December 11, 2009

the 10th of December, after having received over a dozen e-mails on this
phenomena in the sky over Norway, I got a phone call from a friend who has
worked with extraterrestrials (aliens) all her life, as had her parents
before her, her siblings, husband and children. Thats what I call
real experiencers.
During this conversation, I asked her if she had seen
the pictures of the Blue Beam in the sky over Norway, and she proceeded to
tell me that not only had she seen the photos, she had watched many of the
videos posted on line, plus she had talked to one of her extraterrestrial
friends (not a grey) at great length about the Blue Beam and what caused
I will preface here that what I'm going to say is the
truth, but I will also post all the other speculations below that other
people believe in so you know that I am aware of all of them as well.
This particular extraterrestrial is a female and
stands over 7 feet tall. One could call her a Nordic type.
Marshall Dudley in the following posting states that it was an Arcturian,
and I will not quibble about where they come from.
This is what our female extraterrestrial had to say.
She revealed that it was her group which blasted the Norway HAARP facility
in self-defense. According to her, they had been attacked by the
HAARP energies being sent out and they had a right to defend themselves.
At the same time, she said they would never attack anyone or anything on
earth unless they were attacked first and they had a right to respond in
She revealed that the Norway HAARP, which is called
EISCAT (which means HAARP), specializes in mind-control energies, which
scramble brain functions and they had been sending out these energies to
scramble the thoughts of those participants in the conference in
Copenhagen which was in session for a week prior to President Obama
arriving there along with all the other leaders of the various countries
This female extraterrestrial also revealed that the
Norway HAARP facility had been warned in early November to cease and
desist their activities and their warning was not heeded.

Following is a translation of
this site page:
Catelijne Brokke in Hammerfest drank morning coffee, she saw
a special lysfenomen in the sky.
Sun Iren Bjørnås Sun Iren Bjørnås
Publisert 01.11.2009 21:36.
(European dates are written
backwards. The date written in English is 11-1-09.)
Som vanlig startet hun dagen med en kopp kaffe mens hun
kikket ut av vinduet.
As usual, she started her day
with a cup of coffee while she peered out of the window.
Plutselig fikk hun øye på et lys på den mørke himmelen,
først som en spiral som ble større og større.
Suddenly she saw a light in the dark sky, first as a spiral
that was larger and larger.
– Den var stor som en fullmåne, og ble større og
større som en slags eksplosjon. -
was big as a full moon, and became larger and larger as a
kind of explosion.
Jeg har aldri sett noe slikt før, forteller hun.
I've never seen anything like that before, "she
Brokke er også fotograf og løp inn og hentet kameraet, og
fikk foreviget fenomenet.
Brokke is also a
photographer and ran in and picked up the camera, and had
captured the phenomenon.
Hun anslår at det varte til sammen mellom tre og fire
minutter før det ble borte.
She estimates that lasted
a total of between three and four minutes before it was
Vet du hva dette er, eller har du sett noe
lignende? You know what
this is, or have you seen anything like this?
At first I was just surprised by what I saw.
Etterpå tenkte jeg at jeg kunne ønske meg
noe stort, forteller Brokke.
I thought that I could wish me something big, "said
– Og ønsket du deg noe? - And you wished you
Comets behave not so
Astrofysiker Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard.
Astrophysicist Knut Jørgen Røed
Foto: Morten Bilet Photo: Morten Image
For astrofysiker Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard er
lysfenomenet over Hammerfest litt av en utfordring.
For the astrophysicist Knut Jørgen
Røed Ødegaard is lysfenomenet of Hammerfest bit of a
– I form så ligner det på en komet, men en
komet oppfører seg ikke på den måten.
In the form that
resembles that of a comet, but a comet behaves not
like that.
Kometer kan gjerne være synlig i flere
minutter, timer, dager eller kanskje til og med i
måneder, sier han.
may well be visible for several minutes, hours, days
or maybe even in months, "he says.
Han sier at det lyssterke hodet og bevegelsen ligner
på en ildkule eller kraftig meteor.
He said that the bright head and the
movement is similar to a fireball or heavy meteor.
– Men da er halen rett og vikler seg ikke ut på
samme måten. -
But when the tail is straight
and tangle not appear in the same way.
I tillegg er de ikke synlige så lenge at hun hadde
rukket å hente kameraet, sier han.
In addition, they are not visible for
so long that she had managed to retrieve the camera,
"he says.
Han forteller at han først tenkte at det kunne vært
lysrefleksjoner i skyer, men kan ikke ut fra bildene
se noe som kan forklare en slik refleksjon.
He says he first thought that it
could have been light reflection in the clouds, but
can not see from the pictures which may explain such
a reflection.
Til slutt må han rett og slett melde pass:
Finally, he simply report pass:
– Den var vrien den der, og jeg vet rett og
slett ikke hva det kan være.
It was difficult it there, and I know just
what it can be.
Røed Ødegaard er imidlertid blitt nysgjerrig på
fenomenet og ønsker tilbakemelding fra andre som kan
ha sett det samme fenomenet over Hammerfest.
Røed Ødegaard, however, been curious
about the phenomenon and want feedback from others
who may have seen the same phenomenon of Hammerfest.
– Slike ting er alltid litt nysgjerrighetspirrende,
for vi klarer stort sett å forklare det meste
forholdsvis greit, men ikke alltid, sier han.
Such things are always a bit
curious spire rendering, for we can usually explain
mostly relatively okay, but not always, "he says.
Catelijne Brokke fikk øye på dette mystiske
lysfenomenet over Hammerfest søndag morgen.
Catelijne Brokke saw this
mysterious lysfenomenet of Hammerfest on Sunday
Bildene er tatt i østlig retning over Storevatnet.
The pictures are taken in the east
of Big Lake.
Foto: Catelijne Brokke
Photo: Catelijne Brokke
If you watch the following videos closely, you will see that
the beam goes downward and not upward. The Blue Beam was in the sky
for a full twelve minutes, though most videos only have about 8 minutes
worth because people were not prepared with camera in hand, and had to run
and get the camera before photographing the phenomena.
Dee Finney
here are some videos:


