicorn)
and Dan's standard is an EAGLE.
The Irish people are mostly descended from Dan
and came to Ireland at various times, under various names, as they
migrated by different routes and arrived at different times, having
picked up new names along the way. One of those names makes their
identity more obvious than the others and that name is the Tuatha de
Danaan - the Tribe of Dan;
who was the fifth of Jacob/Israel's twelve sons. Jacob/Israel's
twelve sons fathered the twelve tribes of Israel.
Prior to the De Danaans were the Nemidhians (Sons of Heaven) who
came from Carthage
which was a Phoenician Danite settlement or Sanctuary (Nemidh), in
what is now Tunisia. The Phoenician sailors of ancient history were
mostly Israelites from the tribes of Dan; Gad and Simeon. Phoenicia
was a region not a country, just as Europe is a region and not a
After the Tuatha de Danaans came to Ireland, there were, at various
times, further immigrations of Danites under the name Milesians
(sons of Mil, who was a Danite warrior, from which the name milesian
later came to mean warrior) and of course later still as Dan-ish
Vikings and Norsemen.
The EAGLE is
the tribal-standard or ensign/emblem of Dan and the Danites
discovered America in the B.C.
era and again as Vikings (Eric the Red; Leif Ericsson; etc.),
long before Columbus*,
and later helped to populate it as Irish immigrants, which is why
there is Dan's Eagle
holding the "Olive"
and "Arrows" of
Joseph their
brother (Joseph's
secondary emblems),
on the American
Tradegoods from ancient
Carthage have been
found in various locations in North America, as recorded in a book
written by an eminent Harvard University professor called Barry
The four tribal standards previously mentioned as
being on the pages of the famous Book of
Kells are also mentioned
by Christ to his Apostle
John in Christ's Apocalypse/Revelation.
Revelation/Apocalypse 4:6 And before the
Throne [there was] a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the
midst of the Throne, and round about the Throne, [were] four beasts
full of eyes before and behind.
4:7 And the first beast [was] like a
LION (Judah), and
the second beast like a CALF
(Ephraim), and the third beast had a face as a
MAN (Reuben), and
the fourth beast [was] like a flying
EAGLE (Dan).
4:8 And the four beasts
had each of them six wings about [him]; (three tribes - each tribe
with two wings) and [they were]
full of eyes within: and they rest
not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
which was, and is, and is
to come.
4:9 And WHEN
those (four) beasts (12 tribes) give glory and honour and thanks to
Him that sat on the Throne, Who liveth for ever and ever,
4:10 The four and twenty elders (the Prophets) fall down before Him
that sat on the Throne, and worship Him that liveth for ever and
ever, and cast THEIR
crowns before the Throne, saying,
4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:
for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and
were created.
Jesus told his disciples and the writers of the four Gospels:-
Matthew; Mark; Luke and John to go to the "lost"
sheep of the "House of Israel",
the Ten "Lost" Tribes
scattered abroad and to make disciples of
all nations.
James the Lord's
brother later wrote to
all twelve tribes*; after the final dispersion of the remnant of the
remaining two tribes by the Romans; in his letter in the New
Testament. The four emblems represent the tribes of Israel to whom
the Gospels were to be preached and that
is why they are,
quite rightly, on the
pages of the "Book of Kells",
in Ireland, because
the Irish are Israelites,
as I have previously explained.
* James
1:1 James, a servant of God and of
the Lord Christ Jesus, to the twelve tribes (of Israel) which are
scattered abroad: Greetings.
According to the Freemason,
Robert Ambelain, in his work titled Le Martinisme (1946):
“In Chapter XXV of Exodus, paragraphs 16 and 17, the
Eternal One, having given instructions for the construction of the Ark of
Testimony, a little box two and a half cubits long,
and one and a half cubits high and wide, tell us the following:
‘And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which
I shall give thee’.
“The ‘Testimony’ were the two tablets. Why this
expression? Because these plaques of stone will be, for Moses and the
the decisive proof of the reality of the marvel!
