On Valentine's Day February 14, 2009 Birth of the Divine Child Within Us and the Attainment of Enlightenment with Jude Currivan PhD by Joseph E. Mason |
On February 2, 2009, I received a newsletter from the Prophets Conference telling of the rare astrological alignment on Valentine's Day, this year. The celestial bodies will be in positions that match the song, "Aquarius." An article by Jude Currivan, Ph.D., spoke to the birth of the Divine Child within us.
I was amazed at how well all the various ideas fit with my own studies, which include dreams, crop circles, myths, and religions. The planetary connections to the Tree of Life are especially meaningful.
I wrote an e-mail to Dr. Currivan, and she responded. I then sent two more e-mails. We plan to have a telephone conversation shortly after Valentine's Day. I will report the results in this article.
The actual starting point of the Age of Aquarius is controversial, of course. Some interpretations range from 1898 to 2813. In any case, this Valentine's Day certainly seems to be a sign of the times.
The e-mail exchanges are below.
E-Mail Exchanges
Subj: The Age of Aquarius Dawns 14 February 2009 BIRTH OF THE DIVINE CHILD WITHIN US AND THE ATTAINMENT OF ENLIGHTENMENT Jude Currivan, Ph.D., along with Robin and Cody Johnson, will be guiding The Prophets Conference Sacred Journey to Malta: Awakening to the Great Creative Mystery in the Heart of the Mediterranean 22-29 May, 2009 Details are posted to www.greatmystery.org/events/malta09.html
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius: A Rare Astrological
Concentration The most profound spiritual traditions of ancient times perceived the manifest world, at all scales of existence as being generated and pervaded by a cosmic trinity of active, passive and neutral principles the divine essence of the masculine, feminine and child. The Vedic sages of ancient India saw the male/active life-force energy they called the pingala and the female/passive energy they called the ida weaving around and through our chakras and the child/neutral energy they called the shushumna as channeling up through them. When these divine masculine and feminine energies are balanced and so able to fully ‘birth’ the divine child energies within us, the ancient sages saw the so-called kundalini energy that otherwise lies dormant at the base of the spine, surge through us enabling us to fully embody our divine nature. The purpose of the sacred marriage between the divine feminine and masculine that the ancient peoples, such as those of Malta, enacted in their temples was thus not only to bring cosmic harmony and fertility to their land but within themselves. For such balance enables the energetic activation or ‘birth’ of the divine child within us and the attainment of enlightenment. When this cosmic trinity of consciousness is harmonized and fully expressed within us, we are truly ‘healed’ and ‘whole’ as embodied by the universal symbol of the caduceus as a representation of healing from earliest times. For millennia, only the highest adepts understood and have attained such wholeness. But elders and mystics around the world are saying that now is the time, when we have evolved to a point where we are all able to awaken our inner divinity. This is our spiritual destiny at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. In mid February, we are offered cosmic support to this re-membering of who we really are, by a rare astrological concentration that brings together a number of planets together with the North Node denoting higher purpose - in Aquarius. And which energizes and inspires the possibility for transcendental breakthrough and healing. We measure our global sense of both space (longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. We can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event by looking at the alignment from this globally ‘centered’ perspective. When we do, something extraordinary and exquisite emerges. At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation. Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the new age into our collective awareness:
When the Moon is in the seventh house At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of love and peace and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment. Mercury also in the twelfth house but just beyond the cusp in Capricorn, allies with transformational Pluto to communicate and anchor the Shift throughout our global structures and institutions. The Moon in Libra in the seventh house emphasizes harmonious real ationships. Venus in Aries in the first house energizes and empowers dynamic co-creativity. And whilst Saturn the great task master in opposition to Uranus the unexpected awakener is suggesting an ongoing confrontation as the dregs of the unsustainable old paradigm reluctantly give way to the untested hope of the new, their placements