11-6-05 - 5:55 a.m. DREAM - I was working in a large
office somewhere and my friend Kimber had an office across the hall from
me. We had the same boss.
The boss, who was the President and his second man - the Vice President,
came into my office and he said that he was waiting for a phone call from
his mother. He wanted to have a private line put in just for her, but he
didn't think he would be allowed to do that, so if she called, he would talk
to her on 'my' phone.
The boss was tall, on the chubby side, balding. He was very pleasant looking,
the fatherly type - like Jeb Bush. The Vice President was shorter
and older,
with dark hair.
I was in the process of filing some thin brochure-type catalogs. The
President took them from me and looked through them and then laughingly dressed
up in women's clothes right in front of me. He made a very handsome woman, I must say.
The men left my office then and I saw what they left on my desk. It was
a war map.
All the countries we were at war with were on the map, placed together
like it was one continent. One country was labeled WAR. It was shaped like
Israel. The other countries around it were labeled with their names and there
were many of them.
I saw North Korea, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Taiwan, and
many others. We were at war in all of them but Israel was right in the center
of them..
All the countries were blood red in color.
Underneath the map, it said, RULE 2002 WAS INSTITUTED IN 2002.
The countries from the above map are:
orange countries:
Alaska / Hawaii (u.s.), Russia,
South Korea, India, Bhutan, Hainan, Brunel,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia,
Vanuatu, Swaziland, Lesotho, Guinea, Uganda,
Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea,
Somalia, Syria, Jordan, Oman, Yemen,
Italy, France, Switzerland, U.K..
red countries: United States, Iran,
Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan,
dark blue
greenland (denmark), falkland islands — off the south eastern tip of south america (u.k.)
the West, early Christians didn't like turtles, and they viewed them as
symbolizing evil forces during war. In Greece, turtles were once believed
to be citizens of hell. But like the Chinese, Indians have a legend that
"the world is supported by four elephants standing on a giant
turtle." (As in the great Discworld series by Terry Pratchett.) After
hearing a Western scientist clearly give a scientific explanation for the
formation of the world, one old Indian woman said that he was wholly
mistaken, that the world was being supported by a giant turtle. When the
scientist asked what was under the turtle, she said, "Of course there
is an endless pile of turtles, one on top of another."
seem to possess an enviable and god-like resistance to aging, and so they
came to symbolize longevity. Their link to heaven and earth made them a
natural for use in divination. Turtles are also symbols of immortality and
are considered temporary dwelling places for souls making their way
through a series of lives on the path to Nirvana. The turtle is considered
to be the second incarnation of the powerful god Vishnu in the Hindu
religion. After a great flood, which occurs every four billion years and
dissolves the earth, Vishnu transforms himself into a great turtle. On his
back, he carries a vessel in which the gods and demons mix the elements
necessary to re-create the globe. After a thousand years, when the earth
has been reborn, the turtle remains in place, and on his back stands a
large elephant, which support the planet.
to some Native American tales, the Earth Diver turtle swam to the bottom
of the water that stretched across the world. He surfaced with the mud
which the creator used to make the earth. The turtle is a shore creature,
using the land and the water. All shore areas are associated with doorways
to the Faerie Realm. The turtle is sometimes known as the keeper of the
doors. They were often seen as signs of fairy contact and the promise of
fairy rewards.
Israel's Enemies Are America's Enemies
Monday, December 9, 2002
By: David Holcberg
for terrorism claim there is no connection between terrorism against
Israel and terrorism against America, and insist that Israel's enemies
are not America's enemies. Their lies were laid bare by their own protégés,
the Al-Qaida terrorists who bombed an Israeli tourist resort in Kenya
last week.
choice of Israeli as well as American targets demonstrates that they
view both America and Israel as their enemies. They seek to
destroy both countries because their own irrational, totalitarian and
backward ideology is threatened by Western Civilization's
values of reason, freedom and progress.
Osama bin
Laden explicitly declared a holy war against "the world
Christianity, which is allied with Jews and Zionism, led by the United
States, Britain and Israel." The PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and all
other Arab and Islamic terrorist organizations and regimes in the Middle
East feel the same way. The Palestinian Authority, for example, recently
broadcasted live from the mosques of Gaza the following call: ''Wherever
you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them--and
those who stand by them. They are all in one trench against the Arabs
and the Muslims.'' Just this past week Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan
Nasrallah exhorted his Palestinians followers "to take suicide
bombings worldwide."
It is
only a matter of time before Palestinian terrorists will begin to
systematically attack Americans--as they have been attacking Israelis.
If America wants to win this
war with as few American casualties as possible, it must ignore the
apologists for terrorism and turn its attention to what Arab and Muslim
terrorists are really saying and doing. Then Americans will clearly see
that Israel's enemies are America's enemies too--and that by supporting
Israel America would be advancing its own cause.
David Holcberg
This letter was published in Australia's Herald Sun (December
10, 2002)
FROM: http://www.aynrand.org/site/News2?JServSessionIdr012=
Who are Israel's enemies? There's Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Lebanon, Iraq ,
Iran , the Palestinians and the rest of the Muslim world. Remember the
Iraqi's fired on Israel during Desert Storm.
(Book of Ezekiel)
Chapter 37
- 1
- The hand of HaShem was upon me, and HaShem carried me out in a
spirit, and set me down in the midst of the valley, and it was full of
- 2
- and He caused me to pass by them round about, and, behold, there
were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
- 3
- And He said unto me: 'Son of man, can these bones live?' And I
answered: 'O L-rd GOD, Thou knowest.'
- 4
- Then He said unto me: 'Prophesy over these bones, and say unto them:
O ye dry bones, hear the word of HaShem:
- 5
- Thus saith the L-rd GOD unto these bones: Behold, I will cause
breath to enter into you, and ye shall live.
- 6
- And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you,
and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and
ye shall know that I am HaShem.'
- 7
- So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a
noise, and behold a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to
its bone.
- 8
- And I beheld, and, lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came
up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.
- 9
- Then said He unto me: 'Prophesy unto the breath, prophesy, son of
man, and say to the breath: Thus saith the L-rd GOD: Come from the
four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may
- 10
- So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them,
and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great host.
- 11
- Then He said unto me: 'Son of man, these bones are the whole house
of Israel; behold, they say: Our bones are dried up, and our hope is
lost; we are clean cut off.
- 12
- Therefore prophesy, and say unto them: Thus saith the L-rd GOD:
Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your
graves, O My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.
- 13
- And ye shall know that I am HaShem, when I have opened your graves,
and caused you to come up out of your graves, O My people.
- 14
- And I will put My spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I will place
you in your own land; and ye shall know that I HaShem have spoken, and
performed it, saith HaShem.'
- 15
- And the word of HaShem came unto me, saying:
- 16
- 'And thou, son of man, take thee one stick,
and write upon it: For Judah, and for the children of Israel his
companions; then take another stick, and write upon it: For Joseph,
the stick of Ephraim, and of all the house of Israel his companions;
- 17
- and join them for thee one to another into one
stick, that they may become one in thy hand.
- 18
- And when the children of thy people shall
speak unto thee, saying: Wilt thou not tell us what thou meanest by
- 19
- say into them: Thus saith the L-rd GOD:
Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of
Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions; and I will put them
unto him together with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick,
and they shall be one in My hand.
- 20
- And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be
in thy hand before their eyes.
- 21
- And say unto them: Thus saith the L-rd GOD:
Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations,
whither they are gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring
them into their own land;
- 22
- and I will make them one nation in the land,
upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all;
and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided
into two kingdoms any more at all;
- 23
- neither shall they defile themselves any more
with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of
their transgressions; but I will save them out of all their
dwelling-places, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them; so
shall they be My people, and I will be their G-d.
- 24
- And My servant David shall be king over them, and they all shall
have one shepherd; they shall also walk in Mine ordinances, and
observe My statutes, and do them.
- 25
- And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob My
servant, wherein your fathers dwelt; and they shall dwell therein,
they, and their children, and their children's children, for ever; and
David My servant shall be their prince for ever.
- 26
- Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them--it shall be an
everlasting covenant with them; and I will establish them, and
multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in the midst of them for
- 27
- My dwelling-place also shall be over them; and I will be their G-d,
and they shall be My people.
- 28
- And the nations shall know that I am HaShem that sanctify Israel,
when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for ever.'
Ezekiel, the master of
metaphor and parable, prophesied that the ultimate redemption would be
preceded by the unification of the Jewish people. The northern kingdom,
known as the nation of Israel (associated with Joseph), would again be
joined with the southern kingdom, known as the nation of Judah. God had
Ezekiel foreshadow this event with the following symbolic image: “And
you, O mortal, take a stick and write on it, ‘Of Judah and the
Israelites associated with it; and take another stick and write on it,
‘Of Joseph - the stick of Ephraim - and all the House of Israel
associated with it.’ Bring them close to each other, so that they can
become one stick joined together in your hand.” (Ezekiel 37:16-17 - NJPS
translation) Each of these sticks represented part of the divided Jewish
nation. The joining of the sticks symbolized the reunification of the
Jewish people. Rabbi David Kimche recounts in the name of his father,
Rabbi Joseph Kimche, the famous 12th century Spanish-Provencal
exegete, that Ezekiel’s action was not merely symbolic but miraculous as
Why does Kimche describe the joining of the sticks as
a miracle? Perhaps he intends to emphasize the great difficulty of
reconciling the disparate groups that make up the Jewish people. If it
took great effort to heal the rift between Joseph and Judah, how much more
of a challenge will it be to mend the relationship between groups with
differing ideologies and world views. Only with God’s help can this be
made possible and without God’s help in bringing this unity, redemption
will not be achieved.
