I admit it. This scared me.
10-19-04 - I was laying awake in bed and heard a bell ring in my
right ear.
I said, "I'm ready for a message"
I promptly fell asleep.
I was looking at a computer screen that showed a list of bids I
made on ebay. The dates on the bids ranged from October 1, 2003
through October 3, 2003 and beyond
The computer highlighted October 3, 2003, did some calculations and
then a box appeared underneath it and the word APPROVED appeared
in it.
Then the computer did some more calculations and signed me off of
AOL, and left a box beneath it for me to sign back on to AOL to
activate whatever had been approved.
I went to tell Joe about it because I was scared to sign back onto
AOL and activate something I didn't know what I was bidding on.
We went for a ride in the car and we found ourselves at the
intersection of 172nd and Beloit Rds. in Wisconsin where I used to
live. This is a purely country scene, with fields on all four corners
I saw a car coming towards us going East and we were going West. I
told Joe to back up across the intersection to see if we could tell
what year it was.
So Joe backed up the car and we crossed the intersection backwards.
I was stunned to see a brand new barn with a brand new green car
parked in front of it. It was on the SE corner of the intersection.
I said to Joe, "What is the address of that building?" I
saw the numbers above the door on the building change to white and
they became "1011"
We were at home then, standing by Joe's desk. Joe pulled out a map
and unrolled it. The map was a computer generated model map of a
Tsunami - starting at one spot and spreading across the ocean.
NOTE: I don't know which ocean it was in. (Possibly SE?)
I did a search on google.com for 1011 water ocean tsunami. This is
what came up:
I also did a search for my October 2003 dreams.
I had bad water/flood dreams on October 5th, 2003
Dee777@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 10/19/2004 4:31:18 PM Pacific Standard Time,
Dee777 writes:
This dream scared me. I hope
it doesn't come true.
Here are the details.
**Sorry I didn't get a chance to email last night, but I had
lots and lots of studying to do.....so....I didn't get a
chance to email and tell you about the dream I had had. (not
last night, but the night before) and I'm sorry to say, that
after reading your dream, now my dream (which was very
scary also) makes sense.
In my dream, it seemed that John and I had rented a summer home
on a beach somewhere (something I would never ordinarily do,
because I don't feel having any type of home on a beach is
safe...but....I digress .
We had our kids with us, and it seemed to be a typical day you
would expect to have at a beach. All of a sudden, the
sky started to turn a very dark ugly shade of gray, it began
to rain, and the wind started blowing.
I called the kids to come in. They had just come into
the house, when the house suddenly shook, and then swayed
slightly. I looked out the window, and saw that the
water was rising rapidly up from the beach. Then the
house swayed again, as if it were being lifted off of it's
By now, water was rising up through the floorboards. I
yelled to the kids to get out of the house, because I
could tell that the house was about to start floating.
The kids got out and were standing on the porch, but were
scared because the house was starting to be surrounded by
water. Then I saw that there was still a place
towards the back of the house that wasn't surrounded
by water yet, so I told them to go in that direction, and then
run up hill as fast as they could. My daughter was
afraid and didn't want to follow her brothers....by now, the
water was rising higher, and the house lurched again...I
looked up the beach and saw that other houses were in similar
straits...we were all about to become islands.....!
So, I grabbed my daughter's hand and we ran to the back of the
house, jumped into the water that was starting to rise there,
and made it to safety. When I looked back, our
house, and the others were starting to sway, and some looked
like they were already floating. My
husband was upset because were about to lose everything we
owned, but the only thing I was really upset about was losing
my family photo albums and my books. I was just glad to
be safe...then
I woke up......**
Love & Hope
The only permanent tsunami warning system in operation at the present
time is
that operated for the entire Pacific basin by the United States National
Weather Service, based at the Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu,
Hawaii. Since
1965, it has operated under the auspices of the Intergovernmental
Commission, which in 1966 set up an "International Coordination
Group for the
Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific." As of March 1975, this
group comprised
the following countries: Canada, Chile, China, Ecuador, France,
Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Peru, the Philippines, Thailand, the United
and the Soviet Union.
Nature of Tsunami
The waves created by a sudden disturbance in the ocean are known as
tsunami*. Typical causes are earthquakes and underwater landslides
(sometimes tripped by small earthquakes).
Tsunami generally travel very fast across the ocean (typically
500km/h or more). In deep water the tsunami height might not be great
but the height can increase dramatically when they reach the shoreline
because the wave slows in shallow water and the energy becomes more
concentrated. In addition to the inherent increase in the height of the
wave from this shoaling effect, the momentum of the wave might cause it
to reach a considerable height as it travels up sloping land. It is
typical for multiple waves to result from one tsunami-generating event
and these could be several hours apart when they reach a distant shore.
*Tsunami is Japanese for "harbour
wave" which is misleading to the Japanese because tsunami
don't just occur in harbours. Scientists dislike the term
"tidal wave" as used by the Press but there is a little
logic in the term - some
tsunamis do not break when they reach land but surge like a
massive, fast moving high tide to flood low-lying areas. Much of the
damage comes as they recede back into the ocean.

Illustration of Tsunami
Terms (Magnified Vertical Scale)
Amplitude is approximately the maximum height of the
wave above sea level when in deep water - see diagram. Note that this is
not the same as the "double amplitude" which is the vertical
distance between the crest and the trough and is often used to describe
the height of a wave).
Run-up height is the vertical height above sea level of the
tsunami at its furthest point inland.
Run-up factor is the run-up height divided by the deepwater wave
The run-up factor can vary considerably, depending on local
topography and the direction of travel of the wave. Hills
and Goda (1998) note that earthquake-generated tsunami in Japan have
an average run-up factor of 10 but sometimes reach 25. In Hawaii run-up
factors of 40 have been observed for earthquake-generated tsunami. There
is a particular danger to seaports from tsunami because the approach
channel to the port can support a much more energetic tsunami (there is
less energy dissipated or reflected as it travels over the continental
shelf). On the other hand, based on recent assessments of tsunami risks
for various locations, Crawford and Mader (1998)
estimate the typical run-up factor is only 2 to 3.
Contrary to popular notions, the Australian coastline is vulnerable
to tsunami Nott & Bryant 1999 and Rynn
& Davidson 1999. There is also evidence of substantial
variations in run-up factor for tsunami along the Australian coast .
Along a 40km stretch of coastline the run-up height from one (ancient)
tsunami event varied by more than 40 Young
et al 1996. The effects are complicated by features such as
estuaries, harbours, cliffs and reefs. The topography and features of
the continental shelf, the shoreline, an estuary/harbour and the land
are all very important is considering the damaging effects of tsunami.
Some coastal areas could be vulnerable to relatively small tsunami.
Until recently there appears to have very little assessment of this risk
except in areas prone to earthquake-generated tsunami such as Japan and
The urgency for increased
research on tsunami is reinforced by the devastating tsunami which
struck northern New Guinea in July 1998. Scientists are still trying to
understand mechanisms of that earthquake-related tsunami.
From: http://www4.tpgi.com.au/users/tps-seti/spacegd7.html
Asteroid impacts with the EarthStony asteroids with a diameter less than
about 100 metres generally do not reach the Earth's surface. These
objects usually explode several kilometres above the surface (an
"airburst"). This was probably the case with the "Tunguska"
Siberian event in 1908. The kinetic energy involved is substantial - a
typical impact by a 50m object releases about 10 megatons of TNT and
that of a 100m object releases about 75 Mt (the actual kinetic energy
depends on several factors such as speed and density and can vary by a
factor of more than 10). These explosions are equivalent in energy to
large thermonuclear explosions and they can cause devastation over
thousands of square kilometres - in the case of Tunguska the area of
destruction was about 2,000 sq km or a circle of radius 25km..
Fortunately the region was sparsely populated and had little effect on
humans (unlike now when it could not have been mistaken for a hostile
nuclear explosion).
Estimates of risk based on asteroid/comet impact frequency may vary
by a factor of ten - "Events like Tunguska occur with uncertain
frequency, possibly once every 50 years, if the interpretation of the
Spacewatch data is correct, or at most once every 300 to 500 years"
(Steel 1995). Subject to this uncertainty, the probability of an
impact at a given location can be estimated from
P = P(D) * AD
/ AE
P(D) is the probability of an impact by an asteroid of
diameter D somewhere on the Earth
AD is the area of destruction due to
the impact
AE is the total area of the Earth's
surface (including ocean).
Applying this to the Tunguska event, and assuming an average interval
between Earth impacts of one century, the annual probability of a
given location being within the devastation area is P(annual) = 0.01 *
2000 / 5.1E8 = 4E-8 or about 1 in 25 million. .
From: http://www4.tpgi.com.au/users/tps-seti/spacegd7.html
See: http://www.greatdreams.com/1950DA.htm
and http://www.greatdreams.com/1998ox4.htm
On the open ocean, tsunami waves approach speeds of 500
mph, almost fast enough to keep pace with a jetliner. But gazing out the
window of a 747, you wouldn't be able to pick it out from the
wind-driven swells. In deep water, the waves spread out and hunch down,
with hundreds of miles between crests that may be just a few feet high.
A passenger on a passing ship would scarcely detect their passing. But
in fact the tsunami crest is just the very tip of a vast mass of water
in motion. Though wind-driven waves and swells are confined to a shallow
layer near the ocean surface, a tsunami extends thousands of feet deep
into the ocean.
