14 June 2009 Barbury Castle Crop-formation
Showing the Locational Ratio for the SUN
at Precise Timings for Y2K
for 2012 December Solstice 

© 2009 Michael Lawrence Morton
.. All Rights Reserved


This involves encodings in the Archaeo-Sky Matrix (acronym ASM), a system which I’ve been studying intensively for more than 18 years as of this writing. Although an introduction to the ASM would be ideal as a first step here, it would actually be beyond the scope of this article.

I ask the reader to allow me to dive right in here, if you will, so that I can get some of this important current data on the record .. and so that this information can then be validated or invalidated as time goes by, via the empirical evidence which will be openly available. I think there is enough data already, based on my own observation, to warrant some documentation and explanation. I invite you to “follow along” and to file-away the information and data for future validation or refutation (or possible correction). Let all conclusions be supported by self-evident empirical observable data, aided by the understanding of the observer.


For latitude and longitude (at centers) of crop-formation locations .. I am using Bert Janssen’s http://www.cropcirclesandmore.com database.

For latitude and longitude of all sky-locations .. I am using the Astrolog 5.40 program (online freeware with interactive menu) .. sidereal zodiac, with neutral (00 Lat and 00 Long) viewer-perspective from Earth. This datasource uses Ecliptic orientation .. and the longitudes must be converted to ALNITAK orientation (West or East) .. with the assumption that Alnitak’s own (sidereal zodiac) ecliptic longitude is at 29 deg (sidereal zodiac) TAURUS 56’ 50” or 03’ 10” West of the Cusp of Gemini/Taurus. Alnitak is the prime meridian marker for all sky-locations in the ASM .. confirming the 1999 theory of Mary Anne Weaver.

In order to get sky-location raw data to the nearest arc-second, one must go to the “View” section in the Astrolog 5.40 menu .. and click-off “show graphics” while clicking-on “print nearest second”. You will not actually receive a printout on your printer, but you will see a readout on your screen for nearest arc-second. 

                                       14 June 2009 @ Barbury Castle

Given LAT .. 51.49458 degrees    Given LONG .. -1.77678 degrees

The longitude must be converted

converted to W.Giza .. because the Great Pyramid of Giza is the prime meridian marker in the ASM on Earth’s surface {Munck; 1991; “The Code, Volume A”, self-published} .. and the longitude variance between Giza and Greenwich is assumed as 31 deg 08’ 0.8”.

My assessment .. Longitude encoding 64294.61532 W. Giza  =  32(deg) * 54(min) * 37.20753201(sec) .. and Latitude encoding 59891.43226 North  =  51(deg) * 29(min) * 40.49454514(sec)

Grid Point value (intersection point at center) .. (64294.61532 / 59891.43226)  =  1.073519415

I recognize this figure as a particular ratio .. the ratio of the encoded (ASM) sky-location (against the zodiac background) for the SUN at two particular moments in time on two particular dates. These two timings are the Y2K-moment of Greenwich Midnight at 1999-2000 .. and December Solstice 2012 at 11:11 UT (21 December 2012) which is the exact moment of solstice according to the US Naval Observatory.     

 Here is the encoded equation showing this ratio .. (648 / 603.6220596)  =  1.073519415 .. and I will now explain the details for the SUN’s sky-location at these two precise timings on these dates. It is also important to note that this precision involves more than simply the time-of-day on a particular annual calendar date. This involves the difference caused by Earth’s precession from one year to the next. The encodings are relevant down to a fraction of an arc-second.

 SUN location @ Y2K-moment .. raw data .. 15 deg SAGITTARIUS (sidereal zodiac) 07’ 21” to the nearest arc-sec .. which translates to 164 deg 49’ 29” W.Alnitak. My assessment .. 233280 W.Alnitak  =  164(deg) * 49(min) * 29.02936784(sec).

SUN location @ 11:11 UT on 21 December 2012, moment of solstice .. raw data .. 05 deg SAGITTARIUS (sidereal zodiac) 04’ 26” to the nearest arc-sec .. which translates to 174 deg 52’ 24” W.Alnitak. My assessment .. 217303.9415 W.Alnitak  =  174(deg) * 52(min) * 24.01679283(sec).

