Video - 1982
compiled by Dee Finney
Elliott (Henry Thomas) finds E.T., a visitor from another planet left stranded on Earth, hiding in his backyard and, like any kid who finds a stray, decides to keep him. Hiding the alien from his mother (Dee Wallace), Thomas and the neighborhood kids befriend the creature.
One scene clearly shows his resemblance to Jesus. When they are trying to get E.T. to his spaceship the doors open to their van and E.T. in a robe-like garment stands with his arms spread out and his heart glowing red. As if to show to the world the peace he brings (much like Klaatu in The Day the Earth Stood Still). Unification of family is the most obvious and personal symbolism to the film. The family has separated and left with only the mother to raise the three children. E.T. shows up and fills a gap in Elliot's life, a sorely needed gap, the father figure. The two relate so well to each other because even though E.T. fills the gap for Elliot he is missing his own family and is comforted by Elliot. It also endures feelings of childhood innocence (both Elliot and E.T.) and hurt over parental breakup. One of the films best moments exemplifies this meaning of a hurtful childhood during divorce. We hear the mother (Dee Wallace) reading Gertie a bedtime story as the camera cuts between the boys reliving old memories of their father and E.T. watching the mother/daughter bond, pining for what he has lost and so desperately wants back. No other scene in the movie so clearly portraits the sorrow of a parental split and the need for a close family relationship. The creature eventually brings them closer than ever to each other. Though he becomes attached to Thomas and his friends, E.T. wants to get back to his own planet, and the children must save him from the government types who have been trying to capture and study him, not knowing that prolonged exposure to our air will kill him (as it will most people in Southern California's foul atmosphere). E.T. is captured by the authorities and is on his way to death when he is saved by a bunch of the kids. When an alien can heal with the touch of a finger and point to your heart and say, "I'll be right here," there are some obvious Christ inferences to be drawn. The film's undercurrent is that a boy who has lost his father due to a parental separation gains an empathetic relationship with this extraterrestrial. When the authorities kill the alien, it is clear that the boy is dying too. So the story manages to incorporate the giving up of one's life for another, resurrection, ascension and the imparting of a loving spirit.Next, a hair-raising bike chase takes them out to where the creature has planned to meet his compatriots for the trip back; E.T. leaves, and the picture ends.
The symbolism in the movie is quite startling if you are watching for it.
One of the first scenes shows an innocent rabbit watching the ET scene.
Some tribes of Native Americans see a lop-headed rabbit in the moon. |
The conclusion, annunciation, redemption, and resurrection, is right out of the New Testament; E.T.'s glowing finger most resembles God touching Man on the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
In 1992 a crop circle formation at Winterbourne Stoke, there were two elements with a space between, which conveyed a sense of 'almost touching', almost making contact with another world - like Michelangelo's portrayal of the moment when Adam's finger reaching to touch, but does not quite touch, the outstretched finger of God. |
Although "E.T" was made as a children-movie, there are many cleverly disguised images: the ET spaceship is, at one point, a Halloween pumpkin and, at the end, a Christmas tree ornament.
There is also lots of interesting Biblical symbolism, including the use of the rainbow at the end to indicate the peace between God and human.
E.T. will remain in Elliott's thoughts or perhaps telepathically in some way. And then E.T. waddles up the spaceship's ramp with the geranium plant in his hands (a plant sample, the original object of his journey). He enters his "home" to depart from planet Earth, leaving a rainbow streak vapor trail in the sky as a symbol of his promise to Elliott that he will "right here" in his thoughts and dreams. The alien creature has been the catalyst to add the very ingredient missing in the family's household: a strong center capable of holding everyone together.
The final shot is a low-angle zoom closeup of Elliott's suddenly much older, less lonely and wiser face as he looks up into the sky. Through his contact with a benevolent alien, Elliott will grow up into adulthood with greater compassion, wisdom, and capacity for emotion in his life.
Reese's Pieces became the most popular candy, and you could see E.T.'s ugly image on everything from sheets to lunchboxes to underwear. {{Why didn't the M&M's people want their candy in ET? Just curious. They wouldn't pay enough for the endorsement so Reese's did. It's all about money. There is more to this Reese's Pieces story as well.