in Virgo and Pisces brings practical altruism and visionary inspiration to the transition. At 7.25am on 14th February and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, in the universal heart, to add your own intention for love and peace and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. In whatever way feels appropriate for you, you may choose to align with 7.25 am (UT) or 7.25 am your own local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth. Having searched for over a thousand years, I can find no other alignments in the past of this incredible significance. But amazingly, at one moment in time nearly fifty years ago, the collective voices of our ancient ancestors seem to have been given such a cosmic voice to energetically seed this coming Age and the birth of the Aquarian human. In 1962 at the same time on the same day, as 2009, Jupiter and Mars were in Aquarius in the twelfth house and the Moon in the seventh house. But then the awesome concentration of planets that energize the 2009 alignment was missing. And instead of the North Node (higher purpose) being aligned with Jupiter and Mars as it is in 2009, it was in opposition. What this means is that back in 1962 it was the so-called south node rather than the north node that was aligned with Jupiter and Mars. The south node represents what we bring in from the past. So in 1962 the potential for us the birth the Age of Aquarius came through from our collective race memory - but only now are we able to fully manifest its higher purpose. In 1962 we essentially took a collective in-breath of possibility and now with the cosmic support of the Aquarian alignment of 14th February 2009 we are able to take the out-breath and make it happen. The second verse of the song Aquarius is;
Harmony and understanding In our sacred journey to Malta we will join our voices to those of our ancestors and all the peacemakers throughout the millennia that hoped for and sought to co-create Heaven on Mother Earth. Their intentions and hard work kept the possibility of this vision alive. And in our time, we have the opportunity to realize their dreams and ours and enable a HoMecoming for us all! To find out more about the Sacred Journey to Malta: Awakening to the Great Creative Mystery in the Heart of the Mediterranean with Jude Currivan, Ph.D., full details are available at www.greatmystery.org/events/malta09.html |
Astrological Symbols
Note: My e-mails to Jude, below, are slightly modified. I have added some graphics and links.
Subj: The Age of Aquarius Dawns 14 February 2009 Dear Dr. Currivan, Yesterday I received the newsletter from the Prophets Conference about your ideas concerning "The Age of Aquarius Dawns 14 February 2009." I was amazed at how well all the various ideas fit in with my own dream-coincidence experiences and studies over the past 19 years. A major part of my study is crop circles. If you type in crop circle meaning into google, our site comes up first. There are significant connections between the song, "Aquarius," and Tree of Life. Sphere 4 relates to Jupiter (Chesed - Mercy). A pathway connects that sphere to Sphere 5, which relates to Mars (Geburah - Justice). The connecting Path is represented by the Strength Tarot card. A feature of the 1997 Tree of Life crop circle formation was Sphere 7 (Netzach -Victory), assigned to Venus, and Sphere 8 (Hod - Glory), assigned to Mercury. The connecting Path is The Tower Tarot card.
Each connected pair can be described as a dumbbell. Between the two dumbbells described above, is Sphere 6 (Tiphareth - Beauty), assigned to the Sun. That sphere corresponds to the heart chakra. This is the Divine Child to be born. Each person is that Tree and that Child, the Sun/Son King. Collectively, those reaching that level become part of the Body of Christ in the Great Tree, symbolically the Cosmic Christ of collective mankind (reference Revelation 12). Between the two dumbbells is where the crossover happens. That Path relates to the Hanged Man Tarot card, which connects spheres 5 (Mars) and 8 (Mercury). About 14 years ago, on February 13, my son's birthday, I had a big coincidence concerning the forgiveness principle. My son had played a big part in my understanding of that principle several years prior. The coincidental connection was to a verse in the Bible, James 2:13 (matching my son's birthday). This is the verse --
For judgment is without mercy to one who has
shown no mercy; At the time, I noted that Valentine's Day was the next day. You can see how this fits with Jupiter and Mars in relation to the Tree of Life. Such coincidences seemed especially odd to me because I am not "religious" in any conventional way. When the chakra system appeared as a crop formation in 2004, it seemed to be a confirmation of some of my theories. It was meaningful to me that the symbol for the heart chakra was a Valentine's Day type heart.
