The Legend and The Art of War

compiled by Dee Finney

9-19-06 - DREAM - I was in a large apartment, working on some kind of jewelry project. A man sitting next to me on my left, reached out towards my hands with his left hand up in the air and then began to pick out plain silver rings from between my fingers and each on had the word "Y a h r" (year?) on it. There were 5 of them.

Note: The German word for 'year' is 'J a h r e'.  I have assume the five rings represent 5 years - either something is going to last five years, or will begin in five years. These rings were not pretty - they were like pieces cut off of a thick pipe - very plain.

Five years from now is:  September 19, 2011

9-20-06 - DREAM - I was with my husband in an apartment. He had just come home from prison and wasn't happy. He wanted to take all his meds with him on the road.

I suggested to him that he only take the meds with him that he needed so that when he came back, he would still have meds left in the bottle and he or I wouldn't have to worry that he would lose them on the road somewhere. But he wanted to take all of them with him. (30 days worth)

I then opened the closet door to get his things and suggested, "Why don't you just live your life one day at a time? And in the closet I saw in the air a 12 pointed star in a ring.

I woke up and heard the dog crying outside and remember yesterdays dream with the 5 rings, then fell asleep again.

Interestingly, this crop circle appeared on July 8th, 2006 and was called to my attention after I told Joe Mason about the dream:

The 12 pointed star relates to astrology and the cycle of time - the 12 houses, what they mean and what they predict will happen during that cycle of time.

See also:  for information about the 2006 crop circles and interpretations by Joe Mason

At the moment of first breath, and at that particular place on earth we are born, all the heavenly bodies occupy a very precise position in the astrological chart; and our personal map of life's rhythms begin. The astrological chart associated with our personal moment of birth is called our natal chart, and this is the first tool of the astrologer.  In the same manner, places, countries, and events being planned have their birth times and can be tracked astrologically as well.

The signs are: The first house (Aries), the second house (Taurus), the third house (Gemini), the fourth house (Cancer), the fifth house (Leo), the sixth house (Virgo), the seventh house (Libra), the eighth house (Scorpio), the ninth house (Sagittarius), the tenth house (Capricorn), the eleventh house, (Aquarius) and the twelfth house, (Pisces).

The Cardinal signs are: the first house (Aries) the fourth house (Cancer) The seventh house (Libra) and the tenth house (Capricorn).

The Fixed, or material signs of the zodiac are: the second house (Taurus),  the fifth house (Leo), the eighth house (Scorpio) and the eleventh house (Aquarius).

The Mutable or mental aspect points to the third house (Gemini) the sixth house (Virgo) the ninth house (Sagittarius) and the twelfth house (Pieces).

Esoteric astrology also sees the cosmos divided into four parts — Fourness, also known as the Four Elements.

The ancient words defining the elements are: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, and four triangles fit perfectly into the twelve houses.

The Fire signs of the zodiac, are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

The Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

The Air signs are: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

The Water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces;

Astrologers see retrograde planets in our solar system going backwards through the signs as a problem.

Planets don't suddenly stop and begin moving in the opposite direction, but that is what they occasionally appear do within the astrological map. The planet Mercury is the closest to the sun, (about 58 million kilometers) and orbits the Sun about three times faster than the Earth (every 88 days). In the astrological chart, Mercury is never very far from the Sun. Mercury can never be farther than 28 degrees away. Mercury moves with the rest of the planets as it crosses the Sun on the back side, but as it continues to revolve around the Sun, it appears to move backward as it swings around and moves in front of the Sun; backing up in the astrological map. That's Mercury in retrograde. As it reaches the lower part of its orbit and once more begins its swing behind the Sun, it appears to change direction again. This natural cycle repeats about three times per year.

Here is an example for 2006:

Mercury Retrograde 2006
Retro Station Direct Station Return
26 Pisces 55
Thu, Mar 2
13 Pisces 11
Sat, Mar 25
26 Pisces 55
Fri, Apr 14
01 Leo 22
Tue, Jul 4
21 Cancer 03
Sat, Jul 29
01 Leo 22
Sat, Aug 12
25 Scorpio 04
Sat, Oct 28
09 Scorpio 04
Sun, Nov 18
25 Scorpio 04
Mon, Dec 04

On October 28, 2006, Mercury, the cosmic magician, turns retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of the Scorpion, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! This awkward period begins a few days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until November 18, when the Winged Messenger reaches his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac.

Everything finally straightens out on December 5, 2006, as he passes the point where he first turned retrograde. Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, as a rule, but the effects of each period differ, according to the sign in which it happens (see box for Retrograde Periods in 2006).

A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion.

Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon.