Product (Re)Placement
When Mars Inc. turned down a strategic placement of its M&Ms candy in a certain 1982 film, the story goes, Hershey jumped at the chance to create a special product for the movie. Turned out the flick was E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, one of the top-grossing releases of all time, and the product was Reese's Pieces, still going strong 17 years later. Since then, product placement has been big business, amounting to tens of millions of dollars a year.
But suppose those product placements were up for grabs again when the film aired on television - could M&Ms get another shot at sidling up to E.T.? The TV industry is already taking the first steps in this direction. With the advent of DTV, which demands that films be transferred to digital tape, it's become relatively easy to cut and paste.
Mark Ritcheson at LA post-production house Complete Post says his company has removed several logos from remastered films and TV sitcoms to avoid "pissing off television advertisers" with competing products. The firm took Snapple out of the picture for an HDTV airing of The Juror and excised Jif and Wonder Bread icons from The Babysitters Club.
And Ritcheson predicts this is the tip of the iceberg: "In the future, just putting ads and banners where there weren't any will be a great business," he says. "Then we'll replace them all again downstream."
- Ron Magid
Excerpted from: 'OUT THERE'
by Howard Blum
page 255
The hunt began with a postcard. It was addressed to the post office box Bill Moore still maintained in Dewey, Arizona, and then forwarded to his new home in Los Angeles. It was unsigned, and, it seemed, a bit of care had been further spent to protect the identity of the sender. the card had been postmarked in New Zealand; however, the photograph on the front, credited to the ethiopian Tourist Commission, displayed a colorful scene from the African Bush. But it was the card's message, single-spaced and typed with precision, that both Moore and Sandera decided was the more pressing mystery. It appeared to be a puzzle of some sort.
To this day, neither Moore nor Shandera will reveal the entire message typed on the postcard; they are men who cling protectively to their hard-won secrets. After much urging, however, they will share a bit of the card's riddle. "To win the war," the card promisingly began. And it ended:
Add zest to your trip to Washington
Try Reeses pieces
For a stylish look
Try Suit Land
The card had both men stumped. "To win the war": that was the easy part, Moore immediately decided. The "war' had to be the battle of a lifetime he was presently waging - his all-out attempt to prove the MJ-12 papers were genuine: that an alien spaceship had crashed in New Mexico, that UFOs did exist. But what did the rest mean? Was it really a signpost that would guide him to the final victory? Or was it more disinformation? Another false promise?
Shandera did not think so. He, the film buff, after much deep thought, came up with the beginnings of a solution. Reese's Pieces - and he was quick to dismiss the missing apostrophe as an unintentional error - reminded him of the movie E.T. After all, wasn't' that kid in the move, eliot, always gobbling down Reese's peanut butter and chocolate candies? Clearly, he reasoned, the riddle had something to do with extraterrestrials, But try as Shandera might, he couldn't take his theory any further. "Suit land": that really had him baffled. Maybe, he finally suggested to Moore, it was a reference to the clothes the extraterrestrials had been wearing when their ship crashed near Roswell. Perhaps the message when solved would lead them to actual outfits from outer space?
Could be, Moore acquiesced. But he was not very convinced. And it did not help his mood that, despite hours of deep and concentrated thought, the code on the card was still unbroken. It remained one more teasing mystery in a life that, since his first conversation with the Falcon, seemed determined to lead him deeper and deeper into clandestine shadows.
But as things worked out, it was Stanton Friedman's turn once again to provide the missing link - only this time he didn't even know he was coming to his friends' rescue.
It all began after Friedman had a telephone conversation with JoAnn Williamson, chief of the military reference branch of the National archives. He wanted to know the status of Record Group 341, a vast collection of top-secret Air Force Intelligence files that was in the process of being declassified. There were so many individual papers involved that size four-person teams of Air Force classification specialists had been working for the past three months to complete their review. And at least once a week throughout those three months, Friedman had been phone Ms. Williamson to learn if the papers were, at last, available to the public.
