June, 8, 2004
compiled by Dee Finney
updated 4-17-06

The brighter orange planet is a global view of Venus made from a mosaic
of radar images from the Magellan spacecraft. This computer-generated
globe shows the planet from above the equator at 90 degrees longitude. It
shows the coverage of Venus during Magellan's highly successful first
mapping cycle, completed in 1991. Magellan continued to gather data until
October, 1994.

On June 8, Venus will cross the face of the sun for the first time since 1882. There will be a repeat showing in 2012. After that, Venus won't pass directly between the sun and Earth until 2117.
"There's nobody alive today that has seen it before," said Trey Goodman, manager of the Highland Road Park Observatory. "If you have the opportunity to see it now, you're going to see something that no other living person has seen. It's very unique."
The best view on June 8 will be from Europe, where the entire six-hour transit will be visible.
NASA is planning to do a live Webcast of the transit from Greece.
In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the transit will be visible for about 25 minutes, beginning at 6:06 a.m., Goodman said.
The key to watching it, he said, is to find an unobstructed view of the horizon. The tree-line at the observatory will block the transit.
It is recommended that you observe from the top of a high building. The
transit will occur near the lower rim of the sun.
The transit will be visible to the naked eye but it's not a good idea to stare directly at the sun.
Use eclipse shades or a telescope lens filter.
Mon, 7 Jun 2004 16:17:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Dr. Byron Weeks"
Poisons in the comet's tail from June 8-11 may touch the earth...
Aha! So we weren't so far out after all...Eyes will burn and tear if
acid present. Advise soda bicarb solution [baking sods is safe in any
dilution] on hand to neutralize sulphuric acid for skin and face. Eye
wash as needed.. Avoid going outside, but cover skin and use gas mask if
this can't be avoided Surgical masks not effective. Seal windows and
doors in a safe room with duct tape. When the air gets stale after 5-6
hours, open up a crack here and there. Use a dilute soda spray
bottle around openings. Have enough food and water on hand for 3-4 days.
People with asthma, emphysema and bronchitis should seek a physician's
counsel. Many of these sufferers will die if not protected.
Byron Weeks, MD
To: Dr. Byron Weeks
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: Venus
Various sources, mainstream and net
June 7, 2004
Scientists around the world are warning people to stay indoors for up to
three days following the June 8 Venus Transit.
The tail of Venus, which resembles that of a comet, will be blown in the
direction of earth by solar winds as it eclipses the sun. The tail is
comprised mainly of ammonia, sulphuric acid and other substances harmful
to man.
Doc, Saw this on link though.
Sulphuric acid fumes can burn the skin, cause blindness and lead to
suffocation in people with compromised lungs.
Experts advise that the whiplash effect of the tail on planet earth will
subside after three days, making it safe to venture outdoors once more. |
Plan Ahead: Rare Transit of Sun by
Joe Rao's Night Sky
06 February 2004
Put a big red circle around
June 8 on your calendar. On that day, you may have a chance to see a celestial
event not witnessed by human eyes in 122 years when Venus crosses in front
of the Sun.
Venus has been growing brighter
and climbing higher into our evening sky lately. It has evolved into an "evening
lantern" for those commuting home from work and school.
By the end of May 2004,
however, Venus will be rapidly dropping back toward the Suns vicinity,
ultimately to disappear as it makes the transition back into the morning
sky. That transition day will be June 8.
Normally, Venus would pass
unseen, hidden in the brilliant glare of the Sun. But not this time.
For on this Tuesday in June
an Venus will making itself evident as a small black spot slowly moving across
the solar disk. Portions of the hours-long transit will be visible from many
locations around the world, including parts of Europe and America. Some folks
will need to make travel plans, however, to see the show.
Rare opportunity
This is among the rarest
of astronomical events. In fact, between the years 2000 BC and 4000 AD there
are only 81 Venusian "transits," as astronomers call them.
Only five times have humans
recorded the passage of Venus in front of the Sun (in 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874
and 1882), although its not impossible that a transit of Venus might
have once been seen by chance in ancient times, near sunrise or sunset. Possibly
on such an occasion, some ancient observer with a keen eye, viewing the Sun
on an unusually hazy day, might have glimpsed our sister planet's dark image
(reporting it as "a dark mark on the Sun") on the solar disk.
Astronomer Joseph Ashbrook
(1918-1980) wrote in "The Astronomical Scrapbook" (Sky Publishing
Corporation, 1984): "For those who witness the transit of June 8, 2004, there
comes the awesome thought that not a single human being remains alive that
observed the last transit of Venus, in December, 1882."
There is some neat math
involved in Venus transits, all related to the predictability of its orbit,
which is closer to the Sun than the annual path of Earth.
