Release #27 President Reagon's Involvement
with Aliens and UFOs
In a December 4, 1985 speech at Fallston High
School, MD, President REAGAN spoke about his
5-hour private discussions with General
Secretary GORBACHEV the previous month in
November, 1985. He relayed to the class: "How
much easier his task and mine might be in these
meetings that we held if suddenly there was a
threat to this world from another species from
another planet outside in the universe. We'd
forget all the little local differences that we
have between our countries, and would find out
once and for all that we really are all human
beings here on this Earth together."
0283062452, 606 pp., p. 259
Official 1985 portrait of Ronald Wilson Reagan,
40th President of the United States of America.
Photo courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Library. For
more photos of Ronald Reagan, visit
"Government is NOT the solution to our
problem, government IS the
problem." – Ronald Reagan
"My life really began when I married my
husband." – Nancy Reagan
"What I'd really like to do is go down in
history as the president who
made Americans believe in themselves again."
– Ronald Reagan
continuing public acclimation program.
WHAT: Transcripts of highly classified audio
cassette recordings made of 40th U.S. president
RONALD REAGAN's briefings with his top level and
key advisers on the EXTRATERRESTRIAL subject
matter. There are six (6) briefings in the first
set; "Project SERPO" POSTING #27a is only the
first one (1) of the six (6) transcribed sets.
The REAGAN ET TRANSCRIPTS are located in
POSTING #27a, "3 of 7" and "4 of 7." This does NOT
include the "BONUS! SERPO POSTING #27" stream.
WHEN: President REAGAN was briefed on many
aspects of the EXTRATERRESTRIAL subject matter
from March 6-8, 1981 and then again on October
9-12 of the same year.
WHERE: President REAGAN was briefed on both
occasions at the presidential retreat at Camp
David, MD.
HOW: At President REAGAN's request, these
briefings were both tape recorded AND transcribed
via the coordination and administration by a "Top
Secret Codeword-cleared" CIA administrative
assistant named XXXXX XXXXX. The recordings
comprise many meetings/briefings in a combination
of 60 min and 90 min cassettes for a total of 54
Of the 54 tapes, 40 have been completed by
DOD-DIA personnel; you are reading the transcripts
of one of six (1 of 6) briefings President REAGAN
made between Friday-Sunday, March 6-8, 1981.
DOD/DIA personnel were able to gain access to
and possession and ownership of these tapes
because SOME of the recordings deal with an ALIEN
THREAT from a specific HAV [Hostile Alien Race]
and therefore fall under the purview, control and
jurisdictional authority of the Dept of Defense.
WHY: The reasons to disclose this information
now is two-fold:
1) As in the case of the "Project SERPO"
disclosures, the 25-year time limit on classified
USG projects had expired and could -- after much
legal vetting and wrangling between DOD lawyers
and those USG employees who WANT it released -- be
CONSIDERED for public release and into the public
The "Project SERPO" final report was issued in
1980 + 25 years = 2005 ... Wednesday, Nov 2, 2005
was the first "Project SERPO" release.
The RONALD REAGAN Presidential ET Briefings:
1981 + 25 years = 2006 ... legal issues to be
worked out and resolved brings us to late 2007.
2) MANY other countries are disclosing their
encounters with extraterrestrials -- especially
Canada, the UK (MoD files) and Latin America -- so
some amount of pressure has been placed and
brought to bear on the normally tight-lipped USG
"black world" to be more open about what they/we
have in our "TS/Codeword" files.
SUGGESTION: I'm acutely aware that MANY of you
will gloss over POSTING #27 which is a lengthy
biographical piece I personally researched,
compiled and wrote on Ronald Reagan woven together
from 10 (ten) different sources in my immense
personal library (see bottom of POSTING #27 for
bibliography) and which took me
80 hours to edit into the final product you'll
I know that you'll all want to "get to the good
stuff" first, BUT I would implore you to GO BACK
and read the Reagan linear narrative I edited as
it provides some GREAT insight into the man, will
lead one to believe that given his engaging,
natural wit and charm that he used to joke with a
great deal of the time that in fact he WOULD HAVE
said -- and joked -- the way he did during the
highly classified briefings he received on the
You'll also learn about some little, virtually
UNknown facts surrounding the attempted 1981
assassination on his life -- as well as others --
under the section heading, "CONSPIRACY THEORY 2 of
very first SERPO posting, I've been given a very
wide, great and sole discretionary latitude in HOW
I release the material to the public in terms of
presentation, formatting, style and CONTENT.
For THIS release, I was surprisingly provided
the names of ALL eight (8) individuals who
participated in the classified briefing plus even
the name of the CIA briefing transcriber. Five (5)
of the presidential briefing participants are
still alive -- plus the CIA transcriber -- so I
made the "executive"/editorial decision to MASK
THOSE NAMES from public view and replace them with
"ADVISER #1" - "ADVISER #4."
For the fifth individual, he is referred to
only as "The CARETAKER." The CIA transcriber is
referred to as just that. GREAT pains, lengths and
efforts were undertaken by me to delete their
names when they were mentioned by other speakers.
If I glossed over and missed one, then so be it
though I hope not.
Including President REAGAN, only three (3)
individuals are named as they have all passed on
to the afterlife.
ISSUE: Though I was NOT asked to do this, in my
mind, an obvious problem would definitely arise:
These still-living advisers would be hounded,
pestered and questioned mercilessly and without
end by both real UFO investigators and "armchair"
researchers thereby bringing continued DISCLOSURE
of these audio recordings to a complete HALT.
The pressure for me to CEASE and DESIST, as
well as the special unit within the DOD/DIA who
made this information available would be enormous.
I am ONLY interested in getting
I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N out to the UFO community and
public at large, NOT in "outing" the individuals
who participated in these PRIVATE briefings ... at
least NOT while five of the eight (5 of 8)
participants are still very much alive. If I
receive directions to proceed otherwise, I
certainly will, but until that time, it's MY CALL.
As ANONYMOUS remarked to me: "Victor, the
really 'good stuff' is yet to come after the first
Speaking for myself only, I too WANT to see
that "really good stuff" and I'll do NOTHING to
jeopardize at all.
This will be my FINAL word on THIS matter and
I'll entertain NO suggestions, advice or ideas at
all about it ... I'll NOT dignify ANY inquiries
regarding this particular issue with even so much
as a simple reply. I MEAN WHAT I SAY.
In addition to the many LEGAL issues which
surrounded, hobbled and held up this release for
months on end, two (2) military historians
reviewed and signed off on this material as well
as an astronomer from Cornell Univ.
It is my high HONOR, distinct PRIVILEGE and
great PLEASURE to send this 8-part stream to (in
a) UFO Thread List, M-Z (hundreds);
b) UFO Thread List, A-L (hundreds);
c) 24 senior USG officials + 1 MI5 member
(active), MI6 (retired), Soviet KGB (retired);
d) small list of personal friends, former
students of mine, ex-girlfriends and cyberstalking
victims (
e) Bush Admin White House (2)
f) U.S. Secret Service Presidential Protective
Service Detail (1);
g) CORNELL UNIV, Space Sciences Division,
Astronomy Dept, NASA's Mars Rover Project, USG
"black world" contract astronomer (1);
h) retired employee of the NSA who greatly
assisted me in not only the proofreading and photo
configuration and selection, but advised me and
provided valuable input and insight on key aspects
of this VERY SPECIAL release.
i) ANONYMOUS/DIA-6 (6) who will forward all
eight (8) parts to key members of the USG intel
commuinity, both here and abroad.
I hope you are all ENRICHED and EDUCATED beyond
belief and your wildest dreams by what you are
about to read!
FEEDBACK? E-mail me at my regular e-mail
address, NOT this one .... I will NOT respond to
ANY e-mails sent here and plan on closing DOWN
this address soon. It was solely opened for this
particular stream ... no more Wizard ... he's
departed for Planet SERPO....
"Government is NOT the solution to our problem,
government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan
"My life really began when I married my husband."
- Nancy Reagan
"What I'd really like to do is go down in history
as the president who made Americans believe in
themselves again." - Ronald Reagan
Full name: Ronald Wilson Reagan
Born: Monday, February 6, 1911 in Tampico, IL
Died: Saturday, June 5, 2004, Los Angeles, CA
Burial site: Reagan Presidential Library Grounds,
Simi Valley, CA
Parents: John Edward and Nelle Wilson Reagan
Spouses: Jane Wyman (1-5-1917 - 9-10-2007; born in
St Joseph, MO, died in Rancho Mirage, CA; married:
1940, divorced: 1948);
Anne Frances Robbins [Nancy Davis-Reagan: July 6,
1921 - ; married: 1952] born in New York City to
theatrical actress Edith Luckett and New Jersey
auto dealer Kenneth Robbins and then her mother
married neurosurgeon Loyal Davis.
Children: Maureen Elizabeth (1941-2001); Christina
(1947-1947); Michael Edward (adopted; 1945-);
Patricia Ann (1952-); Ronald Prescott (1958-)
Religion: Disciples of Christ
Education: Eureka College (B.A., 1932)
Occupations: Rancher; U.S. Army captain; radio
sports commentator; actor
Government positions: California governor
Political party: Republican
Dates as president: Tuesday, January 20, 1981 -
Sunday, January 20, 1985 (first term);
Sunday, January 20, 1985 - Friday, January 20,
1989 (second term)
Age upon taking office: 69
1980 - Presidential / Vice-Presidential
Ronald Reagan / George H W Bush (Republican)
Popular Votes: 43,904,153
Electoral Votes: 483
Jimmy Carter / Walter Mondale (Democratic)
Popular Votes: 35,483,883
Electoral Votes: 49
John Anderson / VP nominee was not chosen
(National Unity)
Popular Votes: 5,720,060
Electoral Votes: 0
1980 ELECTION NOTES: Incumbent president Carter
shook off a challenge by Massachusetts senator
Edward Kennedy to win the Democratic nomination;
Republican Reagan's main competition was from
former CIA director and ambassador to China,
George Bush (whom Reagan chose as his running
mate) and Illinois congressman John Anderson (who
ran in the general election as an independent).
1984 - Presidential / Vice-Presidential
Ronald Reagan / George Bush (Republican)
Popular Votes: 54,455,075
Electoral Votes: 525
Walter Mondale / Geraldine Ferraro (Democratic)
Popular Votes: 37,577,185
Electoral Votes: 13
1984 ELECTION NOTES: This election was most
notable for former vice president Mondale's
selection of New York representative Ferraro as
his running mate, the FIRST FEMALE from a major
party to run on a national ticket.
Administration Dates: January 20, 1981 - January
20, 1985
January 20, 1985 - January 20, 1989
Vice President: George Bush (1981-1989)
Secretary of State: Alexander M Haig, Jr
(1981-1982); George P Shultz (1982-1989)
Secretary of the Treasury: Donald T Regan
(1981-1985); James A Baker III (1985-1988);
Nicholas F Brady (1988-1989)
Attorney General: William F Smith (1981-1985);
Edwin Meese III (1985-1988); Richard L Thornburgh
Secretary of the Interior: James G Watt
(1981-1983); William P Clark (1983-1985); Donald P
Hodel (1985-1989)
Secretary of Agriculture: John R Block
(1981-1986); Richard E Lyng (1986-1989)
Secretary of Labor: Raymond J Donovan
(1981-1985); Willam E Brock III (1985-1987); Ann
Dore McLaughlin (1987-1989)
Secretary of Commerce: Malcolm Baldrige
(1981-1987); C Willam Verity (1987-1989)
Secretary of Defense: Caspar W Weinberger
(1981-1987); Frank G Carlucci (1987-1989)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Samuel
R Pierce, Jr (1981-1989)
Secretary of Transportation: Andrew L Lewis,
Jr: (1981-1983); Elizabeth H Dole (1983-1987);
James H Burnley IV (1987-1989)
Secretary of Energy: James B Edwards (1981-1982);
Donald P Hodel (1982-1985); John S Herrington
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Richard S
Schweiker (1981-1983); Margaret M Heckler
(1983-1985); Otis R Bowen (1985-1989)
Secretary of Education: Terrel H Bell (1981-1985);
William J Bennett (1985-1988); Lauro F Cavazo
Wikipedia lists Vannevar Bush (of MJ-12 fame) as a
Science Adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt between
Also, a Web page at:
states that Vannevar Bush was President Truman's
highly respected scientific adviser through World
War II and the 1940s. See:
BUT, for some reason, the list of Science Advisers
starts with Oliver E. Buckley (1951-1952) under
the Truman Administration and DOESN'T MENTION
Vannevar Bush at all. Science Advisors to
President RONALD REAGAN and to the President of
the United States: Office of Science and
Technology Policy / Executive Office of the
Benjamin Huberman (Acting Director, OSTP) Feb.
