Movement Reported at Mount St. Helens
September 29th 2004
scientist Jeff Wynn of the USGS Cascade Volcano
Observatory made the following statement early
this morning. “There seems to be some movement
in the lava dome”.
lava dome in Mount St. Helens' crater apparently is growing, possibly a new
sign of an impending eruption, but a major
explosion doesn't seem likely, a top volcano
scientist said today. Wynn said the movement
"sort of suggests that we're getting
closer" to an eruption that could hurl
rocks and ash a few thousand feet into the air.
reported by KIRO News 7, chief scientist Jeff
Wynn emphasized that the estimates were highly
preliminary and inexact because there is only
one measuring device on the dome, estimating
scientists will need about 48 hours to interpret
the data more clearly.
are trying to determine if the quakes are caused
by steam from water seeping into the dome or by
magma moving beneath the crater.
tests of gas samples collected above the volcano
by helicopter Monday did not show unusually high
levels of carbon dioxide or sulfur, which could
indicate the movement of magma.
George Thomas at the
said that on a scale of zero to 10, with 10
being the explosion at the mountain in 1980, the
current activity would rate a one. Thomas said
any rocks, ash or steam coming out of the
volcano would most likely be contained within
the crater itself.
alerts we're sending out are just to protect
hikers and scientists doing research within the
crater," he said.
St. Helens may erupt within days, experts say
Chance of small blast 70 percent,
scientist says
Associated Press
9:09 p.m. ET Sept. 30, 2004
MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. - The flurry of earthquakes at Mount St.
Helens intensified further Thursday, and one scientist put the chance
of a small eruption happening in the next few days at 70 percent.
Wynn, chief scientist at the U.S. Geologic Survey's Cascade Volcano
Observatory in Vancouver, Wash., said tiny quakes were happening three
or four times a minute. Larger quakes, with magnitudes of 3 to 3.3,
were happening every three or four minutes, he said.
measurements show the 975-foot lava dome in the volcano's crater has
moved 2 1/2 inches to the north since Monday, Wynn said.
taking a 1,000-foot-high pile of rocks and moving it 2 1/2 inches. For
a geologist, that's a lot of energy," Wynn said.
estimated there was a 70 percent chance the activity will result in an
did not expect anything like the mountain's devastating eruption in
1980, which killed 57 people and coated towns 250 miles away with ash.
On Wednesday, they warned that a small or moderate blast from the
southwest Washington mountain could spew ash and rock as far as three
miles from the 8,364-foot peak.
planned to fly over the volcano again Thursday to test for gasses that
could indicate the presence of magma moving beneath the volcano.
people live near the mountain, which is in a national forest about 100
miles south of Seattle. The closest structure is the Johnston Ridge
Observatory, about five miles from the crater.
heightened alert has drawn a throng of sightseers to observation
areas. Dawn Smith, co-owner of Eco Park Resort west of the mountain,
told The News Tribune of Tacoma, "It's just been crazy the past
couple of days."
sign in front of her business reads, "Here we go again."
Geological Survey raised the mountain's eruption advisory from Level 2
to Level 3 out of a possible 4 on Wednesday, prompting officials to
begin notifying various state and federal agencies of a possible
eruption. The USGS also has asked the National Weather Service to be
ready to track an ash plume with its radar.
addition, scientists called off a plan to have two researchers study
water rushing from the crater's north face for signs of magma. A plane
was still able to fly over the crater Wednesday to collect gas
samples. Negligible amounts of volcanic gas were found.
aircraft can move ... out of the way fast," Wynn said. "We
don't want anyone in there on foot."
USGS has been monitoring St. Helens closely since Sept. 23, when
swarms of tiny earthquakes were first recorded. On Sunday, scientists
issued a notice of volcanic unrest, closing the crater and upper
flanks of the volcano to hikers and climbers.
said they believe the seismic activity is being caused by pressure
from a reservoir of molten rock a little more than a mile below the
crater. That magma apparently rose from a depth of about six miles in
1998, but never reached the surface, Wynn said.
mountain's eruption on May 18, 1980, blasted away its top 1,300 feet,
spawned mudflows that choked the Columbia River shipping channel,
leveled hundreds of square miles of forest and paralyzed towns and
cities more than 250 miles to the east with volcanic ash.
2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Mount St. Helens Swells, Scientists
Remain on Alert
Fri 1 October, 2004 19:27
By Reed Stevenson
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Mount St. Helens swelled slightly on Friday
and cracks appearing on the glacier inside the rumbling volcano's
crater, scientists said, but they kept their alert status steady at the
second-highest level.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) also maintained its estimate of
a 70 percent chance of an eruption or explosion of the volcano's lava
crust within the next few days.
The southern edge of the lava dome, created after Mount St.
Helens' catastrophic eruption in 1980, has risen by "a few tens of
feet" and shifted slightly, cracking the glacier nestled next to
it, said Jon Major, a USGS researcher at its Cascades Volcano
Observatory in Vancouver, Washington.
"Something is pushing up from beneath the glacier,"
Major told reporters.
Government scientists have said that any eruption or explosion
would be small compared to the one in May 1980 that blew the top off of
Mount St. Helens, considered the deadliest and most economically
destructive in recorded U.S. history.
That eruption had a force of thousands of atomic bombs. It killed
57 people, destroyed more than 200 homes and devastated hundreds of
square miles of surrounding land.
Ash from the 1980 eruption billowed across North America and was
carried as far east as Oklahoma.
Recent activity, which started with a series of small earthquakes
a week ago and a 2.5-inch (6 cm) shift in the lava dome's location, is
happening within the horseshoe-shaped crater that formed after the
Activity intensified on Thursday, with small earthquakes occurring
at the rate of three to four per minute, with larger ones of magnitude 3
to 3.3 detected every three to four minutes.
Elliot Endo, chief USGS scientist, said that researchers were now
taking measurements to detect temperature changes within the crater.
"It's possible that we're seeing a deformation of the south
side of the crater because it's a weaker part of the crater floor,"
Endo said, "Whatever takes place will be localized."
The scientists also said there was a chance that recent activity
would subside and the volcano would return to sleep.
"Ultimately, this could all quiet down," Major said.
Any potential eruption would most likely be similar to a minor
1986 eruption that disrupted the lava dome in the volcano's crater,
scientists said.
Government scientists and officials said that the main concern was
whether a plume of ash formed and interfered with air traffic.
Mount St. Helens is in the southeastern part of Washington state,
about 100 miles south of Seattle and 50 miles north of Oregon's largest
city, Portland.
Air traffic officials said they were on alert and prepared to
divert air traffic in case of an ash-spewing eruption.
Seismologists said there was no connection between activity at
Mount St. Helens and a strong earthquake near Parkfield, California or a
smaller series of quakes in Alaska earlier this week.
The violent eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, blew off
the top of the volcano, reducing its summit from 9,677 feet to 8,364
In addition to the 1986 eruption of the mountain's lava dome,
strong earthquakes were detected in 1989, when fresh magma entered the
volcano's lava system.
Hi Y"all!
Below from Red Elk I just received. And as I have mentioned
before, Philip and I can attest he did make a prediction that there
would be an earthquake 10 days from when we first met him. Olympia's
last earthquake was to the very day and magnitude he predicted. Make of
it what you will but that is pretty good statistics over any USGS or
University indicators.
From Red Elk (wording a bit edited):
"To the group; this morning I was given a horrific dream.
Dreams of this sort sent to me ALLWAYS COME TRUE. Mt. Rainier blew
unexpectedly. NO NOTICE/WARNING. It was between 8:10 - 10:30 on a
workday morn.. Was just before or right at the beginning of elk season
(in a week or so from now.) This will be either this time or a year from
now. Dream indications are for this. First comes the giant shock
wave...bowling many walkers over. Then the ash. During this blow a
number of holes are blown open in my area (Kittitas County) due to
compressed air releasing. Also underground. Streams are forced to the
surface. Many will have a hard time breathing as the ash is very thick
here. This will all be when the skies over/around the Mt. are in heavy
clouds (rain type) what was shown was for this area..... God help you if
you are closer. Best to you - ho.