See --
Chakra System Crop Circle Formation The primary conclusion is that humanity has been in a time cycle path that corresponds to the chakra level of consciousness evolution. We are near the midpoint and a leap to the heart chakra. In the lower three chakra levels we have been unconscious co-creators. We will become conscious co-creators, symbolized by Lion King and Royal Power. I may create a new web page article about the connections to your work. If you can ever find some extra time, perhaps we could chat on the telephone. I am thinking of creating some audio interviews or discussions on these subjects. If you are interested, please let me know. Thanks much for your work. Best wishes and regards,
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason |
Update, February 13, 2009
Yesterday, through another e-mail, I realized a significant point. In California, where I live, we are eight hours behind Universal Time (UT). Therefore, when the alignment of 7:25 AM Universal Time on February 14th, take place, our time will be 11:25 PM Pacific Time on February 13th. It was also stated that the alignment of Jupiter with Mars has occurred twice already -- once in 1973 and again in 1998. I am not sure of the time span indicated.
The big coincidence mentioned in my e-mail above about my son's birthday on February 13th and James 2:13 now seems more on the "coincidental" mark. My younger son, T.J. (Thomas Joseph), was born 36 years ago in 1973, one of only two times mentioned in the e-mail that similar alignments took place.
I searched and found the apparent original source of the information in the e-mail --
On February 12, 2009, Dee told me that her firend, Michelle, had a dream that Jesus Christ would come on this Valentine's Day. Michelle does not know about the special alignment and the associated idea of the birth of the Divine Child.
Subj: RE: The Age of Aquarius Dawns 14 February 2009 Dear Joe, my whole-hearted thanks for your email and your wonderful insights. Please remind me, was the Tree of Life crop circle of 1997 the one in oil seed rape near Hackpen Hill - if so I believe Francine Blake and I were some of the first people in it. I would be delighted for us to speak and to audio record our discussion - or chat and record on a further occasion. I'm currently in Japan until the 13th February. How would our speaking the week of the 16th - and sharing our insights on the time and energy of the Aquarian alignment that we will have just experienced - be for you? If there are some good times that week for you please let me know. My number is xxxxx xxxxxx. You might also like to read my book The 13th Step as it is all about this wonderful time of transformation and our cosmic destiny. with love, joy and gratitude in the universal heart, Jude |
Subj: Aquarius Conversation With Joe Mason Hello Jude. Thanks much for your prompt and positive response. The Tree of Life formation did appear in oilseed rape (canola), but it was at Barbury Castle. See --
The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation There was a fractal type formation at Hackpen Hill in August 1997, but it was apparently in wheat. In any case, that formation seemed to be significant.
See --
Crop Circle Research: uk1997df
Strange Attractor Crop Formation and the End of Time http://www.lucypringle.co.uk/photos/1997/uk1997df.shtml The week of the 16th is fine with me. I am available at almost any time. I presume from reading your web pages that you will be at home in England. I am in central California. I have never called to England, but I will find out how to do it (if there are special dialing instructions). About two years ago, I was interviewed by a gentleman from the University of Oxford. The sound was apparently a little weak on his side. When we talk, I will tell of a crop circle "coincidence" related to that interview. Please send an e-mail after you return, and let me know when to call. I am placing a few ideas and links below, that I feel are important to our subject. It is not essential to read all of it, but I wanted to make it available (I know you are very busy with important work). Also, I have an old e-mail from 1999 that tells of an underwater site found near Malta, and the great Maltese Cross in the Aegean Sea, formed between ancient sites, one of which is under water. I will send that e-mail after this one. High regards, Joe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Related Ideas This site has a graphic of the Aquarian Triangle --