Because the Sun is always on the Ecliptic, the ASM encoding for the Sun’s ecliptic latitude is the number 360.

Grid Point location (ASM) value for SUN @ Y2K-moment .. (233280 / 360)  =  648

Grid Point location (ASM) value for SUN @ solstice-moment on 21 December 2012 .. (217303.9415 / 360)  =  603.6220596

Ratio encoding .. (648 / 603.6220596)  =  1.073519415 .. identical to Grid Point value at center of 14 June 2009 Barbury Castle crop-formation.

                                        Counting the Numbers of Days    

Speaking of the “Phoenix” symbol (as relates to this crop-formation) .. the “Phoenix Lights” mass-sighting incident on 13 March 1997 involved a gigantic UFO that hovered for 4 time-minutes over the intersection of Indian School Road and Seventh Avenue in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. I have various postings on this, on the Internet, dating back to just shortly after the incident. If you count the number of days from 13 March 1997 to 21 December 2012, you get 5764 including the 4 leap days. I decoded the location of the “hover-spot” over the just-mentioned intersection as (39478.4176 / 1315.94723)  =  30 Grid Point value location, where 39478.4176 North  =  33(deg) * 29(min) * 41.25226499(sec) .. and where 1315.947253 W.Giza  =  143(deg) * 13(min) * 0.707879103(sec). I recognize the 5764 as representing the ASM figure 5764.166073, which is the original encased height {Munck, 1991} in regular English inches (including capstone) for the Great Pyramid of Giza, and is also the north-face location Grid Point value {Munck, 1991} for the Chephren Pyramid of Giza.

If you take the ratio of these two figures pertaining to the ‘Phoenix Lights” incident, you get (5764.166073 / 30)  =  192.1388691 .. and I recognize this as exactly 10 times the 19.21388691 height {R.Carl, Internet} in regular English feet for the “King’s Chamber” inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. And 19.21388691 is also the apparently encoded (ASM) value for the mean AU distance of planet URANUS {R. Carl; Internet}.

Note .. 192.1388691  =  (206.2648063 / 1.073519415) .. where 206.2648063 is the width {M. L. Morton; Internet} of the King’s Chamber in regular English inches, and is also apparently encoded in the ASM as 10 Royal Cubits of 1.718873385 regular English feet per Royal Cubit {M. L. Morton; Internet}.

And .. (206.2648063 / 1.073519415)  =  (603.6220596 / 3.141592654) .. using the Pi constant out to 10 digits. You will recall that 603.6220596 is the ASM encoding for the Sun’s location as of the 11:11 UT moment of solstice on 21 December 2012.

Keep in mind that Thoth is associated with measurements (and mathematics, of course). Z. Sitchin has made a very good case (IMO at least) for Thoth being the same historical person as Quetzalcoatl .. having been “deposed” in Egypt by his half-brother Ra/Marduk, and having then relocated (circa 3100 BC) to what is now Mexico (also having a major influence in what is now the US and also in what is now Central America). And Quetzalcoatl is associated with these bird symbols pertaining to both the 12 June 2009 Yatesbury and the 14 June 2009 Barbury Castle formations.

Also .. (206.2648063 / 1.073519415)  =  (238.3004375 / 1.240251067) .. where 238.3004375 is the {M. L. Morton, Internet} Grid Point value center location (ASM) encoding for the Great Pyramid of Giza .. and where 1.240251067 is the encoding for the center (Grid Point) location of the well-known “Pi out to 10 digits” crop-formation of 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle.

Center latitude encoding for Great Pyramid of Giza .. 85788.1575 North  =  29(deg) * 58(min) * 51.00366082(sec) .. {M. L. Morton, Internet}. Using the figure 360 for the ASM prime meridian through the center of the Great Pyramid of Giza {Munck, 1991} .. (85788.1575 / 360)  =  238.3004375

Regarding the 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle formation .. raw data .. LAT 51.48886 and LONG -1.77026 .. and my assessment is Latitude encoding 29377.88974 North  =  51(deg) * 29(min) * 19.86334668(sec) and Longitude encoding 23687.05056 W. Giza  =  32(deg) * 54(min) * 13.70778389(sec). So the (center) intersection is (29377.88974 / 23687.05056)  =  1.240251067