The circumstances of the
transits of Venus repeat themselves with great exactness after a period of
243 years. The intervals between individual transits (in years) currently
go as follows: 8 + 121½ + 8 + 105½ = 243. In other words, a pair
of transits may occur over a time span of just eight years, but following
the second transit, the next will not occur again for more than a century.
Transits of Venus occurred
on Dec. 9, 1874 and Dec. 6, 1882. The transit this June is the first one
since 1882, but the next will occur 8 years later on June 6, 2012, although
this future event will be visible in its entirety only from the Pacific Ocean
and the extreme east coasts of Siberia, Japan and Australia (North Americans
will see the opening stages before sunset).
Then it will be a long wait
once again. On December 11, 2117, Venus will again pass in front of the
Transits do not occur each
time Venus passes from our evening to our night sky because things have to
be lined up just right.
When a transit occurs, the
Sun, Venus and Earth are all in a direct line. But Earth and Venus do not
orbit in exactly the same plane around the Sun, so often each planet is either
above or below the location that would allow a transit.
Think of it this way: Place
two hoops on the ground to represent the orbits of the planets. Place a tennis
ball in the middle as the Sun. Now lift one portion of one hoop a few inches
off the ground. Only where the opposite side of the lifted hoop touches the
ground can you imagine a line that connects all three objects.
Locations to watch
On June 8, the entire transit
will last just more than six hours and will be visible in some form across
approximately three-quarters of our planet.
The beginning will be visible
from northern and western portions of Alaska, all of Asia, Indonesia and
Australia, the eastern half of Africa and northern and eastern Europe, as
well as the northernmost parts of Greenland. The end will be visible over
central and western Asia, all of Africa, Europe and Greenland as well as
northernmost and eastern sections of North America and northern and eastern
parts of South America.
Australians will be able
to catch the beginning stages before sunset. Europeans will be able to see
most, if not all of the transit, starting at around sunrise with the end
coming in the early afternoon with the Sun high in the sky. For much of the
eastern United States and Canada, the Sun will rise with Venus already on
the Suns disk with the transit nearly over.
Unfortunately, those living
across the western United States and Canada, as well as Hawaii, will be precluded
from seeing any part of this spectacle, as the Sun will be below the horizon
when it takes place.
Transits of Mercury are
more common. One
last May. But Mercury transits are difficult to notice because the planet
is so small and far away. Venus is closer to Earth and larger.
Venus transits are readily
visible without telescopes or binoculars, but proper protection must be employed.
Never look directly at the Sun, or serious eye damage can result. Viewers
should use special, approved filters that can be purchased from reputable
dealers of astronomy products. Other tricks can be employed, such as pinhole
cameras or simple projection methods, to indirectly and safely view the
When Venus is in transit
across the solar disk, the planet appears as a distinct, albeit tiny, round
black spot with a diameter just 1/32 that of the Sun. This size is large
enough to perceive with the unaided but properly protected eye.
Editor's Note: will provide more detail on the great Venus transit of 2004
in the weeks leading up to the event.
For the first time in more than one hundred years, the Earths sister
planet Venus will transit the face of the Sun in 2004 and be visible over
a select swath of the Earth. There have only been 52 such events since 2000
BCE and this event is cited by NASA as among the rarest of planetary
On June 8, 2004 Venus will be at inferior conjunction to the Sun, or between
the Earth and Sun in a similar configuration to a Solar eclipse. For a little
more than six hours, Venus will be seen to cross the lower limb of the Sun
from the Earth.
First contact with the Sun: 5:19:57 Universal Time
Last contact with the Sun: 11:23:15 Universal Time
Astrologically, Venus will appear retrograde from the Earth at 17º Gemini
(Tropical) or 23º Taurus (Sidereal), and her Solar crossing will take
place against the backdrop of the constellation Orion, the warrior.
Of great significance is that this event provides the only opportunity to
view the atmospheric ring of Venus, where the light of the
planets surface will be visible. When Mercury transits the face of
the Sun, he appears as a black dot moving across the Solar orb, while Venus
will feature a halo of light around her dark edge. No one alive today has
seen this phenomenon.
The transit will be entirely visible in the Pacific rim nations and in the
northwest area of North America. The first visibility will take place at
sunrise on the tip of South Africa. A map is available in PDF format from
the U.S. Naval Observatory.
This rare transit should be viewed in context with its cyclic occurrence.