Fated Events

As a rule, retrograde planets presage a period of seemingly inevitable or fated events, which relate to their sphere of influence. They present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs. For example, Mercury retrograde in Leo presents quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when it retrogrades into Cancer.

A retrograde period is best seen as a cycle, beginning when the planet begins to slow to a halt before travelling backwards through the zodiac and ending when the planet returns to the point where it first paused. However, during the cycle, the planet's energy is most powerful (and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance) when the planet makes a station, appearing motionless in the sky.

These stationary periods occur near the beginning of the cycle (when the planet first halts as it prepares to move backwards) and midway through the cycle when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again. The "direct station" (when the planet halts before moving forward again) is the most powerful and can be used for maximum benefit.

Some astrologers consider that the "Mercury Shadow" begins some three weeks before the actual retro station (when Mercury passes the point of direct station for the first time), but I am more inclined to think that the really noticeable peculiarities begin when Mercury slows significantly, a few days before the retro station. This period of "Mercury Shadow" extends to the Return date, some three weeks after the direct station. Bear this in mind, because experience shows that the effects of the retro period are still marked during the "shadow" phase.

What does Mercury affect?

In general, Mercury rules thinking and perception, processing and disseminating information and all means of communication, commerce and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially people who work with their minds or their wits: writers and orators, commentators and critics, gossips and spin doctors, travellers, tricksters and thieves.

Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray, or awry.

It is therefore not wise to make important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is very likely that these decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. Mercury is all about mental clarity and the power of the mind, so when Mercury is retrograde, these intellectual characteristics tend to be less acute than usual, as the critical faculties are dimmed.

The Key Issue

The key issue here is one of focus. Mercury's retro phase tends to bring unforeseen changes and blockages, but the aggravation and frustration that many of us experience during these periods is often due to our own inability to roll with the punches. Is this due to our ego-fixation? Mercury sets out to restructure our thinking processes and for many of us this is painful and frustrating. Moreover, these experiences reveal flaws in our internal organisation as well as our external planning, which can make us feel foolish and inadequate.

Mercury retrograde, like any cosmic aspect, affects people differently, depending on where it hits their personal charts. Some people actually prosper under a retro Mercury, especially if Mercury is retrograde but otherwise well-aspected in their birth charts. It is also a time when matters begun under a previous retro period will come to fruition, or completion as the case may be. Firm decisions that have been previously made when Mercury is travelling normally through the zodiac may be implemented or finalised while Mercury is retrograde without too much worry, for experience shows that this can be done without undue problems arising.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

When Mercury is retrograde, everyone's thinking is more introspective and we tend to think about issues and concerns which relate to the sign involved. With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, people with this sign prominent in their charts will be especially prone to such introspection. There is little choice but to reconsider our personal views and opinions about life. There is, however, an opportunity to gain insight into our own ego.

Mercury retro in Scorpio inclines to a sharp, sarcastic tongue. People generally tend to be bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along with. Knowledge and information is equated with power and secrecy. Confusion arises over secret matters that come to light and misguided information deriving from those who cling stubbornly to their opinions. Mysticism and the occult are in the news, scarily so. People are more quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposing views and often sarcastic to others. Sexual advances and sexually coloured statements are more likely to be misconstrued.

The emotional influence of Scorpio sharpens our instincts, but makes us less sympathetic. Secrets will come to light, often to the discomfort of those concerned. It is not a good time for surgery.

All areas of communication are affected, especially in matters related to hidden things, sexual encounters, passionate commitments, jealousy, investigations and the occult. This period brings travel snafus and missed appointments of all kinds. Documents can go astray. Be sure to carry a diary and refer to it often.


Here are the other retrograde planets:

Mercury usually turns retro three times a year. Click for more.

Venus Venus retro periods occur every eighteen months or so. Click for more.

Mars Mars turns retro only once every two years. Click for more.

Jupiter Jupiter from March 4, 2006 until July 6, 2006. Click for more.

Saturn Saturn from November 22, 2005 until April 4, 2006
             from December 5, 2006 until April 19, 2007

Uranus Uranus from June 19, 2006 until November 20, 2006

Neptune Neptune from May 22, 2006 until October 29, 2006

Pluto Pluto from March 29, 2006 until September 4, 2006

Don't be fooled by recent scientific Europeans deciding that Pluto isn't a planet. It still is.  It hasn't gone anywhere and still affects us.

When Pluto is Retrograde people are often dealing with the results of major transitions and changes in their lives. Pluto Retrograde is a time of coping with permanent transformation ... the removal of outworn and obsolete conditions and the establishment of new, improved conditions. Pluto Retrograde may involve handling crises and emergencies, acting on new opportunities for growth and learning, and adjusting to situations where the world and life as you know it has changed forever.