Note: a year before Mt. St. Helen's blew I was given a vivid
vision of it....aprox time of day etc but not year.. I told many. none
accepted. In the near future (time unknown) she will blow again....this
time towards Cougar, Wa./Portland Org.. as before it will be a beautiful
spring like morning in early 6:00 AM or so. no later then 10:30. ho
ALSO: a 7.2 Earthquake due to be coming. This will come from the
Vancover, Wa./Portland, Org. area and will travel to (beyond?) Olympia,
Wa..again on a beautiful spring or summer day. Some will claim it as a
7.3....but this will be untrue. 7.2!
Best to all. You have been pre warned. Not much you can do about
it save to get masks NOW as well as water/honey on hand. If the Rainier
blow holds true (it will) all can kiss-off Mels' Hole. wont be much left
in its innards. all tunnels too. this is one reason those below Ronald
etc. have been hi-balling it out of there. safer for them in the 4
Corners' area. Expect HUGE earth changes in the VERY NEAR Future. Ho.
Red Elk
12-28-89 Meditation:
Q: Please tell me about the future earth changes.
A: The object expected in 1997 will not cause the pole shift per
se, but will be part of a chain of events that will lead to the pole
shift. The chain of events will begin in 1990 and will take several
years. (The object was the comet Hale Bopp)
As you know the pole has shifted many times before, but it has
been a gradual process of the continents movements over the face of the
earth. This has not happened without violence. The land masses quake and
quiver and mankind does not tolerate disequilibrium of its senses and
does not have the capability of building to withstand the violence of
the earth tremors nor the emotional or mental capacity to deal with the
aftermath of particular violent episodes. Many there will be who will
survive these events who will wish they had not. The earth and mankind
will be shaken along many faces and many will not be able to deal with
it's effects. It will cause upheavals along many lines , not only the
aforementioned physical effects but also in religion, political,
economics, and philosophical thought.
by Dee
1-15-90 Meditation: The chain of mountains between Portland,
Oregon and Alaska will all come to life and spew smoke, lava, and cause
many earthquakes.
NOTE: Since this meditation, Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and
Mount Baker, all in Washington State have been known to be blowing
steam, Mount St. Helens has been blowing smoke, and areas both north and
south of these three major mountains have been rocked with earthquakes
on a continuous basis. Most of them are too minor to be felt, however in
checking the records over the years, the evidence shows that these
mountains will eventually blow like they have in the past.
by Dee
2-18-90 Dream: I was shown a map of the United States
that was graded according to the amount of damage that would be done in
the earth changes. I was told to run my finger over the map to where it
was sticky. The Northwest was a raised red section where the worst
destruction would be. The map was sticky from Seattle southward.
4-14-01 - Had this dream at exactly 2:00 a.m. DREAM - I was with a
woman and her small children, her extended family and a bunch of other
people in hilly county. Off to the northwest from where we stood
was a mountain or extremely high hill. It seemed to be several miles
away. It was a lovely summer day, the sun was shining, and people were
strolling around enjoying the weather. The mountain didn't have any snow
on top, so it had to have been high summer.
All of a sudden, a spout of hot water came up out of the side of
the mountain, similar to Old Faithful. But it shot up so high and so far
that it sprayed hot water all the way over to where we were, several
miles away.
We were all rather shocked, and started to talk about it. And
while we discussed this event, it happened again, only stronger this
time, only it didn't stop, the water started spraying higher and higher
and all of a sudden, the whole mountain let loose, water, steam, smoke,
dirt, rocks, (like mount St. Helen's) except it just kept getting bigger
and bigger. We knew that what went up had to come down, and there didn't
seem to be any place to hide.
It seemed stupid to run into a wooden building, but that's all I
could think of. We ran down a winding path to a wooden building like a
garage, between some fruit trees or whatever those trees were. The
grandfather was carrying one of the little kids, the woman carried one
of the toddlers, and a couple other kids around age 5 or 6 ran
alongside. I hurried them along the path, which was actually more or
less back towards the mountain that was exploding. Somehow,
miraculously, the path we took was still dry, and we ran fast enough
that we made it into the garage before the deluge of hot water, dust,
ash, and rocks came back down.
I doubt that the other people made it out alive, because there was
no where else to run. The whole mountain had disintegrated in explosion
after explosion.
NOTE: I hope I never see a disaster like that again. It was
horrendous. (The clock now says 2:22)
MORE: I went to lay down to meditate on 'when' this was going to
occur. Instead, I saw a white radio. On the front of the radio where the
station would be listed, it said, "Microfront', and underneath that
it said, "Volcanic Center" and then the word 'underground'
came to me.
The Land is overcome by the water. 11/11/97 9:12 AM
In this dream I was with my mother, sister, children and some
friends. We were on an island and the top of the island was covered with
green grass but there were very few trees. Everything was in vivid color
and it was daylight. There were a few buildings that appeared to have
been put up very quickly. Like beach houses. As I watched something
happened and I came out of the house where I was and looked around. The
ocean had come up around us. The people, all of them playing like
children. Swimming, doing things and having fun as if nothing was wrong.
Then suddenly I saw as if from above almost like a satellite picture. I
saw the West coast and in a series of frames or pictures I saw the land
sink below the water line and the water come up onto the land creating
the island that we were on. It once was a mountain top, now it is an
island. I saw these things so clearly I could draw a picture of that map
and the process that caused this mountain top to become an island. I saw
the island and the shape of it very clearly. It having points to the
West and to the East and being rounded to the North and South. It had a
huge rock cliff on the South side and another smaller island to the
South West. You could see land in all directions at different distances
except to the West where the land was totally submersed.
The waves were washing against the cliff side of the island in
cycles ranging from a few feet high to waves reaching the top of the
cliff at some points perhaps 20 or more feet high. People were diving
into the huge waves and swimming around in the water.
My mother, sister, and friends were all people who I saw clearly
but they were not my own family. That is to say it was as if I was
someone else, or viewpoint with someone else in the dream. It was as
clear as any night vision I have ever had.
Now I went to the beaches of this island in each direction and
took note of what I saw and puzzled over how in a few more days this
island may be totally underwater. Sometimes I flew around and sometimes
I walked but then I looked and there sat that house I had started out in
right on the edge of the cliff on the South of the island. One more
building remained at the top of the island surrounded by very short
green grass. There was a "tent" just to the East of that small
building. People were gathered under it to get out of the sun.
My sister or daughter who ever it was came to me and wanted me to
come see what they had found to the West but I had just come from there
and my friend, a young man with short blond hair was urging me to go
South to the "slide" and swim with him in the ocean. I told
the girl I was going to the "slide" even though it was not
what I expected when I got there. What the people were doing was waiting
until the waves came in real high and jumping into them and swimming
around to climb up and do the jump all over again. While I was standing
there watching this blond headed young man went down and stood on the
lower part of the rock wall waiting for the right wave. Others were all
around him but most of them setting or standing higher up on the wall. I
came down the hill to that same wall and the wave washed in over the top
of it and I slid along on the top of the wall to a position near him.
Then when the next waves came in they were far to low but we waited and
I watched this guy and the girl to his right. Then a huge wave came in
that came up over our feet and the boy and girl dove into the wave. I
waited only a moment watching for them to be clear and I jumped in the
wave and followed them out.
It appeared as though I had gone down into the water 30 or 40 feet
deep and even thought I was going to hit the bottom. The water was
crystal clear there and I could see the rocks below, a gravel bed
sloping off toward the South into deeper water. Then I came up and saw
the rock cliffs high above me to the North. I saw my friends swimming
along toward the West to a place where they could climb out. I saw other
people swimming to the East to a place where they could also climb out
and return to the island to catch the next wave. I followed my friends
to the West and that was the end of the dream.
I have had prophetic dreams about the land being overcome by the
water at different times in the past. Some were clearly prophetic night
visions while others were more like dreams. These kinds of dreams and
night visions started a long time ago, years ago but they have never
ceased. Every so often I have one similar to this and must ponder on the
meaning. Is it symbolic ? Is it literal ? Is it a combination of both ?