Transits of Venus occur in pairs eight years apart. Following the June 2004
event, Venus will again transit the Sun in June 2012. The record is as follows:
Dec. 1631 Dec. 1639
June 1761 June 1769
Dec. 1874 Dec. 1882
June 2004 June 2012
Dec. 2117 Dec. 2125
What occurs during the period between the eight-year transit pairs is undoubtedly
more significant than the events themselves. Those with historical and
metaphysical insights will note that intense periods of social and religious
enlightenment took place at these times, which set into motion long-lived
institutions for justice, social equality, and the eradication of disease.
In the realm of spirit, these periods also set the stage for intracultural
discourse on spirituality and the dissemination of ancient knowledge.
In the sacred astronomy of ancient Egypt, Venus as the morning star represents
the ascent of Maat, goddess of truth, in the celestial barque of her father
Ra. As the evening star, she signifies the descent of Hathor, one of the
goddesses in the afterlife who enters the Duat or invisible region of the
sky where she welcomes departing souls.
There have been 52 transits of Venus across the Sun between 2000 B.C and
1882 A.D. Humans could only have noticed this event if they were watching the
sun near the horizon at exactly the right time.
There are no historical records that suggest anyone was so lucky prior to
1639, although Montezuma may have spotted the 1520 transit while studying the
Sun for portends.
The Mayan civilization had a particular fascination with Venus because it
was associated with their chief god Quetzalcoatl and one of his incarnations,
Galileo Galilee in 1610 was the first human to actually see Venus as more
than just a bright point of light in the sky. Johannes Kepler, meanwhile, was
shaking up the world by his meticulous use of astronomical data assembled by
Tycho Brahe. What he discovered during these laborious hand calculations was
that Venus would pass in front of the Sun on December 6th 1631, but the transit
was not visible from Europe at all.
There is no known sighting of this transit in recorded history until the
British Cleric, Jeremiah Horrocks and his friend William Crabtree spotted it on
December 4, 1639, and that is only because Horrocks had mathematically predicted
this transit using better data than Kepler had used. Here is what Horrocks had
to say about the transit.
"Anxiously intent therefore on the undertaking through the greater part
of the 23rd, and the whole of the 24th, I omitted no available opportunity of
observing her ingress. I watched carefully on the 24th from sunrise to nine
o'clock, and from a little before ten until noon, and at one in the afternoon,
being called away in the intervals by business of the highest importance, which,
for these ornamental pursuits I could not with propriety neglect. But during all
this time I saw nothing in the sun except a small and common spot, consisting as
it were of three points at a distance from the center towards the left, which I
noticed on the preceding and following days. This evidently had nothing to do
with Venus. About fifteen minutes past three in the afternoon, when I was again
at liberty to continue my labors, the clouds, as if by divine interposition,
were entirely dispersed, and I was once more invited to the grateful task of
repeating my observations. I then beheld a most agreeable spectacle, the object
of my sanguine wishes, a spot of unusual magnitude and of a perfectly circular
shape, which had already fully entered upon the sun's disc on the left, so that
the limbs of the Sun and Venus precisely coincided, forming an angle of contact.
Not doubting that this was really the shadow of the planet, I immediately
applied myself sedulously to observe it" [Jeremiah Horrocks]
David Booth - proven psychic- had a vision in March of 2003. He
saw himself in space,
looking down on the earth. He saw a dark, planetary object coming from
the south end
of earth - out of the southern Hemisphere. As this planetary
object came past earth,
the size of which would fit between the earth and the moon - he saw the
western end of
the U.S. blow up with fire and blasts of smoke and ash. From
there, the whole earth
rippled. Yellowstone had blown up.
Gordon Michael Scallion (psychic)- on March 16, 2003 - had a
vision that two light-beings
showed him that Wyoming and Utah were glowing red. The light-beings
said, "This will
change the world in 18 months." (18 months from March 16,
2003 = September, 2004)
Asteroid Toutatis arriving in September
What else is coming? - two comets
FROM: Mahala Gayle
Spring is almost here, and with it comes a strong wave of energy. There is
always an energy wave that comes to Earth at the time of the Spring Equinox.
This year the wave will start on March 13, and will continue until the new moon
of April. We have readied the mid point of the seven-year tribulation period
that started on September 13, 2000. From this time forward, the Earth will go
through major changes.
I have a book called The Nature of Reality which was written, or channeled, by
Hilarion and published in 1978. This book says that in the midst of the
tribulation, a number of natural catastrophes will be arranged to afflict the
Earth. One of the most frightening of these catastrophes will be the discovery
that a large asteroid will collide with the Earth and will be felt throughout
the world as a tremendous shock-wave, initiating earthquake and volcanic
activity on a scale unheard of in the written history of man. Anyone hear David
Booth on Coast to Coast Monday night February 23? He says a planetary object
will pass by the South Pole sometime this year and will cause a shock wave
around the world.