Contemplating the Tablets, Moses, could never, ever, with the procession
of time,
doubt the basis of his mission…Never would the
theurgist be able to believe that he had ever dreamed it! The ‘Tablets’
be there, as a testimonial, through the supernatural
imprint they had received, that IVHV had truly manifested, right before
leader of Israel.”
“The text of Exodus explains that they were ‘written on
both sides’. This gives us Ten Commandments distributed on four sides!
This is neither easy nor harmonious. But if one is
willing to acknowledge that they behaved like two stone Pantacles,
becomes clear. For all Pantacles have two sides, both
engraved with appropriate symbols.”
“If two ‘Tablets’ – that is to say, a double Testimony’
were necessary, it is because as Genesis tell us (Chapter I), Elohim is a
god: “God made Man in his own image, male and female
created he them’. Hence the expressions of ‘the left hand’ and the ‘right
hand’ of God. This duality is recalled in the two
Cherubim which in the words of Chapter XXV of Exodus (18,19), must stretch
wings above the Ark and the Mercy Seat of pure gold
which dominated it. Proof that the presence of the Eternal One, God of
was linked to the two ‘Pantacles’ which are the two
‘Tablets’, is also in Exodus which tells us:
‘And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark:
and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee.’
‘And there I will meet with thee and I will commune
with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which
are upon the Ark of the Testimony, of all things which
I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.’ (Exodus XXV,
“The God of Israel could only be manifested in the
Holy of Holies, above the Ark of the Covenant, containing the famous
‘Testimony’… For there, where the Ark is, there is
the Elohim: ‘Thou shalt make a Sanctuary, and I shall live there among
Exodus 27 verses 34,35: ‘Put the lid on the Covenant
Box. Outside the Most Holy Place, put the table against the north side of
Tent and the lamp-stand against the south side.’
Aaron’s rod (accordingly to Numbers 17, verse 8)
produced almond blossoms. According to Robert Ambelain, the ‘almond (shaked)
is the tree of ‘those-who-watch (shakad), that is to
say the Angels whom the Book of Enoch calls the ‘Watchers of Heaven’. It
is the
Wand the Gods of the Armies of Heaven, the Elohim
Sabbaoth, required of its priests.”
“In the Book of Jeremiah (1, 11 and 12), the
translators have translated this verse in different ways, hesitating to
translate shaked
(almond) or shaked (watcher). Sometimes one reads:
‘The word of the Lord came to me with the question:
What do you see, Jeremiah? I see a rod of an almond tree, I replied.
the Lord said to me: Well have you seen, for I am
watching to fulfill my word.’”
“On other occasions it is translated:
‘I replied: Lord, I see a rod of an almond tree. The
voice replied: Well have you seen. For I am a Rod which watches for the
fulfillment of my Words…’”
“Now, the rod which watches is incontestably a
Candle. Around the Christian altar, Candles symbolize the Angels of the
Court, and the two candles which must be made of
beeswax (according to the Canon), on either side of the vertical crucifix,
the two great Archangels [Raphael and Michael]. And
the Book of Enoch calls the Angels the ‘Watchers of Heaven’.” These
‘Watchers’ of heaven would appear to be the Masters
of the Great White Brotherhood.
Psalm 45 mentioned earlier, tells of the marriage
between Heremon, the Milesian prince, and the Princess of Judah –
Tea Tephi Mor.
In Psalm 47, 47 + verse 9 = 56; 5 + 6 =11 which could
possibly allude to the twin pillars of Moses concealed within the Ark of
Psalm 46, verse 4 is of interest because it is the
very next psalm after the Royal Wedding of Princess Tea Tephi Mor and it
is of
significance because it further aids in identifying
the location of where the princess was buried. In this psalm we are told
is a river, the streams where of shall make glad the
city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.” The
is related to the Ark of the Covenant.