Because the momentum of the waves is so great, a tsunami can travel
great distances with little loss of energy. The 1960 earthquake off the
coast of Chile generated a tsunami that had enough force to kill 150
people in Japan after a journey of 22 hours and 10,000 miles. The waves
from a trans-Pacific tsunami can reverberate back and forth across the
ocean for days, making it jiggle like a planetary-scale pan of Jell-O.
As the waves in the tsunami reach shore, they slow
down due to the shallowing sea floor, and the loss in speed is often
accompanied by a dramatic increase in wave height. The waves scrunch
together like the ribs of an accordion and heave upward. Depending on
the geometry of the seafloor warping that first generated the waves,
tsunami attacks can take different forms. In certain cases, the sea can
seem at first to draw a breath and empty harbors, leaving fish flopping
on the mud. This sometimes draws the curious to the shoreline and to
their deaths, since the withdrawing of the sea is inevitably followed by
the arrival of the crest of a tsunami wave. Tsunamis also flood in
suddenly without warning. Tsunami waves usually don't curve over and
break, like Hawaiian surf waves. Survivors of tsunami attacks describe
them as dark "walls" of water. Impelled by the mass of water
behind them, the waves bulldoze onto the shore and inundate the coast,
snapping trees like twigs, toppling stone walls and lighthouses, and
smashing houses and buildings into kindling.
The contours of the seafloor and coastline have a profound influence on
the height of the waves -- sometimes with surprising and dangerous
results. During the 1993 tsunami attack on Okushiri, Japan, the wave
"runup" on the coast averaged about 15 to 20 meters (50 - 65
feet). But in one particular spot, the waves pushed into a V-shaped
valley open to the sea, concentrating the water in a tighter and tighter
space. In the end, the water ran up to 32 meters (90 feet) above sea
level, about the height of an 8-story office building.
From: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/savageearth/tsunami/
The seismic time bomb ticking under the Bay Area could wreak
especially widespread damage in heavily populated parts of the East
Bay, according to new earthquake-hazard maps announced Thursday.
Broad expanses of northern Alameda County's flatlands fall into a
"liquefaction" risk zone, meaning the soil could shake like
a bowl of jelly in a major quake. It's the same phenomenon that struck
the San Francisco Marina in the 1989 Loma Prieta quake.
The new maps also show the hills thickly mottled with patches of
potential landslide areas. The color charts were issued under state
law requiring property sellers to disclose potential liquefaction or
landslide risk. The law also requires geologic studies for new
"Just because you live in one of these zones, it doesn't mean
the end of the world," said Darryl Young, director of the state
Department of Conservation, which presented the maps at a news
conference in Berkeley.
"It's just a wake-up call," he said. "This is about
reducing fear and giving people constructive things they can do. . . .
Unless you know where you live and how the ground likely will perform,
you can't start to prepare for a quake."
The maps show only whether a property lies within a liquefaction or
landslide zone. They don't show relative risk within the zones. The
risk within a zone varies considerably, depending on the type of soil,
subsurface water and terrain.
In Berkeley, which Young praised as a leader in earthquake
preparedness, about 40 percent of the city lies within the two zones,
estimated city mapping analyst Brian Quinn. Much of Oakland and San
Leandro also are included, and all of Alameda and Emeryville fall into
the liquefaction areas.
The zones are being created throughout the state under a 1990 law
passed after Loma Prieta.
Any person selling a property within the zones must disclose it,
just as they do the property's presence in a flood plain. New
commercial buildings occupied by humans and new residential projects
of at least four units in the zones must conduct a geologic survey to
obtain a building permit. Whether single-family homes, duplexes or
triplexes will need to do such studies is left up to the local city or
The law takes effect whenever the map for that area is officially
San Francisco's was adopted in 2000. Alameda County's was approved
Feb. 14, though state officials didn't stage their public debut until
Young and other officials sought both to ring an alarm about the
Bay Area's seismic danger and to offer help on how to be prepared.
"We know that in the next 30 years, there is a greater than 70
percent chance of a major earthquake," he said. "The Loma
Prieta quake was not the big one. The Loma Prieta quake was in Santa
Cruz County 50 miles away."
He urged citizens to consult the new maps to find out if their
property lies in one of the zones by downloading them from the
department Web site at gmw.consrv.ca.gov/shmp/.
They can be purchased in black and white -- call (415) 495-8700 -- or
in color -- call (415) 904-7707 or (916) 445-5716 -- or viewed at the
department's San Francisco office at 185 Berry St., Suite 210.
If citizens find their property in a potential risk zone, they
should consult their insurance agent, a local builder or their city
for advice, he said. Solutions can be as simple as securing heavy
objects or as relatively inexpensive as bolting a house to its
For those wanting detailed information on the risk within the
zones, the Association of Bay Area Governments and United States
Geological Survey have several maps showing comparative risks for
liquefaction, landslides and ground- shaking.
For example, ABAG's interactive "Liquefaction
Susceptibility" map can be accessed at gis.abag.ca.gov/website/liq/viewer.htm.
The USGS liquefaction map for northern Alameda County is at quake.wr.usgs.gov/prepare/alameda.html.
E-mail Charles Burress at cburress@sfchronicle.com.
Cycle: |
2002 State: NY
List ID: NY-1701-0202 |
Waterbody Name: |
State Basin Name: |
York Marine Waters

York Airport Disaster
... shows quite clearly that
the northeast US, especially the Long Island and New York
City regions, would suffer greatly. Of the 15 "worst" storms,
Long Island ...
www.greatdreams.com/ny/hurricane-storm-new-york.htm |
WINTER OF 2002/2003
... cleanup this season. New
York Mayor Michael Bloomberg estimated the storm
already had cost his city around $20 million. It could take ...
... Storm-Harvest
Ministries. ... that I have been familiar with focus on New
England, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut,
the Midwest, and, of course, the West Coast. ...
www.greatdreams.com/superstorm.htm |
Bay, Texas Fishing

Bay, R.I.

tolls of Japan's typhoon rises to 62
-- 17:10(GMT+7)

Tokyo (VNA) - The number of
deaths caused by typhoon Tokage, which hit Japan's Canto island area on
Wednesday, had risen to 62 by Thursday afternoon, according to Kyodo.
With powerful winds and torrential rains,
the typhoon also has left 27 people missing and more than 300 others
injured. It also submerged areas and disrupted land and sea
transportation services across the country. More than 1,000 flights and
almost express trains in storm-affected areas were cancelled.
The Japan Meteorology Agency warned that
the storm is continuing to affect areas from the west to the east.--Enditem
Japan typhoon death toll rises to 63
Last Updated Thu, 21 Oct 2004 15:31:58 EDT
TOKYO - At least 63 people are dead and 25 missing in Japan
after a deadly typhoon triggered flash floods and mudslides that
wiped out entire hillsides.
Rescue workers trudged through mud and debris on Thursday,
searching villages for any survivors of typhoon Tokage, which
lashed the country a day earlier.
Japanese officials say the death toll is the highest since a
1988 storm, and will likely keep rising.
Tokage – the Japanese word for lizard – hit Japan's main
islands with heavy winds and rain, causing at least 16 mudslides.
Television footage showed uprooted trees, vehicles submerged to
their windows and large trucks tipped over on their sides.
The capital, Tokyo, was buffeted by strong winds and rain, but
no major damage was reported. West of Tokyo, nearly 40 tourists
were forced to spend the night huddled together on top of a bus
after being stranded by floodwater.
It was downgraded to a tropical storm before heading out to the
Pacific Ocean on Thursday.
As of Thursday morning, nearly 1,000 flights were cancelled, as
was the bullet train between Tokyo and Osaka. Tens of thousands of
homes lost electricity and about 13,000 people are staying in
temporary shelters.
With a 500-kilometre radius of powerful winds, Tokage is one of
the biggest typhoons to land in Japan.
A record eight typhoons have hit Japan this year, claiming at
least 107 lives.
With files from Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Written by CBC News Online staff
48 dead, 33 missing in
Japan's typhoon strike:
[World News]:
Tokyo, Oct 21 : Forty-eight people have died and 33 are reported missing
in a typhoon that swept through Japan, flattening houses and leading to
cancellation of flights and train services, reports Xinhua.
The figures were reported by the NHK TV station Thursday.
However, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency has put the death toll
at 30 and listed 32 as missing. It said 280 people were injured and 350
buildings destroyed or damaged in the typhoon, the most devastating in
more than a decade.
Several victims died due to mudslides that buried or overturned their
houses, the agency said. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled and
some train services
Typhoon No 23, which swept through most of Japan, has downgraded to an
extra-tropical depression and was located in the Pacific off the Kanto
region of eastern Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
However, it has warned against high waves in some coastal regions. In
the western Kochi Prefecture, waves as high as 17m was reported.
This is the 10th typhoon to have hit Japan this year.
Tokage, nickname of the typhoon, came less than a month after another
fierce one -- No 21 which killed 26 people, injured around 100, wrecked
several ships, and destroyed or damaged over 2,000 houses.
--Indo-Asian News Service
Typhoon Tokage produces record eight-story wave in Japan
TOKYO (AFP) - Typhoon Tokage produced
the biggest wave ever recorded in Japan as its rampaged across the
country this week, claiming nearly 80 lives, the government said.
The 24-meter-high (80-foot) wave, the size of an eight-story
building, was monitored off the port of Muroto on the southern island of
Shikoku on Wednesday, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
It was the highest wave recorded in the country since the ministry
started monitoring wave heights in 1970.