Prior to the crop circle appearing above in England,
I had the following dream with this crop circle in it!
12-25-03 - DREAM - I was flying in the air - (I don't
recall how that came to be), I came upon a farm where the farmhouse had
been demolished and destroyed. I had a long sharp knife in my hands and as
I swooped around the landscape on the side of the hill, I saw ponds and
marshes at the bottom of the hill. But I turned and went back on on the
side of the hill, with the knife I cut a large inward moving spiral with
many loops. I knew I was making a cropcircle.
Prior to that one, I also saw this in a vision:

Note: The line was all red. I have made it red
and white to make
it easier to be seen.
5-3-2001 - MEDITATION -
I suddenly had a vision of the world like a huge blue ball and a red
line came
out of one spot in Egypt and going up and spinning into a
not like a tornado
sideways, but a large ball spiraling of red string
arcing up
and then spiraling down and
around into itself. The spiral was almost
large as the earth itself. Then out of the
spiral, came
shooting another red
line that went up and divided and came falling back
down towards
I lay there thinking about what that might be ... like a volcano
spouting red
lava ... a voice said,
"It is nothing less than the power of the
pyramid taking
over today." See:
Received this from Carl Johan
Calleman re the Hoagland link about the Norway spiral.
So many interesting possibilities. Carl's latest book is entitled
"The Purposeful
How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and
Evolution of Life,
December 11, 2009 from Carl Johan Calleman
People like extraterrestrials. A more likely explanation is that
kundalini starts to rise along what I have demonstrated to be the
of the planet on which this event took place.

There have been many spiral type crop circles, of course, and other
signs/symbols in the sky.
As I see it, the other theories cannot account
for that near perfect tight spiral in the sky.