Pluto Retrograde represents an important segment of development in the overall creative process of life and is part of the larger Pluto cycle of self-improvement and the formation of productive coalitions. Pluto, with its very irregular orbit, takes over 200 years to transit through the circuit of all the astrological signs. It spends between 12 and 36 years in each sign.

The Moon's North and South Nodes (the Dragon's Head and Tail) are normally retrograde in their movement through the zodiac. The Nodes are not actual planets, but rather sensitive points, or "shadow planets" that have a powerful influence comparable with planetary strength. The True Node from time to time turns direct in motion for a few days, due to the phenomenon known as the "Moon Wobble"; such direct periods are generally considered unfortunate. The Mean Node is always retrograde, as the "Wobble" is averaged out for convenience. Read more about the Moon's Nodes.

The Moon can affect humans and events even more than the planets do:  Be sure to get Dr. Turi's free e-book and read it: 

Click Here to Download your FREE Copy of Dr. Turi's Moon Power 2005
(On a PC using Internet Explorer, right click and then choose Save Target As)
(On a Macintosh, click and Hold, then choose Save)


9-20-06 - DREAM - I was in a restaurant and wanted to tell my dream about the five rings to another person and get an explanation.

Before I could sit down, the restaurant people had to set up more tables because there were so many people there. So they set up two -round tables with white cloths on them that went all the way to the floor all around. then they brought chairs - 6 for each table, and set them up this way.

This happened very quickly. That was quickly apparent that was not going to work so they moved the chairs to this layout:

My friends arrived and before I told them my dreams, I told them about the tables being set up in 6 + 6 rings.

Then a man on my left opened up a newspaper to the editorial page which shows a large cartoon in 3 pictures.  In the cartoon #1, was a large swimming pool. In the pool were adults standing and talking at various random points and it showed children swimming around them in various ways, all going in a clockwise circle, very fast, and splashing the adults who were just standing there quietly.

The 2nd cartoon showed a similar group of adults standing at various random points in a room, but again, in a clockwise movement, many children riding tricycles move around the people in the same way as the splashing swimmers had moved around the people in the pool, except the tricycles were going a little slower than the swimmers had.

The 3rd cartoon also had the adults and children in them, but I didn't notice any movement at all in the picture so I pointed at the kids in the pool splashing and flailing there arms and legs around the adults and said, "That's what I dreamed yesterday."

Just then, the waiter came to our table to get our order and said to me, "I have a twin who says he knows you."  (The waiter was very short, blonde, blue eyed, and young.

I wanted to ask him what his twin's name was, but he had moved on quickly.

The woman to my right asked, "Who was that?"

I said, "That's Mr. Hughes! We were going to hire him to be our gardener at our farm."

Just then, a group of men in dark green uniforms with black collars on their jackets came walking into the restaurant. They were all carrying what looked like riding crops in their black gloved hands and rapping them on their gloves like the Gestapo were shown to us.

It felt very ominous.

First, I need to explain the "Five rings" and the German connection:

In the early 1600's, a samurai named Miyamoto Musashi, emerged from obscurity to mixing with the ruling class based solely on his undeniable skill in man to man combat.  In a series of duels, he won against people that were thought unbeatable.  At one time, using his two sword technique, he single-handedly beat over 30 samurai simultaneously attacking him with guns, arrows and swords. 

He wrote an analysis of his style in a book, The Book of Five Rings.  Recently, the book has remerged as a reference and conversation point for modern Japanese and Western businessmen.  It's strategies can be applied wherever there is conflict and competition occur.  Like Sun Tzu's Art of War, it is written by someone with direct experience.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu recommended a strategic method to win that rarely required actual war.  Spies, deception, and a correctly organised internal structure were his main tools.  If it came to war though, he had detailed insight into its methods and strategies.

The Art of War was written during China's Spring and Autumn period.  This period could be likened to the pre-World War II Europe.  Small dukedoms and kingdoms had been consolidated in previous conflicts.  Only a few, large kingdoms remained in a state of tension with one another.  There was peace, but everyone knew it wouldn't last. 

It didn't.  Eventually wars broke out that lasted hundreds of years for what came to be called the Warring States Period.

Nevertheless, for the time being there was peace and prosperity.  Around this time, several philosophies were developed that later greatly influenced China and the world. 

Sun Tzu's book developed a life of its own, finding its way into the hands of Chinese General centuries after his death.