Articles on Earth Energies and Crop Circles Note that Barbury Castle is in the center and Glastonbury is on the Southwest corner. The ratchet or Mercury spiral is on the Southeast. Certain key crop formations appeared at Barbury Castle --
1997 Tree of Life formation
1997 six-fold pinwheel-like formation (a Seed of Life type, relates to the heart chakra)
The Menorah Crop Circle Formation http://ccdb.cropcircleresearch.com/info.cgi?d=uk1999aw
The 1991 Mandelbrot Set formation also fit with the Tree of Life --
The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation
The ratchet/Mercury spiral of the 1991 Barbury Castle pictogram revealed a code. The six arcs are six Ages of 2,160 years each, for a total of 12,960 years, half the precession. This is from the beginning of Leo to the end of Pisces, and the beginning of Aquarius. See --
The Pleiades and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day An excerpt from the following article explains an important point about the sixth sphere of the Tree and the heart chakra --
Image credit: Tommy Borms
The Da Vinci Code Crop Circle
[End of excerpt] The Southwest corner of the Aquarian Triangle being at Glastonbury is quite significant. It corresponds to the "Moon/Mother/Holy Spirit" glyph of the 1991 Barbury Castle pictogram. This obviously suggests the Holy Grail. This is the primary reason I made this statement in my first e-mail --
The Holy Grail suggest "Communion" and joining the "Body of Christ." In my view, this is not about becoming part of a church. In the words of Joseph Campbell, it is when the spiritual person is born out of the animal person, which happens at the heart chakra. |
Excerpts from the Tree of Life article Debbie goes on to explain that there are also 22 Tarot cards that make up the Major Arcana. Each is assigned to a path on the Tree. The spheres/sephiroth on the left side of the Tree are feminine and those on the right are masculine. The ones in the middle row indicate a balance of the duality attributes. Two of the sephiroth on the sides are called HOD and NETZACH, representing Mercury and Venus, or the Head and the Heart, or the Intellect and Emotions. The lateral path joining the two is represented by the Tarot card known as The Tower. This card depicts people falling from a tower and being struck by lightning. [skip]
The Chakra Connection Prior to the appearance of the Tree of Life crop circle formation, I received a three-part e-mail from Ashley Rye about The Tree of Life, which I found quite informative. The following is a paste from the writing:
Ashley's e-mail also suggested a "chakra" connection to the Tree of Life:
[skip] Mark mentioned that the Tree is also the basis of man, then wrote a little about the "Mystical Marriage" -
Planetary Crop Circles
In 2007, two planetary symbols appeared as crop circle formations --
Mercury |
Venus |
Remember, this pair is a duality of spheres eight and seven on the Tree of Life.
Subj: Underwater Structures Near Malta & Aegean Sea Maltese Cross Hi Jude. Below is that other e-mail I mentioned. I placed a few extra notes at the end. I also found an interesting note in wikipedia. Valentine's Day is special in Malta -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day [Excerpt]
[End of excerpt] You probably already knew this, but I am adding it just in case you did not. Regards, Joe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Subj: [M-TRAC - MSAA] Ancient underwater structures discovered near Malta Imagine my surprise today when on the front page of a local Maltese Sunday newspaper I came across Zecheriah Sitchin's name. Webmeister and Milamo are both going to enjoy this :) Below is a quick translation from Maltese of the half page article. Any mistakes in the translation are obviously my fault! I'll be scanning the newspaper tomorrow and maybe someone else can come up with a better translation. This evening they're going to show the underwater video mentioned in the article on one of the local tv stations.
