by Joe Mason
These are the messages one receives when in a half sleep or sleep stage of consciousness.
I started writing these down in 1991 when I began my dream research. I found that my own dreams were telling me important information about my life and I began to pay attention.
1. 8-4-90 - Human Global Link in connection to Mexico Soon (looked like a headline)
2. Sept.90 - Because we are disconnected from our spirituality, some of the rings are missing. (This was about cropcircles)
3. 9-7-90 - The hierarchical structure of ALL-THAT-IS cannot exist or be complete if the base does not connect and bond.
4. Sept.90 - The interlocking rings are an aperture, as on a camera.
5. Sept.90 - The bison, symbolizing sex, rolls, and the sacred herb comes up Giver of Life.
6. Sept.90 -We are still apes! The great cycle is not over yet. We will become Man at the end of the cycle.
7. 3-8-91 - For he had the spin of the dog---in the slit of the tree slice woes crack. He heard the call of Joe.
8. 3-8-91 - Some men fight. Some men watch.
9. March 91 - Tough guys finish last.
10. 2-15-91 - Lets put our heads together.
11. 2-15-91 - Secrets passed down through time from the 12th Century.
12. 3-9-91 - They were making bones about it.
13. 2-22-91 - No existing human is a ghost.
14. 3-16-91 - I'm stretching out my limb in order that you can watch it grow.
15. 3-30-91 - Immediately come (or become) to a modified gazelle for radiance.
16. 3-21-91 - The gus of a Sacramento police offer were found.
17. 4-20-91 - As we move along and the story unfolds, let's continue to show man unity.
18 .4-28-91 - Suspension, or mis-direction that interrupts spiritual flow.
19. 4-25-91 - I am the Christ that gives the hyperactive square of intelligence.
20. 4-26-91 - Thanks Joe, you sent me a lot more coffee. (I was thinking
21. 4-26-91 - They'll be looking at your cord with scissors.
22. 4-27-91 - Hey! Seth! I gave you world-wide spirit.
23. 5-2-91 - Look at the number 75. You will see that it has been used world-wide, to show leadership.
24. 5-6-91 - It's a modern world with modular color sections.
25. 5-11-91 - In today's world, we cannot afford to miss one of the parts that support the structure. (I was seeing antenna on top of building bolts)
26. 4-25-91 - A person cannot see the compassion and other concepts because it is out of his belief system, or realm of experience. But, if you show the something deserving of compassion, and tell them about it, they will learn in order to try it, out on something that sparks compassion and think about it.
27. 4-20-91 - Someone who works at a phanta cuticle place down in Virginia.
28. 4-14-91 - Your writing is sacred to me now.
29. 4-14-91 - They're number five.
30. 4-12-91 - When the conveyor button is used to show one, it wouldn't behoove him to keep it to himself.
31. 4-9-91 - Coordinate points or corresponding points grow out of time.
32. 4-9-91 - Originally, men rose from the cellar two hands at a time.
33. Oct. 90 - Listen to the words carefully while watching the video closely.
34. 5-2-91 - Her boyfriend survives a crash into the Hell River.
35. 5-18-91 - All that exists is God manifesting himself. To say otherwise is a blasphemy.
36. 5-18-91 - We envision the world in a monotone in a cantalonic equivalent.
37. 5-21-91 - D. Eve had a vision trying to ignore him.
38. 5-21-91 - When you question youth, think about the rat's maze.
39. 5-26-91 - Ancient igniters in small daughters (wanted?)
40. 5-26-91 - My nephew and the candies we gave in WWI (to soldiers?)
41. 5-26-91 - Some say a white (horse) is not a complete baby. This is saying that it is.
42. 5-26-91 - When you (react defensively) you become like Esher's bird. (Eshers is a famous artist that draws scenes that are illogical or unusual perspectives)
43. 5-26-91 - .... that will effect vast civilizations.
44. 5-27-91 - Those who caused division among the people.Three who tried and failed. Alborgeen.
45. 5-28-91 - How wide is God?
46. 5-28-91 - He's trying to straighten himself out. (unfolding, standing up, male aspect of the Godhead)
47. 5-29-91 - Joe! (shouted to wake me from a dream)
Waking Voice Message!
48. 5-31-91 - Listen with open ears and mind. Note: This was when i was at work and was more like a thought, but I felt it was inspired, or came from a source outside my 'normal' self.
49. - 5-31-91 - Demierge!
Dream voice Messages
50. 5-26-91 - Your current financial situation is no major concern.
51. 5-22-91 - All these things are leading in divergent ways, to love and unity.
52. 5-22-91 - The process involves people who seek.