The previous record was 20 meters in a wave monitored off Miyazaki on
the southern island of Kyushu when another typhoon roared by in August.
The ministry said that the average height of waves monitored in a
20-minute period as the typhoon struck on Wednesday was 13.55 meters (45
feet). The waves were recorded by an underwater monitoring point about
1.5 kilometers (one mile) offshore.
Towering waves crushed a sea wall and 14 houses at Muroto, some 600
kilometers (375 miles) southwest of Tokyo, killing three people there.
The National Police Agency said late Saturday that 79 people had been
confirmed dead from the typhoon with 12 others missing and 299 injured.

Deadly Tsunami Measured by Satellite
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON — The tsunami that killed thousands around the Indian
Ocean was caught by a series of radar satellites, allowing National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists to develop
measurements of the wave in mid-ocean.
While a tsunami can rise to great heights when it arrives at the
shore, such waves are often barely noticeable in the ocean.
In this case, scientists found that two hours after the undersea quake
that launched the tsunami, the wave was about two feet.
An hour and 15 minutes later it was down to about 16 inches. After
eight hours the main wave was down to about two to four inches, though
a portion in the Bay of Bengal was still at about 10 inches, the N0AA
scientists said Monday.
An earthquake deep beneath the ocean off Indonesia caused the tsunami
by shifting the sea floor, resulting in displacement of the water
overhead and causing a wave to spread out from that location.
Unlike surface waves that affect only a shallow amount of water, a
tsunami stretches all the way to the sea floor and, as that rises to
the land, so does the wave. Arriving at shore, such waves can grow
suddenly by dozens of feet.
The satellite imaging did not provide a depth for the waves that hit
The new measurements were based on data from four earth-orbiting
satellites. Researchers hope the work will help them develop models to
improve tsunami forecasts.
The data, which took several days to analyze, came from the TOPEX/Poseidon
and Jason satellites operated NASA and the French space agency, CNES;
the European Space Agency's Envisat and the U.S. Navy's Geosat
"These observations are unique and of tremendous value for
testing and improving tsunami computer models and developing future
tsunami early warning systems," said Lee-Lueng Fu of NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
Walter H.F. Smith, a geophysicist at NOAA, emphasized that the office
does not get satellite data until several hours after a tsunami has
developed -- too late to be used as a real-time forecast.
"Right now, this technique is not a first line of defense in
tsunami hazard monitoring and warnings, but it gives scientists a
window to tsunami activity in the deep and in remote parts of an ocean
basin, too far away from coastal tide gauges and other instruments
that could detect it," Smith said in a statement.

About 4,000 people in
Sri Lanka,India, Indonesia,
Thailand and Malaysia have been killed by horrible tsunamis
triggered by devastating earthquake on Sunday. (Photo: Xinhua/AFP)
HONG KONG, Dec. 26, 2004 (Xinhuanet) -- About 4,000
people in Sri Lanka,India, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia have been
killed by horrible tsunamis triggered by devastating earthquake on
The quake measuring 8.7 on the Richter scale
jolted sea areas northwest of Indonesia's Sumatra Sunday morning, the
most powerful recorded in 40 years.
According to the State Seismological Bureau
of China, the epicenter of the quake is 30 kilometers from the coast,
approximately 300 kilometers from Medan and 200 kilometers from Banda
The death toll of Sunday tidal wave
devastation which hit the eastern and southern coasts of Sri Lanka had
crossed 1,500 mark bypress time while the death toll reached 454 in
Indonesia, more than 1,000 in India, 5 in Malaysia, 100 in Thailand and
1 in Maldives.
In addition to the dead, hundreds of other
people were reported missing elsewhere, most of them fishermen at sea,
in the region.
Sri Lankan prime minister's office said
Sunday that some 1,500 people were killed and 1 million affected as
tsunami tidal waves caused by an earthquake off Indonesia smashed into
the island.
Massive sea waves crashed into coastal
villages over a wide area of Sri Lanka on Sunday, killing more than
1,000 people and displacing 500,000 others, officials and hospital
doctors said. The death toll was still rising, they warned.
The tidal waves also hit the neighboring
Maldives, where the authorities closed the airport.
Maldives government officials said the waves
were as high as one meter, hitting the low-lying capital Male,
two-thirds of which was under water.
In Indonesia, some 454 people were killed
after the extremely powerful earthquake rocked Aceh province of
Indonesia on Sunday morning.
According to Bireun chief of district in Aceh
province the figure will increase as they still look for many
unidentified deadbodies.
The officials from Biruen and Pidie districts
said thousands of people had left their homes to higher areas to avoid
further tremor and flood.
Up to now, the quake has already caused some
hundreds houses down, electricity cut off and bridges damaged.
In Thailand, some 100 people died and 1,339
were injured in southern Songkhla, Phuket, Krabi, Phang Nga and Surat
Thani provinces, that draw thousands of visitors each year due to their
world-famous beaches.
At least 40 tourists died in Phuket island as
waves had reachedas high as eight or even 10 meters before crashing into
its coast.
Phuket's famous beach town Patong was flooded
with all shops, kiosks and hotels damaged by the tsunamis.
On Phang-Nga, another popular tourist site
near Phuket, people even sought refuge from the floods on rooftops. The
tourists said they were relaxing on the beach when the tsunamis suddenly
The navy has been airlifting tourists who
were stranded at hotels and bungalows near affected beaches to safer
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,
who had been visiting the victims of recent earthquake in Nabire
district, in Papua province, had ordered authorities to handle the
natural disaster and asked some ministers to visit the affected area,
the state spokesman Andi Mallarangeng said.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Sunday
voiced concern overthe earthquake and tidal waves that hit Andaman and
Nicobar islands and the country's east coast, according to Indo-Asian
NewsService (IANS).
The navy has been placed on full alert and
rescue and relief operations are under way in the worst-hit Andman and
Nicobar as well as the coastal areas of West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, officials in the prime minister's office (PMO)
told media.
Sri Lanka has called for international
assistance in the face of the country's worst ever humanitarian
According to the Sri Lankan president office,
Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga who was on a private visit to
Britain is to cut short her visit and to return to Sri Lanka.
In Malaysia, authorities closed some beaches
to the public after 5 people were swept away from beaches near the
northern city of Penang. The victims were believed to be mainly tourists
and included some foreigners, said a police spokesman. |
By LELY T. DJUHARI | Associated
Press Writer
Posted December 26, 2004
JAKARTA, Indonesia -- The world's most powerful earthquake in 40
years triggered massive tidal waves that slammed into villages
and seaside resorts across Asia on Sunday, killing more than
3,800 people in six countries.
Tourists, fishermen, homes and cars were swept away by walls of
water up to 20 feet high that swept across the Bay of Bengal,
unleashed by the 8.9-magnitude earthquake centered off the west
coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
In Sri Lanka, 1,000 miles west of the epicenter, more than 2,150
people were killed, the prime minister's office said. Indian
officials said as many as 1,130 died along the southern coast.
At least 408 died on Sumatra from floods and collapsing
buildings. Another 168 were confirmed dead in Thailand, 28 in
Malaysia and 2 in Bangladesh.
But officials expected the death toll to rise dramatically, with
hundreds reported missing and all communications cut off to
Sumatran towns closest to the epicenter. Hundreds of bodies were
found on various beaches along India's southern state of Tamil
Nadu, and more were expected to be washed in by the sea,
officials said.
Copyright © 2004, Orlando
Timeline: Tsunami disasters
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Tidal waves, or tsunami, often set off by
undersea earthquakes, have caused several major disasters in coastal
communities over the years. References to these waves date back as far
as ancient Greece and Rome, including a wave that shook the eastern
Mediterranean on July 21, 365, killing thousands of residents of
Alexandria, Egypt.
Among other notable tsunami:
July 17, 1998, an offshore quake triggers a wave that strikes the
north coast of Papua-New Guinea, killing some 2,000 people and leaving
thousands more homeless.
August 16, 1976, a tsunami kills more than 5,000 people in the Moro
Gulf region of the Philippines.
March 28, 1964, Good Friday earthquake in Alaska sends out a wave
swamping much of the Alaskan coast and destroying three villages. The
wave kills 107 people in Alaska, four in Oregon and 11 in California as
it sweeps down the West Coast.
May 22, 1960, a wave reported as up to 35-feet high kills 1,000 in
Chile and causes damage in Hawaii, where 61 die, and in the Philippines,
Okinawa and Japan as it sweeps across the Pacific.
April 1, 1946, Alaskan quake generates a tsunami that destroys North
Cape Lighthouse, killing five. Hours later the wave arrives at Hilo,
Hawaii, killing 159 people and doing millions of dollars in damage.
January 31, 1906, a devastating offshore quake submerges part of
Tumaco, Colombia, and washes away every house on the coast between
Rioverde, Ecuador, and Micay, Colombia. Death toll estimated at 500 to
December 17, 1896, a tsunami washes away part of the embankment and
main boulevard of Santa Barbara, California.
June 15, 1896, the Sanriku tsunami strikes Japan without warning. A
wave estimated at more than 70 feet high hits a crowd gathered to
celebrate a religious festival, killing more than 26,000 people.
August 27, 1883, the eruption of the volcano Krakatau generates a
massive wave that sweeps over the shores of nearby Java and Sumatra,
killing 36,000 people.