The triple spiral or
triskele is a
Celtic and
pre-Celtic symbol found on a
number of
Megalithic and
Neolithic sites, most notably
inside the
passage tomb, on
the entrance
stone, and on some of the curbstones surrounding the mound.
Believed by many to be an ancient symbol of
pre-Celtic and Celtic beliefs, the triple spiral appears
various forms in pre-Celtic and
Celtic art, with the earliest
examples having been carved on
pre-Celtic stone monuments, and
later examples found in the
Celtic Christian
manuscripts of
Insular art. The triple spiral
was possibly the precursor to the later triskele design
found in
the manuscripts.
What the symbol meant to the pagans who built
Newgrange and other monuments is unknown.
In more recent history,
Celtic Christians have sometimes used it to represent the
Neopagan religions such as
Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism
Wicca use the symbol
to represent
a variety of triplicities from their belief systems.
The triple spiral is one of the main symbols
of Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism, often standing
for the
"three realms" - Land, Sea and Sky, or for one of a number of
deities who are described
in the lore as "threefold" or triadic.
The god
Manannán is probably most often
the one
symbolized by the triskele, though some also use it for
the goddess
Celtic-inspired Wiccans also use
the triple spiral symbol, most often to represent the concept of
triple goddess.
According to
Uriel's Machine by Knight and
Lomas (2003) the triple spiral may represent the
nine month period
of human pregnancy, since the sun takes a fourth of a year to go
from the
celestial equator (an equinox) to
extreme north or south
declination (a solstice), and
vice versa.
During each three-month period, the sun's path across
the sky appears to form a closely-wound
quasi-helical shape, which
can be likened to a spiral, so that three spirals could represent
months, providing an explanation for a link between fertility
and the triple-spiral symbol.
for more information about this site.
The Norway spiral comes to mind when received photographs and even an amazing video
of the event. An object swooped down from the sky and then
returned in a brilliant display on Friday night across the Western
Canada areas.
different photographers have given their photos to in what looks like something out of a science
fiction movie. We cannot see what would cause this one Earth. The
Norway spiral was said to be caused by a missile launch in the
Russian territory. But what is this?
The only known
areas to launch on the Western coast are the Vandenberg Air Force
Base and Alaskan areas. Vandenberg confirms no launches and Kodiak
Island has to be ruled out due to the direction of travel (from
the west).
The photographs show a very similar shape and
mysterious object off the coast of Canada. The object is not a
missile as one photograph from the beach has the trajectory
curving up! What is it?
A video was sent to and the web team has added it to the video
server on The video shows the entire sequence of this
object as filmed by Steven Murray.
"I have four sky cameras to catch
meteors on and number three caught it", Murray said. "I saw it
from my office while doing work. The object was on the monitor. By
the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom
I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after."