53. 6-1-91 - Preordained path.
54. 6-1-91 - Actually, it is the middle of the left side which must bow.
55. 6-1-91 - This is a place where white beasts do not go.(I was thinking of a left turning swastika)
56. 6-1-91 - Lean your increased head size against the table.
57. 6-1-91 - Hal is the collective selves not connect. (Through the subconscious) the computer's not hooked together. Lack of communication is often a problem.
58. 6-1-91 - The garbage is discharged here on earth. (I was thinking about
59. 2-26-91 - Let's get the deadwood out. (I was thinking about Dalis's 'Cannibalism in August" painting.
60. 7-1-90 - Chocolate versus vanilla. Racism makes about as much sense.
61. 7-1-90 - (Vision) 966 Dallas
62. 7-1-90 - God said, "Let there be light".
63. 7-1-90 - This devastation through fear and rejection comes from a nation that changed its direction.
64. 7-1-90 - Your parent is apparent. Censor your senses.
65. 6-4-91 - A nighttime guide and a corresponding daytime one.
66. 6-5-91 - The keys could be a reverse image. (As we perceive them)
67. 6-4-91 - The keys to the kingdom, he said, are dreams.
68. 6-4-91 - Sacred are the four of plenty.
69. 11-27-90 - Recessive genes shall inherit the earth. (Inspired message)
70. 11-27-90 - No one consciousness unit is better than another (Inspired message)
71. 6-7-91 - It involves each part trying to stand up and getting knocked down by a feathered serpent.
72. 6-7-91 - Wedding, has four.
73. 6-8-91 - Some say there are three ways of unfolding the world. We say...two" "Y"
74. 6-8-91 - First there was a man and then they were in there together. A man and a woman (digging in a hole)
75. 6-8-91 - If an eighteen point gallery can feel overwhelming, imagine how much a more vast one could do.
76. - 6-9-91 - Become manifest for me.
77. 6-9-91 - A new gate opened a couple months ago.
78. 6-9-91 - Each soul speaks to his focus personality in his sleep. In this way the reality is created individually and enmasse.
79. 6-27-90 - Now modify that with an enlightenment check.
80. 7-27-90 - In unstructured world, how do you get in if 18 your puzzle pieces don't have the right notch and you won't fit in.
81. 7-27-90 - Take the blue one or red.
82. 6-15-91 - We are on the Eve of God's dream.
83. 6-15-91 - First there was chaos and water.
84. 6-19-91 - A new species brought into the field of time.
85. 6-19-91 - The four hair muons.
86. 6-19-91 - Male-female female, male - female male...etc.
87. 6-19-91 - My first breath is to overcome inertia.
88. 6-19-91 - The lightening strikes the heat and then the man looks to the left.
89. 6-19-91 - I be from island torn.
90. 6-4-91 - Hate is a trap. You can be molded by it and by others. Each hate is like a bottom which can be pushed by those who know how to operate that machine. Each hate is a little of spiral of wool above your eyes. (Inspired)
91. 5-31-91 - Note: This was precipitated by a dream first thing in the
with open ears and open mind. (Inspired)
92. 5-29-91 - I don't know if that kind of control circuit, or program is fast enough to stop the machine. A more direct, faster method is needed. (a bottle machine was breaking glass as it came to a slow stop. This is like "Hal")
93. 7-8-91 - You should never condemn God's dream. Like much of life, it's difficult for us to understand.
94. 7-20-91 - (Everyone had) a virtual flurry of questions and a hail of ?????
95. 7-20-91 - The child in resurrecting. (Vision of Christ-like figure in clouds, radiating energy from hands.)
96. 7-22-91 - The circles are patterns along conflicting quarrel lines.
97. 7-26-91 - Time is a friend, no examination will make it end.
98. 7-26-91 - An elephant's trunk can form a spiral. It can grasp you and lift you up (more of a thought)
99. 7-26-91 - It was all industrials and booming evolution.
100. 7-20-91 - (Primitive people with canoes) adorned premonesantly with eight.
101. 7-31-91 - We had triangles, and Terry was supposed to get them.
102. 7-31-91 - What it is, is man manifesting himself, manifesting his thoughts here.
103. 7-31-91 - The place? he was sent cataloged 16? baseball players and 8? water nymphs.
104. 8-6-91 - President Eisenhower had intuition (Thought)
105. 8-6-91 - Emotions blow through you. (Thought)
106. 8-6-91 - That's the meaning of the umbrella. (Image of 4 builders)
107. 8-9-91 - I was looking for the woman's heart that has such a shape.
108. 8-9-91 - A rabbit with a bunny hat on. A bunny with a rabbit hat on. They keep changing clothes.