The first and most powerful night vision about the West being
overcome by water was many years ago and I remember it like it was just
last night. In it I flew as fast as lighting to the West coast where I
found the land ripped apart as if by an earthquake. Smoke filled the
air. I saw both new and old East/West rail road tracks ripped apart. I
saw the air filled with smoke and ash. I saw fires along the edge of
this high mountain where there was fresh dirt as if the land was ripped
apart. I saw a few men fighting to stop the fires. As I hovered just a
foot or so above the ground I saw palm trees through the smoke and a few
houses that were along the top of the mountains. I saw children
wandering around saying "I can’t find my home, I can’t find my
family." There was nothing I could do but observe and ponder on the
meaning of the things I had seen.
Then as quickly as I had come I flew back to my house in IL and
through the bathroom window and right into the kitchen where I found my
father who was God and I told him "Do you know what I have just
seen ?" And he said that he did know all these things and they were
in the future for our world.
I did not get a day or time only "in the future" and
other dreams and night visions of similar things in different places.
Then one day I was watching a TV show where some people said they
had received dreams and visions and saw maps of the United States of
America being overcome by the ocean. Some said this was caused by earth
quakes and some said by a comet hitting the earth. One said it was a
combination of both, that the earth quakes were caused by the comet or
something hitting the earth from space. One women and one man drew their
maps and they are selling these maps and perhaps some of them you can
get from the Internet, I don’t know. The maps were very similar but
not identical.
The East, West and South coastal areas were submersed in water.
The coastal cities and towns were under water. Many millions of people
were killed in these events. LA, New York, New Orleans and almost all of
Florida were under water. A huge section of the central U.S. coming up
the Mississippi River was under water. Massive areas of Texas was under
water. Islands dotted the Western areas where California, Oregon and
Washington States once were. Huge areas of Mexico were totally submersed
in water.
Some of the people said that aliens showed them these things.
Others said it was angels who showed them and others like myself said
they saw visions and night visions and dreams where they saw prophetic
messages concerning the future of this world. Some of them even gave
dates as being around the year 2000 when these things would take place.
Some even said the rapture mentioned in the Bible would happen about the
same time as these events.
I do not have the answers or miraculous insight into these night
visions and dreams which I have seen or the messages which were given to
these others who have seen similar things. I can only honestly testify
to the fact that I have seen similar things in powerful night visions
and in crystal clear dreams that have impressed upon me feelings of
great concern. An urgency to share what I have seen with others and
prayer to God for the understanding of the things we have seen.
The other things I can do is try to speculate and analyze the
symbols and make a guess at what these things might be trying to tell
us. Because of the images I saw in the first night vision and how I saw
the land torn apart and the rail road tracks ripped into I believe much
of what I saw was literal. That at some point in the future the coast
lines of this land and other countries of the world will be submersed in
water. I believe it may happen so quickly that millions of people will
be taken by surprise and not be able to move to safety. If the rail road
tracks are symbolic in any way then they represent these things to be
preset and fixed so that events that will come can not be changed by
human effort.
If by the Prophet Joseph we may say that if a dream comes to us
speaking of the same thing more than once, or three times in that case
it is fixed and can’t be changed then once again we have reason to
believe that what ever these dreams and visions, angels or aliens are
speaking about will take place and there’s nothing we can do to stop
it. We can only prepare for it and move to a safer place.
Posted by Mark on Monday, 12 January 1998, at 11:41
I had another vision last night that I have to share with you all.
Normally I don't come off like this saying "vision" and all
that stuff. But, hey, let's call a spade a spade now...
What I saw:
I saw the earth shaking in the western U.S., and I saw people
trying to leave those shaking areas very very quickly -- as in grab what
you can and haul ass right now, this instant.
I saw masses of people all trying to find a preferred method of
transportation -- buses, cars, trains, and airplanes, as expected.
Because of road conditions, and some "source" telling the
people that driving is extremely dangerous, many people opted for buses,
trains, and airplanes, leaving their cars behind.
My perspective was like that of a 10,000 foot view from above,
looking down on the earth. I saw planes landing at various airports. One
airport in particular was somewhere with mountains very nearby (in the
Midwest by the Rockies), and I saw literally thousands of distressed
people all over that airport. It had become their new home temporarily
since they had nowhere else to go. No motel/hotels; no apts; no vacant
homes; no tents to buy; nada, zip, nothing. They had to stay at the
airport for shelter, sleeping on the floors where ever they can find
space on the floor.
I heard someone's mind saying, "look at them all coming here
like good little sheep" and this person had a huge grim on their
male face while overlooking the situation developing at the airport.
It got over-crowded really fast too. Suddenly people are walking
and heading themselves in a certain direction in the airport, like
they're headed towards something they need: shelter and food they think.
They're taken to transport cars, like a mini-rail system, and taken
below ground. I don't think the people really know they're headed
underground, per se. When they get to where they're going, there are
massive areas of open space, and plenty of that chain link fence stuff
all around, creating holding areas.
The people are herded in to those holding areas. They are not free
here, and never will be again I suspect. I pick up the incredibly
distinct feeling of deception all around. Everyone's jaw is basically on
the ground so-to-speak in disbelief.
They will not stay here in these initial holding areas. They will
be moved again to other areas of the country, and this movement will
also be underground on rail transports. Many many people never see the
light of day again.
They're prisoners now, and apparently, this was the plan from
square one. "They" (those who seek to control) knew this would
happen. It was in fact planned this way.
They knew 100's of thousands of people would head to the airports,
so that's one reason they built "bases" at airports: to
collect these people very easily once they arrived.
From this vision, I have to say that were I any of you, and the
shit hit the fan in regards to volcanoes and earthquakes, I would not
venture towards an airport, and I would not under any circumstances
allow myself to be "guided by the government" to what might be
called "safe shelter". Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Take care of yourself up front. If you live in those areas likely to
experience quakes, make plans for relocation now so when the time comes,
you'll have a place to try and go to. I say try, because I see many
people not making it to where they're going in the heights of the
ensuing chaos.
In particular, this year, please stay away from Mammoth California
at all costs. This was the warning I was given and felt compelled to
share. Mammoth will shake very hard this year, destroying large areas in
its wake. It starts a chain reaction of quakes. That's part of what I
saw, and it wasn't pretty.
End of the vision -- I had this vision while driving on the
freeway (duh!), and someone cut right in front of me right during the
vision, and my attention was diverted back to the cause at hand:
maneuvering my speeding vehicle.
Afterthought: May 98 marks the beginning of something huge. It has
to do with the Illuminati, a very major anniversary to them. After this
time, hell breaks loose. See my additional thoughts below that I posted
on another Web message base.
Mark, also known as "three"
12-1-98 - MICHELE DREAM - I was with Michele on top of
Mount Rainier. I was telling of prophecy and danger of how a huge
earthquake would come and the dam that held the water back would break
loose and rush down the flumes too fast for it to handle.
We were on one side of the flumes where the water would spill over
and there was only one way to get to the other side...which was by a
special bridge that my Father had made. She said that the bridge was
made in a very strange place high up on the mountain. I told her that
one day we would be glad it was there.
1-13-99 - DREAM - I was taken to a huge garage
type area where certain people were being gathered to be witnesses or
sacrificed people to both handle the devastation or stave off the
suffering for the 7 volcanoes that are going to blow up all at the same
time. See link: below:
Date: 01/13/1999 8:13:05 AM Central Standard Time
This portent is for 7 mountains linked together to
all blow up at the same time.
I was taken to a huge garage-like area
where certain people were being gathered together to be witnesses and or
sacrificial people to either handle the devastation or stave off the
suffering for mankind when the seven volcanoes that were linked together
that were going to blow up all at the same time.
There had been 14 scheduled to be
linked to blow up all at once, but the Gods/spirits managed to get it
down to seven so mankind didn't have to suffer quite as much.
Not all of the witnesses and
sacrificial people who were going to clean up from the death and
destruction had shown up yet.
The garage where the ceremonies were
going to be held was a mess. Some construction was still going on in one
area. These men who were building some kind of machinery were making a
worse mess. One guy was cutting wood and the sawdust would have been
pretty easy to clean up, but he was being careless and spilling varnish
in the sawdust and when I swept the sawdust, it smeared the varnish
across the floor with it.