That day he was told they were.
Friedman was elated. He wanted very much to believe the newly declassified files contained evidence that would reinforce his belief in the MJ-12 documents. Yet, just as he began to plan his excursion to the National aRchives in his mind, his mood went into a sudden skid. He abruptly realized there was a problem: he couldn't go. He was scheduled to embark on a lengthy and hectic UFO lecture tour. It was financial necessity; it couldn't be postponed. He moped around for a while, and finally called Bill Moore in Los Angeles.
Moore, as Friedman would remember the conversation, was not very sympathetic. It was a gloomy period in his life; the unfulfilled promise of the postcard had left him with little hope of ever winning the war. Glumly, he began to lecture Friedman that he really didn't see the point in anyone's rushing off on another wild-goose chase. He, for one, was certainly not willing to drop everything and head off to the National Archives in Washington.
Actually, Friedman explained, the 341 files weren't in the Archives' main facility in Washington. Like most of the more recently declassified military papers, they were stored in a satellite branch. In Maryland. "Maryland," Moore would recall repeating with some exasperation.
"Yes," Friedman explained patiently, "Suitland, Maryland."
And if Moore still had any small doubts about the solution to the postcard's riddle, they were assuaged when Friedman, baffled by his friend's sudden, new-found eagerness to look at the 341 files, happened to mention that it would be necessary to request them directly form the office of the military archivist in charge - a Mr. Edward Reese.
Neil Diamond even wrote an anthem to E.T. called "Turn On Your Heartlight."
E.T.'s face was modeled after those of Albert Einstein and poet Carl Sandburg
E.T.'s voice was performed by Debra Winger
Films such as "Aliens", "The Thing", and "Predator" were in direct contradiction to the loving misguided alien "E.T." The message was clear, "we are not alone and we better be prepared".
In the film, E.T. died at exactly 1536. This number was stated two different ways. First the physician said he died at 1536, and a few moments later, he stated that ET died at 15 hours 36 minutes.
GURDJIEFF'S Ladder of Consciousness. From: world/Enneagram.html
In his own system of classification Gurdjieff also employed Ibn al Arabi's Ladder of 28 degrees as a model onto which he superimposed his own numerical set of symbols. These 11 numbers were taken from Bode's Law which measured the proportion of the various distances of the planets from the Sun and were in consecutive order: 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768, and 1536. He used these 11 basic numbers ostensibly to measure and express the entire spectrum of creation - from the sublime energy of the creator to the lowliest of inert matter. 1536 relates to: INERT MATTER - Real Hell, not directly accessible to human consciousness except through LEVEL 768, The DEVIL/Beelzebub.
In the movie, the ET dies and comes back to life. See the connection to Jesus resurrection:
Jesus = 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 = 888
Now apply the trinity function 83+ 83 + 83 = 1536, applied again it becomes 369, then again 972, then 1080 then 513 and finally 153.
153 is special. The trinity function reveals that 153 is a self resurrecting number.
13 + 53 + 33 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153
The World of Numbers of the Planets
Prehistoric constructors obviously had a knowledge of the planets that had been passed down to them from even more ancient times (see Otto Apelt's Translation of Plato's Timaeus, Leipzig 1919). With their help, the three-dimensional relationships were explained, while the Zodiac served to show the course of time. The basis was the supposed agreement of the musical seven-step scale and the "seven" of the then-known planets, including the sun and moon. From this interval, the equation 2 x 3 x 8 x 8 = 384 was determined. Surprisingly, the distance between moon and Earth is 384,000 kilometers; the 384 in a relationship of 1 : 1000. By using the Tetractys, the holy four-count of the Pythagoras, the multiple of it is seen in this pyramid:
2 3
4 9
8 27
The multiple of the ratio of the moon could then be used for the other planets. Apelt's work reveals this table:
Moon |
384 |
x |
1 |
= |
384 |
2 |
Sun |
384 |
x |
2 |
= |
768 |
3 |
Venus |
384 |
x |
3 |
= |
1152 |
4 |
Mercury |
384 |
x |
4 |
= |
1536 |
5 |
Mars |
384 |
x |
8 |
= |
3072 |
6 |
Jupiter |
384 |
x |
9 |
= |
3456 |
. |
sum |
384 |
x |
27 |
= |
10368 |
7 |
Saturn |
384 |
x |
27 |
= |
10368 |
. |
total |
384 |
x |
54 |
= |
20736 |
This is related to the change from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
There are "problems" with figures in this table, such as the figures given for Venus, Mercury, and the sun, but Seurig and Baumann say it is not relevant to their investigations. The numbers were used as ratios in prehistoric astronomy, similar to the numbers of the Zodiac.