1981 - Aug. 1981
Dr. George A. Keyworth, II (Director, OSTP) Aug.
1981 - Dec. 1985
Dr. John P. McTague (Acting Director, OSTP) Jan.
1986 - May 23, 1986
Dr. Richard G. Johnson (Acting Director, OSTP) May
24, 1986 - Oct. 1, 1986
Dr. William R. Graham, Jr. (Director, OSTP) Oct.
2, 1986 - June 1989
Dr. Thomas P. Rona (Acting Director, OSTP) June
1989 - Aug. 1989

Click to enlarge
Soviet Union General Secretary MIKHAIL GORBACHEV
at a speech on February 16, 1987 in the Grand
Kremlin Palace in Moscow: "At our meeting in
Geneva, the U.S president said that if the earth
faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the
United States and the Soviet Union would join
forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not
dispute the hypothesis, though I think it's
early yet to worry about such an intrusion."
0283062452, 606 pp., p. 539
The attached photos are courtesy of the Ronald
Reagan Library.
° Oldest president: Ronald Reagan, who was 77 when
he left office
° Only divorced president: Ronald Reagan: divorced
from actress Jane Wyman in 1948, married Nancy
Davis in 1952
° Only left-handed presidents in order: James
Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Gerald
Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush and Bill
° Ronald Reagan was a member of Tau K fraternity
° The SHORTEST inaugural speech was given by
George Washington at his second inauguration on
March 4, 1793 which contained 136 words and lasted
only 90 seconds! The LONGEST inaugural speech was
given by William Henry Harrison who spoke for
nearly two (2) hours on March 4,
° The greatest LANDSLIDE majority ever won in the
popular vote was by Richard Nixon in 1972. He
defeated George McGovern by a record 17,994,460
votes (47,165,911 to 29,170,33) to win
° In the nine (9) presidential elections since
1972, these states have a 100% record for voting
for the WINNING CANDIDATE: Arkansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee.
QUESTION: Who is the ONLY full-term president who
did NOT get to nominate a Supreme Court justice?
ANSWER: Jimmy Carter never nominated a Supreme
Court justice. Three (3) other presidents --
William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor and Andrew
Johnson -- also never had the opportunity to
select a nominee.
QUESTION: What is the most COMMON home state for
first ladies with nine (9) first ladies having
been born there?
ANSWER: The State of New York has had more First
Ladies born here.
QUESTION: Who was the FIRST U.S. president to make
audio recordings in the Oval Office?
ANSWER: It was FDR, with earliest recording made
probably about August 1940. It also was not an
"audiotape" [for which the technology didn't exist
at that time], as recordings were made on office
dictation equipment on sound recording disks. For
a secondary source on this go to:
For further information and details you should
contact an audio archivist at the FDR Presidential
Library, go to:
or contact:
1-845 486-7742
1911: Born in Tampico, Illinois
1938: Appears in first motion picture
1947-52, 1959: Serves as president of the Screen
Actors Guild
1954: Becomes television spokesman for the General
Electric Company and makes speeches around the
country promoting the American way
1967-1975: Serves as California governor 1976:
Falls 80 ballots shy of becoming the Republican
nominee for president
1981-1989: Serves as 40th U.S. president
1981: Wounded in assassination attempt
1985: The first of several summits with Soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev takes place
1986: Iran-Contra scandal breaks
1994: Announces he has Alzheimer's disease in a
hand-written letter addressed to the nation
2004: Dies on June 5 in California from pneumonia,
related complications from his disease and is
buried in Simi Valley, CA

Click to enlarge
NOT QUITE ALONE - 1982 On every ride, Secret
Service agents followed the President and the
First Lady, who went by the code names "Rawhide"
and "Rainbow."
PRESENCE ON EARTH during March and October, 1981:
President Reagan was shot and seriously wounded on
Monday, March 30, 1981 in Washington, DC. Also
seriously wounded were Secret Service Agent
Timothy McCarthy [hit in the stomach], DC police
officer Thomas Delahanty (struck in the neck] and
Press Sec'y James Brady [shot in the left temple].
John W Hinckley, Jr was arrested, found NOT GUILTY
by reason of insanity on May 4, 1982, and
committed to St Elizabeth's Psychiatric Hospital
in Washington, DC.
The U.S. Senate confirmed on Monday, September
21, 1981, the appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor
as the FIRST female U.S. Supreme Court justice.
CONSPIRACY THEORY 1 of 2: That President Reagan
was shot for his insistence that more information
be made available to him on the alien presence
than what is normally given each new incoming,
sitting president [see end for conspiracy
DEMOCRACY: 1980-1989
SUMMARY: In the U.S., "The Reagan Years" (1981-88)
brought the longest economic boom yet in U.S.
history via budget and tax cuts,
deregulation,"junk bond" financing, leveraged
buyouts and mergers and takeovers.
However, there was a stock market crash (Oct.
1987), and federal budget deficits and the trade
deficit increased.
Foreign policy showed a strong anti-communist
stance, via increased defense spending,
championing of the MX missile system and the "Star
Wars" missile defense program.
Four (4) Reagan-Gorbachev summits (1985-88)
climaxed in the INF Treaty (1987) as the Cold War
began to wind down. The Iran-Contra affair (Oliver
North's TV testimony, July 1987) was a major
political scandal.
Homelessness and drug abuse (especially "crack"
cocaine) were growing social problems.
From the time American colonists first began to
consider breaking away from England to form their
own system of government, lively discussion has
almost never stopped over the extent of the powers
that government should have.
When the ratification of the Constitution was
being debated in the late 1780s, some notable
patriots argued that the federal government it
described would have too much authority over
individual states, and"states' rights" versus
federal power has been a heated issue ever
In the 20th century, federal powers expanded in
such areas as government regulation of business
and banking and in the enactment of social welfare
programs. Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal in the
1930s, Harry S Truman's Fair Deal during the
1940s, and the Great Society of Lyndon B
Johnson during the 1960s were all designed to
confront social and economic problems at the
federal level.
In 1980, Ronald Reagan campaigned on the theme
"Government is not the solution to our problem,
government is the problem." By cutting taxes,
ending several social welfare programs, and
reducing government regulations on business, he
reversed the political trends of the 20th century,
and his policies helped revive a sluggish American
Reagan's policies and his speech-making skills
inspired tremendous enthusiasm from his
supporters, and resulted in two landslide election
victories. Meanwhile, his opponents called
attention to enormous federal budget deficits that
grew out of control during his administration.
Nevertheless, the nation's oldest president
emerged vigorous and still popular after two
"I am the same man I was when I came to
Washington," he said when he left the White House.
"I believe the same things I believed when I came
to Washington."
When Ronald Reagan was born, his father John took
one look at the 10-lb baby boy and called him a
"fat little Dutchman" ... the nickname "Dutch"
stuck with him for his entire life. A political
liberal in his youth, Ronald Wilson Reagan helped
create and spark a conservative coalition in
middle age and moved American politics rightward
after winning the presidency at age 69. Reagan
grew up in a family that was by the standards of
the day -- socially as well as politically --
His Roman Catholic father Jack and his evangelical
Protestant mother Nelle condemned racism and young
Ron received help from a Jewish mentor.
Jack's job with the Works Progress Administration
helped the family survive the Depression of the
1930s, but Jack's alcoholism left a mark on his
son's personality. Outwardly amiable and
optimistic, Reagan typically concealed his
feelings, avoided confrontations, and cultivated
many acquaintances, but few close friends.
After graduating from Eureka College in 1932,
Reagan became a radio sportscaster in the Middle
West and then began a film acting career in
Hollywood. Generally avoiding the movie colony's
often wild social life, he nevertheless became
active in the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and a
master of Hollywood politics. In 1940, he helped
to arrange production of his most famous film,
"Knute Rockne: All American," in which he starred
as Notre Dame football legend George "The Gipper"
That same year he married actress Jane Wyman.
Involved in national politics as well, he voted
for Franklin Delano Roosevelt four (4) times and
bled for liberal causes so easily, he would later
joke that he was a "hemophiliac." Barred from WWII
combat by weak vision, he acted in films and plays
produced by the U.S. Army. A series of crises in
the late 1940s permanently altered Reagan's life.
He almost died of pneumonia, his marriage
collapsed, and his movie career stalled.
The Reagans first met in 1949 when Nancy
discovered that her name was on mailing lists of
left-wing organizations. When she complained, she
was referred to Reagan who, as president of the
Screen Actor's Guild, was able to straighten it
out. Apparently, she had been confused with a
different Nancy Davis, and he invited her to
dinner so that he could explain.
Their romance developed gradually. Reagan was
still upset over his recent divorce from Jane
Wyman, but he found Nancy a comforting shoulder to
lean on. He was extremely talkative and she was a
good listener. They became engaged in February
1952 and were married on March 4, 1952 with actor
William Holden serving as best man. Later that
year their first child, Patricia Ann "Patti" was
born. A son, Ronald Prescott, was born in 1958.
Reagan had also had three (3) children during his
first marriage (one was adopted and one died in
Nancy and Ronald's film careers were both
winding down during the 1950s. The Reagans bought
a ranch, "El Rancho del Cielo," and began moving
among a wealthy circle of friends in Southern
California. They appeared together in a movie
called "Hellcats of the Navy" in 1957. It was
Nancy's LAST film work while her husband had all
but abandoned movies for television.
Reagan's LAST film, "The Killers," was released in
1964, the same year he made a televised campaign
speech for Republican presidential candidate Barry
Goldwater. Goldwater lost the election, but Reagan
impressed California Republicans enough to become
their candidate for governor in 1966. He won the
In the election of 1980, former California
Governor Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter, a
victory that signaled the emergence of a strong
conservative political movement that would exert
great influence in the coming decades. The new
conservatism combined antagonism toward government
deregulation and taxes, support for an aggressive
foreign policy toward the Soviet Union, and
promotion of so-called family values based on
Christian morality.
Reagan pursued an economic policy --
"Reaganomics" -- of tax cuts and deregulation.
When the disastrous economy of the late 1970s
entered a period of record expansion after 1982,
Reagan's popularity soared. His tough rhetorical
stance against the Soviet Union and massive
defense build-up likewise earned him support not
only from conservatives, but many disaffected
middle-class voters who traditionally had voted
Democratic. In 1984, Reagan won re-election in a
Though many found Reagan charming, his
presidency was controversial. Annual budget
deficits reached record levels in the 1980s
pushing the national debt to nearly $3 TRILLION by
Conservative zeal for prosecuting the Cold War
also led to the administration's greatest crisis,
the Iran-Contra scandal, an illegal scheme that
involved arms sales to Iran to secretly fund
anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua. A number of
Reagan administration officials were convicted for
their role in the scheme, but Reagan avoided
prosecution. He also later admitted that his
administration had traded arms for hostages with

Click to enlarge
The USSR and EASTERN EUROPE: A troublesome 1980-85
for the USSR was followed by (five) 5 years of
astonishing change: the surrender of the Communist
monopoly, the remaking of the Soviet state, and
the beginning of the disintegration of the Soviet
SOVIET EMPIRE BREAKUP: The world community
witnessed the extraordinary disintegration of the
Soviet Union into 15 independent states. During
the Reagan Era, the 1980s had already seen
internal reforms and a decline of Communist power
both within the Soviet Union and in Eastern
Europe. Russia remained the predominant country
after the breakup. In the fall of 1989, the
failure of Marxist economies in Eastern Europe was
the catalyst in a historic step: The Berlin Wall
was opened in Nov 1989.
Remarks on East-West Relations at the
Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin
"There is one sign the Soviets can make that
would be unmistakable, that would advance
dramatically the cause of freedom and peace.
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if
you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come
here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!
Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" - President
Ronald Reagan, Friday, June 12, 1987
The ABOVE excerpt is from:
MIDDLE EAST: The Middle East remained militarily
UNstable with sharp divisions along economic,
political, racial and religious lines. In Iran,
the Islamic revolution of 1979 created a strong
anti-U.S. stance (hostage crisis, Nov 1979 - Jan
1981). In Sept 1980, Iraq repudiated its border
agreement with Iran and began major hostilities
that led to an 8-year war in which millions were
LIBYA: The U.S. accused Libyan leader Muammar
al-Qaddafi of aiding terrorists in Dec 1985 in
Rome and in Vienna of airport attacks, and Reagan
retaliated by bombing Libya in April 1986.
