1998 THRU 2000
I herely give you permission to include
my photos on your web site.
I'm not profiting for including my photos on your web
Thank you...RSpinosi
December 20, 2000
For several years now, I have been carrying on a "privileged" relationship with extraterrestrial beings.
This relationship expresses itself not only through "channeling", but above all through some "rendez-vous" on various particular sites in Provence (France).
Sometimes, under certain parameters, I can take polaroïd photos of UFO'S. Some of them have been published in the press and shown on television.
Convinced that my personnal "experience" can be useful to a larger number of people, it would be desirable that it be shared in connection with your site.
Yours sincerely
Observers city of : Banon/Provence : March 1998
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Click on the pictures to see the large pics.
Observers city of : Ollières : April 1999
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Observers city :of Cabasse : January 2000
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Click on the pictures to see the large pics.
Observers city : of Marseille : July 2000
Click on the picture to see the large pic.
Chronicle of a Relation Privileged with Extraterrestrial Entities.
My first meeting of the " Third Marks " took place in the earths mysterious of the park of the " Verdon ": department of the High Var (83), on the site of a former medieval village fortified by Monks Soldats appartennant à the order of the Temple.Ce village names itself: " The Casterallas " and it is located close to the particular village that names itself: Thorenc "; first place on the ,où earth according to the Primordial Tradition, the god's Celestial Chariot: Thor ", is one day himself posé.Par the continuation an abbey has been constructed on this place importing .Cette abbey names " itself: The Thoronet ". Thor ", designate the sign, and " is the name of the primordial god Of it "…
It is in the middle of the unusual vestiges of this old village forgotten of the world that I lived my first experience of " Contact Close " .Il is necessary to know that eve, following an appointment initiated by my Soma " contact ", an extraterrestrial entity descended of the planet: Sorina ", situated à the periphery of the " Pleiads ", I was inside the chapel " Saint Thyrse",située in the park of the " Verdon ", in the department of the High Var.Ces earths belonged à the First Large Mr. of the order of the Temple: Hugues of Payen, Lord of the Bourguet, Brenon, Bagarri and Valcros…
This day, or rather, this night, did mark me for evermore of his/her/its seal timeless .Mais how to succeed fair à in sharing this that I felt inside this sanctuary constructs on a Primordial Temple dedicated à the Etruscan " god: Tagès "…? How to be able to explain my successive ame states facing this unusual adventure of which me was the privileged witness…? I can use clumsy words alas only to tempt to reproduce the emotions that invaded my cœur, my mind and my ame…
He/it was about two hours in the morning and soudain,je felt a quality different of vibrations as well as an invisible presence then descended of the end point melts also of the space and temps.Je resentis a whole spiritual alchemy that little by little modified my various plan of conscience considerably: me començais à to recover my " Original " Authenticity finally… The word " Alchemy " is descended of the Sumerian " Al - Chumos " word that means ": The Flavor of the Sky "…
À the paroxime of my emotions, only in the darkness of this sanctuary, I live a small bluish light that formed a spiral above the stone of autel.Au then boils of some seconds this light froze as forming a cercle.Je approached respectfully, conscious of this Grace state, and à my big surprise I saw a humble cut in earth that was put on: " The Pierre of Sacrifice "…
Instinctively, I knew whereas this modest cut I was destined in order to be able to achieve something of very particulier.C'est à that moment that I heard the voice of my contact that explained me that I had to be the following day imperatively evening on the site of the village of the " Casterallas ", close to the chapel in ruin where I had appointment with " Celestial " Entities…
Therefore, after having slept a little of a sleep populated of starry desires and questioning, I waited patiently that the day is advanced suffisament before taking the direction of the " Casterallas " .Les hours seemed to flow out slowly of a timeless hourglass put on the invisible sides of the temps.Puis, when I finally felt this particular moment, wanted by a " Cosmic Will "; I took the cut that I had placed in a black material on which was registered various esoteric symbols that had been me communiqués.Mais when material was unfolded; I had à this precise moment, the second big emotion of my life: it was not anymore the cut in earth of eve; it was another cut that offered itself à my incredulous look, a gold cut, on which was incised the seal of the order of the Temple of Provence: " The Dei " Agnus " The lamb of Dieu"…L'alchimie Spirituelle had offered me the essential then, the gas of the Sky…
When I was delayed of these emotions I made following the strike of the " Casterallas"où waited me a very big surprise.Après again a laborious nocturnal ascension I finally reached the first buttresses of this picturesque village placed in a soft case of brume.J'étais similar à a contemporary stone lost in the middle of another stone surrounding wall even full many médiévaux.J'attendais memories, me attendais…Soudain, I live to dawn a small light that smoothly pulsait in the space that offered itself à suddenly my regards.Puis, this point took the shape of a silvery disk that came closer from the " Casterallas " and in some seconds it immobilized himself/itself before me; without noise, without odor, à about hundred meters of altitude.Et as I was in a deep admiration in front of this cosmic demonstration: (Epiphany), à the same instant two bluish vortexes materialized two Beings of type humanoid revétus of a combination silvery .Ils measured about one meters four twenty ten :1m90s and their head was covered by a way of silvery hood; they didn't speak to me, they were merely immobile and their strange silhouette cut itself in the bluish halo that enveloped them…
They had the faces so luminous that I could not distinguish their features respectifs.Et à this precise moment a hand put itself on my gauche.Surpris shoulder and afraid, I turned around suddenly: it is whereas another Being similar à the two autresse held behind moi.Au boils of a few interminable instants jil advanced his/her/its left hand in my direction, and instantanèment I heard very distinctly in my mind, a voice similar à my own voice; it was probably the communication medium that these Beings use; bus of the words himself imprimèrentà all ever in my memory and in my cœur: " Give me this cut, your quest is finished…!