David also says that this spring will bring to the Southern Hemisphere an
incredible once in a lifetime event with the passing of Comets 2001Q4 NEAT and
2002 T7 LINEAR. Perhaps more interesting though is that the point of crossing
for these two comet's occurs by the star Sirius. Sirius is the largest and most
brilliant star in our heavens. It is known as the Dog Star and is 8.6 light
years from Earth. It is visible in the Northern Hemisphere evening sky from
November through April.
An ancient Hopi prophecy states, "When the Blue Star
Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge".
The Blue Star is Sirius. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana (Christ) will
Perhaps more ominous though will be that these two comets will form an X, or
cross, directly under the Earth over the south pole at almost the same time
Venus begins eclipsing the Sun on June 8, 2004. Venus is the ruling planet of
the Mayan Calendar and signifies a very important time period. The Mayans look
to this time period as the return of Quetzalcoatl, also known as Jesus.
I received an email from Carl Johan Calleman, who wrote an article about the
passage of Venus. To read this article, go to
He says, "To become real, the energy of Quetzacoatl must
manifest in human beings. At this time this must happen through the absorption
of the energy of light on the right brain and unifying this with the left. This
is really about activating Kundalini energy for which humanity is now ripe. This
is a winding energy of light in our bodies, a manifestation of the movement of
the serpent of light".
Another interesting event is that Supernova 1987 has become a raging ring of
fire. This Cosmic Pineal has caught on fire. As above, so below! The Astronomers
expected this to happen in 2005. It is happening now, and we will soon feel our
Kundalini rising, and our bodies will fill with light. To obtain more
information on this, go to the web site
The book, The Nature of Reality, and the Bible states that
it's now time for the SE Asian countries to come into the act with war and
aggression. This could be either North Korea, China, or Taiwan. It's time for
the Kings from the East to play their part.
This book also says that before the march of the Chinese army has been
completed, there will be a great storm over the entire world, which will be
caused by the Earth passing through a cloud in space which contains harmful
chemicals, hydrocarbon materials, debris and larger pieces of solid material.
The hydrocarbons will ignite in the higher levels of the atmosphere and produce
smoke and other products of combustion which will greatly cut down the amount of
light that the Sun and Moon give to the Earth. The burning of the hydrocarbon
gases will produce a terrifying display for all to see and will convince many
that God is real, and that the final days have come.
The Bible says in 2 Peter, chapter 3, verse 10, that the day of the Lord will
come like a thief in the night, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud
noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire. Then we will have a new
heaven and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells.
The Nature of Reality book says, "Prior to the passage of the Earth through
the cloud in space, a great sign will appear in the heavens, to indicate to
those who have realized the truth, that the last days have come. This is the
sign of the Son of Man spoken of in the scriptures. It will be constituted by a
comet (or comets) whose tail is divided into a couple of spikes or fingers
extending in different directions. Those finger's as seen from the direction of
the Earth will exactly form the Greek letter Chi, which is an X or the word
Christ". I believe this is what David Booth is talking about.
The Southern Hemisphere will start seeing the comets soon, and by the end of
April they will be at the closest point to Earth. The comets will be in the
heaven during the Easter season, which to me represents the risen Christ. It's
time to manifest the golden light of the Christ that is within all of us.
The planets are very stressful in April. Toward the end of the month, the
planet Mars with be opposing Pluto, with the moon making a 90 degree angle to
those two planets. This is a very fiery, violent, explosive, energy. The whole
world will feel the explosive aspect of this energy. The areas most likely to be
affected are the Yellowstone area, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. This could
also affect Mexico. This explosive energy will come back even stronger in
The book goes on to say that those who fail to understand and heed the meaning
of this sign in the heavens will not be able to escape the final period of the
Tribulation. This means to choose love in your heart instead of anger, violence
and hatred. Up to the time of the appearance of these comets, all of those who
earnestly and with their whole heart change their old ways and take up the cross
of service and dedication to their fellow man will become entitled to what the
Scriptures call the Rapture.
The Rapture is essentially an escape from the horrors of the Tribulation to a
place of safety where those who have assembled can work and learn in order to
prepare themselves for the new world. The Rapture can work out in different
ways. The Bible says we rise to meet the Lord in the air. This could mean being
beamed onto a ship or a raise in consciousness into a higher dimension. However
you perceive it, that's how it shall be.
This book also says that after the sign of the cross (X) in the heavens, there
will arise a great wave of religious zeal, which will burn like a flame in the
hearts of its new converts. This religion will be the seed of a new Universal
Faith for mankind in the years following the tribulation.