I considered being a sacrifice so that
one mountain wouldn't blow up and asked for a hammer and a nail. All I
would have had to do was pound a nail somewhere through my ankle and it
would have saved one mountain from destruction. But as I placed the nail
against my flesh to pound the nail into my ankle, the pain was intense
at every point I chose and I couldn't do it.
Even knowing that one swift blow of
the hammer would be all it took and it would be over and mankind would
be saved that much destruction, I couldn't do it. The thought of the
pain I would suffer was too much to even think about. I handed the
hammer and the nail back to the carpenter and went back to my meager
sweeping job.
When I had done all I could, I went
into a room where a round table was set up. This table had a rim around
it to catch the white paint that was going to be put on some icons or
something that were going to be used in a ceremony of some kind. I
noticed there were about 10 or 12 bottles of this white fluid
about the size of correction fluid bottles. A man named Michael (the
archangel?) had been there and had spilled some. I noticed that not only
one bottle spilled, all the bottles had been spilled and what was left
in each bottle was so little and so watered down, it was useless to even
try to do a ceremony with it.
At the door, I saw that there was
many, many feet of snow and ice that had to be cleared away so that
people could get around and spring could come and I was dreading having
to get out there and shovel all that snow. There was already nowhere to
go with it. But, fortunately, the sun came out while I was looking at
the mess and it melted about half of it, so at least I was able to open
the door to begin the immense task.
I then went to look for the other
members who were supposed to be arriving for this ceremony. Not all of
them had arrived yet and those who had, instead of quietly contemplating
the event that was going to take place, had rented a car and went off
sightseeing and partying. They invited me to go with them, but I didn't
have the stomach for it, knowing what was coming.
It was no wonder that the world
changes had to happen, no one was disciplined enough to do even the
first sacrifice of or any of the work required to stave it off.
1-26-99 - DREAMS/VISIONS This is strictly for the West
Coast. Others needn't worry, but should send light to the situation if
you can. I would ask that everyone pass this along to anyone you know on
the West Coast. Last night, I had 6 identical dreams In the dream, I was
staring at a control panel of indicators, buttons, and charts about
disasters, especially earthquakes. When the earthquake hit, even the
indicator that said 'earthquake' shook violently.
The fact that I had the dream 6 times is VERY important. That
means it's highly likely to happen.
After I woke up this morning, I had a series of at least a dozen
visions. Each one was about the types of quake disaster that is going to
In one, a tectonic plate dropped slightly. In the next, the plate
dropped and quivered, and what looked like solid rock, turned to gravel
and rolled around. In another one, the tectonic plates turned on edge
like this: /////. In another one, I saw cars on top of roadways, raise
up in the air 50 feet or more. In another, everything got all jumbled up
like jackstraws.
I was told that there will not only be a lot of damage, but many
deaths. When the earthquakes hit, there will also be tidal waves which
will kill many more people along the coastline.
For some reason, there is also going to be heavy cross winds which
will cause damage to anything airborne at the time.
Let me tell you this also. Many people have been getting warnings
from spirit to leave, and you haven't listened. Those of you who have
gotten the warnings know who you are. NOW is the time to heed the
warnings while there is still time.
Not all types of quakes will hit the same place. These quakes will
happen all along the west coast. A BIG shift is coming. Watch the little
quakes now. That's where the indicators will show where the big ones are
going to hit. We already know that Los Angeles will be one place. Little
quakes are good. The are pressure relievers. It would be worse if there
were none.
Also be aware that 7 volcanoes are going to go off all at once
also. They will be devastating as well. These volcanoes are all linked
underneath the surface of the earth. These also will be along the West
I already know that many people will hide their heads and not heed
the warnings. I was shown that too, but those of you who have the
awareness will know that this is the time to go. You have 6 weeks to
make the move. Make it less if you can.
Here are the visions:
#1 - I saw a man in a beige trench coat take a big step to the
left over a sinking sidewalk plate.
#2 - I saw the same man in a beige coat take a step forward and to
the right over the same sinking sidewalk plate, which was now deeper and
the concrete had turned to shifting sand and gravel.
#4 - VOICE - There is a developing situation which CNN and a large
magazine media will break. I saw numerous pictures on two side by side
pages. There were 7 of them. Each page I turned over was developing the
pictures as I went. I flipped them all back to look at them again, and
they continued to develop. (Perhaps there are two situations developing)
#5 - VOICE - ZUCKO - (ZUKO) I saw a huge land mass rise over 50
feet with a car balanced on top of it.
#6 - VISION - I saw a full drawer of kitchen utensils slamming
shut and all the utensils were jammed every which way out of alignment
at the front of the drawer.
#7 - VISION - I saw the same drawer pulled as far out as it could
go with all the same kitchen utensils still jammed way to the front. The
back of the drawer was empty. Then I saw a hand move a single large
mixer beater to the left corner of the back of the drawer and a large
mat on the right back corner which laid down on the empty space and
draped over the top of the utensils. A voice said, "If everyone is
dead, what good is it?"
#7 - VOICE - "This is it"... sue market (Sue Marquette)
(SUE MAR KET) ( I don't know what this means, but a man called up on the
phone the same evening and threatened to sue us for publishing a
derogatory paper about him on the web) (We removed it)
NOTE: This might have something to do with Enron and the
other companies that are being indicted for greed in the early 2000's
#8 - VOICE - "The gentlemen in the Senate is hiding
something. It'll be the gentlemen from San Francisco. The information is
about to be released. What is the strategy?"
#9 - VOICE - When the wind current meet each other, the antique
flyers in multiples. "
#10 - I could hear rock and roll music playing. A voice said,
"Take the music away from the yard." I saw a stick raise up a
whole pile of plates in a sink. All were tilted ////.
#11 - VOICE - "It's time to leave." I saw a man
scrambling to get out of bed and out of his house. The voice said,
"It's the water level."
#12 - I saw three men bend over way down, hiding their heads. Then
I saw three other men with dark hair and dark moustaches. A voice said,
"If you don't want to! then "If you don't have to!" I
assumed the sentences belonged to each type of men.
#13 - I saw like a pit forming in sand. It was circular. A voice
said, "Can Arizona offer any darkening?" This was a 5 pointed
star but with rounded ends.
#14 - VOICE - "The timing is off."
#15 - VOICE - "The Kings with the contracts will lose."
#16 - VISION - I saw a black hand held radio communicator with the
antenna broken off. (I assumed that was the end of the communications
and got up to write everything down.)
3-6-99 - DREAM - I was typing on an IM to a woman in
New York who was at work. Her boss came over to her desk and yelled at
her for not working. I could hear his deep male voice over the IM. He
asked her who she was talking to. She said, "This is a
teacher". He boomed, "This is no teacher!" I began to
type, "I am a teacher, my name is Dee Finney". I began to hear
and feel a deep rumbling in the earth that was ominous.
I looked out the windows. There were a few brick buildings along
the street and a low range of mountains to the west of me. From the
other side of the mountains began to come up a huge cloud of smoke and
debris. Dark and ominous, it rose higher and higher into the air. I
began to type, "Oh! My God! Oh! My God! This is it! This is
it!" and I knew it was the day after the day I had predicted it.
The black huge cloud on the other side of the mountains was rising
hither into the sky, but right in front of my window, two girls were
reading out of a notebook like my dream journal and giggling in
unbelief. "It's just a joke!" while beyond them the clouds
were getting ever larger.
Afterward I was sitting with Joe on the couch and he was reading
my dream journal. In the middle of the floor were other numerous other
journals I had written. He had laid the journal he was reading on a
short pile of books by the couch. I was thinking to myself, I could put
more journals on the pile so it would be easier and closer for him to
3-13-99 - DREAM - I went out to the lobby of a movie
theatre. I told a friend to get a 'rain' ticket for the movie which he
was going to do and I went with him 'outside' to where the office was.