109. 8-11-91 - Suddenly, they had right angled crosses. Why else would it be like that?
110. 8-11-91 - People are changing. You tell by their actions.
111. 8-12-91 - It's actually a power of Saturn. (like exponent)
112. 8-12-91 - What the bird is showing is shadow and access.
113. 8-12-91 - Living under the ground (like the Hopi Myth) is like not socializing with other groups.
114. 8-17-91 - It's like a giant stitch to hold us together. We are held together by your thoughts.
115. 8-19-91 - The problem was the little sister and big sister kind.
116. 8-22-91 - A horse's foot is like a bowl, suggestive of foot for thought.
117. 8-28-91 - Perhaps it was God's Will that he have a brother on earth. (Thinking of Black Elk)
118. 9-1-91 - This is to show the vastness of the sweeping change to be felt throughout the planet. (Ironic, Islamic, net-like object)
119. 9-1-91 - They won't believe the sweeping changes from the Russian grave (Memorial) to the Washington (or U.S.) monument. (Odd events happening)
120. 9-1-91- It's Babesko's (?) son, Nocholi (in grave)
121. 9-11-91 - It's a coronary revolution.
122. 9-11-91 - Literate Mandella (written in clouds)
123. 9-11-91 - The sheesh Q horse (Sheesh & Celeste)
124. 9-18-91 - Like a giant dust collector 500 miles high and 400 miles long.
125. 9-17-91 - Tear in the wall. Rip in the wall.
126. 9-17-91 - Jacob, the African mystic, knew all along about the mysteries.
127. 9-17-91 - Time and solutions. (title of book with radiating sun on cover)
128. 9-18-91 - Basically, they are meant to cause no havoc (or disruption) or fear
129. 9-18-91 - Superimposing one over the other across the sons (suns) of time
130. 9-18-91 - The point you find yourself is the Yucatan Peninsula. It has (or similar) features as the past.
131. 9-18-91 - First there was skulls and water.
132. 9-18-91 - A certain node and a balanced code.
133. 9-18-91 - It's similar to a boar sight in artillery.
134. 9-18-91 - We're all safe.
135. 9-18-91 - Terry worries over the notes he is transribing.
136. 9-21-91 - Time is needed to make adjustments.
137. 8-14-91 - Feathers enable an arrow to run true (Inspiration)
138 - 9-22-91 - The natural flow of things is abundance and joy.
139 - 9-30-91 - Think back to when your color is on your cuff (a goddess speaking to Zeus)
140. 9-25-91 - We are nothing but now, right now.
141. 9-25-91 - Terrible epidemic about to happen.
142. 9-25-91 - He allows the two to bring harmony and accord at night. The other two bring it to daytime.
143. 9-25-91 - His disease is in abatement (or remission) and remorse.
144. 9-29-91 - Some think reform is eternal fulfillment, (?) others, total emptiness.
145. 9-29-91 - Midnight, as arises (saw night sky with streaks)
146. 9-29-91 - The bread is partially thawed when it reaches us and has to be re-frozen.
147. 9-29-91 - Transporter, too little, too late. (saw conveyor line)
148. 9-29-91 - Your dreams will become true in time. They are God's dream.
149. 10-2-91 - I guess we're supposed to wrap a fancy piece of foil around oneself.
150. 10-7-91 - New flames were jumping.
151. 10-7-91 - Ten commandments bicycle.
152. 10-7-91 - Sun capsules of sailing star energy
153. 10-9-91 - Whatever she is, we are.
154. 10-10-91 - (If you don't change) you would have loss of functions, parts that do not work.
155. 10-12-91 - Dances with a dog named NADIL
156. 10-14-91 - They showered them with so many gifts that the shower repair people wouldn't let them in. (?)
157. 10-14-91 - (thought while snoozing) Seven come eleven on a rusty dime, you can't go to heaven on water mellon rind.
158. 10-15-91 - "539" (thought)
159. 10-15-91 - IBM pick-meal nut
160. 10-18-91 - How to avoid two fins; your own and that of your partner.
161. 10-19-91 - Robinson (?) eventually reaches down and rescues his living Father.
162. 10-19-91 - Einstein Ring (thought while awake)
163. 10-20-91 - Things really do quiver
164. 10-20-91 - To her, love is a connection to our oneness. (dream thought)
165. 10-22-91 - May hate roll over in its victims.
166. 10-22-91 - He's a straight arrow
167. 10-22-91 - Life goes on in its symbolic way
168. 10-22-91 - It's like we each have a thread that can be put to an input of a computer. (an analyzed)
169. 10-22-91 - But the table is the inexhaustible flow of thoughts.