According to Steven Sora in his article which
appeared in the magazine called Atlantis Rising, (November/December 2005),
Bacon, Shakespeare & the Spear of Athena:
“Under King James he [Francis Bacon/St Germain] also
translated what would be called the King James Version of the Bible.
In Psalm 46 the forty-sixth (46th) word down from the
first verse is ‘Shake’ while the forty-sixth (46th) word from the end is
This once again helps us to identify the author,
Francis Bacon – St Germain.
It is regarding one of the poems of Taliesin.
“I was three periods in the Castle of Arianhod.
I have been in an uneasy chair above Caer Sidhe,
and the whirling round without motion between three
Am I not a candidate for fame, to be heard in song?
The first word of the cauldron, when was it spoken?
Is it not the cauldron of the chief of Annwm in its
(Taliesin/Merlin/St Columba/St Germain, 6th century
“A rampart was raised around her house”
For Tea, the daughter of Lughaidh (God’s House)
She was buried outside in her mound,
A habitation which was a Dun and a fortress…”
(St Fintan, the Bard, 6th century AD)
The ‘elements’ are represented in ‘Alchemy/Magic’
which appear in many of the legends of Merlin and Arthur. i.e. Fire, Air,
Water, Earth, as explained in a previous chapter.
According to C.W, Leadbeater, in his book titled The Hidden Life in
Freemasonry these elements formulate part of the
ritual in Freemasonry.
George F. Jowett in his book titled Drama of the
Lost Disciples was quoted earlier as saying that “the story of the search
for the
Holy Grail by the Knights of the Round Table carries
a double meaning.”
“It is generally believed that the search was for
the Cup of the Last Supper…” “On the other hand, the word Grail in old
means ‘elements’.
"Robert Graves, in his book titled the White Goddess
questions the relationship of Castle Sidhe to Castle Arianhod, as in,
they the same place? According to Robert Graves,
the word ‘Sidhe’ [pronounced ‘she’] “is a round barrow fortress belonging
to the prime magicians [Druids] of Ireland.”
“…either on an island in the river or the sea where his [King Arthur’s]
spirit lived
under the charge of oracular priestesses, but his
soul went to the stars and there hopefully awaited rebirth in another
She [Princess Tea Tephi Mor] was buried outside
in her mound,
A habitation which was a Dun and a fortress…” (St
Fintan the Bard 6th century AD)
‘Sidhe’ (pronounced ‘shee’) also means a mound.
Robert Graves informs us that the “Sidhe were such skilful poets that
the Druids were obliged to go to them for spells
that they needed; it seems likely that the original Caer Sidhe where the
Cauldron of Inspiration was housed was a
barrow…for these barrows were fortresses with tombs below.
Robert Graves from his book titled The White
Goddess was also previously quoted as stating that the uneasy chair is
‘perfect chair’ in Caer (Castle) Sidhe - ‘the
Elysian fortress’, Isles of the Blessed, where the Cauldron was housed,
and according
to John Matthews in his book titled The Household
of the Holy Grail (1990) “in the course of literary transmission, the home
the original Grail story … it is revealed that the
Grail Castle is established in Ireland. The Fisher King dwells on the
island in
one of the most beautiful places in the world.”
Because the real King Arthur – Aedan Mac Gabran’s
daughter, Princess Gemma lived at the royal palace of the Dal Fiatach in
Dun da Lethglas, in the 6th century AD, it may be
that was indeed his residence too.
‘The Castle of the Perfect Ones’, found in the
Spoils of Annwm was written by Taliesin/Merlin/St Columba/St Germain in
6th century, the same period of St Fintan the
bard (who was Columba’s student). A castle is also a palace and as
earlier in this chapter, it was where the Great
White Brotherhood (the ‘Perfect Ones’) resided who dwelt in the Land of
North Wind.
The Land of the North Wind refers to Hyperborea.