We stepped outside and my mouth dropped open. There was Mt. Rainier,
colored like it is at sunset with glorious purple and pink with white
snow on top. Then I noticed the sky was blue with studded little white
clouds and the sky looked fake like a vaulted painted ceiling. Some fog
covered the top of the mountain momentarily and when it dissipated, the
top of the mountain was pink and was tilted over like it was melting
like an ice cream cone in the heat of summer. The man retrieved his
'rain' ticket which was #444.
Tue, October 5, 2004

Volcano show thrills sightseers
Helens blew off more steam yesterday, shooting a billowing white
plume several hundred metres above the volcano and thrilling
hundreds of visitors. "Wow. It was amazing," said
nine-year-old Alex Turchiano, who watched from a nearby visitors
centre. "I was hoping to see lava so I could see the trees
fall down and the lava flow into the water. I wanted to see what
it was going to do -- whether it would stop or keep going."
Scientists, who continued to warn that the volcano could blow
at any moment, stopped short of calling the steam burst an
actual eruption, saying no volcanic material apparently was
emitted. The steam quickly dissipated.
Even if a larger eruption comes, officials say there was
little or no chance of a repeat of the mountain's lethal 1980
explosion, or Hawaiian-style lava flows. The eruption 24 years
ago blew 400 metres off the top of the peak, killed 57 people
and coated much of the Pacific Northwest with ash.
Since Sept. 23, thousands of tiny earthquakes have shaken the
mountain and several steam eruptions have occurred, the most
seismic activity at the peak since the months following the 1980
blast. A burst of ash and steam Friday was followed Saturday by
a smaller plume of steam and a volcanic tremour.
A smaller extended volcanic vibration was detected Sunday.
The latest burst came after scientists detected swelling in
the 275-metre lava dome within the crater of the southwest
Washington mountain. Steam rose to 3,000 metres, or 600 metres
above the rim.
"Hopefully after this clears away our crews will get a
view of the crater, and the crater will probably be enlarged a
bit," said U.S. Geological Survey scientist Willie Scott,
who described it as a "very passive event."
Scientists speculated the steam was due to hot rock coming
into contact with ice and snow contained in the glacier.
"Now most of us are convinced there's fresh magma down
there," hydrologist Carolyn Driedger said.
The action at Mount St. Helens has drawn thousands of
visitors to the monument, including Patricia Cusic of Live Oak,
Florida, who arrived Saturday with her daughter, and her three
grandchildren. |
still rumbling at Mount St. Helens
MOUNT ST. HELENS NATIONAL MONUMENT, Wash. Small earthquakes continue
at Mount Saint Helens and scientists predict the volcano will continue
to blow off steam.
They eventually expect to see a larger eruption as rising magma reaches
the surface. The alert remains at Level Three, meaning an eruption is
But experts at the U-S Geological Survey don't expect an eruption as
big as the 1980 blast that killed 57 people.
They say the biggest risk would be from a plume of ash that could
rise miles into the air and drift into populated areas.
Yesterday's plume of steam reached an altitude of about 12-thousand
Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved
Tuesday, October 05, 2004 -
Mount St.
Helens shoots steam as lava dome swells up
By Hal
Bernton and Nancy Bartley
Seattle Times staff reporters
St. Helens sends steam and ash thousands of feet into
the air yesterday morning. |
COLDWATER RIDGE VISITOR CENTER — Mount St. Helens yesterday again
threw up billowing, anvil-shaped clouds of steam and a little ash, the
largest explosion yet since it stirred back to life late last month.
But the event didn't ease the pressure building up inside the
volcano, and scientists cautioned that this was just an unsuccessful
throat-clearing before what is expected to be a bigger eruption in the
days or weeks ahead.
"We could have a much larger event, essentially at any
moment," said Willie Scott, the chief scientist for the U.S.
Geological Survey.
The first steam cloud yesterday went up for about 40 minutes,
beginning at 9:42 a.m., and was several times larger than a
steam-and-ash eruption Friday.
The steam itself was not alarming to scientists.
"What happened today wasn't a very big deal," said Jake
Lowenstern, a USGS geologist in Vancouver, "though it was nice to
look at."
But unlike last week's releases, yesterday's venting did not cause
even a momentary pause in the earthquakes rocking the area beneath the

Yesterday at Mount St. Helens:
Two steam and ash eruptions at 9:42
a.m. and 2:15 p.m.
A quarter-mile-long section of the
925-foot lava dome in the crater was uplifted,
in some areas from 50 to more than 100 feet.
A portion of a glacier near the dome
is deeply cracked.
A widening vent is poking through the
glacier with a pool of water inside that is
probably contributing to the steam clouds.
"We're not quite sure what to make of that," said Tom Pierson,
a USGS scientist who briefed reporters yesterday.
The earthquakes yesterday came virtually nonstop, with small quakes
marking time between larger tremors. The earthquakes are believed to be
caused by explosive, gas-rich magma struggling to work its way to the
surface. Scientists are trying to determine how much fresh magma may be
rising so they can get a better handle on the potential size of a future
Scientists have repeatedly said they don't expect anything like the
May 18, 1980, blast that ripped off the top of the mountain and
unleashed a sideways explosion that killed 57 people.
But the new quakes, venting and tremors, which first grabbed
scientists' attention Sept. 25, are unlike any of the weaker eruptions
in the six-year period of activity that followed the 1980 blast.
Lava dome "deformed"
There is now impressive, visible evidence of the volcano's new
The southern portion of a 925-foot lava dome in the crater is now
"radically deformed" by the upward pressure of the rising
magma, Pierson said. And a portion of a nearby glacier is deeply
The deformed area is roughly a quarter-mile long and has been lifted
in recent days. In some areas, the uplift ranges from 50 to more than
100 feet, Pierson said.
Scientists are unsure whether a larger area of the lava dome might
also be involved in the so-called "uplift." They are hoping a
recently installed Global Positioning System (GPS) device on top of the
dome will help detect changes.
That would be important information to have, the scientists said. The
bigger the uplift, the more explosive the magma that may be working its
way up, Pierson said.
"The magma is providing a lot of pressure, and it's pushing real
hard," he said.
Work continues on flanks
The 1980 blast ranked a 5 on the scale scientists use to rate
volcano eruptions. In recent days, scientists have guessed that a new
eruption could rate a 2 or 3. But they said yesterday they could
re-evaluate their forecasts based on new measurements.
Though the airspace over Mount St. Helens is now closed to commercial
flights, USGS teams continue to drop off crews to work on equipment on
the mountain flanks, and to fly over the crater to measure gases.
Another steam cloud puffed up from the volcano around 2:15 p.m.
yesterday, just as helicopter crews were peering into a widening vent
that is poking through the glacier. They reported that a pool of water
had formed inside the vent.
That water is probably what is boiling off to make the steam clouds,
the scientists said. As more fresh, hot gas gets closer to the surface,
bigger steam releases could occur in coming days.
Scientists remain somewhat puzzled about how fresh magma has reached
so high in the volcano. They are hoping the addition of more sensitive
equipment will give them some clues to its origins.
Ash-cloud warning
Meanwhile, yesterday, officials in counties immediately around
the volcano were stepping up preparations for the possibility of ash
A cold front moving into the area today will mean that if ash is
spewed into the atmosphere, it will drift southwest, toward communities
such as Castle Rock, Kelso and possibly Portland. Still, scientists have
downplayed the potential for ash clouds, saying inhabited areas would
probably get a light dusting at most.
The ash, which would largely be dust but with about 4 percent
silicate, has not been shown to pose long-term health effects, said Dr.
Justin Denny, the public health officer for Clark and Skamania counties.
The biggest short-term risk is to people who suffer from asthma or
chronic lung diseases; they should stay indoors and avoid exposure as
much as possible, Denny said.
For those who need to go outside during a big ash fall, Denny
recommended surgical masks that cover the mouth and nose, and possibly
goggles to protect the eyes.
Hal Bernton: 206-464-2581 or
© 2004 The Seattle Times Company
activity at Mount St. Helens dropped
Government scientists said that volcanic activity on
Washington state's Mount
St. Helens had started to taper off and downgraded their safety
warning on Wednesday, following nearly two weeks of seismic
activity and steam eruptions.