170. 10-23-91 - The situation will change when you name the dead.
171. 10-23-91 - From reading cataloged information
172. 10-24-91 - Lilly pad. Come to my pad.
173. 11-5-91 - MIR River. (at Canadian border)
174. 11-7-91 - While the sun unlit ago a white
175. 11-9-91 - Child handling conveyors
176. 11-9-91 - For behold, one will be born unto you who shall rule a great nation
177. 11-11-91 - Utensils and furniture should not control your sexuality. One's sexuality is part of the ground of their being. It's part of nature. It's beyond them.
178. 11-11-91 - We've seen the other reality too, we've already been there. We just need to remember.
179. 11-11-91 - A beer has intelligence and a sense of the future. Why else would he battle for survival.
180. 11-11-91 - It's beyond a pint of milk baby thing.
181. 11-11-91 - Lizzy Borden
182. 11-12-91 - (Document signed) Earl of (Wayne?) Wright, (13(89)
183. 11-13-91 - External secretion in our own one God.
184. 11-13-91 - They are definitely aquatic animals
185. 11-14-91 - UFO's and time
186. 11-15-91 - Bora Bora (after dream of something 12 thousand years ago being covered up.
187. 11-17-91 - James Whitmore
188. 11-17-91 - Synco passage
189. 11-18-91 - 92,000 dollars with the puzzle of time.
190. 11-22-91 - Each of us has three bottles. When the three bottles break, it is time.
191. 11-22-91 - Sublime numbers
192. 11-22-91 - Obicularis Redicul eye
193. 11-24-91 - We must learn how to coordinate. Learn how to profit
194. 11-27-91 - Syncopated...tranquility
195. 12-5-91 - There is one direction, and another. There is up and there is down. (Choose one)
196. 12-5-91 - A body is a brand-new thing to us.
197. 12-5-91 - War moccasins (Saw check mark, check mark) spirited keys
198. 12-6-91 - Every detail had to be negotiated and bargained, every step of the way.
199. 12-6-91 - The portal of Johnny
200. 12-5-91 - He finally played on their ego, long enough to teach them kindness and love (?) they must really nymph what the lion has to order.
201. 12-7-98 - A dormitory had surfaced in Kansas
202. 12-7-91 - Alpha, delta, gamma waves. Some are more difficult
203. 12-7-91 - A dream symbol is a dream symbol
204. 12-7-91 - Caution. Machine discharges, even when power is off.
205. 12-8-91 - I believe in a divine stamping technique
206. 12-8-91 - To do orthodox attainment of old churches
207. 12-8-91 - Johnathan Sagmoid Williams
208. 12-12-91 - Rumors will make it, even if they (messengers ?) fail
209. 12-14-91 - Now, who wrote the link (missing parts) and how true are they?
210. 12-15-91 - In spite of your relative limitations.
211. 12-21-91 - When are you going to realize that each dream (?) each movement, (?) is an inexhaustible source of knowledge?
212. 12-24-91 - So, let's examine that period when the system of justice seemed to enslave us. (like a future teacher to a class)
213. 12-25-91 - Close eyes and keep dreams raging on.
214. 12-25-91 - Do you have any little children running around the house?
215. 12-25-91 - And then a man was born. He decided to do something that didn't feel right, and sin was born.
216. 12-25-91 - U (?) dismemberment and amputation (Saw a cow with it's uterus laying on ground)
217. 12-25-91 - Then, she had to work very hard to free herself. (Saw people tied with ropes)
218. 12-25-91 - Put meat on plant. Wait!
219. 12-25-91 - I picked up Van Gogh's pictic pasties
220. 12-25-91 - You want two stars forming a path through the stars, so you (your star) can follow.
221. 12-28-91 - Car engine leaking drops, forms dashed line between dual star paths
222. 12-28-91 - I was there, and then not there. In short, there is no beginning or end.
223. 12-31-91 - Far is near, and near is far, set your sights upon a star. (waking thought)
224. 12-31-91 - Everybody get their shoes on. We are going to the town of Popae (Popan) (Authoritative voice at the beach)
225. 1-4-92 - You'd be surprised how long it takes to read a foreign language. By the time you wake up, you have forgotten. It is our herald to show that there is change.
226. 1-8-92 - You just witnessed biforcation into new species of fear
227. 1-16-92 - Electrons help to bond two points
228. 1-16-92 - 18,000 rounds of French Kotch curves
229. 1-16-92 - The story of Kilta, hanging from the horns (is interesting)(?)
230. 1-17-92 - The greatest revealing mystery is looking at your own face. Until a view of self was understood, we could reset the biological machine.