Regards, JJ Mercieca --- Joe's note, 5 February 2009 -- The Malta UFO address no longer works. This is the page from the archives site around the same date -- http://web.archive.org/web/20000301084848/http://www.mufor.org/ --- UNIQUE FIND IN MALTESE WATERS Structures resembling a megalithic temple have been found under Maltese territorial waters by Dione Borg (Il-Mument, 31 Oct 1999, Sunday newspaper) Recently, structures resembling a megalithic temple have been found on the seabed in Maltese waters and they are being studied to see if indeed they are a form of megalithic temple. These studies are being done by foreign archaeologists because this find is being considered a very important one and there is great interest amongst foreign archaeologists. From information that Il-Mumenthas, it seems that this discovery has been announced in Augsburg, Germany by Professor and Archaeologist Hubert Zeitlmar in a meeting of the Paleo Astronaut Society on the 18th August. The discovery was made on the 13 July 1999 at 10 am and was filmed. The diver and cameraman who filmed the structures was Shaun Arrigo while the diver and photographer who took photos was his brother Kurt. Il-Mumenthas interviewed Professor Zeitlmar who explained that amongst these structures there are two stone circles. There are also other structures that seem to be long and rectangular but are mostly broken and damaged. These structures are on a type of platform and are in water that is between 8 and 15 metres deep about three kilometers from the Maltese coast. Professor Zeitlmar said that the way the stone blocks had fallen and were damaged indicated that a large waves had invaded what was once dry land. The German archaeologist said that these structures were mostly covered in seaweed but from the video and photos it can be clearly seen that they resemble other temples from the Hagar Qim period. In the area of the structures underneath the sea there also seem to be lines (known as "cart ruts") which can be found in several other places in Malta. It seems that the discovery of these structures is being given different archaeological explanations and the first indications are that they can be compared with the temples of Hagar Qim, the Hypogeum, Ggantija and Imnajdra which supposedly go back to 3,500 BC. This archaeological find is causing much discussion amongst archaeologists particularly about the period in which it could have been built. The German archaeologist insists that these structures must have been built much earlier than the megalithic temples in Malta and the questions he is trying to answer is who built these structures, when were they built and why? It seems that what caused archaeologist Zeitlmar to look for these structures are the books written by Zecheria Sitchin, The Earth Chronicles, which details the origin of ancient civilizations. From these books and from the way that prehistoric temples are built in Malta and Gozo, archaeologist Zeitlmar investigated the possibility of other temples and prehistoric structures that haven't yet been dug up or found. It seems that his theory was built around the possibility of finding these structures somewhere in Maltese territorial waters. ~~~~~~~~~~
Subj: Malta Site, The Flood & The Maltese Cross in the Aegean Sea In a message dated 11/2/1999 4:59:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, Michael writes: << Subj: Re: [M-TRAC - MSAA] Ancient underwater structures discovered near Malta On 1 Nov 99, at 20:28, Al Cornett wrote:
> JJ: If professor Zeitlmar could accurately date these structures then But ... there may be more to consider, here. It might be, according to Laurence Gardner's work, that "The Flood" happened around 4000 B.C. ... whereas the last 'Pole Shift of Earth' ... also with accompanying catastrophic conditions ... occurred apparently around 11000 B.C. >> (snip) --------------- Dear Michael and all, There is one more thing to consider. Some years ago I saw a TV program about the theory that a flood of water from the ocean created the Mediterranean Sea far back in history. Maurice Chatelain spoke about this in his book, "Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space." It is on page 75, in a chapter titled, "The Maltese Cross." I'll type in some excerpts: --------
All the legends of Mediterranean people mention the cataclysmic variations
in the level of the sea and the eruption of a volcano on the island of Thera,
probably in about 1500 B.C., or 3,500 years ago. The explosion and the following
tidal waves destroyed the Minoan civilization. Many islands around Crete
disappeared under water and the bottom of the sea caved in. The conquest
of the Aegean Islands by Mycenaeans from Greece followed. But before this
catastrophe, about 12,000 years ago, there was the really big one - the flooding
of the Gibraltar Strait by the Atlantic Ocean, and the sudden rise of the
Mediterranean Sea level by at least 200 m, or 600 ft. When the isthmus of Gibraltar gave way to the pressure of the Atlantic because some cosmic event caused the northern polar ice cap to melt and raised the level of the oceans, all the coastal lines of Greece and its islands were inundated and whole civilizations disappeared. ------ Chatelain's Maltese Cross is also worth mentioning here. Some excerpts: ------
In the center of the Aegean Sea exists a small island by the name of Delos.
It has always been considered the most sacred place of ancient Greece, even
though no one seemed to know why, of all places, Delos should be so sacred.
Delos is the geometric center of a true design of the gods - the Maltese
cross of majestic proportions that extends over hundreds of miles over the
Aegean Sea, Greece, and Turkey. Let's put the sharp point of one compass arm in the middle of Delos and measure a radius of 1,500 ancient Egyptian stadia, or 270 km, and run the trace arm of the compass full circle. We will have passed in succession through Cape Matapan and Delphi in Greece; the island of Psathura in Northern Sporades; Antandrus and Sardis in Anatolia; Camirus on Rhodes; and Akra and Araden on Crete.