FROM: http://www.uscj.org.il/haftarah/vayigash5762.html
This important prophecy, written nearly 2,600 years ago, surely was
written for our time. In A.D. 70, Roman legions defeated the Jewish
people, destroyed their Temple, and either slaughtered the Jews or carried
them into captivity throughout the world-- a nearly nineteen-century
period known as "the Diaspora." The Jews remained dispersed
until May 14, 1948, when they returned to re-establish Israel (the dry
bones becoming flesh). Since 1948, the Jews have re-built Israel under
one government (the two sticks joined as one), and God has promised
they never again will be defeated. Jews from all parts of the world (the
breath from the four winds-- the four cardinal points of the world)
have come to Israel. This part of the prophecy has been fulfilled since
1948. Rule under "David" will not occur until the Millennial
Kingdom, when Jesus Christ will rule the world and all nations will know
and worship God (Jesus was from the House of David, through Joseph--
Matthew 1:1, 6, 16-- and was sometimes called "Son of David.").
FROM: http://www.prophecyfulfillment.com/
Security Council resolution 1454 (2002) The situation
between Iraq and Kuwait |
Security Council resolution 1453 (2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1452 (2002) Threats to
international peace and security caused by terrorist acts |
Security Council resolution 1451 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East |
Security Council resolution 1450 (2002) Threats to
international peace and security caused by terrorist acts |
Security Council resolution 1449 (2002) Establishment
of the list of candidates for Judges on the International Tribunal
for Rwanda |
Security Council resolution 1448 (2002) The situation
in Angola |
Security Council resolution 1447 (2002) The situation
between Iraq and Kuwait |
Security Council resolution 1446 (2002) The situation
in Sierra Leone |
Security Council resolution 1445 (2002) The situation
concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Security Council resolution 1444 (2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1443 (2002) The situation
between Iraq and Kuwait |
Security Council resolution 1442 (2002) The situation
in Cyprus |
Security Council resolution 1441 (2002) The situation
between Iraq and Kuwait |
Security Council resolution 1440 (2002) Threats to
international peace and security caused by terrorist acts |
Security Council resolution 1439 (2002) The situation
in Angola |
Security Council resolution 1438 (2002) Threats to
international peace and security caused by terrorist acts |
Security Council resolution 1437 (2002) The situation
Croatia |
Security Council resolution 1436 (2002) The situation
in Sierra Leone |
Security Council resolution 1435 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question |
Security Council resolution 1434 (2002) The situation
between Eritrea and Ethiopia |
Security Council resolution 1433 (2002) The situation
in Angola |
Security Council resolution 1432 (2002) The situation
in Angola |
Security Council resolution 1431 (2002) International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
Security Council resolution 1430 (2002) The situation
between Eritrea and Ethiopia |
Security Council resolution 1429 (2002) The situation
concerning Western Sahara |
Security Council resolution 1428 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East |
Security Council resolution 1427 (2002) The situation
in Georgia |
Security Council resolution 1426 (2002) on the Admission
of new Members |
Security Council resolution 1425 (2002) The situation
in Somalia |
Security Council resolution 1424 (2002) The situation
in Croatia |
Security Council resolution 1423 (2002) The situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Security Council resolution 1422 (2002) United Nations
peacekeeping |
Security Council resolution 1421 (2002) The situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Security Council resolution 1420 (2002) The situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Security Council resolution 1419 (2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1418 (2002) The situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Security Council resolution 1417 (2002) The situation
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Security Council resolution 1416 (2002) The situation
in Cyprus |
Security Council resolution 1415 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East |
Security Council resolution 1414 (2002) The Admission
of new Members |
Security Council resolution 1413 (2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1412 (2002) The situation
in Angola |
Security Council resolution 1411 (2002) International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda |
Security Council resolution 1410 (2002) The situation
in East Timor |
Security Council resolution 1409 (2002) The situation
between Iraq and Kuwait |
Security Council resolution 1408 (2002) The situation
in Liberia |
Security Council resolution 1407 (2002) The situation
in Somalia |
Security Council resolution 1406 (2002) The situation
concerning Western Sahara |
Security Council resolution 1405 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question |
Security Council resolution 1404 (2002) The situation
in Angola |
Security Council resolution 1403 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question |
Security Council resolution 1402 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question |
Security Council resolution 1401 (2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1400 (2002) The situation
in Sierra Leone |
Security Council resolution 1399 (2002) The situation
concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Security Council resolution 1398 (2002) The situation
between Eritrea and Ethiopia |
Security Council resolution 1397 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question |
Security Council resolution 1396 (2002) The situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Security Council resolution 1395 (2002) The situation
in Liberia |
Security Council resolution 1394 (2002) The situation
concerning Western Sahara |
Security Council resolution 1393 (2002) The situation
in Georgia |
Security Council resolution 1392 (2002) The situation
in East Timor |
Security Council resolution 1391 (2002) The situation
in the Middle East |
Security Council resolution 1390 (2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1389 (2002) The situation
in Sierra Leone |
Security Council resolution 1388(2002) The situation
in Afghanistan |
Security Council resolution 1387 (2002) The situation
in Croatia
Encoded within the human mind and body are
autonomic reactions to certain natural sounds that trigger powerful
responses. These sounds can be looked upon as analogs to the visual
archetypes or collectively recognized symbols that Carl Jung
researched and expanded upon. The effect of primordial sounds can be
peaceful and soothing to the listeners consciousness. Ocean waves,
fire, rain, forest noises, heartbeats and wind are examples.
Soundwaves are examples of periodicity. Sound is
measured in cycles per second (hertz or hz). Each cycle of a wave is
in reality a single pulse of sound. The average range of hearing for
the human ear is somewhere between 16 hz. and 20,000 hz. We can not
hear extremely low frequencies (ELFs), but we can perceive them as
Entrainment is the process of synchronization,
where vibrations of one object will cause the vibrations of another
object to oscillate at the same rate. External rhythms can have a
direct effect on the psychology and physiology of the listener.
Slower tempos from 48-70 BPMS have been proven to decrease heart and
respiratory rates, thereby altering the predominate brainwave
Thousands of years ago in ancient India the seers
rediscovered the sacred syllable AUM (pronounced OM). AUM is more
than a single word, it is the seed of all other words and a
scientific formula. When each letter is vocalized correctly, all
vowels and consonants are foreshadowed within it. "A"
embodies the is the waking state of consciousness, the material
world. "U" represents the dream state of the astral and
subtle planes of existence. "M" symbolizes the state of
deep dreamless sleep, a state of bliss and transcendence which is
not consciously experienced. The most important part of this
primeval formula is the silent resonance that is felt after sounding
the "M." This forth part is the spirit, consciousness
itself. The vibration of AUM brings about physical and psychological
Excerpted from: http://www.brainwashed.com/h3o/dreamachine/soundmind.html
Four main patterns have been recognized:
Beta Waves 13 - 30 Hz Alert state
Alpha Waves 8 - 12 Hz Relaxed wakefulness
Theta Waves 4 - 7 Hz Reverie, imagery
Delta Waves .5 - 3 Hz Deep sleep
If a person experiences a frequency in the low alpha or theta range,
you will start to feel a change in awareness within a
few minutes. Many people will report a floating feeling. The
attention may start to wander as the thoughts become less linear and
logical. People may find themselves in a lucid dream with sights,
sounds and feelings experienced.. Some people, who experience more
auditory tones, may hear words in the pulsed sounds. This indicates
theta activity and heightened creativity. Because the sense of time
changes during these experiences, it may seem as if the person has
slept. There will be a definite difference between the state
experienced before the change in pulse waves and while experienced
during the pulse waves.
Most programs start out in the beta frequency range (13-40 Hz.) and
gradually slow (ramp) to the target range. The initial phase may
seem frantic, but these frequencies come closest to the brain's when
starting. This closeness makes entrainment possible.
If the pulse waves start out in theta waves, it
would make it difficult for a beta dominant brain to synch up. This
frantic, almost psychedelic phase passes quickly as the pulsing
slows. Some experiences may not find the beta waves very entraining.
This happens when the person remains analytical, excited at the
novelty of the experience or resistant to letting go. Letting go of
control stimulates the production of alpha and theta rhythms. Most
experiencers will benefit from simply "going with the
flow" even if that includes losing awareness
Basic functions excerpted from: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/brotman.html
the cancellation of the Phoenix Project, the people involved
were on the horns of a dilemma. They had spent the better part of
almost 20 years developing mind control and stealth technologies
that Congress didn't want anyone to use. Undeterred, the scientists
went to the one organization they knew would want to engage in
further research and development of the devices the Phoenix
Project had produced: the military.
the military was very excited about the idea of a weapons system
that would allow them to defeat an enemy without ever firing a shot.
They agreed to continue the project, setting up the Phoenix people
in a secluded area where proper experimentation could be conducted.