231. 1-26-92 - The raft was sufficient to secure times.
232. 2-3-92 - Keep first these circuit breakers clear.
233. 2-6-92 - You see, this is symbolism for adults.For the American Public.
234. 2-6-92 - It's all a connection. The Yucatan, crystal, the Bermuda Triangle.
235. 2-9-92 - ??? ....although a nativity scene is a vested area of structure.
236. 2-9-92 - (something about) the plan of the god's had "gone wrong" in making humans, but a higher god had done this for a challenge for them to 'repair'.
237. 2-9-92 - If they had not seen the circles, they would have missed the eye to see the belt of Orion (?) had gone.
238. 2-21-92 - Reviewing our notes, it's quite close to the second year of the millennium.
239. 2-21-92 - Warm and Gershwin.
240. 2-26-92 - "This face treatment stimulates healthful, new cell life. (Saw Indian putting white medicine on his face."
241. 2-26-92 - "... dark, for away from."
242. 2-27-92 - It take two to tango, two to miss the mark.
243. 2-25-92 - Two duo donix coming up.
242. 2-28-92 - Turn and face her.
243. 3-6-92 - He saw my face and said that it was holy. You saw my face and said it was chicken shit.
244. 3-11-92 - Cycle of time.
245. 3-11-92 - ....to identify the lost tribes.
246. 3-14-92 - ...grapefruit (?) has 56holes (?) like cenote holes.
247. 3-11-92 - cycle of time...to identify the lost tribes
248. 3-21-92 - All were roads to the kingdom.
249. 3-22-92 - And kept as the bee during the horse. (course?)
250. 4-4-92 - I had potluck which I shared with Mir River.
251. 4-4-92 - Where the girls panties stuck out where you could see them.
252. 4-5-92 - We were given freedom by our father in Heaven, and no man should split asunder.
253. 4-5-92 - Fifty time eleven days. (concerning eclipse)
254. 4-5-92 - Spiraling inward, for protection.
255. 4-9-92 - I clad
256. 4-12-92 - Kingland
257. 4-16-92 - A member of a UFO group will get in touch with you in September. (This was like in a letter from Josephine) (note: In September a man wrote a letter who was researching dreams about UFOs and aliens)
258. 4-18-92 - Police finance academy.
259. 4-21-92 - Creating the reality (almighty) (two words were together)
260. 4-21-92 - Behold, one of these will be borne with you.
261. 4-22-92 - One night a Viking show came on T.V. (symbology) a total of 155,000 adults watched the Viking show (Laverne and Shirley?)
262. 4-25-92 - ...a grown up man as you.
263. 4-25-92 - Turn off the bubble machine.
264. 4-25-92 - The socialist propaganda tree.
265. 4-28-92 - At last! Manifested belief.
266. 4-30-92 - He (the environmentalist chief) started us all off smoking. His nodes are barbarically inclusive.
267. 5-4-92 - (Some teaching of morality) But it is too distant to the plan to save the human heart.
268. 5-5-92 - At that time, Marie was chosen by people all over the world as a religious symbol. (like on the island of MU)
269. 5-5-92 - The Olympic fee of 144 pounds 9 (?) phennings
270. 5-5-92 - Roe (fish eggs) streached wheel
271. 5-5-92 - Row, row, row yer boats.
272. 5-5-92 - The Self throws off theorextic (?) material.
273. 5-6-92 - I identified a man of valor many years ago
274. 5-15-92 - The spirit of th eland has dramatically changed.
275. 5-18-92 - A golden anniversary unlike any you've ever seen.
276. 5-19-92 - Listen, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to perform a ritual magic number for you. (Said by a performer)
277. 5-23-92 - The first one to call the whole of creation into the ceremony.
278. 5-23-92 - It became a light source (the lamp)
279. 5-25-92 - I think the connections are automatic, they grow out of time.
280. 5-25-92 - Quiver also refers to arrows.
281. 5-25-92 - Some men weep in removing the veil....
282. 5-28-92 - (Something)...between two points, and together we face the alienation of those two points.
283. 5-29-92 - The democrats are generous with money, ours that is. The Republicans are much more stingy with money, their own, that is.
284. 5-30-92 - Is it really necessary to criticize a woman...(were lead?) yet double, yet is actually enhanced.
285. 5-31-92 - The eagle, more than ever...(supported?) concantated the idea that birth and resurrection were... (Concatenate = link together, as a chain)
286. 5-31-92 - ...they had decided to go to the post office.
287. 6-2-92 - Stone and Brooks are teachers.
288. 6-2-92 - Hagert playing a stone.