November 1, 1775, the great Lisbon earthquake generates a wave up to
20-feet high that strikes coastal Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
Copyright 2004 The Associated
Press. All rights reserved
A similar situation of one tectonic plate (the Pacific plate)
pushing undernearth another plate (the American plate) exists on the
West Coast of the U.S. Krsanna
December 27, 2004 - Associated Press
LONDON Dec 27, 2004 - The chain reaction that sent enormous,
deadly tidal waves crashing into the coasts of Asia and Africa on
Sunday started more than six miles beneath the ocean floor off the tip
of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
Geologic plates pressing against each other slipped violently,
creating a bulge on the sea bottom that could be as high as 10
yards and hundreds of miles long, one scientist said.
"It's just like moving an enormous paddle at the bottom of the
sea," said David Booth, a seismologist at the British Geological
Survey. "A big column of water has moved, we're talking about
billions of tons. This is an enormous disturbance."
Moving at about 500 mph, the waves took more than two hours to
reach Sri Lanka, where the human toll has been horrific, and
longer to spread to India and the east coast of Africa.
And because such tidal waves rarely occur in the Indian Ocean,
there is no system in place to warn coastal communities they are about
to be hit, such as exists in the Pacific, Booth said.
"With 20-20 vision of hindsight, that'll be
reconsidered," he said.
An Australian scientist had suggested in September that an Indian
Ocean warning system be set up, but it takes a year to create one.
Also, those living along the Indian Ocean's shores were less
likely than Pacific coastal dwellers to know the warning signs of
an impending tidal wave water receding unusually fast and far from
the shore, Booth said.
Thousands were killed in countries from Indonesia to Somalia.
The underwater quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey put at
magnitude 9.0, was the biggest since 1964, when a 9.2-magnitude temblor
struck Alaska, also touching off tsunami waves. There were at least
a half-dozen powerful aftershocks, one of magnitude 7.3.
Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute,
likened the quake's power to detonating a million atomic bombs the
size of those dropped on Japan during World War II, and said the
shaking was so powerful it even disturbed the Earth's rotation.
"All the planet is vibrating" from the quake, he told
Italian state radio. Other scientists said it was early too say whether
the rotation was affected by the quake.
The earthquake occurred at a spot where the Indian Ocean plate is
gradually being forced underneath Sumatra, which is part of the
Eurasian plate, at about the speed at which a human fingernail
grows, Booth explained.
"This slipping doesn't occur smoothly," he said. Rocks
along the edge stick against one another and pent-up energy builds
over hundreds of years.
It's "almost like stretching an elastic band, and then when
the strength of the rock isn't sufficient to withstand the stress,
then all along the fault line the rocks will move," he said.
Indonesia is well-known as a major quake center, sitting along a
series of fault lines dubbed the "Ring of Fire." But
scientists are unable to predict where and when quakes will strike with
any precision.
The force of Sunday's earthquake shook unusually far afield,
causing buildings to sway hundreds of miles from the epicenter, from
Singapore to the city of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, and in
The quake probably occurred about 6.2 miles beneath the ocean
floor, causing the huge, step-like protrusion on the sea bed and the
resulting tidal waves.
As the waves moved across deep areas of the ocean in the early
morning, they may have been almost undetectable on the surface,
with swells of about a yard or less. But when they approached land
the huge volumes of water were forced to the surface and the waves grew
higher, swamping coastal communities and causing massive casualties.
Tsunami toll likely to reach 60,000
Wednesday, 12 - 29, 2004
Nations on the Indian Ocean from Indonesia to Sri Lanka struggled on
Tuesday to find and bury their dead and help the survivors of a tsunami
as fears grew the final toll would far exceed the 27,700 persons
reported killed.
Two days after the biggest earthquake in 40 years rocked the seabed
off Indonesia's Sumatra Island, triggering waves up to 10 meters high,
officials found more deaths the further they ventured into outlying
areas, and said the final toll could rise above 55,000.
The United Nations said hundreds of relief planes packed with
emergency goods would arrive in the region from about two dozen
countries within the next 48 hours.
Bodies still littered the streets in north Indonesia, closest to
Sunday's magnitude 9.0 earthquake.
About 1,000 persons lay where they were killed when a tsunami struck
as they were watching a sports event.
“I was in the field as a referee. The waves suddenly came in and I
was saved by God — I got caught in the branches of a tree,” Mahmud
Azaf said, who lost his three children to the tsunami.
Hundreds of Western tourists were killed at beach resorts in Sri
Lanka and Thailand, fishing villages across the region were devastated,
power and communications cut and homes destroyed.
“This was the worst day in our history,” said Sri Lankan
businessman Y.P. Wickramsinghe as he picked through the rubble of his
sea-front dive shop in the devastated southwestern town of Galle.
“I wish I had died. There is no point in living.”
Thousands of miles of coastline from Indonesia to Somalia were
battered by deadly waves. The UN said the disaster was unique in
encompassing such a large area and so many countries.
Sri Lanka appeared to have been the worst hit as authorities had
recovered 12,895 bodies, including at least 70 foreigners, and feared
the final death toll would reach 25,000.
More than 8,500 persons were reported killed in India with many more
victims expected, officials said.
Among them were about 4,000 in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, close
to the epicentre of the quake, where thousands were missing after five
villages were swept away, an official said.
Around 4,500 were killed in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu
and the former French colony of Pondicherry.
In Indonesia, nearly 5,800 were killed as the country took the full
force of the huge earthquake and tidal waves that swallowed entire
coastal villages.
In Malaysia, 60 persons, including many elderly and children, were
reported killed and at least 56 died in Myanmar.
The toll was expected to rise substantially.
At least 52 persons, including two British holidaymakers, were killed
while another 68 were missing in the tourist paradise of Maldives,
according to officials.
In Bangladesh, a father and child were killed after a tourist boat
capsized from large waves.
Fatalities also occurred on the east coast of Africa where 100
fishermen were declared dead in Somalia and 10 in Tanzania.
With infrastructure, including latrines and water wells, in the worst
hit areas in tatters, international organizations urged that the
thousands of bloated corpses littering beaches, streets and makeshift
morgues be disposed of quickly to stem the threat of disease.
Experts said though the risk of epidemics varied from country to
country according to their standards of hygiene, hot temperatures, poor
to inexistent sewerage and spoiled food provided breeding grounds for
In particular, the decomposing bodies contaminating water would
provide ideal conditions for water-borne diseases such as cholera,
typhoid and malaria.
Food shortages were also shaping up as a major concern, especially in
the more remote parts of Asia devastated by the 10-meter-high waves that
slammed into nine countries on Sunday.
In Indonesia's Aceh province, near the epicenter of the undersea
earthquake that sparked the tsunamis and where up to 25,000 are feared
dead, a local police chief from the cut-off town of Meulaboh suggested
the worst had yet to be seen.
Across the Indian Ocean in Sri Lanka, where 12,000 persons were
killed by the wall of water that smashed into the island, drinking water
wells along the country's coastal regions were badly contaminated.
The worst hit town in India, Nagapattinam in southern Tamil Nadu
state where at least 1,700 died, was lashed by rain Tuesday, adding to
the misery of a community in ruins and where bodies continued to be
washed ashore.
Hundreds of makeshift relief camps have been opened at various places
in the coastal areas of India hit with tens of thousands taking shelter,
according to the government.
The camps were providing free food, water and medical treatment, but
the spectre of disease was looming large.
Fresh water was also a major problem on India's remote Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, where giant waves wiped out at least 3,000 persons.
The pervasive stench of death and disease was also all-consuming in
Thailand, where 2,000 persons may have died.
The UN said the biggest disaster relief operation ever staged would
be needed for the victims.
Reuters and AFP |
Tsunami Death Toll Climbs to 52,000
By ANDI DJATMIKO Tuesday, December 28, 2004
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - Mourners in Sri
Lanka used their bare hands to dig graves Tuesday while hungry islanders
in Indonesia turned to looting in the aftermath of Asia's devastating
tsunamis. Thousands more bodies were found in Indonesia, dramatically
increasing the death toll across 11 nations to more than 52,000.
Indonesia's Health Ministry said in a statement that more than 27,000
people were confirmed killed in parts of Sumatra island, the territory
closest to the epicenter of Sunday's earthquake, which sent a giant
tsunami rolling across the Indian Ocean.
But the ministry said it had not yet counted deaths along the inundated
and shattered towns of Sumatra's western coast, which soldiers and
rescue workers were unable so far to reach _ including the district of
Meulaboh, where earlier the head of another agency estimated that 10,000
people were killed.
When those regions are included in the ministry count, the death toll
could rise dramatically yet again.
TV footage from overflights of Meulaboh and
other parts of the west coast showed thousands of homes underwater.
Refugees fleeing the coast described surviving for days on little more
than coconuts before reaching Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province
on Sumatra's northern tip, which itself was largely flattened by the
"The sea was full of bodies," said Sukardi Kasdi, who reached
the capital from his town of Surang.
The west coast of Sumatra, facing Sunday's epicenter, took the brunt of
both the quake and the killer waves. With aid not arriving quick enough,
desperate residents in Meulaboh and other towns in Aceh began to loot,
officials said.
"People are looting, but not because they are evil, but they are
hungry," said Red Cross official Irman Rachmat in Banda Aceh.
In Sri Lanka, the toll also mounted. Workers pulled 802 bodies out of a
train that was flung off its tracks when the gigantic waves hit. Two
hundred of the bodies _ unclaimed by relatives _ were buried Tuesday in
a mass grave next to the tracks, which had been lifted and twisted like
a roller coaster by the raging water.