The military also agreed to provide the equipment and personnel the
project required in order to operate.
One of the primary
items on the equipment list given to the military was a Sage
Radar system. It had been discovered that radio signals in the
425 to 450 Megahertz range were required to get 'inside' the human
consciousness to allow for mind control attempts. The Sage Radar
systems ran at these frequencies, and could be converted into a huge
radiosonde easily. Better yet, the Sage Radar system was currently
obsolete, thus the scientists would be able to use one with no
detriment to national security.
for the Phoenix II came not from the military, who only supplied men
and materials, but from outside sources. This was because the
Project itself had been ordered to disband by Congress and was now
operating independently. Montauk AFB, had been closed since 1969,
and was no longer receiving any federal funding. So, the question of
"where did the Project funding come from?"arises.
actual circumstances surrounding the financing of the Phoenix II
project are shrouded in a veil of mystery. Project funding
seemed to come from private sources, although some evidence points
to an alleged Nazi involvement. This involvement came in the form of
10 billion dollars in gold, smuggled out of Europe at the end
of World War II. Apparently, a train carrying the gold was blown up
while passing though a tunnel in Allied-occupied France, killing 51
American soldiers. Even General George Patton, furious that
such an act of sabotage could have occurred, was unable to determine
how the train had been hit, or who had made off with the gold. Other
evidence states that after the money from the gold was used up, the
Krupp family financially backed the project (The Krupps
owned and operated numerous munitions factories during World War I
and World War II. One of their most famous weapons is the 'Paris
Gun' which shelled Paris from more than 70 miles away in the First
World War.)
number of the military servicemen present were Air Force radar
technicians who had worked with the Sage Radar system all
through the 60's. They reported that the general mood of the base
had changed according to the frequency and pulse duration of the
radar system. This seemingly trivial piece of information was
considered very important to the Phoenix people, who quickly
determined that by changing the rate and width of the radar pulse,
they could superficially alter the way people thought and felt.
discovery prompted a number of experiments to determine what
frequencies prompted what responses. A number of people were used in
these experiments, although the prime test subject was a man by the
name of Duncan Cameron (more about him later). These test
subjects were placed inside of a small room on the base and the
Sage Radar system was focused on that room, bathing it with
massive amounts of micro and radio waves. By altering the frequency
and pulse of the radar set, they could make a person laugh, cry,
angry or sleepy. As a side effect, it was found the the general mood
of the whole base would change to follow the signal output of the Sage
that it had been proved the Sage Radar could effect emotional
states, the next step was to try and control a person's thoughts.
Tests were conducted in the which the pulse rate and amplitude of
the Radar system were changed to match various biological functions
of the body. Doing so allowed the scientists to actually control
what a person thought and did.
should be pointed out that bathing a person in massive amounts of microwave
radiation and intense radio waves is not healthy. Many
test subjects were literally baked by radio waves causing serious
internal damage to the lungs and brain. With further tests it was
determined that this damage was caused by "burning
radiation". "Non-burning radiation" was emitted from
the opposite side of the Sage Radar reflector. So, the scientists
decided to reverse the radar antenna around 180 degrees,
broadcasting burning radiation up into the sky and using the
non-burning radiation to conduct their tests. Much to their delight,
it was discovered that non-burning radiation could alter moods and
thoughts as well, and didn't damage the subject of the tests!
1973, the experimental process had reached a new step. The
scientists wanted to experiment with large groups of people,
changing their thoughts and moods en masse and monitoring the
results. Units of the U.S. Army were invited to the base for
R&R, becoming the unwitting targets of mood-altering
experiments. Similar experiments were also conducted on people
living nearby on Long Island, as well as New Jersey, New York and
Connecticut. The aim of these tests was very simple; to build a
database of pulse settings and the effects they caused With time,
the scientists were able to construct a control panel that allowed
them to broadcast preset signals, thus allowing for consistent mind
control effects.
allowed the scientists to create a wide variety of effects,
depending on the settings fed into the transmitter. Programs were
written that would allow the researchers to do more than simply
create mood swings. They found that they could increase the crime
rate, incite violence and cause mass panic among animals. They even
developed programs that would disable vehicles by burning out all of
its electrical functions.
this point, the Montauk people had developed a reliable
method for controlling the thoughts of others. Now, they
wanted to make a device that would allow for precise manipulation of
a target. The scope of the Montauk Project was about to expand
beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
Excerpted from: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/montauk/rainbow/phoenix_2.htm
Since the criminal life manipulation & inducing illness/death
is still a top conspiracy of every country's invisible personnel in
the world, the research and weapons development in this field have
remained largely classified. Although some of these
technologies (so-called nonlethal weapons) have been openly
transferred to local law enforcement, some have attempt to misled
the public regarding the true capabilities of these weapons by
intentionally mislabeling it as "nonlethal weapons".
However, the frequency and intensity of these sound and radiation
wave weapons (the so-called "nonlethal" weapons) can be
adjusted and used to murder the targeted people.
Based on National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report, the
information of in the Scientific American (4/94), MICROWAVE NEWS
(Nov/Dec 1993), and Nexus magazine, it prove that the state &
local law enforcement have used the mind control equipment
(microwave voice equipment-voice synthesis) and life control weapons
(microwaves, infrasound, radio-frequency weapon, EMP -
electromagnetic pulse weapon, etc.) on civilians. Therefore,
the state & local law enforcement have become mind control basic
unit. The police officers have become the unlawful life
controllers of local people in surveillance stations/system.
The 3\23\94 WASHINGTON POST reported: "The Pentagon and the
Justice Department have agreed to share state-of-the-art military
technology with civilian law enforcement agencies, including exotic
'non-lethal' weapons."
In March, 1993, the National Institute of Justice [NIJ]-- (an
office of Janet Reno's Justice Department), issued a report titled:
"NIJ Initiative On Less-Than-Lethal Weapons." The
Department is now encouraging local and state police organizations
to utilize Soviet KGB psychotronic, electromagnetic and mind control
weapons against their local citizenry. The reports stated:
"Short-term research will be completed TO
... including LASER, MICROWAVE, AND
Order & ELF Psychotronic Tyranny" by C. B. Baker Youth
Action Newsletter December 1994)
The 4\94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported: "Federal researchers
are now investigating a broad array of non-lethal devices including
electronics-disrupting pulses of electromagnetic radiation .. and
biological agents that can chew up crops." To help
promote the U.N. global dictatorship, Soviet KGB scientist have
recently been working at various U.S. advanced weapons facilities,
such as Lawrence Liverpool and Los Alamos Laboratories.
MICROWAVE NEWS Nov/Dec 1993 reported, in November, 1993, a three
day top-secret non-lethal weapons conference took place in the
Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland.
400 scientists gathered at this University Applied Physics Lab to
discuss their work in developing nonlethal weapons technologies
including radio-frequency radiation (RF), electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
weapon, ELF, lasers and chemical. The meeting was classified.
The meeting was attended by numerous scientist, military weapons
experts, intelligence officials from state and local police
departments. The main purposes of the meeting was to prepare
leading law enforcement officials for the use of psychotronic
mind-control weapons.
Amongst the subjects covered at the conference were "RADIO-FREQUENCY
TECHNOLOGY" (used to transmit subliminal voices into
Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal (psychotronic)
Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, served as PRESENT DAY, U.S.
Government use of electromagnetic weapons was described conference
In the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed-energy weapons
currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave weapon
manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as
'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF
also known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic
Telepathy" [a kind of Microwave voices device -- Alan Yu note].
This psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the
November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference (same meeting as above
Nonlethal weapon conference).
Excerpted from: http://home.earthlink.net/~alanyu76/part5d.htm
Here are symptoms that you might be receiving directed energy
weapon transmissions:
1. Microwave hearing. The hearing of voices in the head from
an outside source, but nobody else can hear the voices except the
targeted individual.
2. Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious
3. Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations.
4. Inject
words, numbers into brain via emr waves
5. Manipulation
of emotions
6. Reading
thoughts remotely
7. Causing pain to any nerve of the body
8. Remote manipulation of human behavior from space
9. Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying
10. Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see
what you see exactly
11. Control
of sleep patterns
12. Computer-brain
interface, control and communication
13. Complex control of the brain such as retrieving
memories, implanting personalities
A recent edition of U.S. News and World Report
highlighted several of these "wonderweapons" (acoustics,
microwaves, lasers) and noted that scientists are "searching
the electromagnetic and sonic spectrums for wavelengths that can
affect human behavior."[3] A recent Russian military article
offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that
"humanity stands on the brink of a psychotronic war" with
the mind and body as the focus. That article discussed Russian and
international attempts to control the psycho-physical condition of
man and his decisionmaking processes by the use of VHF-generators,
"noiseless cassettes," and other technologies.
An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on
devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the
body's psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used
to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter
the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing
systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse
or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium.