Greek mythology, according to tradition, the Hyperboreans were a
mythical people who lived to the far north of
Their land, called Hyperborea, or Hyperboria ("beyond the
wind)"), was perfect, with the Sun shining twenty-four hours a
The Greeks thought that
the god of the north wind, lived in
and therefore Hyperborei was an unspecified nation in the northern
parts of
and Asia.
Alone among the
Twelve Olympians,
Apollo was venerated among the Hyperboreans: he spent his winter
amongst them. For their part the Hyperboreans sent mysterious gifts,
packed in
straw that came first to
and then were passed from people to people until they came to
Apollo's temple on
Theseus and
Perseus also visited the Hyperboreans.
In Greek maps from the time of
Alexander the Great, Hyperborea, shown variously as a
peninsula or island, is located beyond
and has a greater
latitudinal than
longitudinal extent. Apparently Hyperborea is a combined notion
of present day
Britain and
Other description put in the general area of the
Ural Mountains |
From information contained in Peter Dawkins’ book
The Great Vision we learn the following:
“It should be noted that when Jesus called James
and John ‘Boanerges’, an Aramaic term meanings ‘sons of Thunder’, he
was referring to the Word of God and to the fact
that these two disciple-initiates were indeed initiates, baptized with the
Spirit. Similarly when he called Peter and Andrew
‘sons of Jonah’, he was referring to the same Baptism (by IOA, as in
the Dove and initiateship). There was in fact a
Mystery school operating amongst the Essenes at the time of Jesus, which
suitable candidates through the paths of
initiation - Lesser and then Greater. When an initiate completed the
Lesser Degrees
and entered the Greater Degrees, he was referred
to as a ‘son of Jonah’, the Dove.”
“Another term was also in current usage, but had
become misapplied through its popularization; that is ‘son of the Torah’,
where Torah is the name for the Law or Word of
God, equivalent to the Egyptian Tot or Thoth and the Hyperborean Thor (as
in ArThor).”
“Except seven, none returned from Caer Vediwid
(the Castle of the Perfect Ones)”
It would appear that the ‘Castle of the Perfect
Ones’ in Taliesin’s poem, refers to the Great White Brotherhood. The
Ones’ are said to have dwelled in Hyperborea (‘the
Land of the North Wind’). John the Beloved (Kuthumi) who wrote the book
of Revelation in the 1st century AD, refers to a
throne and the seven spirits of God: “…and all around the throne there
was a
rainbow the colour of an emerald…From the throne
came flashes of lightening, rumblings, and peals of thunder. In front of
the throne seven lighted torches were burning,
which are the seven spirits of God. Also in front of the throne there was
looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.”
(Excerpts from Revelation 4).
The ‘Seven’ mentioned in Taliesin’s poem, and in
Revelation would be the Seven Great Archangels, also referring to the
White Brotherhood. In his book titled The Great
Vision, Peter Dawkins explains as follows: “The Seven Great Archangels
form (in terms of thought) to the Seven Rays of
Light, which in turn are the vibrational impulses of the Seven Logoi or
Principles. As one great Thought, they are known
as the Seven Spirits – the seven creative modes of the one Holy Spirit…”
“The ‘North’ is known as the Place or Seat of
Government, and the ‘Mount of Congregation’ of the Lord is in the north,
the Assembly of the Holy Ones is to be found.”
“The ‘north wind’ is the creative Breath of God:
and Hyperborea, ‘the land of the north wind’, is the source from which
north wind comes.”
“On earth, Hyperborea has a special relationship
to the country of Britain…” “Esoterically, Britain is the heart-abode
of the
incarnate Dohv and the principal home-land of the
great teachers of humanity from the most ancient times. The history and
destiny of Britain is connected with this, and this
important (but esoteric) fact lies behind the works of Francis Bacon.”
The Lords of the Seven Rays were discussed in my
book titled Masters of the Mystical Rose A History of the Grail Family.
St Germain, as the Master for the Age of Aquarius,
is Head of the Violet or Purple Ray and according the theosophist, C. W.