Using Pi out to 10 digits .. (3.141592654 / 1.240251067)  =  2.533029591 .. and this is the exact ratio of (603.6220596 / 238.3004375). And .. this is also the exact ratio of (7.957747155 / 3.141592654) .. where 7.957747155 is the {M. L. Morton; Internet} ORION Belt-stars Composite, where the Grid Point value sky-locations for the 3 ORION Belt-stars form this equation .. (43.63323131 Alnitak * 31.00627668 Mintaka) / (170.010936 Alnilam)  =  7.957747155

Now .. regarding the 15 July 2008 Avebury Manor “Solar System” crop-formation .. raw data .. LAT 51.4314 and LONG -1.85696 .. and my assessment is Latitude encoding 67712.74158 North  =  51(deg) * 25(min) * 53.10803261(sec) and Longitude encoding 48858.04898 W. Giza  =  32(deg) * 59(min) * 25.87820391(sec). So the (center) intersection is (67712.74158 / 48858.04898)  =  1.385907605

This crop-formation was obviously placed in close proximity to Avebury Circle, which is in fact seen prominently in the background in the photo on the cropcircleconnector.com website. The (updated to WGS 1984 mapping datum; R. Carl; Internet) ASM encoding for the center of Avebury Circle is Latitude encoding 55770.96019 North  =  51(deg) * 25(min) * 43.74192956(sec) and Longitude encoding 28800 W. Giza  =  32(deg) * 59(min) * 15.25423729(sec) .. and so the intersection is (55770.96019 / 28800)  =  1.936491673

Now recall that this formation shows a layout of the Solar System planets as of 21 December 2012 with the Sun in the center, of course.

Number of Days from 15 July 2008 to 21 December 2012 is 1620, including the leap day.

[1620 / (1.385907605 * 1.936491673)]  =  603.6220596 .. the ASM encoding for the Sun’s location at the 11:11 UT moment of solstice on 21 December 2012.

(1620 / 1.073519415)  =  (480.3471728 * 3.141592654) .. where 480.3471728 is the original encased height {Munck; 1991} including capstone, in regular English feet, for the Great Pyramid of Giza.

(1.936491673 * 1.385907605) / 1.073519415  =  2.5  =  (1620 / 648)  =  (1.240251067 * 2.015720902)

Also .. please note .. that the figure 1.936491673 is the ratio of (480.3471728 / 248.0502134) .. where 248.0502134 is the {Munck, 1991} north-face Grid Point location for the Great Pyramid of Giza .. where (89298.07683 / 360)  =  248.0502134 .. where 89298.07683 North  =  29(deg) * 58(min) * 53.09041429(sec)

The 648, is the ASM encoding for the Y2K-moment sky-location of the SUN.  1.073519415  =  (648 / 603.6220596) .. where the actual equation for the Sun’s location at the Y2K-moment is (233280 / 360)  =  648.

The 2.015720902 is the ASM encoding for the sky-location of the {M. L. Morton} fixed star PEACOCK .. which is quite appropriate considering that a peacock is a bird and that the peacock can symbolize a particular phase in the alchemical process. Also note that 2.015720902  =  (480.3471728 / 238.3004375) which is showing the encoded ratio for (Encased Height in feet / Center location) of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Here is the ASM encoding for sky-location of PEACOCK .. W. Alnitak Ecliptic Longitude encoding 46841.1209  =  150(deg) * 52(min) * 6.005271911(sec) and S. Ecliptic Latitude encoding 23237.90008  =  36(deg) * 15(min) * 43.03314828(sec) .. and so the intersection is (46841.1209 / 23237.90008)  =  2.015720902

If you multiply the Grid Point values for 01 June 2008 Barbury Castle and 15 July 2008 Avebury Manor crop-formations .. (1.240251067 * 1.385907605)  =  1.718873385 .. you have the exact value for the Royal Cubit in regular English feet  {M. L. Morton; Internet}.  During the “Phoenix Lights” incident. 13th March, 1997, a gigantic UFO hovered over the intersection of Indian School Road and Seventh Avenue for 4 time-minutes.