"Is this the fate that we had planned for? My darling, you were the
only hope for me," cried one man for his dead girlfriend _ his
university sweetheart _ as Buddhist monks held prayer nearby.
More than 18,700 people died in Sri Lanka, more than 4,400 in India and
more than 1,500 in Thailand, with numbers expected to rise. Scores were
also killed in Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives. The giant
waves raced nearly 3,000 miles to east Africa, causing deaths in
Somalia, Tanzania and Seychelles.
And there were still zones of death where officials could not get a
precise count. Sumatra's west coast was one _ another was India's remote
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located just north of Sumatra. So far, only
90 people were confirmed dead in the archipelago of 30 inhabited
islands, but a police official said 8,000 people were missing and
possibly dead.
Europeans desperately sought relatives missing from holidays in
Southeast Asia _ particularly Thailand, where bodies littered the once
crowded beach resorts. Near the devastated Similan Beach and Spa Resort,
where mostly German tourists were staying, a naked corpse hung suspended
from a tree Tuesday as if crucified.
A blond two-year-old Swedish boy, Hannes Bergstroem, found sitting alone
on a road in Thailand was reunited with his uncle, who saw the boy's
picture on a Web site.
"This is a miracle, the biggest thing that could happen," said
the uncle, who identified himself as Jim, after flying from his home
country to Thailand to reach Hannes at the hospital were the boy was
being treated. The boy's mother and grandmother were missing, while his
father and grandfather were reportedly at another hospital.
The vacationing former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl was evacuated by
Sri Lankan military helicopter from the hotel he was trapped by flooding
in the south of the country. In Thailand, Czech supermodel Petra Nemcova,
who appeared on the cover of 2003 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, was
injured and her photographer boyfriend Simon Atlee was missing, Atlee's
agent said.
So far, more than 80 Westerners have been confirmed dead across the
region _ including 11 Americans. But a British consulate official in
Thailand warned that hundreds more foreign tourists were likely killed
in the country's resorts.
Sunday's massive quake of 9.0 magnitude off the Indonesian island of
Sumatra sent 500-mph waves surging across the Indian Ocean and Bay of
Bengal in the deadliest known tsunami since the one that devastated the
Portuguese capital of Lisbon in 1755 and killed an estimated 60,000
Amid the devastation, however, were some miraculous stories of survival.
In Malaysia, a 20-day-old baby was found alive on a floating mattress.
She and her family were later reunited. A Hong Kong couple vacationing
in Thailand clung to a mattress for six hours.
In Sri Lanka, more than 300 people crammed into the Infant Jesus Church
at Orrs Hill, located on high ground from their ravaged fishing
villages. Families and childres slept on pews and the cement floor.
"We had never seen the sea looking like that. It was like as if a
calm sea had suddenly become a raging monster," said one woman,
Haalima, recalling the giant wave that swept away her 5-year-old
grandson, Adil.
Adil was making sandcastles with his younger sister, Reeze, while
Haalima sat in her home Sunday morning. Haalima said the girl ran to her
complaining that waves had crushed their castles, then came screams and
water entered the home. "When we looked, there was no shore anymore
and no Adil," she said.
Death was so widespread in Sri Lanka that the government waived rules
requiring an autopsy before burial. In Muslim villages in the east of
the otherwise Buddhist-dominated island, some survivors, lacking
shovels, used giant iron forks used for communal cooking and their hands
to scrape out graves for several dozen victims, half of them children.
"The toll is going up and I will not be surprised it reaches 20,000
to 25,000," said Nimal Hettiarchchi, director of Sri Lanka's
National Disaster Management Center.
Relief workers warned that survivors could face outbreaks of disease,
including malaria and cholera. "Our biggest fear at the moment is
the shortage of drinking water," said Janaka Gunewardene, a
director at Sri Lanka's disaster management center, adding that
waterways and well across Sri Lanka's northern, eastern and southern
coasts were contaminated, said.
A new danger emerged Tuesday: the floods uprooted land mines in Sri
Lanka _ a nation torn by a decades-old war with Tamil separatists in the
north. The mines now threatened aid workers and survivors, UNICEF said.
The first international deliveries of food were being delivered to
ravaged areas, as humanitarian agencies _ accustomed to disasters in one
or two countries at time _ tried to organize to help on an unprecedented
geographic scale, across 11 nations.
The disaster could be history's costliest, with "many billions of
dollars" of damage, said U.N. Undersecretary Jan Egeland, who is in
charge of emergency relief coordination.
A dozen trucks loaded with more than 160 tons of rice, lentils and sugar
sent by the U.N. World Food Progam, left Tuesday from Colombo for Sri
Lanka's southern and eastern coasts, and a second shipment was planned
for overnight.
UNICEF officials said about 175 tons of rice arrived in Banda Aceh,
Indonesia, and six tons of medical supplies were to arrive by Thursday.
Helicopters in India rushed medicine to stricken areas. In Sri Lanka,
the Health Ministry dispatched 300 physicians to the disaster zone by
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Dec. 30) - The death toll
from last weekend's earthquake-tsunami catastrophe rose to more than
114,000 on Thursday as Indonesia uncovered more and more dead from
ravaged Sumatra island, where pilots dropped food to remote villages
still unreachable by rescue workers. A false alarm that new killer waves
were about to hit sparked panic in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
The increase came after Indonesia reported nearly
28,000 newly confirmed dead in Sumatra, which was closest to the
epicenter of last weekend's massive earthquake and was overwhelmed by
the tsunami that followed. Some 60 percent of Banda Aceh, the main city
in northern Sumatra was destroyed, the U.N. children's agency estimated,
and 115 miles of the island's northwest coast - lined with villages -
was inundated.
Indonesia, with around 80,000 dead, was the worst
hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. The total across 12
nations in southern Asia and East Africa was likely to rise, with
thousands still missing and fears that disease could bring a new wave of
Tens of thousands of residents fled coasts in
India, Sri Lanka and Thailand after warnings that a new tsunami was
about to strike after new aftershocks hit the Indian Ocean Thursday.
India issued a tsunami warning at midday, but
then hours later its science minister, Kapil Sibal, went on television
to announce the warning was incorrect and based on information received
from a U.S. research firm.
Fears of a new tsunami were "unscientific,
hogwash and should be discarded," Sibal said.
Still, the alert sparked panic among people
traumatized by Sunday's devastation.
"We got into a truck and fled," said
40-year-old Gandhimathi of Nagappattinam in India's Tamil Nadu state,
who said authorities told her to leave her home. "We took only a
few clothes and left behind all of our belongings, everything we
Sri Lanka's military later told residents there
to be vigilant but not to panic, while coastal villagers climbed onto
rooftops or sought high ground. "There is total confusion
here," said Rohan Bandara in the coastal town of Tangalle.
Tsunami sirens in southern Thailand sent people
dashing from beaches, but only small waves followed the alarms.
An estimated 5.7 magnitude aftershock was
recorded in seas northwest of Indonesia's Sumatra island by the Hong
Kong observatory Thursday morning, along with earlier, overnight quakes
at India's Andaman and Nicobar islands. But a 5.7 quake would be about
1,000 times less powerful than Sunday's, and probably would have
"negligible impact," said geologist Jason Ali of University of
Hong Kong.
The false alarm highlighted the lack of an
organized tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean region - which
experts have already said may have worsened the crisis after Sunday's
9.0 magnitude quake hit off Sumatra's coast, sending a massive wave
racing at 500 mph across the Indian Ocean.
Sibal, the Indian science minister, said
Thursday's warning was based on information from a U.S. research group
that "claimed they have some sensors and equipment through which
they suggest there was a possibility of an earthquake."
He did not elaborate on how the information was
Meanwhile, military ships and planes rushed to
get desperately needed aid to Sumatra's ravaged coast. Countless corpses
strewn on the streets rotted under the tropical sun causing a nearly
unbearable stench.
Food drops began along the coast, mostly of
instant noodles and medicines, with some of the areas "hard to
reach because they are surrounded by cliffs," said Budi Aditutro,
head of the government's relief team.
Government institutions in Aceh province, the
territory on Sumatra's northern tip, have ceased to function and basic
supplies such as fuel have almost run out, forcing even ambulances to
ration gasoline.
On the streets of Banda Aceh, the provincial
capital, fights have broken out over packets of noodles dropped from
military vehicles.
"I believe the frustration will be growing
in the days and weeks ahead," U.N. Undersecretary-General for
Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland said.
The United States, India, Australia and Japan
have formed an international coalition to coordinate worldwide relief
and reconstruction efforts, President Bush announced.
"We will prevail over this
destruction," Bush said from his Texas ranch Wednesday.
The number of deaths in Indonesia stood at about
52,000. Authorities there said that did not include a full count from
Sumatra's west coast, and UNICEF estimated the toll for that country
alone could be 80,000.
Sri Lanka reported 24,700 dead, India more than
7,300 and Thailand around 2,400 - though that country's prime minister
said he feared the toll would go to 6,800. A total of more than 300 were
killed in Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Somalia, Tanzania
and Kenya.
The disaster struck a band of the tropics that
not only is heavily populated but attracts tourists from all corners.
Throughout the world, people sought word of missing relatives, from
small-town Sri Lankan fishermen to Europeans on sand-and-sun holidays.
On hundreds of Web sites, the messages were brief
but poignant: "Missing: Christina Blomee in Khao Lak," or
simply, "Where are you?"
But even as hope for the missing dwindled,
survivors continued to turn up.