Leadbeater, St Germain has always been recognised as
the Head of Freemasonry within the Masonic lodges.
In his book titled
The Household of The Grail, John Matthews brings up the subject of certain
of the Rays stating that the Purple
Ray is of devotional mysticism. “You must balance
the Rays in your training, and you will find in each tradition the
which connect it with all the other traditions.”
“On the Green Ray – the Celtic nature Ray, you will
find the connection with the Purple Ray through Celtic Saints, such as
St Bride
St Columba [St Germain] and many others. You will find the link with the
Hermetic tradition also, through
the Magi Merlin, who is very important, and is the
Master of the Celtic Ray in these islands [Great Britain]…you will find
the link
with the Celtic tradition through Grail legends and
the Arthurian cycle, and with the Hermetic tradition through the
“In the Hermetic tradition you will find the link
with Christian aspects through the Rose and the Cross and with the Celtic
through Merlin again.”
“…and all around the throne there was a rainbow the
colour of an emerald.” (Revelation 4)
Obviously the ‘emerald’ mentioned in Revelation 4,
pertains to the Tribe of Dan who established themselves in Ireland and
whose tribal gemstone as stipulated in the Bible,
was the emerald.
The castle/palace of the 'Perfect Ones' was located
upon an island where the sacred Mysteries were taught. This place which
could be described as an ecclesiastical centre which
was in operation during Taliesin’s time, because that is when he wrote
about it and thus it was in the 6th century AD, i.e.
that of ‘Merlin’ and King Arthur.
Dun da Lethglas in the North, was once an island
(and this is explained further below).
Reliable sources verify that Dun da Lethglas (also
known as Dun Lethglaise) was indeed the headquarters of the Dal Fiatach
the Ulaid - the royal kings of Ulster of the tribe
of Dalriata who were descended from Princess Tea Mor Tephi and King
and that what today is known as Cathedral Hill was
their ecclesiastical centre.
According to the author J. Frederick Rankin, in his
book titled Down Cathedral:
“It is important to emphasise that the ruling Dal
Fiatach supplied the ecclesiastical, as well as the secular headship, and
that this
was likely to have been the
chief reason for the choice of Dun Lethglaise as their ecclesiastical
centre. The monastery at Dun
Lethglaise continued to play an integral part in
the prestige of the dynasty.”
The place which Ezekiel is describing the new Zion,
consists of a river with a stream, marshes and ponds along the shore.
The River Quoile is in parts, a river, and a stream
with marshes and ponds hence the term ‘Pond-age’ mentioned above.
According to Ezekiel the river flows through the
land to the east and he compares it with the Mediterranean Sea, therefore
know he is not talking of the actual Mediterranean
Sea itself. Northern Ireland is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the
and the Irish Sea to the east. It has previously
been mentioned that according to Anthony Wilson, discussing the barony of
Lecale in which Downpatrick is situated: “The shores
of the barony are enclosed by the Irish Sea, which has been called ‘The
British Mediterranean’.” “Lecale continued as an
island right up to the 18th century when the first attempts began to be
to drain the marshes and shut out the tidal forces
of the sea.”
The name of the goddess Arianhod means ‘silverwheel’
and she is regarded as the patron of the bards and of Inspiration
(Annwm). Arianhod is also known as Ariadne. Her
name means ‘most holy’ from the Greek ‘ari’ and adnos. In mythology,
Ariadne was rescued by the god Dionysus, and after
he married her, he placed her wedding garland in the sky as a
the one we know as the Corona Borealis.
This star system appears east of Bootes and lies in
the north, resembling a crown hence the name ‘Corona’. In ancient Arabia
it was called the ‘Bright Dish’. (Reference has been
given in previous chapters to Dionysus and the Mysteries).
Upon the subject of Ariadne, it is pertinent here to
refer to what was mentioned in the prophecies of Merlin (Taliesin/St
given in the first chapter of our story.