First, there was the book, the De Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, which is about Mary
Magdalene. She is the Virgin Goddess, or connected with the sign of Virgo. All
of the Temples in France are dedicated to Mary Magdalene, and the temples are
built in such a way as to form the symbol of the sign Virgo. Now there is the
movie The Passion. It is hitting the world like a steam roller.
The movie was released in the sign of Pisces. The planets signify religious zeal
because Uranus is in Pisces and it will remain there for seven years. Pisces
rules suffering, both emotional and physical. It signifies a suffering Messiah,
thus the movie and the cross in the heavens. Don't you think it's time to take
Jesus off the cross and honor him as the risen savior?
The Bible says that Jesus (Yeshua) was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Lion
signifies the sign of Leo, which rules the heart. He gave us one commandment,
which is to express unconditional love. He was born a Leo in the age of Pisces.
Regulus, the Royal Star of the Lion, has been moving through the sign of Leo for
the last 2,160 years. Now it is on 0 degrees Virgo and in the transition stage
to the feminine energy.
The mirror image of Pisces is Leo. The mirror image is experienced by being
six signs away from each other like Pisces/Leo - Aries/Virgo - Taurus/Libra,
etc. We have been in the age of Pisces/Leo. The Pisces influence has brought us
much suffering until we can open our hearts to experience unconditional love.
The Leo energy rules kings and queens. England's symbol is the Lion.
Now we are in the goddess energy, which started in July of 1991. This is when we
first started experiencing the energy of Virgo. The mirror image of Virgo is
Aquarius. Now we are in the transition stage of blending our male and female
energy into one. This will happen during the time period of Uranus moving
through Pisces. In 2010 Uranus moves into Aries, and we start a whole new cycle.
We are also moving from a 26,000 year cycle of Capricorn (materialism,
structure, and control), into the Age of Aquarius ruled by Uranus. Tenth level
light body is associated with Capricorn, and rules body pain such as knees,
bones, dizziness, stomach pain, blurred vision and headaches.
Aquarius roles eleventh level light body. It also rules light, freedom and the
Golden Age. We first started feeling the effects of this sign in February of
1962 when most of the planets lined up in Aquarius. Remember the song, This is
the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
We have been moving into this age of freedom for a long time. Now, it's time to
start manifesting that freedom. Remember, there is a world of light that is
overshadowing this world of darkness. Those who are ready will soon be living in
the world of light, and will be through experiencing pain and suffering.
So Be It!
I can be reached at
An astrological correction from an e-mail:
> The mirror image of Pisces is Leo. The mirror image is
experienced by being six signs away from each other like Pisces/Leo -
Aries/Virgo - Taurus/Libra, etc. We have been in the age of Pisces/Leo. The
Pisces influence has brought us much suffering until we can open our hearts to
experience unconditional love. The Leo energy rules kings and queens. England's
symbol is the Lion.
The opposite of Pisces is Virgo, not Leo and the opposite of
Libra is Aries etc... which kind of messes up Mahala's symbology.
from John
Kiara Windrider and The Experience Foundation
The darkest hours of night
come just before the dawning of a new day. There is no question that Earth faces
a tremendous crisis today, a painful “dark night of the soul”, even the
possibility of catastrophic obliteration. Yet, according to the prophecies and
calendars of many ancient traditions, this Age also represents a time of hope.
We are moving into a time of evolutionary renewal, a time of global
purification, even what some refer to as the dawning of a Golden Age!
The ancient Mayans developed
a calendar system that is very relevant to these times. It can be seen as a
cosmic timing code, and is prophetic in the sense that it reflects a deep
understanding of long-term cycles of creation. As evolutionary cycles of cosmic
energies are absorbed into Earth’s electromagnetic fields via the Sun, human
consciousness responds to these impulses in a predictable manner, following a
cosmic pattern of dark and light. The Mayan calendar describes the sequence and
timing of these patterns. According to this calendar, the year 2012 reflects the
end of certain cycles of history based on duality and separation, and represents
the birthing of a Golden Age of Enlightenment.
Once we begin to use the
Mayan calendar to understand the deeper significance of world events today, this
claim no longer seems as improbable as it may first appear. Out of deepest
darkness comes the greatest light. In his studies of the Mayan calendar, Dr.
Carl Johan Calleman points to a key event taking place now which might well
serve to initiate this extraordinary opening to planetary light.
The planet Venus is rich in
archetypal symbology. It is often known as the Morning Star, the Bringer of
Light. It is related to love, human unity, beauty, and oneness. On June 8, 2004,
the path of Venus directly crosses over the disc of the Sun, an eclipse lasting
for the space of seven hours. The energies of Sun and Venus blend together, and
as these blended radiations make their way into the Earth’s electromagnetic
fields, it weaves the energies of love and unity into the mass consciousness of
the planet, and potentially into the hearts of every man, woman, and child alive
on Earth!