These ideas were much discussed during the Spring and Autumn Period, but really came into their own during the following Warring States Period.  The Rulers knew that the constant killing and war couldn't continue, but lacked the means to stop it.  Eventually Confucianism and Sun Tzu came to the fore.  It was a great combination because Confucius generally refused to speak on the issue of war claiming ignorance of it.  Sun Tzu and other military thinkers filled the gap. 

Importantly, Confucius did not deny the occasional necessity of war, although, like Sun Tzu, he felt it was extremely undesirable.

Around 500 BC the Art of War was written to educate and impress the nobility.  It works.

The book is expanded, possibly to 82 chapters.

The original, 13 chapter version becomes a popular classic with Chinese leaders from the Warring States Period to Chairman Mao.  It influences military and government policy.  As recently as 1999, the Jiangsu Province Army Division built an Art of War park!

In 1772, a French Jesuit discovers and translates the text.  It it said to have become a favourite of Napoleon.

In 1910, Lionel Giles, of the British Museum translates the book into English.  This translation becomes popular, especially after the copyright runs out.

In 1972 a large quantity of previously lost Art of War text is discovered in a tomb at Yin Chueh Shan, China.

1980's onwards:  The Art of War gets mainstream exposure in movies like "Wall Street", "The Art of War", "Las Vegas" and "The Sopranos".



1. Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State.

2. It is a matter of life and death, a road either
to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry
which can on no account be neglected.

3. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

4. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
(4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.

5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

7. Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat,
times and seasons.

8. Earth comprises distances, great and small;
danger and security; open ground and narrow passes;
the chances of life and death.

9. The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,
sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.

10. By method and discipline are to be understood
the marshalling of the army in its proper subdivisions,
the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenance
of roads by which supplies may reach the army, and the
control of military expenditure.

11. These five heads should be familiar to every general:
he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them
not will fail.

12. Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking
to determine the military conditions, let them be made
the basis of a comparison, in this wise:--

13. (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?
(2) Which of the two generals has most ability?
(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?
(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?
(5) Which army is stronger?
(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?
(7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?

14. By means of these seven considerations I can
forecast victory or defeat.

15. The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts
upon it, will conquer: let such a one be retained in command!
The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it,
will suffer defeat:--let such a one be dismissed!

16. While heading the profit of my counsel,
avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances
over and beyond the ordinary rules.

17. According as circumstances are favourable,
one should modify one's plans.

18. All warfare is based on deception.

19. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we
are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away;
when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

20. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder,
and crush him.

21. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him.
If he is in superior strength, evade him.

22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to
irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.
If his forces are united, separate them.

24. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where
you are not expected.

25. These military devices, leading to victory,
must not be divulged beforehand.

26. Now the general who wins a battle makes many
calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought.
The general who loses a battle makes but few
calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations
lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat:
how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention
to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.


Popular Quotes From and About the Art of War

This news came out the following day after I had the dream:

8 German Warships Set Sail for Lebanon
Sep 21, 9:52 AM (ET)

(AP) German Navy soldiers stand on the bow of the German frigate 'Meckleburg-Vorpommern' during the...
Full Image
WILHELMSHAVEN, Germany (AP) - Germany began its biggest naval operation since World War II on Thursday as eight warships set sail for the eastern Mediterranean to help the U.N. keep the peace in Lebanon.
The first of the ships, the frigate Karlsruhe, pulled away from the dock at the North Sea port at Wilhelmshaven and moved smoothly across the calm harbor after a farewell ceremony.
The German force of two frigates, two support vessels and four fast patrol boats, along with three ships from Denmark, are to arrive off the Lebanese coast in 10 to 14 days.
Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung said the force would make a contribution to peace by supporting the U.N.-brokered cease-fire that ended Israel's monthlong war with Hezbollah guerrillas.
"Unless the weapons are silent there is no chance for peace in the Middle East," Jung said at the ceremony.

Germany is taking charge of a multinational naval task force with a mandate to prevent arms shipments from reaching Hezbollah - a key component of the cease-fire agreement.
The naval detachment is led by the 459-foot frigate Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, equipped with a 76 mm cannon and space for two patrol helicopters.

Parliament approved the deployment on Wednesday, although some lawmakers voted against it because of misgivings linked to Germany's Nazi past and the Holocaust.
Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out sending combat troops to Lebanon in an attempt to ensure that no German soldiers could get caught up in any confrontation with Israeli forces.

Parliament approved a mandate allowing the deployment of up to 2,400 service personnel. Germany is also sending police and customs officers to advise and train Lebanese security forces on tightening border controls.

NOTE:  Again we have the apparent cycle of time shown to us in the previous dream, with the flailing arms and legs of the children going clockwise around the standing adults. Then we are shown the children again, going around and around clockwise on tricycles around the standing adults. Finally, the children become adults and everyone stands around and does nothing. Have they really progressed?  I highly doubt it!  One only has to study history to know that we don't learn from our mistakes.  