289. 6-2-92 - ...Oceana, in a tream.. (written book title on disasters)
290. 6-3-92 The impression we leave upon her is permanent (whatever she is, we are)
291. 6-3-92 - Kiss an emigrant, or tap him on the shoulder, and watch yourself come apart at the seams.
292. 6-5-92 - We have some very convincing material, especially the incredible curriculum on Jesus Christ.
293. 6-5-92 - Nut 'n Honey (arrangement of books)
294. 6-5-92 - Impale food, like shish-k-bob. This friend died for words I saw in a book. When I closed it, I wondered if his spirit was in the puff of wind it emitted.
295. 6-5-92 - The shouted at their parents in a tabernacle factory. (dream of bottle/jam machine malfunction + parent search)
296. 6-10-92 - The sacred dream of a mighty people died in bloody snow. To make a sacred vow that might have been. Now the great spirit, wodgondis (?Australian god) dwells there, devouring palaces and men.
297. 6-10-92 - Discovering the trees and apple trees shaking has led us to...
298. 6-10-92 - Now, the symbols are being re-defined.
299. 6-10-92 - Assembling the various triangles of matter, putting them together like an erector set, with groups with a certain balance with groups with another balance.
300. 6-10-92 - When evaluating dream material, one must separate the pure from the ego-psychological that distorts. But what authority dare expurge the word of God?
301. 6-10-92 - Did they not come from dream or dream-like states in the first place?
302. 6-10-92 - Which becomes an aqueous spiral of balanced forces.
303. 6-10-92 - He was anxious to see the dignity of Briton (Bright-on) against the opinions of other realms.
304. 6-10-92 - Hang on. The bed is flimsy, so you need as good a bite as you can get. (mouth biting bedstead)
305. 6-13-92 - The sun (can be changed) whether working with relatives (superlatives) in an energy zone.
306. 6-13-92 - The piece of the sun falling was the Lost Pleiad
307. 6-13-92 - Humans have adopted perception...if the physical universe could actually be seen, it would appear as an infinite chaos of light.
308. 6-14-92 - You can't go there without the permission of the parishioners of that realm.
309. 6-16-92 - I hope you don't see everything like on the glimpse of the hallucinogenic.
310. 6-17-92 - The coincidence (?) carries over to another lifetime involves the three in thirteen.
311. 6-19-92 - (? the activity of...) could be an influence from any of a number of benign sovereigns.
312. 6-19-92 - Oh men of the lyre and the mandolin.. Harken!
313. 6-19-92 - What we believe to be reality...IS! (thinking of house shape)
314. 6-19-92 - Help build houses in Oakdale (Intuition aspects of house shape)
315. 6-19-92 - Animals and houses at the same time.
316. 6-19-92 - It's a thing for making gold out of...in an Arab desert. (Saw drops falling in a container)
317. 6-20-92 - Independence.....Interdependence.
318. 6-20-92 - Robert O. Norman...the proof of the tree.
319. 6-20-92 - It's absent from the book of the dead.
320. 6-20-92 - All of a sudden, it worked with a Maltese cross with a diamond in the middle.
321. 6-20-92 - In the future, man will learn how to do it. A retailer has a commissioner.
322. 6-20-92 - He picks me up at school in the morning.
323. 6-23-92 - It has to do triangles overlapped and centered. But some tribes didn't want to fit. An American Indian found he could use a computer of triangles to solve a symbolic riddle. A man had thought of computer-like use of the triangles. this curious man predicted that Brittain would lead every box of each box.
324. 6-23-92 - You now have zeitheit
325. 6-24-92 - A piano arrived in a box...she's a real form of a sexual, poetic poem
326. 6-26-92 - A career _____?_______ gene lipo suction
327. 6-27-92 - Eleven years after making the (cut?)
328. 6-27-92 - Terra H Lawrence was the symbolic name to be found later.
329. 6-27-92 - I hung onto the page and next began kissing.
330. 6-27-92 - He's the one that got me onto that Eddie Murphy story.
331. 6-27-92 - It's a male-sun symbol.
332. 6-27-92 - The orbit is working okay. (Plugging fibre optic cables into a covered cabinet)
333. 7-1 -92 - (Something like) you are a flow. Rays strike down on your face. The twin white man chose another path that appears wrong. (religious concepts) It will prove to be right when he meets the other twin.
334. 7-1-92 - They are being offered money to shut up about it.
335. 7-4-92 - We are going to the Phillipean Islands at the end of the Mediterranean sea. I'm going to polish up some coins (dimes) (The edges were polished) The personalities here are a quarter of what we watch.