Further from Joe Mason
In 1992 I wrote a letter with a list of ideas about the earth changes and
sent it to Pat Delgado via snail mail. He had asked his readers to send
ideas that incorporated more fields of study that may be related to crop
circles. My ideas were based on my experiences of intense dreams and
I later put the letter online and titiled it "Predictive Outline," because
so many of the 28 items listed have prooved to be prophetic. One has to be
familiar with the history/sequence of the crop circles to fully understand
the predictive nature. The 28th and final statement was about signs in the
sky --
Predictive Outline of Ideas About the Great Change
<< 28. Strange phenomena will increase and may take various forms, such as
clouds forming symbolic patterns, objects raining from the sky, and
spiritual apparitions. >>
[End of excerpt]
Not long after I got online, I sent out a series of e-mails that later
became an article. It was about the Hale Bopp Comet of 1997. Part of the
article tells of dreams about signs in the sky --
<< In 1992 my son had a dream of incredible events happening in the sky.
People were startled and afraid. This was being controlled by some
fantastic computer, and only his brother, Thomas, knew how to operate it.
Some years later, I found that Thomas means "twin," and that the twin
theme is a major message in the changes ahead. It seems to concern the
duality, which in many mythologies is said to be in a divided state. The
great change is apparently about a re-union of the duality across scales,
an incredible cosmic event of some kind, that cannot be fathomed yet.
About two years later, I read a report by Paul Bara of the Sussex branch
of the Center For Crop Circle Studies. Paul receives communications
through dreams and a type of channeling. He said that there was going to
be events in the sky that will startle millions.
In 1995, The Dream Network Journal published a series of issues called,
"Dreaming Humanity's Path." The dreams clearly were indicating great
changes ahead. A number of the dreams were
about constellations, such as Orion and the Pleiades, and events in the
In volume 14, Numbers 1 & 2 (combined), on page 50, is a dream that starts
with an earthquake. Burning KKK crosses fall on people and pieces of
buildings fall. Pieces of the street are thrust up. Then it is night time
and everyone is looking up at the sky. They see a strange thing, like a
comet, coming slowly toward them. It is glowing and pulsating. Everyone is
afraid, but the dreamer is told mentally that it is extraterrestrials who
are coming to help, and save them. The dreamer knows that this is a
worldwide destruction going on and that nothing will ever be the same
again. But he and his companions are being saved and protected.
In volume 14, number 3, on page 19, two dreams were printed side-by-side,
titled "Signs in the Sky," and "More Signs in the Sky." The two dreams
were submitted independently, yet they were almost identical. One dreamer
saw a giant wheel turning in the sky with constellations going round and
round. It was like time was turning, yet she and her friends were in a
place of no time. Not everyone could see what was happening. She knew the
identity of the constellations by name, old and new, and by "connected"
names. She asked her friend, "Do you see THAT?" and described a sign in
the sky. It was like the stars were making connections.
The second dreamer was with a friend and looked in the sky with total awe.
She asked, "Do you see THAT?" and described a sign in the sky. It was like
the stars were making connections. She had a special name she described it
by. Watching the sky signs was awesome, vivid, colorful, mesmerizing and
felt prophetic. Some people saw what she saw, and others saw nothing. The
wheel turned in the sky showing all the seasons and cycles. It was like
looking through time, seeing past, present and portents to come. The
dreamer talked to her friend a few days later. Her friend said she also
had a similar vision, involving signs in the sky.
There was another dream reported in the journal, which I am unable to find
at the moment. I remember it quite well, so I will tell my memory of it.
The dreamer was awestruck by a huge
sphere with many facets in the sky. It had once been a woman in the very
distant past, but had turned into this thing. It still had maternal
Sometimes it came close to the earth, like near mountains inhabited by
humans, and felt connections. The sphere then exploded, filling the sky
with stars. (or something like that). Then, the dreamer was by a tree, and
the message was communicated to her that the object/woman communicated to
us through our amino acids.
Since amino acids are molecules that make up DNA, this seemed to be the
very same message as the other sources. The Dream Network Journal can be
found on the web at:
[End of excerpts]
One of the most ancient sites in Europe has spirals all over the place --
Newgrange, Ireland
A litttle coincidence happened this morning. I watched a TV show about
ancient aliens. Part of it showed the Nazca lines, including the Monkey
with the big spiraling tail --
I recall another little coincidence in July 1990 with the same type of
symbol. It started with some printouts of a spiral portion of the
Mandelbrot Set. I had created the images on my old Amiga
computer some time before. The two images were a combination of three
pictures. On the computer, the color cycling mode could be chosen, which
caused the spiral to appear flowing inward toward the center, which looked
downward on the screen.
I suddenly realized how symbolic this was, and started writing in my
notebook. The idea I had was how a negative belief system can become a
descending spiral, because of the feedback loop nature of reality creation
through beliefs. I was inspired to write quite a bit about the Mandelbrot
in terms of its possible symbolism.
Around the same time, I read a story in "Shamanic Voices," about a tribe
in South Americal that had a myth where a woman gave birth to a baby, and
then went inside the hut where the men were drinking, along with monkeys.
The woman asked, "Who is the father of this baby?" All the men claimed the
baby and started pulling on the child, tearing it to pieces. All the men
and all the monkeys got drunk. The monkeys chewed off their own tails.
Our friend, Cliff, came in, and I started telling him the strange myth.
When I got to the last part, he said, "I recently saw a picture of monkeys
with big spiraling tails. Not long after, I saw a picture of
the Monkey on the Nazca Plains.
In my writings about the Mandelbrot spiral, I noted that the color cycling
can be reversed, so that the motion is from the center outward, or upward,
as I saw it. This was brought about by a little
positive thinking and imagining, which had the "Butterfly Effect" of
eventually getting out of the spiral pit.
Thirteen months later, the Mandelbrot Set appeared as a crop formation --
The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation
I noted the ratchet spiral of the 1991 Barbury Castle pictogram in the
article. Dream-coincidence indicated that it represented a cycle of time
through six Ages.
I just did a site search for "spiral" and saw a link with this quote --
"Create the key in geometric patterning of overlapping triangles within
triangles. Thus the door opens and the new spiral is made visible."
I thought it was an interesting use of the word "spiral." It fit well with
my ideas about the spiral. The quote is from Solara, who wrote the book,
"11:11 - Inside The Doorway." See --
Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part Three
Around April 17, 2005, a ratchet type spiral crop formation appeared at
Ripley, near Bournemouth, Dorset --
It fits pretty well with the Norway sky spiral.
I pictured it as a path downward in nine steps, and then back up. Many
other 2005 crop formations seemed to have similar glyphs. Part of the idea
comes from the Sri Yantra (see the Pollen Path link above), which
indicates a path through the chakras from outward-inward.
The formation that appeared at Manton (or Boreham) Down, near Lockeridge,
Wiltshire, around 22 June 2005 indicated a nine step squarish spiral --
The outer form was quite like the Sri Yantra. See --
The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations - Part Two
This shows two others, along with the one above --
The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations - Part Twelve
I can't be sure if the spiral in the sky in Norway has the same meaning,
but it is one theory that has some background.
Joseph E. Mason
Alex (Brazil) - December 09 2009 @ 07:52 am
No idea what it is, no idea what it means. Bible prophecy often speaks of signs in the sky.
I find ufos an interesting subject, though I strongly believe that this subject, and it´s
derivatives, can harm you if you don´t truly have Jesus in your life. With Him we are
whole and safe.