US Views on "Wonder Weapons":
Altering the Data-Processing Ability of the Body
What technologies have been examined by the
United States that possess the potential to disrupt the
data-processing capabilities of the human organism? The 7 July 1997
issue of U.S. News and World Report described several of them
designed, among other things, to vibrate the insides of humans, stun
or nauseate them, put them to sleep, heat them up, or knock them
down with a shock wave.[9] The technologies include dazzling lasers
that can force the pupils to close; acoustic or sonic frequencies
that cause the hair cells in the inner ear to vibrate and cause
motion sickness, vertigo, and nausea, or frequencies that resonate
the internal organs causing pain and spasms; and shock waves with
the potential to knock down humans or airplanes and which can be
mixed with pepper spray or chemicals.[10]
With modification, these technological
applications can have many uses. Acoustic weapons, for example,
could be adapted for use as acoustic rifles or as acoustic fields
that, once established, might protect facilities, assist in hostage
rescues, control riots, or clear paths for convoys. These waves,
which can penetrate buildings, offer a host of opportunities for
military and law enforcement officials. Microwave weapons, by
stimulating the peripheral nervous system, can heat up the body,
induce epileptic-like seizures, or cause cardiac arrest.
Low-frequency radiation affects the electrical activity of the brain
and can cause flu-like symptoms and nausea. Other projects sought to
induce or prevent sleep, or to affect the signal from the motor
cortex portion of the brain, overriding voluntary muscle movements.
The latter are referred to as pulse wave weapons, and the Russian
government has reportedly bought over 100,000 copies of the
"Black Widow" version of them.[11]
However, this view of "wonder weapons"
was contested by someone who should understand them. Brigadier
General Larry Dodgen, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
for Policy and Missions, wrote a letter to the editor about the
"numerous inaccuracies" in the U.S. News and World
Report article that "misrepresent the Department of
Defense's views."[12] Dodgen's primary complaint seemed to have
been that the magazine misrepresented the use of these technologies
and their value to the armed forces. He also underscored the US
intent to work within the scope of any international treaty
concerning their application, as well as plans to abandon (or at
least redesign) any weapon for which countermeasures are known. One
is left with the feeling, however, that research in this area
isintense. A concern not mentioned by Dodgen is that other countries
or non-state actors may not be bound by the same constraints. It is
hard to imagine someone with a greater desire than terrorists to get
their hands on these technologies. "Psycho-terrorism"
could be the next buzzword.
Russian Views on "Psychotronic War"
The term "psycho-terrorism" was coined
by Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic
Center. According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that
act to "take away a part of the information which is stored in
a man's brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the
level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified
information is then reinserted into the brain." These weapons
are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness,
mutations in human cells, "zombification," or even death.
Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and
radio waves. Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the
military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that
"psy" weapons are under development all over the globe.
Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have
prototypes) were:
A psychotronic generator, which produces a
powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through
telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and
incandescent lamps.
An autonomous generator, a device that
operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-20 Hertz band
forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all
living creatures.
A nervous system generator, designed to
paralyze the central nervous systems of insects, which could
have the same applicability to humans.
Ultrasound emanations, which one institute
claims to have developed. Devices using ultrasound emanations
are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal
operations without leaving a mark on the skin. They can also,
according to Chernishev, be used to kill.
Noiseless cassettes. Chernishev claims that
the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low
frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected
by the subconscious. Russians claim to be using similar
"bombardments" with computer programming to treat
alcoholism or smoking.
The 25th-frame effect, alluded to above, a
technique wherein each 25th frame of a movie reel or film
footage contains a message that is picked up by the
subconscious. This technique, if it works, could possibly be
used to curb smoking and alcoholism, but it has wider, more
sinister applications if used on a TV audience or a computer
Psychotropics, defined as medical
preparations used to induce a trance, euphoria, or depression.
Referred to as "slow-acting mines," they could be
slipped into the food of a politician or into the water supply
of an entire city. Symptoms include headaches, noises, voices or
commands in the brain, dizziness, pain in the abdominal
cavities, cardiac arrhythmia, or even the destruction of the
cardiovascular system.
There is confirmation from US researchers that
this type of study is going on. Dr. Janet Morris, coauthor of The
Warrior's Edge, reportedly went to the Moscow Institute of
Psychocorrelations in 1991. There she was shown a technique
pioneered by the Russian Department of Psycho-Correction at Moscow
Medical Academy in which researchers electronically analyze the
human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command
messages, using key words transmitted in "white noise" or
music. Using an infra-sound, very low frequency transmission, the
acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone
Excerpted from; http://www.davidicke.net/mindcontrol/research/re020101b.html
Nuclear Weapon EMP
A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate flux of
gamma rays from the nuclear reactions within the device. These
photons in turn produce high energy free electrons by Compton
scattering at altitudes between (roughly) 20 and 40 km. These
electrons are then trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field, giving
rise to an oscillating electric current. This current is
asymmetric in general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated
electromagnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse
Because the electrons are trapped essentially simultaneously, a
very large electromagnetic source radiates coherently.
The pulse
can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can
affect systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP
incident accompanied a high-altitude nuclear test over the South
Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as
Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400–500 km over Kansas would
affect all of CONUS. The signal from such an event extends to the
visual horizon as seen from the burst point.
produced by the Compton electrons typically lasts for about 1
microsecond, and this signal is called HEMP. In addition to the
prompt EMP,
scattered gammas and inelastic gammas produced by weapon neutrons
produce an “intermediate time” signal from about 1 microsecond
to 1 second. The energetic debris entering the ionosphere produces
ionization and heating of the E-region. In turn, this causes the
geomagnetic field to “heave,” producing a “late-time”
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) EMP
generally called a heave signal.
Initially, the plasma from the weapon is slightly conducting; the
geomagnetic field cannot penetrate this volume and is displaced as
a result. This impulsive distortion of the geomagnetic field was
observed worldwide in the case of the STARFISH test. To be sure,
the size of the signal from this process is not large, but systems
connected to long lines (e.g., power lines, telephone wires, and
tracking wire antennas) are at risk because of the large size of
the induced current. The additive effects of the MHD-EMP
can cause damage to unprotected civilian and military systems that
depend on or use long-line cables. Small, isolated, systems tend
to be unaffected.
Military systems must survive all aspects of the EMP,
from the rapid spike of the early time events to the longer
duration heave signal. One of the principal problems in assuring
such survival is the lack of test data from actual high-altitude
nuclear explosions. Only a few such experiments were carried out
before the LTBT took effect, and at that time the theoretical
understanding of the phenomenon of HEMP was relatively poor. No
high-altitude tests have been conducted by the United States since
1963. In addition to the more familiar high-yield tests mentioned
above, three small devices were exploded in the Van Allen belts as
part of Project Argus. That experiment was intended to explore the
methods by which electrons were trapped and traveled along
magnetic field lines.
The “acid test” of the response of modern military systems to EMP
is their performance in simulators, particularly where a large
number of components are involved. So many cables, pins,
connectors, and devices are to be found in real hardware that
computation of the progress of the EMP
signal cannot be predicted, even conceptually, after the field
enters a real system. System failures or upsets will depend upon
the most intricate details of current paths and interior
electrical connections, and one cannot analyze these beforehand.
Threat-level field illumination from simulators combined with
pulsed-current injection are used to evaluate the survivability of
a real system against an HEMP threat.
The technology to build simulators with risetimes on the order of
10 ns is well known. This risetime is, however, longer than that
of a real HEMP signal. Since 1986 the United States has used a new
standard which requires waveforms at threat levels having
risetimes under a few nanoseconds. Threat-level simulators provide
the best technique for establishing the hardness of systems
against early-time HEMP. They are, however, limited to finite
volumes (aircraft, tanks, communications nodes) and cannot
encompass an extended system. For these systems current injection
must be used.
HEMP can pose a serious threat to military systems when even a
single high-altitude nuclear explosion occurs. In principle, even
a new nuclear proliferator could execute such a strike. In
practice, however, it seems unlikely that such a state would use
one of its scarce warheads to inflict damage which must be
considered secondary to the primary effects of blast, shock, and
thermal pulse.
Furthermore, a HEMP attack must use a relatively large warhead to
be effective (perhaps on the order of one mega-ton), and new
proliferators are unlikely to be able to construct such a device,
much less make it small enough to be lofted to high altitude by a
ballistic missile or space launcher. Finally, in a tactical
situation such as was encountered in the Gulf War,
an attack by Iraq against Coalition forces would have also been an
attack by Iraq against its own communications, radar, missile, and
power systems. EMP
cannot be confined to only one “side” of the burst.
Source Region Electro-magnetic Pulse
[SREMP] is produced by low-altitude nuclear bursts. An effective
net vertical electron current is formed by the asymmetric
deposition of electrons in the atmosphere and the ground, and the
formation and decay of this current emits a pulse
of electromagnetic radiation in directions perpendicular to the
current. The asymmetry from a low-altitude explosion occurs
because some electrons emitted downward are trapped in the upper
millimeter of the Earth’s surface while others, moving upward
and outward, can travel long distances in the atmosphere,
producing ionization and charge separation. A weaker asymmetry can
exist for higher altitude explosions due to the density gradient
of the atmosphere.