336. 7-4-92 - You get a negative response, and all the energy seems to channel into it.
337. 7-4-92 - There's an Indian story people haven't heard yet. When you get your identity, you set in a chair on a screw. If you blow it, when you're done, you have to set on the screw.
338. 7-4-92 - In the cheap mid-day of the locusts...
339. 7-6-92 - Only ______insists on pure poetry in the ______sense.
340. 7-7-92 - We might put out some fires but I doubt we will win the war.
341. 7-7-92 - They kept throwing him in the garbage.
342. 7-8-92- Whatever fate Lilith (?) wanted to give depending on the faces (?) in the body...
343. 2-13-92 - ...were as people associated more certain animals were ugly.
344. 7-10-92 - Male, female and earth, orions (?) symbols
345. 7-10-92 - the mundane into the sublime
346. 7-10-92 - ...SARDING JET. (Headline abut rich and poor)
347. 7-12-92 - Shifting positions of the body when sleeping can work as a chiropractic spinal adjustment
348. 7-14-92 - The soul can be thought of as palmistry
349. 7-15-92 - Strike me and see where you alight.
350. 7-20-92 - Each of us is a puzzle piece and he's an exact frequency that matches us.
351. 7-21-92 - do you know the 12 Zodiacal signs and have you compared them to the star-petal?
352. 7-21-92 - Died in a ship number nine
353. 7-27-92 - NADIL meant "Non-real Inn." referring to our reality
354. 7-27-92 - A big man named DAB was the gird best in the world of basketball among children.
355. 7-29-92 - Forty-three and white brandy
356. 7-29-92 - The best kernel (of corn) is sweetest.
357. 7-29-92 - What do you mean the Jews started a kingdom that really shook up God?
358. 8-7-92 - It's just a matter of time, time brings up matter from nothing
359. 8-7-92 - Weave your way through
360. 8-7-92 - These entities, these VERY HIGH entities
361. 8-7-92 - For many years, a little beak (about a bird?) has been accompanying Roberta
362. 8-7-92 - (A man?) He has rescued a dream come true.
363. 8-7-92 - HUSTLE!
364. 8-7-92 - Let me show you a product made in West Germany. It's highly elastic.
365. 8-8-92 - Be open to a film being filmed called "Itissey".
366. 8-10-92 - We each have an Eagle and small hawk. Listen to it.
367. 8-10-92 - "54556" (number on shirt)
368. 8-11-92 - In ancient Egypt...a horse was prepared as a bride.
369. 8-11-92 - More modern stuff is actually more ancient. (designs on brass)
370. 8-11-92 - I upgraded from Carmel to Seaside.
371. 8-11-92 - ....detention.
372. 8-12-92 - A new star here could have a lifetime of symbols. (Next to the Belt of Orion)
373. 8-14-92 - Us old geezers time things by our bowel-movement cycle
374. 8-14-92 - Tommy went and later, Chris
375. That gun, being processed into knives and hand weapons, causes problems (cycle caused by punishing justice)
376. 8-15-92 - (Something about) a 1st man + 2nd man discovered symbols. The 2nd used them for greater purpose. Two of his symbols were a man and his house, very appropriate symbols. You have to use them.
377. 8-15-92 - You would welcome fine furlong cases. (Saw Brandy cases on a conveyor)
378. 8-16-92 - Suddenly there was a light. I discussed with the police, the pillars of light that came down beside me.
379. 8-16-92 - Perhaps we should have used the fixed wing (like single wing) instead of regular ones.
380. 8-16-92 - The writing was on the wall before the funeral. (Of Saddam Hussein)
381. 8-16-92 - In a moment of light-heartedness, Margaret Truman relented, and revealed a few things.
382. 8-16-92 - A black hole, like the field across the way, is an emotional field of truth, not yet revealed.
383. 8-16-92 - I always carry a credit card in case a leader in the world request financial aid. (Jim Baker on Peace Mission)
384. 8-16-92 - And YOU (pointing) said "No kissing until after the nest" (?) (Young dad to son while arguing with his wife)
385. 8-18-92 - Trinity (saw 11:2)
386. 8-19-92 - He had 2000 dollars extra income, in and above the necessary purchases (After dream of Bill Clinton on Motorcycle)
387. 8-20-92 - From dee back of dee statue of Liberty to dee front of everything else...
388. 8-21-92- I can't believe it, all four things went without a hitch.
389. 8-21-92 - Tantric Mother and Father in fruit form. (roll car forward)
390. 8-23-92 - "And be King of the Jungle" (hearing of the "Y" and sliding off a boxcar.
391. 8-23-92 - "63,000 dollars"
392. 8-24-92 - Tune in and listen to the music.