ISRAEL affirmed all Jerusalem as its capital in
July 1980, destroyed an Iraqi atomic reactor in
1981, and invaded Lebanon in 1981, forcing the PLO
to agree to withdraw. A Palestinian uprising,
including women and children hurling rocks and
bottles at troops began in December 1987 in
Israeli-occupied Gaza and spread to the West Bank.
Troops responded with force, killing 300 by the
end of 1988 with 6,000 more in detention camps.
In NICARAGUA, the U.S. CIA admitted in 1984 to
having directed the mining of Nicaraguan ports,
and the U.S. sent humanitarian (1985) and military
aid in 1986. Profits from secret arms sales to
Iran were found to have been diverted to the
contras in 1987.
In EL SALVADOR, a military coup in October of
1979 failed to halt extreme right-wing violence
and left-wing terrorism. From Jan - June of 1980,
some 4,000 civilians were killed in the civil
unrest. In 1984, newly elected Pres Jose Napoleon
Duarte worked to stem human rights abuses, but
violence continued.
RECAP: After 25 years of Cold War detente in
practice if not in name, Reagan resumed vigorous
denunciation of the Soviet Union as an evil,
totalitarian empire. He also sponsored the largest
military buildup in U.S. history. In March 1983,
confronted with a strong antinuclear protest
movement, he proposed a high-tech missile defense
system, known as the Strategic Defense Initiative.
Elsewhere, Reagan's diplomacy mixed prudence
with exaggerated fears of Third World radicalism.
He retained diplomatic relations with communist
China and, after a disastrous intervention in the
Lebanese civil war which cost more than 300
American lives in guerilla bombings, he prudently
On the other hand, he ordered the bombing of
Libya and the invasion of Grenada on the dubious
grounds that their governments profoundly
threatened U.S. interests, and he worked
tirelessly to overthrow the Marxist Sandinista
regime in Nicaragua.
The degree to which Reagan's military buildup
contributed to the collapse of communism remains
conjectural, but Reagan UNquestionably responded
flexibly as the Soviet Union moved toward
democracy under Mikhail Gorbachev. First lady
Nancy Reagan, an influential behind-the-scenes
figure in the Reagan White House, encouraged this

Click to enlarge
After her husband won the presidential election in
1980, Nancy arranged glittering social occasions
where men wore tuxedos and women donned glamorous
floor-length gowns. Her expensive tastes in
parties, White House dinnerware, designer gowns,
jewelry and furnishings met with some criticism by
people who pointed out that while President Reagan
was trimming the federal budget, White House
social spending was growing almost out of control.
Nancy Reagan handled the criticism by pointing out
that her gowns were only on loan from designers
and were donated to museums after she wore them.
Those initial concerns soon passed, though. Her
involvement with the Foster Grandparents Program
and her fight against drug abuse revealed a more
serious and caring first lady. She became a
spokesperson for the "Just Say NO!" campaign that
advised young people to resist trying drugs, and
she supported private efforts, rather than
government programs, to help combat drug abuse.
Mrs Reagan expanded her drug awareness campaign
to an international level by inviting first ladies
from around the world to talks on drug abuse, and
during the fortieth anniversary of the United
Nations in 1985, she was host of a second
international drug conference. Nancy Reagan also
helped her husband recover from some serious
medical problems: He was wounded in an
assassination attempt in 1981, he had colon
surgery four (4) years later, and prostate surgery
in 1987, the same year Nancy herself had surgery
to treat breast cancer.
She became increasingly involved in helping
direct her husband's administration during his
second term. Particularly after his
hospitalization, she preferred a more relaxed
schedule for him so that he could concentrate on
the most significant issues needing his attention.
As the Iran-Contra scandal entangled the Reagan
administration, she became angry with staff
members she felt hadn't helped prepare him for
answering tough questions from the press.
Nancy Reagan enjoyed being first lady, but she
WELCOMED RETIREMENT after the end of her husband's
second term in 1989. She almost immediately
established the Nancy Reagan Foundation to
continue her campaign to educate people about the
dangers of substance abuse, and in 1994, the
Foundation joined forces with the BEST Foundation
for a Drug-Free Tomorrow. Together they developed
the Nancy Reagan Afterschool Program to promote
drug prevention for young people.
A devoted couple, the Reagans helped each other
through the best and worst of times. Nancy helped
arouse her husband's fighting spirit when he was
recovering from a gunshot wound in 1981 following
a failed assassination attempt, and she was again
at his side as he recovered from surgeries in July
1985 and January 1987.
The Reagans returned to their California ranch
where the former president remained active before
beginning to deal with the effects of Alzheimer's
disease. The couple remained devoted to each other
as he began suffering more profound effects of the
disease, and they founded the Ronald and Nancy
Reagan Research Institute as part of the National
Alzheimer's Association to help focus attention on
the disease and provide information about it.
After the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in
Simi Valley, CA, opened in 1991, Nancy served on
the board for the Ronald Reagan Presidential
Foundation, which promotes his "Four Pillars of
Freedom" -- preserving individual liberty,
promoting economic opportunity, advancing
democracy around the world, and building PRIDE IN
At the end of his presidency, the two former
actors went home to their California ranch and,
after finally riding off together into the sunset,
the Reagans enjoyed a peaceful retirement....
In his speech, Reagan observed that "Progress may
be slow -- measured in inches and feet, not miles
-- but we will progress." Small progress in
overcoming the economic crisis he identified in
the address was made during the first two years of
his presidency. Beginning in 1983, the American
economy improved and expanded consistently over
the next six (6) years -- through the end of
Reagan's term.
Tax reduction acts passed in 1981 and 1986
helped relieve the tax burden that Reagan blamed
for having stifled growth. Government programs,
which Reagan identified as another form of burden,
were cut back during his administration with mixed
Businesses were able to act with less
restraint, but some took advantage of reduced
government supervision. The government deficit
that Reagan targeted for reduction in his
inaugural address actually grew during his
presidency, partly from increased military
spending and a trade imbalance where imports far
outbalanced exports and partly from resistance by
Congress to authorize further cuts in government
The economy improved, and some government
regulations were enacted later to help maintain
order and stability in business. One of the
results of the Reagan presidency has been the more
careful consideration and debate -- as well as
resistance -- that greets each potential new
To his supporters, that reality is an example
of what they call "The Reagan Revolution" -- an
administration that turned away from a 50-year
trend of large government social programs and
brought renewed emphasis to the question of just
how powerful Americans want their government to

Click to enlarge
PERFECT PAIR - 1964: Daughter Patti Davis
told The American
Experience: Reagan [use italics]: "My parents
... really sort of
complete each other. They're kind of two halves
of a circle."
Ronald Reagan is the only president, besides
Jimmy Carter, to admit publicly that he'd seen a
flying saucer. Reagan was also the only president
to hypothesize -- albeit metaphorically or hint --
about the possibilities of hostile
extraterrestrials posing a threat to Earth.
In a speech before the United Nations General
Assembly on Monday, September 21, 1987, Reagan
used an example of an alien attack on humanity as
a rationale for governments to put aside their
differences and come together for the common good.
He did so with the full knowledge that many of the
assembled press would take his remarks derisively.
Nevertheless, Reagan also knew that most, if
not all, of the assembled diplomats represented
governments that had their own issues in dealing
with the UFO "threat." Reagan had used the same
analogy before during a speech at his summit
meeting with Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev in
Unlike his predecessors, some of whom might
have been more inclined to disclose the existence
of UFOs to the American people, Ronald Reagan
proposed the development of a planetary defense
system called the Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI), or as it was dubbed by the media, "Star
Though the program was touted as a "shield"
against incoming Soviet ballistic missiles, many
UFO researchers thought that it was public cover
HOSTILE UFOs. In fact, the Soviets were actually
inclined to support the project, despite their
public protestations, once Reagan offered to make
it available to them.
The proponents of the "New World Order" cosmic
conspiracy believe that when President Ronald
Reagan gave his famous "alien invasion" speech to
the entire United Nations General Assembly in
September of 1987, he had already secretly advised
representatives of the 176 member nations that the
leaders of their respective governments must meet
the demands of the technologically superior
extraterrestrials or be destroyed. In his speech
to the General Assembly, Reagan said that an alien
threat was already among us.
A number of conspiracy theorists stated that
Reagan's speech hinted at a plan agreed to by
world leaders that extraterrestrial invaders
around the year 2000 would carry out a carefully
staged "alien invasion" that would convince the
masses of the world that a real-life alien attack
from outer space was about to begin. People of all
nations would believe their leaders, who would
tell them that the aliens were a benevolent
species and that unconditional surrender to them
would be for everyone's own good.
Immediately following the surrender to the
aliens, the united leaders will form a One World
Government -- a New World Order -- thus fulfilling
biblical prophecies about a return to the days of
Babylon. The aliens will revel themselves as
demonic entities that delight in doing Satan's
Under the One World Government, the following
laws and rules will apply:
- There will be NO private or church schools;
- Christianity will NOT be permitted in ANY form;
- There will be only a one-unit monetary system;
- Population will be limited by restrictions on
the number of children per family;
- There will NO middle class, only rulers and
- NONE of the former national boundaries of
countries shall exist;
- Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind
will be prohibited;
- A legal system of world courts will oversee a
single unified code of laws, enforced by a One
World Government police force and a One World
unified military;
- Only ONE RELIGION will be allowed and that will
be in the form of a One World Government Church,
which will adhere to Satanism or Luciferianism;
- Permanent, NONelected hereditary oligarchists
will select serfs from the population and form a
feudal system, similar to the one that existed in
the Middle Ages;
- Diseases, wars and famines will be engineered
until there are only one (1) billion people --
those who are deemed useful to the ruling classes
-- living on the planet;
- The social system will be on the basis of a
welfare state -- those who are obedient and
subservient to the One World Government will be
rewarded with the means to live. Those who are
rebellious will be starved to death or declared
outlaws, thereby becoming targets for anyone who
wishes to kill them.
Talk about a small world! A little before 2:30
p.m. on the afternoon of Monday, March 30, 1981,
John Hinckley, Jr -- with a .22 caliber bullet --
almost facilitated VP George Bush's ascendancy to
the White House thereby sloughing off his
second-banana status eight (8) years ahead of
schedule! Vice President George Bush briefly
flirted with a fast promotion.
Crouching on the sidewalk in front of the
Washington Hilton, John Hinckley, Jr began firing
six (6) explosive "devastator" bullets from his
Rohm R6-14 revolver at Ronald Reagan. He survived
after surgery at George Washington University
Hospital where he told his wife Nancy: "Honey, I
forgot to duck!"
Small world, indeed. For that very same day,
John Hinckley's older brother Scott, had a dinner
date with an old friend of the family: NEIL BUSH,
son of the vice president! Scott Hinckley was vice
president of his father's Denver-based firm,
Vanderbilt Energy Corp.
What some saw as merely an odd "coincidence"
prompted more conspiratorially attuned eyebrows to
arch like divining rods. After all, what are the
ODDS of the president's constitutional successor
and the president's would-be assassin knowing each
other?! Probably ZERO!
But the Bushes and Hinckleys went way back, to
Texas of the 1960s, where both George Bush and
John Hinckley, Sr had amassed personal fortunes in
the booming oil industry. Both were blue bloods
who circulated in the same privileged circles,
which the transplanted aristocrats liked to call
their "Texas Raj."
* In the NBC special reports aired immediately
after the shooting, correspondent Judy Woodruff
said that at least one (1) shot was fired from the
hotel ABOVE Reagan's limousine. She later
elaborated saying a Secret Service agent had fired
that shot from the hotel overhang. Could Reagan's
wound have been inflicted by friendly fire? Did we
glimpse a bona fide "second gunman" a la JFK in
Dealey Plaza?
Either way, Woodruff's account might explain
HOW a slug managed to strike Reagan when his
limo's bulletproof door stood BETWEEN him and
Hinckley. Sizing up the Bush-Hinckley nexus,
conspiracy sentry John Judge has theoretically
dubbed this "the shot from the Bushy knoll."
* In October 1980, Hinckley, Jr flew to
Nashville to stalk Jimmy Carter, but was arrested
at the airport when authorities discovered three
(3) handguns in his suitcase. Oddly, after ONLY
FIVE (5) HOURS IN CUSTODY, this unstable and
antisocial pariah -- who had attempted to
transport weapons across state lines and into a
city soon to be visited by the president of the
United States -- was fined and RELEASED without
further ado! Even more oddly, authorities
apparently didn't bother to examine his journal,
which in "Dear Diary" fashion, detailed Hinckley's
plans to kill Carter! Was this a case of bumbling
negligence or something more ominous?
* Finally, a pall of suspicion quite naturally
fell over VP George "Poppy" Bush the preppy
achiever and future president whose spooky
pedigree was longer than a Texas stretch limo.
Like his father before him, Bush, Sr was a member
of Yale's elite "Skull and Bones Society," which
had weaned more than a few powerhouse pols, Wall
Street lions, CIA "black world" superstars and a
1980s group of disgruntled intel operatives known
loosely as "Agents for Bush" who had been fired by
CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner under the
Carter administration.
* There are also a couple of parallels between
Hinckley, Sirhan Sirhan [assassinated Robert
Kennedy on 6-5-1968], Mark David Chapman [John
Lennon's assassin on 12-8-1980], Arthur Herman
Bremer [Alabama Gov. George Wallace's would-be
assassin on 5-15-72] and Patrick Purdy, the
commando-geared gunman who slaughtered five (5)
Vietnamese children, and wounded another 30, in a
Stockton, CA, school yard on Tuesday, January 17,
1989. ALL were heavily dosed with psychiatric
drugs -- mind-control drugs by definition.
Purdy strode coolly onto that playground,
pumping away with his Chinese-style,
semi-automatic AK-47 assault rifle firing 104
full-metal-jacketed MILITARY-TYPE bullets loaded
in 7.62 X 39mm cartridges with the same
one-day spree killers. Many of those killers are
dosed with mood-altering drugs, a fact little
publicized when such tragedies occur.
Before drawing his gun to shoot at Reagan,
Hinckley has said that he had hoped someone would
STOP him. As he drew his gun, he felt, "Now, I
have NO choice." He said he felt "relieved" once
the shooting was over. Like Chapman and Sirhan
before him, he squeezed out bullet after bullet,
then became preternaturally calm, as if his
Perhaps, Hinckley, Purdy, et al., were the
victims of psychiatry gone berserk, monsters
manufactured by accident. OR perhaps they were
[CIA's MK-ULTRA] courtesy of a little known,
hole-in-the-wall USG "black world" agency that
"takes care of things" outside of normal channels.
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Written, researched and compiled by Victor
by Bill Harris,
ISBN# 9781579123895, 773 pp., pp. 672-91
by Paul S Boyer,
ISBN# 9780195340914, $9.99, 940 pp., pp. 652-53
The New York Times
Staff, ISBN# 0312313675, $35.00, 1,096 pp., pp.
CAESAR TO JOHN LENNON - By Stephen J Spignesi,
ISBN# 0760762139,
$6.98, 287 pp., pp. 128-31, 138-41, 201-04,
DOSSIER - By Brad and
Sherry Steiger, ISBN# 158591740, $24.95, 544 pp.,
pp. 326-27
COVERUPs & CABALS - Vankin & Whalen, ISBN#
0806525312, 718 pp., pp.
CONNECTION - By Jonathan Vankin, ISBN# 0440213851,
$4.99, 384 pp., pp.
171-73, 230
Edited by Thom Burnett, ISBN# 1596091568, $10.95,
320 pp., pp. 32, 64-65
0743466748, $14.00,
p. 364, pp. 263-64
Editorial Director Zoe
Kashner, ISBN# 0886879957, $12.99, 1,008 pp., pp.
348-49, 490, 527,
529-30, 683
Release 27a
- Reagan Briefing
Transcript of classified tape recording made at
Camp David, Maryland during a presidential
briefing regarding the subject of UNIDENTIFIED
EARTH. President RONALD REAGAN was present. The
recording was made between March 6 and 8, 1981.
WILLIAM CASEY: Mr President, good morning. As
we discussed in February, this briefing contains
some very sensational and some very, very
classified information. I am not sure, oh, well,
I'm not going to make a decision on who you want
in the room. That will be your decision, Mr
President. This will be a real tough one to follow
since the briefing starts back, historically
speaking, that is, and runs up to recent times. I
believe we have prepared a good chronological
order of events. I'm sure you, Mr President, will
have many questions.
The list of questions presented to me by
ADVISER #2 should all be answered during this
briefing. I hope they are, more than anyone,
especially you, Mr President, leave this briefing
with questions still unanswered. I have asked The
Caretaker to conduct this briefing. He is a
contract employee of the CIA and is the present
custodian of the information. Are we to assume
that everyone is present?
PRESIDENT: Well, it will be entirely up to you,
Bill. I guess everyone must be cleared for this
briefing of information, is that not correct?
WM CASEY: Well, it appears everyone is, but as
you will see Mr President, this stuff is pretty
high up on the food chain. We call it ATS or
"Above Top Secret." This stuff has its own
classification and markings. We have a special
container, special printers and copiers for this
stuff. Every word of this material is printed on
special paper then placed inside special covers.
The caretakers have taken special efforts to
protect all of this stuff from being released
inadvertently or copied by some unauthorized
But all of this material is protected by a
special group of people. The Caretaker is in
charge of protecting this information and all of
the other stuff associated with this information.
I would prefer that you, Mr President, decide on
who you want in this room. Remember, this material
is a closely guarded secret. Although the gist of
the story has been out there for many years, very
little of the ACTUAL TRUTH has ever been released
to the public. Oh, yes, well, by some of the
renegades maybe, but many of them have been
PRESIDENT: OK, Bill, I guess we need ADVISER
#1, you, ADVISER #3 and Caspar here. I think
ADVISER #2 and Michael can leave.
ADVISER #2: Mr President, excuse me, but I
would prefer to leave. I don't wish to know this
information. You know, plausible denial or
something like that.
MICHAEL DEAVER: Mr President, whatever you
wish, I'll do. It would be an interesting subject,
but do I really have a need to know? No, I don't
think so.
PRESIDENT: OK, I guess that is it.
WM CASEY: Thank you, Mr President. I will now
turn the briefing over to The Caretaker.
ADVISER #3: Mr President, and Mr Director, I
already had this briefing. I can stay or leave.
Secretary Weinberger and myself received this a
few weeks ago.
SECRETARY WEINBERGER: Mr President, as you
know, we have some pending business regarding that
Soviet problem in Berlin. I think we might just
handle that. ADVISER #3 and I will let you close
this meeting to just a few.
PRESIDENT: OK, Casp, I guess you and ADVISER #3
can leave. Thanks for coming.
WM CASEY: OK, Mr President, that certainly
narrows the audience. I think this is just right.
PRESIDENT: OK, well, I can't wait to hear this.
Let's proceed.
The CARETAKER: Good morning, Mr President.
First of all, I would like to give you a bit of
information on my background. But before that,
please, Mr President, if you have questions during
this briefing, just interrupt me, sir. I have been
employed by the CIA for the past 31 years. I
started the caretaking status of this project in
1960. We have a special group of people whom we
call "Group 6," that cares for all this
PRESIDENT: Good morning, I hope, well, I
believe I will ask questions. Bill briefed me back
in January, but I'm not sure ... huh ... well, was
it detailed, no, I don't think so ... huh ... OK,
well I'm sure Bill didn't tell me all 'cause we
only had about one hour.
WM CASEY: Mr President, I only gave you a quick
briefing for the NSDD (National Security Decision
Directives) that we want to incorporate into the
overall action directives about this subject.
ADVISER #3, Caspar and I have details far beyond
what I knew before January. The last
administration wasn't too keen on making all of
this stuff accessible to us during the briefings
in November and December.
PRESIDENT: Well, I knew a little about this
subject before. Back in 1970. Nixon had all of the
good stuff and wanted to share it with some of his
friends. Nixon showed me some papers. Not sure
about who authored them, but they ... huh ... well
something about New Mexico and other places. Nixon
was pretty ... huh ... well, you know, fascinated
with it. He showed me something, some kind of
object or device that came from one of their
craft. Something that was taken from the New
Mexico crash site. I don't know if, well ... huh
... do we know what it was? I don't think we knew
or maybe now, after 11 years, we might know.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, I can answer some
of those questions. Do you wish for me to begin?
PRESIDENT: Oh, well, what level is this? I
mean, what was it called? I don't remember what
they called this.
WM CASEY: Mr President, codeword. It's called
Top Secret Codeword. This information is beyond
Top Secret as I said before. It has its own
classification. It is very compartmentalized.
PRESIDENT: Well, I guess just the minimum. Are
we recording this?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, no, unless you
who is doing that. I think we should. I don't want
to make any mistakes later about this. ADVISER #4
should also stay, since he is one of the
caretakers of the information.
PRESIDENT: Well, I don't want anyone leaking
this stuff. Not knowing what we are about to
discuss ... huh ... oh, well, Bill I guess it is
your call. ADVISER #4 should stay. I guess he
should ... huh ... oh, OK, well, you make the
call, Bill.
WM CASEY: OK, I guess ADVISER #4 will stay. But
I think [CIA FEMALE TRANSCRIBER] must stay. I'll
make that call.
PRESIDENT: OK, I guess we can do our business
first, give me a few minutes. Let's get some food
first, or snacks. How long will ... huh .... oh,
about one hour?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, I estimate this
will last about one hour, at least the first part
of it. This is a very complicated subject to
brief. I can do it, but maybe the questions will
extend [beyond the first] the time period.
PRESIDENT: OK, I see. Let's take a break and
then reconvene.
The CARETAKER: OK, Mr President, are we ready?
PRESIDENT: Yes, we are, let's go.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, as was mentioned
earlier, I must say, that this briefing has the
highest classification within the U.S. government.
I will start with a slide presentation. I have
most of this briefing on the slides, but I also
have an outline that I have passed out to each
[person] in attendance.
PRESIDENT: Oh, OK, so are we ... can we follow
it with the [outline] paper?
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, you can
follow the briefing with the outline in front of
PRESIDENT: Thank you.
The CARETAKER: The United States of America has
been visited by Extraterrestrial Visitors since
1947. We have proof of that. However, we also have
some proof that Earth has been visited for many
THOUSANDS OF YEARS by various races of
Extraterrestrial Visitors. Mr President, I'll just
refer to those visits as ETs. In July, 1947, a
remarkable event occurred in New Mexico. During a
storm, two ET spacecraft crashed. One crashed
southwest of Corona, New Mexico and one crashed
near Datil, New Mexico. The U.S. Army eventually
found both sites and recovered all of the debris
and one live Alien. I'll refer to this live Alien
as "EBE 1." PRESIDENT: What does that mean? Do we
have codes or a special terminology for this?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, EBE means
"Extraterrestrial Biological Entity." It was a
code designated to this creature by the U.S. Army
back in those days. This creature was not human
and we had to decide on a term for it. So,
scientists designated the creature as EBE 1. We
also referred to it as "Noah." There was different
terminology used by various aspects of the U.S.
military and intelligence community back then.
PRESIDENT: Do we or did we have others? The
number "1" would seem to indicate we had others.
The CARETAKER: Yes, we had others. Back then,
the term was EBE and no number designation. We'll
explain how the others came into our knowledge.
PRESIDENT: OK, sorry, I was just wondering and
I guess, well, I'm sure the briefing will cover
this. Please continue.
The CARETAKER: All the debris and EBEs
recovered from the first crash site were taken to
Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell, New Mexico. EBE
was treated for some minor injuries and then taken
to Los Alamos National Laboratories, which was the
safest and most secure location in the world.
Special accommodations were made for EBE. The
debris was eventually transferred to Dayton, Ohio,
home of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division.
The second crash site wasn't discovered until 1949
by some ranchers. There were no live Aliens at
this site. All this debris went to Sandia Army
Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
PRESIDENT: OK, a question, regarding the first
site, how many aliens were in the spaceship?
The CARETAKER: Five (5) dead aliens and one (1)
alive. The bodies of the dead aliens were
transported to Wright Field in Ohio and kept in a
form of deep freeze. They were later transported
to Los Alamos where special containers were made
to keep the bodies from decaying. There were four
(4) dead aliens in the second crash site. Those
bodies were in an advanced state of decaying. They
had been in the desert for the past two (2) years.
Animals and time got to those bodies. The remains
were transported to Sandia Base and eventually
onto Los Alamos. We determined both crashed
spaceships were of similar design and the bodies
of the aliens were all identical. They looked
exactly the same. They had the same height, weight
and physical features. Here are the photographs of
the aliens.
PRESIDENT: Can we classify them? I mean can we
... well, connect them with anything Earthly?
The CARETAKER: No, Mr President. They don't
have any similar characteristics of a human, with
exception of there eyes, ears and a mouth. Their
internal body organs are different. Their skin is
different, their eyes, ears and even breathing is
different. Their blood wasn't red and their brain
was entirely different from human. We could not
classify any part of the Aliens with humans. They
had blood and skin, although considerably
different than human skin. Their eyes had two
different eyelids. Probably because their home
planet was very bright.
PRESIDENT: Maybe I'm getting ahead, but do we
know where they came from? Mars, our system or
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, we do know
where they come from. I can go into this now, or I
can wait until it comes up in the briefing.
PRESIDENT: No, no, please, continue. I can
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. EBE
stayed alive until 1952 when it died. We learned a
great deal from EBE. Although EBE did not have
voice organs like humans, it was able to
communicate with an operation performed by
military doctors. EBE was extremely intelligent.
It learned English quickly, mainly by listening to
the military personnel who were responsible for
EBE's safety and care.
EBE was housed in a special area at Los Alamos
and Sandia Base. Although many different military
doctors, scientists and a select number of
civilians studied EBE, it never became upset or
angry. EBE helped us learn from all the items
found in the two crash sites. EBE showed us how
some of the items worked, such as a communications
device. It also showed us how various other
devices worked.
PRESIDENT: Excuse me, but you are referring to
this creature as an IT. Did it have a gender?
The CARETAKER: I'm sorry Mr President, but yes,
it was male. Within EBE's race they had males and
PRESIDENT: OK, thank you. Please continue.
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. EBE
died of what military doctors considered natural
causes. I don't think we could really state
exactly why EBE died. Although we had five (5)
years to study EBE, we didn't have any standards
to compare EBE's body with standard medical
observations. It was difficult to lose EBE, since
it was the most interesting thing we as humans
could receive and study. A visitor from another
planet ... ANOTHER WORLD. EBE did explain where he
lives in the universe. We call this star system
Zeta Reticuli, which is about 40 light-years
[38.42] from Earth. EBE's planet was within this
star system.
PRESIDENT: OK, where is this in comparison to
something we all know?
The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, our closet
star is four light-years away. I can show you the
constellation it is in.
[Alpha Centauri, a yellow star, is the
brightest star in the constellation Centaurus, 4.3
light-years away]
PRESIDENT: No, I wouldn't know much about
astronomy. I just thought I could understand the
distance. How long did it take this spaceship to
get here?
The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, I can tell
you now or we can discuss that in another
briefing. As Mr Casey said, this is a complicated
subject because there are many levels of
compartmentalization. This briefing is just the
basic information about a visit to our planet by
one particular alien race.
PRESIDENT: Well ... huh ... what, am I to
understand ... this isn't a full briefing?
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have different
levels of stuff. If we mix it up, I don't think it
will make sense, nor will we have time this
morning. I understand you have a busy schedule
PRESIDENT: As the President of the United
States, I should know EVERYTHING, right, or
shouldn't I? If I am to assume this was a briefing
of substance, then I should hear ALL of it. I
think this is more important than some other
things on my daily calendar. But maybe I'm jumping
the gun. If there are some things I shouldn't
know, please tell me.
WM CASEY: No, no, Mr President, I didn't mean
you shouldn't know this stuff. I simply meant we
should proceed in an orderly fashion as to the
briefing. But it is up to you. We will not hold
anything back.
PRESIDENT: ADVISER #1, what do you think? Do
you know about all this?
ADVISER #1: Mr President, yes, I was briefed
many times on this subject matter. As Director
Casey stated, this is a very, very complicated
subject. I think it took me about one year to be
fully briefed into all aspects of this matter.
There are different areas. The initial crash, an
investigative period, some attempt at contact, A
DISINFORMATION OPERATION to protect this matter
and several other levels.
PRESIDENT: Oh, wow, I didn't realize how
complicated this was. I'm new at [all of] this. I
have a great responsibility to the citizens of
this nation to make decisions based on accurate
information presented by my advisers ... YOU, ALL
of you. I won't interfere in your presentation of
this information. So, I guess, we'll proceed in
the order you have chosen. I'm sorry for
interrupting in this presentation, but as a person
who is interested beyond belief in this, I'll just
shut up and wait to ask questions.
WM CASEY: Mr President. No, no, please ask any
questions you wish. You are the President. We are
not here to argue with you over the order of this
briefing. But some things are SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED
a question that is in a different level, then we
will have to re-evaluate the audience.
ADVISER #1: Mr President. Everything we know
about Alien visitation to Earth is contained in 16
(sixteen) volumes of binders. These binders
contain thousands of pages. We can give you
anything you wish but, as Director Casey said, we
must evaluate the clearances of each person
listening to our responses.
PRESIDENT: OK, I now understand. Give me
whatever you want and I'll continue to ask
questions. But if you need me to wait on an
answer, just tell me.
WM CASEY: OK, Mr President we will do that. I
still don't know the entire story. I have read one
tenth of one binder and have hundreds of
PRESIDENT: OK, let's continue.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, thank you for
those responses. I will answer any question, if I
can. But if the question is above this level, then
Director Casey will have to make that decision for
PRESIDENT: I fully understand, please continue.
The CARETAKER: It took the EBE spaceship nine
(9) of our months to travel the 40 [38.42]
light-years. Now, as you can see, that would mean
the EBE spaceship traveled faster than the speed
of light. But, this is where it gets really
technical. Their spaceships can travel through a
form of "space tunnels" that gets them from point
"A" to point "B" faster without having to travel
at the speed of light. I cannot fully understand
how they travel, but we have many top scientists
who can understand their concept.
PRESIDENT: Well, I certainly couldn't
understand the science in that. Is it a black
The CARETAKER: Mr President, something like
that, but much more complicated.
PRESIDENT: Do they get here ... no never mind,
please continue. [unintelligible]
WM CASEY: Mr President, I can assure we know
how they do it, but we can't do it.
PRESIDENT: OK. (several speaking at once)
The CARETAKER: As to some history. The original
project, started back in 1947, was called "Project
GLEEM." This project contained volumes of
documented information collected from the
beginning of our investigation of UFOs and
Identified Alien Craft, or "IAC." The project was
originally established in the early '50s by, first
President Truman and then by order of President
Eisenhower, under control of the National Security
Council. President Truman established a group of
people to handle this project. The group was
called Majority 12 or "MJ-12."
In 1966, the project's name was changed to
"Aquarius." The project was funded by confidential
["black world"] funds appropriated within the
intelligence community's budget. The recovery of
these alien spacecraft led the United States on an
extensive investigative program to determine
whether these aliens posed a direct threat to our
National Security. As you might remember, Mr
President, our country openly investigated UFO
sightings under projects Grudge, Sign and finally
Blue Book.
The original mission of the Air Force program
was to collect and analyze all reported sightings
and incidents involving UFOs and then determine
whether the information could be interpreted as
having any bearing on the national security of the
United States. Some information was evaluated with
the idea of using the gained data to advance our
own space technology and future space programs.
About 90% of the estimated 12,000 reports
analyzed by the Air Force under Blue Book were
considered hoaxes, explained aerial phenomena or
astronomical objects. The other 10% were
considered legitimate alien sightings and/or
incidents. However, not all UFO sightings or
incidents were reported under the Air Force
programs of Grudge, Sign and Blue Book.
In 1953, Project Gleem initiated its own
investigative detail and certain sightings were
reported directly under Gleem rather than one of
the other projects. Project Gleem, which became
"Project AQUARIUS" in 1966, was a parallel
reporting system for UFO sightings and incidents.
Reports collected under Project Aquarius were
considered actual sightings of alien spacecraft or
actual contacts with alien life forms. We
recovered two alien spacecraft from New Mexico.
Both were heavily damaged, but we were able to
examine them. The two craft were considered
technological marvels by our scientists. However,
the operating instrumentation was so advanced that
our scientists could not decipher it. The two
craft were stored in a special security location
in the West. We gained a large volume of
technological data from these craft.
Several independent scientific investigations,
at the request of the Air Force and CIA were
initiated during the era of "Project Blue Book."
MJ-12 decided that officially the Air Force should
end their investigation of UFO sightings. This
decision was arrived at during the NPNN meeting in
1966. The reason was two fold. First, the United
States had established communications with the
PRESIDENT: Hold on, OK ... well, Bill, no ...
never mind, please continue.
WM CASEY: Mr President, the communications
project is of a higher level. I recommend we
continue on this course and then switch to the
next, if we have time.
PRESIDENT: OK, you're steering the boat, Bill.
The CARETAKER: The United States felt
relatively sure the aliens' exploration of Earth
was non-aggressive and non-hostile. It was also
established that the aliens' presence did not
directly threaten the security of the United
States. Secondly, the public was beginning to
believe that UFOs were real. The NSC felt this
public feeling could lead to a nationwide panic if
we disclosed everything we knew about UFOs and
alien visitation. We were involved in one major
operation during this time frame that involved our
alien visitors. That operation is of a higher
level and it will be up to Director Casey to
proceed now or wait until later.
WM CASEY: We'll wait on that part of it. I
haven't been fully briefed and I would like to be
able to know everything about that program before
trying to brief the President.
ADVISER #1: I agree with Director Casey. That
part of the program is really complicated and will
require a full day to brief.
PRESIDENT: OK, as I said before, Bill's the
captain of this ship.
The CARETAKER: It was felt that public
awareness of these projects would have jeopardized
the future space program of the United States.
Releasing our secrets about UFOs and alien
visitation would also cause a PANIC AMONG
RELIGIOUS LEADERS around the world. Therefore,
MJ-12 decided that an independent scientific study
of the UFO phenomena would be needed to satisfy
the public curiosity.
The final official study of the UFO phenomena
was accomplished by the University of Colorado
under an air force contract. The study concluded
that sufficient data did not exist that would
indicate that UFOs threatened the security of the
United States. The final conclusion satisfied the
Government and allowed the Air Force to officially
step out of the UFO investigating business.
When the Air Force officially closed "Blue
Book" in December 1969, Project Aquarius continued
operation under control of NSC/MJ-12. The NSC felt
investigation of UFO sightings and incidents had
to continue in secrecy without any public
knowledge. The reasoning behind the decision was
this: If the Air Force continued its investigation
of UFOs, eventually some non-cleared and
non-briefed Air Force or DOD civilian officials
would obtain the facts behind Project Aquarius.
Obviously, for operational security reasons,
this could not be allowed. In order to continue
the investigation of UFO sightings and incidents
in secrecy, investigators from CIA/DCE and MJ-12
were assigned to military investigative units with
orders to investigate all legitimate UFO/IAC
sightings and incidents. These agents are
presently operating at various locations
throughout the U.S. and Canada. All reports are
filtered either directly or indirectly to MJ-12.
These agents are collecting reports of UFO/IAC
sightings and incidents occurring on or near
sensitive governmental installations.
Many reported sightings and incidents have
occurred over nuclear weapons bases. The aliens'
interest in our nuclear weapons can only be
attributed to the future threat of a nuclear war
on Earth that could affect space. The Air Force
has initiated measures to assure the security of
the nuclear weapons from alien theft or
destruction. MJ-12 feels confident that the aliens
are on an exploration of our solar system for
peaceful purposes. However, we do have information
and that is at another level, that more than one
alien species are visiting Earth.
PRESIDENT: Well, that is a lot to digest. I
have written down many questions. But let's take a
break and come back to this.
PRESIDENT: I think we can continue now.
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. I will
continue. In the 1976 MJ-12 report, it was
estimated that the aliens' technology was many
thousands of years ahead of ours. Our scientists
speculated that until our technology develops to a
level equal to the aliens, we cannot understand
the large volume of scientific information we have
gained from the aliens' craft. This advancement of
our technology may take many hundreds of years.
During our initial program to study the alien's
spaceship, we started many different projects. The
first project, originally established in 1949, was
to collect and evaluate medical information from
the surviving alien creature -- EBE 1 and the
recovered alien bodies. This project medically
examined EBE 1 and provided our medical
researchers with many answers to the evolution
The next project originally established as part
of Project Gleem in 1954 became a separate project
in 1966. Its mission was to establish
communication with aliens. This project met with
positive success and will be discussed later under
a different level. Two other projects involved the
test flying of an alien ship and the cross
technology between our space program and the
information we obtained from EBE 1.
WM CASEY: Now, Mr President, we can move on to
questions or a different level. Which do you
PRESIDENT: Well, I have a lot of questions, so
let me ask a few and then we can move on. I guess
the first question I have is their life span. How
old is EBE 1?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, the alien
civilization that EBE came from [is what] we call
the Eben Society. It wasn't a name they gave us;
it was a name we chose. Their life span is between
350-400 years, but that is Earth years.
PRESIDENT: Is time the same on their planet as
on ours?
The CARETAKER: No, Mr President, time is very
different on the Eben Planet, which, by the way,
we call SERPO. Their day is approximately 40
hours. That is measured by the movement of their
two (2) suns. The solar system containing SERPO is
a binary star system, or two suns, rather than
one, like our solar system.
PRESIDENT: Oh, well, your answer creates more
questions. OK, as I understand it, their planet
has two suns. Wouldn't that mean the planet was
hot? I guess that explains their eyes, having two
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President. Their suns do
not set, like ours. There is daylight during their
entire day, with the exception of a short time
period where both suns hit the horizon.
PRESIDENT: What is life like on Serpico?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, it is called
SERPO, spelled S-E-R-P-O. I think that will have
to be given in a different level of briefings. Mr
WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President, I think we are
getting way ahead of ourselves. We have all that
information about the visitor's planet, but we
would have to present that information in a
different briefing.
PRESIDENT: OK, all these levels. Something, I
guess, I'll have to ... well, I'll have to get
used to it. Does all classified information have
these different levels?
WM CASEY: It is similar to the SIOP briefing
you were given in January. We have different
levels of clearances and....
PRESIDENT: No, I understand all that, Bill. I
fully understand the different levels of
clearances. I mean, what about the Soviets? What
about the spy operations we have in Russia,
comparing the two, this alien information to that,
are they on the same level?
WM CASEY: No, Mr President. This information
would be considered at the very top, whereas our
spying operation inside Russia would be considered
at a parallel level, but not the same.
PRESIDENT: Like apples and oranges, OK, I see.
I guess this is more that can be explained in one
sitting. What about the travel from SERPO to
The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, the distance
from Earth to SERPO is about 40 light-years. They
can travel that in about nine (9) of our months. I
am no scientist, but as I mentioned earlier, they
can travel that great distance by means of space
tunnels. They seem to be able to bend the distance
from one point in space to another. Just how they
do this, must be explained scientifically.
PRESIDENT: OK, well, very interesting. Are the
laws of physics on their planet the same as our
The CARETAKER: Not exactly. There seem to be a
little different laws, especially when it comes to
the movement of their planet in relationship to
their two suns. Our scientists don't understand it
because it defies some of our laws of physics.
PRESIDENT: Do they use nuclear power, or what
type of power do they have in those ships?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, we understand very
little about their propulsion system. There seem
to be two different propulsion systems. One they
use within our atmosphere and one they use once
they exit our atmosphere. They do not have nuclear
power. Their propulsion system does have some type
of low level radiation emissions, but nothing that
would endanger us. It isn't like our radiation,
but we call it radiation because we have nothing
else to compare it with.
PRESIDENT: Have these aliens visited other
places on earth?
The CARETAKER: Again, Mr President, that would
be in a different level of discussion.
PRESIDENT: I'm getting tired of hearing that
answer, but I understand.
WM CASEY: Mr President, the Soviet Union has
had their contacts with these aliens. We have a
great deal of intelligence that would indicate the
Soviets had their "Roswell," so to speak. What
they know is about the same as we know. They had
some bodies back in the late '50s, but our
intelligence would indicate the species of aliens
were different.
PRESIDENT: OK, well, then Bill, that presents a
very disturbing feeling for me. Are you telling me
there are different races or species, as you said,
visiting Earth at the same time?
WM CASEY: CARETAKER, take that question.
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, but I
hesitate to state the reason. We should have that
discussion in a different meeting.
PRESIDENT: Just answer the simple question of
how many different species, don't go into details,
since I'm sure it is at "a different level," as
I've been hearing ALL morning!
The CARETAKER: I am sorry Mr President if I
upset you....
PRESIDENT: No, no, Caretaker, don't feel that
way. I am not upset. No, you are all of my
advisers. As President, I must listen to YOU and
take YOUR advice. I am NOT upset. I'm sorry for
giving you that impression. Can you tell me how
many different species have visited us?
The CARETAKER: Mr Director?
WM CASEY: Go ahead, Caretaker, answer the
President's question.
The CARETAKER: At least five (5).
PRESIDENT: Are they all friendly?
The CARETAKER: Mr Director?
WM CASEY: Adviser #1, would you like to step in
ADVISER #1: Mr President, that is a very
difficult question to answer. There are many
parameters that we follow to evaluate the threat.
However, we have little intelligence on four (4)
of the five (5). We have plenty of intel on the
Ebens ... gee ... they've given us everything we
asked for! They have also helped us to understand
the other four (4) species. I'm afraid to say, Mr
President and please don't misunderstand my words,
WM CASEY: Mr President, do you wish for us to
continue on this track or would you like something
more private, as to the discussion of this topic?
PRESIDENT: For Christ sakes, I'm the President
of the United States. I should know if we are
endangered by some THREAT FROM OUTER SPACE. If you
have something to say about a threat posed by this
one species of aliens, then I WANT TO HEAR IT.
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have intelligence
that would indicate this one (1) species of aliens
performed scientific and medical tests on these
humans. To the best of our knowledge, NO humans
have been killed. But, as ADVISER #1 stated, the
intelligence is from witnesses and we haven't
thoroughly evaluated this intelligence.
We have captured one of these hostile aliens.
This gets into some very, very sensitive areas, Mr
President. I strongly suggest we end this
discussion and move on to any further questions
you might have and then get back to this. I don't
think we are prepared to provide you with accurate
answers to your questions about the potentially
hostile aliens at this time.
PRESIDENT: OK, but expect this to be given to
me as soon as possible. I want to KNOW EVERYTHING
we should start forming policies on how to deal
with them. Adviser #1, do we have OPERATIONAL WAR
PLANS on this?
ADVISER #1: Yes, Mr President, we have war
plans on ALL potential threats to our country.
PRESIDENT: Please, let us not forget the world.
If these creatures attack some other country, we
would have to help.
ADVISER #1: Mr President, we have absolutely NO
evidence that this particular alien race has any
plans to attack the United States of America or
planet Earth.
PRESIDENT: I guess we really got off the
original subject. But I want to know of any
WM CASEY: Yes, Sir.
ADVISER #1: Yes, Sir, Mr President. We will
NEVER hide any information about a potential
threat to our country or the world. You receive
daily intel briefings and you will continue to and
we can update that briefing with any potential
threat from this area.
PRESIDENT: OK, let us continue. How many other
presidents received this briefing?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, I have briefed
President Nixon, Ford and you. President Carter
was never given the entire briefing. I have no
answer as to why he wasn't given the briefing.
PRESIDENT: Well, knowing that guy, he probably
couldn't understand it being from Georgia! But
that is just a dry joke.... (laughter heard in

Click to enlarge
January 30 - February 1
February 6 - 8
February 13 - 16
April 25 - 27
May 8 - 10
June 5 - 7
June 8 - 9
June 19 - 21
July 10 - 12
July 25 - 26
July 31 - August 2
August 11 - 13
September 18 - 20
September 25 - 27
October 2 - 4
October 30 - November 1
December 11 - 13
Photo of President Reagan and Nancy Reagan at
Camp David,
Maryland, 7/2/88. Photo courtesy of the Ronald
Reagan Library.
ADVISER #1: Mr President, I can give you some
details of an incident that occurred inside the
Soviet Union in 1970.
WM CASEY: Do we want to go there?
ADVISER #4: May I say something, Mr Director?
WM CASEY: Go ahead, ADVISER #4, step in.
ADVISER #4: I think this particular incident
inside the Soviet Union will give the President an
example of what the world has and will experience
in the future. There is no way we can control
visitors from outer space from traveling to Earth
and visiting our planet. Some astronomers find it
difficult to believe that these aliens can find
Earth. We are on the outer reaches of our galaxy.
Our sun is one of hundreds of thousands of such
stars within our galactic neighborhood. But the
Ebens found us, they found Earth. And we are not
the only country on Earth that has been visited by
the Ebens.
Now, as for the other four (4) species. We know
they have visited us in the past and will visit us
in the future. We are like a petri dish within the
universe. We are a diverse planet. We must be very
interesting to other extraterrestrials. I'm SURE
other intelligent life forms in the universe must
have some sort of communications among the
[sentient] life forms. Maybe they broadcasted that
Earth has intelligent life. Maybe that is why we
are [being] visited.
Getting back to ADVISER #1, regarding the
incident inside the Soviet Union, Mr President,
there are many such sightings all over the world.
We must understand that the visitors can roam our
planet at will without us doing much about it.
However, I personally believe that we must prepare
prepared. I hope you understand why I said what I
said, Mr President.
PRESIDENT: Yes, indeed, ADVISER #4, very well
said. I agree with you. I guess all of those
sightings ... well, some of them are real .... I
mean, we are being visited, today, now, in this
time period.
WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President, we are.
PRESIDENT: OK, ADVISER #1, please continue, we
cut you off.
ADVISER #1: OK, thanks, Mr President. As I was
saying, actually a series of incidents occurred
over about a week. Our intelligence gathering
stations inside and outside of the Soviet Union
picked up voice transmissions between Soviet Air
Defense pilots and ground controllers regarding a
number of UFOs which were being chased by Soviet
pilots. The incident started in central Siberia
and ended over the Black Sea.
Literally thousands of Soviets observed the
UFOs and at least 20 different fighter pilots
chased the UFOs. The Soviets attempted on two
occasions to shoot down the UFOs, but to no avail.
That is probably the best evidence that these
things are happening over the Soviet Union. We
think these UFOs were the hostile ones. We call
them hostile because they tend to land, take
humans, conduct experiments on them and then
release the humans. Their spacecraft are different
in design than the Ebens.
PRESIDENT: Wait one minute, ADVISER #1, you
mean to say that we have one of their spaceships?
Or are you telling me we have some other evidence
of their spaceships?
ADVISER #1: Mr President, we have photographs
of their ships. This gets a little complicated
because some of our intelligence comes from the
PRESIDENT: You mean from the EBE guy?
ADVISER #1: Yes, but from other sources of
information connected to the Ebens.
WM CASEY: Mr President, we'll have to go to
those dreaded words you don't like ... higher
levels if you wish.
PRESIDENT: No, well, no ... oh ... OK ... just
give me this briefing first. We can schedule the
higher level ones later.
ADVISER #1: Simply speaking, we know the
difference between the Eben spacecraft and the
hostile aliens' spacecraft.
PRESIDENT: Do you have a ... huh ... name for
them, I mean the bad ones?
The CARETAKER: May I interrupt, Mr President?
WM CASEY: Wait, OK, I guess we can proceed.
PRESIDENT: Well, huh. (Too many speaking at
once; several conversations not understood.)
? (Not understood) ?
The CARETAKER: OK.... (Several sentences said,
but not understood.)
WM CASEY: Yes, go ahead, CARETAKER.
PRESIDENT: No, I didn't mean to interrupt.
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. We call
the hostile aliens simply that, HAV, meaning
Hostile Alien Visitors. MJ-12 placed that code on
them back in the '50s.
WM CASEY: OK, we opened the box so let's just
tell the president what we know about the others.
ADVISER #1: The names? What? (Several sentences
not understood.) OK, well, technical? Or what?
WM CASEY: (Not understood), well, (not
understood), OK, I guess it means the technical
PRESIDENT: You mean to say, these H-A-Vs have
been visiting us and kidnapping our people since
the '50s?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, yes, well, they
have been around since then, Director Casey....
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have some indication
that they might have been doing this for some
time. But we really have to consider all of the
evidence, listed in our reports, and compare that
to some of the open source information. There are
always humans that will exaggerate and just tell
lies, compared to the real ones or the ones who
were abducted and subjected to experiments. We
have to sort through the differences and place
some aside and look at the real evidence of
abductions. But we can be sure that the Ebens have
NEVER done this. They are extremely peaceful and
would not harm a living soul, including animals.
ADVISER #1: I suggest we go ahead and give the
President the information on them.
ADVISER #4: I agree.
WM CASEY: OK, give the President the names,
The CARETAKER: Names, the technical names?
WM CASEY: Yes, OK, (not understood) well about
the (not understood) I can live with that, but we
have to be real sure that this information stays
HERE. We cannot allow this to flow (not
understood) from (not understood).
The CARETAKER: OK, thank you. Mr President, the
five (5) species are called, Ebens, Archquloids,
Quadloids, Heplaloids and Trantaloids. These names
were given to the alien's species by the
intelligence community, specifically MJ-5. The
Ebens are friendly; the Trantaloids are the
dangerous ones.
[SEE: ]
PRESIDENT: My God, just knowing we have names
for these things are amazing. Which one did we
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have a Trantaloid,
but it is dead. We captured it in 1961 in Canada
and we had it in captivity until 1962, when it
died. We'll show you a photograph ... CARETAKER?
The CARETAKER: Director, I don't have one with
me. But, I will get one couriered over to us.
WM CASEY: Mr President, we can provide that
during our next meeting regarding this subject.
WM CASEY: (not understood) ... the part of the
story where (not understood), but we can look
PRESIDENT: OK, let's continue.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, getting back to my
presentation, all of our collected information is
safely contained in a number of locations.
PRESIDENT: Don't tell me where, I don't want to
know specific locations. I'll let or leave that up
to you and the caretakers of the material. I don't
want to be in a position or know this ... maybe I
will later.
The CARETAKER: OK, Mr President, I'll keep this
in general terms. I just want to assure you that
all of the information is safely tucked away at
secure locations, including the devices and flying
craft that we have.
PRESIDENT: May I assume one of these places is
located in California?
The CARETAKER: Some of the items are tested at
Livermore and flown around Edwards, but they are
kept in Nevada.
PRESIDENT: OK, yes, I think I was briefed on
sensitive military installations back in February
... west of Las Vegas, I guess.
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President. We call it
the Groom Lake Complex.
PRESIDENT: OK, I was told about that. The same
place we have Soviet fighter jets?
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, the same
place. May I continue?
PRESIDENT: Yes, by all means, do.
The CARETAKER: In order to protect all this
information and the fact that the United States
Government has evidence of our planet being
visited by Extraterrestrials, we developed over
the years a very effective program to safeguard
the information. We call it "Project DOVE." It is
a complex series of [disinformation] operations by
our military intelligence agencies to disinform
the public. As you know, Mr President, we have
some highly classified aircraft.
In order to keep these aircraft secret, we tend
to convince, at times, the public and press that
maybe UFOs are real in order to make the public
THINK what they are seeing are actually UFOs
instead of OUR own secret aircraft even though we
know maybe some of the sightings are of actual
UFOs. As I said before, this is complicated, but
it is a form of counterintelligence. We give the
public some actual facts and let them run with it.
The rest is taken care of by them. If you
consider the FIRST PERSON who helped us with this
disinformation program, Mr GEORGE ADAMSKI, back in
the early '50s, and up to all of the movie
productions of UFO-related movies. This helps the
public to keep their minds open, but also allows
us to keep our secret aircraft away from the
public's knowledge. That includes some of the
craft that were lent to us by the Ebens.
PRESIDENT: I always knew there was some form of
cooperation between our government and the motion
picture industry. I heard rumors over the years
... even during my acting days.
The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, the first
cooperative venture was the movie, "The Day the
Earth Stood Still." That was a cooperative venture
with the United States Air Force and the movie
PRESIDENT: That movie, "Close Encounters," was
that one of them? I guess no "Bonzo" movies were
involved. (Loud laughter heard.)
WM CASEY: No (laughing), Mr President, I don't
think or should I say, I didn't think Bonzo came
from outer space! (more laughter)
[RONALD REAGAN played the character Professor
Peter Boyd in the Sept 1951 movie, "Bedtime for
Bonzo" where a chimpanzee named Bonzo was his
costar. ]
PRESIDENT: No, but some people could imagine
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, we provided
the basic subject matter for that movie.
PRESIDENT: Was it based on a real incident?
WM CASEY: Mr President....
PRESIDENT: OK, Bill, I know what's coming, just
forget my question for now.
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. In
1949, President Truman created two (2) secret
commissions. These commissions were to meet
privately without recording any contents. The
commissions were code named "Adam" and "Eve." The
first commission, Adam, was to study the idea of
releasing some information to the public regarding
our actual knowledge of UFOs and the two (2) crash
The findings of the Adam commission consisted
of the following statement: "In this matter,
public opinion must be recognized as a factor of
considerable importance, even if clearly
affirmative might have the effect of placing
before the American people a moral question of
vital historical significance at a time when the
full security impact of the question had not
become apparent. If this decision is to be made by
the American people, it should be made in the
circumstances of an actual disclosure of the
existence of space beings who had visited Earth.
In other words, the American public might hesitate
to believe the existence of space beings unless
the American Government showed proof."
This was an actual quote from the classified
document dated 1 December 1949. The second
commission, "Eve," concerned the use of atom bombs
to repel a space alien attack. What's interesting
in this statement was the decision by President
Truman to proceed at a record pace on the
production of atomic weapons that could be
released in space. The commission predicted it
would take the United States 10 years to develop
such a delivery system. President Truman wanted it
developed in five (5) years.
In fact, in 1959, the first Atlas ICBMs were
targeted for deep space. SIOP plans were developed
to counter any space-based alien invasion. Mr
David Lilienthal, the first atomic energy
commission chairman, was in charge of the
production of enough atomic weapons to counter any
anticipated alien threat. The commission was
tasked with developing a delivery system that
could send a Mark 3 atomic weapon into space.
In the 1948-1949 time frames, there were fewer
than 50 atomic bombs in the arsenal and none of
these were assembled. The Mark 3 plutonium bombs,
like the one dropped at Nagasaki, Japan, took 39
men more that two days to assemble the bomb. The
bombs were so large and heavy each weighed 10,000
pounds, and that a delivery system must be capable
of sending this heavy weapon into space. As a
result of Eve's commission findings, atomic
weapons production was increased at a record pace.
Of course, this build-up coincided with the
Soviet Union's build-up. It was easy to convince
the American public that our build-up was caused
by the Soviet Union's build-up. Mr President, in
1964, we were able to have our very first
controlled encounter with the Ebens. Let me first
give you the background. EBE was a mechanic, not a
scientist. He was still able to teach us some of
the Eben language. Their language was very
difficult for our linguists to learn because it
consisted of tones, not words.
However, we were able to translate some basic
words. EBE showed us their communications device.
It was a strange looking device that had three (3)
parts. Once assembled, the device sent out
signals, something like our Morse code system,
although there was a problem. During the crash in
1947, one part of this communication system was
broken. EBE was unable to repair it until our
scientists found some items that could be used in
place of the broken parts. Once the communication
device was repaired, EBE sent our messages. We had
to trust EBE as to the contents of those messages.
You can imagine what some of our military
commanders thought of this. EBE could be sending
out a distress call that could result in some
invasion. But that, of course, never happened. EBE
continued to send messages until his death. But
once he died, then we were on our own. We were
able to crudely operate the device. We sent
several messages out over a six (6) month period
(1953). But we did not receive any return
PRESIDENT: Excuse me, did EBE receive any
return messages?
The CARETAKER: Getting back to the messages, Mr
President, EBE sent out six (6) messages. One
letting his home planet know that he was alive and
his comrades were dead, another explaining the two
crashes, the third was a request to be rescued,
the fourth was a message suggesting a meeting
between his leaders and our leaders. The last
message suggested some form of an EXCHANGE
WM CASEY: Mr President, we'll go into that
PRESIDENT: (not understood) ... what ... the
exchange program?
WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President. We can give you
another couple of hours on that subject.
PRESIDENT: We had one?
WM CASEY: Can I speak to you privately, please,
Mr President?
PRESIDENT: OK, yes ... you mean now? (not
WM CASEY: Well, let us put this one on the back
burner and go on with the remainder of this
The CARETAKER: Mr President, we don't think he
did, but we could not be entirely certain. But,
our scientists fine-tuned our efforts over the
next 18 months and finally sent two (2) messages
in 1955 that were received. We received a reply.
We were able to translate about 30 percent of the
message. We turned to several linguist specialists
from several different universities and even
several from foreign universities. Finally, we
were able to translate most of the messages. We
decided to reply in English and see if the Ebens
could translate our language easier than we could
PRESIDENT: What did the messages say? The one
we received from the Ebens? So, I guess they
didn't get the messages sent by EBE? Or did it
take that long to respond? Oh, yes, EBE died
before we got those messages, never mind.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, the first message
we received acknowledged our message and asked
questions about the crew of the two missing craft.
It also gave a series of numbers that we think
were some type of coordinates.
PRESIDENT: OK, so they wanted to know the
coordinates of the crash sites on Earth? I'm sure
they wanted to know about their crew. Did we tell
them all but one was dead? No, wait; I'm sure when
EBE sent his messages that is probably the first
thing he sent. Was EBE a military person or what?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, we believe EBE was
a member of their air force or maybe something
like NASA.
PRESIDENT: OK, please continue.
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. Finally
we were able to translate most of the messages. As
I said, we decided to respond in English.
Approximately four months later, we received a
reply in broken English. Sentences contained nouns
and adjectives, but no verbs. It took us several
months to translate the message. We then sent Eben
our typed English lessons in a series of one sheet
Without going into the technical description of
the Eben communications device, it was like a
television screen and a key pad, but the pad
contained several different Eben characters
depending on the number of times you held down one
key. We were able to transpose our English-typed
words into the second part of the device, which
was similar to our facsimile transmission system.
It took our scientists some time to perfect this,
but it worked. Six months later, we received
another English message. This time it was clearer,
but not clear enough. Ebens were confusing several
different English words and still failed to
complete a proper sentence.
PRESIDENT: Gee, I do that all of the time
(sounds of laughter). I just cannot imagine how an
alien race could view our language. We have
thousands of different languages on Earth and they
probably have just one on their SERPO planet. That
is truly amazing.
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, I cannot
imagine living on a planet with just one language.
But we were able to provide the basic skill level
for them to communicate in English. It took time,
but they realized our efforts. In one message,
they provided us with a form of the Eben alphabet
with the equivalent English letter. Our linguists
had a very difficult time figuring this out. The
written Eben language was simple characters and
symbols, but our linguists had a difficult time
comparing the two written languages.
Over the next five (5) years, we were able to
perfect our understanding of the Eben language
somewhat and the Ebens were able to better
understand English. However, we had a major
problem. Trying to coordinate a date, time and
location for an Eben landing on Earth. Even though
we could basically understand some Eben and the
Ebens could understand some English, we could not
understand their time and date system and they
could not understand ours. We sent them our
Earth's rotation schedule, revolution, date
system, etc.
For some reason the Eben's never understood
this. In return, the Ebens sent us their system,
which was difficult for our scientists to
understand because we had no reference to their
planet. The Ebens did not explain any astronomical
date of SERPO or their system. We then decided to
just send pictures showing Earth, landmarks and a
simple numbering system for time periods. We had
many problems trying to send pictures using their
facsimile system. We couldn't be sure they were
receiving what we sent.
We had a lot of trial and errors in doing this.
We received back some strange messages from the
Ebens, basically big question marks regarding what
we sent them as to the pictures. We then decided
on narrowing any future landing location for them
to the location of their crash in New Mexico. We
concluded they must have that location. We are
sure EBE sent that to his home planet prior to his
death. We did find some star charts ... well ...
as we call them, in both crashed spacecraft.
They were difficult to understand because they
were on a block that we later figured out went
into a certain panel on the crashed craft's
instruments. Once the panel was in place, the
board showed a star system. In fact, we were able
to fit all the found boards into the panel and
view many different star systems. We then put to
work our astronomers in deciphering the star
systems. It didn't take them very long to
determine the various star systems. We also found
several strange spots on the star charts.
We concluded these spots were where the travel
space tunnels that EBE described were located. Our
astronomers compared the different star charts and
found that they were not consecutive. Meaning that
one star chart was from one part of the universe
and the next was a chart closer to their home
system. Our scientists concluded the spots on the
chart were a form of short cuts from one point of
space to another. Some of our top astronomers were
briefed into the program in order to study the
charts. I'm sure they were given only the minimum
amount of information they needed, something like
a need-to-know program.
["Top astronomers": Dr CARL SAGAN, 11-9-1934 -
12-20-1996 / ]
PRESIDENT: OK, that is a lot to absorb. Wow,
well, I have many questions, but I guess I'll just
wait now. I have something to attend to now. But
let us take a short break and come back to this.
WM CASEY: Mr President, how much time do you
have left?
PRESIDENT: Well, Bill, let me check. (Long
pause). I need to call some people on another
matter. Give me about 15 minutes. Is that OK?
WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President, we are here at
your disposal.
PRESIDENT: I have listened intently to this
briefing. I have many questions, which I realize
traverses several different layers of secrecy. I
don't want to mix up the different layers. But I
can see how government bureaucracy exists. That is
one thing I can probably change as President!
Bill, let's go to the next layer.
WM CASEY: Mr President, do you want the same
people involved?
PRESIDENT: Yes, let's just continue.
The CARETAKER: Thank you. When EBE was alive,
he showed us two devices. One was a communication
system and one was an energy device. The
communication system did not work without the
energy device. Eventually, a scientist from Los
Alamos figured out the two systems and connected
them. After EBE died, we were able to send
transmissions, as I said earlier. EBE built up a
strong friendship with a U.S. Army Major, who was
his guardian.
The two of them decided that one of Eben's
first messages (of the five sent) was a request
for an exchange program between the Ebens and our
military personnel. Remember I mentioned six (6)
messages. The sixth consisted of landing
coordinates for Earth. That information wasn't
clearly documented back then. We are not sure of
the exact chain of events between EBE and the
Major. As I said earlier, we were able to
eventually communicate with the Ebens.
Over a period of a few years, we could send and
receive information. We finally received a
startling message from the Ebens. They wanted to
visit Earth, retrieve their spacemen bodies and
meet with Earthlings. They provided a time, date
and location. We figure that the Ebens were
continually visiting Earth and had probably mapped
it. However, the date was about eight (8) years in
the future. Our military figured something was
wrong and that maybe the Ebens were confusing
Earth time with Eben time. After a long series of
messages, it was determined the Ebens would land
on Earth on Friday, April 24, 1964.
PRESIDENT: Just how did we figure the date?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, these messages
occurred over a period of several years. By this
time, we both had a working knowledge of the
other's seasons, which was based on the Earth's
rotation, which also figured into our time
periods. We had a working knowledge of their
40-hour days. They were a little smarter than us,
being able to comprehend our language and our time
PRESIDENT: OK, that makes sense. But ... (not
understood) ... about ... (not understood) ... the
The CARETAKER: Mr President, we did have a
basic understanding of their language. We could
understand basic words and symbols. They
understood more of our language than we did
PRESIDENT: OK, then what happened?
The CARETAKER: Well....
WM CASEY: Mr President, this is where things
get very interesting.
PRESIDENT: OK, I'm waiting.... (not understood)
The CARETAKER: Our government, specifically,
MJ-12 met in secret to plan the event. Decisions
were made, then changed many times. We had just
about 25 months from the time we finally received
their message of the date to prepare for their
arrival. Several months into the planning,
President Kennedy decided to approve a plan to
exchange a special military team. The USAF was
tasked as the lead agency.
The USAF officials picked special civilian
scientists to assist in the planning and crew
selection. The team members' selection process was
the hardest to accomplish. Several plans were
suggested and then changed. It took months for the
planners to decide on the selection criteria for
each team member. They decided that each member
must be military, single, no children and a career
member. They had to be trained in different
WM CASEY: CARETAKER, let's just go into the
general stuff here, I don't think the President
wants to know every single minute detail.
PRESIDENT: Well, if I had the time, I would.
(not understood) .... but, I understand that.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, a team of 12 men
were selected. However, during this time period,
President Kennedy died. The nation was shocked, as
you know....
PRESIDENT: Yes, everyone was shocked. I can
understand what must have happened during the
project when John died.
The CARETAKER: President Johnson continued the
program. When it came time for the meeting, we
were ready. The landing occurred in New Mexico. We
had everything prepared. We had a hoax landing
location just in case it was leaked. The landing
occurred and we greeted the Ebens. However, a mix
up happened. They were not prepared to accept our
exchange personnel. Everything was placed on hold.
Finally in 1965, the Ebens landed in Nevada and we
exchanged 12 of our men for one of theirs.
["Project SERPO" Final Debriefing Report:
#80HQD893-020, Classified TS/Codeword /]
PRESIDENT: One? Why just one?
WM CASEY: Mr President, this wasn't clearly
documented in the reports that we read.
PRESIDENT: One ... was this their ambassador?
WM CASEY: Well, something like that. We just
called it EBE 2. We'll discuss that later.
The CARETAKER: Mr President. Our team of 12
went to the Eben planet for 13 years. The original
mission called for a 10-year stay, however,
because of the strange time periods on their
planet, the team stayed three (3) additional
years. Eight [seven] returned in 1978. Two died on
the planet and two decided to stay.
[NOTE: Team Member #308 (Team Pilot #2) died of
a pulmonary embolism enroute to SERPO on the
9-month journey; 11 arrived safely. ]
PRESIDENT: OK, this is just AMAZING! I can see,
about that movie. The movie was based on a real
event. I saw that movie. 12 men left, along with
Richard Dreyfuss.
["Close Encounters of The Third Kind," 1977]
WM CASEY: Mr President, yes, the movie was
similar to the real event, at least the last part
of the movie.
PRESIDENT: OK, a lot to digest. I want to hear
about the hostile ones.
ADVISER #1: Mr President, may I step in here?
PRESIDENT: By all means, ADVISER #1, do.
ADVISER #1: Well, Mr President, the hostile
alien species is responsible for abducting some
humans. We can clearly prove some 80 Americans
were abducted from about 1955 until the present,
the last known one in July of last year [1980]. We
have a special military intelligence unit keeping
track of these abductions. We have FBI agents
attached, to assist us when needed. We have NSA
and in some instances, CIA personnel helping.
Unfortunately, we don't have the technology to
know when these hostiles will abduct. We get the
information afterwards. We interview the victim
and place them under hypnotic trances. Some of the
victims remember the entire event without
hypnosis, while others need hypnosis to relate
what happened. We haven't found one single death
directly related to the hostile aliens. We have
had deaths that were attributed to the abductions
... suicides. We recorded five (5) of them.
But, Mr President, these are the abductions we
know about. We have NO idea how many other
abductions are occurring in this country or around
the world. These hostile aliens are pretty sneaky.
They seem to appear and disappear, which is beyond
our technical understanding. They also seem to
float or defy gravity. WE HAVE ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS
OF THEM DOING THIS. We have a classic abduction
incident that was recorded by military
intelligence personnel. It happened in 1979 near a
military base.
ADVISER #1: In New Mexico.
PRESIDENT: What's with New Mexico? The aliens
seem to like that state. Do we know why?
The CARETAKER: Excuse me, may I speak?
The CARETAKER: New Mexico is similar to the
home planet of the Ebens. Since we do not know
which planet the Trantaloids come from....
WM CASEY: Wait ... ADVISER #4?
ADVISER #4: I think we do. I think the Ebens
gave us that information. We know the star group.
It is close to our solar system, well, I mean in
astronomical terms. Maybe 20-25 light-years away.
They are actually closer to us than the Ebens are.
[VICTOR: The homeworld of the HAV, the
TRANTALOIDS, is the THIRD PLANET out from the star
Epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus at
10.5 light-years away. Although somewhat cooler
and fainter than our sun, it is very similar.
Hal's friend, ADVISER #4, was mistaken on the
distance; an easy error to make given the
voluminous amount of information on this subject
matter alone. - ANONYMOUS. /
Nearby Star EPSILON ERIDANI has anEarth-like
Planet! Is this the homeworld of the hostile ET
EPSILON ERIDANI is located in "The Celestial
River" where it "flows" south to Achernar. It is
fully visible to almost all of the
Southern Hemisphere and half of the Northern. A
PLANET has been found orbiting a Sun-like star
only 10.5 light-years away with a magnitude of
3.7. No direct picture of the planet was taken
-- the planet was discovered by the
gravitational wobble it created on its parent
star, EPSILON ERIDANI. The discovery marks the
closest naked-eye Sun-like star yet found to
house an extra-solar PLANET.
Pictured below, the star EPSILON ERIDANI,
located in the constellation
ERIDANUS, is visible near the belt of Orion to
the unaided eye when it
is highest in the sky ~10 p.m. between
November-January. The detected planet is thought
to have a mass like Jupiter, but orbit slightly
closer in. It is unknown whether other planets
exist around
© 2000 Credit & Copyright: J. B. Kaler (UIUC)

Click to enlarge
The December 2007 issue of ASTRONOMY
Magazine, pp. 44-47, asks
"Does life exist on this exoplanet?" Located
only 10.5 light-years away
in the constellation ERIDANUS, the Sun-like star
EPSILON ERIDANI anchors a planetary system that
may hold the seeds of life.
The nearest exoplanet to Earth, EPSILON ERIDANI,
illustrated below, is
orbiting near the star's HABITABLE ZONE, where
conditions are suitable
for life to evolve making it worth a closer look
for intrigued
astronomers. A Titan-like moon orbits within
this planetary system and
offers astronomers their nearest opportunity to
search for extrasolar
Attached image: composite of ASTRONOMY Magazine
cover for
December, 2007 and the illustration on page 44.

Click to enlarge
PRESIDENT: So that means they can travel like
the Ebens travel? I mean using those black holes
or whatever you call them?
ADVISER #4: Yes, Mr President, they can travel
in the same fashion as the Ebens. However,
according to the Ebens, the Trantaloids use a
different form of propulsion. Something like
matter versus antimatter.
PRESIDENT: And that means?
ADVISER #4: Mr President, basic physics....
WM CASEY: Mr President, do you want to go into
the physics of this?
PRESIDENT: Oh, no, no, I don't think I'd
understand it.
ADVISER #4: I was just going to say that we
know that when matter is placed next to
antimatter, there is a great deal of energy
released. If one could harness that into a
propulsion system, that would be great. But we
don't have the capability to do that.
PRESIDENT: Do we have one of their spaceships?
The CARETAKER: Yes, well, partially. A crashed
PRESIDENT: OK, can we or do we have the
technical knowledge to understand it?
WM CASEY: No, Mr President, we don't.
PRESIDENT: We can make atomic bombs, go to Mars
and we can't understand their science?
WM CASEY: Adviser #4?
ADVISER #4: Mr President, their technology is
probably 1,000 years more advanced than ours ...
maybe even more. They have different materials to
work with. Some of their materials are not found
on this planet.
PRESIDENT: What do you mean, like iron or
ADVISER #4: Yes, Mr President. We found many
metals and other things that are not found on this
planet. Maybe they have more than 104 elements or
maybe they are different than ours.
PRESIDENT: The hostile ones or the Ebens?
ADVISER #4: Mr President that goes for each
species although the Ebens do have similar
elements as [those found on] Earth. But the
Trantaloids have strange materials ... nothing
like [those found on] Earth. These ALIENS CAN
However, they are not blond, but UGLY-LOOKING
PRESIDENT: Insects, did you say that?
ADVISER #4: Yes, do you have a photograph?
The CARETAKER: Yes, hold on.
WM CASEY: They are pretty nasty looking.
PRESIDENT: Well, they would stand out.
ADVISER #4: No, Mr President, as I said THEY
PRESIDENT: How in the world do they do that? It
took a lot of makeup to make me look good in the
movies. (loud laughter heard)
ADVISER #4: Well, Mr President, I can assure
you they don't use makeup, at least not like we
would. They have the ability to change their
bodies. As I said before, they are 1,000 years
ahead of us in technology and probably every other
PRESIDENT: They can be killed?
ADVISER #4: Yes, they are just flesh and blood,
like a human body. They can be killed. But their
spaceships have a force field around them. They
can be shot down, but it takes some doing on our
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have to use a
small-style nuclear missile to shoot them down,
but we haven't actually done that yet. We have
experimented in Nevada on the captured craft we
have of theirs.
PRESIDENT: My God, I hope we haven't used
atomic missiles. What does that mean?! I have to
give that order!
ADVISER #1: Excuse me, but Mr President, no, we
haven't used any nuclear missiles to shoot down
any alien flying craft. I think Adviser #4 and the
Director mean that if we had to shoot one down,
for instance ... if a group of them attacked us.
PRESIDENT: Is that likely?
ADVISER #1: No, I don't think so.
PRESIDENT: Can we intercept their radio
transmissions? Do we know their language?
ADVISER #1: We know or we can recognize their
language, which is entirely different than the
Ebens. They use a very high-band radio system. But
they have different frequencies and it is
difficult for NSA to track them.
PRESIDENT: Maybe we should call Captain Kirk?!
(loud laughter) Oh, a little humor is good in any
situation! (loud laughter)
ADVISER #1: OK, Mr President, I'll call Scotty!
(more laughter)
PRESIDENT: Yeah, maybe [Gene] Roddenberry
ADVISER #1: Our air defenses are as best
prepared as we can be against any form of an
attack by this group.
PRESIDENT: How do we do that? I mean, our
pilots. Do they know?
ADVISER #1: Not exactly. But we have a system
to cover any threat.
PRESIDENT: A war plan?
ADVISER #1: Like I said earlier, yes, Mr
President, we do have war plans just for this
event or possible event.
PRESIDENT: OK. Well, I think that is enough for
one day. Bill, set something up for tomorrow to
finish this.
WM CASEY: OK, Mr President. I'll get with
ADVISER #2 and Michael [Deaver].
PRESIDENT: I want to thank everyone for a very
thorough briefing. I was educated beyond belief. I
will have a different attitude every time I look
up in the sky.