Within the source region, peak electric fields greater than 10
5 V/m and peak magnetic fields greater than 4,000 A/m can
exist. These are much larger than those from HEMP and pose a
considerable threat to military or civilian systems in the
affected region. The ground is also a conductor of electricity and
provides a return path for electrons at the outer part of the
deposition region toward the burst point. Positive ions, which
travel shorter distances than electrons and at lower velocities,
remain behind and recombine with the electrons returning through
the ground. Thus, strong magnetic fields are produced in the
region of ground zero. When the nuclear detonation occurs near to
the ground, the SREMP target may not be located in the
electromagnetic far field but may instead lie within the
electro-magnetic induction region. In this regime the electric and
magnetic fields of the radiation are no longer perpendicular to
one another, and many of the analytic tools with which we
understand EM coupling in the simple plane-wave case no longer
apply. The radiated EM field falls off rapidly with increasing
distance from the deposition region (near to the currents the EMP
does not appear to come from a point source).
As a result, the region where the greatest damage can be
produced is from about 3 to 8 km from ground zero. In this same
region structures housing electrical equipment are also likely to
be severely damaged by blast and shock. According to the third
edition of The Effects of Nuclear Weapons,
by S. Glasstone and P. Dolan, “the threat to electrical and
electronic systems from a surface-burst EMP
may extend as far as the distance at which the peak overpressure
from a 1-megaton burst is 2 pounds per square inch.”
One of the unique features of SREMP is the high late-time
voltage which can be produced on long lines in the first 0.1
second. This stress can produce large late-time currents on the
exterior shields of systems, and shielding against the stress is
very difficult. Components sensitive to magnetic fields may have
to be specially hardened. SREMP effects are uniquely nuclear weapons
During the Cold War,
SREMP was conceived primarily as a threat to the electronic and
electrical systems within hardened targets such as missile launch
facilities. Clearly, SREMP effects are only important if the
targeted systems are expected to survive the primary
damage-causing mechanisms of blast, shock, and thermal pulse.
Because SREMP is uniquely associated with nuclear strikes,
technology associated with SREMP generation has no commercial
applications. However, technologies associated with SREMP
measurement and mitigation are commercially interesting for
lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility
applications. Basic physics models of SREMP generation and
coupling to generic systems, as well as numerical calculation, use
unclassified and generic weapon and target parameters. However,
codes and coupling models which reveal the response and
vulnerability of current or future military systems are militarily
Sources and Methods
Taken from the cache copy:
Original article did not come up.
I know there is a lot to look at in the news. The silly "West Wing"
live debate, the opening of the pro basketball season, UCLA losing and USC
still winning. What about Alito and Miers? How about Rove, Libby
and the non story of Plame? Yes, lots to look at. Sometimes you
miss the trees for the forest.
You might have missed that we are in the middle of World War III. A
full scale, vicious, violent, bloody war is going on. Yet, in the US
we only pay attention to the effort in Iraq. While we have been concerned
about the Special Election, a World War is raging around us.
Tom Del Beccaro in todays PoliticalVanguard reports
that in Paris the Muslims are using Russian made weapons for their attack
on Paris (Yes, Paris IS Burning!) Read the full story, what you won't
see on the network news or in the Chronicle, Bee or Times. Go
When we go to the airport, we are searched within an inch of our
lives. Many airports have military carrying M-16's. The Patriot
Act takes away many of our constitutional rights. The President has
admitted we have secret prison camps in foreign nations. Terrorist
cells have been found in major metropolitan areas like Lodi, California and
the outskirts of Buffalo, New York. Who says we are not in a World
A short story appeared yesterday on the Internet and Fox News--Muslim rioting
has broken out in Germany, but we don't get the details. The Netherlands
has been fighting assassination of opponents of Muslims for a couple of
years. In the past month there have been major attacks in India, the
Philippines and Indonesia. In the past couple of days Australia broke
up a terrorist team. We are in a World War, but no one is willing to
declare it. Instead, it is a cell here, a team there, a suicide
bombing. Yet, the communication between the terrorists in France (that
is what they are in France) with phone, text and computer. is first rate.
They are moving fighters around where the police aren't. The terrorists
have the weapons, the stashes and communications of a guerilla
army. France is a good place for this type of effort to begin
in Europe. The French are afraid of everyone, surrender at the sound
of a car back-fire and can not apologize enough for living. They
were major beneficiaries of the bribes of the Oil for Food payoffs to Saddam
and prefers Israel to disappear. It was France that was willing to
support Saddam over the US at the United Nations. Hence, they can easily
be taken down by a terrorist War. (I won't remind folks about World
War I and II vis a vis the French.)
How can this be fixed? Let the French know we won't come to their aid
again. This is their fight. Force them to protect themselves.
No more US troops on French soil! (Makes me sound like a Democrat?)
Next, we need to round up ALL suspected terrorists, worldwide. If we
are not serious about THIS War, then we might as well get drunk, puff whatever
Hillary and her friends smoke, and live life without thought of the
future. Liberals say a round up would cause even more terrorists.
That is like saying rounding up Germany spies would have made Germany madder
at us!
President Bush needs to go to the nation, lay out
these facts and call for national unity. Any GOP'er or Democrat that
is not fully on board, needs to be minimalized and then defeated at the
polls. This is a World War, not a class at Berkeley. It is time
to get serious. You can't be serious without admitting the addiction
or the problem. It isn't Plame, Rove or lack of funds. The problem
is lack of acceptance of the World War. Like an addict, the first step
to relief is admitting the problem. Then the President needs to create
a national intervention. At that point the people will speak.
Fox News has reported that a small town in Colorado that has put
detectors for "dirty bombs" on their traffic lights. These already
exist in Canadian airports and in Ottawa. Who says we are not in the
middle of World War III? Why are we not truly acting like it?
Wasn't 9/11 a big enough headline? We are in a world War, let's admit
it, then act like it.
CONSERVATIVES. This is your opportunity to be heard by the
media, elected officials and activists. Do not email me with your
comments. Post them directly on the web site at
http://www.capoliticalnews.com/ Go to the topic,
which is in blue, click on it, go to the bottom, read the other comments
and write, then post your own. Join the debate.
Steve Frank
There are currently five states considered to be
weapons states", an internationally recognized status
conferred by the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In order of acquisition of nuclear
weapons these are: the United
States of America, Russia
(formerly the Soviet
Union), the United
Kingdom, France,
and the People's
Republic of China. Since the formulation of the NPT, two
non-signatory states of the NPT have conducted nuclear
and Pakistan.
Korea has publicly declared itself to possess nuclear weapons
though it has not conducted any confirmed tests and its ultimate
status is still unknown. Israel
is strongly suspected to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons though it
has never confirmed or denied this. There have been reports that over
100 nuclear weapons might be in the Jewish state's inventory. This
status is not formally recognised by international bodies; none of
these countries are currently signatories of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. There is some speculation that Iran
has, or is preparing for, a secret nuclear weapons program. South
Africa was once a nuclear weapons state but has since destroyed
its former arsenal.
Suspected nuclear states
Countries believed to have at least one nuclear weapon, or programs
with a realistic chance of producing a nuclear weapon in the near
On October
5, 1986,
the British
newspaper The
Sunday Times ran Mordechai
Vanunu's story on its front page under the headline:
"Revealed — the secrets of Israel's nuclear
- Israel
- Israel is not a member of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuses to officially confirm or
deny having a nuclear arsenal, or to having developed nuclear
weapons, or even to having a nuclear weapons program. Although
Israel claims that Dimona
is a "research reactor," no scientific reports based on
work done there have ever been published. Extensive information
about the program in Dimona was also disclosed by technician Mordechai
Vanunu in 1986. Imagery analysts can identify weapon bunkers,
mobile missile launchers, and launch sites in satellite
photographs. It is suspected to possess nuclear weapons by the International
Atomic Energy Agency. Israel may have tested a nuclear weapon
along with South
Africa in 1979
(see Vela
Incident). According to the Natural
Resources Defense Council and the Federation
of American Scientists, they may possess 300-400 weapons, a
figure which would put them above the median in the declared list.[9]
At the Uranium Conversion Facility in Isfahan,
is converted into uranium
hexafluoride as part of Iran's nuclear fuel cycle, which has
been alleged to be part of a clandestine attempt to develop
nuclear weapons.
- Iran
- Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and says its
interest in nuclear technology, including enrichment, was for
civilian purposes only, but the CIA
claim this to be a cover for a nuclear weapons program. The
Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal
Kharrazi stated on the intentions of his country's nuclear
ambitions: "Iran has a high technical capability and has to
be recognized by the international community as a member of the
nuclear club. This is an irreversible path."
- North
Korea - On January
10, 2003
North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. In February
2005 they claimed to possess functional nuclear weapons,
though their lack of a test has led many experts to question
whether or not they have a working weapon. They recently have
signed a treaty with the United States, promising to give up all
of the supposed nuclear weapons and programs.
- Ukraine
- signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Ukraine inherited
about 5,000 nuclear weapons when it became independent from the
USSR in 1991,
making its nuclear arsenal the third-largest in the world It
transferred all of these to Russia by 1996. However recent news
has surfaced that due to a clerical error, Ukraine may still
possess several hundred warheads which were not accounted for in
the armaments repatriation move 14 years ago. In any case, even if
Ukraine does possess these weapons, they are technically missing
and not in a deployed state or any part of Ukraine's defense
States formerly possessing nuclear weapons
Nuclear weapons have been present in many nations, often as staging
grounds under control of other powers. However there have been only a
few instances in which nations which themselves were at one point in
control of nuclear weapons which have given them up; most due to
special political circumstances (the fall of the USSR left many former
Soviet bloc countries, now independent, in possession of nuclear
- Belarus
– A few Eastern European countries inherited whatever nuclear
stockpiles happened to be stationed in their territory after the Soviet
Union collapsed in 1991.