‘But his gates shall lie hid in the interstices of
Ariadne’s crown.’
“Ariadne’s crown, which is one of the celestial
constellations, who left the world in Saturn’s reign, called the golden
Ariadne’s crown here symbolizes the advent of the
Golden Age which shall cause wars to cease.”
The Golden Age is heralded by St Germain, the Master
for the Age of Aquarius and Lord of the 7th Ray which is the
Violet/Purple Ray.
‘Gates’ could mean entrance to a location;
‘Interstice’ means a ‘crevice’ or ‘opening’ which may also pertain to an
entrance. For
all intents and purposes, the cryptic verse by
Merlin regarding Ariadne may be referring to the hidden/concealed Ark of
Covenant. And, the star system of Ariadne is in the
According to Robert, “I was three periods in the
Castle of Arianhod” means that the Castle of Arianhod “is to be in a royal
awaiting resurrection…”
Robert also informs us that the poet, Taliesin, is
referring to the fact that he spent time there. As St Columba/Merlin,
would have spent time visiting the palace of the
kings of Ulster, descendants of the tribe of Dan, whose royal abode was at
da Lethglas in the north of Ireland.
Robert Graves informs that in Taliesin’s story,
“the tribes of Amathaon and Gwydion in the Cad Goddeu encounter, were
on keeping the secret of Achren...” and he connects
the story the Tuatha de Danaan - the Tribe of Dan to which Prince Heremon,
the husband of Princess Tea Tephi Mor belonged.
In Taliesin’s story, Pwyll goes ‘to the top of a
mound which is above a palace’.
“Lord”, said one of the Court, “it is peculiar to
the mound that whoever sits upon it cannot go thence without ever
wounds or blows, or else a wonder,” which possibly
applies to the Urim and Thummim buried with the Ark of the Covenant.
The story then relates that whilst Pwyll sat upon
the mound, he met a princess upon a white horse who materialized from the
vicinity of the mount. The story does not enlighten
us any further about the secret of the mound for obviously it is not meant
The secret is to remain a mystery.
However, it is rather fascinating that the mound was
‘above a palace’. For the mound to be above the palace, it would mean
that the palace was buried beneath the mound.
Although we will come to the story of the mysterious
Presbyter John [Kuthumi] further on in our story, his legend began
circulating in the 11th century AD. This was a
century prior to the advent of the Merlin and Arthurian legends created by
of Monmouth and five hundred years before the
founding of Presbyterianism. Presbyter John stated that his Sceptre was
Emerald and that he was a Christian king who lived
in a land of Paradise where at certain times the waters sank, thus
access to a sacred shrine in which there hung a
silver vessel/cauldron. The fact that the waters sank, would indicate
that the
place would be one of tidal flows and marsh-land.
“There is a river, the streams whereof shall make
glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most
(Excerpt from Psalm 46)
“And before the portals of the cold place, the horns
of light [Urim and Thummim?] shall be burning.”
(Spoils of Annwm Taliesin/Merlin/St Germain)
Ezekiel who gave us
the story of the Princess, describes the new Temple of Zion as being near
a river which in places also
contains marshes and a stream. This description
adequately fits Downpatrick. Ezekiel mentions the banks of the river as
does Daniel.
ClonfertThe large stone crosses that dot the landscape of
Ireland, as well as Scotland and other parts of Europe that were home to
Celtic Christianity are an ongoing reminder of the early Celtic Church.
Though each of the sculptures is different, there are some common
characteristics. It's hard to say what's the most obvious characteristic
of a Celtic, or High Cross: it's size or the ring surrounding the
intersection of the cross. Massive is probably the best way to describe
the size of many of the crosses that reached more than four metres in
height. This one in Clonfert, County Offaly, is not that old, but still
built in the old style.

Other Celtic Crosses
These people were mariners and
navigators by the stars and this was the home ground of Brendan the
Navigator who was reputed to sail to America in 500AD