A 2-year-old Swedish boy was reunited with his
father days after the toddler was found alone on a roadside in
Thailand's southern beach resort island of Phuket. In Sri Lanka, a lone
fisherman named Sini Mohammed Sarfudeen was rescued Wednesday by an air
force helicopter crew after clinging to his wave-tossed boat for three
Rescue workers on Thursday plied the dense
forests of India's remote Andaman and Nicobar islands - an archipelago
just to the northwest of the quake's epicenter - where authorities fear
as many as 10,000 more people may be buried in mud and thick vegetation.
Many hungry villagers were surviving on coconut milk, rescuers said.
Mohammad Yusef, 60, a fisherman who fled his
village and was holed up at a Catholic church in the territory's capital
Port Blair along with about 800 others, said all 15 villages on the
coast of Car Nicobar island had been destroyed.
"There's not a single hut which is
standing," he told The Associated Press. "Everything is gone.
Most of the people have gone up to the hills and are afraid to come
down," Yusef said.
Many villagers had not eaten for two days and
said that crocodiles had washed ashore during the disaster, compounding
the horror of more than 50 aftershocks since Sunday's quake.
12/30/04 08:49 EST
Copyright 2004 The Associated
Relief Efforts Step Up as Death Toll Reaches 135,000
Efforts to aid the millions of survivors of
Sunday’s devastating quake-tsunami disaster stepped up as the rising
death toll surpassed 135,000 according to recent reports.
Efforts to aid the millions of survivors
of Sunday’s devastating quake-tsunami disaster stepped up as the
rising death toll surpassed 135,000 according to recent reports.
On Friday, nine U.S military transport crafts took off to rush supplies
to the stricken resorts of southern Thailand and to more distant
airfields in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, the Associated Press reported. One
of the cargo jets arrived in the main airport near Banda Aceh—capital
of Indonesia’s Aceh Province—with blankets, medicine and the first
of 80,000 body bags. Some pilots dropped food to remote villages still
unreachable by rescue workers. Other transport crafts were sent by
Australia and New Zealand, and the Indonesian government said 42 flights
from 18 countries had reached Sumatra by Friday.
Meanwhile, two Navy groups of a dozen vessels have headed for the coasts
of Indonesia and Sri Lanka with supplies and, more importantly, over 40
helicopters to help ferry food and medicines into ravaged seaside
communities. In addition, the Indian navy, which has already deployed 32
ships and 29 aircraft for tsunami relief and rescue work, was sending
two more ships Friday to Indonesia.
However, with the huge world relief drive to shelter, treat and feed
millions of survivors finally kicking in, AP said overstretched
authorities were dealing with logistical nightmare of getting the
incoming aid to the needy.
In Indonesia, tons of supplies were backlogged, with thousands of boxes
filled with drinking water, crackers, blankets and other basic
necessities piled high in an airplane hangar nearly 300 miles from Banda
Aceh—which officials estimate was 60 percent destroyed. Some of the
supplies had been brought to the hangar on Monday and still hadn't made
it to the disaster zones, AP reported.
"Hundreds of tons, it keeps coming in," the governor of
Northern Sumatra province told AP. He blamed the backlog on an initial
"lack of coordination" that was slowly improving.
Indonesia, the hardest hit nation, said its death toll of 80,000 could
reach 100,000, and officials began to acknowledge that the number of
dead may never be known with precision, because the towering waves that
smashed into Sumatra island swept entire villages with their inhabitants
out to sea.
Meanwhile, the Red Cross and other groups were still working to bury the
corpses scattered throughout the city, struggling to deal with the
number of dead.
"Many bodies are rotting and still left untouched up to this
morning," reported World Vision Indonesia's Jimmy Nadapdap from
Banda Aceh on Thursday.
World Vision, one of the largest Christian relief and development
organizations in the world, reported that its office in Indonesia is in
the process of procuring and distributing non-food relief aid for 5,000
families (approximately 25,000 people) in the Banda Aceh area. The
relief goods will include tarpaulins, cooking utensils, jerrycans/buckets,
sarongs, soaps, masks and mosquito nets.
The goods are being procured and assembled in Jakarta and will then be
transported to Banda Aceh. The distribution is expected to take place
within the next week.
In Sri Lanka, the next hardest hit after Indonesia, World Vision Sri
Lanka has already sent packs of essential food, as well as bedding,
tarpaulin sheets, clothing, mattresses, kitchen utensils and basic
medication to the worst affected areas.
World Vision reports that medicine and medical supplies are urgently
needed, as well as a means to deal with the decomposing bodies of the
victims. Health authorities warn of outbreaks of dysentery, cholera and
hepatitis in the camps, if food and water is contaminated.
In coming days World Vision plans to distribute dry ration food parcels,
clothes and other cooking utensils such as plates, cups, jugs and
buckets to 12,000 families living in camps in the Matara district.
In India, the agency has been able to provide immediate support for
around 3,000 families. In the coming days, World Vision will provide
relief to 35,000 families, and introduce a seven-day food ration to be
manned by 75 staff.
India has officially reported 7,763 dead in the tsunami disaster —
most from the southern provinces of the mainland. Only around 700 dead
from the archipelago were counted, but officials said Friday more than
3,700 were still missing. An official a day earlier said 10,000 could be
dead in the archipelago.
Looks for Missing Tsunami Victims
WASHINGTON (Jan. 6) - Twelve days after a tsunami
devastated areas of Asia, some 2,900 Americans are still missing. The
State Department has pledged to find out what has happened to them.
"We at the State Department will spare no
effort and leave no stone unturned to answer the questions that we are
receiving from Americans about the welfare and whereabouts of their
loved ones and friends,'' deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said.
With 16 Americans already listed as fatalities,
the department on Wednesday added 20 Americans as missing and presumed
Nineteen of them were in Thailand and the 20th in
Sri Lanka, two of the hardest-hit countries, Ereli said.
Eyewitnesses and others on the scene provided the
information that led the department to presume the 20 Americans had
died, he said.
"In each of these cases there is a specific
reason to believe that the individual was in harm's way at the time of
the tsunami,'' Ereli said.
The Pentagon, meanwhile, expanded its
contribution to recovery efforts. The Army sent several helicopters to
distribute supplies and dispatched about 100 people from bases in South
Korea and the United States to deal with a variety of medical and
logistics needs.
The Army also is sending four mortuary affairs
teams from Fort Lee, Va., to help recover human remains and identify
victims. Engineering support teams from the Army will help plan
President Bush, who has pledged the United States
would provide $350 million in assistance, has personally contributed
$10,000 to the relief effort, White House press secretary Scott
McClellan said Wednesday.
In a speech on legal issues in Collinsville,
Ill., Bush praised the U.S. military for its "heroic work'' and
urged Americans to continue to open their wallets.
"The most important contribution a person
can make is cash,'' Bush said. "There's huge generosity here in
The State Department has received 26,000
inquiries about Americans who had not been heard from and was able to
resolve about 18,000 cases by Monday, Ereli said. Since then, he said,
the number of unresolved calls has been reduced to about 2,900.
Citing the privacy of families, Ereli declined to
identify the 36 Americans presumed dead by name or in any other way,
except to say none was a U.S. official.
The State Department has declined to estimate how
many Americans may have perished. Officials suggested many of the
unlocated Americans simply may have failed to get in touch.
Last Sunday, Secretary of State Colin Powell said
he did not expect a huge number of American casualties. Families
"have just not been able to reach out to their loved ones or their
loved one is not able to reach out to them,'' he said.
Other governments that have lost people in the
disaster have provided casualty estimates and totals.
At least 60 Germans died - the highest official
toll of foreigners so far - and an additional 1,000 remain missing.
Sweden has reported 52 of its citizens were killed and 1,903 remain
01/06/05 03:06 EST
More bodies recovered in Indonesia as
plans made to feed tsunami survivors
07:53 PM EST Jan 08

Tsunami victims are led from helicopter to medical facilities at
Banda Aceh airport Saturday. (AP/Andy Eames) |
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (CP) - Indonesian rescue workers pulled thousands
more rotting corpses from the mud and debris of flattened towns along
the Sumatran coast Saturday, two weeks after surging walls of water
caused unprecedented destruction on the shores of the Indian Ocean.
The death toll in 11 countries passed 150,000.
Hungry people with haunted expressions were still emerging from isolated
villages on Sumatra Island.
Staggered by the scale of the disaster, aid officials announced plans
to feed as many as two million survivors each day for the next six
months, focusing particularly on young children, pregnant women and
nursing mothers.
World Food Program Executive Director James Morris said at a Jakarta
news conference the operation likely would cost $180 million US.
"Many of the places where we work are remote, detached and their
infrastructure has been dramatically compromised," Morris said, a
day after he visited Aceh with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
"We will be distributing food...by trucks, by barges, by ships,
by helicopters, by big planes."
He said the agency has now dispatched enough food in Sri Lanka to
help feed 750,000 people for 15 days.
Jeff Taft-Dick, WFP country director in Sri Lanka, said that was a
critical milestone "because there is now enough food around the
country to feed everyone who needs it."
Meanwhile, Saturday, a plane carrying members of Canada's Disaster
Assistance Response Team, or DART, landed in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where
the 200-member team will provide purified water and medical care to
tsunami survivors in Ampara, a twelve-hour road trip from the capital.
Morris said the WFP was feeding 150,000 people in Indonesia and
expected that to increase to 400,000 within a week and possibly reach as
high as a million eventually.