Belarus had 81 single warhead missiles which it returned to Russia
by 1996. Belarus signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
- Kazakhstan
– Inherited 1,400 nuclear weapons from Soviet Union, returned
them all to Russia by 1995. Signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
- South
Africa – Produced six nuclear weapons in the 1980s but
disassembled them in the early 1990s, and is thus the only nation
known to have willingly given up nuclear status after developing
their own weapons. Possibly tested a low yield device in 1979,
perhaps with Israel, over the southern oceans in the Vela
Incident. Signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
States formerly possessing nuclear programs
These are nations known to have initiated serious nuclear weapons
programs, with varying degrees of success. All of them are now
regarded as currently no longer actively developing, or possessing,
nuclear arms. All of the listed countries (or their descendants)
signed the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- Argentina
– Conducted a nuclear weapon research program, under military
rule in 1978, at a time when it had signed, but not ratified, the Treaty
of Tlatelolco. The program was abandoned after the return of
civilian rule in 1983. Argentina later signed the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. [19].
However, unofficial reports, and US intelligence believe Argentina
continued some kind of nuclear weapons program during the 1980's
and 1990's,
mainly because of rivalry with Brazil.
- Australia
– Following World War II, Australian defence policy premised
joint nuclear weapons development with the United
Kingdom. Australia provided uranium, land for weapons and
rocket tests, and scientific and engineering expertise. Canberra
was also heavily involved in the Blue
Streak ballistic missile program. In 1955, a contract was
signed with a British company to build the Hi-Flux Australian
Reactor (HIFAR). HIFAR was considered the first step towards the
construction of larger reactors capable of producing substantial
volumes of plutonium for nuclear weapons. However, Australia's
nuclear ambitions were abandoned by the 1960s, and the country
signed the NPT in 1970 (ratified in 1973).
- Brazil
– Military regime conducted a nuclear weapon research program
(code-named "Solimões") to acquire nuclear weapons in
1978, in spite of having ratified the Treaty
of Tlatelolco in 1968. When an elected government came into
power in 1985,
though, the program was ended. On July
13, 1998
President Fernando
Henrique Cardoso signed and ratified both the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty (CTBT), denying that Brazil had developed nuclear weapons.
- Egypt
– Had a nuclear weapon research program from 1954 to 1967. Egypt
signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- Nazi
Germany – During World
War II, Germany,
under Nazi
rule, researched possibilities to develop a nuclear weapon.
However adequate resources were not invested into the effort and
the project was found to be many years from completion by the end
of the war. The research site was also sabotaged by the British
spies and Norwegian partisans which slowed down their research
(see Norwegian
heavy water sabotage). Historian Rainer
Karlsch, in his 2005
book Hitlers
Bombe, has suggested that the Nazis may have tested some
sort of "atom bomb" in Thuringia
in the last year of the war (it may have been a radiological
weapon rather than a fission weapon). (See: German
nuclear energy project) Germany now is a signatory to the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Although it has an advanced
science and technology infrastructure and would be capable of
creating a nuclear weapons program (and could probably be
considered a "nuclear capable" state), the government
has decided to decrease even the civil use of nuclear energy.
- Iraq
– Signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Had a nuclear
weapon research program during the 1970s,
and 1990s.
In 1981,
destroyed Iraqi nuclear reactor Osiraq.
In 1996,
the UN's Hans
Blix reported that Iraq had dismantled or destroyed all of
their nuclear capabilities. In 2003,
the United States declared war on Iraq, charging that there was
evidence the nation had "weapons of mass destruction"
that likely included some form of nuclear program. However in 2004
the Duelfer
Report concluded Iraq's nuclear program was terminated in 1991.
- Imperial
Japan – Japan conducted research into nuclear weapons
during World War II though made little headway.[23]
(see Japanese
atomic program). Japan signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty. While Japan has the technological capabilities to develop
nuclear weapons in a short time there is no evidence they are
doing so. Japan's constitution forbids it from producing nuclear
weapons and the country has been active in promoting
non-proliferation treaties. There exists some suspicion that
nuclear weapons may be located in US bases in Japan.
- Libya
– Signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. On December
19, 2003,
Libya admitted having had a nuclear weapon program and
simultaneously announced its intention to end it and dismantle all
existing Weapons of Mass Destruction to be verified by
unconditional inspections.
- Poland
– Nuclear research began in Poland in the early 1960s, with the
first controlled nuclear fission reaction being achieved in late
1960s. During the 1970s further research resulted in the
generation of fusion neutrons through convergent shockwaves. In
the 1980s research focused on the development of micro-nuclear
reactions, and was under military control. Currently Poland
operates the MARIA nuclear research reactor under the control of
the Institute of Atomic Energy, in Świerk near Warsaw. Poland
signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and officially possess
no nuclear weapons.
- Romania
– Signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In spite of this,
under Nicolae
Ceauşescu, in the 1980s,
Romania had a secret nuclear-weapons development program, that was
stopped after the overthrow of Ceauşescu in 1989.
- South
Korea – Began a nuclear weapons program in the early
1970s, which was believed abandoned after signing NPT in 1975.
However there have been allegations that program may have been
continued after this date by the military government. In
late 2004, the South Korean government disclosed to the IAEA that
scientists in South Korea had extracted plutonium in 1982 and
enriched uranium to near-weapons grade in 2000. (see South
Korean nuclear research programs)
- Sweden
– During the 1950s and 1960s, Sweden seriously investigated
nuclear weapons, intended to be deployed over coastal facilities
of an invading enemy (read: the Soviet Union). A very substantial
research effort of weapon design and manufacture was conducted
resulting in enough knowledge to allow Sweden to manufacture
nuclear weapons. A weapon research facility was to be built in Studsvik.
made plans for a supersonic nuclear bomber, the A36.
However Sweden decided not to pursue a weapon production program
and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- Switzerland
– Between 1946 and 1969 Switzerland had a secret nuclear program
that came into light in 1995. By 1963 theoretical basics with
detailed technical proposals, specific arsenals, and cost
estimates for Swiss nuclear armaments were made. This program was,
however, abandoned partly because of financial costs and by
signing the NPT on November
27, 1969.
- The Republic
of China (Taiwan) – Conducted a covert nuclear weapon
research program from 1964 until 1988 when it was stopped as a
result of U.S. pressure. [27]
Signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968. According to
a previously classified 1974
U.S. Defense Department memorandum [28]
of Defense James
Schlesinger expressed a view during a meeting with Ambassador
Unger that U.S. nuclear weapons housed in Taiwan needed to be
withdrawn. The ROC is said to be currently developing the Tien
Chi, a short-range ballistic missile system that could reach
the coast of mainland
- Yugoslavia
- Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's nuclear ambitions began
as early as 1950s when scientists considered both uranium
enrichment and plutonium reprocessing. In 1956, the Vinča
fuel reprocessing site was constructed, followed by research
reactors in 1958 and 1959, for which the Soviets provided
heavy water and enriched uranium. In 1966, plutonium
reprocessing tests began in Vinča laboratories, resulting
in gram quantities of reprocessed plutonium. During the 1950s
and 1960s there was also cooperation in plutonium processing
between Yugoslavia and Norway. In the year 1960 Tito
froze the nuclear program for unknown reasons, but restarted
it, after India's first nuclear tests, in 1974. The program
continued even after Tito's death in 1980, divided into two
components – for weapons design and civilian nuclear energy,
until a decision to stop all nuclear weapons research was made
in July 1987. The civilian nuclear program however resulted in
a nuclear power plant Krško
built in 1983, now co-owned by Slovenia
and Croatia,
and used for peaceful production of electricity.
- Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia inherited the Vinča
laboratories and 50 kilograms of highly enriched uranium
stored at the site. During the NATO
bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999,
Vinča was never hit because the Americans were aware of
the HEU; indeed, it may have been a reason for the NATO
intervention. After the end of NATO bombings the U.S.
government and the Nuclear
Threat Initiative transported the HEU
to Russia – the place from which Yugoslavia originally
acquired it.
Other nuclear capable states
Virtually any industrialized nation today has the technical
capability to develop nuclear weapons within several years if the
decision to do so were made. Nations already possessing substantial
nuclear technology and arms industries could do so in no more than a
year or two, perhaps even as fast as a few months or weeks, if they so
decided to. The larger industrial nations (Japan and Germany for
example) could, within several years of deciding to do so, build
arsenals rivaling those of the states that already have nuclear
weapons. This list below mentions some notable capabilities possessed
by certain states that could potentially be turned to the development
of nuclear arsenals. It should also be noted that this list represents
only strong nuclear capability, not that any political will to develop
such weapon would exist. All of the listed countries signed the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- Canada
- Canada has a well developed nuclear technology base and large uranium
reserves. While Canada has the technological capabilities to
develop nuclear weapons, there is no hard evidence they have done
so, nor has Canada ever shown the intention to join the nuclear
club outright. Canada has been an important contributor of both
expertise and raw materials to the American program. Canada
accepted having American nuclear warheads under dual
key control on Canadian soil in 1963 to be used on the
Canadian BOMARC
missiles. Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau declared Canada would be a nuclear weapon free country
in 1971, and the last American warheads were withdrawn in 1984.