1536 in the Dewey Decimal System = Paraphrases - Metrical versions
15 hours broken down into seconds = 54000 (Remember the references to the man in the moon by Gertie:
The angular speed of the moon in arc-seconds per hour relative to the sky. The diurnal motion of the sky is 15 degrees/hour which is 15 x 3600 = 54,000 arc-seconds/hour.
On the playground, there was a ladder climber shaped like an insect with a ladder on it. There was also a climber in the shape of a geodesic dome.
Greenhouse Dome | Teotihuacan |
15 hours converted to seconds = 54,000.
In the Valley of Mexico, ancient Teotihuacan, the place where men became Gods, sprawls near latitude 19.5 degrees north, close to modern Mexico City. A wonder of antiquity of unknown origins and of uncertain age its four-kilometer-long Way of the Dead is overlooked by three monstrous pyramids: the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (a god of ancient Mexico).
In 1974 Hugh Harleston, Jr., a civil engineer obsessed with Meso-American since the 1940s, presented a controversial and revolutionary study of the city of Teotihuacan at the 41st International Congress of Americanists.
After 30 years of calculation, and more than 9000 on-site measurements, he stumbled across the hitherto unknown system of measurement used at Teotihuacan which he named the STU (Standard Teotihuacan Unit), which is equivalent to 1.059 meters.
Harleston found that the measurements of structures in Teotihuacan, and also the distances between specific structures, are governed by a distinct sequence of numbers in STUs notably 9, 18, 24, 36, 54, 72, 108, 144, 162, 216, 378, 540, and 720 STUs. For example, the length of one side of the Pyramid of the Sun at the base is 216 STU, and its center lies 720 STU south of the center of the Pyramid of the Moon.
This sequence of numbers recurs continuously in ancient myths and sacred architecture all around the world. For example, the central sanctuary of Phnom Bankheng, Angkor, is surrounded by exactly 108 towers. The number 108 is one of the most sacred in Hindu and Buddhist cosmologies. Angkor Thoms east wall has two gates, while its north, west and south walls have one gate each. Each gate is approached by a bridge and which is lined by parallel rows of 54 devas and 54 asuras 108 per a venue altogether 540 statues. Besides that, in ancient Egypt, in the legend of Osiris, a god-king who ruled Egypt in the First Time, or Zep Tepi in ancient Egyptian language, was killed by his envious brother Seth who was said by tradition to have had 72 co-conspirators.
But what is the meaning of this sequence of numbers?
The sequence is derived mathematically from an astronomical phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. There is a minute wobble on the axis of the Earth and this wobble has a cycle of 25920 years. Since the Earth is the viewing platform from which we observe the stars, it is inevitable that these minute changes in Earths orientation in space will alter the apparent orientations of stars as they appear when viewed from Earth.
The best-known effect of precession is observable on the spring equinox, 21 March in the Northern Hemisphere, and manifests as an extremely slow revolution of the 12 zodiacal constellations against the background of which the Sun is seen to rise on that special day. This revolution proceeds at the rate of one degree every 71.6 years, which is usually rounded to 72 years, thus 30 degrees in 2160 years. Since each of the 12 zodiacal constellations has traditionally been allocated a 30-degree segment of the ecliptic (the perceived annual path of the Sun), it follows that each will house the sun on the equinox for a period of 2160 years (12 x 2160 = 25920 years, the complete precessional cycle).