393. 8-24-92 - Look! crop circle! (saw quintuplet with one sattelite circle in a net-like pattern)
394. 8-24-92 - Bananas and butter. As for butter, I don't even like it.
395. 8-24-92 - The genders in the beds....
396. 8-27-92 - The money. Our money.
397. 8-27-92 - We're helping in Barrow. (Alaska?)
398. 8-27-92 - I don't care how big a scoundrel he is, he is a human being and thus part of all.
399. 8-27-92 - The painting can be read like an infra-red photo (a tractor in foliage)
400. 8-28-92 - A tractor or a frog?
401. 8-29-92 - Some young people are cutting their strings (?) and going over to the coop, where the source is.
402. 8-29-92 - That's it then, just the very tip at the keys. (Map of Florida after hurricane Andrew)
403. 8-30-92 - Lost all nurturing abilities.
404. 8-30-92 - This gives a fender sign. An idea that proves an idea. (a woman forcing others with moral beliefs)
405. 9-3-92 - If a species rares up after a period of lone ____, then who can say ____. (then); being ringed under. (This was to fill the first blank)
406. 9-3-92 - A day after being ill on June 9th...
407. 9-5-92 - A public backed leave brought some news.
408. 9-6-92 - Wherein hate goeth before. (Early Christian argument)
409. 9-6-92 - We found another view in another dream reality.
410. 9-7-92 - Challises of fire and chariots of gold. It's is for me like the third lion.
411. 9-9-92 - They started shooting at us in a line.
412. 9-10-92 - Joe Mason works with all 100,000 Nintendo relationships.
413. 9-10-92 - Friends got along that shared fingers.
414. 9-12-92 - One ate earlier, one later.
415. 9-12-92 - God is alive...Now! We must believe it...Now! The truth is being revealed...Now! We must do it...Now!
416. 9-12-92 - Something above us.
417. 9-12-92 - Seven cervical vertabrae.
418. 9-12-92 - The sun will get hot, and here we go again.
419. 9-12-92 - Our energy gets trapped in matter.
420. 9-12-92 - _____was in the sign. the children were born in the sign of 42.
421. 9-12-92 - The chains of the sea busted in the night.
422. 9-12-92 - The authorities told them to use a sacrifice fly.
423. 9-12-92 - FIREMAKER - (list of items carried by Mayans)
424. 9-12-92 - Terry in hurdles. (Book title)
425. 9-21-92 - We must proceed to the land of the salt water to repair that one. (A snake or other animal of a pair) one had been repaired at a previous location.
426. 9-21-92 - It's difficult to swallow because other things must be sallowed with it. These came from yourself.
427. 9-25-92 - Some sing while others dance. This part of the ceremony provides nourishment.
428. 9-26-92 - And the seven (lamps?) were given (authority?) to be watchtowers over his brothers.
429. 9-29-92 - Joe! Joe! (possibly about an earthquake in San Jose)
430. 9-29-92 - The blood system has "Y"s that carry it. This effects digestion and your life.
431. 9-29-92 - Point doorway
432. 10-3-92 - ...which held up the tape that put them back in the light.
433. 10-3-92 - Then he made a woman and put her in a tree. A Buddha
434. 10-3-92 - 11:11 like on the first pictogram and passing the nodes.
435. 10-3-92 - Front and back label on brandy bottle like Father and Son
436. 10-3-92 - There's a pretty good one out there for $300 (House trailer)
437. 10-3-92 - Arise in mutual dependence. The Fourth Way
438. 10-3-92 - Either - OR. Does it have to be like that?
439. 10-3-92 - It was called off after the death of homosexual, Honis Dial
440. 10-3-92 - Expect dog lunch
441. 10-3-92 - A concrete bridge should be poured all in one piece.
442. 10-9-92 - ...man with seven lamps (or something) the 12 were behind him.
443. 10-9-92 - Secret adventure of marriage
444. 10-9-92 - Lone Star and the seven
445. 10-9-92 - They say the Anglean Friar, Father _____, was the first to experience this. (Something considered evil by church, but isn't)
446. 10-9-92 - He seems weak, but you do not realize his strength
447. 10-9-92 - What did they say? Sailors carried the disease
448. 10-9-92 - Bovery Boys
449. 10-10-92 - The common house cat. Cat and mouse. Tom and Jerry
450. 10-10-92 - All people would begin to feel the healing energy.
451. 10-10-92 - You've ruined them. (Fingerprint indentations on videotape)
452. 10-18-92 - When the ancients went to the baths, the mood was like going to Heaven
6-26-98 - That which is the Sabbath is lost. (no more)