Interestingly, Venus
transits always come in pairs. The second passage of Venus across the Sun’s
disc takes place on June 6, 2012. The eight-year period in between represents a
“doorway” through which Unity consciousness will come to dominate the mass
consciousness of the Earth. Since this is a 130-year cycle, there are few humans
alive today who have experienced this transit, yet it can be seen that every
time this transit has taken place in human history, it has represented a new
level of harmonization on the planet. It is interesting to note that the Taj
Mahal, one of the greatest monuments to Love in human history, was built during
the Venus Transit of 1631-1639 AD!
The transition into Unity
consciousness could be turbulent. As old structures of human consciousness
collapse, it may be accompanied by a degree of darkness and destruction.
This process should be seen in proper perspective. “When the light
hits”, as Jose Arguelles, puts it, “the dark gets tough”! This current
“doorway of Venus” is especially significant because it remains open until
2012 AD, the completion our current cycle of human evolution. Some refer to this
date as the end of linear time, or as the end of a period of human consciousness
conditioned by separation and duality. The Mayans refer to this time as the
Return of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent, and look to this eight-year doorway
as the timeframe within which the mass enlightenment of humanity will take
We are calling people all
over the world to observe the days leading up to this Venus Transit, June 6-8,
as a time for opening to the bright impulse of cosmic energy that is streaming
into the mass consciousness of Humanity. What are our highest dreams and hopes?
What is our greatest potential as divinely inspired humans? What can we create
together as we step into the “doorway” to the Golden Age?
June 6-8 is being promoted
worldwide as the Call for Global Oneness. Let us come together during this time
in gatherings throughout the world to celebrate love and beauty, light and
unity. Let us work with these expansive cosmic energies to anchor them deep into
the heart of Earth Mother, deep into the human collective consciousness. Let us
translate these energies into art, economics, culture, politics, education and
ecology. Let us bring transformation into every field of human endeavor.
Let us pray, each in our own way, for peace, healing, beauty, and
enlightenment for all! We will continue building the momentum on this same day
year after year for the next eight years until June 6, 2012.
Please network this widely.
Please link up to
for suggestions on what you can do, for further information on the Venus
transit, to publicize any events you may wish to plan, or to receive information
on events in your local area (after April 12, please see
This will be a continually updated interactive website, and your input is
welcome. We are inviting spiritual teachers from every religious faith,
indigenous elders from every tradition, healers, artists, musicians, dancers,
networkers, and organizers to join with us in co-creating the biggest spiritual
event in human history. As we move into this 3-day global festival, we will be
broadcasting live streaming images from Oneness Gatherings around the world.
Let us participate together to co-create heaven on earth!
First streaks of dawn.
The dismal cries of an age gone by
Fade into eternity past.
I wake up shivering…
Why must darkness precede the dawn?
Why is death the prerequisite to birth?
No matter;
The long night is ended now.
The first rays of a new dawn
Illuminate my path,
Beckoning me to follow.
Can I shape the coming Day?
09 Nov 2005 11:43:51 GMT
Source: Reuters
- Europe's first space probe to Venus was launched on Wednesday on a
mission that aims to shed light on Earth's closest planetary neighbour
and give scientists clues about global warming.
Among the riddles the mission hopes to solve is why a planet so similar
to Earth in size, mass and composition has evolved so differently over
the last 4,600 million years.
Here are some key facts and differences between the two planets.
Venus is often referred to as Earth's sister planet because of
similarities in size, mass, density and volume. It is believed that both
planets share a common origin around 4.5 billion years ago.
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, lies, on average, 108 million
km from the Sun, about 30 percent closer than the Earth.
The surface of Venus is the hottest in the solar system at 477 degrees
celsius. The high temperatures were caused by teh greenhouse effect of a
carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. Sunlight is trapped by the atmosphere
and cannot radiate out into space, with a resulting boost to the surface
temperature by over 202 degrees centigrade.
The Russian Venera landers touched down in the 1980s and survived for
about 60 minutes during which time images were taken which revealed a
barren world.
The planet consists of vast plains covered by lava flows and
mountainous regions.
Impact craters cover the surface. Unlike other worlds, however, there
are virtually no craters less than 2 km in size. The impactors that
would cause them simply burn up in the thick atmosphere. Those that do
exist are believed to be caused by the fragmentation of a large
meteorite just before impact with the surface.