Before this time Canada also carried a compliment of AIR-2
Genie nuclear tipped air to air missiles.
- Japan
- While Japan has no political will for the acquisition of nuclear
weapons, the country does make extensive use of nuclear energy in
nuclear reactors, generating a significant percentage of the
electricity in Japan. Japan has the third largest nuclear energy
production after the U.S. and France, and plans to produce over
40% of its electricity using nuclear power by 2010.
Significant amounts of plutonium
are created as a by-product of the energy production, and Japan
had 4.7 tons of plutonium in December 1995.
Experts believe Japan has the technology, raw materials, and the
capital to produce nuclear weapons within one year if necessary,
and some analysts consider it a "de
facto" nuclear state for this reason. Others have noted
that Japan's most advanced space
exploration rocket,
the M-5
three-stage solid fuel rocket, is in fact a close copy of the U.S.
Peacekeeper ICBM.
Japan has been quietly reconsidering its nuclear status because of
the ongoing crisis over North Korean nuclear weapons.
- Italy
- Italy has operated a number of nuclear reactors, both for power
and for research. The country was also a base for the GLCM
nuclear-armed ground-launched variant of the Tomahawk cruise
missile during the 1980s, despite strong public outcry. While no
evidence suggests that Italy intends to develop or deploy nuclear
weapons, such a capability exists - estimates from as far back as
the mid-Eighties show that Italy could begin and complete a
nuclear weapons program in as little as 2 to 3 years.
- Lithuania
- Nuclear power reactors produces 77% of Lithuania's electricity.
It has 2 of the world's most powerful reactors in its territory,
although one was shut down recently. Lithuania has the means of
legally acquiring fissile materials for power plants. Lithuania
also has former launch sites for Soviet
Union missiles. However, there is no political will at present
to develop nuclear weapons in Lithuania.
- Netherlands
- Operates a power reactor at Borsele,
producing 452 MW, which satisfies 5% of its electrical needs.
Several Dutch companies are key participants in the tri-national Urenco
uranium enrichment consortium. By the year 2000 the Netherlands
had about 2 tonnes of separated reactor grade plutonium. There is
no evidence for nuclear weapon programs in the Netherlands.
- Saudi
Arabia - In 2003 members of the government stated that due
to the worsening relations with the USA,
Saudi Arabia was being forced to consider the development of
nuclear weapons. However, so far they have denied that they are
making any attempt to produce them. Rumor has it that
Pakistan has transferred several nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia,
but this is unconfirmed.
US plans to attack seven
Muslim states
January 22, 2004
A former commander of NATO's forces in Europe, Clark claims he met a
senior military officer in Washington in November 2001 who told him
the Bush administration was planning to attack Iraq first before
taking action against Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.
The generals allegations surface in a new book, The
Clark Critique, excerpts from which appear in the latest edition of
the US magazine Newsweek.
Clark says after the 11 September 2001 attacks, many
Bush administration officials seemed determined to move against Iraq,
invoking the idea of state sponsorship of terrorism, even though there
was no evidence of Iraqi sponsorship of 9/11 whatsoever.
Ousting Saddam Hussein promised concrete, visible
action, the general writes, dismissing it as a Cold War approach.
Clark criticises the plan to attack the seven states,
saying it targeted the wrong countries, ignored the real sources of
terrorists, and failed to achieve the greater force of international
law that would bring wider global support.
He also condemns George Bushs notorious Axis of Evil
speech made during his 2002 State of the Union address. There were no
obvious connections between Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, says Clark.
Clarks culprits
The former NATO commander acknowledges Iranian and
Syrian support for resistance groups such as Lebanons Hizb Allah and
the Palestinian movement Hamas.
But neither Hezbollah [sic] nor Hamas were targeting
Americans, he writes. Why not build international power against Al
Instead, Clark points the finger at what he calls the
real sources of terrorists - US allies in the region like Egypt,
Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.
Clark blames Egypts repressive policies, Pakistans
corruption and poverty, as well as Saudi Arabias radical ideology and
direct funding for creating a pool of angry young men who became
The recent Democrat Party convert says Bush should
have adopted a more preventive measures and targeted extremist
leaders. The way to beat terrorists was to take away their popular
support, adds Clark, though he offers little to suggest how this would
be achieved.
But White House policy was quickly set in order to
achieve particular goals, Clark writes, saying the US administration
used the 9/11 attacks to address broader objectives in the Middle
Clark, who supervised NATOs campaign to oust Serbias
forces from Kosovo in 1999, also takes a swipe at the United States
allies in Europe, which provided staging bases and planning
headquarters for "radical" groups.
War record
The retired general last week declared his intention
to win the Democrat nomination to challenge George Bush for the
presidency in 2004.
Just days after entering the presidential race, Clark
has raced ahead of the nine other Democratic contenders in the latest
Many political observers have portrayed Clark as an
anti-war candidate whose own war record he was decorated after being
shot and wounded while serving in Vietnam means he cannot be accused
of lacking courage or patriotism.
Clark has frequently criticised Washingtons policy
towards Iraq.
He claimed previously that after the 9/11 attacks, he
was pressed by the Bush administration to link the strikes directly to
Iraq but refused - a claim the White House denies. However, once the
war on Iraq began, he urged decisive action to achieve a rapid US
Despite his anti-war stand on Iraq, the general has had a
reputation for being belligerent. He was criticised during the Kosovo
campaign for defending attacks on civilian Serbian targets, including
the bombing of a television station that left about 20 journalists and
other staff dead.Original Link: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/B3A44697-9F60-4AA3-9E63-2304A0D164CA.htm
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August 15, 2005
The Seven Phases of The Base
By Bill Roggio
With the fourth anniversay of the hot war between al Qaeda and
the West approaching, it is interesting to see how al Qaeda's
strategy and objectives have evolved since the United States
committed to engaging in open warfare.
Word Unheard points us to an article in Spiegel Online
by a Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein, who is believed to be a
reliable source of information on al Qaeda. His main source for this
article on al Qaeda strategy is none other than Saif
al-Adel, al Qaeda's military commander who is currently
operating from Iran.
al Qaeda's purported strategy can be broken down into seven
"phases" which span from 2000 until 2020, at which time
they believe the global Islamist Caliphate will be established and
they will acheive "definitive victory." Here are the
phases, which are followed by commentary when appropriate.
The First Phase Known as "the
awakening" -- this has already been carried out and was
supposed to have lasted from 2000 to 2003, or more precisely from
the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and
Washington to the fall of Baghdad in 2003. The aim of the attacks
of 9/11 was to provoke the US into declaring war on the Islamic
world and thereby "awakening" Muslims. "The first
phase was judged by the strategists and masterminds behind al-Qaida
as very successful," writes Hussein. "The battle field
was opened up and the Americans and their allies became a closer
and easier target." The terrorist network is also reported as
being satisfied that its message can now be heard
al Qaeda can claim some success in the First Phase, as the
organization is now the preeminent terrorist organization on the
planet. The attacks of September 11 were cheered throughout the
Islamic world. The global media disseminates Al Qaeda commander's
speeches. Each and every terrorist attack is followed by suspicious
of al Qaeda involvement. And the US did indeed bring the war to the
Islamic world in Afghanistan and Iraq, however not against Islam
itself. But this came at a price, as Islamist Afghanistan and
friendly Saddam-governed Iraq were lost.
The Second Phase "Opening Eyes" is,
according to Hussein's definition, the period we are now in
and should last until 2006. Hussein says the terrorists hope
to make the western conspiracy aware of the "Islamic
community." Hussein believes this is a phase in which al-Qaida
wants an organization to develop into a movement. The network
is banking on recruiting young men during this period. Iraq
should become the center for all global operations, with an
"army" set up there and bases established in other
Arabic states.
So far, the Second Phase has been a failure. The Arab and
greater Islamic Street has been essentially silent in its
support of al Qaeda. The perception that al Qaeda's cause is
popular as hundreds of Islamists enter Iraq monthly is
overshadowed by the tens of thousands of Islamic fighters who
enter Afghanistan during the war with the Soviet Union. al Qaeda
has generated new recruits, but not nearly enough to replace the
experienced operators and managers that have been lost under the
American onslaught in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Winning the Second Phase is important from a ideological
standpoint. Defeat in Iraq would seriously harm the credibility
of al Qaeda and weaken their mystique. They would possess a
losing ideology that could not stand up to the Great Satan.
Allah would have abandoned them to the privations of the
The Third Phase This is described as
"Arising and Standing Up" and should last from 2007
to 2010. "There will be a focus on Syria,"
prophesies Hussein, based on what his sources told him. The
fighting cadres are supposedly already prepared and some are
in Iraq. Attacks on Turkey and -- even more explosive -- in
Israel are predicted. Al-Qaida's masterminds hope that attacks
on Israel will help the terrorist group become a recognized
organization. The author also believes that countries
neighboring Iraq, such as Jordan, are also in danger.