"Evidently we've gone through a major change here," said
Willie Scott, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey or USGS,
"We no longer think that an eruption is imminent in minutes or
Decreased earthquake
activity, lower rockfall and mild steaming all led to the decision
to lower the agency's warning level to the second highest level of
"increased activity," Scott told reporters at task force
headquarters in Vancouver, Washington.
Mount St. Helens, which erupted in 1980 and killed 57 people, woke from
its slumber on Sept. 24 with a series of small earthquakes that
intensified and accelerated daily.
Steam and ash eruptions began last Friday, peaking with a large emission
on Tuesday morning that sent a column of ash up 15,000 feet that fell on
some communities to the northeast of Mount St. Helens, informs Reuters.
Magma moving into the volcano lifted the lava dome in the crater by
about 150 feet and heated rock has melted part of a glacier nestled next
to the dome, creating a bubbling lake, geologists said.
According to WorldNow, things are starting to calm down at Mount St.
Helens. Government scientists announced today that they've lowered the
volcano's alert level because they no longer think an eruption is
They say earthquake activity at Mount St. Helens dropped off after
yesterday's steam burst and has remained relatively low today.
Still they caution that one could be days, weeks or even months away.
Willie Scott, U.S. Geological Survey seismologist said, "We lowered
the alert level to alert level 2 volcanic advisory, which in the
aviation color code alert level is condition orange. We did this because
the conditions for level red are no longer... Excuse me for the volcanic
alert... Are no longer, we no longer think that an eruption is imminent
in the sense of minutes or hours of an event that would endanger life
and property."
On Wednesday morning, the U.S.
Geological Survey
(USGS) lowered the alert level for Mount St. Helens in Washington from a
Level 3 Volcano Alert to a Level 2 Volcano Advisory, in response to
lowered seismicity since Tuesday morning's steam-and-ash eruption.
Geologist Willie Scott said the scientists no longer believe that an
eruption is imminent.
A Volcano Advisory indicates that "processes are underway that have
significant likelihood of culminating in hazardous volcanic
activity" but the evidence does not indicate that a "life- or
property-threatening event is imminent."
According to USGS, seismic activity Tuesday and Wednesday has been at
"very low levels," with individual earthquakes being
"rare." Scientists observed weakened steam emissions from the
crater, and suggested that a lack of rockfall and earthquake signals
indicate that deformation of the uplift area has slowed. The area had
uplifted more than 100 feet since activity began last week, reports the
October 8, 2004
Chance Of Big Eruption Slim, But Still There
MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. - Part of the lava dome in Mount St.
Helens' crater has risen 50 to 100 feet since Tuesday while earthquake
activity remained low, signs that magma is moving upward without much
resistance, scientists said Thursday.
Despite the swelling, scientists said there was no reason to raise
the alert level around the 8,364-foot volcano in southwest Washington.
The south side of the dome has been rising for the past week -
about 250 feet so far - and is now nearly as tall as the dome's
1,000-foot summit, said Tom Pierson, a U.S. Geological Survey geologist.
Larry Mastin, a USGS expert in the physics of volcano eruptions,
said there was an outside chance an eruption could send a plume of ash
15 miles into the air, but there was no indication of an imminent
eruption that could threaten lives or property.
There's no way to tell when the magma - molten rock - might reach
the surface, USGS volcanologist Jake Lowenstern told a news conference
at the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Wash.
Earthquake activity remained relatively low Thursday, with about
one magnitude 1 quake per minute. The volcano occasionally vented steam
as water trickled down and hit hot rocks, Lowenstern said.
Since Sept. 23, thousands of small earthquakes have shaken the
peak in Washington's Cascade range. Each day from Friday through
Tuesday, Mount St. Helens spewed clouds of steam mixed with small
amounts of ash.
Seismic activity started to diminish Tuesday, and geologists said
the most likely scenario for the volcano was weeks or months of
occasional steam blasts and possibly some eruptions of fresh volcanic
On Wednesday, USGS scientists downgraded a "volcano
alert" to a "volcano advisory," indicating the
probability of an eruption that could endanger lives and property had
decreased significantly since Saturday, when thousands of people were
evacuated from the mountain.
Still, scientists cautioned that the mountain remained restless.
"Escalation of unrest could occur suddenly and perhaps lead
to an eruption with very little warning," a statement from the
Mount St. Helens Joint Information Center said Thursday.
Geologists have said there is little chance of anything similar to
the blast that blew 1,300 feet off the top of the peak, killed 57 people
and paralyzed much of the inland Pacific Northwest with gritty volcanic
ash on May 18, 1980.
(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
(Mount St. Helens, Washington-NBC-AP) Oct. 8, 2004 - At Mount St Helens
scientists suspect magma continues to push up to just a couple hundred
feet from the crater floor. They also warn of bigger ash plumes to come,
including some that could reach ten to 15 miles into the atmosphere.
Columns of steam now shoot continuously from the floor of the
volcano's crater, and hot magma could start flowing into the crater within
Experts say Mount St Helens is building to an eruption, and while
thousands of earthquakes have told that story, the geology of the mountain
is changing, "The skids are greased. There is less frictional
resistance to movement of the cold rock upwards"
And, despite the low level of earthquakes, the bulge in the south
side of the crater, named "The Loaf," has grown another 50 to
100 feet, the strongest evidence yet that magma is making its way to the
Hydrologist Larry Mastin, who specializes in the physics of
eruptions, says the VEI stands for the Volcano Explostivity Index.
Scientists say the eruption is not expected to be a repeat
of the 1980 catastrophe that killed 57. On May 18th of that year the
volcano blow out the sideways, creating a massive landslide, melting
glaciers and flooding downstream communities under massive mud flows.
posted 9:38am by Chris Rees
New Lava Dome Growing on Mount St. Helens
By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI, Associated Press Writer
MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. - Volcanic rock
has flowed to the surface of Mount St. Helens' crater, creating a new lava
dome after weeks of seismic activity, a geologist said Tuesday.
Scientists had known for days that magma or molten rock was nearing the
surface, as a bulge grew on the south side of the existing 1,000-foot lava
dome and the increasingly hot rock gave off steam as it met water and ice
in the crater. The bulge is now considered a new lava dome, the scientists
"Now that we have new lava at the surface, we're comfortable
saying" that dome-building has resumed at the volcano, U.S.
Geological Survey geologist Tina Neal said.
The bulge had risen at least 330 feet since scientists noticed it Sept.
Geologists said there is still a chance of explosive ash eruptions from
the 8,364-foot mountain, and the immediate area around the volcano
remained closed.
The mountain exploded on May 18, 1980, with a massive landslide as the
top of the mountain collapsed. Any new ash eruption, scientists say, would
likely be much smaller and would shoot vertically, instead of horizontally
as in the devastating blast that left 57 people dead, leveled trees for
miles around and covered much of the Pacific Northwest with ash.
The mountain in the Cascade Range rumbled back to life Sept. 23,
beginning with thousands of tiny earthquakes. For five days earlier this
month, it spewed clouds of steam mixed with small amounts of old volcanic
Earlier Tuesday, more steam rose from the crater as geologists kept up
their close watch on the volcano.
Magma Breaks Surface at Mount St. Helens
By PEGGY ANDERSEN, Associated Press Writer
SEATTLE - Magma that has been rising inside Mount St. Helens after weeks
of earthquakes and steam eruptions finally pushed its way to the surface
Tuesday, forming a new lava dome just behind the existing one in the
volcano's crater.
The quakes subsided as the new lava emerged and cooled in the open air,
suggesting molten rock from deep inside the Earth had found the path of
least resistance by going around the old dome, said Jon Major, a
hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano
Observatory in Vancouver, Wash.
Unlike the dramatic rivers of red-hot lava from Hawaii's volcano, St.
Helens' extrusion of new rock was subtle and difficult to see from outside
the crater. A lazy plume of steam rose slowly from the mountain for much
of Tuesday.
The last dome-building activity at St. Helens began in the months after
its deadly May 1980 eruption and lasted six years. Layers of emerging rock
gradually formed a rocky dome nearly 1,000 feet tall at the center of the
crater floor. The top of the new dome is almost level with the old one
just to the north.
The mountain had been shaking since Sept. 23, with periods of sharp jolts
- up to magnitude 3.3 - occurring as often as four times a minute at the
height of seismic activity. "The inference was that those were
breaking a pathway" through rock, Major said.
Explosive eruptions are still possible and often follow lava extrusion,
said John Pallister, a vulcanologist with the USGS
The 1980 eruption left 57 people dead, leveled trees for miles around and
covered much of the Pacific Northwest with ash. It was "barely a
five" on the eight-level Volcanic Explosive Index, Major said. At
this point, scientists believe there is a 10 percent chance of a level
four or larger eruption at the 8,364-foot mountain, he said. The area
immediately around the mountain is closed.
Any explosive eruption would likely go straight up, Major said, blowing
ash and steam tens of thousands of feet high. That could cause concern for
aircraft and cars in the area, but nothing like 1980's lateral blast.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Some believe animals sensed St. Helens' mood
COUGAR -- An hour before the snoozing mountain shook itself awake, Rita
Tarrant's ears perked.
The sounds she heard that September morning were deer and elk crashing
through the brush on her property. "They were heading in the opposite
direction of the mountain," she said.
Then her animals -- two cats and a dog -- began a massive bunny
chow-down. "Within a minute of each other, they all got baby
rabbits." The rabbits, like the deer and elk, were on the run.
"I kept thinking 'These animals know something.' "
Tarrant, who lives 15 miles from the dead center of Mount St. Helens'
crater, relates the tale inside the Cougar Bar and Grill, where she works
as a waitress.
It's a homey roadside stop in this little town of about 200, the
closest town to the blistering, belching, burning mountain, which sprung
back into action Sept. 23. Inside, mounts of a snarling bobcat and black
bear hang from paneled walls. "Please do not rip away any parts of
the animal," reads a hand-lettered sign tacked beneath the bear.
Regulars assure new carloads of strangers they are not nervous Nellies
about the fickle fire mountain overhead. They say the media's got the
whole thing blown out of proportion. They say there's nothing much to blow
up anymore. Worst that can happen is ash -- and they got 9 inches last
"It scares people more in Portland and Vancouver than the people
who live by the mountain," Tarrant said.
But even the most stoic two-legged residents ringing the mountain are
happy to talk about hyper-sensitive four-legged mammals picking up
telltale signals from the mountain, like walking Ouija boards of natural
Do animals have a sixth sense about quakes and eruptions? Historical
records repeat the tales over centuries. In the year 373 B.C., ancients
told of rats, snakes, weasels and other animals deserting the Greek city
of Helice days before a quake turned it to ruins.
Such stories are often pooh-poohed as "anecdotes" and
"old wives' tales" in American scientific circles. Despite
documented cases of unusual animal behavior prior to seismic activity, no
studies have determined reproducible connections between specific
behaviors and seismic onset, says the U.S. Geological Survey.
Researchers in Japan, however, have paid closer attention to the
erratic behavior of animals -- and even questioned whether the behaviors
might be used to forecast quakes.
Certainly, around The Mountain -- which has turned its northern sister
Rainier into A Mountain in recent weeks -- talk of animal oddities is on
the rise.
Storm Johnston, director of the Humane Society of Cowlitz County, said
a woman from Castle Rock brought in a dog that had allegedly bitten
someone right after the mountain first vented steam. "I don't know if
I can believe it though, because of his temperament when he came in
here," Johnston said.
Carolyn Johnson, who lives on the Toutle River, 27 miles "as birds
fly" from the crater, says the 20-odd deer that graze on her property
seem super alert to the moods of the mountain. "They seem to
disappear every time the mountain puts out a good-sized poof," said
She has also seen cougar tracks in recent days on the property.
"We think they're leaving up above and coming down below."
Stories that herds of elk and deer are moving down the mountain are
legion, but unsubstantiated. State game agents cannot get into the
restricted zones ringing the mountain to do surveys.
"It would make sense, if there were tremors, that they would move
away. But below we're seeing the same numbers," said Fred Dobler, a
wildlife manager for the Department of Fish and Wildlife's Southwest
Washington region.
Dick Ford, director of Weyerhaeuser's Forest Learning Center 12 miles
from the crater, said that while the elk herds grazing nearby are smaller,
the problem isn't seismic sensitivities, but starvation. Trees planted
since the 1980 eruption have grown tall enough that they are shading out
light, and killing the grasses elk love to eat.
He agrees animals have instincts that may have been lost to humans, but
points out the numbers:
In the '80 eruption, 1,500 elk, 5,000 black-tail deer, 300 black bears
and 25 cougars died. "They may have been running in circles trying to
figure out which way to run, which way to go," Ford said, "...
but they weren't that good."
Still, everyone in the shadow of the shaking lady has an animal story.
Phil Overbye, who lives in Silver Lake, about 30 bird miles from the
mountain, said his dogs Buddy and Gracie and horse Misty got kind of
strange two days before the latest eruptions. "My wife was saying
'What's up with the dogs?' They were real clingy, wouldn't get out from
underfoot ... and the horse kept rubbing her head on my shoulder, wanting
"They were all real needy. They knew something was going on,"
said Overbye, exiting the Shell Mini-Mart in Toutle with a handful of
candy bars and a fridge pack of Miller draft.
Overbye, who lives about 30 "bird" miles from the mountain,
admits he is, for one, a nervous Nellie.
He stared into the face of the mushroom ash cloud in 1980 and knew he
was a dead man. So he values his life.
Which is why, when he finally got up his nerve to drive up to the
blocked-off end of state Route 504 -- the road that stops just eight miles
from Mount St. Helens -- he took one look around at the busloads of
tourists, school kids, volcano-philes camped out on hillsides and turned
right back around from the volatile mountain that killed several of his
He couldn't get away fast enough.
"I got the heck out of there because I was scared," Overbye
said. "I know what that mountain can do. I thought, 'I have to get
away from that mess.' "
He won't be going back.
"That would be insane," he said.
Call it animal sense.
Mount St. Helens' 'Fin' May Be Splitting
Sat Oct 16, 6:40 AM ET Science - AP
By DONNA GORDON BLANKINSHIP, Associated Press Writer
The stone "fin" on the new lava lobe inside the crater at
Mount St. Helens seems to be starting to split.
The fin, which is about 200 feet tall and 300 feet wide, is building on
the new lava dome, which is about 1,600 feet in diameter and 400 feet
high, U.S. Geological Survey geologist Tina Neal said Friday.
The exact dimensions of the new structures have not been determined
because of steam and fumes. The fin's precise makeup also cannot be known
until scientists can find a way to pick up a sample for analysis, said
Carolyn Bell, a USGS spokeswoman.
Scientists are working on a way to safely get samples of the fin, which
apparently was on the surface before the new lava flows, and also the new
lava slowly extruding from the volcano, Bell said.
The mountain was shrouded in fog and clouds Friday, but brief views inside
the crater from aircraft showed bright red lava glowing in spots on the
gray lava dome.
Scientists continue to warn that the eruption could intensify at any time,
but the USGS said earthquake activity remained low Friday, and levels of
gas found above the crater, which could indicate a stronger eruption was
in the works, were unchanged.
The latest dome-building began with tiny earthquakes Sept. 23, apparently
from magma breaking through rock as it rose toward the surface. Several
steam bursts followed, and geologists detected lava at the surface late
The last round of dome-building began in the months after St. Helens'
devastating May 18, 1980, eruption, in which 57 people died, and lasted
six years.
Gas-rich magma can cause explosive eruptions, but samples taken this week
have detected little carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide at the surface,
Neal said.
As the dome-building continues, it could produce small explosions with
little warning, Neal said. A large explosion is still possible but is
among the least likely scenarios, she added.
Magma Reaches Surface, Lava Dome Growing
POSTED: 5:59 AM PDT October 12, 2004
MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. -- Officials with the
U.S. Geological Survey said magma has reached the surface at Mount St.
Helens, and a lava dome is growing in the crater of the volcano.
Thermal imaging showed part of a bulge on the south side of the
dome-shaped rock formation had heated to 932 to 1,112 degrees
Fahrenheit, scientists said. The surface of that part of the dome also
appeared to be broken up.
"What's happened in the last day is the magma is not just
pushing up but pushing out. We no longer have just isolated vents.
Instead, the whole area is pushing up," U.S. Geological Survey
geologist John Pallister said Monday.
Although there's little chance of a large eruption like the May 18,
1980, blast that killed 57 people, scientists said the most likely
scenario is a far less spectacular eruption that could spread a few
inches of gritty volcanic ash up to 10 miles from the crater. That
could happen in days, weeks or months -- or not at all, Pallister
Willie Scott, a USGS geologist, said the steam plume within the crater
is a constant feature that will be there for days.
Seismic activity remained relatively low early Tuesday. However,
along with rising temperatures, scientists have detected an increase
in emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, another sign that
magma is rising.
Scientists planned to fly an unmanned drone over the steaming
crater Tuesday to measure gasses. The drone, called the Silver Fox, is
five feet long and weighs 22 pounds. It's powered by a model airplane
The mountain in the Cascade Range rumbled back to life Sept. 23,
beginning with thousands of tiny earthquakes. Thousands of people were
evacuated from areas around the mountain Oct. 2, but the alert level
was lowered four days later.
Mt. St. Helens lava dome
a third the size of old one
08:22 PM PST on Tuesday,
December 21, 2004
Associated Press
MT. ST. HELENS, Wash. -- A new lava dome growing in the crater of Mount
St. Helens is about one-third the size of the old lava dome.
Steam billows from a new lava growth in
the crater at Mount St Helens.
The U.S. Geological Survey says since fresh magma started pushing into
the mountain in October, the new structure is about 1,600 feet long, 650
feet wide and 900 feet high.
In terms of volume, its 35 percent the size of the lava dome that grew
in the period between 1980 and 1986.
The volcano is steaming with minor ash eruptions and small earthquakes.

This was a static image of Mount St. Helens, taken from
the Johnston Ridge Observatory. The Observatory and VolcanoCam are located
at an elevation of approximately 4,500 feet, about five miles from the
volcano. You are looking approximately south-southeast across the North
Fork Toutle River Valley. The VolcanoCam image automatically updates
approximately every five minutes. Please make sure your web browser is not
set to cache images or you may not see the updates when the web page
automatically refreshes.
Giant rock growing in Mount St. Helens' crater
Friday, May 5, 2006;
A USGS photo shows a helicopter near
a rock growth in the crater of Mount St.
Helens on April 28.
SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- If the skies are
clear as forecast, volcano watchers who turn out for the reopening of the
Johnston Ridge Observatory on Friday will get a spectacular view of a
hulking slab of rock that's rapidly growing in Mount St. Helens' crater.
It's jutting up from one of seven lobes of fresh volcanic rock that
have been pushing their way through the surface of the crater since
October 2004.
The fin-shaped mass is about 300 feet tall and growing 4 feet to 5 feet
a day, said Dan Dzurisin, a geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey. (Gallery
of the formation)
The rock in the crater began growing last November, steadily moving
west and pushing rock and other debris out of its way as it goes.
Mount St. Helens, located in the Cascades of Washington, has been
quietly erupting since a flurry of tiny earthquakes began in late
September 2004. Scientists initially mistook the quakes as rainwater
seeping into the hot interior of the older lava dome.
But it soon became clear that magma was on the move, confirmed by the
emergence of fire-red lava between the old lava dome and the south crater
rim a few weeks after the seismic activity began.
The volcano has continued pumping out lava ever since. Eventually,
scientists expect the volcano will rebuild its conical peak that was
obliterated in the May 18, 1980 eruption that left 57 people dead.
The current growth of the new lava dome has been accompanied by low
seismicity rates, low emissions of steam and volcanic gases and minor
production of ash, the USGS said.
"Given the way things are going now, there's no hint of any sort
of catastrophic eruptions," USGS geologist Tom Pierson said. "At
any time, however, things can change."
Scientists flew a helicopter into the crater late last week to adjust
equipment and take photographs that will likely be used to determine just
how much the new lava dome has grown the last several months.
The Johnston Ridge Observatory, which closes down every winter, is the
closest observatory to the 8,364-foot peak. It is named after David A.
Johnston, a volcanologist killed in the 1980 eruption. It sits about five
miles north of the mountain and offers the closest views of the volcano's
horseshoe-shaped crater.
Copyright 2006 The Associated
Press. All rights reserved
Large Plume Billows From Mount St. Helens
Steam and Ash Rose Thousands of Feet Into the Air Above Volcano

MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. (March 8, 2006) - Mount St.
Helens released a towering plume of ash Tuesday, its most significant
emission in months but one that seismologists did not believe heralded any
major eruption.
The volcano has vented ash and steam since last
fall, when thousands of small earthquakes marked a seismic reawakening
of the 8,364-foot mountain.
Late afternoon television footage showed the
plume billowing thousands of feet into the air, then drifting slowly to
the northeast.
The ash explosion happened around 5:25 p.m.,
about an hour after a 2.0 magnitude quake rumbled on the east side of
the mountain, said Bill Steele, coordinator of the Pacific Northwest
Seismograph Network at the University of Washington.
Steele said he did not believe the explosion had
increased the risk of a significant eruption and noted that recent
flights over the volcano's crater did not reveal high levels of gases.
"We don't expect another explosion,'' said
Peggy Johnson, a university seismologist
Steele said the ash burst may have been triggered
by the partial collapse of a lava dome in the crater, which has been
growing steadily over the last several months.
"Until we get a better view in the crater we
won't know,'' Steele said.
Johnson said there had been no increase in quake
activity before the explosion.
"The seismicity had been continuing just as
it had been,'' she said.
On May 18, 1980, the volcano 100 miles south of
Seattle blew its top, killing 57 people and covering the region with
gritty ash.
Mount St. Helens rumbled back to life Sept. 23,
with shuddering seismic activity that peaked above magnitude 3 as hot
magma broke through rocks in its path. Molten rock reached the surface
Oct. 11, marking resumption of dome-building activity that had stopped
in 1986.
Scientists have said a more explosive eruption,
possibly dropping ash within a 10-mile radius of the crater, is possible
at any time.
03/08/05 22:56 EST
Mount St. Helens Shoots Steam Into Air
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
VANCOUVER, Wash. - Mount St. Helens shot
a steam and ash plume at least 16,000 feet into the air Monday after a
large rockfall from the lava dome in the volcano's crater, scientists
Pilots reported the plume rose between 16,000 and 20,000 feet in the
air, scientists at the Cascades Volcano Observatory said.
The rockfall coincided with a magnitude 3.1 earthquake shortly after 9
a.m. Monday at the mountain, scientists said. Such events are expected
during growth of the lava dome, they said.
"There is no evidence of an explosion associated with this
event," the observatory said in a statement.
Clouds obscured the crater at the time.
"We don't know how much steam and how much ash," Cynthia
Gardner, scientist in charge at the observatory, told The Columbian.
"These are very short-lived events."
Lava has continued to push into the crater _ most recently forming a
sheer rock fin _ since the 8,364-foot mountain reawakened with a
drumfire of low-level seismic activity in September 2004.
The crater was formed by the volcano's deadly May 18, 1980, eruption
that killed 57 people and blasted about 1,300 feet off the
then-9,677-foot peak.
On the Net:
Mount St. Helens:
Crater images:
A service of the Associated Press(AP
... Three magnitude 6 quakes hit Mammoth Lakes in
May 1980, the same time Mount
St. Helen's erupted in Washington state and killed 57
people. ...
... Ever since Mount St.
Helens, far to the north near the Washington border,
erupted on May 18, 1980, the general public has been sensitive
to any rumblings in ... |
AXIS SPIN - The Current Location Of The Spin Axis
... effect prediction. They
cite quakes in 1979 near Livermore, California, and the 1980 Mt.
St. Helens volcanic eruption. But to conclude ... |
and Volcano Cams and Eruption News
- ... destroying a small lava dome which had formed in the crater since