As researcher Klaus Totzek of Germany had originally pointed out, 4 time-minutes is the length of time it takes for Earth to rotate one degree on its axis.

I’ve discovered the ASM encoding for equatorial Earth circumference to be 24901.19744 statute miles .. and so one degree of axial rotation would be (24901.19744 / 360)  =  69.16999289 statute miles at the equator in the ASM encoding. If you then take the Grid Point value for that hover-spot over the above-mentioned intersection .. (30 * 69.16999289)  =  2075.099787 statute miles in 30 degrees of Earth’s axial rotation at its equator, which covers 2 time-hours .. which also references the longitude variance between Giza and Greenwich.

This then means that one time-hour of axial rotation at Earth’s equator would encode (2075.099785 / 2)  =  1037.549893 statute miles (in the ASM) for Earth’s equatorial rotation speed in MPH. And now you can see how the value of the Royal Cubit in regular English feet is relevant here .. because .. (1037.549893 / 1.718873385)  =  603.6220596   

Now .. regarding the 25 August 2008 East Field crop-formation (a 7-fold design) .. raw data .. LAT 51.3641 and LONG -1.83892 .. my assessment is Latitude encoding 54325.98537 North  =  51(deg) * 21(min) * 50.72454283(sec) and Longitude encoding 38880 W. Giza  =  32(deg) * 58(min) * 20.94827586(sec) .. and so the intersection is (54325.98537 / 38880)  =  1.397273286

The Number of Days from 25 August 2008 to 21 December 2012 is 1580, including the leap day. I recognize that the 1580 is representing the ASM figure 1580.278857 .. which is confirmed when I notice that (1.397273286 * 360 * 3.141592654)  =  1580.278857

The (360 * 3.141592654) is encoded at the 11:11 UT timing of the solstice moment on 21 December 2012, by an equation showing the sky-locations of the SUN, planet MARS, and planet VENUS. I’ve already shown the details for the SUN’s location at this timing.

For MARS at this timing .. raw data .. 01 deg CAPRICORN (sidereal zodiac) 30’ 08” to the nearest arc-sec, and S. Ecliptic 01 deg 09’ 51” to the nearest arc-sec .. my assessment is W. Alnitak 162000  =  148(deg) * 26(min) * 42.0997921(sec) and S. Ecliptic 458.6977616  =  01(deg) * 09(min) * 50.96641795(sec) .. and so the intersection is (162000 / 458.6977616)  =  353.1737313  

For VENUS at this timing .. raw data .. 11 deg SCORPIO (sidereal zodiac) 39’ 38” to the nearest arc-sec, and N. Ecliptic 01 deg 06’ 28” to the nearest arc-sec .. my assessment is E. Alnitak 324696.9701  =  161(deg) * 42(min) * 48.01788969(sec) and N. Ecliptic 167.9767419  =  01(deg) * 06(min) * 27.99612365(sec) .. and so the intersection is (324696.9701 / 167.9767419)  =  1932.987665

And so .. (1932.987665 VENUS * 353.1737313 MARS) / (603.6220596 SUN)  =  1130.973355  =  (360 * 3.141592654) .. all at the same timing .. 11:11 UT, at the moment of solstice on 21 December 2012.

(360 * 3.141592654) also encodes the N. Ecliptic Latitude for the fixed star REGULUS (Horus) .. where 1130.973355 N. Ecliptic  =  27(min) * 41.88790205(sec) .. located very close to the Ecliptic, indeed.

Now .. please recall the figure 192.1388691 from earlier .. and how this is the ratio of (5764.166073 / 30) involving the “Phoenix Lights” incident, and that 192.1388691  =  (648 / 3.141592654) / 1.073519415  =  (603.6220596 / 3.141592654)  =  (238.3004375 / 1.240251067)

Note .. (360 * 3.141592654) * 192.1388691  =  217303.9415 .. the encoding for the W. Alnitak Ecliptic Longitude of the SUN at 11:11 UT on 21 December 2012.


 See: http://www.greatdreams.com/war/space/sun_phoenix_zu.htm

Michael Morton's Sky Matrix:  http://matrix-messenger.tripod.com/

Joe Mason Crop Circles: http://www.greatdreams.com/crpcirc.htm

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