As two Indonesian navy amphibious vessels zoomed ashore in Calang,
hundreds of refugees lined up amid the wreckage of boats to unload
supplies. Eighty per cent of Calang residents were killed in the giant
waves. The Indonesian military set up two field hospitals, one with 50
beds, the other with 20.
"The tragedy was terrible but considering this, the survivors
here now are in pretty good shape," said Dr. Steve Wignall, an
American who works for Family Health International and was making an
assessment with several other aid workers.
In other areas, victims were more vulnerable, though health officials
said there were no signs yet of feared epidemics of disease.
Indonesia, which has a reputation as a base for child-trafficking
gangs, said Saturday it was monitoring its borders to prevent such
As aid poured into a region long troubled by separatist violence,
Indonesian soldiers resumed patrols in Aceh province to search for
rebels. International aid groups worried renewed conflict could hamper
their work.
Suspected rebels fired shots early Sunday at the home of a top police
official near the UN relief headquarters in Banda Aceh, officials said.
There were no casualties.
An unspecified number of Free Aceh Movement rebels fired at officers
guarding the home of Aceh province's deputy police chief, located about
100 metres from the UN building, said police Sgt. Bambang Hariyanpo.
Police returned fire but the rebels vanished into the city, he said,
adding authorities were investigating the incident.
Police and UN officials said the relief headquarters was not the
target of the shooting.
The Free Aceh rebels have been fighting a low-level war against
Indonesian troops for an independent homeland in Aceh for more than 20
years. They declared a unilateral ceasefire and the military said it
would not target suspected rebels during the emergency but clashes have
broken out in recent days.
Problems persisted in co-ordinating the humanitarian efforts. Aid
groups complained dignitaries visiting to look at the devastation have
choked the tiny main airport in Banda Aceh and hampered distribution of
relief supplies. The airport was temporarily shut for the visits of
Annan and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, for example.
"It slows things down," said Maj. Murad Khan, a spokesman
for Pakistan's Tsunami Relief Task Force.
Annan toured a Sri Lankan town where hundreds of shoppers at an
outdoor market were swept to their deaths. He reluctantly agreed to a
government request to bypass stricken areas controlled by Tamil Tiger
The Tigers, who have fought a 20-year war for Tamil independence from
the Sinhalese-dominated south, invited Annan to tour the northern
province. But government officials said they could not guarantee Annan's
"I'm concerned about everyone with need in the humanitarian
situation," Annan said.
"But I'm also a guest of the government and we'll go where we
agreed we'll go."
With volunteers and rescue workers reaching more remote areas, still
more dead were found. Indonesian authorities raised their death toll
estimate by nearly 3,000 to more than 100,000 and braced for tens of
thousands more homeless than at first expected.
Sri Lanka, by contrast, closed scores of refugee camps as people
began drifting back to their damaged homes. With 38 more confirmed
deaths, the country's death toll stood at 30,718.
World governments, led by Australia and Germany, have pledged nearly
$4 billion US in aid - the biggest relief package ever.
The World Bank said it will consider significantly boosting its aid,
perhaps to as much as $1.5 billion. It has already pledged $175 million
in assistance to the 11 countries in Asia and Africa hit by the Dec. 26
disaster but bank President James Wolfensohn said he is flexible on the
"We can go up to even $1 billion to $1.5 billion, depending on
the needs...our immediate focus is to provide relief to the affected
people," he told a news conference at the end of a one-day visit to
Sri Lanka.
The tsunami battered Sri Lanka's southern and eastern coastlines,
causing heavy damage to houses, hotels and commercial buildings and
devastating the country's fishing industry.
The Sri Lankan government estimates it will need between $1.3 billion
and $1.5 billion to rebuild.
Survivors in Indonesia struggled to put their lives back together,
some straggling across debris-strewn countryside to reach larger towns -
only to find those regional centres also flattened.
The relief effort is building quickly in Calang, 90 kilometres
southeast of Banda Aceh, where the 1,000 survivors have been joined by
6,000 refugees even though only foundations of homes remain.
At the bustling market in the Lambaro section, women haggled over
costs of chilies, bananas, chickens and goats. Barbers set up shop and
old men sipped coffee at outdoor cafes.
But business was bad for fish traders, since many buyers were queasy
because of the bodies washed out to sea.
"Business is down 50 per cent," said one seller, wiping the
flies off five fat tunas.
"People fear the fish are feeding on the human remains."
There were candles, prayers and calls for solidarity as families of
victims of the Asian tsunami joined Prime Minister Paul Martin and
hundreds of other mourners Saturday in Ottawa to commemorate a
"tragedy of a million griefs."
Buddhist chants mixed with Bach string sonatas as religious leaders
from nearly a dozen faiths gathered on stage at the cavernous Ottawa
Civic Centre for a national memorial service.
Five Canadians are officially listed as dead but 146 remain missing
and the death toll is expected to rise.
© The Canadian Press, 2005
Daytime is now 2.68 microseconds shorter because of last month's
The massive force unleashed by an earthquake off
the coast of Indonesia altered the shape of Earth in a number of
minute yet significant ways, NASA scientists have determined.
In data released this week, NASA determined that the Dec. 26 earthquake
moved the North Pole, which constantly jiggles slightly, 2.5
centimeters--about an inch--in an eastward shift that is part of a
long-term seismic shift.
Earth also became slightly more round, as the planet's oblateness,
the quality of being flattish on top and bulging at the equator,
decreased by a small amount. Further, daytime decreased by 2.68
microseconds because Earth now spins slightly faster on its axis. The
phenomenon is similar to a figure skater in a twirl pulling his or her
arms in slightly closer.
All earthquakes affect the shape of the planet, but the force of the
recent tsunami-inducing quake--the fourth-largest recorded in 100
years--was particularly strong. Benjamin Chao of NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center compared the impact of the quake to the
potential impact of the Three
Gorges Dam project in China.
If filled, the massive gorge created by the dam would hold 40 cubic
kilometers (10 trillion gallons) of water. That shift of mass would
increase the length of a day by only 0.06 microseconds and make the
Earth only very slightly more round in the middle and flat on the top.
It would shift the pole position by about two centimeters (0.8 inches).
"Any worldly event that involves the movement of mass affects
the Earth's rotation, from seasonal weather down to driving a car,"
Chao said in a statement |
Tsunami Toll Tops 175,000, New Threat Warning
By Simon Gardner
GALLE, Sri Lanka (Reuters) - Asia's
tsunami death toll soared past 175,000 Monday as Sri Lanka confirmed
thousands more dead, while fears re-emerged over the safety of aid
workers in Indonesia's shattered Aceh province.
Denmark said it had information "imminent" terror attacks
were planned against aid workers in Aceh, where U.S. and other foreign
troops have joined relief teams clearing rubble from the Dec. 26
disaster which killed 115,000 in that province alone.
"We have received information from sources abroad that somebody
would be planning an attack today," Danish Foreign Ministry
official Niels Erik Andersen told Danish radio.
Indonesia's foreign minister dismissed the report as "unfounded
rumor." But it reignited fears that aid workers might become
political targets in Indonesia, which has seen both a separatist
rebellion in Aceh and deadly bomb attacks targeting Westerners blamed on
an Islamic group linked to al Qaeda.
U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz urged political
opponents in both Indonesia and Sri Lanka -- facing a separatist
rebellion of its own -- to put aside their differences and concentrate
on relief work.
"Hopefully they will realize on all sides that the stakes that
they are fighting for are relatively trivial," he said on arriving
in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan officials said another 7,275 people were now known to have
died in the Dec. 26 catastrophe, taking the national total to 38,195.
The jump was not due to the sudden discovery of more bodies, but rather
a backlog of figures from remote areas.
In a quick visit to a small village near Galle, in southern Sri
Lanka, Wolfowitz clambered over rubble to reach a group of women waiting
outside an elementary school.
"We are very sorry about what happened. The whole world wants to
help you, my country especially," said Wolfowitz, who is touring
the countries worst hit by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
Sri Lanka announced a reconstruction drive to build 15 new towns on
its southern and eastern coasts. The government will help people rebuild
in safe areas, or simply construct new towns.
"We were not prepared at all ... to face a disaster like
this," said President Chandrika Kumaratunga. "The people of
this country faced it effectively, they are in a position to
Some Sri Lankans were already rebuilding, defying a government ban to
put up houses and hotels close to the shore.
"I'm worried about my family but I'm also worried about the
future of my children. This is my business. How else will I protect and
feed my children?" said Ranjith Premakumara, 28, rebuilding a guest
house just 30 meters (yards) from the beach in the southern town of
Paiyagala South.
Relief work rumbled on in Indonesia's Aceh, and one senior
international aid official said the province was rebounding so well from
the disaster that emergency assistance could wind up fairly quickly.
"I think we are fortunate that things are not as bad as we
feared," said Patrick Webb, chief of nutrition at the United
Nations (news
- web
sites)' World Food Program (WFP).
"Malnutrition is not widespread. Diseases are not rampant
yet," he said in the Acehnese capital, Banda Aceh.
"They are fortunate that there has been this massive response,
which will make recovering a lot faster than it ever has got a chance of
in Darfur for example, or Afghanistan."
In Banda Aceh, monsoon rains flooded tsunami-scarred streets as
overloaded drainage ditches ceased working. While the half of the city
that took the worst damage from the wave remains largely closed,
shopkeepers who did open reported good business.
"Even if it happens again, it's just fate. We'll face it. All of
our customers were happy to see us open," said Shugino, 49, sitting
on a plastic chair in front of his restaurant.