Some physical differences:
VENUS: EARTH: Orbital Distance from the Sun (km) 108,200,000 149,600,000
Diameter (km) 12 103.6 12 756.3 1 Day 243 Earth Days 23h 56m 1 Year
224.7 Earth days 365.25 days Atmosphere (percent) 96 carbon dioxide 77
3 nitrogen 21 oxygen Moons 0 1
Sources: Reuters/European Space Agency/
detail in first Venus south pole images
Posted: April 15, 2006
The European Space Agency's Venus Express has returned the first-ever
images of the hothouse planet's south pole from a distance of 206,452 kilometres,
showing surprisingly clear structures and unexpected detail. The images were
taken 12 April during the spacecraft's initial capture orbit after successful
arrival on 11 April 2006

Composite, false-colour
view of Venus south pole captured by VIRTIS
onboard Venus Express. Credits: ESA/INAF-IASF, Rome, Italy, and Observatoire de
Paris, France
Engineers have lost no time in switching on several of the instruments and
yesterday the VMC (Venus Monitoring Camera) and VIRTIS (Visible and Infrared
Thermal Imaging Spectrometer) imaged, for the first time in space history, the
southern hemisphere of Venus as the spacecraft passed below the planet in an
elliptical arc.
Scientists are especially intrigued by the dark vortex shown almost
directly over the south pole, a previously suspected but until now unconfirmed
structure that corresponds to a similar cloud structure over the north pole.
"Just one day after arrival, we are already experiencing the hot,
dynamic environment of Venus," said Dr Hakan Svedhem, Venus Express project
scientist. "We will see much more detail at an unprecedented level as we
get over 100 times better resolution as we get closer to Venus, and we expect to
see these spiral structures evolve very quickly."
The initial, low-quality images were taken from an extreme distance of
206,452 kms from the planet, yet caught scientists' attention, particularly with
the surprisingly clear structures and unexpected details shown in the VIRTIS
spectrometer images.
The false-colour VIRTIS composite image shows Venus's day side at left and
night side at right, and corresponds to a scale of 50 kms per pixel.
The day half is itself a composite of images taken via wavelength filters
and chiefly shows sunlight reflected from the tops of clouds, down to a height
of about 65 km above the planet's surface.
Dynamic spiral cloud structures
The more spectacular night half, shown in reddish false colour, was taken
via an IR filter at a wavelength of 1.7 microns, and chiefly shows dynamic
spiral cloud structures in the lower atmosphere, around 55 km altitude. The
darker regions correspond to thicker cloud cover, while the brighter regions
correspond to thinner cloud cover, allowing hot thermal radiation from lower
down to be imaged.

view imaged in ultraviolet of Venus south pole captured by VMC
12 April 2006 onboard Venus Express. Credits: ESA/MPS, Katlenburg-Lindau,
The smaller VMC image shows Venus at a scale of 150 kms per pixel and is
also shown in false colour. It was recorded in ultraviolet.
Venus Express fired its main engine to enter Venus orbit on 11 April 2006
and is now in the first 9-day capture orbit taking it to apocentre (maximum
height) at 350,000 kilometres below the south pole. It will swing back up to
pass pericentre (minimum height) at an altitude of 250 kilometres over the
planet's north pole.
Towards the 24-hour final orbit
In the first capture orbit, Venus Express will have 5 additional
opportunities for gathering data until reaching pericentre. These observations
represent a great opportunity because, at apocentre, the full disc of Venus is
fully visible for the spacecraft's imagers. Such opportunities will not occur
again during the nominal mission, starting on 4 June 2006, when the range of
distances from the planet will be much smaller.
In addition to VMC and VIRTIS, the spacecraft's MAG (Venus Express
Magnetometer) has been switched on for initial verification and is operating
nominally. Together with the ASPERA (Analyser of Space Plasma and Energetic
Atoms), the two instruments are expected to gather information about the
unperturbed solar wind and the atmospheric escape processes on Venus, a planet
with no magnetic protection.
A series of further engine and thruster burns are planned to gradually
reduce the apocentre during the following 16 orbital loops around the planet and
the spacecraft is due to attain its final 24-hour polar orbit on 7 May, ranging
from 66 000 to 250 kilometres above Venus.
Peering through the clouds of Venus
Europe's first Venus mission reaches its target
Scientists think Earth-size planet once had water
Apr. 15, 2006. 01:00 AM
Eons ago, Venus may have been the gentle, tropical paradise that Earthlings
once imagined. It was closer to the sun — but not too close. It was almost
Earth-size — but not quite. And it had plenty of water, even oceans.
But that was then. Sometime in the distant past, the oceans started to
heat up and then boiled away. The water vapour hung over the planet like a
glove, trapping the heat below and creating a berserk greenhouse effect.