I obeyed à quickly this unusual demand, and as soon as the cut was in his/her/its hand, a vibration of Amour,de Compassion, Generosity and Light, enveloped all my Etre.Subitement, the three entities vanished and the vessel positioned itself on all his/her/its slice; before disappearing à a speed dizzy verse eternal spatio - temporal passageways, while carrying away with it, the sum of my legitimate interogations…
Forgive me of the delay took to answer you because I don't master English very well. I answer those that I have the privilege to be able to observe come solely from Sorina.
1) Yes, I had face-to-face contacts. They measure about 1m90, of humanoide type. I didn't see their visage, because a glaring light cleared itself of their head.
2) I receive the messages that are ongoing of translation, in order to be able to transmit them to you. For what is of the future of the planet, the messages will bring you the answers … Yes, they agree that I publish these photos in order to make known that the " Channeling " is completed by the visible presence of my instructors… (vessels). Has my knowledge they didn't present themselves again of other people of my territory and my country… except my two friends with whom I share this relation : Henry Olzierski and its dog : Loupss. My territory : Provence, is a " Earth of the God ". A summary is ongoing of translation. According to the place of the region, they are either visible either invisible. It depends on a certain number of parameters of spatio - temporal Vortex opening.
3) My contact, Soma, inquires by telepathic way about the place, the hour and the day where I must make alone, or in other witness company. No, I never saw nor them in dreams in abduction, but on invitation; I was guest with my Henry friend and Loupss, in their mothership.
4) Many love, Compassion, Light, Respect and Authentic Spirituality…
5) No, I don't want fair of profit with my experiences and my photos. Only are interested happiness, joy and the privilege to be able to share with the biggest number, a cosmic hope a to become happy of the earth and his/her/its inhabitants. Thank you to propose me your help. And if you are okay, I can send you regularly of the messages and photos in order to can possibly distribute them. I remain opened to all propositions useful to biggest number.
As soon as possible I will send you two detailed summaries of my experiences as well as other photos.
Example of a message :
"Just before your humanity, one of our numerous missions discovered your planet ; as anticipated, it followed the exploration of a possible shape of intelligence with which we could try to establish a contact then of it. It is after having noted that no shape of life again evolved suffisemment was present on your Earth of then, that we undertook to put in place the cross-software foreseen in this possibility… This application took place in several successive phases in the goal to be able to observe the numerous results that would appear to our legitimate curiosity better. What marvelous and dangerous privilege to see to develop and to bloom the fruits of all our best intentions : only incentives susceptible to be able to succeed to provoke the assent of the Almighty Organizer Universel. Because without this divine authorization, all tentative stretching to permit the emergence, would not be that that of only one intelligent action, would balance itself inexorably by the absence of the signature identifying the creature to his Creator : the one of his Spirituality…
Fraternally, Raymond
The photo represents the " Cut " that I put back in the " Three
Alienses " on the site of the village of the " Casterallas "
situated in the park of the Verdon, department of the " High Var ".
I sent you the text relating this " Experience " of meeting of the
" Third Marks " the " Casterallas "...
If anyone is interested in contacting this experiencer, please write through Dee777@aol.com