Jakarta officials promised to overhaul the country's relief program
amid fears mismanagement and corruption might divert some of the aid
dollars pledged by donors around the world.
Information Minister Sofyan Djalil said the reorganization would
include a "credible" oversight scheme to monitor the huge sums
earmarked for Indonesia, long ranked as one of the most corrupt
countries in the world.
Indonesia is expected to receive the bulk of more than $7 billion
from governments, corporations and individuals pledged for tsunami aid.
For many of those affected, however, the tsunami remained a story of
bodies and grief.
In Thailand, Prime Minister Goran Persson of Sweden -- which lost
hundreds of people -- visited a Buddhist temple turned mortuary with his
Norwegian and Finnish counterparts, Kjell Magne Bondevik and Matti
"I'm impressed and I'm also extremely humbled because they're
doing a very difficult job here under difficult circumstances,"
Persson said.
The temple houses hundreds of corpses from nearby Khao Lak resort
which forensics experts are trying to identify, a crucial step for
families left without a body to grieve over.
Thailand saw more than 5,300 people killed in the tsunami, half of
them foreign tourists, and tens of thousands of bodies around the region
may never be recovered.
In Europe, families struggled in legal limbo as they seek to unlock
bank accounts, release assets and ensure life insurance is paid for
those lost in the disaster.
Carina Fabretat, who works with Swedes affected by the tsunami, said
official death registration was important even for people who had
accepted that their loved ones were gone.
"They need to end it by getting a death certificate," she
said. "Until they have a name on a piece of paper they still have
Global Tsunami Death Toll Tops 226,000
- Reuters
By Jerry Norton and Dean Yates
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - The global death toll from the Asian
tsunami shot above 226,000 Wednesday after Indonesia's Health Ministry
confirmed the deaths of tens of thousands of people previously listed as
The ministry raised the country's death toll to 166,320. It had
previously given a figure of 95,450 while Indonesia's Ministry of Social
Affairs had put the death toll at around 115,000 before it stopped
Dodi Indrasanto, a director at the health ministry's department of
health affairs, said the new death total reflected the latest reports
from the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, which were directly in the
path of the killer tsunami spawned by a magnitude 9 earthquake the day
after Christmas.
The new figure lifted the total global death toll from the tsunami
disaster to 226,566, although the number continues to rise as more
deaths are reported around the region.
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, speaking before the
health ministry released its latest figures, told a donors conference in
Jakarta that the true extent of the catastrophe defied description.
"Perhaps we will never know the exact scale of the human
casualties," he said.
Indrasanto said the health ministry report, which had just 6,245 people
still listed as missing, had been sent to Yudhoyono late Wednesday. The
ministry's figures said 617,159 people were still homeless in northern
Sumatra more than three weeks after the killer wave struck.
The staggering death count came as Indonesia said it was hopeful of
holding talks with rebels in Aceh, where the Free Aceh Movement (GAM)
has waged a bloody, three-decade long battle for independence from
Jakarta's rule.
Security fears prompted by the GAM conflict have been a worrying
backdrop to the massive international relief effort in Aceh, where huge
stretches of coastline were laid waste by the earthquake and tsunami
that followed. "Behind the cloud there must be a silver lining.
Behind the scenes, a process is happening toward reconciliation,"
Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda said.
Wirajuda said he hoped the talks would take place by the end of the
month, but he could give neither a date nor a place. A spokesman for
GAM's exiled leadership in Sweden said there had been no progress on
talks. "We haven't had any concrete response from the Indonesian
side," said Bakhtiar Abdullah.
A U.N. official in Meulaboh, the province's second city, said emergency
aid drops would have to be sharply increased in order to avoid hunger in
outlying areas.
GAM's leaders have repeatedly welcomed relief efforts spearheaded by the
United Nations (news - web sites) and the rebels have said they would
not attack aid workers or convoys.
Political concerns have also plagued relief efforts in Sri Lanka, where
the Tamil-rebel controlled northeast is waiting to see if it will get a
piece of the government's $3.5 billion tsunami reconstruction program.
"The tsunami didn't wash away political divisions. In fact it may
have made them worse," said Jehan Perera, director of the National
Peace Council in Sri Lanka.
"What we have here is a moment that will define the peace process
and politics for years."
Most of those swept up in the tsunami disaster -- which ripped coastal
areas of Indian Ocean nations as far away as Africa and left more than
1.5 million people homeless around the region -- had far more pressing
Across Aceh's ravaged west coast, survivors were few and many villages
were virtual ghost towns. In others, a mosque was the only building left
In the province's second city Meulaboh, almost sliced in half by the
killer wave, mountains of rubble smoldered and electricity was
intermittent. But some shops and markets were busy, and food appeared to
be available. Daniel Augstburger, head of United Nations Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the coastal city of
Meulaboh, said not enough help was reaching people outside of major
urban areas.
"The French are starting to move food, of course the
Americans....are moving food out, but this has to increase ten-fold, I
would say," Augstburger told Reuters, adding that tsunami victims
also needed items such as clothes and
cooking utensils.
In Sri Lanka, residents of a tsunami-ravaged town packed up and left --
ready to re-establish their community 1.5 km (about one mile) inland as
a precaution against any other surprises from the sea. "This will
give our people a better future, a safer future," said fisherman
M.J. Raseek, a resident of Hambantota who planned to follow his town
from the coast.
The International Monetary Fund (news - web sites) said it hoped to
approve Sri Lanka's emergency request for up to $160 million in
assistance, while Indonesian officials told donors that the tsunami
would likely cost the country around $4.5 billion.
Governments, aid groups, individuals, corporations and international
agencies have pledged more than $7 billion in aid to Asia's tsunami
victims. But donors have to date promised just $739 million of the $977
million the U.N. system says is needed in emergency aid to meet the
basic needs of victims over the next six months, according to Kevin
Kennedy, a senior official of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs.
DREAMS - 2003-2004
... It hit at 1:13 pm Alaska
Standard Time, said Bruce Turner of Alaska and Tsunami
Warning Center. ... It did not generate a tsunami,
he said. ...
www.greatdreams.com/alaska.htm - |
Earthquake - 5-26-2003
... Damage was limited and
there was no tsunami, or giant wave, because the quake's
focus, 12 miles off the east coast, was deep at 44 miles below
the surface. ...
- |
... Fear of "tsunami's
" continue. ... Tsunami Warnings: A regional tsunami
was observed at the following sites: 1) Hanasaki, Japan @ 7.0
feet. ...
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... It caused millions of
dollars in damage as the quake not only damaged buildings and
land, but it caused a huge tsunami which came back in and
slammed every ...
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... West Coast & Alaska Tsunami
Warning Center: http://wcatwc.gov. Institutions in the
inter-mountain US. ... TSUNAMI RESEARCH PROGRAM.
www.greatdreams.com/earth.htm - |
... ``A bulletin has been
issued that the tsunami warning has been lifted,'' said
Delores Clark, a spokeswoman from the NWS in Hawaii. ...
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... Two Dreams of Florida's
Destruction by Asteroid/Tsunami. ... It supports
my April dream of an asteroid/meteor-related tsunami that
destroys a part of Florida. ...
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... subducting plate. The
resulting vertical fault will generate a tsunami - much
as a wave machine in a swimming pool will generate one. The ...
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... et al (2000). Chile
caused a tsunami in Japan, some 17,000 kilometres away,
that killed at least 114 people. The maximum height ...
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... Could a direct hit
destroy an entire city? Would an ocean impact create a massive tsunami
capable of deluging adjacent coast lines? ...
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... I ask myself. Then a
dream within a dream of a Tsunami - a most awesome wall
of water coming up on the land and covering all up to our house.
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... The mounting support for
Darwinism crested in a tsunami of doubt—and even
ridicule—that crashed down on Creationists everywhere,
sweeping them from the ...
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... The message: "Tsunami
hazard zone. ... Tsunami is the Japanese name for
renegade sea waves up to 100 feet high that are generated by
earthquakes or landslides. ...
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Ready for Impact with 1998 OX4? - Now also 2001PM9
... in 2006, this might mean
England expects to lose about 70-75,000 people - so that might
put the strike a good distance away in the Atlantic (tsunami
producing ...
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... They typically treat such
impacts as if they were the same as impacts on land - other than
that they depict the creation of a tsunami wave. ...
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- TAIPEI, TAIWAN - 9-20-99
... The US Geological
Survey's National Earthquake Information Center said the quake
prompted tsunami warnings for Taiwan, Japan, the
Philippines, Yap, Guam, and ...
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NEWS ... warning of a tsunami is that there is a rush of
water away from ... ...
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... being sucked out further
and the voice said again, "Rue the tides" and I knew
that there was going to be a big earthquake that would make a
huge Tsunami come in ...
- |
Earthquake - Feb. 28, 2001
... at approximately 10:55 am
and centered about 35 miles southwest of Seattle, according to
federal officials at the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami
Warning Center ...
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AXIS SPIN - The Current Location Of The Spin Axis
... as Hawaii. March 1964:
The Good Friday earthquake and tsunami of March 27
devastated Anchorage and the surrounding region. At M9 ...
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... onto her. Regional
governor Sonia Castillo said ``there are no indications'' that a
tsunami may occur after the earthquake. Peru ...
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... Some 41,000 people in
Hokkaido evacuated their homes on the advice of local
authorities after tsunami warnings were issued, according
to the Fire and Disaster ...
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