Today, Venus' atmosphere is 97 per cent carbon dioxide, and the planet
is wreathed in clouds of sulphuric acid. The planet is apparently condemned to
an eternal cycle of global warming, with surface temperatures that hover
around 480C.
There are, perhaps, lessons to be learned here. "Venus is very
unpleasant," says Hakan Svedhem of the European Space Agency. "We
know the greenhouse effect on Earth is a very interesting topic. Maybe with
Venus, we can better understand how our own atmosphere works."
On Tuesday, ESA's Venus Express, a honeycombed aluminum spacecraft
carrying seven instruments and cloaked in a metallic gold polymer to fend off
the heat, successfully completed a 51-minute rocket burn that put it into an
elliptical polar orbit. For the next 500 days, with the possibility of
extending for another 500, the spacecraft will probe mysteries that have
confounded and fascinated scientists since exploration of the planet first
began with NASA's Mariner 2 in 1962.
Chief among them is what happened to turn Venus into a child's vision of
hell, with a superheated toxic soup of an atmosphere that is about 90 times
denser at the surface than Earth's — about the same pressure as the ocean at
a depth of nearly a kilometre.
NASA's Magellan mission, which ended in 1994, used radar to penetrate
the cloud cover and map Venus' tortured surface, paved with lava flows and
pocked with craters and volcanic mountain escarpments. Venus Express, by
contrast, is "geared toward a very detailed study of the
atmosphere," says ESA's Don McCoy, the project's manager.
There is a lot to understand. Measurements taken by early probes of
Venus have made scientists all but certain that the planet once had extensive
oceans that heated up and finally boiled off.
Quite probably the resulting cloud of water vapour provided the initial
atmospheric blanket that turned the planet into a hothouse. "But where
did (the water) go?" asks University of Michigan planetary scientist
Stephen Bougher. "Nobody knows."
Heat could break the water into its constituent atoms, and the hydrogen
could easily evaporate from the upper atmosphere and escape into space, but
"something different" had to have happened to the heavier oxygen,
Bougher says. One possibility is that a magnetic field induced by the solar
wind may have swept charged oxygen particles away from the planet, he says.
Venus Express has an instrument that can measure atmospheric erosion and
perhaps provide data that will help scientists reconstruct how Venus lost its
Over time, carbon dioxide replaced the water vapour, probably as a
result of the erupting volcanoes that resurfaced Venus about 700 million years
ago and spewed clouds of sulphurous gas into the atmosphere.
Venus Express will search for traces of sulphur dioxide, an indication
that volcanoes have been recently active. Scientists may also be able to
deduce whether volcanoes are still erupting by using the spacecraft's infrared
camera to penetrate the atmosphere and take pictures of Venus's surface.
"By correlating these images with the Magellan data, we can tell
whether vulcanism today is altering the landscape," says NASA scientist
Adriana Ocampo, the agency's liaison with Venus Express. "This is a key
question for Venus, and could be important in understanding climate change on
Another puzzle that has mystified scientists for decades is Venus's
winds, which are negligible on the surface but reach speeds of about 350 km/h
in the upper atmosphere, much faster than the planet rotates.
"There is no reason for the wind," says Svedhem, lead
scientist with Venus Express. The spacecraft will measure wind speeds at
various altitudes and correlate them with temperatures. The spacecraft will
also gather data on the whirlpool-like atmospheric vortices at Venus's poles,
another phenomenon that has no explanation.
"It's really embarrassing how little we know," Bougher says.
"The cloud-top winds are so strong on a planet that rotates so slowly.
The $305 million Venus Express launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome, in
Kazakhstan, on Nov. 9 last year. It was modelled on ESA's Mars Express,
currently in orbit around Mars, and has some instruments that are identical to
those on both the earlier spacecraft and on Rosetta, an ongoing ESA mission to
a comet.
But unlike Mars Express, built to absorb warmth from a distant sun,
Venus Express must shed heat. Besides its reflective coating, it has solar
panels that are tiny, compared with those of Mars Express, and half the panels
are mirrors. Getting electricity to operate the spacecraft, "is one of
the easier aspects of the mission," McCoy says.
Venus Express weighs 1,200 kilograms fully fuelled and travelled about
400 million kilometres to reach Venus.
It was moving at a speed of 28,800 km/h relative to the planet but
slowed by 15 per cent of its velocity so it could be captured into orbit. The
initial ellipse extends from 248 kilometres above Venus' surface to 328,000
kilometres away, and the spacecraft will need a few more days to complete an
orbit. McCoy said engineers will tighten the ellipse to a maximum distance of
65,000 kilometres with two more rocket burns and settle into a 24-hour orbit
in about two weeks.
The Washington Post
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