The Fourth Phase Between 2010 and 2013,
Hussein writes that al-Qaida will aim to bring about the
collapse of the hated Arabic governments. The estimate is that
"the creeping loss of the regimes' power will lead to a
steady growth in strength within al-Qaida." At the same
time attacks will be carried out against oil suppliers and the
US economy will be targeted using cyber terrorism.
The Third and Fourth Phases can essentially be condensed. The
potential spread of jihad and instability to Iraq's neighbors of
Turkey, Syria, (and while not mentioned, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
and Kuwait) as well as Israel highlights the importance of an
American victory in Iraq. Iraq, as a failed state, would provide
al Qaeda a base to create instability in bordering countries,
setting the stage for overthrow by the Islamists.
It should be noted that Syria is playing a dangerous game by
allowing al Qaeda to use its soil to conduct operations in Iraq.
The jihadis are developing contacts, networks and obtaining
recruits, which can eventually by turned against the Asad
For the record, it seems al Qaeda has already laid the
groundwork for the Third and Fourth Phases. There are reports al
Qaeda seeks to establish itself in Gaza to strike Israel,
and Turkish vacation spots, including cruise ships are believed
to have been the
target of a just-foiled al Qaeda plot. Islamic countries
have been the target of numerous al Qaeda attacks {see flash
presentation, 2M download), and Saudi
Arabia and Pakistan
have been in open war with al Qaeda for several years. Saudi oil
facilities have been a target throughout.
The United States will not allow another Islamic state to
fall to al Qaeda's ideologues. The lesson of September 11 serves
as a reminder of what happened when Afghanistan became a
sanctuary and de facto al Qaeda state.
The Fifth Phase This will be the point at
which an Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared. The
plan is that by this time, between 2013 and 2016, Western
influence in the Islamic world will be so reduced and Israel
weakened so much, that resistance will not be feared. Al-Qaida
hopes that by then the Islamic state will be able to bring
about a new world order.
The Sixth Phase Hussein believes that from
2016 onwards there will a period of "total
confrontation." As soon as the caliphate has been
declared the "Islamic army" it will instigate the
"fight between the believers and the non-believers"
which has so often been predicted by Osama bin Laden.
The Seventh Phase This final stage is
described as "definitive victory." Hussein writes
that in the terrorists' eyes, because the rest of the world
will be so beaten down by the "one-and-a-half million
Muslims," the caliphate will undoubtedly succeed. This
phase should be completed by 2020, although the war shouldn't
last longer than two years.
Phases Five, Six and Seven are merely the dreams of al Qaeda,
as the prospects for al Qaeda's success in phases One thru
Fourth are looking grim at the moment. Despite media portrayal
of defeat in Iraq, the Iraqi people are fighting the insurgency
and the Anbar region is set to be reduced as an al Qaeda rear
area. The jewel of al Qaeda, Afghanistan, fell almost four years
ago, and al Qaeda and its Taliban allies have not come even
close to retaining control. There are rumors
of a serious rift between al Qaeda and the Taliban, as the
Taliban believes its woes were created by closely allying
themselves with Osama's cause.
However, in the event of the United State loses its political
will and pursues a policy of isolation from the Muslim world, an
inevitable showdown with al Qaeda would ensue. Open
confrontation with the West, as well as the possibility of a
nuclear armed Caliphate, would bring the full military might of
the Western World (those who value their freedom). The current
operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, Southeast
and Central Asia and within the borders of Western nations would
be tame in comparison to what would come. The Japanese, Germans
and Italians discovered in World War II the price of wakening
the American military psyche.
The West would basically have two options: (1) blitzkrieg
21st Century style - the full mobilization of its military and
an accompanying sweep of the Islamic crescent, without regards
for Politically Correct warfare; (2) nuclear war. Both campaigns
would be designed to fully eliminate the Islamist threat, and
the Muslim infrastructure, which allowed for the rise of al
Qaeda's ideology.
FROM: http://billroggio.com/archives/2005/08/southeast_asia_1.php
From: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/27/international/middleeast/27israel.html?_r=1&th&emc=th
Israel's Likely Course: Unilateral Action, Separation and No
Talks With Hamas
Published: January 27, 2006
JERUSALEM, Jan. 26 — The Hamas landslide in Palestinian
elections has stunned Israelis, but it may also have brought them
a rare moment of clarity: with peace talks off the table, Israel
will most likely pursue unilateral actions, drawing its own
borders and separating itself from the Palestinians.
Muhammed Muheisen/
Associated Press
Supporters of Hamas celebrated from the
ledge of the Palestinian parliament building in Ramallah
Ehud Olmert, the acting prime minister, made it clear after an
emergency cabinet meeting that talks with Hamas, a Palestinian
party sworn to Israel's destruction, were out of the question,
while experts said Israel was now freer to establish its future on
its own.
They said Israel — whose own elections in two months could be
heavily influenced by the Palestinian results — was likely to
focus on speeding up construction of the separation barrier, which
runs along and through parts of the West Bank. After more than
three years of building, it remains less than half finished, but
Israeli officials say it has contributed enormously to the
reduction of suicide bombings and other attacks. Palestinians, on
the other hand, say the barrier takes land they want for a future
"The differences between the sides are now much deeper,
and the chances for negotiations are much more remote," said
Shlomo Avineri, a liberal political scientist at Hebrew
University. "The only realistic steps may be Israeli
unilateral steps."
Unilateralism was the approach taken by Ariel
Sharon, the prime minister for the last five years, who now
lies in a coma. He withdrew Israeli settlers and soldiers from
Gaza last summer without negotiating the move with the
Palestinians, and left open the possibility of more such moves in
the West Bank.
Since on-and-off peace talks began more than a decade ago,
Israelis have been deeply divided over what sorts of concessions
to make, how much territory to keep and whether the talks would
lead to an end to the decades-old conflict. On Thursday, it seemed
there were few such doubts.
From Israeli hawks who oppose concessions to doves who
constantly pressed for renewed peace talks, Israelis said there
could be no negotiations with Hamas.
Ami Ayalon, the former head of Israel's Shin Bet security
service and now a parliamentary candidate for the left-leaning
Labor Party, said the absence of a negotiating partner should not
halt Israeli actions aimed at separating from the Palestinians.
Israel, he said, should seek "to create a situation where
Israel disengages from the Palestinians and preserves the
character of Israel as a Jewish democracy." Israel should
continue, he said, "to move fast and independently to our
Mr. Olmert hopes to become prime minister in elections on March
28 as head of the centrist Kadima Party started by Mr. Sharon.
But Benjamin
Netanyahu, leader of the right-wing Likud Party, made clear
that the Palestinian results offered an opportunity for his more
hawkish message to be heard. He said the Hamas victory was a
result of the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and proved that no
more withdrawals should occur.
Yuval Steinitz, a member of Parliament from Likud, said Israel
should have prevented or canceled the Palestinian elections. He
cited the 1993 Oslo accords, an interim peace agreement that bars
the participation of armed groups and those that do not recognize
Mr. Steinitz noted that Palestinian terror attacks against
Israel had gone down in recent years, but that Hamas's popularity
had gone up. "This is a major loss in our war against terror
despite all our tactical successes," he said.
Since the Oslo accords, the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships
have maintained a dialogue at some level.
But Israel and Hamas have never had contact with each other,
aside from exchanging bullets and bombs. Their relationship is
similar to the one that existed in the 1980's and earlier between
Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, with their
refusal to recognize each other.
Hamas's electoral triumph comes at a time when Israel is going
through its own political upheavals, and the government is
unlikely to make any major moves until after the Israeli election.
"Election time means time out," Mr. Avineri said.
"There is a strong argument for refraining from doing
dramatic things right now."
The campaign may also mean that Mr. Olmert and his party will
have to take a tougher tone to ensure that they are not outflanked
on the security issue by Likud.
Israelis are beginning to debate whether the reality of being
in power will tame or moderate Hamas. Mr. Avineri suggested a
Hamas-led government might not be as threatening as some Israelis
feared. He cited the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah, which
battled Israeli troops for years in southern Lebanon and now takes
part in Lebanese politics.
"Hamas may behave like Hezbollah," Mr. Avineri said.
"The rhetoric will be harsh, and they will still be armed,
but they will be part of the political system, and their actions
may be more restrained."
Others, like Mr. Steinitz, argue that Hamas wants Jews pushed
into the sea, and did not enter politics to change its goals but
to advance them.
Still, the Hamas victory injects uncertainty into the Israeli
election. In previous Israeli campaigns, Hamas and other
Palestinian factions have staged deadly attacks that pushed the
Israeli electorate to the right.
In 1996, the Labor Party, led by the dovish Shimon
Peres, seemed headed for victory after the assassination of Yitzhak
Rabin by an ultranationalist Israeli. But after a series of
Palestinian suicide bombings during the Israeli campaign, Mr.
Netanyahu, of Likud, won a narrow victory.
The Palestinians started an uprising in September 2000, and in
a February 2001 election for prime minister, Mr. Sharon trounced Ehud
Barak, the Labor Party leader, who had tried but failed to
reach a comprehensive accord with the Palestinians.
I attempted to walk by them so I
wouldn't get hit by flailing sticks, but I ended up
in a fenced off place that was made of black sticks
in a rough fashion ...
A friend thought that 2002 might be an Annagram: Here
is a good one: