The Martha Stewart Culinary Herb Garden at the NYBG and My Favorite Summer
Last weekend, I
attended the opening of the Edible Garden at the New
York Botanical Garden in
Bronx, New York. Last winter, Gregory Long, who runs the NYBG, asked me if I
would be interested in being a part of this project. I, of course, told him
to count me in and said I would be very pleased to create a Culinary
Herb Garden. I enlisted my
team of garden experts and we set out to redesign the NYBG's historic Nancy
Bryan Luce Herb Garden, which had previously been planted with mostly
medicinal herbs. Our new design includes more than 50 types of culinary
herbs from around the world, including French tarragon, sorrel, English
thyme, Italian parsley, Mexican cilantro, Greek oregano, and Japanese
saltwort. All of these wonderful herbs were donated by my friend, Sal
Glibertie, who is the largest herb plant grower in the country.
It was a
fun-filled day with talks from experts in the local and sustainable food
movement and demonstrations by world-renowned chefs. I took part in a panel
discussion and then made some of my favorite summer
cocktails with an herbal
Dee Finney's blog
start date July 20, 2011
today's date January 22, 2013
page 429
1-22-13 - NAP DREAM - I was removing the description, in minute details of at
least 100 liines of an English flower-herb garden, and intending to paste it
onto another page.
I knew as soon as I woke up, I'd never be able to go from the living room to
my office and make that work for real.
Pattern Making with
Herb Garden Design
Ready to plant an herb garden? Whether you are growing medicinal herbs or
planning a kitchen herb garden, herb garden design is a wonderful medley oftraditional
garden design and vegetable
garden design. It uses both perennial and annual plants decoratively, but
with a plant palette selected for usefulness.
In our herb
garden primer, we touched on
combinations of herbs that have similar light and soil moisture requirements and
can be therefore be interplanted easily.
Here, we focus on specific classic herb garden design layouts: the formal herb knot
garden, an herb garden
wheel, and the more informal English
cottage garden style. We'll also
include hints for the container gardener, because a balcony is big enough!
Herbal Knot Garden Design
"knot" in Celtic knot gardens usually comes from the knotting of the garden
paths. A very simple version of this is shown in this diagram. While I've seen
this attempted with very different materials, like grass and brick, I find it
more appealing when the two paths have something in common, perhaps flagstone
and pea gravel.
The example paths in this diagram give us 9 beds into which we can plant herbs.
This is handy as it allows us to cluster them by soil moisture.
Most often, each bed will be edged in something low growing. If you live
somewhere with mild winters, this could be nasturtiums, or, if you are somewhat
further north,rosemary or
lavender. The truly northern will do best with some sort of creepingthyme.
This will survive the cold and provide you with more structure in your winter
herb garden design.
You neither need to nor should try to do something entirely different within
each square. Rhythym is
an essential part of design.
we have two planted our herb garden design squares in two entirely different
patterns. Let's pretend the striped one is herbs that like water, and the
concentric squares are drier more drought tolerant herbs.
By placing these two patterns into the 9 squares of the
garden design, a lovely herb garden design blooms. Notice the center
garden bed? Here, I've mixed the
two square patterns by using the water loving herbs but in the layout I'd used
for the drought-tolerant herbs. I might even leave out that most center square
and place a bay laurel tree on a small soil uplift here instead.
If you have a number of potted
plants that go outside each
summer, the bed centers or corners are logical spots to embellish with a
houseplant, but consider the path "ends" too. A potted plant at the visual end
of a path cuts off the wandering eye. The visitor's gaze will instead bounce
back into the garden itself and spend more time admiring what you've built.
Herb Garden Wheel Layout
herb garden wheel follows the same general pattern of the herb knot garden: beds
edges treating similarly, garden bed interiors planted with herbs of similar
garden maintenance needs. One new twist on that the herb garden wheel often
takes is to consider topography, or the physical undulation of the garden
Any good garden design, herb or otherwise, places drought tolerant plants at the
top of a slope, and water lovers at the bottom. The herb garden wheel often
intentionally creates a high center.
One cound plant an herb garden mound's center with rosemary or another
drought-tolerant standing-water hater, and then use that (rosemary, etc) to cast
a little shade over herbs that prefer partial shade, which are all cleverly
planted on the north side of the mound.

There is a common variant of the herb garden wheel in small gardens, but I do
not know it's formal name. I have heard one friend refer to it as an herbal
spiral mound. In a
traditional garden wheel, a considerable percentage of the garden can be
dominated by the paths that form each spoke. This was efficient when it was the
scholarly medicinal herb
gardening of 1500s Mexico and
Italy, whose garden's diameter's measured as much as 30 and 50 feet across.

To reduce the amount of the herb garden design dedicated to garden paths, the
small garden treats the wheel as a single bed unit, with the edging around the
"tire" of the wheel, rather than each spoke. The garden path then spirals in,
looping the central mound not quite the full distance. If space permits, several
small knobby 'culs-de-sac' dot the outer arch of the path.
This configuration maximizes the garden bed edges, putting everything in easy
reach, while minimizing the garden path. This same tactic is of phenomenal use
when considering the arrangement
of pots of herbs. By clustering
like plants in different pots, you'll create masses that more easily catch and
hold the eye.
Herb Borders a la English Cottage Garden Design
The final in-the-ground herb garden design to be presented here is the English
cottage garden, also known as the English border garden or a grandmother's
garden. This is an adaptation for herbal garden designs of a style more commonly
associated with herbaceous flowers. Never fear, there are a number of edible
flowers and you are welcome to create an herb garden with flowers, too.
Cottage gardens fit themselves into a range of sites sizes as they were
originally a component of vast estates, and anything feels small after that much
space. They are boisterous, exuberant, and best suited for gardeners who like
things to look 'abundant' rather than 'tidy'.
The key to a successful border is, again, rhythym. Yes, different spots within
the border are often getting slightly different amounts of sun and water, but
you can repeat "purple bloom" without necessarily repeating "chives" every
Rhythym requires mass: a volume of the same plants clustered together to give
considerably more impact than a single plant could. The only exception to this
rule is a white bloom, which can punctuate space, especially at twilight, all by

Perhaps you are a pesto lover. Fresh basil pesto
is one of the defining flavors of summer, and, frozen in little tubs in the
freezer, will knock your snowboots off in the winter. If this sounds like you,
then consider snaking clusters of basil and
oswego tea (a edible, red-flowered meadow edge plant) along the center of your
border, as in the diagram above.
With that "snake" having defined little pocket gardens, you cluster other
shorter plants, such as oregano and thyme,
toward the path edge, and tall dills,
lovage, and hollyhocks (also an edible flower) toward the garden wall.
What? No garden wall? If your garden
bed is meant to viewed from all
sides, cluster the taller plants in the middle and fade to shorter at the edges.
WARNING: Do not put the very shortest plants on the far corners of a
This is a spot vulnerable to being kicked or stomped on. You'll want to put
something larger and less "oops-able" on the corners.
Like all this talk of massing plants? James van Sweden and Wolfgang Oehme, of
the D.C. landscape architecture firm Oehme van Sweden, have dubbed this
evolution of the more staccato garden borders of designers Gertrude Jekyll and
Beatrix Farrand the New American
Armed with these herb garden layout diagrams, all you need now to plant
an herb garden is our planting
guide, which has the specific
light, soil, and moisture references for all the most common herbs, more all the
Return to
the top of Pattern
Making with Herb Garden Design
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Forward to the Planting
or the Basic
Herb Garden

Utility blended with beauty. Cottage
gardens started out as a
practical means to a necessary end. In France, they were calledUn
jardin potager. In Early American history, they were called Kitchen
Gardens. During World War II, they were called Victory Gardens.
But, it is the image of the
quaint English thatched cottage with a riot of colorful flowers just
outside the front door that is most often associated with the term Cottage
Cottage gardens were first
defined as land that was worked by the owner. Fresh fruits and
vegetables were often miles away. Thus, these little postage stamp
gardens were originally planted with utilitarian plants like fruit trees
and vegetables. Sometimes the lowly herb was included, almost as an
afterthought. These herbs were often more of a medical necessity than
the seasoning to make a grand meal.
As life progressed and
access to fresh produce and modern medicines improved, these gardens
started to include more flowers. Today, the image of a cottage garden
conjures up copious amounts of fabulous flowers flowing around the
garden gate and spilling over the arbor. Many old timer plants are free
seeders and produce babies for the next year
in great quantity. These can be moved or left depending on your desire
and energy level! The six flowers/herbs below are carefree and perfect
to get your own cottage garden up and growing. They will survive the
winter in zone 5 and up.

Lavender: (Lavandula
Fragrant, beautiful, edible and
easy to care for, English
Lavenders look good
planted in mass, singly as a focal point., or, as in this garden, with
other plants of complimentary colors and textures. Lavenders like good
drainage and full sun. In humid climates, consider planting them in
mounds or raised beds and leave air space between it and its neighbor.
Lavender wands may be harvested anytime, but the best quality buds are
harvested when the flowers have opened about a third of the way down the
stalk. By the second fall, English
Lavenders need to be
pruned back into the leaves. Shaping the plant at this time will produce
a tidy bloomer in the spring. Never cut back into wood that shows no
leaves. The plant may or may not force new growth. Lavender can be used
in a variety of ways in the kitchen. A simple recipe is to make Lavender
sugar by taking several lavender wands and covering with sugar for a
week. Keep tightly closed and use for tea or coffee.
See below for our book
suggestion to learn more about Lavenders.

Nepeta---Catmint: (Nepeta
Not to be confused with its
feline pleasing cousin, catnip, Catmint is
a beautiful ornamental plant with a fragrance reminiscent of cinnamon
stick. A herbaceous perennial, the new growth of Catmint is
some of the first to show itself in the spring. With spires of purplish
blue flowers in late spring and again in early fall, this is a prime
nectar source for butterflies. When the first flush of flowering is
through in the spring, cut the plant back almost to the ground.

Cinderella Micro
Miniature Rose: (Rosa
Romantic roses spilling over and
around the garden in their carefree way provide mind's image that is
often associated with Cottage Gardens. However, many of our modern
gardens are smaller which makes the miniature
rose the perfect
choice. This rose blooms early in spring and keeps on blooming its
perfectly petite pale pink blooms right up until frost. Since
Cinderella can grow to three feet and blooms so prolifically, it
provides a lot of focus in the garden which is what cottage gardening is
all about. |

Susan: (Rudbeckia
Hardy to zone 3, Black-Eyed
Susan blooms great masses
of yellow petal wonders. As a cut flower, they last a week or more in
the vase. As a dried flower, their black center cone adds and
interesting dimension to wreaths and bouquets.
Bloom starts late spring and
ends at frost. Cutting them back in mid summer helps to promote autumn
bloom. Leave some flowers to go to seed and your garden will have more
Black Eyed Susans the next spring.

Feverfew: (Tanacetum
Masses of white daisies on
plants that readily fill in whatever spot they can find makes Feverfew one
of the thriftiest for the garden. Bouquets of flowers can be taken in
the house throughout the summer. Rejuvenate the plant mid to late summer
by cutting back to about six inches or where new growth is coming up
from the ground. Leave some flowers to set seeds for the next spring if
you want loads of feverfew plants.

Veronica: (Veronica
Veronicas are
straight spikes of pure color. A good choice for the front of the
garden, Veronica is
a carefree long lived herbaceous perennial. Cutting the spikes back
almost to the ground after the first bloom, will encourage a second
bloom in the fall.
Additional Cottage Herb
Garden Plants: Achillea,
Echinacea, Eryngium, Fennel, Digitalis, Gaillardia, Gypsophylla, Lovage,
Mullein, Parsley, Rudbeckia, and just about any other flowering plant or
culinary herb!
by Ellen Phillips
by James Adams
by Twigs Way
by Stephen
by Kay N. Sanecki
by Rosemary Verey
by Robert Kourik
Excellent information on varieties of Lavender
and cooking with Lavender
by Andrew
Hands on information for using Lavender
and Feverfew medicinally
by Phyllis
Extensive crafting information for everything from
Lavender wands to Lavender sachet.
Herb Gardening Basics 101

A formal English knot garden features standard herbs such as rosemary, oregano
and thyme with a focal point, such as a sculpture, in the center.
According to the 2006 National Gardening Survey, more than 14 million households
in the United States grow herbs -- in vegetable and perennial gardens, in
containers, or on windowsills. And with good reason! In addition to their
obvious role in cooking, herbs are also attractive and add color, interesting
textures and forms, and rich or subtle fragrances to the home and garden.
Uses for Herbs
The most popular use for herbs is in cooking, and nearly every recipe can be
enhanced with the addition of appropriate herbs. Can you imagine tomato sauce
without oregano? Thanksgiving stuffing without sage? Some dishes are defined by
the herbs they contain -- pesto without basil just isn't pesto!
Herbs have many other uses as well. Many types make wonderful teas, either
individually or combined in blends. Chamomile makes a soothing tea for unwinding
after a hard day. Bee balm (Monarda)
makes a tangy tea with citrus overtones. And in addition to being tasty, mint
teas aid in digestion.
Many herbs are also believed to have medicinal properties. The echinacea that
has become popular as a cold remedy is extracted from the purple coneflower, a
common garden perennial.
Of course many gardeners grow herbs simply because they are attractive and
durable plants. Bee balm not only makes a tasty tea, it is also a reliable
perennial with lovely red, pink, or white flowers. And chamomile's daisy-like
blooms brighten up any sunny border.

Bee balm (Monarda)
is an attractive herb that butterflies and hummingbirds love as well. The
flowers and leaves make an excellent tea.
Where to Plant
Plant herbs where you can get to them easily for frequent harvesting, especially
if you plan to use them in cooking. Consider planting a special kitchen garden
near the house, so you can readily harvest herbs, greens, and other frequently
used crops. You can also grow herbs in containers or even window boxes.
Most herbs prefer full sun -- at least 6 hours per day. Herbs that will tolerate
some light shade include chives, cilantro, dill, and mint. Remember that if you
plant perennial herbs in the vegetable garden, keep them in a separate section
so you'll be sure to avoid them during spring and fall tilling.
Types of Herbs
Like all garden plants, herbs can be categorized as annual, perennial, or
biennial. Annual plants grow for only one season and so must be planted each
spring. Perennials live for several years. Their foliage dies back in the fall,
but the roots overwinter and resume growth the following spring. And biennials
grow for two years, growing foliage the first season, overwintering, then
forming seeds and dying back at the end of the second season.
Here are some examples of each type of herb.
Annual Herbs
Perennial Herbs*
lemon balm
*These may not be hardy in all regions of the country. Check zone ratings.
Parsley is one of the few common herbs that is a biennial. However, unless you
want to harvest the seed, you can treat it like an annual and plant new plants
each season.

Chives not only produce mild, onion-flavored leaves, the flowers are beautiful
and edible as well.
Herb Garden Design
Herbs can be grown with other plantings or in their own garden. You can create a
traditional, formal herb garden with two paths intersecting at the center to
create four symmetrical gardens. Each section can feature herbs grouped by
theme, such as culinary herbs, medicinal herbs, and aromatic herbs. Try to grow
herbs with similar growing requirements together for easier maintenance. You can
decorate the center intersection with a pot or urn filled with attractive herbs.
The paths can be edged with landscape edging, bricks, stone, or even well-
trimmed, woody herbs such as lavender.
Even though a formal herb garden is attractive, most gardeners would rather mix
herbs in with other flower or vegetable plantings or grow them in containers.
When growing herbs with other plantings, be sure they have enough room to expand
and won't get shaded by tall plants.
Herbs make great container plants. To grow herbs successfully in containers or
window boxes, you'll need a pot that has adequate drainage holes. Use fresh
potting soil each year and keep the container well watered and fertilized. Try
different combinations such as purple-leaved basils mixed with creeping thyme,
or silver-leafed sage planted with curled-leafed parsley. Large perennial herbs,
such as rosemary and lavender, can have their own pot and be over wintered
indoors in cold climates. You'll be amazed at how attractive and useful these
potted herbs can be.
Soil Requirements
In general, herbs prefer a moderately rich soil. An overly rich soil (or
excessive fertilizing) can lead to vigorous growth. However, many people find
that the flavor of overfertilized herbs is bland, probably due to reduced
essential oil content.
Many culinary herbs, such as thyme and oregano, are of Mediterranean heritage
and are accustomed to growing in gravely soils. The soil in your herb garden
should have excellent drainage. If yours doesn't, consider growing your herbs in
raised beds or containers.

Culinary herbs with different leaf textures and colors are best grown close to
the house where they can be easily harvested and enjoyed for their beauty.
Caring for Herb Plants
Most herbs will thrive with about 1 inch of water a week, similar to other
vegetable plants. Herbs in raised beds and containers will dry out more quickly
than those planted directly in the garden and may need more frequent watering.
Keep garden beds weeded, especially early in the season as plants are getting
established. If you have fertile soil, you won't need to add much fertilizer to
herbs grown in the garden. For those in containers, you'll need to add a dilute,
complete fertilizer such as 10-10-10 to keep the leaves green and plants growing
Once established, most herb plants are remarkably resistant to insect and
disease attack. The oils that give them their aroma and flavor likely evolve to
repel pests. However, keep an eye out for insects such as aphids, and diseases
such as powdery mildew.
Harvesting Herbs
Harvest herbs by cutting back a shoot to just above a leaf. This will both
provide you with a harvest and encourage nice, bushy growth on the remaining
plant. In general, an herb's flavor is most pronounced when it is harvested just
before the plant begins to flower and in the morning when the essential oils are
most concentrated.
Heavily harvested herb plants can look untidy. Consider interplanting herb
beds with annual flowers to camouflage the trimmed plants.
Herbs can provide important habitat for beneficial insects. Dill and fennel
are two herbs beneficial insects particularly like.
Perennial mints, including spearmint, applemint, and peppermint, are very
vigorous and can become invasive. Rather than planting them directly in the
garden, grow the plants in containers, then sink the containers into the
garden. This will contain the roots and limit spreading.
Perennial herbs that are not hardy in your region can be overwintered
indoors, then brought back outdoors in the spring. For example, in USDA
Zones 7 and colder, bring rosemary and lavender plants indoors in late fall.
Maintain them in a cool, bright spot over the winter, and move them outdoors
again in the spring. In USDA Zones 8 and warmer, rosemary and lavender can
be left outdoors year-round.
Other Great Herb Stories
Herbs in a Pot
Overwintering Herbs
Herbes de Provence
Herbal Tea Recipe
Culinary herbs for your English Garden
Mingling herbs with vegetables and flowers is the traditional way to create
an English cottage garden. However, you might also plant a few herbs near
the kitchen door so you have the convenience of quickly cutting them while
you’re cooking.
Try these traditional herbs for an English garden. Most like a sunny spot
unless otherwise noted.
Basil – Ocimum basilicum
is an annual that gets up to 18 inches tall. Wonderful for salads and
Bay – Laurus nobilis –
Evergreen shrub which can get over 20 feet tall unless pruned. Hardy to Zone
7. Add dried leaves to soups, stews, beans.
Borage –Borago officinalis
is a hardy annual that gets a foot tall. Deep blue flowers are a lovely
garnish for salads and drinks.
Chives – Allium
schoenprasum is an onion-flavored perennial that grows to a foot tall. Add
the leaves to soups, salads and omelets; the flowers add a nice touch to
salads and also dry well for
Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum), as you might expect, have a garlic flavor.
Dill Anethum graveolens is
an annual that reaches 2 feet and adds an anise flavor to salads, fish, and
Fennel – Foeniculum
vulgare is a perennial that will add height to your garden, and a licorice
flavor to your soups, salads and fish. Flowers dry well.
Lemon balm Melissa
officinalis is perennial and gets to 3 feet tall and is lovely in tea cakes,
sauces, tea or lemonade. It’s in the Mint family, so it will get invasive –
cut off the seed heads before they dry.
Lovage Levisticum
officinale is a hardy perennial that can grow to 3 feet. Use seeds for bread
or salads, leaves for soups and casseroles.
Mints Mentha species are
hardy perennials growing up to 3 foot and can be very invasive. Grow in a
container, or cut the seed heads before they dry and fall.
Oregano Origanum species
is a hardy perennial that grows up to a foot. Add to tomato sauces and
Parsley Petroselinum
crispum is a hardy biennial so it will only last two years. Add to all kinds
of dishes and use as a breath freshener.
Rosemary – Rosarinus
occicinalis is a hardy (to Zone 6) evergreen perennial that can grow into a
small bush 3 to 5 feet. Use for meats, and to flavored butter, oil and
Sage – Salvia officinalis
gets to 2 feet tall. Use in stuffings, sausage, and pork. Try the leaves
battered and fried.
Sweet Woodruff Galium
odoratum or Asperula odorata can be used as a ground cover in the shade.
It’s traditionally used to make wine or tea.
Thyme the thymus species
is a low growing evergreen shrub that can be used in a wide variety of
Using Herbs in an English Garden
The fragrance and texture of herbs are an important part of any English
garden. If you like to cook, they’ll give you the
bonus of
flavoring your meals.
Where to plant herbs
Herbs are frequently scattered throughout
English garden, rather than just in one bed. This is especially true in
the English Cottage Garden style of gardening. You could also plant them
throughout your vegetable garden so you can gather your harvest all in one
place. Or plant them near your kitchen door so you can easily snip a few
while you’re cooking.
For a more formal herb garden, plant all the herbs in one bed with a focal
point in the middle. The focal point could be a tall herb such as dill or
lemon verbena, or a sundial, or an urn with herbs planted in it. Or you
might find an herb such as rosemary trained into a topiary spiral to use as
a focal point. For a larger focal point, you could use a rose, bay, or dwarf
fruit tree on a standard.
A large herb garden lends itself well to a formal geometric shape like a
circle or diamond of boxwood with the herbs inside. For a less formal look,
you could use catmint, germander (Teucrium chamaedrys), cotton lavender
(Santolina), rosemary or lavender as your border instead of boxwood. These
plants are less formal because they sprawl a bit more. So if you like a very
tidy look, stick with boxwood.
Large herb gardens should have at least one path to make it easy to reach
your herbs and to weed.
If you have a bench anywhere in your garden, plant some low-growing herbs
such as chamomile and thyme under the seat. These can take some light foot
traffic, so they can also be used along a path. And, of course, they’ll
release their scent as you walk on them.
Most herbs like full sun, so make sure they get at least six hours of sun
per day. In the hottest areas of the country, plant them in a spot where
they’ll get some afternoon shade.
They also like well-drained soil so be sure to place them where they won’t
be sitting in wet spots.
Herbs don’t like to be battered by wind, so place them in a somewhat
protected spot.
How to plant herbs
Most herbs like a neutral soil PH, so if your soil is acid, add some lime
and / or mushroom manure to the soil. If your soil is alkaline, add some
garden sulfur or peat moss.
Also add some well-rotted compost and a little sand to the soil to help
create a nice, organic base.
Add some color to your herb garden by planting edible flowers like
nasturtiums, borage, and pot marigolds.
Pronounce Herb with a hard “H” to be really English!

Alice Bowe - English Landscape Garden Design
Alice Bowe is an award winning English
landscape and garden designer with particular expertise in sustainable
landscape architecture and green garden design.
Alice’s design office is based in Birmingham and we typically serve clients
in Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire,
Rutland, Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire.
We are happy to work further afield, nationally or internationally, by
Alice writes regularly for The Times and The Garden Design Journal as well
as running a successful Garden Design Studio (www.alicebowe.co.uk)
and the garden accessory shop Garden Boutique (www.gardenboutique.co.uk)
Her contemporary garden designs, painterly planting schemes and
garden design accessories
have been featured in numerous publication including: Gardens Illustrated,
New York Spaces, The English Garden, Homes and Gardens, Eve Magazine and
House Beautiful.
Some of her recent projects are profiled below.
This contemporary garden design in Nottinghamshire was built to complement
the bold architecture of a modern double-storey glass extension.

The new garden was designed to balance the large open plan spaces and
changes of levels inside the property whilst providing both a dramatic view
to look upon and a tranquil space to inhabit. A major challenge of this
contemporary garden design project was to create a space intimate enough to
be a private family garden yet capable of hosting large parties.

The main planting follows the same bold sweep of the landscape design with a
matrix of grasses punctuated by a succession of bulbs. In late winter, the
garden is dominated by a swathe of over 8,000 snowdrops, which are followed
by purple crocus and pale dwarf narcissus. As these begin to fade, the
translucent Molinia grows steadily up throughout the summer, colouring
butternut in late summer. This changes the whole dynamic of this Nottingham
garden by enclosing spaces that were previously open.

This simple, dramatic planting is obliquely balanced by generous mixed
herbaceous borders in rainbow colours. This tranquil garden cleverly blends
clean modern lines with traditional country garden themes and is lit at
night to create spectacular views from inside the house.

Although this mature shady Leicestershire garden felt very secluded and
private, over half of the available garden space was not used as it was
deemed ‘difficult’ and the planting was dated and showed no seasonal change.
One of the difficult areas was transformed into a sunny courtyard garden
bursting at the seams with old-fashioned roses, lavender and other cottage
garden favourites.

To add to the confusion (and because of the way the village had been annexed
by the city) the original front of the house was in the back garden and the
back of the house was now the front!

Blue bricks reclaimed from the original garden were incorporated into the
new hard landscaping - stone paths edged the large lawn setting off the
mature mulberry tree just off centre. The borders were widened and replanted
in cream and green with hydrangea ‘Annabel’, scented dwarf lilac and other
woodland plants. This gentle planting transforms in the autumn into rich
autumnal reds.
To create an instant effect of maturity, fully grown yew hedges were
installed throughout the project – an expensive but immediate solution! This
Modern English garden design was constructed in Leicestershire in Spring
2007 and planted in summer 2007. These photos were taken only 2 months after
planting and yet already show some degree of maturity returning.
This cottage garden design of garden rooms – comprises a prairie garden,
traditional herbaceous borders and drought tolerant gravel garden. A gently
mounding prairie planting was designed as a colourful yet informal
compliment to the sweeping gravel drive which approaches this Oxfordshire
This garden design takes the colour wheel as its theme, rotating through the
colours with the seasons. In early summer, the inky stems of Salvia nemorosa
‘Caradonna’ lead the eye towards the large
globes of alliums that
punctuate a sea of Stipa tenuifolia.

By late summer, the rich autumnal reds of the Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ pick up on
the deeper tints of the distant Hydrangea and soft spires of Persicaria
amplexicaulis ‘Firetail’. This saturated colour scheme is further tempered
by the gentle drifts of pink-spired Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Rosea’
The autumnal brightness of this Oxfordshire Prairie garden then mellows to
reveal the beiges and browns of dead structure ready to be christened with
In another part of the garden - glimpsed through an eighteenth century
archway - the previously abandoned walled garden was transformed into a
scented herb garden: shimmering with light inflorescences and textural
accents of colour.

The simple quadripartite design recalls moorish gardens and the gravel mulch
keeps maintence to a minimum. Long flowering thymes, perovskia and salvias
provide evocative scent and warm colour, while mounds of low growing
erigeron daisy’s cascade onto intercepting herringbone-patterned paths.

Traditional wide herbaceous borders and walls of reclaimed brick flank a
croquet lawn in another garden room. The large heart shaped purple leaves of
Cercis canadensis lifted by white verbascum, and hebe are intensified by the
velvety rich red rose bushes.

This traditional country garden design used natural reclaimed garden
materials to give it an immediate sense of history and maturity. Combined
with it’s classic design, it looks like it has always been there.
A Traditional English country garden design in Nottingham complements this
large Edwardian townhouse with its terraced ‘garden rooms’ and sustainable
and eco-friendly design.

Pleached hedges and dry stone walls were used to create rooms within the
garden, whilst at the same time opening up views and sightlines to make the
space feel larger than it really is.

With the simple, structural skeleton of the garden design in place, the
sumptuous tapestries of planting could be added. The client is keen on
flower arranging and so that planting has been designed with plants that not
only look excellent in the border but also have a long life as cut flowers.
Wide borders of painterly planting are framed by the hedges and walls of the
garden design – each ‘room’ a subtle variation on the colour scheme of the
previous - so a whole palette of plants for cutting are available.

Keen to maintain an organic management scheme in the garden, a hidden
composting area is also included – and beneficial birds, butterflies and
insects are encouraged with carefully sited bird boxes, feeders and
habitats. Tempting natural predators such as ladybirds and lacewings to make
a home in your garden improves biodiversity and can cut down on the work
required to maintain a garden.
The highest point of the garden is home to the woodland garden which really
comes into it’s own in the winter months. From the bench in this informal
winter garden, you have a perfect view across the entire scheme. A scented
winter walk leads around the garden so that even on a cold day, there is
something to tempt you out into the garden.
The planting palette for this garden includes scented witch hazels,
magnolias and the semi-evergreen viburnum x burkwoodii alongside multi-stem
amelanchiers. Groundcover perennials include ajuga ‘Catlins Giant’,
Pulmonaria ‘Sissinghurst White’, Asplenium scolopendrium ‘Cristatum’ and
Dryopteris erythrosora.

The Herb Garden at Hardstoft, Pilsley is one of the most important in the
country. Its rare and unusual herbs, the historical interest of its physic
garden and the sweet-scented lavender and pot pourri gardens have made it a
favourite destination in the area for over 25 years.
The Herb Garden was established in 1983 by previous owners Lynne and Steve
Raynor, who retired in 2011. It is now being re-launched by its new owners,
Enable Housing
Association, and will be fully open to the public in spring 2012.
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Also learn about herbal medicines and if
you have space, grow some of your own - most are perennials and once
you get the plant growing, its yours for as long ...
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12-18-05 - DREAM - I was living at my 16th St.
house. It was early morning and I was getting ready for school. I
was talking on the phone to a long distance friend ...
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The oral cavity is rich in blood vessels and
lymphatics, and allows for rapid absorption of herbs and
nutrients into the systemic circulation. Tyler Encapsulations ...
You +1'd this publicly.
health and well being ... care physicians/other health care
practitioners wishing to integrate herbal therapy ...
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People need to store up herbs and things
for natural healing and health care. ... Soon they are going
to stop the sale of many vitamins and herbs, or make them
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Any suggestions made and all herbs listed
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure .... In case of an
acute infection use : Ozone, Bob Beck's Silver Pulser, Herbal
You +1'd this publicly.
Radical Focus draws on the Indian herbal
traditions of Native North America; the mix is enhanced with
Spirulina, and is a natural blend of ingredients that .
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Herbs and Survival Database · Companion
Planting ... InterGarden Herb Page · Environment
... Henriette's Herbal Homepage · Sustainable Farming
Connection ...
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Jan 7, 2013 – HENRIETTE'S
book. HERB NET - The Herb Growing and Marketing
Network: GROWING YOUR ...
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You +1'd this publicly.
Aug 14, 2009 – So I threw
the tea herbs into the blender, sifted things, and made
syrup pills from the finer powder. The coarser remains of the tea
blend still ...
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He remembered the aliens telling his grandmother
that they were interested in learning about her knowledge of
medicinal herbs. And they offered to exchange ...
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Genesis 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring
forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit {tree}
yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon
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She knew a great deal about herbs, was an
accomplished basket weaver, farmer and midwife. She also served as
an attendant during many Sunrise Dances.
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Sep 28, 2002 – Thanks to a
Canadian herb mix called Radical Focus, I learned something
which has been confusing me about these dream visions I have ...
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May herbs be wholesome, and may trees
plants bring peace to all. May all beneficent beings bring peace to
us. May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through ...
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Apr 22, 2003 – Nurse Rene
Caisse, discoverer of the Essiac herbal formula, helped
hundreds at her clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada. What is
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Later this herb is planted in the center
of the nation's hoops, in other words in the encampment. In another
part of his vision, from the highest point in the world, ...
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Techniques used include physical approaches to
illness such as therapeutic herbs, dietary recommendations,
sweatbathing, massage, cauterization and ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Dec 20, 2011 – TOPIC: THE
FDA - RAW FOODS AND HERBS. I just happened to come across
this article from an e-mail I received several months ago and ...
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Jul 21, 2011 – In the lobby
of this building, we will provide all manner of health products and
herbs to enable people to have better health and longevity.
On the ...
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It involves application of a "remarkable"
herbal powder to acupoints. Acupressure .... It involves
bodywork, diet, vitamin supplements, and herbs. Supposedly
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These gardens contained all the most sacred plants
and herbs that had survived ... These plants and
herbs were of a very high vibration, and there were certain
You +1'd this publicly.
herbs, acupuncture, a lunar calendar and a
stylized form of glyph writing. He was killed by a stone from a
falling meteorite storm in 2697 b.c.
You +1'd this publicly.
A small octagonal center court in the home allows
for food stocks and herbs to be grown by the light of the
roof skylight plus access to the attic fish tanks which ...
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Sep 29, 2012 – In Japan, the
first greenhouse was built in 1880 by Samuel Cocking, a British
merchant who exported herbs.
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Feb 10, 2011 – Herbs
and Survival Database · Companion Planting .... HERB
NET - The Herb Growing and Marketing Network: GROWING YOUR
You +1'd this publicly.
She also had the ability to use song and herbs
to help heal people and was considered a Shaman. After Victorio's
death, Lozen continued to ride with Chief ...
You +1'd this publicly.
discoveries emerging about the ways that
nutritional supplements, herbs and foods that can benefit
your health. ---Hyperhealth shows you how! Retard the aging ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Sep 20, 2012 – Empty flower
pots and plant tomatoes, potatoes, squash, and herbs, as an
example, and fertilize them organically. Put live plants in the home
You +1'd this publicly.
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA)
attempts to remove unregulated energy herbs, vitamin
sources and other health foods from American diet.
You +1'd this publicly.
Could the ancients have mastered also the art of
generating certain types of dreams or dream states via certain
herbs, dreams that could put them in closer touch ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Ayurvedic medicine is a comprehensive system
placing equal emphasis on diet, exercise, meditation, massage and
herbs. One such herb, Mauna Puriens, ...
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Seven sacred herbs were gathered this day
by the Cherokee to make their purging/healing black drink. Seven
Cherokee women began a 7 day fast to bring ...
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Oct 12, 2011 – Herbs
and Survival Database. .... health database on this site
healing database on this site. herbal database on this
site. ...
You +1'd this publicly.
May 4, 1998 – Food supplies
of imperishable herbs were stored in sufficient quantities
which would enable the survivors to live underground until it was
safe ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Mar 1, 2012 – Techniques
used include physical approaches to illness such as therapeutic
herbs, dietary recommendations, sweatbathing, massage, ...
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Chi TCM Concentrate (30)- Contains 15 different
herbs that work together - See page ... LBSII Bowel
Cleanser (100)- 9 different herbs - see page for
description ...
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The same is true of ginkgo and many other herbs,
and only one government controlled ... It is now a criminal
offence in parts of Europe to sell herbs as foods.
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Herbal Information Center - Herbs,
Weight Control, Diet,Vitamins ... Herbalism guide to natural
healing with herbs, native american medicine, aromatherapy,
You +1'd this publicly.
Dec 14, 2011 – ...
http://www.eboards4all.com/735587/messages/77.html; 7 Herbs
for 7 Chakras - http://www.eboards4all.com/735587/messages/88.html;
New ...
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Nov 8, 2011 – HERBS.
REASON FOR USE. Wood Betony, Nourishes the Pineal, helps ...
Melatonic, Melatonin and herbs which nourish the pineal
gland ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Nov 10, 2012 – Bitter
Herbs.9 Later Judaism associated the bitter herbs with
the hardness of the Israelites' oppression. "They made their lives
bitter with hard ...
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29, 2012 updated 11-19-12. GREENHOUSES SURVIVAL
HEALTH HERBS GARDENING, page 357. October 28, 2012. COMET
168P. page 319. Sept. 29, 2012 ...
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I reached the front yard where the wildflowers were
blooming and he picked two big bouquets of white flowers and gave
them to me. These were special herbs.
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She works with herbs and flower remedies.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Yemaya Aura - Spirit healer. Her and her
people are primarily here to help healers.
You +1'd this publicly.
Feb 2, 1989 – As I was
showing him past what was going to be the warehouse full of
herbs and dried foods, the woman who came to greet us and Jim
saw ...
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The superiority of the mind over material aids is
undeniable, but the more limited healing power of food and herbs
and drugs is also undeniable.
You +1'd this publicly.
Oct 10, 2012 – Earlier this
year, spirit asked me to do some herbal pages so people
... Spirit evidently thought it was a good idea for me to know
about herbs.
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As with any herb (health) issue, it is
advised that your physician be made aware of your intention of using
it. Form & Size: Pure, Dried, Resin, Organic, This herb
You +1'd this publicly.
Nov 10, 2009 – Pomegranates
were found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and medical papyri of 1500 BC
indicate that pomegranates were used in herbal ...
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The New International Dictionary lists pharmakos as
a related term because herbs were traditionally gathered
and used for spells and to invoke spirits at magical ...
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Apr 17, 2001 – ''There are
three tresspasses of a hen in a herb garden: the
soft-swallowing of .... The herbs are sweet and no
manure or shells are needed.
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In admiration of the doctor's skills, however, Zeus
raised the doctor and the serpent from which he had first learned
the medicinal usefulness of certain herbs into ...
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Lord of Healing and magical herbs, known
as a symbol of thought and learning, of the arts, poetry, and all
things good and beautiful. Lord of Hope and Lord of ...
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As I was showing him past what was going to be the
warehouse full of herbs and ... He was offered an
herb drink It was burdock tea, which I have only recently
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Matthew 13:32 Which indeed is the least of all
seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs,
and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Aug 3, 2012 – Also learn
about herbal medicines and if you have space, grow some of
your own - most are perennials and once you get the plant growing,
You +1'd this publicly.
Also, I use homeopathy to work on the energetic
body, vitamins, herbs, and cold laser therapy. The therapy
depends entirely on individual needs. Much of what I ...
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2: For one believeth that he may eat all things:
another, who is weak, eateth herbs. 3: Let not him that
eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which ...
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Sep 13, 2012 – Nosotros Los
Esclavos. - Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and
Herbs. - Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron
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... least of all seeds: but when it is
grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree,
so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
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money banks card food people cash economy
businesses dennison fail financially herbs meditation move
silver storing tsosie underground, Dreams - "Two ...
You +1'd this publicly.
They also gathered wild plants and herbs
like beeweed, ground cherry, milkweed, cattail, wolf berry and
sedge grass. Permanent Anasazi pithouse settlements ...
You +1'd this publicly.
... to the streams of water, the pools, the
springs and the lakes, to the maize and the fruits, to the medicinal
herbs and trees, to the forest trees for their usefulness,
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Jan 12, 2001 – Steevia
extract, an herb which is a natural sweetener, .....
Herbs & Things, Jeanne Rose's Herbal, by Jeanne
Rose, 1983, ISBN 0-399-50944-5, ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Nov 26, 2011 – 1588 (5/28),
Scotland, Fifeshire, 1, Pearson, Alison, f, Burned (for receiving
herbs and potions from the Queen of Elfame) (Source:
Robbins, ...
You +1'd this publicly.
I saw a large white table with many herbs
growing in various pots and jars. I saw some people coming down a
long hall with glass on one side like at the airport.
You +1'd this publicly.
Nov 20, 2011 – Regulation of
herbs and dietary supplements. A White House Commission on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine was established in ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Sep 1, 2009 – The skin
should be honey colored rather than brown - it is this coloring of
the skin, rather than what wine or herbs you might add
later, that is ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jan 14, 2012 – Grow your own
veg, herbs and soft fruit to become self-sufficient ...
How to grow your own food, fruit and vegetables, salad and herbs
with ...
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Includes "Herbs and Plants in Celtic
Folklore," bibliography on Celtic art. The Significance of Celtic
Coinage · Celtic Twilight Website · Who Were the Celts?
You +1'd this publicly.
Apr 26, 2009 – When
apprehended these thieves disclosed the formula of herbs,
spices and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for more
lenient ...
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Feb 13, 2012 – Dr. Marijah
McCain, founder of the Herbal Healer Academy in Mountain
View, ..... Deep Health by Herbs, Etc.: this extract
contains many herbs ...
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Feb 12, 2006 – In Vedic
Sciences, Ayur-Veda includes herbs, energy healing, sound
and vibration therapy, the Science of Meditation, advanced Spiritual
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Aug 14, 2011 – http://India-Herbs.us
· http://Chickamauga-Cherokee.com · http://AmericanIndianTeaParty.com
· http://OriginalGhostDance.com ...
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Indian women bearing smoking pots of incense
brushed branches of herbs on the pontiff, Cardinal Norberto
Rivera Carrera and other prelates in a limpia ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Aug 17, 2008 – Earlier this
year, spirit asked me to do some herbal pages so people
... Spirit evidently thought it was a good idea for me to know
about herbs.
You +1'd this publicly.
I saw a large white table with many herbs
growing in various pots and jars. I saw some people coming down a
long hall with glass on one side like at the airport.
You +1'd this publicly.
Aug 1, 1993 – 8-9-93 - DREAM
- We should grow our own herbs for healing, including
marijuana. ...
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Apr 4, 2007 – And he shall
be mingled with dung and spread upon the earth, so that the
herbs of the earth may feed thereof and die; and he shall be
burnt ...
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Mar 4, 2012 – Because of its
herbal knowledge and entheogenic association the snake was
often considered one of the wisest animals, being (close to the)
You +1'd this publicly.
It turns out he is well versed in herbs
and minerals. Since our meeting three weeks ago, I have followed
Rogers suggestions and have been put on what is know ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Mar 3, 2012 – cupful each)
of the above fresh chopped and grated herbs. . Then fill
jar ... Cilantro - a very powerful herb use it in
Burritos or salsa. It binds with ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Dec 15, 2012 – Also, I use
homeopathy to work on the energetic body, vitamins, herbs,
and cold laser therapy. The therapy depends entirely on individual
You +1'd this publicly.
Psychology, Homeopathy, Astrology, Dream Analysis,
Herbs, Alternative Medicine ...
http://astrology.msn.com/thirdeye/dream. jung, carl -.
You +1'd this publicly.
Oct 7, 2006 – 1680 English
apothecary, Thomas Sydenham, introduces Sydenham's Laudanum, a
compound of opium, sherry wine and herbs. His pills ...
You +1'd this publicly.
These gardens contained all the most sacred plants
and herbs that had survived the Atlantean Deluge (Great
Flood). These plants and herbs were of a very .
You +1'd this publicly.
More Tribal lists for herbs · Native
American Clothing · Native American Ethnobotany Search for herbs
used by tribes, NA Flute Maker · Whirlwind flutes ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Oct 1, 2010 – I told her to
turn on the light so I could see better, and I couldn't find any
herbs in there - just makeup. ************** 10-27-10 - DREAM -
I met a ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jul 1, 2000 – I left the
store then, wanting to go to a drug store across town to buy some
herbs to help me lose weight. (I had a discussion with
another friend ...
You +1'd this publicly.
May 15, 1999 – merely a
"crone" or "witch"--but a Wise Woman whose knowledge of herbs
and stones, stars and waters is among the keys to the survival of
the ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Aug 26, 2000 – I left the
store then, wanting to go to a drug store across town to buy some
herbs to help me lose weight. (I had a discussion with
another friend ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jul 8, 2012 – Indian women
bearing smoking pots of incense brushed branches of herbs
on the pontiff, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera and other prelates
You +1'd this publicly.
Mar 1, 1998 – VOICE:
Something about herbs - Herbleen Mama. 3-6-98 - DREAM - I
..... Another person asked for herbal information
for healing. Another man ...
You +1'd this publicly.
These gardens contained all the most sacred plants
and herbs that had survived the Atlantean Deluge (Great
Flood). These plants and herbs were of a very .
You +1'd this publicly.
More Tribal lists for herbs · Native
American Clothing · Native American Ethnobotany Search for herbs
used by tribes, NA Flute Maker · Whirlwind flutes ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Oct 1, 2010 – I told her to
turn on the light so I could see better, and I couldn't find any
herbs in there - just makeup. ************** 10-27-10 - DREAM -
I met a ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jul 1, 2000 – I left the
store then, wanting to go to a drug store across town to buy some
herbs to help me lose weight. (I had a discussion with
another friend ...
You +1'd this publicly.
May 15, 1999 – merely a
"crone" or "witch"--but a Wise Woman whose knowledge of herbs
and stones, stars and waters is among the keys to the survival of
the ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Aug 26, 2000 – I left the
store then, wanting to go to a drug store across town to buy some
herbs to help me lose weight. (I had a discussion with
another friend ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jul 8, 2012 – Indian women
bearing smoking pots of incense brushed branches of herbs
on the pontiff, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera and other prelates
You +1'd this publicly.
Mar 1, 1998 – VOICE:
Something about herbs - Herbleen Mama. 3-6-98 - DREAM - I
..... Another person asked for herbal information
for healing. Another man ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Feb 4, 2012 – ...
however, Zeus raised the doctor and the serpent from which he had
first learned the medicinal usefulness of certain herbs
into the heavens.
You +1'd this publicly.
I disagreed totally and told her I had my own
credit card. I left the store then, wanting to go to a drug store
across town to buy some herbs to help me lose weight.
You +1'd this publicly.
Oct 3, 2007 – money banks
card food people cash economy businesses dennison fail financially
herbs meditation move silver storing tsosie underground
You +1'd this publicly.
May 1, 2010 – She remained
in the community for days, brewing a tea from forest herbs,
tending to the ill, weeping over the dead, and never sleeping.
You +1'd this publicly.
It had many different kinds of plants which I
assumed were weeds, but I then realized they were herbs and
should be saved, so I tried to put some of the already ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jan 17, 2009 – The three
herbs that are used for doing a parasite flush in conjunction
... Twelve specific clay baths, each bath enhanced with
herbs designed ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Dec 9, 2011 – I've recently
discovered Michael Tierra's recipe for garlic oil-it's in his book,
The Way of Herbs (Pocketbooks ... and he made a system of
rules of ...
You +1'd this publicly.
21:2, And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, Give me
thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs,
because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Also they were to bring herbs and roots
for the wife of Rabbi Hanina, and he taught her how to use them as
remedies for all varieties of disease. All this they ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Sep 7, 2012 – Many shamans
have expert knowledge of medicinal plants native to their area, and
an herbal treatment is often prescribed. In many places
You +1'd this publicly.
Jul 20, 2001 – In this
metaphor the leaves are used for healing, just as we have some
herbs upon earth now that are used for healing such as
eucalyptus and ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Jan 1, 2000 – It
had many different kinds of plants which I assumed were
weeds, but I then realized they were herbs and
should be saved, so I tried to put ...
You +1'd this publicly.
Dec 1, 2008 –
Proverbs: 15:17 Better 2896 [is] a dinner 737 of
herbs 3419 where love 160 is, than a stalled 75-7
ox 7794 and hatred 8135 therewith.
You +1'd this publicly.
Jan 8, 2009 –
Chayes, who organized a co-op of Afghan men and women
making skin care products from herbs and
botanicals as an alternative to the opium ...
You +1'd this publicly.
It had many different kinds of plants
which I assumed were weeds, but I then realized they
were herbs and should be saved, so I tried to
put some of the already ...
Herbs Over 400 healing herbs
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Life in the Soil
Soils Lecture Notes:
Davey Jone’s “Plant-Soil-Microbial and Rhizosphere Interactions” Home Page
Soil Biology and Soil Health:
The Microbe Zoo - Dirtland
The Soil Makers
Using Soil Fauna to Improve Soil Health
By Bonnie Witt
New Tests of Soil Quality: Evaluating the Health of Your Soil's Microbial
By Don Lotter
The Soil Foodweb: It's Importance in Ecosystem Health
By Dr. Elaine Ingham
Soil Foodweb Incorporated
Bacterial Food Resources
Fungal Food Resources
Protozoa Food Resources
Nematode Food Resources
Inocula of Bacteria and Fungi
NRCS Soil Quality Information Sheets
Soil Quality Resource Concerns
Microbiology of Agricultural Soils
The Health of Our Soils: Toward Sustainable Agriculture in Canada
Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Publication 1906/E. 1995.
Agronomy Technical Notes Series
Soil Quality Information Sheets
Soil Biodiversity -- NRCS Soil Quality Information Sheet
Recent Papers from NRCS
Earthworms and Crop Management
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. Publication AY-279.
Frequently Asked Questions About Earthworms
By Dr. Alan D. Tomlin, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
http://res.agr.ca/lond/pmrc/faq/earthwor.html#Reference Articles
Building Your Soil: The Role of Earthworms in Healthy Soils
Nick Musurca's Earthworm Web Page!
Earthworms of North Dakota
Glossary of Soil Science
Canadian Soil Information System (CanSIS)
Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre Ottawa (Ontario)
The Sustainable Farming
Permaculture The Earth
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute - IPGRI Regional Office for
Asia, the Pacific and Oceania
Intentional Community, Permaculture Demonstration Site and Conference Center
v/d Laan's (Gouda, Netherlands) Organic Gardening Page
Henry A. Wallace Institute For Alternative
Weeds of the World Project
Cedar Meadow Farm - notill vegetables
A Homeowner's Guide To Organic
Growing | Elizabeth and Crow's
Awesome Organic CyberGarden
The Duckweed Clearinghouse Home Page
ICARDA - The International Center for
Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Oregon Tilth ["Nature Is
Abundant" online]
IN SEASON - News about farmers markets
and locally grown produce
Community Forestry - Treetown - Flora
ATTRA On-Line - Appropriate Technology
Transfer for Rural Areas
The national sustainable farming information center at the University of
Arkansas at Fayetteville
Permaculture Drylands
Soil And Health Library -
Health begins in the soil; Healing begins with hygiene; Liberty begins with
The Mining Company [ecology resources,
general science]
Tracy Turner's
International Institute For
Ecological Agriculture
and Information Centre for Edible and other useful plants
| Plants For a Future Relational
Database | Email Lee A. Flier
The Permanent Publications
Light Writings|The Way Of
Nature|Biodiversity|Agriculture|Watershed-pages for Fukuoka, Jeavons, Jackson,
Mollison and others
Keyline Designs - Water for Every Farm
LC Permaculture Visions'
Permaculture Links Page
Eco-Village Information Service
Resources at sunSITE, U.N.C., Chapel Hill, NC, USA
InterGarden, Natural
Agriculture Resources at sunSITE, U.N.C., Chapel Hill, NC, USA
PC FAQ v3.1(text file)
Arizona Biological
Control, Inc.
Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Farmer to Farmer
Welcome To The Cyber-Farm!
BioDynamic Farming and
Gardening Assoc. Home Page
Project BioNetwork
The Center for Agroecology &
Sustainable Food Systems
Virtual Orchard
Earthworm Enemies
Ecology and
Genome Data Base: Lumbricus terrestris
Annelid Worm
Biodiversity Resources
The Lowly Earthworm: The Gardener's Friend
Ecology-Related Home Pages
Other Interesting
Botany & Ecology WWW Servers
Soil Ecology and
Restoration Group (SERG)
The Burrow
Worm World
Pest Management Research
Centre[Earthworm FAQ & Waterflow In Soils FAQ]
Pond Hill Farm's Home Page
The Small Farm
Permaculture in Western Australia
Patricia Ledlie Bookseller, Inc.,
books on conservation biology
Welcome to The Earth Centre!
Margaret Van Emmerik's Home Page
Biodiversity and
Ecosystems NEtwork (BENE)
Our Farm, A Community
Supported Agricultural Project
USDA National Agricultural Library's
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Send Email to NAL Alternative Farming
Systems Information Center
USDA National Agricultural Library
Pfennig's Permaculture Page
Central Valley Permaculture
Practical Pollinator
Homepage| |Send Email to Dave and Janice
Maine Green Pages |
|Send E-mail to M.G.P.
Dreamtime Village & Xexoxial Endarchy
Environmental Horticulture, Univ. of
Humbolt Sustainable Community Project - The
Humbolt Nation
Finca La Mohea
United Kingdom - Oriented
Permaculture Information
Phil & Janet's (Capetown, South Africa)
Gardening Homepage
The Vetiver Grass Network
California Rare Fruit Growers Homepage
Practical Pollination
Homepage | Send email to Pollinator
Community Supported
Agriculture archives at sunSITE
Institute for Bioregional Studies
Permaculture Mailing List in Western
Community Supported Agriculture mailing
list (csa-l), Email
Permaculture Guide at Communications
for a Sustainable Future
International Journal (Australia)
International Permaculture Institute
Permaculture Global Assistance Network
Permaculture in Western Australia
Permaculture in South
Australia - "What's Happening in Permaculture"
Correspondence Course on Permaculture
Permaculture Visions International's
Correspondence Course (Australia)
British Permaculture
Magazine/Permanent Publications Web Site
PermaWeb in Great Britain
Association (Britain)
Bay Area Permaculture Group
Permaculture Institute of
Northern California
Friends of the Trees
Cross Timbers
Permaculture Institute in Texas
Cross Timbers Permaculture
Institute in Texas, Email
Central Rocky Mountain
Permaculture Institute, Email
Permaculture on
"Mind*Body*Spirit" (South Africa)
Permaculture on
Carmela's Home Page
Institute for Bioregional Studies
EcoVillage Information Service
Crystal Waters Permaculture
The Farm EcoVillage Training Center
Intentional Communities
on the Web
Cornell News Service Stories: Tilapia
Harald's Home Page:
German Guy's Tilapia Science Project Program
Permaculture Drylands
The Farm
Bay Area Permaculture Guild
Permaculture FAQ on the Web,
HTML Version
Permaculture FAQ -
Ascii Text Version
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Werner M. Gysi - "Harmonic
Farming: a love style"
Carmela Leone's
Permaculture Homepage | E-mail |
Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute
Agriculture Research Group, Wye College, UK |
Tree-House, Hometown Greening
Initiatives Page
Margaret Van Emmerik's
Homepage on Permaculture, Gardening and much more
Ocean Arks International |
Email OAI
Solar Components Corp. - Kalwall
products - aquaculture links | Email
Water Treatment Methods Information
The Permaculture Hot
Spots List
Permaculture Institute of Northern
Institute for Bioregional Studies
Finca La Mohea
International Ltd., Home of the Permaculture International Journal
The Sixth International
Permaculture Conference and Convergence in Perth, Australia (1996) |
Send Email
The Humboldt Horizons Project
Cross Timbers
Permaculture Institute
Permanent Publications
(Permaculture Literature Offerings)
Green and Growing: From the Ground
Design Earth Synergy & Earth Wave
Skywebs: The Eco Expo
Cyndi Johnson's Garden
Catalogs list
Fungi Perfecti
Zap Power Systems
Communities Network
Rocky Mountain
April Sampson-Kelly's
LC Permaculture Visions
Environmental Professional's Homepage
- Information on agencies, regulations
Sal Schettino's Organic Gardening
(from a farmer's perspective) Home Page
Friends of the Trees Society
Permaculture resources on the Internet
Lawrence London's
Permaculture Homepage at MetaLab UNC
Carmela's Home
Permaculture Global Assistance
Internet Environmental Library
David Yarrow's Turtle EyeLand Web
Friends of the Earth
The InterEarth Cafe:
The Raptor Center:
Beneficial Insects Handbook
The Findhorn Community
Just in Time:
Waste Policy Institute
The Tele-Garden:
The foundation center, Grant resources
United Kingdom-Oriented Permaculture
United Kingdom
Permaculture Association Homepage
What's Happening in
Carmela Leone's
(cleone@ozonline.com.au) Permaculture Page
British Permaculture
Plants For A Future
E-mail Central Rocky Mountain
Permaculture Institute, brochure, 970-927-4158
The BioDynamic Association
Institute for Organic Agriculture at
University of Bonn, Germany
Permaculture Links
West Australian Permaculture
Pete's Pond Page
Edward's Home Page
Mulch-based Agriculture Group
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
Permaculture Resources at CSF &
Permaculture Guide & Permaculture FAQ (html version)
Permaculture FAQ, HTML
version 1.3 by Steve Diver, markup by Michael Yount
Dwayne Jones-Evans' Permaculture Website
EAC - Internet Resources, Europe
Dept. Plant Sciences
Front Page (UK)
Finca La Mohea
United Kingdom - Oriented
Permaculture Information
United Kingdom
Permaculture Association Homepage
The Small Farm
Pest Management Research
Centre - Earthworm FAQ, Earthworm BBS
Dwayne Jones-Evans' Permaculture Website
Findhorn Foundation Home Page
Heliciculture Homepage (escargot snail
farming)Send Email
CGNET Services International
Community Alternative Technology
Network "
1995 and 1994
Environment Related Cornell News Service Stories"
Planet Earth Home
Page-images, icons, flags
"UCLA Center for Clean Technology"
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Architecture"
Yellow Mountain Institute Home Page
Envirolink Pre Home Page
The Progressive Directory @igc
Friends of the Earth Home Page
Meta-Index for
Non-Profit Organizations
Best Nonprofit Sites
Impact Online: Internet Info 4
Impact Online: Internet 101
Coyote Comm's: Tip Sheets 4 NonProfits
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and
Development Online!"
Sustainable Agriculture on the Net
Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living"
The CREST Guide
to Alternative Energy
IGSHPA Geothermal Energy
Bay Area Permaculture Group"
Permaculture International
Permaculture Resources at Colorado
Permaculture Guide
825149321 "
Botany, Gardening,
Farming, Horticulture, Landscaping Sites"
Botanical Museum, Helsinki
Natural Buildings for
Natural Gardeners"
Fruit & Nut Trees for
Your Permacultured Home"
Plants for a future"
Plants Publishing Web
Designing Edible Landscapes"
List of Plant Catalogs"
Version 14"
Books That Work Complete
Guide to Garden Stuff"
The Virtual Plant and
Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University"
Ocean Arks Home Page"
Ocean Arks - Publications and
The Arkive
The Edible Pond
and Bog Garden
CCT Water and Wastewater
The Krib
(Aquaria and Tropical Fish)
Aquaria Web Pages
CHOP: Cichlid
Home Page
CHOP: Genus: Tilapia
Tilapia vorax
P09319: Tilapia (Medical?)
Publications: Fishery: Tilapia: Texas Agri. Extension Service
Permaculture Institute of Northern
The Earth Repair
Cross Timbers
Permaculture Institute
Permaculture Visions
Pecos River Farms
The Archimedes Project: Living Systems
Design Group
The Permaculture Activist
La'akea Permaculture Gardens
Library of the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Resources - Eco & Permaculture Village Information
Natural Agriculture
Rural Skills
Alternative Energy
Education & Alternatives
Charles Benbrook - B.C.S. - Agriculture
& Politics
Ecovillage &
Permaculture Village Information
Practical Pollinator
Homepage| |Send Email to Dave and Janice
Maine Green Pages |
|Send Email to M.G.P.
Dreamtime Village & Xexoxial Endarchy
Program on Environment and
Community, Antioch University |
Send Email to Clyde Murley |
About the Program
Humbolt Sustainable Community Project - The
Humbolt Nation
Finca La Mohea
Water Treatment Methods Information
Solar Components Corp. - Kalwall
products - aquaculture links | Email
Ocean Arks International |
Email OAI
CGNET Services International
Community Alternative Technology
Network "
1995 and 1994
Environment Related Cornell News Service Stories"
Planet Earth Home
Page-images, icons, flags
"UCLA Center for Clean Technology"
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Architecture"
Yellow Mountain Institute Home Page
Envirolink Pre Home Page
The Progressive Directory @igc
Friends of the Earth Home Page
Meta-Index for
Non-Profit Organizations
Best Nonprofit Sites
Impact Online: Internet Info 4
Impact Online: Internet 101
Coyote Comm's: Tip Sheets 4 NonProfits
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and
Development Online!"
Sustainable Agriculture on the Net
Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living"
The CREST Guide
to Alternative Energy
IGSHPA Geothermal Energy
Permaculture FAQ "
Bay Area Permaculture Group"
Permaculture International
Permaculture Resources at Colorado
Permaculture Guide
825149321 "
Archives, Larry London"
Permaculture and Organic Agriculture,
Larry London"
Botany, Gardening,
Farming, Horticulture, Landscaping Sites"
Botanical Museum, Helsinki
Natural Buildings for
Natural Gardeners"
Fruit & Nut Trees for
Your Permacultured Home"
Plants for a future"
Plants Publishing Web
Designing Edible Landscapes"
List of Plant Catalogs"
Version 14"
Books That Work Complete
Guide to Garden Stuff"
The Virtual Plant and
Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University"
Ocean Arks Home Page"
Ocean Arks - Publications and
The Arkive
The Edible Pond
and Bog Garden
CCT Water and Wastewater
The Krib
(Aquaria and Tropical Fish)
Aquaria Web Pages
CHOP: Cichlid
Home Page
CHOP: Genus: Tilapia
Tilapia vorax
P09319: Tilapia (Medical?)
Publications: Fishery: Tilapia: Texas Agri. Extension Service
Cornell News Service Stories: Tilapia
Harald's Home Page:
German Guy's Tilapia Science Project Program
Institute for Global Communications
Pacific News Service - Jinn
Food Safety On the
Ceres Online - The business of
Agriculture - Agsearch, Weblinks, Ag Weather
Home Power Magazine
Tree-House, Hometown Greening
Initiatives Page
Michael Schwarz's
alt.solar.photovoltaic newsgroup Solar FAQ
QUANTUM, Revealing Science -
Australian Broadcasting Company Online
Werner M. Gysi - "Harmonic
Farming: a love style"
The Millenium Whole Earth
The Whole Earth Review
The Millenium
Whole Earth Catalog LINKS Page
View Earth From
ECHOES, great late night music on Public
Radio International (PRI)
Institute for Bioregional Studies
Post via email to the
renewable energy mailing list (renew-energy@amani.ces.ncsu.edu)
Renewable Energy &
Community Resources at sunSITE
Pine's solar design strategies gleaned from the alt.solar.thermal newsgroup
Real Goods homepage
Solar Guide
EAC - Internet Resources - Europe
Dept. Plant Sciences
Front Page (UK)
Finca La Mohea
Not Just Cows
The WELL's Agricultural
Alternative Architecture & Renewable Energy Resources at sunSITE
Living Waters -
Stream Preservation
Environmental News Network
Resources at sunSITE
Agriculture/Energy/Environment/Healthcare/Rural Resources Homepage at sunSITE
Straw Bale Mailing List --The E-mail list
Whole Systems The
E-mail list
Solstice from the Center for
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology ( CREST)
Index of energy
related grad school programs
Intentional Communities
home page!!! on the WELL
International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD)
Rocky Mountain
Institute ( RMI )
Environment, ecology and
sustainable development from Clark.net...
Radiation Database
EnviroLink Network
Long-Term Ecological Research
An Organic Farmer hits the web
StrawBale Construction
Communications for a Sustainable Future
Mother Jones Magazine
The IGC sustainable
development page
Community Aid Abroad Homepage
Don't Panic Eat Organic
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
Farmer's Market
Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Resources
InterGarden renewable energy links
Woodburning Heater Links (this page)
Main Links Page (all
InterGarden links combined)
Environment &
Community Resources
Building Mailing List Archive at Solstice
Browse recent posts to the GREENBUILDING mailing list, sponsored by CREST
Browse archives (from 4-97) of the GREENBUILDING mailing list, sponsored by
Browse archives (1-97 to 3-97) of the GREENBUILDING mailing list, sponsored by
Alternative Energy
A collection of articles by Nick Pine and others on various solar design
Renewable energy
information in HTML format
Natural Agriculture
Rural Skills
Education & Alternatives
HOME POWER - The Hands-On Journal of
Home-Made Power
Charles Benbrook - B.C.S. - Agriculture
& Politics
alt.solar.thermal Newsgroup
alt.solar.photovoltaic Newsgroup
alt.energy.renewable Newsgroup
alt.energy.homepower Newsgroup
Home Power Magazine
Backwoods Home Magazine
Home Energy Magazine
The Environmental Magazine
U.S. Department of Energy
National Laboratories Renewable Energy Office
Infinite Power
Yonder Way
Alternative Energy Pages
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
Hugh Piggott's
Scoraig Wind Electric Site
National Wind Technology Center
Wind Power Monthly Magazine
CanWEA Canadian Wind Energy Association
IWEA Irish Wind Energy Association
The Alternative Windmill
The Wind Works
Department of Energy PV Page
Solar Radiation Data
Solar Mike
Solar Direct
Red Rock Energy
Logger Project
Solar Energy International
Renewable Fuels Association
Green, environmental services, Ireland
The Ultimate Science Fair Resource
Science Fair Idea Exchange
Internet Public Library
Science Fair Project Resource Guide
Science Fair Project on
the Web
Science Fair Home
Oxnard Science Projects
The Science Page
Sam Rayburn's
Science For Grades 7 and 8
Frank Potter's Science Gems
IBM Intellectual Property Network
Digi-Key, electronics supplier
Electronics Express
Small Parts, Inc.
LMNO Engineering
Paradise Water Jet
Masonry Stove, Russian Stove and Other Woodburning Web Wesources
Archive of
misc.consumers.house postings
Water Treatment Methods Information
E.C. Geiger |
Email E.C. Geiger
Solar Components Corp. - Kalwall
products - aquaculture links | Email
Ocean Arks International |
Email OAI
Home Power Magazine
Michael Schwarz's
alt.solar.photovoltaic newsgroup Solar FAQ
QUANTUM, Revealing Science -
Australian Broadcasting Company Online
The Millenium Whole Earth
The Whole Earth Review
The Millenium
Whole Earth Catalog LINKS Page
Renewable Energy &
Community Resources at sunSITE
Pine's solar design strategies gleaned from the alt.solar.thermal newsgroup
Real Goods homepage
Solar Guide
Alternative Architecture & Renewable Energy Resources at sunSITE
Environmental News Network
Resources at sunSITE
Agriculture/Energy/Environment/Healthcare/Rural Resources Homepage at sunSITE
Straw Bale Mailing List --The E-mail list
Whole Systems The
E-mail list
Solstice from the Center for
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology ( CREST)
Index of energy
related grad school programs
Rocky Mountain
Institute ( RMI )
Radiation Database
EnviroLink Network
StrawBale Construction
Communications for a Sustainable Future
Monsanto is Behind
Anti-Farmer Legislation to Regulate Open-Pollinated Seed Cleaners - Ohio Bill
Discriminates Against Seed-Saving Farmers
Campaign for Labor Rights
Book: "Gaviotas - A
Village To Reinvent the World" by Alan Weisman
Cincinnati Enquirer's
article on Chiquita Banana's questionable labor practices in Central America
Seed Saving Rights of 20 Million African and Many Other Small Farmers Around the
World Threatened | Terminator and Traitor Technology - RAFI Report
The New York City Community Garden Coalition
Preservation Crisis Update
Rally to Save Our
Community Gardens - JOIN US FOR AN EQUINOX CELEBRATION ADN RALLY! - Sponsored by
the Park Slope Greens
E-The People
Earth Celebrations:
Preserving the Gardens of New York City Through Art & Community Action
Benbrook Consulting Services [Charles Benbrook)
PMAC - Pest Management at the Crossroads
Environmental Working Group (EWG) - "Your only
source for instant information on pesticides and other toxic chemicals in your
Consumers Union - Food Quality Protection
Act Project Website
CU technical report
"Do You Know What You're Eating?" - detailed analysis of the distribution of
pesticide residues in foods
Pesticides In the Diet
"World Food System Challenges and
Opportunities: GMO's, Biodiversity, and Lessons from America's Heartland" by
Charles Benbrook
Agriculture Projects, McGill University
The Ohio Ecological Food & Farm
The Center for Regenerative Studies -
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
National Federation of the Blind
Jim Bones' "Light Writings" seedballs website
[lots of permaculture resources]
Living Technologies [Living
Technologies designs and builds "Living Machines(TM)"] - John Todd, J. Michael
Autrusa Compost/Imants U.S.A. - [George Leidig]
- U.S. distributor for Imants Spaders, Sandberger Compost Turners, and Top Tex
Compost Fleece
Imants Spaders, The Netherlands
hundreds of online source links for new and rare landscape plants. The site also
includes original cultivar checklists
PLANTS (TLAN) - resources on the nomenclature, identification, and description
of ornamental plants. Includes original keys to woody and herbaceous perennials
SOFTWARE - links to disk and CD-ROM based gardening programs and databases
Resource and Information Centre for Edible and other useful plants
EVA'S GARDEN - Everything
about ladybugs plus major ladybug links collection
Holiday on an Organic Farm -
Your Guide To Alternative
Building Methods - Intelligent Universe Publications & The Better Earth News
The Clements Family Farm - Visit a New
Zealand pasture based farm
Re-earthing the Cities - Margaret
RainbowWeb's website
Organic Growers of
California Certified Organic
Fungi Perfecti
WSAA - World Sustainable
Agriculture Association
Dr. E. Ann Clark's
Johnny's Selected Seeds
CSA Farms on the Web
Boulder Belt Gardens:
Community Supported Agriculture
The Jatropha System - An Integrated Approach to
Rural Development in Tropical & Subtropical Countries
Frequently Asked Questions
documents stored at M.I.T. [listing is by Usenet Newsgroup]
NewCROP - Purdue University Center
for New Crops & Plant Products
Emerald Isle Organic Farm - Rich
Molini, certified organic farmer [also Indiana OCIA link]
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist (periodically updated - need sources of German
and Japanese tools - email:
"Let's Get Growing"
[gardening books]
George Hirsch's "Know Your Fire" - best
cooking show on TV
bi-monthy publication dedicated to the special world of Japanese Gardens
Biodynamic and Organic Gardening Resource
Grand Prairie
Friends - [prairie gardening and restoration resources]
Gardening Software
Links at PrairieNet |
and at
AltaVista Search Engine
Mertus' Gardening Web Page - Cyndi
Johnston's Catalog of Gardening Catalogs | and | List of links to online
gardening catalogs
The Plants By Mail FAQ [all about mail
ordering plants & seeds, list of catalogs, m-o companies evaluated]
National Database
RotWeb - basic
information about home composting
Gardening hand tools resource list
California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.
National Gardening
Association (Gardening Links)
GardenTown |
GardenTown Town
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
(SARE) Program
The Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
Whole Systems Design
Virtual Virginia Agricultural Community
The Lost Citrus
Groves of California
EDAMAME homepage - green edible soybean
National Atlas of the United
Geologic resources available on the Web
United States Geological Service
Y2K: So Many Bugs
... So Little Time by Peter de Jager [Scientific American feature article]
COOKSON's online garden tool
shop (in U.K.) - lots of high-quality traditional English hand tools :-)
Feast of Fields Farm - [CSA &
Biodynamic Grapes]
An Examination
of Market Appreciation for Clustered Housing With Permanent Open Space
Sustainability Plan:
Parks, Open Spaces and Streetscapes (The Urban Forest)
Identified Benefits of
Community Trees and Forests
City Farmer: UN Book
Farmer: Ethnic Diversity in Philly Gardens
A dietary,
social and economic evaluation of the Philadelphia urban gardening project
Cultural Aspects of
Trees: Traditions and Myths
Horticultural Therapy
Socioeconomic Impacts
Yahoo! - Society and
Culture:Environment and Nature
An Examination
of Market Appreciation for Clustered Housing With Permanent Open Space
Horticultural Therapy
Resources and Discussion Forums |
InterGarden Permaculture |
EcoLandTech Landcare
National Arboretum | contact: Ramon
Jordan (narj@ars-grin.gov)
ATTRA On-Line - Appropriate Technology
Transfer for Rural Areas
The national sustainable farming information center at the University of
Arkansas at Fayetteville.
ICARDA - The International Center for
Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Internet Apiculture and
Beekeeping Archive
Pest Management at the Crossroads |
Charles Benbrook - Benbrook Consulting
The Sustainable
Farming Connection
E-mail E.W.G.
Ceres Online - The Business of
Agriculture - Agsearch, Weblinks, Ag Weather
DejaNews Newsgroup Archive Site
Arizona Biological
Control, Inc.
Awaken! - The Green Dragon -
pathways to the third millenium
New World Publishing's "The
Farmers' & Gardeners' Resource Catalog"
Peanut Grower's
News and Information Page
SeaGrass Contents
The Suggs Homepage - A
Homebuilt Greenhouse Project
Adam Finklestein's
Beekeeping Homepage
USDA National Agricultural
Library's Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Send Email to NAL Alternative Farming
Systems Information Center
USDA National Agricultural Library
Successful Farming
"Plants For A Future" Plants
Database | | Email Lee A. Flyer
Pollinator Homepage| | Send Email to
Dave and Janice Green
Maine Green Pages |
|Send Email to M.G.P.
Dreamtime Village & Xexoxial
Carolina District of the
American Rose Society
The Garden Machinery Index
Environmental Horticulture Dept.,
Univ. of Florida
O.O.A.S.I.S., Inc., Cruelty-Free
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Relief (non-profit organization)
Garden Centre
9gardening information, FAQs, etc.) |
Send E-mail to Garden Centre
Hedge Rows Garden Tapestry (Vancouver,
California Rare Fruit Growers Homepage
The Azolla Page
The 21st Century Biology
Class at Sidwell Friends School, Washington, DC, USA
The 24 Canoe Plants of
Ancient Hawaii
Links to Other Palynology Web Sites
Worldwide Palynology E-mail & WWW Addresses
Arabidopsis thaliana Database, Stanford University, USA
Abant Izzet Baysal University,
Department of Biology (Bolu, Turkey)
Trail in the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG)
Abstracta Botanica
Acacias at the Australian
National Botanic Gardens
Academic Press - APNet Home Page, San
Diego, USA
Academy of Natural Sciences,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Accademia dei
Fisiocritici, Orto Botanico, Siena, Italy
Acta Botánica
Acta Botanica Neerlandica
Botanica Sinica by Botanical Society of China
Acta Forestalia Fennica,
Phytogeographica Suecica
Actinomycetes journal
Actinomycetes - Streptomyces
Internet Resource Center, University of Minnesota, USA
Address Entry Form for Research
Addresses of Biologists - WAIS search of the BIOSCI user address database
Adelaide Botanic Garden Education Service, Australia
Adirondack Aquatic
Institute Phytoplankton Image Page by Michael R. Martin, Paul Smith's
College, New York, USA
Microsoft Windows software for environmental assessment, wildlife recording,
and species identification Sold by Adit Limited, Anglesey, UK
The Advanced Molecular
Initiative in Community Agriculture (AMICA), Germany
Blackwood Conservation Project
African Violet Page by
Stephen Gaudin
Violets from Aggie Horticulture
African Violets On-Line
Ag-Links (WWW Sites of
Interest to Agriculture)
The Agaricales
of Costa Rican Quercus Forests, USA
of the Hawaiian Islands, USA
Agavaceae and Related Families, by David Bogler at the University of Texas
in Austin, USA
AgDB: Agriculture-related Databases,
of AgNIC (AGriculture Network Information Center)
L'Agence des Arbres, France
agLINKS Index
(Agricultural Resources)
AgNet - Australian Agriculture
AgNIC (Agricultural Network Information
Center) Home Page, USA
AGNIS (Agricultural And Natural
Resources Information Systems) Home Page, USA
The AGRALIN World Wide Web server
AgResearch - New Zealand Pastoral
Agriculture Research Institute Limited
AGRICOLA (US National Agricultural Library's (NAL)
Agricultural Genome Information
Server, USA
Agricultural Research Centre of Finland
Agriculture, WWW
Virtual Library, NC State University
Agricultural and Related Info
AgriSurf! (guide to agriculture on the
AgriWeb - Directory of
Canadian Agricultural & Agri-Food Resources on the Internet
Agromycète (France)
Agronet Services
Information Across the Globe by R. L. Nielsen, Agronomy Department , Purdue
University , W. Lafayette, Indiana
Agronomic Links Across the Globe
Agronomy &
Horticulture 100 (AgHrt 100) Plant Images
AGRopolis, Texas A & M Information
AIAS Lazio - Cactus & Succulent
Italian Society sez. Lazio, Italy
University, School of Science and Engineering - Environmental and Life
Sciences Division, Ifrane, Morocco
College Vascular Plant Image Gallery, Albion College, Albion, MI, U.S.A.
Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für
Pflanzenwissenschaften, Systematische Botanik, Georg-August-Universität
Göttingen (Germany)
Album of the Plants of Israel
Alfred B. Maclay State Gardens
(Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
Gallery, Chapman Lab, Department of Biology, Louisiana State University
The Algae Home
Page of the Department of Botany at the Smithsonian Institution
Algae-L, listserv
for phycologists
Algae of El
Eden, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico by University of California, Riverside, USA
Algaetech's Gateway to the
Seaweeds of the Gulf of Maine
Algal Microscopy
& Image Digitization Home Page
Algy's Herb Page
Alice Keck Garden Photo Tour,
California, USA
Alice Software - Alice
Biodiversity Data Management System, UK
All Japan Orchid
Society Home Page (in English and Japanese)
All the
Virology on the WWW
Allelopathy Research at
the University of Savoie, France
Allergy Internet
Allgemeine Botanik und
Pflanzenphysiologie, Botanisches Institut, Universität Tübingen (Germany)
Almaden Wildflowers, San Jose California, USA
L'Alphabet Celte des
Arbres (Paul Moray, France)
Alpine Botanical
Garden (Gran Sasso), University of L'Aquila, Italy
Alpine Botanical
Garden Juliana in Trenta Valley, Slovenia
The Alpine Garden
Alpine Plants Societies
by Duncan McAlpine, USA
The Alwyn H. Gentry
Bignoniaceae Dataset
The Amateurs' Digest, Canada
The Amazing Story of Kudzu
from the University of Alabama Center for Public Television, USA
Amazing World of Orchids, USA
American Association of Amateur
Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta: list of members
American Association of Botanical
Gardens and Arboreta, USA
American Association of
Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP)
The American Bamboo Society, USA
American Bonsai Society
American Botanical Council
Bryological and Lichenological Society
American College
Arboretum, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
American Conifer
American Cottage
Gardener/American Dianthus Soc.
The American Crop Protection Association
The American Daffodil Society
American Dahlia Society
American Dianthus Society (Gardenweb), USA
The American Fern Society
American Fuchsia
American Gloxinia & Gesneriad Society Home
Page, USA
The American
Hemerocallis Society, USA
American Herbalists Guild
American Hibiscus Society
American Horticultural Society,
The American Hosta Society
American Indian
Ethnobotany Database, University of Michigan
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Iris Society
The American Journal of Botany
American Orchid Society
American Orchid Society
Culture Sheets
American Phytopathological Society, USA
The American Primrose
American Rhododendron Society
The American Rose Society
The American Seed Trade Association
American Society for Horticultural Science
Society for Photobiology
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
American Society of Agronomy (ASA),
the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and the Soil Science Society of
America (SSSA) Web Site
Society of Botanical Artists
American Society of Plant
Physiologists, Midwest Section
American Society of Plant Physiologists,
The American
Society of Plant Taxonomists
American Society
of Plant Taxonomists: Current News
American Society of
Plant Taxonomists (Gopher)
American Society of Plant Taxonomists Publications
Society of Plant Taxonomy Membership Directory - Research Interests
Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden (Captain Cook, Hawaii, USA)
The Anamorph
Information Network, Canada
The Ancient
Bristlecone Pine
Andean Botanical Information System
Andrew N. Gagg's
Photo Flora
Andromeda Botanic
Gardens, St Joseph, Barbados
Anatomy maintained by Roy Volkwyn, Biology Section of the Western Cape
Education Department in South Africa
Angiosperm-families in
DELTA (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) - Australia
Angiosperm Images, University of Wisconsin, USA
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS), USA
Annals of Botany, UK
annotated bibliography of canonical correspondence analysis and related
constrained ordination methods 1986-1993
Annotated Catalogue of the C. B. Trinius Gramineae Herbarium (LE) in St.
Petersburg (Russia)
An annotated check-list
of the genus Paphiopedilum, Orchidaceae, by Harold Koopowitz, University of
California at Irvine Arboretum, USA
Announcing a
test and trial phase for the registration of new plant names (1998-1999)
Annual Flower Garden of Seppo
Vesterinen, Finland
Annual Reviews Inc.
The Apocynaceae of Mexico (Key and images) by Justin K. Williams, University
of Texas at Austin, USA
The Aquaculture
Division at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Inc, USA
Aquatic Biology resources on the Internet
Aquatic Botany, Elsevier, the Netherlands
The Aquatic Gardeners'
Aquatic Plant Database
Arabidopsis Information
Management System (AIMS)
Araliales Resource
Arboreal Species of the
Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil
appenninico del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo (Italy)
Arboretum and City Park
in Novorossiysk, Russia
The Arboretum at Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Arboretum at the University of California at Davis, USA
Arboretum de
Villardebelle, France
National des Barres, Domaine des Barres, France
Arboretum of Borova Hora,
Technical University in Zvolen (Slovakia)
Arboretum of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Arboretum-Projekti (Arboretum Project)
Stadt Freiburg (Germany)
Arboriculture Trees & Timber Home
The Ardent
L'area archeologica dell'orto botanico page
Botanical Gardens
Poaceae Catalog, Missouri Botanical Garden (gopher)
The Aril Society
Arizona Cactus Botanical Garden
(Bisbee, AZ, USA)
Arizona Native Plant Society,
Native Plants list (AZPLANTS)
Arizona Poison Center - Poisonous Plants, USA
East Valley Garden Club
Arizona State University,
Department of Botany, USA
Arizona State University Lichen
Herbarium, Tempe, USA
Arkansas Diversity -
The Vascular Flora, USA
(Asteraceae) Type Specimen Database
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard
University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
quarterly magazine of the Arnold Arboretum
An article on
Spiranthes cernua odorata by Barry Glick
Ascomycete Research group,
Oslo, Norway (ARON)
Asia - Pacific Crop Protection
Association Web Site
The Asian Vegetable Research &
Development Center, Taiwan
Asociación de
herbarios ibero-macaronésico (AHIM) - Association on the Ibero-Macaronesian
herbaria, Spain
Asociación Española de Parques y
Jardines Públicos (Spain)
Asociación Española de Bonsai (Spain)
Asociacion Latinoamericana
de Paleobotanica y Palinologia
Asociación Micológica de las
Sierras Subbéticas (Spain)
Aspects of Nature, National
Survey on the Natural Environment, Japan
Aspetti botanici del
Parco della Maremma (Italy) by Carlo del Prete, Botanical Garden, University
of Modena
Aspetti Botanici dell'
Isola d'Elba (Italy) by Carlo del Prete, Botanical Garden, University of
The Assateague Naturalist
Associació Catalana d'Amics de les Orquídies
Association de Recherches et d'Informations sur les Déserts et les
Succulentes (A.R.I.D.E.S.) (France)
Association for Biodiversity
Information (ABI)
The Association for Tropical
Biology, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
The Association of
Ecosystem Research Centres
The Association of Systematics
Collections, USA
Association of University
Presses, USA
ATCROS - Australasian Tree Crops
Source Book
Atlanta Bonsai Society, Inc.
(Georgia, USA)
Atlanta Botanical Garden, Georgia, USA
Atlanta Garden Connection Inc., USA
Atlas de Anatomia Vegetal
Atlas Florae Europaeae
Atlas Florae
Europaeae Database
Atlas of
Florida Vascular Plants
Atlas of the Distribution
of Vascular Plants in Finland
Atlas of the Flora of New England
Atlas van de Flora van
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Atlas ziarn pylku roslin (Pollen atlas of Poland)
The Auburn
Botanical Society, USA
University, Botany and Microbiology, USA
Auburn University
Horticulture Department, Alabama, USA
The Australasian Native
Orchid Society Inc (A.N.O.S.)
Pollination Ecologists Society
Australasian Society for
Australasian Society for
Phycology and Aquatic Botany
Forests Online
Australia's National Wilderness Database (ERIN)
Australia's World Heritage Areas (ERIN)
The Australian Bamboo Network
Australian Biological Resources
Study, ABRS
Australian Carnivorous Plant
Australian Climbing Plants
Australian Correspondence Schools
Australian Correspondence Schools:
Gardening and Horticulture
Australian Department of Environment
and associated agencies
Australian Environmental Resources Information - Biodiversity at the Species
Level - Flora
Australian Environmental
Resources Information Network (ERIN)
Australian Flora
Australian Flora and Vegetation Statistics, Australian National Botanic
Australian Journal of
Australian Journal
of Plant Physiology - An international journal of plant function
Australian Mangrove Species - Distribution maps by ERIN
Moss Catalogue
Australian National Botanic
Australian National
Botanical Gardens Herbarium
Australian National Herbarium,
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (CANB; Canberra, Australia)
Australian National University
Bioinformatics Hypermedia Service
Native Flora, Links and Images (Rosanne McInnes)
Australian Native
Plants Forum
Australian Nature
Conservation Agency
Australian Network for Plant
Conservation (ANPC)
The Australian New Crops Home
Page from University of Queensland, Australia
Australian Oilseeds Federation
Australian Plant Name Index (ERIN)
Australian Plant
Name Index (IBIS)
Australian Public
Lands and Protected Areas (ERIN)
Australian Society of Plant
Australian Systematic
Australian Systematic Botany
Australian Threatened Plants
Tropical Rain Forests Home Page
The Austrian Cactus
Autecological Index
Automatic I.D. News
AVSA (The African Violet Society of America)
On Line, USA
The Azolla Page
'BABEL' - a Multi-Lingual
database for the Vernacular Names of European Wild Plants
The Baca Institute of
Ethnobotany, Colorado, USA
Background to Finnish
Backhuys Publishers -
antiquarian and new books on general botany
Baja California
Islands Flora & Vertebrate Fauna Bibliography by Mary Campana, USA
Ballerina (Baltic Sea Region
On-Line Environmental Information Resources for Internet Access)
Balogh Scientific Books
Baltic Sea
Baltic Sea
Algaline from Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Finland
Baltic Sea
Region Statistical Database (BASICS): Biodiversity and nature protection
Bibliographie of Jean Dupin, UK
Resources on the Internet
Bamboo Web
La Banque Européenne des
Glomales (BEG) / European Bank of Glomales (UK)
Bar-Ilan University, Department of
Life Sciences, Israel
The Bartlett Arboretum
(University of Connecticutt, Stamford, USA)
Gardens, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Base de Dados Tropical (BDT), Brazil
Base de Dados Tropical
Discussion Lists, Brazil
Basic Botany PhotoCD
Basic classification of fruits of flowering plants (Angiosperm), by Dianne
Wilford, UK
The Bean Bag (WWW version from RBG Kew)
Bean Genes Homepage
Beitrag zur Flechtenflora des Kreises Mittweida (Listing of lichens found in
the district of Mittweida, Saxony by Uwe Schwarz, Germany)
Belgian and European herb
legislation/List of Safe and Dangerous Herbs and Mushrooms
Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of
Micro-organisms (BCCM)
The Belleville Rose Society
(Illinois, USA)
Botanical Garden, Washington, USA
Bellingrath Gardens and Home, Alabama, USA
The BELNET User Forum
Workgroup on Biodiversity, Belgium
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Life Sciences, Israel
BEnTroS data base system
The Bergen Swamp
Preservation Society, USA
Bergius Botanical Garden (Bergianska
Botaniska Trädgården) - Stockholm, Sweden
Berichte aus den Arbeitskreisen Heimische Orchideen (Germany)
Berkshire Botanical Garden (Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA)
The Bermuda Botanical
Gardens, Hamilton, Bermuda
Bernheim Arboretum and Research
Forest, Bullitt County, Kentucky, USA
Berry Botanic Garde (Portland, Oregon,
Berry College, Plant
Biology at Mt. Berry, Georgia, USA
Betty Ford Alpine Garden,
Vail, Colorado, USA
Beyond the French Riviera: Flora
Collections Management Software For Botanical Gardens and Arboreta
BG-Map Botanical Garden
Mapping System
Bibliography of Genetic Variation in Natural Population
(Flora of British Isles)
The Big Island Association of
Nurseryman, Hawaii, USA
Bilder ur Nordens
Flora - Pictures from "Nordens Flora"
Bilingual Botanical
Information Systems (BBIS), University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
Bio-Pictures provided by Marco Bleeker
BioBox, Finland (server for molecular
Biocenter Frankfurt, Frankfurt University, Germany
BioChemNet - biology and
chemistry educational resources online maintained by Dyann K. Schmidel
BIOCISE, Biological
Collection Information Service in Europe
The BioCode discussion list.
(To subscribe to BioCode, send email to listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu with this
one-line command: subscribe biocode Yourfirstname Yourlastnam)
Biodiversidad de
América Latina
The Biodiversity Action Network,
Biodiversity and Biological
Collections Web Server (BBCWS), USA
and Biological Collections Web Server - Botany page
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity and
Biodiversity and Conservation
from Chapman & Hall
Biodiversity and
Conservation on Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia
and WORLDMAP (Natural History Museum, London)
Biodiversity Conservation
Information System
Data and the World Wide Web Prospects and Problems
The Biodiversity Forum
Biodiversity in Boreal
Biodiversity in Costa
Biodiversity Information
Managemenet System in Costa Rica
Biodiversity Information Network in Finland
Journals and Newsletters
Biodiversity of Australian Flora, Canberra, Australia
of Mediterranean Lichens
Biodiversity of the
Kuril Archipelago
Biodiversity of the State of
São Paulo - BIOTASP
Biodiversity Profile for
India at WCMC
Profile for Vietnam at WCMC
Biodiversity resources in Belgium
Resources in Belgium
Biogeosciences Dijon, Université de Bourgogne, France
Biographical Dictionary of Biologists by Nathaniel C. Comfort, USA
Bioline Publications
Biological and
Astronomical Images and Discussion by Dr. S.J. Wainwright, School of
Biological Sciences, The University of Wales, Swansea, UK
Biological Assessment
and Taxonomic Support Home Page, USDA, APHIS, Plant Protection and
Biological Conservation
Control Home Page, Cornell University, USA
Diversity of the Guianas (BDG)
Biological Flora of the British Isles (Journal of Ecology)
Image Archive
Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society
Biological Resources Division,
Agriculture & Agri-Foods Canada
A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources by Una Smith (WWW version from
SunSite, USA)
Biology Department of the Nova Scotia
Agricultural College, Canada
Biology Education
Software FAQ by Eli Meir and the Biology Education Software Taskforce of the
University of Washington, USA
Biology Education
Software, USA
Biology Link Page of
Video On-Line, Italy
Societies and Organizations - WWW Virtual Library
Biometrie und
Populations genetik, Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany.
Newsgroup Archive
Software for Computing Plant Biomass
distribution maps of California vascular plants
BIOSCI bionet Newsgroup
BIOSIS - Biosystematics & Life
Science Resources, UK
Directories of Biologists
BIOSIS - Internet
Resources in Taxonomy & Nomenclature, UK
Software Reviews, UK
Biosphere Reserves in Australia
BioSystematica, software for
electrophoretic analysis (University of Plymouth, UK)
The Biota of North America
Program (BONAP), from Berkeley, California, USA
Biota of
North American Program
BIOTA, The Biodiversity
Database Manager
The BIOVOL Home Page
Botanical Gardens, Alabama, USA
Birmingham Botanical
Gardens & Glasshouses, UK
Museum Botany Home Page
Bishop Museum - Hawaiian Flowering Plant Checklist Database
Bishop Museum Home Page
Blackwell Science Home Page, UK
Herbarium, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, INDIA
Bloemenhoek - A Specialised
Nursery, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Blue Ridge Wildflowers
(Virginia, USA) images by John R. Coiner, Jr.
Boerner Botanical
Gardens, Milwaukee, USA
Boletín de la Sociedad
Argentina de Botánica
Cactaceae Listing
Chenopodiaceae Listing
Bonsai (A plant,
usually a tree or shrub, grown in a tray or dish)
Bonsai Clubs International
Bonsai FAQ
The Bonsai Primer, UK
Bonsai - puu ruukussa
Sami Poikonen, Jyväskylä - Finland. Bonsai information in Finnish
Bonsai Web
Books: Profits from your Herb &
Flower Garden
The Bootstrap Guide:
Profits from your Herb and Flower Garden
Borde Hill Garden, Sussex, UK
Boston Mycological Club,
Botanic Garden at the
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Botanic Garden of Genoa, Italy
The Botanic Garden of Smith
College and Lyman Plant House, Northampton, MA, USA
Botanic Garden of the
Irkutsk State University, Russia
Botanic Gardens and and State Herbarium of Adelaide, Australia
Botanic Gardens and and State
Herbarium of Adelaide, Australia
Botanic Gardens Conservation
International (BGCI), UK
Botanica Lithuanica
Botanica Marina
Botanica, The Wichita Gardens
(Wichita, Kansas, USA)
Botanical Authors Database
Botanical Authors
(Gopher), MOBot, USA
Botanical Collections -
Natural History Museum of Fribourg, Switzerland
Botanical Collectors Database, Harvard University Herbarium, USA
Botanical database of the Netherlands flora
Botanical Dermatology Database (BoDD), UK
Botanical Electronic
Botanical Electronic News (BEN - Gopher)
Field Techniques Compiled by R. Liesner, Missouri Botanical Garden, USA
Botanical Forest
Products in British Columbia, Canada - An Overview
Botanical Garden and Botanical
Museum Berlin-Dahlem Information Server, Germany
The Botanical Garden and botanical
regions of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Hungary
Garden and Museum, University of Oslo, Norway
Botanical Garden
at Uppsala University, Sweden
Botanical Garden,
Institute of Botany, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria
Garden, Natural History Museum of Florence (Firenze), Italy
Botanical Garden of Abetone, Italy
Botanical Garden of Bologna, Italy
Botanical Garden of Catania, Italy (from Pisa)
Botanical Garden of Firenze, Italy
The Botanical Garden of KVL, Royal
Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, Denmark
Botanical Garden
of Lucca, Italy
Botanical Garden of Napoli, Italy
The Botanical Garden of Nice (Nizza), France
The Botanical Garden
of Orchaise, France
Botanical Garden of P. J.
Safárik University (Kosice, Slovakia)
Botanical Garden of Pisa, Italy
The Botanical Garden of
Tartu University, Estonia
Botanical Garden of the
Basel University, Switzerland
Botanical Garden of the University of Bari, Italy
Botanical Garden of
the University of Gent (description from a travel guide), Belgium
Botanical Garden of
the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Botanical Garden of the
University of Modena - L'Orto Botanico dell'Universita' di Modena, Italy
Botanical Garden of the University of Parma, Italy
Botanical Garden of the University of Perugia, Italy
The Botanical Garden
of the Villa Thuret (Antibes, France)
Botanical Garden
of the Zürich University, Switzerland
Botanical Garden of Uppsala,
Botanical garden of
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Botanical Garden of Viterbo, Italy (L'Orto Botanico dell'Universitá della
Botanical Garden of Zagreb, Croatia
Botanical Garden,
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Botanical Garden, University
of Helsinki, Finland
Botanical Garden, University of Oslo, Norway
Botanical Garden, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Botanical Garden, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Botanical Garden,
University of Tübingen, Germany
Garden, University of Turku, Finland
Botanical Garden, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Botanical Gardens in Croatia
Botanical Gardens
of the University of Oulu, Finland
Images, Book History and Conservation on the Web by Stanley Johnston, USA
Botanical Index to the Journal of Henry David Thoreau
Inventory of Taiwan
Inventory of the Río Escalerete Reserve in Colombia.
Botanical Journal of
the Linnean Society, UK
Latin Translation Service by Mark A. Garland, USA
Botanical Museum and
Library, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Botanical Museum,
Finnish Museum of Natural History - Russian mirror
Botanical Museum of the National Gardens, Athens (gopher)
Botanical Museum,
University of Lund, Sweden
Botanical Museum,
University of Oslo, Norway: The Lichen Herbarium
Botanical Museum, Uppsala
University, Sweden
Botanical Publications Database, Harvard University Herbaria
The Botanical Research Institute of Texas,
Botanical Science Division -
The New York Botanical Garden, USA
Botanical Scientific
Illustrations: Electronic Herbarium
Botanical Society of
America Announcements
The Botanical Society of America, USA
Botanical Society of Scotland, UK
Botanical Society of South Africa
The Botanical Society of the
British Isles (BSBI)
The Botanical
Society of the British Isles Database
Botanical Society of
Washington (DC)
A botanical
trip in the university of Kassel, Germany
Botanical Type
Collection Search Database, Department of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish
Museum of Natural History (S)
Botanik online
(an online botany reader), Germany
Botanik online: Sammlung von Conjugaten-Kulturen (SVCK) Hamburg
Botanique dans les calanques, Cassis, Provence, France
Botanische Staatssammlung München, Germany
Garten der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, Germany
Botanischer Garten der
Justus-Liebig-Universit_t Gie_en, Germany
Garten der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
Garten der Stadt Linz, Austria
Garten der Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Garten der TH Darmstadt, Germany
Botanischer Garten der
Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Botanischer Garten der
Universität Osnabrück, Germany
Botanischer Garten der
Universität Ulm, Germany
Garten der Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken (Germany)
Botanischer Garten der Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
Garten der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Botanischer Garten,
Köln (Cologne, Germany)
Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg, Germany
Botanischer Garten Muenchen-Nymphenburg, Germany
Garten, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Botanisches Garten der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany (gopher)
Garten der Universitat Hohenheim, Germany
Botanisches Garten Universitat
Leipzig, Germany
Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Botanisches Institut
und Botanischer Garten der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel, Germany
Botanisches Institut und
Botanischer Garten der TU Braunscweig - Arbeitsgruppe Vegetationökologie
Botaniska föreningen
i Göteborg - Gothenburg Botanical Society, Sweden
Botaniska sällskapet i
Stockholm - Stockholm Botanical Society, Sweden
Botany 1050, Introduction to
Botany , California State University Stanislaus, USA, Fall 1996
Botany 201,
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants - Department of Biology, Texas A&M University
Botany 3100, Survey of
Non-Vascular Plants, California State University Stanislaus, USA, Fall 1996
Botany and Ecological Fieldwork Sites, Marco Bleeker, the Netherlands
Botany, Biology,
Yahoo List by David Filo and Jerry Yang
Collection Managers Group, UK Systematics Forum
Collections at Milwaukee Public Museum, USA
Division, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Canada
Gophers - Stanford
Images, Bishop Museum, Hawaii, USA
Botany in the Macquarie
Island (Department of Botany, University of Queensland, Australia)
Botany Newsgroup
Botany Page
by Toni Corelli, Botanist, California, USA
Subject Guide, SLIS, University of Alberta
BotResearch, botanical research organization (Spring, Texas, USA)
Info Page
The Bournemouth &
Poole Fuchsia Society, UK
Boxerwoord Gardens (Lexington,
Virginia, USA)
Boyce Thompson Institute for
Plant Research (BTI), Cornell University, USA
Boyce Thompson Southwestern
Arboretum, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
University, Department of Botany, Manitoba, Canada
Brasilian Phytopathological
Society, Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia
Brazilian Botany
Brazilian Cacti Project
Database of Medicinal Plants
Brazilian Ecosystems:
Mata Atlantica from Base de Dados Tropical (BDT), Brazil
Brazilian Herbaria, Base
de Dados Tropical
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology,
Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal
Brazilian National
Catalogue: Algae, Base de Dados Tropical (BDT), Brazil
Brian McNett's Mycology On-Line FAQ. Gopher, USA
Botanical Country Garden, UK
A brief
overview of the U.S: National Herbarium
Brigham Young University, Department of Botany and Range Science
Bright Edges of the World: The
Earth's Drylands
Brisbane Botanic Gardens - Mt
Coot-tha, Mt Coot-tha Rd, Toowong, Brisbane, Australia
The British & European
Geranium Society
The British
Antartic Survey Herbarium (AAS), Cambridge, UK
British Bryological Society, UK
British Cactus and Succulent
Society, UK
British Cactus and
Succulent Society, UK
The British
Clematis Society
British Columbia Fuchsia & Begonia Society, Canada
The British Ecological Society
British Fuchsia
British Lichen Society
The British
Mycological Society, UK
The British
Phycological Society
The British
Pteridological Society
British Society for Plant Pathology
British Trees
Briza Publications
Bromeliad Biota
Bromeliad Society International
The Bromeliad Society of South
Bromeliad Taxonomists and
Growers Discussion List (brom-L)
Bromeliads Index
The Brooklyn Botanic
Garden Herbarium (BKL; New York, USA)
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, USA
Checklist Project, from Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK
Bruns Lab, University of
California at Berkeley
Bryological Glossary at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Bryological Societies and Working Groups, list by Uwe Schwarz, Germany
The Bryologist
Bryology at the
Missouri Botanical Garden
Bryophyte Names List at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Bryophytes Page at the
Department of Plant Biology at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
Bucknell University,
Systematic Botany (Lewisburg, Pennyslvania, USA)
Botanical Society (BBS)
Phytocoenological Society
The Butchart Gardens,
Victoria, B.C.
Butterfield Gardens
Butterfly WebSite
C A S A F E, Cámara de Sanidad
Agropecuaria y Fertilizantes, Argentine Association for Crop Protection,
The C.E. Moss Herbarium
(J), Department of Botany, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa
A. C. Y. S. - Asociación
de Amigos de los Cactus y demás Suculentas (Valencia, Spain)
Cacti in Mexico -
photograph collection by Clarke Brunt
Cacti of the El Paso, Texas
Region, USA
of the El Paso, Texas Region, USA
The Cactus & Co. International
Cactus &
Succulent Society of Maryland
The Cactus & Succulent Society
of the Philippines
Cactus and more from the
Texas Hill Country (Cacti pictures by Bob Crabb), USA
Cactus and Succulent
Computer Software - CactusBase v.2.5
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and
Succulent Resource Page
The Cactus and Succulent
Society of America, Inc.
Cactus and Succulent Society
of Malta
Cactus and Succulent Society
of New Zealand
The Cactus and Succulent
Society of Queensland, Australia
The Cactus and
Succulent Society of San Jose (California,USA)
The Cactus Center Club, Spain
CACTUS-L, FAO International
Cactus Pear Discussion List
Cactusclub 'Aylostera'
(Belgian Cactus Society)
Cactussen en Vetplanten
(Belgian Cactus Society)
Calendar of Garden Events
Calgary Rock And
Alpine Garden Society (CRAGS; Canada)
California Academy
of Sciences Botany Department (Gopher)
California Academy
of Sciences, Botany Department, USA: type specimens
California Academy of Sciences WWW
California Arboretum Foundation -
Arboretum News
California Exotic Pest Plant Council
WebPage (Invasive plants)
California Flora
Database, USA
California Living Museum,
Bakersfield, USA
Native Plant Society, USA
California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.
California's Coastal Plants, USA
California State Listed
Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants (1992), State of California,
Department of Fish & Game, USA
California State University
Fullerton Biological Science Home Page, USA
California State University
Stanislaus - Botany 3700
California State University
Stanislaus, CSUBIOWEB & Biology Department
California State
University Stanislaus Herbarium
California Wildflowers
CaliforniaWILD - Wildflowers in Landscape Design
University Botanic Garden, UK
Cambridge University Press - UK
Cambridge University Press - USA
Association of Palynologists
Canadian Biological Server/Pages by Shunguo Liu
Canadian Botanical
Association - L'Association Botanique du Canada
Canadian Botanical Conservation Network
Canadian Botanical
Conservation Network - Web Directory of Canadian Botanical Gardens
Canadian Botanical Gardens
and Arboreta
Canadian Botanical Specialists and Literature
Canadian Collection of Fungal
The Canadian
Endangered Species Protection Act
Canadian Forests
Geographical Names - Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Herb Society
Canadian Iris Society
Journal of Botany, Canada: guides to authors
Journal of Botany (table of contents)
Canadian mirror of the List of
WWW sites of interest to ecologists
Canadian Museum of Nature
The Canadian Nature Federation Home
Orchid Congress
The Canadian
Phytopathological Society - La Société Canadienne de Phytopathologie
Canadian Poisonous Plants
Information System, by Derek Munro, Biological Resources Division, Canada
Canadian Rose
Scientists and Specialists from Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network
Canberra Organic
Growers' Society, Australia
CanoDraw by Petr
Smilauer, Czech Republic
Introduction & Contents by Lynton Dove White
The Cantharellus Research Group, Sweden
Cape York Peninsula Flora Data, Australia
Information by Mike Bowers - Scientific information on Chile Peppers
Careers in Botany,
Carl Peter
Thunberg, biographical information from the Uppsala University, Sweden
CARL UnCover
Carl von
Linne, or Carl Linnaeus, biographical information from the Uppsala
University, Sweden
Carl W. Sharsmith
Herbarium, Department of Biological Sciences, San José State University, USA
The Carleton Arboretum,
Northfield, USA
Carnegie Institution of
Washington, Department of Plant Biology (Stanford University, USA)
Carnegie Mellon University, Department
of Biological Sciences - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Carnegie Museum of Natural
History - Botany
Carnivorous Plant Archive,
University of New Mexico, USA
Carnivorous Plant Database
Plant FAQ
Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous plants and their habitats, by Joachim Nerz & Heiko Rischer &
Oliver and Matthias Schmidt (Germany)
Carnivorous Plants Listserver Mailing List (Contributions)
Plants Page, by Barry-Meyers-Rice, Arizona, USA
Carnivorous Plants
Carrefour BIODIDAC Home Page,
University of Ottawa, Canada
Cartes provisoires de distribution des Plantes en Belgique
Cartes provisoires de distribution des Plantes protégées en Belgique
Cartographic starting
points for botanists by Raino Lampinen, Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of
Natural History, University of Helsinki
Case Studies for
Monitoring Programs, Power Analysis, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center,
Biological Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
CASSIA Documentation
(Collection And Specimen System for Information and Analysis), New York
Botanical Garden, USA
Casuarinaceae nomenclature and distribution
Catalina's Endemic Plants
Catalog of the
Family Poaceae in Argentina, MOBot, USA
of the Lichens of Mexico by Bruce D. Ryan, Thomas H. Nash III & Maria de los
Angeles Herrera Campos
Catalogue of
Authentic Specimens of Moscow State University Herbarium (MW), Russia
Catalogue of the Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean
Catalogue of Type
Specimens in the Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO; Ottawa, Canada)
Catalonia Mushrooms: La web dels
bolets (Spain)
CATALPA, Catalog for Library Public
Access - the on-line literature database of the New York Botanical Garden,
Catoctin Orchid
Society, Frederick, Maryland, USA
CCALA, Czechoslovak
Database of Algae and Cyanobacteria from Base de Bados Tropical Brazil
Cecil B. Day Butterfly Center -
Calloway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA
CEDAR, Central European
Environmental Data Request Facility from Vienna, Austria
Cedar Valley Arboretum &
Botanic Garden (Waterloo, Iowa, USA)
Cedar Valley Botanical Gardens
(Brighton, Ontario, Canada)
CENARGEN, National Center for
Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Brazil
Center for Aquatic Plants,
University of Florida - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
The Center for
Biological Imaging, The Department of Plant and Microbial Biology,
University of California, Berkeley
The Center for Plant Biotechnology Research, Tuskegee University
Center for Plant
Center for Soybean
Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering, USA
Center for Tropical Forest Science of the Smithsonian Tropical Research
Institute, USA
Centraalbureau voor
Schimmelcultures (CBS), Baarn & Delft, The Netherlands
Central Appalachian
Biodiversity Project
The Central Arkansas Cactus
& Succulent Society (CACSS)
Central College,
Biology Department, Pella, Iowa, USA
Central Iowa Orchid Society, USA
Central Michigan University:
Biology Program (USA)
Central Michigan
University, Department of Biology (Mount Pleasant, USA)
Central New
York Mycological Society (CNYMS) Newsletter, Mycology, Mushrooms, and Club
News, USA
Central Ohio
Native Plant Society, USA
Central Ontario Orchid
Society, Waterloo, Canada
Central Queensland University -
Plant Sciences Group (Rockhampton, Australia)
Central Vancouver Island
Botanical Garden Society (British Columbia, Canada)
Vancouver Island Orchid Society (British Columbia, Canada)
Centre de coopération international en
recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), Paris, France
Centre for Arid Zone Studies,
University of Wales, Bangor, UK.
Centre for Biodiversity
and Conservation Biology, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK
Centre for Economic Botany (CEB),
Kew, U.K.
The Centre for Northern Forest
Ecosystem Research (CNFER), Canada
Centre for Resource and Environmental
Studies (CRES), Australia at the Australian National University
Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Département des Sciences de la Vie, France
Centro das Ciências Biológicas e
Geológicas (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal)
Centro de
Investigaciones Biológicas, Department of Plant Biology, Spain
Centro de
Investigaciones Biológicas, Department of Plant Biology, Spain
Centro de
Investigaciones Biológicas, Spain
Centro Studi Botanici
'Lombardia, Italy'
Ceratopteris - A Simple Model
Plant System, USA
Cereal Research Centre,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The Cereal Rust Laboratory, USDA-ARS,
Herbario/Xiloteca, Brazilia
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
The CGIAR (Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research) Home Page, Washington, DC, USA
CGIAR's System-Wide Information
Network for Genetic Resources - SINGER, Washington, DC, USA
Chanticleer Garden,
Pennsylvania, USA
Chaparral Gardens
of vegetation zones using GIS: the Maya Mountains of Belize
Lowcountry Rose Society, South Carolina, USA
Daylily Diary
The Chase-Cross Garden, a
private garden in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Chattanooga Daylily
Gardens, USA
Check-list of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Cornwall and the Isles of
Scilly - 1994
Check-list of
the Seaweeds of Britain, Ireland and Northern Europe
Checklist of Conifers in the British Isles
Checklist of Danish
Mosses - Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, and Bryopsida
checklist of El Paso Plants from the University of Texas at El Paso, USA
of Japanese Lichens
Checklist of Mosses in Stuttgart
of Online Plant Distribution and Vegetation Maps
of Online Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps
Checklist of
phytoplankton in the Skagerrak-Kattegat (including heterotrophic protists)
Checklist of Tennessee Vascular Plants
Checklist of
the family Poaceae in Argentina
A Checklist of
the Fortuna Watershed, Chiriqui, Panama
Checklist of
the Grasses of Montana
Checklist of the Lichenized Fungi of the Guianas
Checklist of
the Mosses of North Carolina
Checklist of
the Orchids of North America north of Mexico
Checklist of the Río Escalerete Reserve in Colombia, Missouri Botanical
Checklist of the
vascular flora of the Peruvian and Atacama Deserts
A Checklist
of the Vascular Plants of Texas, USA
Checklist of
the Vascular Plants of the Lobe-Okanda Reserve, Gabon, Missouri Botanical
Checklist of Vascular
Plants Native and Naturalized in New England, USA
Checklist of
Wisconsin Bryophytes, Milwaukee Public Museum, Section For Botany, USA
Checklista över
Nordens kärlväxter
Checklists of flora in Western United States by Michael Moore
Botanic Gardens, Wyoming, USA
Marco's Plant Pictures Page
Chez Marco's Plant
Pictures: Russian Mirror
Chicago Academy of
Sciences - Botany Collections, USA
Chicago Botanic Garden
(Illinois, USA)
The Chile Pepper Institute at
New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, USA)
Chinese Biodiversity
Information System (CBIS)
Chinese Ecosystem Research
Network & Chinese Biodiversity Information System
Chinese herbal sciences and health
resources directory from Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute, Hot Springs,
Montana, USA.
Genetics Center at Duke University, USA
chilensis. Revista chilena on line de flora y vegetación
Chorological Problems
in the European Flora - VIII meeting of the Committee for Mapping the Flora
of Europe
Christchurch Botanic Gardens, New Zealand
Chrysanthemums in Scotland
CIMMYT, Centro Internacional de
Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo
Cincinnati Area Parks,
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, USA
Cirsium Web Sites (P.
Barlow, USA)
Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity
City University of Hong Kong,
Department of Biology and Chemistry
Cladistics - The
international journal of the Willi Hennig Society
Clamp Connexions
by Howard Szafer, Canada
classification of flowering plants - Kåre Bremer, Birgitta Bremer and Mats
Thulin, 1997
Claude Monet's Garden (Giverny,
Clemson University,
Department of Horticulture
Cleveland Botanical Garden (Cleveland,
Ohio, USA)
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Ohio,
Cliff Ecology
Research Group, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Cliff Schmidt's Ceanothus Descriptions Home Page
Clinton Community
Clupper's Organic Gardens,
Kingman, Arizona, USA
Redwood Trees Essays
Cocoa Research WWW Home
Page, USA
software for nature conservation planning
international de la nomenclature botanique (Code de Tokyo)
Coker Arboretum, North
Cold-Rating DataBank
Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press, USA
Colegio Oficial de
Biólogos, Spain
The CoLib
Project, from Texas A&M University, USA
Permits Page
Managers Online at University of New Mexico, USA
Collection of orchid
images from Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific
Collection of WWW sites of
biological interest by Peter Fabian
Collegium Palynologicum
Colorado Plateau
Research Station Vegetation Program, USA
Colorado State
University, Department of Biology, Fort Collins, USA
State University Herbarium, Fort Collins, USA
Columbus Zoological Gardens, Powell, Ohio, USA
Come Into My Garden
by Tom H. Robb, Texas, USA
Commercial Horticultural
Association (CHA), UK
A Common
Datastructure for European Floristic Databases (CDEFD) by W. Berendsohn et
al., Berlin, Germany
Common Names for Plant
Diseases, USA
Trees of Pennsylvania
Community of Science Web Server
Park Conservatory - Como Park St Paul, Minnesota
COMPARE, Computer
programs for the phylogenetic analysis of comparative data
The Compleat Cladist
Component - A
computer program for analysing evolutionary trees
Comprehensive Information Model for Botanical Databases, Berlin
A Computer-Assisted Annotated Bibliography and Preliminary Survey of Nevada
Paleobotany by Schorn, H.E., C.J. Bell, S.W. Starratt, and D.W. Wheeler
programs for pollen analysis
CONABIO - Biodiversity in Mexico
Concordance of family names Prepared by James L. Reveal, Department of Plant
Biology, University of Maryland, USA
Concordance of family names used in PBIO 250
Concordia Arboretum - Concordia, College, Seward, Nebraska, USA
The Connecticut Botanical Society
Connecticut College Arboretum, USA
Connecticut College Herbarium
Connecticut Orchid Society (COS), USA
Connell Memorial
Herbarium, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
Conoscere la Natura e il Territorio
by Daniele Savio, Italy (in Italian)
Conservation Biology - A Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
Conservation Ecology
Status Listing of Indian Plants at WCMC
Conservatoire & Botanical Garden of the
City of Geneva, Switzerland
Conservatoire et
Jardins Botaniques de Nancy
The Conservatory in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, USA
for International Crop Protection
Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) / WCMC site
The Cool
Tropics - Grow coldhardy palms, cycads,.. from seed
Cooperative Research Center (CRC) for
Tropical Plant Pathology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
The Cora Hartshorn Arboretum
and Bird Sanctuary, Short Hills, New Jersey, USA
Coral Springs Orchid Society,
Florida, USA.
Core Arboretum,
West Virginia University, USA
Corn Growers Guidebook Compiled by Bob Nielsen, Purdue University in W.
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Plantations Path Guide, Ithaca, New York, USA
Cornell University, New
York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Plant Pathology Department, USA
Cornell University, New York
State Agricultural Experiment Station, USA
University, Plant Biology
Cornell University
Poisonous Plants Page, USA
Biological Records Unit, University of Exeter, UK
Corpus Christi
Rose Society, Texas, USA
COST 49 Phycological
Directory, Ireland
COST 816 - Biological
Control of Weed in Europe
Costa Rica's
National Biodiversity Institute Herbarium
Rican Bromeliads (imge collection)
Cotton Database Data Collection Site
at the USDA ARS Southern Crops Research Laboratory, College Station, Texas,
Council on
Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Inc.
Country reports on the
state of plant genetic resources by FAO
Coventry Fuchsia & Geranium
Society, UK
Arboretum, USA
Croatian Natural History Museum
Croatian Natural History Museum
Crop Protection -
Botany - Agriculture and Agri_Food Canada
Crop Protection -
Mycology - Agriculture and Agri_Food Canada
Crop Protection Program of
the Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Center, Canada
Database and CropReferences
Botanic Gardens (Aberdeen, Scotland, UK)
Cryptocoryne (Araceae)
CSIRO Publishing, Australia
CSIRO Tropical Forest Research
Centre, Australia
CSUBIOWEB - Images by
Steven J. Wolf, California, USA
CTI Centre for Biology,
Donnan Laboratories, University of Liverpool, UK
Genetics Cooperative, USA
The Cucurbit
Network, USA
Cultivations' Daylily Corner
Culture Collection of Algae and
Protozoa (CCAP), UK
Culture Collection of
Basidiomycetes (CCBAS), Prague, Czech Republic
Collections of Algae
A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied
Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada
Curious Scientific Names (part
of Doug Yanega's home page)
Currency Creek
Arboretum, Adelaide, Australia
Current Advances in Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Cyanosite - General
Cyanobacterial Research Webserver at Purdue University, USA
The Cyber-Plantsman by Barry
Glick, USA
Cyberbotanica: Plant
Compounds and Chemotherapy by Lucy A. Snyder, Indiana University, USA
CybeRose Garden,
Dedicated to the Old, Odd & Rare; Rose Gallery.
CyberSedge -
Carex image collection (Texas A&M University Bioinformatics Working Group)
The Cycad Society
Cycadaceas de
México from University of California Riverside, USA
The Cyclamen
(Primulaceae) Society, UK
D.A. Murphy
Panhandle Arboretum, University of Nebraska, USA
The Dahlia Society of
variabilis Diseases (Texas Plant Disease Handbook)
Dahlia - What A Flower (Dale
Bishop, Oregon, USA)
DAINet Deutsches Agrarinformationsnetz -
German Agricultural Information Network, Germany
Daldinia: a key
to species
Dallas Arboretum, Dallas, Texas, USA
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden,
Belmont, North Carolina, USA
Danish Mycological Society (Foreningen
til Svampekundskabens Fremme)
dendrologisk forening (Danish Dendrological Society, Denmark)
DARWIN Multimedia CD-ROM
Database LICHEN Red List of the epiphytic lichens of Switzerland
Database of Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) Resources (= DIR)
Database of Research Institutions in Tropical Ecology
Databases at Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, UK
David Taylor's
Bromeliaceae Page, USA
Davis Arboretum, University of California, USA
The Dawes Arboretum, Newark, Ohio, USA
Day Kee Nu - Indian
Herbal Medicines, USA
Daylilies by Michael W. Longo
Daylilies Growing Along the
Information Highway (USA)
Online - An extensive collection of high-resolution daylily photos
maintained by Nick Chase.
The Daylily Exchange,
The Daylily Place, The Home
Page of the Friends of the Daylilies
Dayton Museum
of Natural History, Ohio, USA
Deaver Herbarium at the Northern
Arizona University, USA
DECODA, Database for Ecological COmmunity DAta, Australia
TABLCORN - DOS programs written by Mark Hill, Institute of Terrestrial
Del nombre de las
plantas (Spanish explanations of the scientific names of plants cultivated
in Spain)
The Delphinium
DELTA in Spanish, and
some related tools, programs for image analysis and educational purposes
Discussion Forum for Users of the DELTA System and Related Taxonomic
DELTA Software and Data
- an SQL interface to Delta files, implemented in Microsoft Access
Dendrology Pages by
Leilah Thiel, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Dendrome Project, USA
Denison University, Department
of Biology, USA
Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado, USA
Departamento de Biología,
Facultad de Ciencias UNAM, Mexico
Departamento de
Botanica, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Biology at Åbo
Akademi University (Åbo/Turku, Finland)
Department of Biology, Colby
College, USA
Department of
Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Japan
Department of Biology, University of
New Mexico, USA
Department of
Biology, University of Trieste, Italy
Department of
Biology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
Department of Botany
and Biologic Engineering, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal
Department of Botany
and Biological Engineering, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal
Department of Botany and
Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, USA
Department of Botany (BM), The
Natural History Museum in London (UK)
Department of
Botany, Faculty of Life Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Department of
Botany, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Department of
Botany, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, USA
Department of Botany, The Geisenheim Research Institute, Germany
Department of
Botany, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Department of Botany, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Crop Protection Homepage, University of Adelaide, Australia
Department of Cryptogamic
Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History
Department of
Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, Hebrew University, Israel
of Forest Genetics and Dendrology, Forestry Department, Faculty of Forestry,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Forest
Mycology and Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden
Department of
Horticulture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Department of Marine
Botany, University of Göteborg, Sweden
Department of Plant Pathology,
Cornell University, USA
Department of
Plant Pathology, University of Georgia, USA.
Department of
Plant Science, University of Adelaide, Australia
Department of Tropical Plant
Sciences, James Cook University, Australia
Der Botanische Garten der Stadt LinzBotanische Garten der Stadt Linz,
Der Botanische Garten
in Göttingen, Universität Göttingen (Germany)
Der Hexengarten
Moines Botanical Center
Descanso Gardens, California, USA
of the University of Texas Herbaria Type Register
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona,
Desert Horticulture
The Desert Plant Society of Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
Desert Vegetation (Eastern
Mojave Desert, California, USA) by Tom Schweich
Information Network
Detroit Rose
Society, USA
Gesellschaft für Mykologie - The German Mycological Society
Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik GfBS
Kakteengesellschaft e.V. (DKG; The German Cactus Society)
Deutsche Orchideen Gesellschaft - The German Orchid Society, Germany
Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Germany
coded diatom checklist
Diatom Collection of the California Academy of Sciences, USA
Diatoms Literature Database, USA
Dictionary of
Botanical Epithets, Chuck Griffith, USA
Dictionary of Science and Biotechnology
Dictionary of the
Dictyostelium WWW
Server, USA
Didacticiel de Biologie Végétale
Datenbank Gefäßpflanzen
Diemerzeedijk (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) - Marco Bleeker's plant images
from a former waste dump
Dig Magazine - Home and Garden
Digital Exsiccate of Fungi - A joint project of the universities of Tübingen
(Germany)and Gothenburg (Sweden)
Taxonomy Web Site by Mauro J. Cavalcanti
Digitized Electron
Micrographs of Plant Viruses by Thorben Lundsgaard, C.J. Woolston and Ed
The Dillon Garden, Dublin,
Dining on the Wilds - Learning
Nature through Wild Edible Plants and Ethnobotany by John Goude and Miriam
Dinoflagellates of
Algoa Bay, South Africa by Eileen Campbell and Andy Smith
Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Napoli, Italy
Dipartimento di Botanica -
Universita' degli studi di Catania (Italy)
Direct Source
Home Page
Directories of Biologists: American Museum of Natural History (New York)
Directories of Biologists and Biological Organizations
Directories of Biologists: British Museum of Natural History
Directories of Biologists: Mycologists Online
Directories of Biologists: Plant Taxonomists Online (PTO)
Directory of
Australian Botanic Gardens & Arboreta
Directory of readers of the Bean Bag from RBG Kew
Directory of UK
Systematics Expertise and Current Research
DIRTAX, a searchable
directory of Spanish taxonomists
Discover Mushrooms
- A Mushroom Identification Program
Distribution des Plantes supérieures dans la Région Bruxelles-Capitale
Distribution Maps of
Vascular Plants in Hokkaido, Japan
Diversification of Gulf/Caribbean Mangrove Communities through Cenozoic Time
International Programme of Biodiversity Science
endemism and extinction in the flora and vegetation of New Caledonia
Division of Botany of the University of Nebraska State Museum (UNSM), USA
Dixie College, Plant Sciences (St.
George, Utah, U.S.A.)
Dixon Gallery and
Gardens, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Gallery and Gardens, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
DLO-NL Agricultural Research
Department, the Netherlands
DLO Research Institute for Plant
Protection (IPO-DLO), the Netherlands
The DMAP information pages, UK
Douglas County
Dahlia Society (Oregon, USA)
Dow Gardens (Midland,
Michigan, USA)
Dowdeswells Delphiniums, New
Dr. NAD's Pad:
Neil A. Durso's homepage, USA
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical
Chinese Garden, Vancouver, Canada
BioCode: General Introduction by John McNeill, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Draft BioCode: the
prospective international rules for the scientific names of organisms
Checklists: Plant species known to be cultivated in Australia (compiled by
David Cooke)
Drew University,
Department of Biology, Madison, New Jersey, USA
DRYADE, a database on
ornamental trees
The DSMZ -
Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (German
Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures), Germany
Arboretum & Botanical Gardens at Marshall Park, Iowa, USA
(Lemnaceae): The Three Genera
(Lemnaceae): The Three Genera
Duke Mycology: Mushrooms of
North Carolina, USA
University Bryophyte Herbarium (DUKE)
Duke University, Department of
Botany, Durham, North Carolina, USA
University Botanic Garden, City of Durham, England
University Botanic Garden Picture Library, UK
Fuchsia Society, the Netherlands
Dutch Orchid Society, the
Dyck Arboretum of the Plains,
Hesston, Kansas, USA
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of
Science, Institute of Biology, Budapest, Hungary
A. E. Roland Herbarium, Nova
Scotia Agricultural College, Canada
The East African Regional Biodiversity Project
East Texas
Piney Woods Gardening
Eastbourne Orchid Society, UK
Eastern Cereal and Oilseed
Research Centre, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Eastern Illinois University Botany
Department, Charleston, USA
Eastern Kentucky University,
Department of Biological Sciences (Richmond, USA)
Eastern North American
Phenological Network Home Page
Eastern Oregon
University, Biology Department (La Grande, OR, USA)
Echinocereus Online by Martina und
Andreas Ohr, Germany
The Echo Project
Methodology for an Assessment of Europe's Biodiversity
Ecological Abstracts
Ecological Bulletins
Ecological Engineering
Ecological Modelling
Ecological Society of America,
Ecological Software
Ecology & Evolution Community Archive at SunSite, USA
Ecology and
Ecological Monographs
Ecology Center at the Venezuelan
Institute for Scientific Research
Ecology WWW
page - List of WWW Sites of Interest to Ecologists by Anthony R. Brach
Economic Botany Herbarium of Oakes Ames, Harvard University
Economic Botany Leaflets
Management Bibliographic Database, Forestry Library, College of Natural
resources, University of Minnesota
EcoWeb, University
of Virginia, USA
The Eddy Arboretum
(Placerville, California, USA)
The Edible LC
by Wes Stone, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA
Edinburgh Centre for Tropical
Forests, UK
Edinburgh Journal of Botany
Education Interactive
Imaging, USA
Educational Videotape
Programs - Aquatic Plant Information Retrieval System at the University of
Eesti Loodus (Estonia)
Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts
Eesti sammalde nimestik -
Checklist of the mosses of Estonia
Eesti soontaimede nimestik
- Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Estonia
Eestikeelsete taimenimede
andmebaas (Index of Estonian Plant Names)
EGID (Evaluation et
Gestion Informatique de la Diversité génétique)
Eidgenössische Technische
Hochschule, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Zürich, Switzerland
EightMile Gardens, East Haddam,
Connecticut, USA
Ekologisk botanik, Umeå Universitet (address list), Sweden
El Género Jasminum
en España (Genus Jasminum in Spain)
El Herbario del
Instituto San Isidro de Madrid (Spain)
El jardín botánico Dr.
Alfredo Barrera Marín, Mexico
Electron Micrographs of Plant Viruses by Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK
Atlas of Siskiyou County (California, USA): Vegetation
Electronic Sites
of Botany, Plant Biology & Science Journals
Elias Fries,
biographical information from the Uppsala University, Sweden
The Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden Center, California, USA
Elsevier Science the Netherlands
EMBRAPA/CENARGEN Herbarium, Brazil
Endangered Plants
of Ontario, Canada
Endangered species by EE-Link (USA bias)
Endangered Species in
Endemic Orchids in the
Mediterranean Isles by Carlo del Prete, Botanical Garden, University of
Entomopathogenic Fungi Database
Entrez Taxonomy
Environmental Information Sources, ERIN, Australia
Information Sources on the Internet, list of ERIN, Australia
Environmental Organization Web
Directory, USA
Environmental Organizations in Costa Rica and other Central American
Environmental Periodicals Bibliography
Environmental Resources Information Network Unit (ERIN)
Environmental sites on
the internet
Environmental Weeds, Australia
L'Erbario, Dipartimento di
Botanica - Universita' degli studi di Catania (Italy)
Ericaceae of
Acharius' lichen types, Swedish Museum of Natural History
ERIN Database Gateway
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Maps, US Geological Survey
Escuela de Jardinería y
Paisajismo Castillo de Batres (Spain)
The Essential Garden, garden of
alternative health news, facts, forums, and shop
The Estonian Academy of Sciences, Estonia
Estonian lichenology maintained by
Ave Suija and Ants Aader, University of Tartu, Estonia
etnobotánico en la Península de Samaná
Phytopathology Group, Institute of Technology at Zürich, Switzerland.
Ethnobiology and Conservation Team
Ethnobotanic Bibliography Literature Useful to the Study of Florida Plants,
by Kent D. Perkins, University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)
The Ethnobotany Cafe
The Ethnobotany of Pinyon
Juniper Woodlands, compiled by Peter T. Hraber, University of New Mexico
Biology Department, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
EthnobotDB, Ethnobotany Database, USA
EthnoMedicinal Plants for
Research and Development
Habitats Directive
Collaborative Data Set Project
European Bamboo Society,
Association Européenne du Bambou
European Bioinformatics Institute
European Centre for Nature Conservation,
the Netherlands
European Environment Agency, Denmark
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
The European Garden Flora
European Journal of Phycology, UK
European Journal of Plant Pathology
European Molecular Biology
Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany
Nature Conservation Organizations
The European Palm
European Pollen
Database (EPD), USA
European Science
Foundation ESF Network in Systematic Biology
European Society for
Evolutionary Biology and Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Society for Photobiology
European Solanaceae
Information Network (ESIN) based in the The Botanical Garden of Nijmegen,
the Netherlands
The European Topic Center
for Nature Conservation (Paris, France),
European Tropical Forest Research
Network, ETFRN (from Germany)
The European Weed Research
The Evergreen Foundation's community
ecology resource network
Evolution Newsgroup
Evolution of
Crop Plants - Lecture notes by Paul Gepts, University of California at
Davis, USA
Excavations at Villa Bitricci, N
Italy by David Giese, University of Idaho, USA
Exeter Software: Scientific
software for teaching and research
Exhibits of Rare
Books and Art Works at The Holden Arboretum, USA
Pest Plant Database, California
Exotic Plant Management in
Redwood National and State Parks, USA
ExPASy Molecular Biology Server,
The Expert Center for Taxonomic
Identification (ETI)
Extant Vascular Plant Family Names, Department of Plant Biology, University
of Maryland, USA
Extant Vascular Plant Family Names in Current Use, Department of Plant
Biology, University of Maryland, USA
Extant Vascular Plant Ordinal Names, Department of Plant Biology, University
of Maryland, USA
Extant Vascular Plant Superordinal Names, Department of Plant Biology,
University of Maryland, USA
Extension Forest Resources -
University of Georgia, USA
Biologie/Botanik der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Fachbereich Biologie,
Universität Göttingen, Germany
Fachhochschule Osnabrnck,
Fachbereich Gartenbau, Germany
Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles
University, Hradec Kralove, the Czech Republic
The Faeroes Natural History
Museum, Denmark
Fagaceae Network, L'Institut Botanique - L'Universit_ Montpellier II,
Fairchild Tropical Garden, Coral Gables,
Florida, USA
The Families
of Flowering Plants: Descriptions and Illustrations
The Family Araceae by
Farlow Herbarium Diatom Catalog, Harvard, USA
The Farlow Herbarium (FH), Harvard University
Fauna & Flora International
Federal Geographic Data
Committee's (FGCC) Vegetation Information and Classification Standard
Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds
(FICM), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Protected Plants of Georgia
Fellows Riverside
Gardens, Youngstown, Ohio, USA
Ferns and Man in
New Guinea by J.R. Croft
Ferns and the
Southwestern Fern Society
Ferns of the
Canberra Region (David and Christopher Nicholls, Australia)
FLORA-for-FAUNA homepage
FIBRE - Finnish Biodiversity Research Home
Field Botany and Plant
Systematics and Evolution - BOTANY 2150/4500, University of Lethbridge,
Field Guide: Dominant
Flora of the Ground Cover in the Apalachicola National Forest, Florida, USA
Systematic Botany (Botany 620), Department of Biology, Texas A&M University
The Fifth International Congress
of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Budapest, August 17-24, 1996
Figs and Other Stuff by
Ray Givan, USA
Filamentous marine
cyanobacteria (Sven Janson)
Aerobiology Unit, Department of Biology, University of Turku, Finland
Finnish Association for Nature Conservation,
Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto (SLL), Finland
Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA),
Finnish Institute of Marine Research,
Finnish Museum of Natural History,
Botanical Museum (H)
Finnish Vascular
Plants and Floristic Literature
The Finnish Zoological and
Botanical Publishing Board
Fire Effects Information
System, FEIS
The International Fire Information Network, Australia
Flemish Show Gardens - Vlaamse
Fleur's Place (Orchid
Fleurs, Plantes, Jardins - la
revue francophone du jardinage, Quebec, Canada
Flinders University, School of
Biological Sciences, Australia
La Flora ad
Ischia (Flora of the island of Ischia, Italy)
The Flora and
Fauna of Korea
Flora and Fauna of Norway, Leif Ryvarden's (Institute of Biology, Botanical
Division, University of Oslo) article for ODIN (Official Documentation and
Information from Norway)
Flora and Vegetation in
Israel, Department of Plant Sciences, Tel Aviv University
and vegetation in the Netherlands
Flora and
Vegetation of New Caledonia
Flora and
Vegetation of the Tucson Mountains, Pima County, Arizona , USA
Flora and Vegetation -
Stintino Coast (Asinara Gulf) - North-West Sardinia, Italy
Danica on Net
Flora del
Flora del Parque
Tablas de Daimie (Spain)
Flora do Cerrado do Estado
de São Paulo, Brazil
Flora Europaea at the Royal
Botanic Garden Edinburgh. UK
Flora ID Northwest -
computerized keys for northwestern USA
Flora Malesiana, from
Leiden, the Netherlands
Flora Mesoamericana--The
Internet Version
Flora Montiberica
Flora of Australia
The Flora of Bhutan
Flora of Ceylon Revision project
Flora of
Chile Project (Missouri Botanical Garden, USA)
Flora of
China Checklist and Distribution Maps (HTML)
Flora of China
Checklist (goher version)
Flora of China
Flora of China Home Page
The Flora of Croatia Check List
Flora of
Ecuador project
The "Flora of Ethiopia
and Eritrea" Project
Flora of Europe - a
photographic herbarium
The Flora
of Florida Project
Flora of Galicia, NW
Flora of Karlsøy,
N Norway
of La Planada Project, Colombia (Missouri Botanical Garden, USA)
Flora of Missouri
The Flora of Mount Rainier
National Park, Washington, USA
Flora of Mt. Kinabalu,
The Flora of
Napa County, California, USA
Flora of North America
Flora of North America
Flora of Peru
(gopher at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA)
The Flora of San
Marcos by Mike Schmidt, California, USA
The Flora of the Arabian
Peninsula and Socotra
Flora of the Philippines Project
Flora of the Robinson Crusoe Islands, Chile
Flora of the
San Quirico, Michael Kleih
Flora of the
Venezuelan Guayana, from the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA
Flora of the
Venezuelan Guayana - Spermatophyte Families (Gopher at Missouri Botanical
Garden, St. Louis, USA)
Flora of
Tropical East Africa - information by RGB Kew, UK
Flora of vascular plants
in the Biebrza National Park N-E Poland
Flora of Verin, Galicia, Spain
Flora Ornamental Española -
Spanish Ornamental Flora
Flora Source - Roots
Florafest Orchids Australia
Florida Agricultural Information
Retrieval System (FAIRS)
Florida Atlantic
University: Department of Biology (Boca Raton, USA)
Atlantic University Herbarium (USA)
Florida Biotic Information
Consortium, USA
Florida Community
College at Jacksonville Botanical Garden, USA
Florida Council of
Bromeliad Societies
Division of Plant Industry. Plant Industry Herbarium, Gainesville, USA
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
Florida International
University, Biological Sciences, Miami, USA
Native Plant Data Exchange
Florida Native Plant
Society, USA
Florida Plants Online (Fort
Lauderdale, FL, USA)
Florida State Horticulture
Society, USA
Florida Wildflower/Florida
Wildflower Showcase by Michael E. Abrams, USA
Floridata (an
online photo reference of plants)
FLORIN Databases On-line
FLORIN Information System Home
Page, Russia
The Flower Forest
of Barbados
FlowerBase at the
Department of Botany, University of Leicester, UK
Flowerbase, the Netherlands
Plant Families
Plant Gateway (Texas A&M University Bioinformatics Group)
Flowers of Brazil
Flowers of the Madonna
by Harold N.Moldenke, Co-author of Plants of the Bible
Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations
Forage Information System.
Forest & Shade Tree
Pathology, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science
and Forestry, USA
Forest Finland
Forest Genetic
Resources in Germany
Forest Genetics and
Tree Breeding - WWW Virtual Library
Sciences Laboratory, Forest Mycology and Mycorrhiza Research Team,
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Forstbotanischer Garten Tharandt (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Forstbotanischer Garten und
Arboretum der Universität Göttingen, Germany
Universität Freiburg (Germany)
Fort Worth
Orchid Society, Texas, USA
Fort Worth Rose Society, Texas,
Fossil and Modern
Pollen Data
Fowler Herbarium, Department
of Biology, Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Franklin Park Conservatory and
Botanical Garden (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
Fraser Pacific Rose Society, Canada
and Oleaceae research and links by Eva Wallander, Göteborg, Sweden
Frederik Meijer
Gardens, Michigan, USA
Frederik Meijer Gardens, Michigan, USA
Cucurbita pepo in the United States - Viral Resistance, Gene Flow, and Risk
Assessment by Hugh Wilson, Texas A&M University.
Free Software - Botanical
Latin Translation by Peter D. Bostock of Queensland Herbarium
Free State National
Botanical Garden (Bloemfontein, South Africa)
Frelinghuysen Arboretum,
Morristown, NJ, USA
Phytopathological Society
Freshwater Ascomycete
Database, University of Illinois, USA
FRIM Herbarium, Malaysia
Fruit Images, University of Wisconsin
Fruit Tree
Research Institute - Propagation Dept.
The Fruit Tree Research Station
(FTRS), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan
Fruits and Vegetables Market Prices
by Today's Market
Fruits of Brazil
Fuchsia images by Kenneth
Nilsson, The Swedish Fuchsia Society
Fuchsia News
- Metropolitan Essex Fuchsia Society (London, UK)
Les Fuchsias des
origines a nos jours (Francoise Omnes, France)
Fukuoka City Zoological and Botanical Gardens, Japan
Fullerton Arboretum, California
State University, USA
Functional Ecology - An Official Journal of the British Ecological Society
Fungal Genetics
Stock Center
Fungi and Other Native
Flora of Western Kentucky
Images on the Net
The Fungi Imperfecti from
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, USA
Fungi Perfecti
Fungi photos
by R.A.Chilton, Chester, UK
Fungus Home Page (plus link to
Fungus Email Newsletter) by Ralph Arnold
Fuskey - Fusarium Interactive
Key, Canada
Botaniska Sällskap - Gävleborg Botanical Society, Sweden
The G.F. Ledingham
Herbarium, University of Regina, Canada
Gruppo Italiano Ricerca Orchidee Spontanee
Gödöllõ University of
Agricultural Sciences, Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Plant
Physiological Sect. (Hungary)
Arboretum, Hungary
The Göteborg Botanical Gardens
(= Gothenburg), Sweden
Göteborg University, Department of
Systematic Botany & Herbarium, Sweden
Göttingen Botanical
Garden, Germany (page from the GardenWeb, USA)
Gaia Forest Conservation Archives
Gainesville Camellia Society, USA
Gallery Forest, Mata Ciliar,
Garden and
Botany Software Page by Laurence Hatch
Garden and Wildlife Matters Photo
Library, UK
Garden Designer CD-ROM (Russia)
The Garden Gate on the
Prairienet, Karen Fletcher, USA
Garden Guides, Resource for the
Garden Net's Guide to
Internet Garden Resources
Garden Net - The
Ardent Gardener
The Garden Path Nursery, Canada
Garden Site
Directory, USA
The Garden Spider's Web,
Karen Fletcher, USA
Gardener Insect Help (Jim
Hammond, USA)
Roots of Botanical Names
The Gardener's Guide to Mailing Lists
The Gardening
Archive at the Lysator www site in Sweden
Gardening at Telpering
Productions, Especially Iris information and links
on Suite 101
Resources (compiled by Travis Saling)
Gardening Webpage Index
by the GardenGuides
GardenNet - A resource center for
garden enthusiasts, USA
Guide to Gardens of the USA
The GardenWeb
Gazetteer of
Costa Rican Plant Collecting Locales by M. H. Grayum, MOBOT, USA
University, Faculty of Science & Arts , Department of Biology Web (Ankara,
University, Faculty of Science & Arts: GAZI Herbarium (Ankara, Turkey)
GDA: Software for the Analysis of
Discrete Genetic Data
Genera of the Rubiaceae - database of Elmar Robbrecht, Belgium
Flora of the Southeastern United States Project
Genetic resources in
Genus Dracontium L. (Araceae) by Guanghua Zhu, MoBot, USA
The Genus
Eschscholzia: California Poppies and Their Relatives
Genus of
the Week
The genus
Tetranema (Scrophulariaceae) in Costa Rica with two new species (Costa Rica)
genus Tetranema (Scrophulariaceae) in Costa Rica with two new species
Geobotanical Institute ETH Zurich, Herbarium, Switzerland
Geobotanical Institute ETH
Zurich, Switzerland
GEOnet Names Server - National
Imagery and Mapping Agency, USA
Geophyte Page
George Eastman's
Gardens, Rochester, New York, USA
Georgeson Botanical Garden, Alaska, USA
Georgia Botanical
Society, USA
Geranium, Monsonia, Pelargonium, Sarcocaulon, Hypseocharis ]
Geranium Culture for
Home Gardeners
German Carnivorous Plant Society (GFP).
German Clearing House
Mechanism: Botanical Gardens in Germany
bibliography, Smithsonian Natural History (gopher)
The Gesneriad Reference Web by
Ronald Myhr, Canada
Gesneriads Page
Giardino Botanico
Alpino delle Viotte del Monte Bondone, Trento, northern Italy
Giardino Botanico della Majella - Italy
Giardino Botanico,
Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale "CelsoUlpiani", Ascoli Piceno, Italy
Giardino Botanico "Lorenzo
Rota" di Bergamo (Italy)
Giardino Botanico
"Ruggero Tomaselli", Campo dei Fiori (Varese), Italy
Gilman Park Arboretum
(Pierce, Nebraska, USA)
GIS for Windows
Global Agricultural Biotechnology
The Global
Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Scientists: GLODIR
Global Phenological
Monitoring Network
The Global Plant
Checklist Project (IOPI)
Global Pollen Database
Glossary of Botanical Terms
Golden West College, Biology Department (Huntington Beach, California, USA)
GORP US National Forests
Goteborg Botanical Gardens (Sweden)
Steffen Hauser, Germany
GrainGenes - A
Database for Small Grains and Sugarcane, USA
Grand Prairie
Les Grands Jardins de
Normandin, Québec, Canada
Grass Genera
of the World by L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz, Australia
Grass Images
(Texas A&M University Bioinformatics Working Group)
The Grass of the Sea:
Phytoplankton by Mahlon Kelly, Prof. Emeritus, Univ. of Virginia, USA
Research Program - The United States National Herbarium
Grass Varieties in the United States
Grasses Newsgroup
Grasses of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago S. G. Aiken, L. L. Consaul, and
M. J. Dallwitz
Gray Card Index (Gopher)
The Gray
Herbarium (GH), Harvard University
Herbarium Index of New World Plants
The Great Mexican
The Greater Knoxville
Cactus and Succulent Society (GKCSS; Tennessee, USA)
The Greater Omaha Orchid Society, USA
Greater Palm Beach Rose
Society, Florida, USA
Green Guerillas Home Page (New
York, USA)
Green Plant Phylogeny Research Coordination Group (GPPRCG), Berkeley,
California, USA
Greenhouse Tour at the Botany Department, University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia, USA
Greenpeace by Greenpeace
International (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
The Grevillea
Page, by the Society for Growing Australian Plants
The Grevillea
Park, Illawarra, south coast of NSW, Australia
GRIN Fungal Culture
Collection Database
Grin Taxonomy
Grodd och Planta (gardening
information in Swedish)
Groene Vingers - The Green
Grow'Em Gardening
Shareware Page
Growing EDGE Magazine
Growing Hardy Palms
by Leonard Holmes, USA
GrowRoom, USA
Gruppo di Lavoro per gli
Orti Botanici e i Giardini Storici della Società Botanica Italiana
Micologico Naturalistico Dopolavoro Ferroviario di Ancona, Italy
The Guelph Turfgrass Institute,
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Guia de la flora del
Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema (Spain)
Guianas Plant
Checklist, Smithsonian Institution (gopher)
Guida agli orti botanici e arboreti d'Italia
A Guide to
Botanical Nomenclature
Guide to Collecting
Requirements for Australian Flora and Fauna
A Guide to
Poisonous and Toxic Plants
to the Plants of the Bajo Calima Region, Colombia from the Missouri
Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA
Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of Virginia by Kenneth J. Stein and F. William
A Guide to the use of Terms in
Plant Pathology
Guidelines for Contributors to Huntia
Guidelines for the Care of Natural History Collections by Society for the
Preservation of Natural History Collections, USA
GUMCAS: A Model Describing the Growth of Cassava (Manihot esculenta L.
Gustavus Adolphus College,
Department of Biology - Saint Peter, Minnesota, USA
Gymnosperm Collection
Search Database, Department of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of
Natural History (S)
Gymnosperm Database
Hämeenlinnan kasvisto - Flora
of the town of Hämeenlinna, inland S Finland
Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University, New York State, USA
Hakone: Full of Flowers and Dreams; Botanical Gardens and Parks, Japan
Haller Project - Life
and Work of the Physician, Scientist, and Poet Albrecht von Haller
(1708-1777), Switzerland
Hampshire County
Council Museums Service (searchable list of plant specimens), UK: Natural
Hannover School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Botany, Germany
The Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Museum, Ft. Pierce, Florida, USA: Collections
Hardy Fern Foundation, USA
Harlow Carr Botanical Gardens,
Harrogate, England
The Harmful Algae Page
Harold Porter
National Botanical Garden (Betty's Bay, Western Cape Province, South Africa)
Harris Garden, University of Reading, UK
Harry P.
Leu Gardens, Orlando, Florida, USA
Harvard Biological Laboratories
Genome Research, USA
Harvard University Biological
Collections (Gopher)
Harvard University Herbaria
Harvard University Herbaria Botany Libraries
University Herbaria Collections Catalogs (Gopher)
Harvard University Herbaria, Type Specimen Catalog
Harvard University Museums: The Botanical Museum, USA
Hatley Park: the Public
Gardens of Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Haughn's Lab, Botany, UBC, Vancouver, Canada
Biological Survey Web Site, USA
The Hawaii
Botanical and Public Gardens, USA
Endangered and Threatened Species by Bishop Museum's Hawaii Biological
Survey (HBS)
Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, USA
Hawaiian Alien Plant Studies
native plants, by Dr. Gerald Carr
Plant Bibliography
Hawaiian Plants
Conservation by Germain Mesureur
Hawaiian Silversword Alliance
Regional Arboretum, Richmond, Indiana, USA
HCS 210 - Discovering Horticulture
600 - Quality, Ethics, and the Global Environment
The Hebe Society: for
Hebes & other Native plants of New Zealand
HELCOM (Helsinki Commission) Home Page,
Heliconia in
Brazil by Affonso Beato
Helleborus Breeding
Program of the Sunshine Farms & Gardens
Henriette's Herbal Homepage
The Henry Schmieder Arboretum of Delaware Valley College, Pennsylvania, USA
Herb Research Foundation News and Views -
alternative medicine for health & wellness, USA
The Herb, Spice, and
Medicinal Plant Digest, USA
Herbal Hall, USA - A Discussion
List for Professional Herbalists
Herbal Medical Dictionary by Michael Moore, USA
Herbal Medicine, University of Virginia, USA
Smoking Mixtures by Howie Brounstein, USA
HerbalGram, A Botanical
Journal by American Botanical Council and Herb Research Foundation
Herbari del
Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València (VAL, Spain)
Online at University of New Mexico, USA
Yahoo List
Herbario de la
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense (MACB, Spain)
Herbario de la
Facultad de Farmacia de Madrid (MAF, Spain)
Herbario de la
Unidad de Botánica, Departamento de Ciencias y Recursos Agrícolas y
Forestales. Universidad de Córdoba (COA, Spain)
Herbario de la
Universidad de Alicante (ABH, Spain)
Herbario de la Universidad de
Granada - España (Spain)
Herbario del Centro Regional del Bajío del Instituto de Ecología (IEB;
Herbario del
Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Alcalá (AH, Spain)
Herbario, Departamento
Científico de Plantas Vasculares, Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias UNAM, Mexico
Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (PAMP, Spain)
Herbario, Departamento de
Investigaciones Científicas y Technológicas, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
Herbario, Instituto de Ecología, A.C., Veracruz, Mexico (XAL)
Herbario, Instituto de Recursos
Biológicos, Centro de Recursos Naturales I.N.T.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nacional de México
Herbário RB Notícias (Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil)
Herbario, Real
Jardín Botánico, Madrid (MA, Spain)
Herbario Unidad Chetumal
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Quintana Roo, Mexico (CIQR)
Herbario Universidad
de Granada, España
Herbario USON, Departamento de
Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de la Universidad de Sonora
Herbarium Aquilanum
(AQUI), Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Sezione Botanica, Universita'
degli Studi di L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
Bandungense Jurusan Biologi - ITB (Bandung, Indonesia)
Herbarium Information Standards and Protocols for Interchange of Data
(HISPID), ERIN, Australia
Herbarium Information Systems
Committee (HISCOM), Australia
Herbarium, Institute of
Botany, Academia Sinica, Taipei (HAST)
Lucanum Universitatis Studiorum Basilicatae [HLUC]
(MIL) at Milwaukee Public Museum, USA
Herbarium News Index
The Herbarium of
Kansas State University, USA
Herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum (A), Harvard University
Herbarium of the Department of Plant Sciences, Cambridge University, UK
Herbarium of the Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS), USA
of the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna (Wien), Austria
Herbarium of the
Institute of Botany, Vilnius, Lithuania ( BILAS)
Herbarium of
the Kochi University, Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy, Japan (KOCH)
Herbarium of
the Luxembourg Museum of Natural History, Section Botanique
Herbarium of the Moscow State
University (MW)
Herbarium of the
University of Alaska Museum (ALA), USA
Herbarium of the University of Trieste, Italy
Herbarium of the
Vilnius University, Lithuania (WI)
Pacificum (BISH) Type Catalog (Bishop Museum)
Herbarium, University
of Kebangsaan (UKMB), Malaysia
Herbariums in Croatia
L'Herbier de Guyane (L'Herbier du Centre Orstom de Cayenne
virtuel - Selection de plantes toxiques de la flore française
Herbs and Spices
by Jeffrey Dawkins and Ron Lunde
HerbWeb - Overmind Software, San
Francisco, USA
HerbWeb (site2)
Heriot-Watt University, Department of
Biological Sciences, Edinburgh, UK
Schweickerdt Herbarium (PRU), University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hieracium Discussion Group Mailing
List (send e-mail listserver@savba.sk with a message: subscribe hieracium
First_ name Family_ name)
Hierarchical Classification
Highstead Arboretun (Redding, Connecticutt, USA)
Hiroshima Botanical Garden, Japan
Historic Fruit Images: The Small Fruits of New York
(software for vegetation analysis)
Hoersholm Arboretum, Institute of
Botany, Dendrology and Forest Genetics, Denmark
Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, Ohio, USA
The Holly Society
of America
Holmdel Arboretum,
Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Home of
the Fossil Coralline Algae (Corallinaceae: Rhodophyta)
Home Page for the
Friends of the Daylilies, USA
Homegrown Hydroponics
The Horticultural Society
of New York, USA
Horticultural Trades Association
The Horticultural Web
Horticulture and
Molecular Biology by Mick Partis, UK
Horticulture in
Virtual Perspective by Department of Horticulture and Crop Science The Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Horticulture Online
Horticulture Solutions, UAS
Botanicus / Botanic Gardens, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Hortus West - A Western North
America Native Plant Directory & Journal
Host plants of the
Finnish Lepidoptera
Host plants
of the Finnish Lepidoptera by Markku Savela, Finland
Hosta Helper
Hosta Society of
Western New York
Hostas in
North America by Warren Pollock
Arboretum and Nature Center (Texas, USA)
Houston Cactus
and Succulent Society (Texas, USA)
The Houston Orchid
Society, USA
Houston Rose Society (Texas, USA)
How to Prune
Trees - A guide by USDA Forest Service
Howie Brounstein's
Home Page
Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) - "Ohh
Yeah Hoya" by Edward Gilding, USA
Hoyt Arboretum, Portland, Oregon, USA
Humber College
Arboretum, Toronto, Canada
Humboldt University Berlin,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences I, Department of Biology,
Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Huntington Library, Art Collections,
& Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USA
Huntsville-Madison Botanical Garden
(Alabama, USA)
Huron County Nature Center,
Wilderness Arboretum, Michigan, USA
Hydrangeas and Country Gardens
Hydroponics - Inter Urban Water
Farms, Riverside, California, USA
Hydroponics Mailing List
Homepage by Robert French
Hypothesizing hYbrids and
Parents using Weighted INtermediacy (HYWIN)
IABIN - Inter-American Biodiversity
Information Network
International Arid Lands Consortium
Ian Bennett's Photograph
Collection of Alpine Flowers
IBIS, Integrated
Botanical Info System at the Australian National Botanic Gardens.
ICanGarden - Canadian Internet
Gardening Resource
ICCL Preliminary Global
Red List of Lichens
Icelandic Institute of
Natural History (Icelandic Museum of Natural History)
The Idaho Botanical Garden (Boise,
The Idaho
Conservation Data Center (CDC), USA
Idaho Museum of Natural
History, Pocatello, USA
The Idaho Native
Plant Society (INPS), USA
Idaho State
Arboretum, Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Idaho State University,
Department of Biological Sciences, USA
Identification of
Common Trees of Iowa - An Interactive Key
Igor Malcevski's Home Page
II International
Congress Ethnobotany 97, Yucatan, Mexico
Iisalmen Luontomuseo (Finland)
Ikenobo Ikebana Society of
South Florida, USA
Il Giardino
Botanico della Scuola Media Statale "E.Toti" di Musile di Piave (Venezia),
ILDIS, International Legume Database &
Information Service, UK
Ildis Legume Web Service
Illinois Mycological Association, USA
Illinois Natural History Survey:
Center for Biodiversity (USA)
Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) Botanical Collection
Illinois Natural History Survey, USA
Illinois State
Academy of Science, Division of Botany, Springfield, USA
Illinois State
Museum, Department of Botany
Illustrations of Rare Plants by Nicolaas Meerburgh at Missouri Botanical
Garden, USA
Images de la
Flore de France
Images of Norwegian plants
Images of pollen grains
Imperial College of Science,
Technology & Medicine, Department of Biology, UK
Indagini sulle zone umide della
Toscana (in Italian)
Index Botanique
Index, Flowering
Plant Families, Texas A&M University Herbarium
Index Holmiensis
Index Nominum Genericorum
Index of Mosses
Bibliography, MOBot, USA (Gopher)
Index of Mosses, MOBot,
USA (Gopher)
Index of regional
reports on threatened vascular plants in Finland
Index Seminum
Synonymique de la Flore de France de Michel Kerguélen
Index to the Index
of Fungi, USA
Indian Institute of Science, Centre
for Ecological Sciences, Bangalore, India
The Indian Society of Cacti &
Succulents (ISOCS)
Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower
Society, USA
Nominum supragenericorum Plantarum Vascularium: Alphabetical Listing by
Genera of Validly Published Suprageneric Names by James L. Reveal,
Norton-Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland
Indices Nominum Supragenericorum Plantarum Vascularium Project Database
Indigenous Plants and Native American Uses in the Northeast
Indigenous Trees of
Gauteng, South Africa
Indigenous Wild Plants Used by Native Americans for Textiles, Connecticut
State Museum of Natural History
Indonesia Rain
Folk Medicine
The Indonesian Nature
Conservation Database
InfoGarden Plant Finders, New
Infomine, Comprehensive
Internet/Web Resource Collection in Biological, Agricultural and Medical
on Protected Areas
Information pertaining to
Data-Handling File Boutique (Louis J. Maher, Wisconsin, USA)
Institut Botànic de
Barcelona, Herbario Salvador, Spain
Institut für
Angewandte Botanik und Pflanzenphysiologie, Technische Mikroskopie und
organischer Rohstoffe, Holzchemie der Technisch-naturwissenschaftliche
Fakultät der Technischen Universität Wien, Österreich. - Institute for
applied botany, plant physiology, wood chemistry, Vienna, Austria
Institut für Botanik der Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Institut für Botanik der
Universität Leipzig, Germany
Institut für
Botanik, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Institut für Pflanzengenetik und
Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, Germany
Institut für
Systematik und Didaktik der Biologie, Universität Potsdam, Germany
Institut für Systematische Botanik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München, Germany
fuer Systematische Botanik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg,
Heidelberg, Germany
Institut für Allgemeine Botanik und Botanischer Garten, Universität Hamburg,
Institut für
Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung - Genbank, Gatersleben, Germany
Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung und Pflanzenschutz, Universität Halle, Germany
Institut für
Systematische Botanik und Pflanzengeographie der Freien Universität Berlin
Institut National Agronomique
Paris-Grignon, France
Institut National
Agronomique Paris-Grignon, Laboratoire de Pathologie Végétale, France
L'Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique - INRA (France)
Institute of Applied
Botany, University of Hamburg, Germany
Institute of Arable Crops Research
Institute of Arable
Crops Research - Rothamstead, UK
Institute of Botany, Academia
Sinica, Taiwan
The Institute of Botany, Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pruhonice near Praha
Institute of Botany,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)
The Institute of
Botany, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Institute of Botany, University
of Vienna (Wien), Austria
Institute of Botany,
Vilnius, Lithuania
Institute of Ecological
Research of Chiloe (IIECH), Chile
Institute of Ecosystem Studies
(IES), New York, USA
The Institute of Freshwater Ecology, UK
of Geobotany and Botanical Garden, University of Halle, Germany
Institute of Marine Biology of Crete,
Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Japan
of Plant Diseases and Plant Protection, Germany
Institute of Plant Physiology /
University of Vienna, Austria
Institute of Systematic Botany and Botanic Garden, Johannes Gutenberg
University, Mainz, Germany
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology,
Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, UK
Institute of Zoology and
Botany, Estonian Academy of Sciences: Collections (Tartu, Estonia)
Institute of Zoology and Botany,
Estonian Academy of Sciences (Tartu, Estonia)
Institutionen för
skoglig vegetationsekologi, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för
systematisk botanik, Lunds Universitet, Sweden
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia (Spain)
Instituto Valenciano Investigaciones
Agrarias, Spain
The Integrated Conservation
Networking System (ICONS)
Integrated Resource Information
Systems (I.R.I.S.), USA
The Integrated Taxonomic
Information System (ITIS)
The Intermountain
Herbarium, Utah State University, Logan, USA
International Academy at Santa Barbara,
IASB, California, USA
International Allelopathic Society
International Aroid Society (IAS),
MoBot, USA
International Asclepiad Society
Association for Aerobiology (IAA), Italy
Association for Plant Taxonomy, IAPT
Association for Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (IASPRR), USA
Association for Vegetation Science, North American Section
The International
Association of Bryologists (IAB)
Association of Japanese Gardens, Inc.
International Association of Lichenologists (IAL)
Association of Vegetation Science
International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA)
International Biometric Society, Eastern
North American Region (ENAR)
International Biometric Society, Göttingen, Germany
The International Bulb Society
International Camellia Society (ICS)
International Carnivorous Plant Society
International Center for Tropical
Ecology at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA.
International Centre for
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology: Biosafety WebPages
International Centre for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy.
Clematis Society
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Tokyo Code)
Council of Museums (ICOM) General Assembly
International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Andhra Pradesh, India
The International Culture Collection
of Arbuscular and VA Mycorrhizal Fungi (INVAM), West Virginia University,
Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS)
The International
Geranium Society
Institute of Biological Control, CABI International
International Journal of
Forest Genetics
International Kuril Island Project
International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Center - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Ma_z y Trigo (CIMMYT),
The International
Mycological Association (IMA)
Mycological Institute, London, UK
International Organisation of
International Organization for
Plant Information (IOPI) from Charles Sturt University, Australia
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO)
Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP) Newsletters
Organization of Paleobotany
Organization of Plant Biosystematists VIIth International Symposium
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Augusat 10-15, 1998)
International Palm Society
International Palm
Society, IPS Principes quarterly published journal
International Phalaenopsis Alliance
Phenological Gardens (Berlin, Germany)
International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, Italy
The International
Seaweed Association
International Society
for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
Society for Environmental Protection - ISEP
International Society for Mushroom
Science (ISMS), UK
International Society for Plant
Molecular Biology at the University of Georgia, Athens, USA
International Society for Plant
Pathology (ISPP)
International Society of
Arboriculture (ISA) On-Line
International Society of
International Society of
Chemical Ecology
International Society of
Environmental Botanists, UIUC, USA
International Society
of Photosynthesis Research
International Tree Ring Data Bank Forum Frequently Asked Questions a.k.a.
The Tree Ring FAQ, University of Melbourne, Australia
International Turfgrass
Union for Biological Sciences: Taxonomic Database Working Group (TDWG)
The International
Vitis Database
The International Waterlily Society
The International
Willi Hennig Society
The International
Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors (IWGPVFV)
PaläoKlima-DatenBank (PKDB)
The Internet Biodiversity Service, UK
The Internet Biology
Education (BioEd) Project
Internet Discussion Lists of Interest to Palynologists
Internet for the
Molecular Biologist
The Internet Garden, UK
Internet Gardening Magazine
Internet Gardening Magazine
The Internet Guide to Myxomycetes
Guidepost for Plant Production, Japan
Internet Mycology Resources by Brian McNett (gopher)
Internet Resources for
Institutional Research
Resources for Palynologists
Internet Server
Access from the Australian National Botanic Gardens
An Introduction to
Nongeniculate Coralline Algae by Derek W. Keats
Introduction to Plant
Pathology (University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Plant Pathology,
Introduction to
Plant Systematics - Botany 221, Oregon State University
Introduction to Tomatoes
Plant Pathology
INVADERS - Database of Exotic Plant
Names and Distribution Information
Invasive Exotic
Plants of Canada
Inventario y
diagnóstico de la actividad taxonómica en México: Lista de colecciones
registradas y directorio de taxónomos
(International Organisation of Palaeobotany) Newsletters, UK
IOPI Database of
Plant Databases (DPD)
IOPI Global
Plant Checklist Project
IOPI Species
Plantarum Project (SPP)
Iowa City Orchid
Society, USA
Iowa Prairie
Network, USA
Iowa State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Plant
Pathology, Ames, USA
Iowa State
University, Department of Botany, Ames, USA
Iowa State University,
Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Ames, USA
Iris Societies,
Irises by Jim Wilson,
Irises (Iridaceae) by
David Pane Joyce, USA
Irish Seaweed
IRRO Databases for
Information Resources, Brazil
International Society for Horticultural Science
Isle Royale Natural
History Association, USA
The Isoëtes Page
Israeli Institute of
Technology, Department of Biology
Israeli Society of Botany
Istituto di Botanica, Università di Pavia, Italy
Phytopathological Society, Società Italiana di Patologia Vegetale
Ithaca Gardens
IUBio Archive: biology data and
software (Indiana University, USA)
List Categories
IUCN Species Survival
Commission (SSC)
IUCN, The World Conservation
The IV Conference on Plant
Taxonomy / IV Jornades de Taxonomia Botànica will take place in Barcelona,
Spain, from 19-22 September 1996.
James Madison University
Arboretum, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
James Madison University,
Department of Biology, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
James R. Slater
Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, USA
Jan Schlauer's World carnivorous Plant List
Jansonius & Hill's
Catalogue: Genera File of Fossil Spores.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries WWW servers
Japanese Bonsai Web by Hiroyuki Maekawa, Japan
Japanese Garden
Japanese Garden
in Portland Oregon, USA
Japanese Irises
- Ian Black's gardening pages, USA
Mirror of "A Collection of Botany Related URLs" Kazuhiro Ohtani
Japanese Mosses Checklist
Japanese Society of Plant
Society of Plant Taxonomists
Jardí Botànic Mar i Murtra,
Jardín Botánico
Francisco Javier Clavijero, Mexico
Jardín Botánico
Francisco Xavier Clavijero, Mexico
Jardín Botánico Pinya de
Rosa, Spain
Jardín Botanico Canario Viera y
Clavijo, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Jardi Botanic de la
Universitat de Valencia, Spain (gopher)
Jardí Botànic de
Sóller, Baleares, Spain
Jardim Botânico do Rio de
Janeiro (Brazil)
Jardim Botânico da Madeira, Portugal
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Jardin Borda,
Cuernavaca, Mexico
Jardín Botánico de Córdoba,
Jardín Botánico de
Coria, Spain
Jardín Botánico del Instituto de
Biología (UNAM), Mexico
Le Jardin
Botanique de Bordeaux, France
Jardin Botanique
de Gondremer, Vosges, France
Le Jardin
Botanique de l'Université du Bénin, Lomé, Togo
Jardin botanique de
Lausanne (Switzerland)
Le Jardin botanique de
Montréal (Quebec, Canada)
Le jardin botanique de
Porrentruy (Switzerland)
Jardin botanique du Montet, Nancy, France
Le Jardin botanique du Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada
Jardin Exotique de
Les Jardins de
Provence - Gardens of Provence, France (Louisa Jones)
The Jatun Sacha Foundation
Jawaharlal Nehru
Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Biodiversity Unit, India
JC Raulston Arboretum, North Carolina
State University (Raleigh, NC, USA)
Jepson Herbaria, UC Berkeley, USA
Herbarium Place Name Index
Jerusalem Botanical
Garden, Israel
Jervis Bay
(Booderee) Botanic Gardens, Australia
Joe & Mindy's
WebGarden, USA
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Botanisches Institut
John C. Gifford
Arboretum, University of Miami - Florida, USA
John Cheeseman's
home page at Dept of Plant Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
John Hopkins University
Bioinformatics Home Page, USA
John Knouse on
Ferns and Fern Allies
John Ray Herbarium, University of Sydney, (New South Wales, Australia; SYD)
Wildflower Page (Plants pictures from western Australia)
Johnny's Selected Seeds Home Page,
Albion, Maine, USA
Joseph Reynold O'Neal Botanic Gardens, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
of Applied Ecology - An Official Journal of the British Ecological Society
Journal of Applied Phycology (gopher)
of Biogeography
Journal of Cereal Science
of Coastal Conservation
Journal of Ecology
The Journal of
Experimental Botany, Oxford, UK
Journal of
Phycology Online, bi-monthly publication of the Phycological Society of
The Journal of Plankton
Research, Oxford, UK
The Journal of the
American Botanical Council and Herb Research Foundation
of Vegetation Science Home page
Journey into the
world of phylogenetic systematics, UCMP Berkeley, USA
Motyka: Lichenes. Monograph of European species of the Lecanoraceae family
fur Biowissenschaften mit Botanischem Garten Wurzburg
Jyväskylä University
Museum, The section of natural sciences (JYV), Finland
Kaktusy, Society of Czech and
Slovak Cacti and Succulent Growers
Kaktusz világ (Cactus World) by
Csaba I. Kadar, Hungary
Horticultural Society, Canada
Kansas City Cactus and Succulent Society, USA
Kansas Prairie
Kansas University Natural
History Museum, Division of Botany (Lawrence, Kansas, USA)
Kansas Wildflowers and
Kärhökerho - Klematis-klubben - The Finnish Clematis Society
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Botanik (Austria)
Graz, Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie (Austria)
Karl-Friedrich Fiscbach's hot links help you to search the web, University
of Freiburg, Germany
Karoo National Botanical
Garden (Worcester, Western Cape Province, South Africa)
der globalen Phytodiversität - BIOMAPS / Biodiversity Mapping for Protection
and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Kaunas Botanical
garden, University of Lithuania
Kean College of New
Jersey, Department of Biological Sciences (Union, NJ, USA)
Keith's Tomato Page by Keith Mueller, USA
Kellogg Biological Station Herbarium, Michigan, USA
Kelly Irvin's Page - The
University of Arkansas, USA
Kent State University, Department
of Biological Sciences (Kent, Ohio, USA)
Kentucky Daffodil Society, USA
The Kerr County
Cactus & Succulent Society (Texas, USA)
The Kew Seed Bank at
Wakehurst Place from the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK
Key to
common British basidiomycetes, by Mike Walton, UK
Key to Danish Salix /
Bestemmelsesnøgle til danske Salix by Knud Ib Christensen, Denmark
A Key to
Gingkos Survival
Key to the
Angiosperm Flora of Brazos (Texas, USA) Angiosperm Flora and surrounding
Keyout - Dichotomous
Key Software
Keys to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants
Kiev University,
Faculty of Biology, Ukraine
Kinabalu Ethnobotany
Project (PEK)
Kings Park &
Botanic Garden (Perth, Australia)
National Botanical Garden (Cape Town, South Africa)
Kivik-Esperöds Arboretet,
Kleines Büropflanzen Lexikon, Dirk Schwarz, University of Essen, Germany
Klubb 2000.
Scandinavian Planthunters Society
Phylogenetic Database by the Willi Hennig Society
Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands
Kobe University, Department of
Biology, Japan
Kochi University,
Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy, Japan
Koeltz Scientific Books, Germany
Köhler's Medicinal Pflanzen
Actinomycetes Network
Kossuth Lajos University, Department
of Ecology, Debrecen, Hungary
Conservatory, Cincinnati, USA
luonnontieteellinen museo / Kuopio Museum of Natural History (KUO), Finland
Kuwait University,
Department of Botany and Microbiology
Prefectual Botanic Garden, Japan (In Japanese)
Laboratoire de Biometrie,
Genetique et Biologie des Populations - University of Lyon, France
Le Laboratoire de Botanique et d'Ecologie Végétale du Centre ORSTOM,
Nouvelle Caledonia
Laboratoire de
Paléoenvironnements et écologie de l'anthropisation (P.E.A.), Montpellier,
de l'Université Aix-Marseille III Centre de St Jérôme, Botanique, Ecologie,
Mediterraneenne et Biomathematiques, France
Laboratori de Botànica,
Facultat de Farmàcia, Univ. de Barcelona
The Laboratory
of Phycotoxins and Harmful Marine Substances, University of Nantes, France
Laboratory of Plant
Systematics and Vegetation Ecology, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
University, Plant Cell Biology (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada)
The Lakeland Horticultural
Society (UK)
The Lamiales Pages (Alan
Paton, RBG Kew, UK)
University, Unit of Vegetation Science, UK
Lancetilla: Un
Jardin Botanico, Honduras
Botanical Garden, Costa Rica
Lasdon Park
and Arboretum, Somers, Westhchester County, NY, USA
Lasianthera - the scientific journal for the Orchidaceae of Papua and New
Last Peyotero Cactus and
Succulent pages, Italy
Late Woodland Zea Mays at the Vintroux Site, Putnam County, West Virginia -
an article by Charles M. Niquette and Gary D. Crites
Latest NEWS on Vascular Plant Family Nomenclature (compiled by James L.
Reveal, Norton-Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland, USA)
Latin American
Association for Mycology
Latin American Plant Gallery (Missouri Botanical Garden, USA)
The Latin American Plant
Sciences Network, Chile
Latin American Pollen
Database (LAPD)
Latvian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Biology (Salaspils, Latvia)
Latvian Academy of Sciences,
National Botanical Garden (Salaspils, Latvia)
University's Arboretum, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Laurie Lacey's Wild World of
Laval University,
Department of Agriculture, Canada
Leelanau Grower's
Almanac, Michigan, USA
Legendary Ethnobotanical Resources,
Leguminosae (Fabaceae): The Bean Bag (gopher)
Lehigh University, Department of
Biological Sciences (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
LEHLE Seeds Home Page "Home Page
for Everything Arabidopsis", USA
Lehrstuhl für allgemeine
Genetik, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Lehrstuhl Spezielle
Botanik und Mykologie, Universitat Tuebingen, Germany
Leicester University, Department
of Botany, UK
Leiden, Hortus
Lepaan puutarhaoppilaitos / Lepaa
Gardening School, Hattula, Finland
Leptospermum namadgiensis - a new species of Tea-tree
The Leucnet News Home Page
The Lewis Lab in the
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
LIAS - A DELTA-based Information and Data Storage System for Lichenized and
lichenicolous Ascomycetes edited by Botanische Staatssammlung München.
The library catalogue of the
Scientific and Technical Institute (France)
Library catalogues of the
British Museum of Natural History via telnet, login as libcat
Library of the Oslo Botanical
Garden and Museum, Norway
Lichen determination keys available on internet
Lichen Informations
System, Salzburg, Austria
Lichenland - Fun with
Lichens from Oregon State University, USA
Lichenologist (A
Lichenologists' and Mycologists' E-mail Address List
Lichenologists in
Baltic and Nordic Countries by Sampsa Lommi, University of Helsinki, Finland
LICHENS-L (send mail "subscribe
LICHENS-L Your Name" to listproc@hawaii.edu)
Lichens Page by Tatsuya Okamoto, Kochi University, Japan
Lick Creek
Park, Flora of EC Texas, USA
Life Cycles and Phenology
Life Sciences, Elsevier, the Netherlands
Life, the Universe and
Everything: Zoology, Geology, History, Botany and Mississippi natural
history by Robert B. Hole, Jr., USA
Lincoln University,
Department of Plant Sciences, New Zealand
Linda Fortner's Orchid Page, USA
svampklubbs hemsida, Sweden
Links for
Links to Forest
Products, Wood Science, and Forest Products Marketing Related Internet Sites
Arboretum, Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minnesota, USA
The Linnaeus Garden (Uppsala,
Linnaeus Hammarby (Uppsala, Sweden)
The Linne
Herbarium (Phanerogamic Botany), Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden
The Linnean Online.
Newsletter and proceedings of the Linnean Society of London
The Linnean Society of London, UK
List of Bacterial Names with
Standing in Nomenclature
of Biology WWW Servers maintained by US Geological Survey
List of Fungi Reported
from Brazil
List of
lichenological societies
List of Parks and Gardens in Bologna, Italy
A List of the Bryophytes of Kentucky, with County Distributions - Flora
Online issue no. 15, 1988, by A. Snider, S. M. Studlar & M. Medley.
List of
the Families and Species of Vascular Plants of the Kuril Islands
List of Threatened
Vascular Plants of Finland
preliminar de las plantas de la Región del Bajo Calima, Columbia, Missouri
Botanical Garden
des plantes protégées by Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle, Luxemburg
rouge des phanérogames et ptéridophytes by Musée National d'Histoire
Naturelle, Luxemburg
Lists & Lists...©
Favorite Hibiscus Species, Varieties, and Cultivars
Literaturdatenbank zur
Vegetationsökologie Mitteleuropas
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Lloyd Library and Museum,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Local Flora
3143C by Stinger Guala, University of Florida, USA
Logan Botanic Garden, Port
Logan, UK
London Town House and Gardens, Maryland, USA
Long Ashton Research
Station (LARS), IACR
Longwood Gardens, PA, USA
Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent
Society, USA
Los Angeles County,
Natural History Museum, California, USA
Los Angeles
International Fern Society
Arboles del Gran Petén
Los árboles en España (Trees
of Spain)
Los Jazmines
cultivadoes en España
LOTUS Database by
Tatjana E. Kramina, Moscow, Russia
Lotus in
Japan, an image database
Fossil Page by Paul V. Heinrich, USA.
Grasses - Distribution and Diversity Maps
Louisiana State
Arboretum (Ville Platte, USA)
Louisiana State University,
Department of Plant Biology, USA
Lowveld National
Botanical Garden (Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa)
Loyola Marymount
University, Department of Biology - Los Angeles, California, USA
LUCID, Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Pest Management, Australia
Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum,
Punkaharju, Finland
Luther Burbank Home and Gardens, Santa Rosa, California, USA
LVB 1.0: Reconstructing
evolution using parsimony and simulated annealing
Lycos, The Catalog of the Internet
Lyon Arboretum,
University of Hawaii, USA
Lythraceae, The Loostrifes
München, Lehrstuhl
für Botanik der Technischen Universität , Germany
Macquarie University, School of
Biological Sciences, Australia
Macrolichens of the
Coppermine, Hood, and Thomsen Rivers, Northwest Territories, Canada by
William Gould, University of Colorado, USA
Madagascar Biodiversity
and Conservation, a photoessay by David R. Parks (from the server of the
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA)
Conspectus Web
Maddog 'n' Miracles
Flowers, USA
Magnolia Plantation and Its
Gardens (Charleston, South Carolina, USA)
The Maize Genetics
Cooperation - Stock Center, Urbana/Champaign, USA
Maize Genome
Database Project, USA
The Maize Page
Malagasy/Indo-Australo-Malesian phytogeographic connections by George E.
Malaspina University:
Department of Biology (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)
Malaysia Agricultural
Directory and Index
Malaysia Biodiversity Online
The Mammillaria Society,
Manaaki Whenua Press
Catalogue, New Zealand
The Manchester
Museum, Botany Department (Herbarium), UK
Manhattan College and
the College of Mount Saint Vincent, Department of Biology, New York, USA
Manitoba Association of Plant
Biologists, Canada
The Manitoba Museum of
Man and Nature (Winnipeg, Canada)
(Hawaii, USA) Campus Plants by Dr. Gerald Carr
Manual de
Flora de Costa Rica
Manual de la
Flora de Costa Rica (Missouri)
Manual of North
American Grasses
Manual of the
Plants of Costa Rica (MoBot)
Mapping of
lichens in Koblenz, Germany
Marco Bleeker's Home
Page, the Netherlands
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens - Sarasota,
Florida, USA
Marin Rose Society,
Marine Botany and Environmental Science, Kagoshima University, Japan
The Marine Botany
Marine Ecology
Department, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot,
The Marine
Flora of Bermuda
The Marion Ownbey Herbarium,
Department of Botany, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA
Marion's Garden, the
Mark's Hosta Habit
Mary's Gardens HomePage
Maryland Native
Plant Society, USA
Mason Farm Biological
Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society
Massachusetts Horticultural Society,
Institute of Technology Biology Hyper Textbook, USA
University, Department of Plant Science, New Zealand
Master Gardener, Washington State
University, USA
Matthaei Botanical Gardens,
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
Mattiske Consulting Pty Ltd.
Arboretum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Mazon Creek Plant Fossils, Illinois, USA
McGill University,
Department of Biology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Plant
Science Department, Montreal, Canada
The McGill
University Herbarium (Québec, Canada)
McKee by Leigh Fulghum
MediaFinder -
Magazines: Botany, New York, USA
MediaFinder -
Magazines: Gardening & Horticulture
- Newsletters: Botany
- Newsletters: Gardening & Horticulture
Medicinal and Native Plants of Cerrado
Medicinal and Poisonous Plant Databases, University of Maryland, USA
Medicinal Plant Garden, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto
University, Japan
Medicinal Plant
Medicinal Plants of Ibiza, Spain
Medicinal Plants of the
Prairie by K.R. Ziarkowski, Graduate Student in Plant Physiology Department
of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University, USA
Plants of the Quijos-Quichua Shamen, Amazonian Ecuador
Meerkerk Rhododendron
Gardens, USA
The Memorial University of
Newfoundland Botanical Garden, Canada
The Memphis
Botanic Gardens (Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
Mendel University of Agriculture and
Forestry in Brno, Czech Republic
Arboretum and Botanic Gardens (Texas, USA)
Metadatabase on European species
Essex Fuchsia Society /Fuchsia News (UK)
Miami University,
Department of Botany, Ohio
Michael Oxman, Professional
Tree Surgeon
Michigan Orchid Society, USA
Michigan State University,
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, USA
Michigan State University-DOE
Plant Research Laboratory
State University Herbarium (MSC) East Lansing, USA
Michigan State University Museum
Miconia (Melastomataceae) in
the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Microalgae, K.A.
Timiriyazev Institute of Plant Physiology (IPPAS)
Mid Atlantic Bonsai
Enthusiast, USA
Middle East
Technical University, Department of Biology (Ankara, Turkey)
Midwestern Wetland Flora. Field Office Guide to Plant Species
Mike's Wildflowers
Milwaukee Public Museum
A Mini-Course in Medical
Botany Syllabus by James A. Duke
Mining Co. Guide to Botany
The Mining Co. Guide to Roses
Dahlia Society
Minnesota Native
Plant Society, USA
Minnesota State Horticultural Society
Minter Gardens (Columbia, British
The Mints of Texas
Mirror of WebCutter in
Gothenburg, Sweden.
Mississippi State
University Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology Home Page, USA
Missouri Botanical Garden
Gopher Checklists, USA
Missouri Botanical Garden Gopher
Server, St. Louis, USA
Botanical Garden: Herbarium News (online newsletter)
Missouri Botanical
Garden Horticultural Database
Missouri Botanical Garden Learning
Network, USA
Missouri Botanical
Garden Online Books, USA
Missouri Botanical Garden,
Missouri Department of
Conservation, USA
The Missouri
Flora Page by the Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City,
Missouri, USA
Missouri State
Parks and Historic Sites, USA
Urban Trees
The Mistletoe Center at USDA
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Flagstaff Lab, USA
Mitchell Park
Horticultural Conservatory The Domes, Milwaukee, USA
Mockernut Hill
Botanical Garden (Marion County, Florida, USA)
Modelización de la Vegetación potencial de la cuenca alta del río Narcea
A Modern
Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve
Molecular Plant Pathology
On-Line, UK
Monash University,
Department of Biological Sciences (Melbourne, Australia)
Natural History Photo Gallery
Montana Natural
Heritage Program: Plant Species of Montana
Montana Natural
Heritage Program: Vascular Plants of Special Concern
State University, Bozeman - Department of Plant Pathology
Montana State University,
Department of Biology, Bozeman, USA
The Montana
State University Herbarium, Bozeman, USA
The Montréal
Botanical Garden and Insectarium, Quebec, Canada
Moody Gardens, Galveston Island,
Texas, USA
Moravian museum, Department of Botany, Brno, Czech Republic
Morden Arboretum, Manitoba, Canada
Moringaceae - The Moringa Home Page by Mark Olson at MoBot., USA
Morning Glories Unlimited (Daniel F. Austin, USA)
Morris Arboretum of the University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle,
Illinois, USA
Moss Flora of
Central America at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Mosses and Liverworts in
Mosses of
China, MOBot, USA
Mosses of the former
MOSTY, Missouri
Botanical Garden Moss Types, USA
Mount Pisgah Arboretum,
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Mounts Botanical Garden, Florida, U.S.A.
Medicinal Plants of Native America
MSDN, Microbial Strain Data
Network, Southampton, UK
Mt. Tahoma Chapter of the North
American Rock Garden Society (NARGS)
Multiple Entry Key
Algorithm (MEKA)
Multiple-entry keys to Crataegus (Rosaceae)
MUSE Project, University
of Kansas Museum of Natural History, USA
Museo cantonale di storia
naturale (Lugano, Switzerland)
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,
Madrid, Spain
Museu de Ciências Naturais da
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Museu de Ciencias Naturais -
UFOP (Brazil)
The Museum Computer Network
Muséum d'Histoire
Naturelle de Bordeaux, France
Museum Informatics Project (MIP),
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle:
Laboratoire de Phanerogamie (National Museum of Natural History, Paris,
Museum of Garden History,
Lambeth Palace, London, UK
Museum of Southwestern
Biology, University of New Mexico
Museum of
Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, USA
Museum of
Victoria Artefact Collection: Economic Botany, Melbourne, Australia
The Mushroom
Experimental Station, Horst, the Netherlands
The Mushroom Growers'
Mushroom Heaven by Lynne
Reo Harris
Mushroom Toxins
Mushrooms and Magic: the
Mycotheology Home Page
Mushrooms of Slovenia
Muskoka Flora - An Annotated Checklist, Canada
mycoElectronica by John Dhabolt, USA
MycoInfo Newsletter
Mycological Society of San Francisco
Mycological Society of Toronto, Canada
Mycological Type Collection within the Herbarium of Oregon State University,
Mycologue Publications,
Mycology at Kew
Mycology Newsgroup
Mycology Resources,
Smithsonian Institution (gopher)
Mycology - WWW Sites of Interest (Botanische Staatssammlung München)
Mycology - Yahoo WWW Index
Myconet Umeå
Mycorrhizae (L.E.
Chinnery, Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences, The University of
the West Indies, Bridgetown, Barbados
MycorWeb, France
Mycosystema: Annual
report of Systematic Mycology & Lichenology Laboratory, Beijing, China
Mycoteket, Uppsala
University, Sweden - searchable culture collection
Myko Web, USA
Mynelle Gardens, Jackson,
Mississippi, USA
Myriad Botanical
Gardens & Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory
Institute of physico-chemical biology, Moscow State University, Russia
The N.I.Vavilov Institute of
Plant Industry (VIR), St. Petersburg, Russia
The (NAFTA) Commission for Environmental
Cooperation (CEC)
Names in Current
Use (NCU) for Extant Plant Genera, Electronic version (NCU-3-e)
Natal Herbarium (NH),
Durban, South Africa
Natal National Botanical
Garden (Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
Wilson's Fungi Photo Index from Venice, California, USA
National Academy of
Sciences, Institute of Botany, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Academy Press - Reading Room: Biology
National Agricultural Library (NAL)
National Arborist Association, USA
National Biological
Control Institute, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USA
National Biological Information
National Biological Service (NBS)
National Botanic Garden of Belgium
National Botanic Garden of
Wales, Middleton, UK
Botanic Gardens Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland
National Botanical Institute
(Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa)
National Capitol Cactus & Succulent Society, USA
National Center for Biotechnology
The National Center for Genome Resources
National Christmas Tree Association,
National Chrysanthemum Society (USA)
National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) - Temperate Fruit Genebank,
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
The National Collection
of Endangered Plants, from the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA
National Garden Gift
The National Garden, Washington
National Gardening
Association, USA
National Genetic Resources Program,
Germplasm Resources Information Network (NGRP/GRIN), USA
Herbarium, Mexico - Specimen images
Herbarium of New South Wales, Australia
The National Herbarium of Suriname
National Herbarium
of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens, South Yarra (MEL; Victoria, Australia)
National Information Centre on
Biodiversity of the Netherlands (NICBN)
National Institute of
Agricultural Botany (NIAB)
The National Institute of
Health - GenoBase Database Gateway
Institute of Health (NIH) GenoBase Site World Wide Web Server Home Page
National Institutes of Health (NIH) in
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
National Integrated Pest Management
Network, USA
National Library of Medicine (NLM) -
University of Washington
National Parks and Conservation
Association (NPCA), USA
National Plant Data
Center (NPDC), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Plant Data
Center, PLANTS Database
The National Plant
Genetic Resources Network of Estonia, Jogeva, Estonia
The National Plant
Genetic Resources Network of Latvia, Salaspils, Latvia
The National Plant
Genetic Resources Network of Lithuania, Akademija, Lithuania
National Plant Germplasm System
(NPGS), U.S.D.A.
National Research Council /
Plant Biotechnology Institute, Canada
National Research
Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea (NIVOT), Japan (In
National Rhododendron Gardens Olinda, Victoria, Australia
National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan
National Seed Storage Laboratory (NSSL) - Main Page, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, USA
Taiwan University, Department of Botany
National Threatened Species
Network (NTSN), Australia
National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG,
National TsingHua University,
Department of Life Sciences, Taiwan
National University
of Singapore, Department of Botany
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wildflower Research Center,
Austin, Texas, USA
National Wildlife Refuge
System, USA.
Native American
(Indian) Herb/Plant Knowledge
Native Bromeliaceae of South Florida, USA
Native Edible Plants of
Sabah (NEP)
Native Michigan Orchids images by Nicholas Plummer, USA
Native Orchids of Pennsylvania, USA
The Native Plant Conservation
Initiative Homepage
Native Plant Societies
of the United States
Native Plant Society
of New Mexico, USA
Native Plant Society of
Oregon, USA
Native Plant Society
of Texas, USA
Native Plants of
South Florida
Native! The Western
Australian Native Plants
Wildflowers of California, photographed by Brother Alfred Brousseau F.S.C.
Native Wildflowers of the North Dakota Grasslands
NativeTech: Native
American Technology and Art by Tara Prindle, Connecticutt, USA
Natur-Museum Luzern,
Natural Botanic
Garden - Reunion Island
The Natural
Environment by Country
The Natural
Environment by Subject
Natural Environment Research Council, UK
Natural Heritage
Natural Heritage Network Central
FTP Server
Natural Heritage Network, USA
Natural History Book Service (NHBS)
The Natural History
Museum: Belize Research Station
Natural History Museum in London - Botany Dept Database
The Natural History Museum (London)
Natural History
Museum of Florence (Firenze), Italy
Natural History Museum of
Fribourg, Switzerland
The Natural History Museum of
Los Angeles County, California, USA
Natural History Museum,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Natural History of Iceland -
flower, bird and landscape images by Dick Vuijk
The Natural
History of Nova Scotia
Natural Perspective:
Fungus Kingdom by Ari Kornfeld, USA
Natural Perspective:
Plant Kingdom by Ari Kornfeld, USA
Natural Perspective: Protoctist Kingdom by Ari Kornfeld, USA
Sciences Museums in Bucharest (Address information), Romania
Naturama (Italy)
Nature Conservancy by Mark Sheehan, Indiana, USA
The Nature Conservancy Home Page, USA
The Nature
Conservancy of Arizona, USA
The Nature
Conservancy of Dakotas, USA
Nature - International weekly journal of
science (Europe)
Nature - International weekly
journal of science (NA)
The Nature of Rochester -
Rochester's Online Natural History Guide
Naturhistorische Gesellschaft
Nürnberg (Germany)
Naturnah - J. Braun's Non-profit
Infocenter für naturnahes Gärtnern (Gardening information by Jacobus Braun,
The Navasota
The NCBI WWW Entrez
Nearctica - The Natural World of
North America
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, USA
NEE-HOW: The Bioresource Finder
Neotropical Blueberries
NERC Centre
for Population Biology - an interdisciplinary research centre hosted by
Imperial College, London, UK
The NERC Institute of Terrestrial
Ecology, Monks Wood, UK
Ness Botanic Garden,
University of Liverpool, UK
organization for agricultural research
Network for the Improvement
of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP), Montpellier, France
Nevada Biodiversity Initiative
The Nevada Cactus Society, USA
The Nevada Mountain Atlas
(University of Nevada, Reno, USA)
Crops LISTSERV, Purdue University, USA
New England Botanical Club (NEBC)
England Bromeliad Society, USA
New England Wild
Flower Society, USA
New Hampshire Rose Society (NHRS),
New Jersey Natural
Heritage Program
The New Mexico
Botanist (newsletter)
New Mexico Museum of Natural
History and Science
New Mexico State
University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, USA
New Mexico State
University, Plant Pathology Laboratory, USA
New Mexico State
University Range Science Herbarium (NMCR), Las Cruces, NM, USA
The New
New Plant Page
by Laurence Hatch
New, rare and unusual PLANTS, A
Journal for Plant Enthusiasts
New World
Grass Checklist, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA
New York Botanical Garden
Catalog of North American Bryophytes
The New York Botanical
Garden Herbarium, USA
The New York
Botanical Garden's Catalog of Macrofungi, USA
The New York Botanical Garden, The Bronx,
New York, USA
New York Botanical
Garden Type Specimen Catalog, USA
New York Metropolitan Flora Project -
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, USA
New Zealand Fungal
Herbarium (PDD)
New Zealand Fungi
New Zealand Journal of
The New
Zealand Native Orchid Society
Newcastle University,
Moor Bank Garden, UK
NewCrop, Indiana Center for
New Crops & Plant Products, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Newsgroup - sci.bio.phytopathology
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
Newsletter - International Association for Vegetation Science North American
Section and Ecological Society of America Vegetation Section
Newsletter of the Ann Arbor Orchid
Society, USA
The Newsletter of
the Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association
Newsletter of the National Biological
Information Infrastructure, USA
(Natural History Collections Listserv) archives
Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and School
of Horticulture, Niagara Falls, Canada
NIBB (National Institute for Basic
Biology), Japan
Nichols Arboretum,
University of Michigan, USA
Nicolas Copernicus
University, Institute of Biology and Environment Protection, Torun, Poland
NOAA Paleoclimatology
Program, USA
Paleoclimatology Tree-Ring Data, USA
The Nordic Gene Bank (NGB), Sweden
Nordisk Kaktusselskab
Norfolk Botanical Garden,
Virginia, USA
Norfolk Island
Botanic Gardens, Australia
Norfolk Island Species List (Australia)
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige
universitet: Vitenskapsmuseet - Trondheim, Norway
Norsk Bonsai
selskap (Norwegian Bonsai Society)
Norsk Botanisk
Forening, NBF, Norway
Norsk Botanisk Forening,
Nord norsk avdeling - Norwegian
Botanisk Forening: Østlandsavdelingen
Orkideforening (NOF) / The Norwegian Orchid Society - Norway
The North
American and Caribbean Palms, Arecaceae (Palmae), USA
North American Botanical
North American
Bryophyte Herbaria
North American Fruit Explorers
Fig Interest Group Page
The North American Fruit Explorers
North American Lichen Project
North American Lily Society
North American Mycological Association
North American Mycological
North American Native Orchid
North American Native Orchid Alliance
The North
American Plant Preservation Council
North American Pollen
North American Rock Garden Society
The North Carolina
Botanical Garden three tracts in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Carolina State University Arboretum, Raleigh, USA
Carolina State University, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
Department of Plant Pathology, USA
North Carolina State
University, Department of Botany
The North
Cyprus Herbarium, Nikosia, Cyprus
Dakota Vegetation, A Bibliography
North of
England Orchid Society, UK
North Texas Water Garden Society,
West Fungus Group, England, UK
Northeast Mycological
Federation, Inc., USA
Northeastern Area State and
Private Forestry, USA
Northeastern Wisconsin Orchid
Society, Green Bay, USA
Northern California Daffodil Society,
Northern Gardening by
Terry L. Yockey, USA
Northern Illinois University,
Department of Biological Sciences, USA
Northern Pond, Canada
Northern Prairie Science Center Herbarium Holdings, USA
Northern Prairie Science Center,
Jamestown, North Dakota, USA
European pollen flora
Norton-Brown Herbarium
NORUT Information
Technology, Tromsø, Norway
Norwegian Crop Research Institute, Plant
Protection Centre, NORPRE
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Botany,
Trondheim, Norway
Notes on
Lycoris (Amaryllidaceae) species by D.A. Cooke & Phan Yen Leng
Notre Dame de la Paix
University, Department of Biology, Namur, Belgium
Dame de la Paix University, Department of Biology, Namur, Belgium
Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre
Nova Scotia Museum of
Natural History, Halifax, Canada
The Nova Scotia Wild Flora
NPSC Biological
Resources Page, USA
NSF Center of Plant
Developmental Biology, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Nursery Industry Association of
Oak Forest Mushroom
Association, Ontario, Canada
Ames Orchid Herbarium (AMES), Harvard University
The Oakland Museum of California, USA
Oakville African
Violet Society, Ontario, Canada
L'Observatoire du
Monde des Plantes, Liège (Belgium)
Ochiai Park/Botanical Garden, Kasugai, Japan
Odell Park and Arboretum (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada)
Odense University,
Institute of Biology, Denmark
Official Swedish Red Lists
Official Trees, Birds &
Flowers Of The United States
The Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center (OARDC)
Ohio Biological Survey,
Ohio State University
Chadwick Arboretum (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
State University, Department of Plant Biology, Columbus, USA
Ohio University, Department of
Environmental and Plant Biology, Athens, USA
Ohio Wesleyan University,
Botany/Microbiology Department, USA
Ohio Wesleyan University, The
Jason Swallen Herbarium
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History,
Norman, USA
Oklahoma Natural Heritage
Oklahoma State
University, Department of Botany - Stillwater, USA
Oklahoma State University (OSU) Botanical Garden and Arboretum (OBGA), USA
Oklahoma Wildflowers by Charles S. Lewallen, USA
Okologisch-Botanischer Garten der Universität Bayreuth, Germany
Olbrich Botanical
Gardens (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
The Olga Lakela Herbarium,
University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA
Olive Pink Botanic
Garden, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Rudbeck, sr & jr., biographical information from the Uppsala University,
Swartz' lichen types, Swedish Museum of Natural History
The Olympia Rose Society,
Olympia, Washington, USA
Park, Botanical Garden, Biodôme, Montreal (Québec, Canada)
OMAERE Pedagogical
Ethnobotanical Park
Omaha Cactus and
Succulent Society
The On-line Guide to
Growing Dahlias (Jon B. Truelove)
Ontario Horticultural
Association, Canada
Ontario Rock Garden
Society, Canada
University Ecology and Conservation Research Group (ECRG), UK
Orange County Cactus and Succulent
Society (California, USA)
The Orchid
The Orchid House,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The Orchid Mall (Carson E. Whitlow,
Orchid Photo Page by Greg
Allikas, USA
Picture Gallery (Windowsill Orchids) by Nicholas Plummer, USA
Orchid Research
Newsletters, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
The Orchid Societies
Council of Victoria (OSCOV), Australia
Orchid Society of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Orchid Society of
Northwestern Pennsylvania, USA
Orchid Society of Nova Scotia
Orchid Society of Santa
Barbara - Santa Barbara, California, USA
The Orchid Society of
Southeast Asia
Orchid Species Culture by Charles
and Margaret Baker
The Orchid Weblopedia -An
Annotated Check List of the Genus Paphiopedilum, University of California
Orchid WWW Sites
Orchidaceae in Italy
Orchidées de Provence, France
Database of Orchid Growers
OrchidNet Homepage by Jon Bertsch, USA
Orchids Australia, official
publication of the Australian Orchid Council Inc.
Orchids of
Biebrza National Park (N-E Poland) by Cezary Werpachowski
Orchids of Costa
Orchids of
Orchids of Italy
Orchids of Italy - a collection of orchid pictures by B. Barsella at the
Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Italy)
Orchids of Mt. Kinabalu, Malaysia
Orchids of the Tropical New World -
Icones Plantarum Tropicarum (Series I & II) and Icones Orchidacearum
Collections CD-ROM, Lightbinders Inc., USA
Orchids of Wisconsin, USA
Methods for Ecologists by Michael Palmer, Oklahoma State University, USA
Oregon & Washington Wildflowers
Oregon Flora On-Line Newsletter
The Oregon Orchid Society,
Oregon Register of Big
Oregon State University
Biology Program (Corvallis, USA)
Oregon State
University Herbarium, USA
Wildflowers (Keith and Barbro McCree, USA)
Organic Tree Care Web Site
Organismic and Evolutionary
Biology, Harvard University (links to herbarium and arboretum gopher
The Organization for
Flora Neotropica (OFN)
Organization for the
Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area (OPTIMA), Germany
The Organization for Tropical Studies
(OTS), Site at Costa Rica
The Organization for Tropical Studies,
Site at USA
Organization of Biological
Field Stations
Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
Orkology -
Orchids: their ecology, culture and science
Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural
History, Albertson College of Idaho, Caldwell, USA
The Ornamental Ginger
and Aroid Webpage
The Ortho
Encyclopedia of Roses
Orto Botanico, Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza), Italy
Botanico dell'Università di Torino (Italy)
Orto Botanico
della Facoltà di Scienze, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II,
Orto Botanico e
Collezioni Botaniche Herbarium Patavinum - Padova, Italy
Orto Botanico
Locatelli (Quartiere Carpenedo-Bissuola - Mestre), Italy
Orto Botanico
'Pietro Pellegrini', Italy
Orto Botanico, Rome, Italy
Orto Botanico, Università di Pavia, Italy
Orto dei
Semplici Elbano (Italy)
Os Herbários
Brasileiros e a Flora Nacional: Desafios para o Século 21
Botanical Collection Catalogs from UCMP
The Ottawa Area Cactus and
Succulent Group, Canada
Our garden by
Ruud Both
Oxford University, Department of
Plant Sciences (IFS/OFI)
The Oyama
Rose Society, Japan
Regional Herbarium, Southwest Missouri State University, Department of
Biology - Springfield, Missouri, USA
Pacific Northwest Chapter of
the International Society of Arboriculture
Pacific Northwest Gardening Home
Page, USA
Pacific Northwest
Native Wildlife Gardening
Pacific Orchid
Society (of Hawaii), USA
La página Web de las
Paignton Zoological and
Botanical Gardens (Devon, UK)
Paine Art Center & Arboretum,
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Palacky University, Department of Botany and Botanical Garden, Olomouc,
Czech Republic
Palaeo Talk, IOP
Palaeoecological literature - A searchable database
Palaeopage by
Kurt Armbruster at University of Alberta, Canada
Software (free)
Section of the Botanical Society of America
Paleolimnology &
Diatom Home Page, Botany Dept., Indiana University
Paleonet East
Paleonet West, Berkeley,
Paleovegetation maps
of the world at intervals since 18,000 14C years B.P
Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia
Palm information developed
by Dr. Henry Donselman, Palm Trees, Tropicals, Subtropicals
Palm Society of South Texas
Palm Trees in
Palmengarten der
Stadt Frankfurt (Main), Germany
Palmeras y jardines en el
Suroeste de Europa (Palms and gardens in the South-west of Europe)
Palmerton Arboretum,
Roger River, Oregon, USA
Palms and gardens in the
South-west of Europe
Palms Newsgroups (International Palm
Palms of the World by Mike Maxson
Palynological and Palaeobotanical Association of Australasia
and Paleoclimatology, Charles Stuart University, Australia
Palynology of the
genus Centaurea (Compositae), Russia
The PANDORA taxonomic
database system
PANKEY, by Richard J.
Pankhurst, UK.
Papua New Guinea Rainforest &
Biodiversity Information from Gaia Forest Conservation Archives
Parasitic Flowering Plants and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, Germany
Parasitic Plant
Connection by Dan Nickrent, Southern Illinois University College of Science,
Parc Botanique et
Zoologique de Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Parc Marie-Victorin,
Marie-Victorin, Kingsey Falls, Québec, Canada
Le Parc Zoologique et
Botanique de Mulhouse, France
Parks and
Gardens in Normandy, France
Parque Pedagógico
Etnobotánico Omaere, Puyo, Ecuador
Parrot Jungle And Gardens,
Miami, Florida, USA
Analysis Software
Patricia Ledlie Bookseller, Inc.
Peabody Museum of
Natural History Herbarium, Yale University (New Haven, Connecticutt, USA)
Peabody Museum of
Natural History -- Paleontological Types
Museum Paleobotany Collection, Yale University (gopher)
Peninsula Orchid Society
(San Mateo, California, USA)
Penn State College of
Agricultural Sciences - Herb Articles, USA (gopher)
Penn State Horticultural Trial
Garden, USA
Pennsylvania Flora Project
Pennsylvania Horticultural
Penstemon Website
People's Use of Algae
Peperomia Page and Peperomia and Exotic Plant Society, UK
Perennial Plant
The Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
Perry's Perennial Pages
(Leonard P. Perry, Burlington, University of Vermont, USA)
Peru Checklist -
Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru, Missouri
Botanical Garden
PEST CABWeb, (CABI International)
Pest Management
Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Peter's Carnivorous Plant Page
Peterson's Education Center: Botany and Plant Sciences
Petrozavodsk State University Botanic Garden (PSUBG), Karelia, Russia
Pharmaceutical Information Network
Phipps Conservatory in
Pittsburgh, PA. USA
Photo album of
Costa Rican Orchid Species
Photobiology Online
Photographic Collection
of the Australian National Botanic Gardens
Photographs of
Flowers and Other Plant Parts-1997
Photosynthesis Center, Arizona State University, USA
Directory, MIT Biology Hyper textbook
Phycological Newsletter - A publication of the Phycological Society of
The Phycological Society of
Phycological Society of
Southern Africa
University of Washington (phylogenies programs)
Phylodendron, an application for phylogenetic tree drawing
Phylogenetic Analysis Computer Programs
phylogenetic and biogeographic study of the genus Verbascum in Greece (Knud
Ib Christensen, Denmark)
Phylogenetic arrangements of the flowering plants by Cronquist
Phylogenetic arrangements of the flowering plants by Dahlgren
Phylogenetic arrangements of the flowering plants by Thorne
Phylogenetic Botany Lab., Department of Biology, Chiba University, Japan
Phylogenetics software -
Nascent software for the Mac by James Lyons-Weiler at University of Nevada,
Phylogenetics Software Resources
Phylogeny Packages by Joe Felsenstein, University of Washington, Seattle,
Physiologia Plantarum
Physiological and
Molecular Plant Pathology
Phytochemical and
Ethnobotanical Databases, USA
Phytochemical Society of Europe
Phytochemical Society of North
Phytoparasitica, the Israel
Journal of Plant Protection Sciences
Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques, Belgium
Phytopathology Newsgroup
Phytopharmacognosy Discussion
Group and Mailing List
Phytopharmacognosy Gopher, UK
PHYTOS - Plant Science Education
Piante di Sicilia
(Plants of Sicily, Italy) by Girolamo Giardina
Piante Italia - A Site Dedicated to
Picture It: Great graphics for busy biology teachers
Pierce Arboretum, Nebraska,
Pilze, Pilze, Pilze by Georg Müller, Germany
Pine Cone
Identification Page (University of Delaware Botanical Garden, USA)
Pine Lodge Gardens, St.
Austell, Cornwall - National UK Grevillea Collection
Pinetum Blijdenstein/botanical
garden/ Hilversum, Netherlands
The Pittsburgh Bonsai
Society, USA
The Plankton Net
Reactivity in the Marine Environment (PRIME), NERC Thematic Research
Programme, UK
Plant and Insect Parasitic Nematode Home Page
Plant and Microbial Sciences
Home Page, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Plant and Soil
Biology 100 - General Botany for Non-Science Majors by James L. Reveal,
Department of Plant Biology, University of Maryland, USA
Plant Biology and Biotechnology,
University of Delaware/DuPont
Plant Cell Biology, Lund University,
Chromosome Numbers Search (gopher)
Plant conservation in
the Hawaiian archipelago (Germain Mesureur, UK)
Plant Cuttings, an
on-line newsletter by Department of Botany, Natural History Museum, London
Plant Disease
Plant Evolution: Botany
403, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
The Plant Finder Home Page, UK
Plant Fossil
Record Database
Plant Fossils in
Japan, Chiba University, Japan
Fossils of West Virginia by Monte Hieb, USA
Plant Gene Register - University of
Nebraska & Ophelia Publishing, USA
The Plant Genetic Resources' Centre
of the Netherlands, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Plant Genetic
Resources in Germany
Plant Genetic Resources Information
by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The Plant Genome
Data and Info Ctr, USDA/ARS/National Agr. Lib. (Gopher)
Plant Genome
Database Collaboration
Plant Genome Databases,
Plant Genome Server, USA
Plant Hormones, UK
Plant Identification and
Classification - Botany 113, Department of Botany, University of Washington,
Plant Lists from the Pacific Northwest, USA
Plant Map of
Costa Rica (Missouri Botanical Garden, USA)
Materials Database, Horticulture in Virtual Perspective (HVP), the Ohio
State University, USA
Plant Molecular Virology
The Plant Names Project
The Plant of
the Week
Parasitic Nematodes Database by CENARGEN
Plant Pathology
Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book by Thorsten Kraska, Institute for Plant
Diseases and Plant Protection (IPP), University of Hannover, Germany
Plant Photo Gallery of the Yamasaki Laboratory, Hiroshima, Japan
Plant Photobiology
Notes by Pedro J. Aphalo, Finland
Plant Physiology
Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Program at the University of
Kentucky, USA
Plant Physiology by Ross
Koning, ECSU, Willimantic, USA
Plant Population Ecology
Section of the Ecological Society of America
Production Club, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Helsinki University
Plant Resources Information
Laboratory (Q'TAXA) - University of California Riverside
Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University, USA
Plant Science Education Newsgroup
Specialists for Colombia (list by the Missouri Botanical Garden)
Plant Species and
Distribution Maps for the Great Basin
Plant Species
Database at WCMC
Plant Species
in the South Warner Mountains, California, USA (by David Charlet)
Plant Systematics Research in
Taxonomists Online (PTO) - Cornell
Taxonomists Online (PTO) - UNM
Plant taxonomy class
offered at the University of Maryland
listserv, University of Minnesota, USA
Tissue Culture Information Exchange
Plant Tissue culture
research at the University of Minnesota, US
Tissue Culture Resources
The Plant Tracker
Trivia Timeline
Plant Viruses Online
Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database, Australia
Watch - phenological monitoring project by the Devonian Botanic Garden,
University of Alberta, Canada
Plantas do Nordeste
utiles del estado de Jalisco, Mexico
Plantation Orchid
Society (Plantation, Florida, USA)
Planteforsk, Norsk Institut for
PlantFinder (Australia)
Planting Fields Arboretum in
Oyster Bay, New York (USA)
PlantLink by PlantAmerica - search
engine for botanists
Plants Along the Los Angeles River
and Seeds by Gardening Unlimited, USA
Plants at
Monash University campus, Clayton, Australia
Plants for a future
Plants for Windows
Plants in Motion
Plants in the
Hawaiian Environment - Botany 130
Plants Newsgroup
Plants of Australia
Plants of Hull (Richard Middleton, UK)
Plants of the Machiguenga, eastern
Plants of the New
Jersey Pinelands (Pine Barrens), USA
Plants of the Norwegian
Forests and Mountains (images) by Trine S. Tveter and Jon Wikne
Plants, People and the
Plants Photo
Gallery, USDA, USA
Plants Toxic
to Animals
Plasmodiophorid Home Page, Department of Environmental and Plant Biology,
Ohio University, Athens, USA
Platypus - A
Database Package for Taxonomists
The Plumeria Place, John
Murray, Texas, USA
The Plumeria Society
of America, Inc.
PMS, Prirodoslovni
Muzej Slovenije, Kustodiat za Botaniko, Herbarij LJM, Slovenia
Poison Information
on Plants (Maryland Poison Center, USA)
Poison Ivy, Western
Poison Oak, Poison Sumac by G. A. Mulligan, Canada
The Poisonous Plant
Poisonous Plant Patch (Nova Scotia Museum, Canada)
Poisonous Plants Bibliography
Plants Guide - Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System (FAIRS),
Poisonous Plants in
Britain and Ireland on CD-ROM, UK
Poisonous Plants in New Zealand
Plants of North Carolina by Dr. Alice B. Russell
Poisons Information Database: Natural
Toxins and Poisons in Plants Found in Singapore
POLIBOTANICA, a botanic journal in Mexico, published quarterly
Catalogue of the British Isles
Pollen monitoring in Poland
Pollen-WWW-Server, the University of
Vienna, Austria
Pollinia: Ochids on the Net, Canada
PollyClave (a
web-based multiple-entry identification key)
Polygalaceae of
the Guianas (Arian Jacobs, the Netherlands)
Polypores of Sweden
Pomology Department, UC Davis, USA
Pomology pages of Alain
Roueche, France
Pooidae (Poaceae) in Australia by C.M. Weiller, M.J. Henwood, J. Lenz and L.
Poplar Molecular Network
Poplars and
Willows on the World Wide Web, University of Washington, USA
Genetics Club
Portland Dahlia Society
(Oregon, USA)
Portland State University,
Department of Biology, Oregon, USA
Potterton & Martin
- Alpine & Dwarf Bulbs 1999
Powell Gardens, Missouri, USA
A Prairie
Gallery by Bruce A. Heyne, USA
Prehistoric Food Production in the Midcontinental United States
Prehistoric Plant Use in New England - Bibliographies by David R. George,
Department of Anthropology, University of Connecticut
Preliminary checklist of
the flora of the Una Biological Reserve, Brazil
PRELUDE, a data bank on
traditional veterinary medicinal plants in Africa
Pretoria National
Botanical Garden (Pretoria, South Africa)
The Pringle
Herbarium, University of Vermont, USA
Proceedings of a Mini-Symposium on Biological Nomenclature in the 21st
Century held at the University of Maryland on 4 November 1996, Edited by
James L. Reveal, USA
Project Linnaeus
PROSEA Homepage - Plant
Resources of South-East Asia
Protea Atlas Project, South Africa
Protected Areas
Database at WCMC
Protected Areas Virtual
The Protocol Journal
of Botanical Medicine by Herbal Research Publications, Inc.
Provasoli-Guillard National Center for
Culture of Marine Phytoplankton
The Proven Winners Garden Site,
Providence College: Biology
(Rhode Island, USA)
Provincial Museum of Alberta, Canada: Pollen and Seed Reference Collections
The Provincial Museum of
Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
A Provisional
World List of Geosites for Palaeozoic Palaeobotany
Publicly Accessible Mailing List - Index for Botany
Puget Sound Mycological Society, Seattle,
Washington, USA
Rhododendron Trust (New Zealand)
Purdue University, Botany & Plant
Pathology, West Lafayette Indiana, USA
Purdue University Herbaria
Purdue University's
Arthur Herbarium
University's Kriebel Herbarium
Puutarhaliitto -
Quail Botanical
Gardens, San Diego, California, USA (via AOL)
Quail Botanical Gardens, San Diego,
California, USA (via DDC)
Environments Network, Palaeovegetation
Queen Elizabeth
Arboretum, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
The Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park, Cayman Islands
Queen's University, Department of
Biology - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Queensland Herb Society inc.,
Brisbane, Australia
Queensland Herbarium, Indooroopilly, Australia
Les "jardins
d'exception" de la Ville de Menton, France
Stranahan Arboretum, University Of Toledo, Ohio, USA
On-Line from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Life Sciences, Universiti
Kebangsaan, Malaysia
Action Network
Rainforest Medical Foundation
Rainforests, Diversity and
Destruction by Dave Kristula
Raintree Marketing Home Page
Raleigh Rose Society,
Ralph Martin's Cacti
and Succulents Page
Ralph's Finest Fungi
Fancier File by Ralph Czerepinski, Michigan, USA
RAMAS Library of Ecological Software
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden,
Claremont, California, USA
Ranunculus Home Page (Andrew Spink, Wageningen, the Netherlands)
The Rare and Endangered Plants of San Mateo and Santa Clara County with
Photography and Illustrations by Toni Corelli and Zoe Chandik, USA
Rare Books and
Artwork at The Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, Ohio, USA
Rare plants and
animals for the state of Virginia, USA
Plants of San Diego County by Craig H. Reiser (USA)
Rare Vascular Plants
of British Columbia, Canada
Ray J. Davis Herbarium, Division of Life Sciences, Idaho Museum of Natural
History, USA
Ray Smith's Daylily Homepage
Real Jardin Botanica Juan Carlos I,
Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá en Henares, Madrid, Spain
Real Jardin
Botanico, Madrid, MA Herbarium Fungus Collection (gopher)
Jardin Botanico, Madrid, Spain (gopher)
rec.gardens.roses FAQ
Literature on Lichens
Red Butte Garden and Arboretum,
University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)
Red espanola
de aerobiologia, Spanish Aerobiology Network, Spain
Redlisted Swedish
Characeae, a searchable database of the Swedish Museum of Natural History,
Redwood Empire
Rose Society, USA
Reed College,
Biology Department (Portland, Oregon, USA)
Reference Guide for
A Reference
List for Plant Re-introductions, Recovery Plans and Restoration Programmes,
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
Riding Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Regensburger Mykologische Schriften (Germany)
Regnum Vegetabile
Gardens, Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa, USA)
Relative Apparent
Synapomorphy Analysis (RASA)
Research Institute
for Bioresources, Okayama University, Japan
RéseaSuisse de Floristique (RSF)
Reseau Suisse de
Floristique (RSF), Swiss Floristic Network
The Resistant
Pest Management Newsletter
Resources of
Scholarly Societies: Biology from the University of Waterloo Library, Canada
Restoration Ecology - The Official Journal of the Society for Ecological
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
A Review of
the genus Eccremocarpus (Bignoniaceae), William G. D'Arcy, Missouri
Botanical Garden
A Revision of
Anthurium Section Pachyneurium (ARACEAE)
A revision of
Collybia s.l. in the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada
Revista Chilena de
Historia Natural
Revista Gayana Botánica (Chile)
Rhode Island Natural
History Survey, Providence, USA
Rhodes University, Department of
Botany, Schönland Botanical Laboratories, Grahamstown, South Africa
The Rhododendron
Rhododendron Species
Botanical Garden, USA
Rhythms in organisms - An introduction for observing, experimenting,
recording and analysing
Rice Genome Research Program (RGP) at
STAFF Institute in Tsukuba, Japan
Rijksherbarium / Hortus Botanicus,
Leiden, the Netherlands
Groningen: Afdeling Biologie (the Netherlands)
Botanical Garden (Trondheim, Norway)
The Rio Grande
Botanic Gardens and Conservatory (Albuquerque, USA)
riparian flora of the Oker river system (northern part of Germany)
Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden,
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Riverine Wetlands: Succession
and Restoration by the Freshwater and River Ecology Research Unit,
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, France
The Robert & Catherine
Wilson Botanical Garden & Las Cruces Biological Station, Costa Rica
Robert Bebb Herbarium,
Oklahoma Biological Survey
The Rock Garden Club
Prague, Czech Republic (RGCP)
Rockwood Museum, Delaware, USA
Rocky Mountain Herbarium,
Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA
Rocky Mountain
Wildflowers CD-ROM
Room of Saintpaulia
(Gesneriaceae) by Ken'ichi Okishita, Japan
Rosaceae Home Page
The Rosarian, a site devoted to roses
and the gardeners who cultivate them
Rose Resource - All-America Rose
Selections Web Site
Rose Society of
Greater St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Rose Society of Tucson, USA
Ross Potato Herbarium, Germany
Rotary Gardens, Inc.
(Janesville, Wisconsin, USA)
Experimental Station, Department of Plant Pathology (UK)
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
United Kingdom
Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne,
Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney,
Royal Botanical Gardens,
Hamilton/Burlington, Ontario, Canada
The Royal Horticultural Society, UK
The Royal
National Rose Society (UK)
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Botany Department, Canada
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Vascular Plant Herbarium (TRT), Canada
Royal Tasmanian Botanical
Gardens Appeal, Australia
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
University (KVL), Department of Botany, Dendrology and Forest Genetics,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Rubiaceae, page by
Chris Puttock, Australia
Universität Bochum AG Geobotanik, Germany
Ruhr Universität Bochum AG Geobotanik, Germany
Russian Academy of
Sciences, Department of General Biology (DGB)
The Ruth Bancroft Garden
(Walnut Creek, California, USA)
S.M. Tracy
Herbarium (TAES), Texas A&M University, USA
S. Mary Grace Burns
Arboretum of Georgian Court College - Lakewood, New Jersey, USA
The S R Warner
Herbarium, Sam Houston University, Department of Biological Sciences,
Huntsville, Texas, USA
SADC Plant Genetic Resources
Centre (SPGRC), Lusaka, Zambia
Saint Petersburg Botanic Society
(Florida, USA)
Salicaceae in
Finland: distribution maps of the native and established species
Sam Houston State University,
Department of Biological Sciences (Huntsville, Texas, USA)
San Antonio Botanical Gardens, Texas, USA
San Diego Epiphyllum Society
(California, USA)
San Diego Fern Society
San Diego State University,
Biology Department (California, USA)
Francisco Bay Area Wildflowers by Michael Paul Thoma, USA
San Jose Gardens,
California, USA
San Jose
Heritage Rose Garden, (California, USA)
Sanger Centre, UK
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, California,
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden,
California, USA - Herbarium
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural
History (California, USA)
Santa Clara County
Rose Society
São Paulo State University at São José do Rio Preto, Department of Botany,
Saw-palmetto: an
Ecologically and Economically Important Native Palm by George Tanner, J.
Jeffrey Mullahey, and David Maehr, University of Florida, USA
SAXIFRAGA - European
Flora Slides
The Saxifrage
Society, UK
Scandinavian Society for Plant
SCB: The Society for Conservation
Biology (SCB), USA
Schedel Foundation Arboretum and Gardens, Elmore, Ohio, USA
School of Biological Sciences,
University of Sydney, Australia
School of Biological
Sciences, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
School of Botany, La
Trobe University, Australia
School of Plant
Sciences, University of Reading
Science and Plants
for Schools, Nottingham, UK
Science Professional Network
Science - Yahoo List
Journals: Botany, Plant Science, Crop Science, Soil Science
Scientific software
from the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU)
Scott Arboretum, Swarthmore College, USA
Scott's Botanical
Scottish Agricultural College
The Scottish Rare Plant
Scrophulariaceae Gopher
Seagrass Page
Search Form for WWW VL
Biosciences at Harvard
Search the
plant chromosome numbers (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Searchable algae and
vascular plant type specimen Database at Botanical Museum and Library,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Searchable World Wide Web Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database
Seaweed, University College,
Secção de
Fitoecologia e Herbologia - Department of Botany and Biological Engineering,
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal
Sección Botánica,
Departamento Academico de Biologia, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia,
Lima, Peru
Second International Congress of
Ethnobotany, 1997, Mexico
The Secret Garden
(Floral Radiographs)
Section Botanique at
Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle, Luxemburg.
The Sedum
Society, UK
Seeds and Plants
International (SEPI) - The Perennial Source, Canada
The Seeds Mailing List
by Duncan McAlpine
Seeds of Garden from the New
Mexico State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics, USA
Seeds of Hope...Harvest of
Pride! Ohio State University, USA
Seeds of Life
Sektion für
Biosystematische Dokumentation - University of Ulm, Germany
Selected research
projects of the New York Botanical Garden by Location
Schonland Herbarium (GRA), South Africa
Fund (USA)
Sequence Retrieval System - Network
Browser for Databanks in Molecular Biology (EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK)
Sequences, Sources, Taxa
Serra Gardens Landscape Cacti and
Succulents, California, USA
d'informations sur la biodiversité en Wallonie, Belgium
Badania Alergenow Srodowiskowych - Polskiego Monitoringu Pylkowego
Informacje o stezeniu pylku roslin w atmosferze (Allergen Research Center,
Sewanee Department of Biology, the
University of the South Tennessee, USA
Herbarium, the University of the South Tennessee, USA
Shaded Perennial
Shadenet Horticulture Site, India
Shanghai Botanic Garden,
Shanghai, China
Shaw Arboretum of the
Missouri Botanical Garden, USA
Sherman Gardens and Library Photo
Tour, California, USA
Sherwood Fox Arboretum,
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Shields' Daylily Garden
Shofuso: The Pine Breeze Villa, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Siatista Botanical Museum, Greece
Sida, Botanical Miscellany (SBM)
Sida, Contributions to Botany
Sida, Contributions to Botany and
Sida, Botanical Miscellany - Two Publications of The Botanical Research
Institute of Texas
The Sierra Club, USA
The Sierra
Foothills Rose Soc. (California, USA)
La Sierra University,
Department of Biology - Riverside, California, USA
Silvia & Cedric's UK
Orchid Pages
Simon Fraser University, Department
of Biological Sciences, Barnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Singapore Botanic Gardens
Sir Harold Hillier
Gardens and Arboretum, Ampfield, UK
Sixth International
Mycological Congress (IMC6, Jerusalem, 1998)
Skånes Mykologiska
Förening (Skåne Mycological Society, Sweden)
Skis v5.6 for
Biodiversity Data Capture, Checklisting and Communications
Skriptum zum Pflanzenbestimmen
Arboretum, Hillsdale College, MI, USA
SMASCH Data Entry Software and Database Structures
SMASCH Project,
University of California at Berkeley, USA
Smithsonian Botany
Collections Page
Smithsonian Catalog of Botanical
Lichen Research
Natural History, Department of Botany, USA
The Smithsonian Natural
History Web
Snapdragon home page (Antirrhinum majus)
Sociedad Argentina de Botánica
Sociedad de
Botánica de Chile
Sociedad de
Ecología de Chile
Sociedad Española de Fitopatología
Sociedad Española de Horticultura
Sociedad Potosina de Cactología,
Botanica Italiana - The Botanical Society of Italy
Società italiana di Ecologia,
Italian Society of Ecology
Societas pro Fauna et Flora
Fennica (Finland)
Société Belge de Dendrologie / De Belgische Dendrologische Vereniging
Societe francaise
d'orchidophilie (French Orchid Society)
The Society for Actinomycetes
The Society for
Economic Botany at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
Society for
Economic Botany Editorial Offices
The Society for Economic
Botany from the University of Michigan, USA
Society for Growing Australian
Plants (SGAP)
Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB), USA
The Society for the
Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC)
The Society of
Natural Plants Lovers in Hokkaido, Japan
Society of Wetland Scientists
Archives for Biology
Software Checklist for Ecology, Taxonomy, and Management of Collections (in
Software Checklist for Ecology, Taxonomy, and Management of Collections (in
Software for
Pest Management
- Solanaceae
Solheim Mycological
Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA
Some Botanical
and Horticultural Databases, Herbs, and Christmas Trees on the Web by
Stanley Johnston, Holden Arboretum, USA
Sonnenberg Gardens, Canandaigua, NY
Sonoma County Orchid Society
(California, USA)
The Sonoran Desert Lichen Flora Project
Soqotra - Royal
Botanic Garden Edinburgh
The South African
Aloe and Succulent Society
South African Mangoes Online
The South
Carolina Botanical Garden
South Carolina Plant Atlas
South China Institute of
Botany, Guangzhou. - Page from UNDP's server
Southeastern Regional Floristic
Information System (SERFIS), University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
Southern African Botanists' addresses
Southern African Herbarium Working Group (SAHWG)
Southern African
Society for Plant Pathology
Southern Business Express Seed
Division -- Exotic, Tropical Plant Seed Catalog, Massachusetts, USA
Southern California Clematis
Society, USA
California Natural History, Loyola Marymount University, Biology Department
Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative, Auburn University, Alabama,
Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale, Department of Plant Biology
Southern Illinois
University Herbarium Home Page, USA
Southern Nazarene
University, Department of Biology (Bethesda, OK, USA)
Southern Oregon University,
Department of Biology, USA
Southwest Missouri State
University, Department of Biology, USA
School of Botanical Medicine/Michael Moore Home Page
Southwestern Fern
Society, USA
Southwestern Ohio Daffodil
Society, USA
Pennsylvania Orchid Society, USA
Southwestern University,
Department of Biology (Georgetown, Texas, USA)
Soybase - Shoemaker Laboratory, Iowa
State University, USA
Glossary of Plant Names
Specialist Science Books, UK
Species 2000
A Species
Directory of the marine fauna and flora of the British Isles and its
surrounding seas
Spongospora Home
Page, a place for information and communication exchange on different
aspects of the pathogen Spongospora.
Spore Print,
journal of the Los Angeles Mycological Society, USA (gopher)
Spores Afield (Mycology)
Springer-Verlag Publishers, USA
Ghjulianu, Station de Recherches Agronomiques de Corse, France
St. Andrews Botanic
Francis Xavier University, Canada - Plant Evolution and Development at the
Department of Biology
St. Johns University,
College of St. Benedict, Department of Biology (Collegeville, Minnesota,
St Vincent and the
Grenadines Botanic Gardens, Kingstown
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (Germany)
Standards and Core Attributes for Biological Data (ERIN)
Stanford genomic resources, USA
University: Plant Biology (USA)
A Start at a
Comprehensive Theory of Plant Hormones
The State Botanical Garden of
Georgia, USA
State of Environment Norway
The state of taxonomy
of the genus Armillaria by Harold H. Burdsall, Jr. and Thomas J. Volk,
Center for Forest Mycology Research, Forest Service, U. S. D. A., Madison,
Wisconsin, USA
The Staten Island
Botanical Gardens, at Snug Harbor, New York, USA
Stavanger Bonsai Forening (Stavanger
Bonsai Society, Norway)
Stekkenplek Zwingelspaan,
West Brabant, the Netherlands (a garden)
The Stephen F. Austin State
University Arboretum (Nacodoches, Texas, USA)
Stephen F. Austin State University, Biology Department, Texas, USA
Stinger's Bamboo
Links and Information, University of Florida, USA
Stockholm University, Department of
Stockholm University, Department of
Systems Ecology, Sweden
Stokes Tropicals, New Iberia,
Louisiana, USA
Strategy for an All-Taxa Inventory of Fungal Biodiversity by Amy Y. Rossman,
USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Systematic Botany and Mycology
The Strawberry Facts Page
by Jenni A. Merrifield, Canada
Strawberry Press Home Page, USA
Strictly Hibiscus
Homepage (Shelley Lynn, USA)
Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, San Francisco, California, USA
Succulent Plant Page
Succulenta (The
Dutch-Belgian Society of Cactus and Succulent Amateurs)
Summerfield Books (UK)
Sunflower-Girasol Page of Luis F. Hernández
Sunset Succulent
Society (Santa Monica, California, USA)
Sunshine Farm & Gardens,
Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA
SunSite Herb Archives
Surreybrooke, Maryland, USA
Survey of Economic
Plants for Arid and Semi-arid Lands (SEPASAL)
A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms by Frances M. Cardillo, O.S.F. and Tonya S.
Samuels Department of Biology Manhattan College and the College of Mt. St.
Vincent, USA
Trees and Shrubs for Southern New England, USA
SVCK-Liste der Sammlung von Conjugaten-Kulturen-Universität Hamburg
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift,
Botaniska Föreningen (SBF), Swedish Botanical Society
Svenska Clematis
Sällskapet (Clematis Society, Sweden)
växtgeografiska sällskapet (Societas Phytogeographica Suecana), Sweden
Sveriges Mykologiska
Förening (Swedish Mycological Society)
Sveriges växter - Den virtuella
floran ("Virtual Flora of Swedish Vascular Plants")
Svinvik Arboretum, Norway
The Swartz Herbarium
at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (S)
The Swedish
Biodiversity Centre - a national centre for research on biodiversity
The Swedish Fuchsia Society
(Svenska Fuchsiasällskapet), Sweden
Swedish Hoya Society
Swedish meeting place for people interested
in gardening
Swedish Mosses
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Swedish Museum of
Natural History - lichen collections
Swedish Museum of Natural
History, Palynological Laboratory (Stockholm, Sweden)
Swedish Museum of
Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden: Christian Luerssen's herbarium
Swedish Threatened Species Unit
A Sweetpotato Sampler
[Frasera] albomarginata in Mojave National Preserve, San Bernardino County,
California, USA
Swiss Federal Institute for
Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Birmensdorf / Zurich,
Swiss Flowering Plants
Sydney Fungal Studies
Group, Australia
Sylva W3 - A Plant Biology Web Site
at Univ. Laval, Canada
SYN-TAX multivariate data
analysis program by J. Podani, Hungary
Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States , Canada
and Greenland, 1994
A Synonymized
Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the
Virgin Islands
SysTax -- Botanical
Garden Information System, Germany
A System for Easy
Analysis of Lots of Sequences (SEALS)
Systematic Biology, USA
Systematic Botany and Mycology
Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, USDA
Systematic Botany Monographs
Studies in Discomycetes: Pezizales from the Harvard University Herbaria, USA
Systematics and
Biogeography of Bromeliaceae (David Taylor, USA)
Systematics Newsgroup
of the Cyclanthaceae, especially Sphaeradenia and Chorigyne
Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg County, Hungary - Botanic Garden and Regions
Tête d'Or Park, Lyon, France
Taconite Inlet Project, Canada - A Systems Approach to Paleoclimatology
Taiwan Agricultural
Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute (TACTRI)
Taiwan Agricultural
Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute (TACTRI)
Botanic Garden, Malahide, Ireland
The Tallgrass
Prairie in Illinois
Tallinn Botanic Garden, Estonia
Tama Forest Science Garden,
Biology Herbarium Collection - Search Form
Herbarium Specimen Browser
Tanzania Botanical Training Programme
University, Faculty of Biology and Geography, Estonia
Tartu University, Institute of
Botany and Ecology, Estonia
Tartu University
Lichenological Herbarium, Estonia
Tasmania-Commonwealth Regional Forest Agreement: Rare or Threatened
Tasmanian Forest Ferns
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery,
Hobarth, Australia
Tasmanian Orchid
Society, Australia
Tasmanian Parks
and Wildlife Service ,Australia
Listserv Archives
Eric Gouda, the Netherlands
TAXON, journal of
the International Association for Plant Taxonomy
Taxonomic Information Model for Botanical Databases
Taxonomic Resources and Expertise
Directory (TRED) for North America North of Mexico
A Taxonomic Revision
of Pseudodracontium (Araceae), Russia
Taxonomic Tools by
Computer (TTBC), Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain
Taxonomy and
Nomenclature Software
Taxonomy and Systematics at
Taxonomy of
Flowering Plants - Biology 211, Colby College, USA
Taxonomy of
Flowering Plants, Botany 201, Texas A & M University
Taylor Memorial Arboretum, Pennsylvania, USA
TDWG International
Working Group on Taxonomic Databases, Subgroup on Accession Data - Preparing
for a Collection Data Standard, Germany
Subgroup on Accession Data: Standards, Information Models, and Data
Dictionaries for Biological Collections
Teikyo University, Institute
of Medical Mycology, Tokyo, Japan
Tel Aviv
University Botanic Gardens
Tel Aviv University, Department of
Plant Sciences, Israel
Tel Aviv University
Herbarium (TELA), Israel
The Tele-Garden, USA
The Temperate
Rainforest of the Pacific Northwest
Tennessee Division of
Natural Heritage, USA
Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant
Council, USA
Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas in Australia
Texas A&M
Bioinformatics Working Group, USA
Texas A&M
Biology Department Herbarium (TAMU)
Texas A&M Biology
Herbarium (TAMU) collection - search specimen data
Texas A&M University
Department of Biology Herbarium (TAMU) Vascular Plant Image Gallery, USA
Texas A&M University, Department of
Plant Pathology, USA
Texas Aggie Horticulture
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Texas Botanical Garden
Society, Austin, USA
Texas Flora
Texas Flora
Texas Plant Disease
Handbook - Texas Agricultural Extension Services's Texas Plant Disease
Texas Subtropical Agricultural Center
Sunflowers (Helianthus)
Texas Wildflowers, USA
Thai Orchid Species
Guide to Botany
Threatened and
Endangered Plant Species at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA
Threatened lichens
in Finland by Sampsa Lommi, University of Helsinki, Finland
Threatened Plants
of Tasmania, Australia
Threatened Plants of the World: Europe
Threatened plants of Vietnam at WCMC
Ethnobotanical Dictionary
The TIGR Arabidopsis
thaliana Database
Tillandsia International, USA
Timber Press botanical
Time Life Complete Gardener Encyclopedia Search Page, USA
Time Life's House Plant Pavillion, USA
Time Life Virtual
To Garden Finely
Tohono Chul Park, Arizona, USA
Toluca de Lerdo,
Cosmovitral Jardin Botanico, Mexico
Tom Volk's
Fungi, Center for Forest Mycology Research, Forest Products Lab, Madison,
Wisconsin, USA
The Torrey Botanical Society
A Tour of the
Flynn Bogs System, Texas
Tower Hill Botanic Garden,
Boylston, Massachusetts, USA
Hill Botanic Garden, Massachusetts, USA (MoBot.)
Tracy, a
system for the management of herbarium collections
Traditional Gardening
TRANSLAT, Botanical Latin
Translation Program
The Tree of
Life Home Page
Tree Physiology
Database, Harvard University Herbaria, USA
TreeMap - An
experimental program for comparing host and parasite
Trees of
Trees of California - A Forest Ecology Class Project, Spring, 1996
Trees of Ohio
Trees of the Pacific
TreeView -
a free, simple program for displaying phylogenies on Apple Macintosh and
Windows Pcs
TreeWeb: The Natural History
of Trees
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Trends in Plant Science
Tresco Abbey Gardens, Tresco, UK
Triangle African Violet Society, North
Carolina, USA
Triglav National Park
- Biology, Slovenia
Trinidad & Tobago Orchid
Trinity College Botanic
Garden, Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin,
Department of Botany, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin,
Herbarium (TCD), Ireland
Trip to an East Texas Sandstone Outcrop, Texas A & M University
TRITON, Index to
Organism Names
Tromsø Botanic Gardens,
Museum (TROM), Norway
Tropical Biodiversity
Courses - Dendrology
Tropical Biodiversity, journal
of the Indonesian Foundation for the Advancement of Biological Sciences
Tropical Biologists on the Internet
Tropical Bryology
Feeds Database (FAO), Oxford
Tropical Fruits News Magazine
Tropical Gardens of Maui
(Hawaii, USA)
The Tropical
Hibiscus: Queen of the Tropics
The Tropical Orchid Society, USA
Tropical Rain Forest in Surinam
Missouri Botanical Garden
Truman State
University: Biology (Missouri, USA)
TSB Lichen
Herbarium Database (Department of Biology, University of Trieste, Italy)
Tsukuba Botanical Garden (Japan)
Tucson Botanical Gardens, Arizona, USA
Tucson Cactus and Succulent
Society (Arizona, USA)
Tulane University Herbarium, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and
Organismal Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Tulane University Herbarium, Type collections (148 vascular plant specimens)
Turkish Endemic
Plants Database
Journal of Botany
Turku University Herbarium,
Twentieth Century Gardens, Hot
Springs National Park, Arkansas, USA
occurrences of Desert Elkweed Swertia albomarginata (S. Watson)
Kuntze, Gentianaceae, in the Mid Hills, Eastern Mojave Desert, San
Bernardino County, California
Two Rainy Side Gardeners
Tyler Arboretum
Homepage (Media, Pennsylvania, USA)
catalog of the Herbarium Pacificum (BISH) of the Bishop Museum
Type Specimens of the Dutch
Type specimens of
the University of Texas, Austin, USA
Types Catalog,
University of California and Jepson Herbaria, USA
The U. S. Botanic Garden
(Washington, DC, USA)
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture:
Natural Resources Conservation Service
U.S. Listed
Non-Flowering Plant Species Index By Lead Region and Status, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service
U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research Network
U.S. Pollen Map
The UCMP Web
Lift To Taxa - Berkeley, California, USA
Horticultural, Botanical and Conservation Contacts listed by the RBG Kew
UK Life Sciences
Home Pages
UK Plant Genetic
Resources Group, Norwich, United Kingdom
UK-Plant Hormones and
Development Network
UK Postcode Plants Database
UK Systematics Forum
UKEXNET Horticultural Index
Ultimate web
pages about tree rings and tree-ring research
Umeå University, Department of
Ecological Botany, Sweden
UNADOK, Norwegian
Natural History Museum Collections Computerized
Mediterranean Species Project (UMS)
UNESCO-IOC Register of
Marine Organisms
of Marine Organisms
Unité de
Phytophathologie, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Unitat Docent de
Bot_nica, Departament de Biologia Vegetal de la Universitat de Val_ncia,
United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP
from Geneva, Switzerland
Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas, 1993
The United States
National Arboretum - Washington D.C., USA
The United States
Organization for Biodiversity Information (US-OBI)
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco: Herbario (Mexico)
Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro
Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Mexico
Universidad del País Vasco, Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Campus de
Bizkaia (Spain)
del Valle de Guatemala, Biology Department
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Herbario (UVAL)
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
Mexico, Instituto de Biologia
Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Mexico, Jardin Botanico
Universidade dos Açores, Biology Department, Portugal
Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica (Belo
Horizonte, Brazil)
Universidade Federal de Pelotas,
Instituto de Biologia, Brazil
Università degli Studi di Milano: Botanical Gardens, Italy
Università degli Studi di Milano: Department of Biology, Italy
Universität Erlangen, Institut für Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologie,
für Bodenkultur in Wien, Botanik, Austria
Freiburg, Institut für Biologie II, Germany
Universität Kaiserslautern:
Fachbereich Biologie / University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Biology,
Universität Regensburg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III, Biologie und
Vorklinische Medizin, Botanik, Germany
Universität Ulm,
Abteilung Spezielle Botanik, Germany
Université catholique de Louvain,
Département de Biologie (Belgium)
Université de
Liège. Institut de Botanique, Belgium
Laurentienne, Département de biologie, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Universita' degli
Studi dell' Aquila, Dipartimento di Scienci Ambientali, Italy
Università Degli Studi Della Tuscia, L'Orto Botanico (Italy)
Università degli Studi di
Roma "La Sapienza" - Museo dell'Erbario (Rome, Italy)
Università degli Studi di
Roma "La Sapienza" - Orto Botanico (Rome, Italy)
Bielefeld, Abteilung Ökologie (Germany)
Universität Hamburg - Institut für Allgemeine Botanik und Botanischer Garten
- Herbarium Hamburgense, Germany
Université de
Moncton - Campus d'Edmundston, Jardin Botanique, Canada
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit
Biologie (Netherlands)
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Botany Department (Rafflesia Online)
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, Biology Department
Universities, Yahoo
University College,
Dublin, Department of Botany, Ireland
University College
Galway, Department of Botany, Ireland
University Faculty of Gembloux,
Faculty of Agronomy, Belgium
University of
Aarhus, The Institute of Biological Sciences, Denmark
University of
Adelaide, Department of Botany, Australia
The University of Alabama
in Huntsville Grounds and Arboretum (Huntsville, Alabama, USA)
University of
Alberta, Biological Sciences, Canada
University of
Alberta Cryptogamic Herbarium, Canada
The University of
Alberta, Devonian Botanic Garden, Canada
University of Alberta Microfungus
Herbarium (UAMH; Canada)
University of Arizona,
Department of Geosciences - Palynology
University of Arizona, Department of
Plant Sciences (Tucson, USA)
University of
Arizona Herbarium (ARIZ) Plant Photographs
University of Arizona
Herbarium, Tucson, USA
University of Arizona,
Plant Pathology
University of Arkansas, Department
of Horticulture, USA
of Arkansas Herbarium, Fayetteville, USA
University of Auckland, School
of Biological Sciences (SBS), New Zealand
University of Barcelona, Faculty of
Biology, Spain
University of Basel, Botanical
Institute, Department of Plant Physiology, Switzerland
University of Bayreuth , Department of Plant Ecology (Lehrstuhl
Pflanzen÷kologie der Universit_t Bayreuth), Germany
University of
Bayreuth, Department of Plant Systematics, Germany
University of Bergen, Botanical
Institute, Norway: staff address list
University of Bern, Institute of
Geobotany (Geobotanisches Institut, Universität Bern; Switzerland)
University of Bern, Institute
of Plant Physiology (Switzerland)
University of British
Columbia Botanical Garden, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
University of British
Columbia, Department of Botany, Canada
University of
Calgary, Canada, Department of Biological Sciences
University of California at
Berkeley, Department of Plant Biology, USA
University of California at
Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology, USA
University of California at Davis
Herbarium , USA
University of California at Irvine,
School of Biological Sciences, USA
University of California
Botanical Garden (Berkeley, CA, USA)
University of California Davis Herbarium Management System
University of California; Davis -
Plant Biology, USA
University of California,
Irvine - Arboretum and Gene Bank, USA
University of California Irvine
(UCI), Conservation Biology Pages
of California, Museum of Paleontology - Microfossil Type Collection Catalogs
of California, Museum of Paleontology - Paleobotany Type Collection Catalogs
University of
California, Riverside: Department of Plant Pathology, USA
University of California
Santa Barbara Biogeography Laboratory, USA
University of California, Santa
Barbara - Biological Sciences, USA
University of California, Santa
Cruz Arboretum, USA
The University of California Vegetable
Research Info Center, USA
University of Cambridge, Biological Sciences, UK
University of Cape Town -
Botany Department, South Africa
of Cape Town - The Bolus Herbarium, South Africa
University of Central Arkansas Herbarium (UCAC), at Conway, Arkansas, USA
University of Central Florida
Arboretum, USA
University of Central
Florida, Biology Department, USA
University of Cincinnati, Department
of Biological Sciences, USA
of Cologne (Köln), Department of Botany, Germany
University of Colorado Museum Herbarium (COLO), Boulder, Colorado, USA
University of
Concepcion, Department of Botany, Chile
University of
Connecticut, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Greenhouses,
Storrs, CT, USA
University of Copenhagen, Botanical
Institute, Denmark
University of Dalhousie,
Biology, Halifax, Canada
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens - Gopher
University of
Delaware Botanic Gardens - WWW
University of Delaware, College of
Agricultural Sciences, USA
University of Durban-Westville,
Department of Botany, South Africa
University of Exeter, Department
of Biological Sciences, UK
University of Ferrara,
Department of Biology, Section of Botany, Italy
University of Florida Fort Lauderdale
Research & Education Center , USA
University of
Florida Herbarium (FLAS)
University of
Florida Herbarium (FLAS) Type Specimen Catalog
University of Freiburg,
Faculty for Biology, Germany
University of Fribourg, Plant
Biology Institute, Switzerland
University of Georgia, Botany
Department, Athens, USA
University of Georgia,
Botany Department - Greenhouse Tour, Athens, Georgia, USA
University of Georgia, Department
of Anthropology, Laboratories of Ethnobiology (Athens, GA, USA)
University of Georgia, Dept. of
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
University of Guelph
Arboretum (Ontario, Canada)
University of Guelph, Botany
Department, Canada
University of Guelph
Herbarium, Canada
University of Guyana
Botany Club
University of Hamburg
- Institute for Applied Botany (Germany)
University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Botany Department, USA
University of Helsinki:
Department of Biosciences, Finland
University of Helsinki,
Department of Ecology and Systematics, Finland
University of Hong Kong, Department
of Botany
University of Iceland - Department of
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Campaign, Plant Biology 100, USA
University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Arboretum, USA
University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, USA
University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Department of Crop Sciences - Agronomy and Plant Pathology
University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Plant Biology, USA
of Innsbruck, Botanical Institute, Austria
of Joensuu, Department of Biology, Finland
University of Jyväskylä, Department of
Biological and Environmental Science, Finland
University of Kansas, Department of Botany, USA
University of Kassel,
Institute for Crop Science, Germany
University of Kentucky,
Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Lexington, KY
University of
Kentucky Herbarium, Lexington, USA
University of Kuopio,
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Finland
University of Latvia
Botanical Gardens
University of
Latvia, Department of Botany and Ecology
University of Latvia,
Faculty of Biology
University of Lecce, Villa
Tresca Botanical Garden, Italy
University of Lethbridge, Department
of Biological Sciences, Alberta, Canada
University of
Lisbon, Department of Plant Biology, Centre for Environmental Biology (CEB),
Lisbon, Portugal
University of Madeira, Department of Biology (Funchal, Portugal)
University of
Manitoba, Department of Botany, Winnipeg, Canada
University of
Manitoba, Department of Plant Science, Winnipeg, Canada
University of Maryland at College
Park, College of Life Sciences
University of Maryland - College Park, Dept. of Plant Biology
University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, USA
University of Massachusetts:
Biological Sciences ,Amherst, USA
University of Massachusetts,
Department of Biology (Boston, MA, USA)
University of
Massachusetts Herbarium
University of Miami, Department of
Biology, Florida, USA
University of Michigan
Bryophyte and Lichen Collection Liverwort Database, USA
University of Michigan,
Department of Biology, USA
University of Michigan
Herbarium Fungus Collection (MICH)
University of Michigan
Herbarium (MICH)
University of Michigan
Herbarium Web Gis Prototype, Interactive distribution maps of fungi in the
University of Michigan, Laboratory of Ethnobotany USA
University of Michigan (MICH) Fungus
University of Minnesota
College of Biological Sciences, St. Paul, USA
University of
Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science, St. Paul, MN, USA
University of Minnesota,
Department of Plant Pathology, USA
University of Minnesota Herbarium (gopher)
University of
Minnesota Herbarium Specimen Catalogues
University of Minnesota
Herbarium, St. Paul, USA
University of Minnesota Landscape
Arboretum, Chanhassen, USA
of Missouri Herbarium
University of Missouri Horticulture Guides, USA
University of Missouri St. Louis Biology Department, USA
University of Natal Herbarium, South Africa
University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Department of Plant Pathology, USA
University of Nebraska - Lincoln:
Botanical Garden and Arboretum, USA
University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources (IANR), USA
University of Nebraska State Museum
(UNSM), University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of
Neuchâtel, The Institutes of Botany and Zoology, Switzerland
University of Nevada, Biological
Resources Research Center, USA
University of New
Brunswick, Biology Department, Fredericton, Canada
University of New England, Botany
Department, Armidale, NSW, Australia
University of New
England Herbarium (NE), Armidale, NSW, Australia
University of New Hampshire,
Department of Plant Biology, Durham, USA
University of New Hampshire,
Hodgdon Herbarium, USA
University of New Mexico
Herbarium (Albuquerque, NM, USA)
University of Nijmegen
Botanical Garden, the Netherlands
University of
North Carolina Herbarium (NCU, Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
University of Nottingham,
Plant Science Division, School of Biological Sciences, UK
University of Oklahoma
Botanical Society, USA
University of Oklahoma -
Botany and Microbiology, USA
University of Oldenburg,
Biology Department, Germany
University of Oregon, Department of
Biology, Eugene, USA
University Of Otago,
Botany Department, New Zealand
University of Oulu, Botanical Museum (OULU), Finland
University of
Oulu, Department of Biology, Finland
University of Parma, Institute of
Ecology, USA
University of Pisa - Museum of Natural History (Museo di Storia Naturale
dell'Università di Pisa), Italy
University of Port
Elizabeth, Botany Department, South Africa
University of Queensland, Botany
Department, Australia
University of Queensland
Marine Botany Home Page, Australia
University of Regina,
Biology Department, Saskatchewan, Canada
University of
Rhode Island, Department of Plant Sciences, USA
University of Rostock, Biology Department, Germany
of Ruhuna, Department of Botany, Sri Lanka
University of Saarland, Institute of Biogeography, Saarbrücken, Germany.
University of
Salzburg, Botanical Garden, Austria
University of Salzburg,
Institute of Botany, Austria
University of Sao Paulo, Department of
Botany, Brazil
University of
Saskatchewan, Crop Science and Plant Ecology, Canada
University of Sheffield, The Centre for Palynological Studies, UK
of South Florida Botanical Garden (Tampa, Florida, USA)
University of South Florida -
Institute for Systematic Botany and Herbarium
University of Southwestern
Louisiana, Biology Department, USA
University of Stellenbosch, Department of Botany, South Africa
University of
Stockholm, Department of Botany Herbarium (SUNIV), Sweden
University of Sussex, School of
Biological Sciences, Brighton, UK
University of
Tasmania, Department of Plant Science (Australia)
University of Tennessee, Division of
Biology, Knoxville, USA
University of Tennessee
Entomology & Plant Pathology Section
University of
Tennessee Herbarium, Knoxville, USA (TENN)
University of Tennessee,
Knoxville Botany Web Server
University of Texas,
Algae Culture Collection
University of Texas at Austin,
Department of Botany
University of Texas at Austin,
Herbarium and Plant Resources Center
University of Texas at El Paso
Centennial Museum's Laboratory for Environmental Biology
of Texas at El Paso Centennial Museum's Laboratory for Environmental Biology
- Herbarium
University of Texas at El Paso,
Department of Biological Sciences, USA
University of Texas Medical
Branch at Galveston, Medical Mycology Research Center, Texas, USA
University of Texas Medical
Branch Herbarium and Fungus Culture Collection, Galveston, USA
University of the
Orange Free State, Department of Botany and Genetics (Bloemfontein, South
University of the
Philippines at Los Baños, Institute of Biological Sciences
University of the Philippines Los Banos, Museum of Natural History
University of the South
Tennessee, Sewanee, USA - Department of Biology
University of Toledo,
Department of Biology, Ohio, USA
University of Toronto Botany
University of Toronto
Culture Collection of Algae and Cyanobacteria (UTCC)
University of Tromsø,
Department of Plant Ecology, Institute of Biology and Geology, Norway
University of Tromso,
Department of Ecological Botany (Avdeling for okologisk botanikk)
University of Tromsø, Norway: Tromsø
Museum (TROM)
University of Turku, Department
of Biology, Finland
University of Vermont, Department
of Botany & Agricultural Biochemistry
University of
Victoria Finnerty Garden Friends, British Columbia, Canada
University of Vienna, Department of Palaeobotany, Institute of
Palaeontology, (Wien / Vienna, Austria)
University of Waikato, Department
of Biological Sciences, New Zealand
of Wales Aberystwyth Botany Gardens - The Tropical Glasshouse (Wales, UK)
University of Wales Aberystwyth,
Institute of Biological Sciences, UK
University of
Wales, Aberystwyth, Palaeontology Homepage
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology, Poland
University of Warwick,
Department of Biological Sciences, Coventry, UK
of Washington, Department of Botany, Seattle, USA
University of
Washington, Medicinal Herb Garden, Seattle, Washington, USA
University of Waterloo Botanical Garden, Ontario, Canada
University of Waterloo,
Department of Biology - Ontario, Canada
University of Waterloo, Department of Biology, WAT Herbarium - Ontario,
The University of
West Indies Mycorrhizae Research Group
University of Western Australia,
Department of Department
University of Western Cape, Botany
Department, South Africa
The University of Western Ontario,
Department of Plant Sciences, Canada
of Wisconsin Arboretum, Madison, USA
University of
Wisconsin, Botany Gopher
University of
Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Department of Biology, USA
University of Wisconsin -
Madison Botanical Garden, USA
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Botany Department
University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Department of Plant Pathology, USA
University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Wisconsin Cooperative Park Studies Unit, USA
University of
Witwaterstrand, Department of Botany, South Africa
University of
Wollongong, Biological Sciences, Australia
University of Wroclaw, Institute of Botany, Poland
University of Wyoming
Botany Club
University of Wyoming, College of
Agriculture, Department of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences
University of Wyoming,
Department of Botany, Laramie, USA
University of Zürich, Institute of
Plant Biology (Switzerland)
University of Zürich, Institute of
Systematic Botany and Botanic Garden (Switzerland)
Unofficial World
Class Giant Pumpkin Homepage
Updated information for
U.S. herbaria listed in INDEX HERBARIORUM
Uppsala svampklubb, Sweden
Uppsala University Botanical Garden
Uppsala University, Department of Ecological Botany (Växtbio's Home Page),
Uppsala University,
Department of Physiological Botany, Sweden
Uppsala University,
Department of Systematic Botany, Research groups, Sweden
Uppsala University,
Department of Systematic Botany, Sweden
Upstate NY
Hosta Society
Urban Trees
in Brazil
US Department of Agriculture: Natural
Resources Conservation Service
Endangered Species by Region
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US FWS Endangered
Species Program
US Geological Survey - Biological Resources
US Geological Survey Mapping
Information: Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), USA
US State
Plants List Data via ftp from the PLANTS Database
USA, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
WWW Server
Environmental Change Data Assessment and Integration Project, USA
Used Books from The
Outdoor Bookstore by Brian Sherry
Useful Wild Plants Home
Utah Atlas of Vascular Plants
Utah Geography: Vegetation, NBS-GAP Program, Utah State University
Utah State University
Botanical Gardens (Farmington, Utah, USA)
The Utah State University
Crop Physiology Laboratory, USA
Utah State University, Department
of Biology, Logan, Utah, USA
Utah State University, Department of
Plants, Soils and Biometeorology, USA
Utilizati on of Pinus patula: an annotated bibliography, by J.A. Wright.
Utrecht University Botanic Gardens,
The Netherlands
Utrecht University,
Faculty of Biology, the Netherlands
Utrecht University Herbarium, the Netherlands
Botaniska Förening, Sweden
Vídeo Flora of
Veracruz, Mexico (from University of California, Riverside, USA)
Valencia Botanical Garden, University of
Valencia, Spain
Vancouver Island Rock
and Alpine Garden Society
Vancouver Orchid Society, Canada
Vancouver Rose Society (Canada)
VanDusen Botanical Garden,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Vascular flora of the
islands of the eastern Gulf of Finland, Russia
Flora of the Vassar College Farm, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
Vascular Plant Family Access Page (Gerald D. Carr, University of Hawaii at
Manoa, Botany Department, USA)
Vascular Plant Family Nomenclature by James L. Reveal, Department of Plant
Biology, University of Maryland, USA
Vascular Plant Species of Colorado: County Lists
Vascular Plant Types Collection of the Herbarium of Oregon State University,
Vascular Plants Database, USA
Plants Endemic to Texas by Texas A&M University Bioinformatics Working
Group, USA
Plants of North Central Florida, USA
Vascular Plants of Special
Concern from The Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP), USA
Vascular Plants of
Svalbard, Norway
Vatican Exhibit - Herbals
Vedams Books (India)
Vegetable Bytes, USA
Vegetacion del
Pais Vasco(España)/Vegetation of Basque Country (Spain)
Vegetatio - International Journal of Plant Ecology, published by Kluwer
Academic Publishers, The Netherlands
The Vegetation of
Lobo Point and North Wild Horse Mesa, Eastern Mojave Desert in San
Bernardino County, California, USA
Vegetation Types of
Texas, Texas Parks & Wildlife
Ventnor Botanic Garden (Isle of
Wight, UK)
Verband Botanischer
Gärten e.V (The association of the German botanical gardens)
Verband Deutscher Biologen
(VDBiol) - Association of German Biologists
Verein für
Pilzkunde St.Gallen (St. Gallen Mycological Society, Switzerland)
and Vascular Plants in National Parks, U.S. National Park Service (NPS), USA
Victoria Horticultural
Rhododendron Society
University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lithuania
Vines Botanical Gardens, GA,
Virginia Native
Plant Society: Invasive Alien Plant Cooperative Project, USA
The Virginia Natural
Heritage Program
Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden
(Blacksburg, Virginia, USA)
Virginia Tech Museum of
Natural History, Aberystwyth, UK
Virginia Tech Museum of Natural History: VTECH research collections
Virginia Tech Mycology Lab
Virtual Bromeliad Society
The Virtual Flora
of Oregon by Aaron Liston and Scott Sundberg, USA
The Virtual Foliage
Homepage in the Botany Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Virtual Herbarium, images of Appalachian flowers by Kenneth J. Stein,
Department of Entomology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, USA
The Virtual Orchard
Plant 3D Simulation, Centre for Tropical Pest Management in Brisbane,
A Virtual Voyage to
Carolina, USA
Garden of Flower Images by L. R. Fortney, Durham, NC, USA
Volunteer Park
Conservatory - Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington, USA
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Biologie
Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department, Belgium
W.J. Beal Botanical Garden
W. Szafer Institute of Botany
(Cracow, Poland)
Bibliography (Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, USA)
Wageningen Agricultural University,
Department of Phytopathology, the Netherlands
Warsaw Biblical Gardens,
Mishawaka, Indiana, USA
Warsaw University, Laboratory of Plant
Molecular Biology, Poland
Washington Native Plant Society, USA
Washington Park Arboretum,
Seattle, WA, USA
Washington State University,
Department of Botany, Pullman, USA
Washington University,
Department of Biology, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Water Plants
in aquariums, the Krib
Watsonias and
Lycoris in Australian Gardens
WaveHill, New York, USA
P. Armstrong's Key to the Lemnaceae of western North America, Oregon State
Wayne's Word -
Natural history & plant trivia
Wayne State
College Arboretum (Wayne, Nebraska, USA)
WCMC - Forest Information
Service, UK
Library Catalogue
WCMC - Marine Information
WCMC - National Biodiversity
WCMC - Species Information
WebCutter, USA
WebGarden - Horticulture in Virtual Perspective (HVP), the Ohio State
University, USA
Weed Identification Guide
at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Virginia, USA)
Weed Images and Descriptions by by
the Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Cook College, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
Weed Research
Weed Science Society of
Science Society of America Photo Herbarium
Weed Science Society of
Victoria, Australia
Weeds of
the native Hawaiian ecosystems
Weeds of
the Southern United States
Weeds of the World
Project (World Weeds Database)
Weeds World, The International
Electronic Arabidopsis Newsletter
The Weizmann
Institute of Science, Plant Genome Center, Israel
The West
Central Africa Vascular Plant Dataset
West Virginia
University, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology,
Morgantown, USA
Virginia University Experiment Farm at Kearneysville, USA
West Virginia
University Herbarium, Morgantown, USA
The West Virginia University Tree
Bark Web Site
Western Australian
Mangrove Page
The Western Australian
Seagrass Web Site by Mike Keulen
Western Botanical Database
Federation, USA
Western Colorado Botanical
Society, USA
Western Pennsylvania
Botanical Society, USA
Western Section of the American
Society of Plant Physiologists, USA
Western State College Biology
Program (Gunnison, Colorado, USA)
Western Wetland Flora
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Botanik und Botanischer Garten -
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster: Botanischer Garten, Germany
Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster, Germany: Palaeobotanical
Research Group
Westonbirt Arboretum,
Tetbury, UK
Wetlands - The Journal of the
Society of Wetland Scientists
Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Kansas
State University, Department of Plant Pathology (Manhattan, Kansas, USA)
Whitman College, Departmment of Biology (Walla Walla, WA, USA)
Whitman College Herbarium (Walla Walla, WA, USA)
The Wild Flower Page, UK
Wild Food
Adventurer Newsletter
Wild Food Adventures -
Edible Plant Workshops & Expertice
Wild Mushrooms from
Tokyo, by K.Maruyama, Japan
Plants of the Pueblo Province
Wilder Park Conservatory -
Elmhurst Park, Elmhurst, Illinois, USA
Watch - Wildflower Calender for western Australia
Wildflowers in
Bloom by Texas Agricultural Extension Service, USA
Wildflowers in Texas
Wildflowers of Alabama
maintained by Caroline R. Dean, USA
Wildflowers of Rhode Island (by Barbara R. Money)
Wildflowers of Scott County, VA,
Wildflowers of the
Canadian Rocky Mountains
Wildflowers of the
Southern Appalachians
Wildflowers of
the Southern Australian Flinders Ranges (Images by Rosanne McInness)
Wildflowers of Toledo by Charles Creutz
Wildflowers of Western
Kentucky (Michael W. Thompson)
of Western Pennsylvania
Wildflowers of Wisconsin (Photos) by Eleanor Shelton
Wilfrid Laurier
University, Biology Department, Calgary, Canada
Wilfrid Laurier
University, Biology Department, Calgary, Canada - Herbarium
William Paca Garden, Maryland, USA
Cultivation in Finland by Liisa Tahvanainen
Lanius Software (Herbarium Label-making Software)
Wirral and West Cheshire Alpine
Garden Society (UK)
The Wisconsin Phenological
The Witwatersrand
National Botanical Garden, South Africa
Woody Plants of the Central
Santa Ynez Mountains by Marc Kummel, California, USA
Worcester Cactus Society, UK
Working Group for Botanic Gardens, Italy
World Agricultural
Information Center (WAICENT)
The World Bromeliad Society
World Carnivorous Plant List
The World Conservation Monitoring Centre
(WCMC) ftp server
The World Conservation Monitoring
Centre (WCMC), UK
World Data Centre for Microorganisms
World Directory of
World Economic
Plants in GRIN (Agric. Handb. 505)
World Federation of Rose Societies
The World of
Lichenology maintained by Cliff Smith, Hawaii, USA
A World
of Orchids, Florida, USA
World Orchid Conference 1999,
Vancouver, Canada
The World's Most Endangered Bryophytes (mosses and liverworts)
World Species List (Envirolink)
Taxonomists Database
World Weeds Database
at Oxford Forestry Institute, UK
World Wide
Erodium (Peter Brouwer, the Netherlands)
Wide Flowering Plant Family Identification Key
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Global Network
The World Wide Web Journal of Biology
The World-Wide
Web Virtual Library: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology
World Wide Web Virtual Library:
Biodiversity, Ecology, and the Environment
The World-Wide Web
Virtual Library: Biosciences
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Forest genetics and Tree Breeding
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: German Subject Catalogue: Biology from
Karlsruhe, Germany
The World Wide Web
Virtual Library: Mycology
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Pharmacy.
Fuchsia Site (by Wouter Addink, the Netherlands)
The Wrigley Memorial and
Botanical Gardens, Catalina Island, California, USA
The Writings of
Henry D. Thoreau, University of California, Santa Barbara Library
WWW Ethnobotany
Resource Directory (Michael B. Thomas, Department of Botany, University of
Florida, USA)
WWW Virtual
Library: Biodiversity, Ecology and the Environment
WWW Virtual
Library - Biology Depts. and Institutes Outside U.S.A.
WWW Virtual
Library: Botany - Plant Biology (Harvard)
WWW Virtual Library:
Botany - Plant Biology (University of Oklahoma)
WWW Virtual Library:
Environment (University of Virginia, USA)
WWW Virtual
Library: Evolution
WWW Virtual Library: Genetics
WWW Virtual
Library - U.S. Biology Departments and Institutes
Wyoming Rare Plant Field Guide
Xerox PARC Map Viewer
XID Services, Inc. -
Expert Identification Systems
XVI International Botanical Congress, 1-7
August 1999, Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A
Xylopia Monograph Project
(Jason Swallen Herbarium, Ohio Wesleyan University)
Yahoo - Gardening
Yakima Area Arboretum
(Yakima, Washington, USA)
Yakima Valley Iris Society, Eastern
Washington, USA
Yale University, Department of
Biology ,New Haven, Connecticutt, USA
The Yam Bean
Project's Homepage
Yamasaki Laboratory,
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Medicine, Hiroshima
University, Japan
Lab, University of California, San Diego (Arabidopsis)
Yesterday's Rose
Younger Botanic Garden,
Benmore, UK
Yuan Ming Yuan - Garden of
Centred Wisdom, China
A - Z Botanical Collection Ltd, UK
Zeigerwerte der Gefäßpflanzen Mitteleuropas, so far only in German
Zeitschrift für Mykologie (Journal of the German Mycological Society)
Zilker Botanical Garden (Austin,
Texas, USA)
Zone 10 - The Source for Tropicals on
the Internet
Zoologicka a Botanicka zahrada
mesta Plzen (Zoological and Botanical Garden of Plzen, Czech Republic)
Zoosporic Fungi Online by Mel Fuller and Joyce Longcore, University of
Maine, USA
The Permaculture
Hot Spots List
Permaculture Institute of
Northern California
Institute for Bioregional Studies
Finca La Mohea
Permaculture International Ltd., Home of the Permaculture International
The Sixth International
Permaculture Conference and Convergence in Perth, Australia (1996) |
Send Email
The Humboldt Horizons
Cross Timbers
Permaculture Institute
Permanent Publications
(Permaculture Literature Offerings)
Green and Growing: From the
Ground Up
Design Earth Synergy & Earth Wave
Skywebs: The Eco Expo
Cyndi Johnson's
Garden Catalogs list
Fungi Perfecti
Zap Power Systems
Communities Network
Mountain Institute
Sampson-Kelly's LC Permaculture Visions
Environmental Professional's Homepage
- Information on agencies, regulations
Sal Schettino's Organic
Gardening (from a farmer's perspective) Home Page
Friends of the Trees Society
Permaculture resources on the Internet
London's Permaculture Homepage at sunSITE UNC
Home Page
Permaculture Global Assistance
Internet Environmental Library
David Yarrow's Turtle EyeLand
Web Page
Friends of the Earth
The InterEarth Cafe:
The Raptor Center:
Beneficial Insects Handbook
The Findhorn Community
Just in Time:
Waste Policy Institute
The Tele-Garden:
The foundation center, Grant resources
United Kingdom-Oriented
Permaculture Information
United Kingdom
Permaculture Association Homepage
What's Happening in
Leone's (cleone@ozonline.com.au) Permaculture Page
British Permaculture
Plants For A
E-mail Central Rocky Mountain
Permaculture Institute, brochure, 970-927-4158
The BioDynamic
Institute for Organic Agriculture at
University of Bonn, Germany
West Australian Permaculture
Pete's Pond Page
Edward's Home Page
Mulch-based Agriculture Group
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
Permaculture Resources at CSF &
Permaculture Guide & Permaculture FAQ (html version)
Permaculture FAQ, HTML
version 1.3 by Steve Diver, markup by Michael Yount
Dwayne Jones-Evans' Permaculture Website
EAC - Internet Resources, Europe
Dept. Plant
Sciences Front Page (UK)
Finca La Mohea
United Kingdom - Oriented
Permaculture Information
United Kingdom
Permaculture Association Homepage
The Small Farm
Pest Management
Research Centre - Earthworm FAQ, Earthworm BBS
Dwayne Jones-Evans' Permaculture Website
Findhorn Foundation Home
Heliciculture Homepage (escargot
snail farming)Send Email
CGNET Services International
Community Alternative
Technology Network "
1995 and 1994
Environment Related Cornell News Service Stories"
Planet Earth Home
Page-images, icons, flags
"UCLA Center for Clean Technology"
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Architecture"
Yellow Mountain Institute Home Page
Envirolink Pre Home Page
The Progressive Directory @igc
Friends of the Earth Home Page
for Non-Profit Organizations
Best Nonprofit Sites
Impact Online: Internet Info 4
Impact Online: Internet
Coyote Comm's: Tip Sheets 4
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and
Development Online!"
Sustainable Agriculture on the Net
Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living"
Guide to Alternative Energy
IGSHPA Geothermal
Bay Area Permaculture Group"
International Homepage
Permaculture Resources at
Colorado SF"
Permaculture Guide
825149321 "
Botany, Gardening,
Farming, Horticulture, Landscaping Sites"
Botanical Museum, Helsinki
Natural Buildings
for Natural Gardeners"
Fruit & Nut Trees
for Your Permacultured Home"
Plants for a
Plants Publishing Web
Designing Edible
List of Plant
LIST, Version 14"
Books That Work
Complete Guide to Garden Stuff"
The Virtual Plant
and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University"
Ocean Arks Home Page"
Ocean Arks - Publications
and Courses"
The Arkive
The Edible
Pond and Bog Garden
CCT Water and Wastewater
The Krib
(Aquaria and Tropical Fish)
Aquaria Web Pages
Cichlid Home Page
CHOP: Genus: Tilapia
Tilapia vorax
SWISS-PROT: P09319: Tilapia (Medical?)
Publications: Fishery: Tilapia: Texas Agri. Extension Service
Cornell News Service Stories: Tilapia
Harald's Home
Page: German Guy's Tilapia Science Project Program
Rural Advancement
Foundation International (RAFI) |Send
Email to RAFI
RAFI Homepage Site Until Sept. 1st,
Earthworm Enemies
Ecology and
Genome Data Base: Lumbricus terrestris
Annelid Worm
Biodiversity Resources
ANNELIDA mailing list :
annelida@net.bio.net OR
The Lowly Earthworm: The Gardener's Friend
Ecology-Related Home Pages
Interesting Botany & Ecology WWW Servers
Soil Ecology and
Restoration Group (SERG)
The Burrow
Worm World
Pest Management
Research Centre[Earthworm FAQ & Waterflow In Soils FAQ]
-=- Genetic Engineering In Agriculture -=-
DejaNews Newsgroup Archive Site
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Alternative Agriculture News
"Agri-Alternatives" magazine homepage |
Send email to: agalt@mindspring.com
Pollination Homepage | Send Email to
Amazing Environmental Organization
The BioDynamic
Beekeeping Home
Canberra (Australia)
Organic Grower's Society
Charles Benbrook
Domestic Water Treatment Methods Information
Solar Components Corp. -
Kalwall products - aquaculture links |
Email SCC
Ocean Arks International
| Email OAI
Margaret Van
Emmerik's Homepage on Gardening, Permaculture, and much more
Tree-House, Hometown Greening
Initiatives Page
Heliciculture Homepage
(escargot snail farming)send Email
Food Safety On
the Web
Janet & Phil's (Capetown, South
Africa) Gardening Homepage
Market Online
Elizabeth and Crow's
Gardening.com - comprehensive
gardening web site from Books That Work
The Vetiver Grass Network
Community Supported
Agriculture mailing list archives |
Post to csa-l
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Bio Organics - mycorrhizae for home
and market growers
CGNET Services International
Community Alternative
Technology Network "
1995 and 1994
Environment Related Cornell News Service Stories"
Planet Earth Home
Page-images, icons, flags
"UCLA Center for Clean Technology"
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Architecture"
Yellow Mountain Institute Home Page
Envirolink Pre Home Page
The Progressive Directory @igc
Friends of the Earth Home Page
for Non-Profit Organizations
Best Nonprofit Sites
Impact Online: Internet Info 4
Impact Online: Internet
Coyote Comm's: Tip Sheets 4
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and
Development Online!"
Sustainable Agriculture on the Net
Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living"
Guide to Alternative Energy
IGSHPA Geothermal
Permaculture FAQ "
Bay Area Permaculture Group"
International Homepage
Permaculture Resources at
Colorado SF"
Permaculture Guide
825149321 "
Botanical Museum, Helsinki
Natural Buildings
for Natural Gardeners"
Fruit & Nut Trees
for Your Permacultured Home"
Plants for a
Plants Publishing Web
Designing Edible
List of Plant
LIST, Version 14"
Books That Work
Complete Guide to Garden Stuff"
The Virtual Plant
and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University"
Ocean Arks Home Page"
Ocean Arks - Publications
and Courses"
The Arkive
The Edible
Pond and Bog Garden
CCT Water and Wastewater
The Krib
(Aquaria and Tropical Fish)
Aquaria Web Pages
Cichlid Home Page
CHOP: Genus: Tilapia
Tilapia vorax
SWISS-PROT: P09319: Tilapia (Medical?)
Publications: Fishery: Tilapia: Texas Agri. Extension Service
Cornell News Service Stories: Tilapia
Harald's Home
Page: German Guy's Tilapia Science Project Program
animation -
modelling plant behavior under different climatic conditions
QUANTUM, Revealing Science -
Australian Broadcasting Company Online
Werner M. Gysi -
"Harmonic Farming: a love style"
Agriculture Research Group, Wye College, UK |
The Millenium Whole Earth
The Whole Earth Review
Millenium Whole Earth Catalog LINKS Page
Institute for Bioregional Studies
Teacher's Resource Center - Virginia
Practical Hydroponics &
Greenhouse Magazine
Subscribe to
hydro-control@growroom.com - computer-controlled gardening mailing-list
GrowRoom - hydroponics homepage
Hydroponics - Ken Harrison
Post via Email to the
Renewable Energy mailing list (renew-energy@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
Renewable Energy &
Community Resources at sunSITE
Farming Alternatives Program
Farmer Troy Bogdan's PURE EARTH ORGANIC FARM Homepage
BIOSCI/bionet Molecular Biology Newsgroups
Agriculture Research & Education Program, Univ. of California, Davis
Western Region and
Sustainable Agriculture Program
Systems Research Study (SCORE)
The Sustainable Earth
Electronic Library (SEEL)
International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD)
The Burrow - An interesting
Web Site dedicated to worms and composting
Soil Ecology and
Restoration Group (SERG) - San Diego State University
Ecology and
Science - Extensive List of Web Sites
Genome Data Base: Lumbricus terrestris - BioInformatics & Molecular
Analysis Section, Division of Computer Research & Technology, NIH
Ecology-Related Home Pages
Interesting Botany & Ecology WWW Servers
Biodiversity and
Ecosystems NEtwork (BENE)
Compost Could
Save Millions a Year - A California Study
Information on
polychaetes and other annelids on the Internet - New Zealand
WFCC World Data Center for
Microorganisms (WDCM)
fungi Search Interface
California State University
Biological Sciences WWW Server
FUNGI-related links
of Disease
Root Biology and
Mycorrhiza Research Group
Resources on the Internet
Soil Quality Working Group
Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC), Cranfield University, UK
Mulch-Based Agriculture Group
EAC - Internet Resources - Europe
Dept. Plant
Sciences Front Page (UK)
Finca La Mohea
United Kingdom - Oriented
Permaculture Information
United Kingdom
Permaculture Association Homepage
The Small Farm
Pest Management
Research Centre - Earthworm FAQ, Earthworm BBS
Adam Finklestein's sunSITE
Beekeeping Homepage
Internet Notebook for Biologists
RUDA's Garden
Homepage - Garden Links - Ornamental Grasses
Strawberry Facts Page
A Collection of Botany
Related URLs: All Links
Permaculture Resources, The PC FAQ & Links to PC Pages Worldwide
EARTHLinks -
Environment, Building & Community Pages Worldwide
World Sustainable
Agriculture Association
What's Happening in
GLOBE Week Live -
Environment Canada's Green Lane
Bogdan - Pure Earth Organic Farm - Bridgeville, Pennsylvania
Farmer's Market at the Marketplae
OneEarth Gallery of environmental &
socially responsible WWW sites
Leone (cleone@ozonline.com.au) Permaculture page
Agriculture Program at the University of Maine
Agriculture Green Plan
Pest Management
Research Centre, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
MARKET ONLINE(tm) marketfarm@aol.com
Botanical Electronic
News - Web site - aceska@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
Botanical Electronic News - Gopher site - aceska@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
Agriculture Information at Michigan State University
Herbal healing
Moonrise Herbs homepage
Institute for Agriculture and Trade
Ginger and Heliconias
Plant and Garden Photographs
Agriculture-Horticulture Links Page
Agriculture-Horticulture Links Page
UC SAREP (and links page)
SAFS Homepage
- Sustainable Agriculture Project at UC Davis
The Earth Centre -
Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture
Santa Barbara Heirloom
Seedling Nursery
British Permaculture
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. homepage
Pacific Northwest
Native Wildlife Gardening
Vegetable Production information, interactive project at NCSU
Plants For A
Lambing, Haying and Pasture FAQs
at Maple Lawn Farm home page
Institute for Organic Agriculture
(University of Bonn, Germany)
University of California at Davis
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center at the Natnl. Ag. Lib.
Organic Growers of
misc.rural HomePage
E-mail Central Rocky Mountain
Permaculture Institute, brochure, 970-927-4158
"Don't Panic Eat Organic"
Noah's Ark Homepage
The Ardent
The Butterfly Web Site
Books That Work
Territorial Seed Co.
Environment, ecology
and sustainable development from Clark.net...
EnviroLink Network
Long-Term Ecological Research
The WELL's Agricultural
Communications for a Sustainable
Not Just Cows
Australian National Botanical
City Farmers
Urban Agriculture Notes
CSA Conference Web page
Dave Lang's
Forage and Pasture Crop site
Don't Panic Eat Organic,
Organic farmer Sal Schettino's page
Ecological Farming
Environmental Working Group
Farm Aid
1995 Farm Bill
Extension Papers
Farm Journal Today
Management Update
Farmer to Farmer
Market Online (TM)
Findhorn College
GardenNet: An
Internet Resource Center for Garden Enthusiasts
homepage Searchable archives for this management intensive rotational
grazing listserv; cool pointers, including Owenlea Holsteins.
The Green Pages - ecology & agritech
Information for a Changing World
Institute for Global
Interntional Allelopathy Society WebPage
Leopold Center's newsletter
National Biological Control
National IPM network home page
NCCES home page (NC cooperative
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
North Central Institute for Sustainable Systems
Northern Prairie ScienceCenter
Not Just Cows:A Guide to Internet/Bitnet Resources in Ag(not_just_cows.html)
Not Just
Cows:A Guide to Internet/Bitnet Resources in Ag
Organic Gardening -
Sierra Pelona Posse
The Pasture
Plants and
Sustainable Agriculture
Plants For A
Progressive Farmer Online
The Rural
Datafication Project
Sustainable Ag Network (SAN)
gopher; Choose #6, National CES programs
Semi Arid Lands
Research Team
The Small Farm
Solstice (Center for Renewable Energy
and Sustainable Technology
Successful Farming Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture Archives
Sustainable ag clip
Sustainable Agriculture Systems Newsletter
Sustainable Earth Electronic Library
Sustainable Living
Vegtable Production in the SouthEast
THOMAS, the Legislative information on
the Web
UC SAREP Extensive sustag
information and pointers from UC-Davis's SAREP program.
USDA on the net
USDA Water Management
Research Laboratories
The WELL - see: Agriculture conference
Western Region SARE/ACE Program
WWW Virtual
Library: agriculture
Internet Web page
"The Garden Cottage"
LibertyNet Home Page
UD Botanic Garden
Home Page
The Royal Botanic Gardens,KEW,WWW
TimeLIfe Virtual Garden - Bookshelf
TimeLife Virtual Garden - Landscaping
Species Botanical Garden
Garden Catalogus
BG-Map Botanical Garden
Mapping System
Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society
International Waterlily Society
Bamboo Giant
List of WWW
Sites of Interest to Botanist
Botanical Garden
Plant Database
British Trees
Gardening Hotline
International Organisation for Plant Information
Gardening Landscape
The Burpee Seed co.
The American Rose Society
Welcome to pathfinder
Ebb &
Flow Systems
The World Seeds Homepage -also Plant Hardiness Zone
Niche Gardens
Welcome to the
Virtual Garden
Holmes'Hardy Palm Information'
Planting a
Palm Tree
Source of Giant Bamboo
Tradewinds Bamboo
Kohleria - houseplants ?
Lawn Secrets
AatDB: An Arabidopsis thaliana
American Association of
Botanical Gardens and Arboreta
American Bamboo
The American
Botanical Council
American Horticultural Society
Andean Botanical
Information System (ABIS)
Arizona Nature Conservancy
Atlas Florae
Australian National
Botanical Gardens Herbarium
Australian Plant Name Index (ERIN)
Australian Environmental Resources Information - Biodiversity at the Species
Level - Flora
Australian National Botanic
Bartlett Arboretum
(Flora of British Isles)
Bilingual Botanical
Information Systems (BBIS)
Museum Botany Page
Bonsai (A plant,
usually a tree or shrub, grown in a tray or dish)
Bonsai Resource
Page by Shawn Field
Botanic Gardens Conservation
International (BGCI)
Botanical Collectors
Botanical Electronic News (BEN)
Botanical Museum of the National Gardens, Athens (gopher)
Botanical Museum, Uppsala University,
Botanisches Garten der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany (gopher)
Garten der Universitat Hohenheim, Germany
Botanisches Garten Universitat
Leipzig, Germany
Gophers - Stanford
Subject Guide, SLIS, University of Alberta
Boyce Thompson Southwestern
Brazilian Botany
Brooklyn Botanical Garden
The Butchart
Gardens, Victoria, B.C.
A Collection of
Botany Related URL's by Raino Lampinen
Collection of WWW sites of
biological interest by Peter Fabian
Family Descriptions
Botanic Garden, University of Alberta
Diemerzeedijk by Marco Bleeker
The Eddy Arboretum,
Institute of Forest Genetics
European Plants (Marco
Bleeker's Home Page)
Finnish Museum of
Natural History, Botanical Museum (H)
Finnish Vascular
Plants and Floristic Literature
Flora del Paraguay
Flora of Australia
Flora of China
Malesiana, Leiden
Flora of Missouri
Checklist (gopher)
Flora of Mt. Kinabalu,
Flora of North America
Flora of Peru
Checklist, gopher
Flora of the
Venezuelan Guayana (gopher)
Florida Wildflower Page by
Michael E. Abrams
Fruit Images, University of Wisconsin
Fungal Genetics
Stock Center
Fungus Home Page by Ralph Arnold
The Garden
Garden Net
The Garden
Spider's Web
Georgeson Botanical
The Herb, Spice,
and Medicinal Plant Digest, Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst
Herbaria, Yahoo List
Hydroponics (IUWF)
Hydroponics (Robert
French of Stanford)
Index, Flowering
Plant Families, Texas A&M University Herbarium
The Intermountain
Herbarium, Utah State University
International Organization for Plant Information
International Waterlily Society
Seed Germination (Science and Plants for Schools)
Iris Societies
Jardi Botanic de la
Universitat de Valencia, Spain (gopher)
Lankester Botanical
Garden, Universidad de Costa Rica
Leguminosae (Fabaceae): The Bean Bag (gopher)
Lycos, The Catalog of the Internet
Lyon Arboretum,
University of Hawaii
Maize Genome
Database Project
Manual de
Flora de Costa Rica
Manual of
the Plants of Costa Rica (Gopher at MoBot)
Marie Selby Botanical
University, The Royal Botanical Gardens
Rhododendron Gardens, Washington
Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden
Moody Gardens, Galveston,
Mushroom Images by Tom Volk (gopher)
Mushrooms of Slovenia
National Biological Service (NBS)
National Genetic Resources Program,
Germplasm Resources Information Network (NGRP/GRIN)
National Plant Data
Center (NPDC), USDA Natural Resouces Conservation Service
National Wildflower Research
Natural History Book Service (NHBS)
The Natural History Museum (London)
Nature Conservancy
The Navasota Flora,
Dept. of Biology Herbarium, Texas A & M Univ.
NCBI (National Center for
Biotechnology Information) Genbank
New Crop, Indiana Center for
New Crops & Products
New York Botanic Garden
Parks Botanical Gardens and School of Horticulture
The Nichols Arboretum,
University of Michigan
Nordic Gene Bank
American Plant Preservation Council (NAPPC)
The Northwest Orchid Society
Oklahoma Museum of
Natural History (Oklahoma Biological Survey)
Natural Heritage Inventory
The Orchid House
Orchid Picture
Gallery by Nicholas Plummer
Orchid Society of Nova Scotia
Orchid WWW Sites
Orchidaceae in Italy
Orchids of Costa
Orchids of
Orchids of Wisconsin
The Oregon
Orchid Society
Oregon State
University Herbarium
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology,
Harvard University (links to herbarium and arboretum gopher servers)
Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS)
Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
Oxford Plants
Oxford Systematics
Paleolimnology &
Diatom Home Page, Botany Dept., Indiana University
and Paleoclimatology
Museum Paleobotany Collection, Yale University (gopher)
The Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
Photobiology Online
University of Washington (phylogenies programs)
Photosynthesis Center,
Arizona State University
Plant and
Microbial Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Biology, Yahoo List by David Filo & Jerry Yang
The Plant DataBase
of the Botanical Garden of Warsaw University
Plant Gene Register
The Plant
Genome Data and Info Ctr, USDA/ARS/National Agr. Lib. (Gopher)
Plant Genome
Plants of Hawaii
Production Club, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Helsinki University
Plant Resources Information
Laboratory (Q'TAXA)
Taxonomists Online (PTO) UNM
Taxonomists Online (PTO) Cornell
Plant Taxonomists Online
(PTO) MoBot
The Poisonous Plant
Poisons Information
Database: Natural Toxins and Poisons in Plants Found in Singapore
Rhododendron Trust
University, Dept. of Horticulture
Environments Network, Palaeovegetation
Jardin Botanico, Madrid, MA Herbarium Fungus Collection (gopher)
Reseau Suisse de Floristique
(RSF), Swiss Floristic Network
Rhodes University,
Dept. of Botany, Schonland Bot. Lab., South Africa
The Rhododendron
Species Botanical Garden
Robert Bebb
Herbarium, Oklahoma Biological Survey
Botanical Gardens, Hamilton
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
School of Plant
Sciences, University of Reading
Scrophulariaceae Gopher
Seagrass Page
Seaweed, University College,
Schonland Herbarium (GRA), South Africa
Serra Gardens Cacti &
SMASCH (Specimen
MAnagement System) Project
Natural History, Department of Botany
S.M. Tracy
Herbarium (TAES), Texas A&M University
Software Archives for Biology
Southeastern Regional Floristic
Information System (SERFIS)
cernua odorata Article by Barry Glick
The State
Botanical Garden of Georgia (gopher)
Swedish Museum of Natural
History, Lichen Collections
Serve Archives
The Tele-Garden
The Temperate
Rainforest of the Pacific Northwest
Texas A&M University
Plant Diversity Information Center
Texas A&M
University, Plant Taxonomy
Texas A&M University
Specimen Database
Texas Flora
Organization for Endangered Species (TOES) Plant Listing
Texas Subtropical Agricultural Center
Time-Life Virtual Garden
The Tree of
Life Home Page
Tree Physiology
Rainforest of Surinam
Remote Managing Gigabytes
UK Plant Genetic
Resources Group
Universities, Yahoo
University of
California - Berkeley Museum (Public Exhibits)
University of
Connecticut Greenhouses
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens Gopher
University of Florida
Herbarium (FLAS)
University of Georgia, Botany
University of Georgia, Dept. of
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
University of
Guelph, Botany Department
University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Botany Department
University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Arboretum
University of
Innsbruck, Austria, Institute of Botany
University of
Manitoba, Department of Botany
Univ. of
Massachusetts Herbarium
University of Nebraska at
Lincoln, Department of Plant Pathology
University of
Salzburg Botanical Garden, Austria
University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), Department of Botany
University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, Botany Web Server
University of
Texas Herbarium
University of Toronto Botany
University of
Warsaw Botanical Garden, Poland
University of
Washington, Medicinal Herb Garden
University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Botany Department
University of
Wisconsin, Botany Gopher
U.S. National Park Service, Plants at
Selected Parks
Utah State University Extension
Botanical Garden
Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society
Vatican Exhibit - Herbals
Virginia Natural
Heritage Program
Virginia Tech
Mycology Lab & Herbarium (VTMH)
The West Central
Africa Vascular Plant Dataset (gopher)
Wildflower Page
Wildflowers of Toledo by Charles Creutz
Botanic Garden, University of Birmingham, U.K.
W.M. Keck Center for Genome
World Carnivorous Plant List
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guide to Botany
WWW Virtual
Library - U.S. Biology Departments and Institutes
WWW Virtual
Library - Biology Depts. and Institutes Outside U.S.A.
WWW Virtual
Library - Biology Societies & Organizations
Xerox PARC Map Viewer
DejaNews Newsgroup Archive Site
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
sunSITE at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carolina State University Arboretum Web Page
NOAA Weather
North Carolina
Cooperative Extension Service - Weather Information
The BioDynamic
PRAXIS: Center
for Social and Economic Development
International Allelopathy Society WebPage
Plants For A
Organic Growers of
Solar Components Corp. -
Kalwall productsEmail SCC
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Farming Systems
Research Group
Alberta Goat
Breeder's Association - Goat Raising Information
Organic Gardening &
Permaculture Information
The Sustainable Farmstead -
Organic Agriculture - Permaculture - Rural Life
North Carolina Department of
Gateway to AgInfo on the
Association of Ag Computing Companies
Feed - 1000 different mail order edible dry goods
Flora of Europe
Garden Marketplace
Society for Growing Australian
Alberta Goat
Breeder's Association - goat raising information
Exotic Plant and Garden Seed
Directory (www-site)
Exotic Plant and
Garden Seed Directory (ftp-site)
Garden Catalog List
Duane Reading's
HTMLized Garden Notebook
Don't Panic Eat Organic -
[Great Organic Gardening Page]
UNL Ag Econ WWW Home Page
Beekeeping Home
BTW Home and Garden URL's
The WELL Agriculture
Rodale Institute
International Ag Sieve
Environmental Working Group
Consolidated Farm
New Zealand News
New Construction
Rural Advancement Fund
Charm Net - a must see, has ag info
Amazing Environmental Organization
Vegetable Production information, interactive project at NCSU
GardenNet: An
Internet Resource Center for Garden Enthusiasts
The Tele-Garden
California Rare Fruit Growers
CNN Interactive
Semi Arid Lands
Research Team
The Small Farm
Herpmed WebPage
NF-AIRID, non-food
use of crops & forest products
Don't Panic Eat Organic
Beekeeping Home
Northern Prairie Science Center
BTW Home and Garden URL's
The WELL - see: Agriculture conference
Growing Spaces
Home Page
Leopold Center's newsletter
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the
Benton Foundation's
Communications Policy Project
Solstice (Center for Renewable
Energy and Sustainable Technology
Ag Resources NCSU Project EOS
Salford University
LETSystems Registry
SFASU College of Forestry
Western Region SARE/ACE Program
University of
Maryland at College Park inforM system (ag/env resources)
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library
Gardeners' World - Organic Gardening
Canberra (Australia)
Organic Grower's Society
Organic Gardening -
Sierra Pelona Posse
National Biological Control
Florida Entomologist
ColoState EDU
Florida Agricultural Information
Retrieval System - FAIRS
Clemson University CES - USDA joint project
Cooperative Research Centre for
Tropical Pest Management
New Zeland News
Agricultural Market NEWS
Market Information System
Fintrac Links to the World of
Sustainable Agriculture Systems Newsletter
Plants and
Sustainable Agriculture
Environmental Working Group
Consolidated Farm
Not Just Cows, Internet
Guide to Agriculture and Related Sciences
AgriGator - U. of Fla.
Agricultural and
Environmental Information Sources
Information for a Changing World
Algys' Herb Page
Irvine Mesa
Charros 4-H Club, Irvine, California
Department of Animal
Science-Oklahoma State University
New Crops & Plant Products,
Books That Work
N.J. On-line weather & Old
Farmers Almanac
The Garden
Oxford Poultry Resource
Guidelines for Correct Pruning
City Farmers
Urban Agriculture Notes
Time's Virtual
SARE Western Region Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education
S.A.R.E.P University of
California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
The Well agricultural
Texas Agricultural
Extension Services's Texas Plant Disease Handbook
Texas Horticulture Program
Crops-University Florida
The Garlic Page
Strawberry Facts
Berries From Dr. Razbry at
Whistling Wings Farm
Cascadian Organic Farm
Chile-Heads homepage
World of living things
APHIS Gopher
current News
The Homestead
Home Page
in Virtual Perspective
The Green Pages - ecology & agritech
Agriculture On-line
The Internet Mall
U.S.D.A Water Management
Research Laboratories
Australian National Botanic
Brooklyn Botanic
Georgeson Botanical
Missouri Botanic Garden
Rhododendron Trust
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
University of
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens
University of Florida
Botany Department at the
University of Georgia
Books that work
Cindy's List
Garden Gate:
The Garden Center
Gardener's Supply
Gourmet Gardener
InfoVID Outlet -
Gardening & Flowers
Johnny's Selected Seeds - for catalogue send your POSTAL address to
Klehm Nursery
New York Botanical Gardens Library [Log in
as 'library']
Richters Seeds - for information email
Southern Perennials and Herbs (Mike Bridges)
Sunshine Farm & Gardens (Barry Glick)
The Arid Lands
The Growing EDGE
Horticultural Engineering Newsletter
(Login using your 2 letter state abbreviation)
Southern Living
Sunset - Regional Magazine on Western Gardening
Noah's Ark
Common Weights And Measures - Common U.S. and Metric equivalents
The Garden
Spider's Web
Master Gardener
Michigan State University Extension - Home Horticulture
Missouri Extension Service Horticulture Guides
Nebraska Horticulture Facts
American Plant Preservation Council
North Carolina State
University Horticultural Information
PENPages - Penn State University
College of Agriculture
Stony Brook
HSC Library
Texas A & M Horticultural
Complete Gardener Encyclopedia
USDA Zone Finder
Virtual garden
The Garden
Gate at PrairieNet
The Garden
Gate at sunSITE
Heartland Regional Network -
Peoria, Illinois - login as "bbguest"
DIVA (Digital Images
for the Visual Arts) - Gardens & landscape design
Flower Picture
Gallery of Plant
Plant &
Landscape Images
British Trees
International Waterlily Society
International Camellia Society
Rose FAQ
Strawberry Fields
Hydrangea home page
Rhododendron Trust
Australian National Botanic
Brooklyn Botanic
Georgeson Botanical
Hypergarden, an installation
of virtual garden spaces
Missouri Botanic Garden
Rhododendron Trust
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
University of
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens
University of Florida
Botany Department at the
University of Georgia
Books that work
Cindy's List
Garden Gate:
The Garden Center
Gardener's Supply
Gourmet Gardener
InfoVID Outlet -
Gardening & Flowers
Johnny's Selected Seeds - for catalogue send your POSTAL address to
Klehm Nursery
New York Botanical Gardens Library [Log in
as 'library']
Richters Seeds - for information email
Southern Perennials and Herbs (Mike Bridges)
Sunshine Farm & Gardens (Barry Glick)
Vengers orchids
Mailing Lists
for Gardeners, an extensive list of gardening-related lists
The Arid Lands
The Growing EDGE
Horticultural Engineering Newsletter
(Login using your 2 letter state abbreviation)
Southern Living
Sunset - Regional Magazine on Western Gardening
Common Weights And Measures - Common U.S. and Metric equivalents
The Garden
Spider's Web
German horticulture
in Virtual Perspective
Master Gardener
Michigan State University Extension - Home Horticulture
Missouri Extension Service Horticulture Guides
Nebraska Horticulture Facts
American Plant Preservation Council
North Carolina State
University Horticultural Information
PENPages - Penn State University
College of Agriculture
Stony Brook
HSC Library
Texas A & M Horticultural
Complete Gardener Encyclopedia
USDA Zone Finder
Virtual garden
The Garden
Gate at PrairieNet
The Garden
Gate at sunSITE)
Heartland Regional Network
(Peoria, Illinois)
---- [login as "bbguest"] See "home and garden center" for gardening info
DIVA (Digital Images
for the Visual Arts) - Gardens & landscape design
---- John Singer Sargent 1907; purchased by the Brooklyn Museum in 1909;
---- The title refers to gardens in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence
British Trees
International Waterlily Society
International Camellia Society
The Rose FAQ
Strawberry Fields
Hydrangea home page
Rhododendron Trust
Gardeners' World - Organic Gardening
Canberra (Australia)
Organic Grower's Society
Organic Gardening -
Sierra Pelona Posse
National Biological Control
Florida Entomologist
ColoState EDU
Florida Agricultural Information
Retrieval System (F.A.I.R.S.)
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service - USDA joint project
Cooperative Research Centre for
Tropical Pest Management
Agricultural Market NEWS
Market Information System
Fintrac Links to the World of
Sustainable Agriculture Systems Newsletter
Plants and
Sustainable Agriculture
Environmental Working Group
Not Just Cows, A Guide to
Internet Resources in Agriculture and Related Sciences
AgriGator- U Fla.
Agricultural and
Environmental Information Sources
CIESIN - Information for a Changing World
Algys' Herb Page
Irvine Mesa
Charros 4-H Club, Irvine, California
Department of Animal
Science-Oklahoma State University
New Crops & Plant Products at
the Department of Horticulture, Purdue University
Books That Work
NJ On-line weather Old
Farmers Almanac
The Garden
Oxford Poultry Resource
Guidelines for Correct Pruning
City Farmers
Urban Agriculture Notes
Time's Virtual
SARE - Western Region Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education
S.A.R.E.P University of
California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
The Well agricultural
Texas Agricultural
Extension Services's Texas Plant Disease Handbook in HTML
Texas Horticulture Program
Crops-University Florida
The Garlic Page
Strawberry Facts
Whistling Wings Farm Berries From
Dr. Razbry
Cascadian Organic Farm
Chile-Heads homepage
World of living things
web site
Permaculture resources on the internet
APHIS Gopher
current News
Home Page
in Virtual Perspective
Agriculture On-line
U.S.D.A Water Management
Research Laboratories
ag site
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to add a link to this
site, please e-mail to:dee777@greatdreams.com
JAN, FEB, MAR, APR 2012 |
JAN, FEB, MAR, APR. 2013