These numbers form the basic ingredients of an ancient code the precessional code. The ruling number is 72. To this was frequently added 36 (72 ÷2), making 108, and it was permissible to divide 108 by two to get 54 which could then be multiplied by ten and expressed as 540 (or as 54000, or as 540000,etc.). Also highly significant is 2160. This could be divided by ten to give 216, or multiplied by ten and factors of ten to give 216000 or 2160000, etc. The number 2160 was also sometimes multiplied by two to give 4320 or 43200, or 432000, and so on.
The code occurs in the architecture of pyramids of Giza in Egypt. It is the key that unlocks a precise mathematical scale model of the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Thus, if you multiply the height of the Great Pyramid by 43200 you get a precise printout of the Earths polar radius, and if you multiply the measurement of the base perimeter of the pyramid by the same figure you get a precise printout of the Earths equatorial circumference.
We need to know that Gertie keeps calling ET, "The Man In The Moon". 15 days into the moon cycle is the full moon. The cover of the video is the full moon with the little boy on the bicycle with ET in the basket on the front, sailing in front of the full moon. 36 minutes, multiplied out into seconds = 2160 which is the diameter of the moon.
Note that the number 2160 is a "base-ten harmonic" of the number 21600, and vice-versa . . . the decimal point is simply moved one place, 'horizontally'.
Note also that 2160 refers to: diameter of The Moon in statute miles (regular miles), years in a Zodiac Age, and the total number of corner-angle degrees on the surface of a Cube. 2160 years is how long the sun spends in each zodiacal sign, which again brings us back to the death of the Age of Pisces and the re-birth of the Age of Aquarius.
More coincidences in Gematria: A long unit of measure used by the ancient Egyptians was the "Schoenus," a unit of 216000 modern inches. The same figure finds the longitude of the Octagon at Newark, Ohio. Did they know that?
The Roman "Load" was 3000 Libra; 2160 pounds today. 2160, the grid latitude of Newark's Observatory Circle. More coincidence?
The earliest recorded bushel was equal to 2160 cubic inches.
There was a glowing 8 pointed star in an upper window
The 8 pointed star was important enough for higher intelligence to create 8 pointed stars in crop circles and historically in the world as well.
2-21-98 - NOTE: Joe and I saw down to do a special worldwide meditation with a candle to send good energies to Saddam Husein in an effort to stop the war in the Middle East. We both fell asleep. This is my dream.
DREAM - Joe and I were in a theatre on National television. We were all sending little pink or yellow light like E.T. had a light on the end of his finger. Bob Hope was the moderator of the show and told the story of a beautiful little baby boy that had been born and then called the little boy out on stage to show him how to send light to Saddam Hussein. The little boy came out on stage. We were surprised to see that he was 3 or 4 years old. He was wearing a sweat shirt and had his hands tucked under his shirt. Bob Hope tried to explain to the little boy what we were doing. The little boy pulled his hands out from under his shirt and 'flipped the bird' with his hand.
by Dee
Drew Barrymore June 25, 2001
Spielberg's Movie Kids
A cherubic little girl who grew up to become an Angel (Everett Collection) Name: Drew Barrymore Movie: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Age Now: 26 (2001) Age Then: 7
Post-Spielberg Scoop: Thanks to her role as E.T.'s adorable
But Barrymore, now 26, worked out her demons -- and |
Spielberg kids - 1982 |
Henry Thomas June 25, 2001 Spielberg's Movie Kids
Two friends out for a bike ride in E.T. (Neal Peters) Name: Henry Thomas Movie: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Age Now: 29 (2001) Age Then: 10
Post-Spielberg Scoop: It wasn't hard to love Thomas,
After E.T., he took some time off from the profession and
Robert Macnaughton June 25, 2001 Spielberg's Movie Kids
He saw the light in E.T. (Everett Collection) Name: Robert Macnaughton Movie: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Age Now: 33 (2001) Age Then: 14
Post-Spielberg Scoop: After scoring the role of Michael,
Today, Macnaughton works as a mail handler for the