Joe Mason - my life partner received an e-mail right after I told him this dream.  In the e-mail, it asks a question, "Is time really circular?"   In this physical life, time seems to be linear - straight as an arrow - but that is an illusion - time is really circular. Events happen again and again - not necessarily to the same people, but the events return to haunt us in many different generations. 

Hindu cosmological time cycles represent numerically the life of our solar system and are a comprehensive system of time measurement based upon the sexagesimal number system with units as small as 1/216000 of a day and as large as 3.1104×1014 years.

To demonstrate the astronomical quantities which lie behind the cycles, we require only the principal unit of the cycles, namely, the kalpa period, and its three principal subunits: the manu, caturyuga, and kaliyuga intervals.

In Hindu cosmogeny, all things proceed toward perfection in cycles of repeated incarnations. During the vast interval of one kalpa, the god of our solar system manifests all sentient creatures out of himself. Hindus call this a "day of Brahma". After this, the god of our solar system returns all sentient creatures to himself for the interval of one kalpa. Hindus call this a "night of Brahma".

Traditional Indian textbooks on astronomy contain descriptions of Hindu cosmological time cycles as part of their general discussion of the divisions of time. Some scholars say there are two versions of the cycles, but the so-called Aryabhata (circa 500 A.D.) version is really slightly corrupted due to the fact that Aryabhata summed up the entirety of the time cycles in a single verse of his text, thereby leaving out essential details. In the Clark translation of the Aryabhatiya verse 3 we find:

    There are 14 Manus in a day of Brahman [a kalpa], and 72 yugas constitute the period of a Manu. Since the beginning of this kalpa up to the Thursday of the Bharata battle 6 Manus, 27 yugas, and 3 yugapadas have elapsed.
The following complete description of the cycles comes from the Burgess translation of the SuryaSiddhanta:
  1. That which begins with respirations (prana) is called real.... Six respirations make a vinadi, sixty of these a nadi;
  2. And sixty nadis make a sidereal day and night. Of thirty of these sidereal days is composed a month; a civil (savana) month consists of as many sunrises;
  3. A lunar month, of as many lunar days (tithi); a solar (saura) month is determined by the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac; twelve months make a year. This is called a day of the gods.
  4. The day and night of the gods and of the demons are mutually opposed to one another. Six times sixty of them are a year of the gods, and likewise of the demons.
  5. Twelve thousand of these divine years are denominated a caturyuga; of ten thousand times four hundred and thirty-two solar years
  6. Is composed that caturyuga, with its dawn and twilight. The difference of the krtayuga and the other yugas, as measured by the difference in the number of the feet of Virtue in each, is as follows:
  7. The tenth part of a caturyuga, multiplied successively by four, three, two, and one, gives the length of the krta and the other yugas: the sixth part of each belongs to its dawn and twilight.
  8. One and seventy caturyugas make a manu; at its end is a twilight which has the number of years of a krtayuga, and which is a deluge.
  9. In a kalpa are reckoned fourteen manus with their respective twilights; at the commencement of the kalpa is a fifteenth dawn, having the length of a krtayuga.
  10. The kalpa, thus composed of a thousand caturyugas, and which brings about the destruction of all that exists, is a day of Brahma; his night is of the same length.
  11. His extreme age is a hundred, according to this valuation of a day and a night. The half of his life is past; of the remainder, this is the first kalpa.
  12. And of this kalpa, six manus are past, with their respective twilights; and of the Manu son of Vivasvant, twenty-seven caturyugas are past;
  13. Of the present, the twenty-eighth, caturyuga, this krtayuga is past....
Commentaries make plain that in verse 12 "sidereal day" refers to a true revolution of the Earth1, that in verse 13 "a day of the gods" refers to the sidereal year, although "a night of the gods" is half of a sidereal year, and that in verse 21 "his extreme age is a hundred" refers to one hundred years of 360 days, each one of these days being two kalpas long. The text is presented in verse 23 as being composed after a krtayuga, but Indian tradition gives the present age as two yugapadas later. The present yugapada, a kaliyuga, is said to have begun on Friday 18 February, 3102 B.C. of the Julian calendar.

The following three tables, taken from the English commentary to the Burgess translation of the SuryaSiddhanta, clearly present the infrastructure of Hindu cosmological time cycles.

1. In modern astronomy, a sidereal day is the interval of time between two successive passages of the Vernal point across the mid-heaven. During this interval, the Vernal point is affected by precession. A true revolution of the earth is a 360° rotation not affected by precession.



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