Now let's trace a smaller circle with Delos still in the center. A radius
of 1,000 Egyptian stadia or 180 km, will give a ring that connects Hermione
in Greece; a high bank between the islands of Lesbos and Skyros; Didyma in
Anatolia; and a point now submerged north of the DiaIsland. Thus, if we include
Delos, we have thirteen geographical sites that have always been sacred places
marked by temple ruins constructed over even more ancient ruins from time
immemorial. Thirteen has always been a magic number for astrological reasons.
When we connect all the sites with straight lines going from point to point . . . (skip) . . . we have drawn the magnificent geometrical figure known as the "Maltese cross," a sacred pagan sign since antiquity as well as the sign of the Crusaders who fought to liberate Jerusalem from the Infidels. Indeed, the designs of the Lord are beyond human comprehension! [End of excerpts] ------ Here are some other excerpts from the article: --------- The Maltese Cross is 540 kilometers wide. The latitude of Delos is 37 degrees, 23 minutes. Like the Nazca lines, the Maltese Cross was laid out in stadia of 600 ft, or 180 m, the same in Mayan and Egyptian measurements. These stadia and the feet and cubits that were derived from them are the very oldest prehistoric standards of measurement. The radii of the Maltese Cross would divide a circle in sections of 3/28 and 4/28. A circle divided in 28 sectors is unusual, but the Mayans, Incas and Wyoming Indians used it. The Medicine Wheel of Wyoming was divided into 28 equal parts and the temple of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, was divided into 28 sectors by 29 columns. The cubit of Cuenca, in Ecuador, has 7 hands and 4 fingers each, or a total of 28 fingers, because the gods of the time had only 4 fingers on each hand as many sculptures and drawings show it. 28 times 2 is 56, and such is the number of hieroglyphs on the solid gold plate of Cuenca. Stonehenge has 56 Aubrey holes. In the classical antique world only the royal cubit of the Egyptians was divisible by 7 hands of 4 fingers each. [End of excerpts] --------------- Chatelain did not mention that 28 is related to the moon and female menstrual cycles, or that the Bison has 28 ribs (if that means anything!). I saw a Sufi design that has a circle divided into 28 parts, as four weeks. A color code separated the seven days of each week in 3-day and 4-day parts. Each of the seven days had the name of a planet/god, that is, our normal system. Another excerpt from the book: ------ There are ancient Greek temples and cities that have been submerged by the Mediterranean. Today nobody has a right to doubt that reality. Aerial photography has rediscovered what old Aegean fishermen found thousands of year ago - sunken temples, villages, and streets. Just outside the small port of Halieis, between Mycenae and Tiryns, there reposes under many feet of water a former temple of Zeus built in 780 B.C. Just like the Karnak temple near Luxor, it was rebuilt several times, with new additions reoriented at angles up to 40 degrees from the origin, representing a time span of 2,880 years, or 10 times 288 years, the Tiahuanaco number. That means the oldest part of this temple was constructed 5,600 years ago. The building at Halieis is constructed in Mycenean feet of 0.277 m, which for all practical purposes equals the foot of the Celts, or 0.276 m. This same measure was employed in the megalithic sites of England, France, and Spain, which according to the latest estimates date back 10,000 years or more, preceding the ziggurats of Mesopotamia and the Egyptian pyramids. [End of excerpt] ----------- Chatelain's book was published in 1975, so some of this may now be outdated. Maurice Chatelain was an aerospace electronics engineer, one of the scientists who conceived and designed the Apollo spacecraft which landed on the moon. Regards, Joe [End of 1999 e-mail] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ February 5, 2009 A suggestion of a Maltese Cross appeared within a crop circle in 2005 -- http://www.greatdreams.com/crop/2005ccs/maltese.gif
Lurkley Hill - nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire, 2005
The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations - Part One The island of Delos was probably important because of the myth that the twins, Apollo and Artemis (Sun & Moon), were born there. It was the only place that allowed Leto to birth the twins. All other lands feared the wrath of Hera, the wife of Zeus. The number 288 is a major Gematrian number meaning "Double Light." Two quintuplet pyramid type crop circles appeared in 1999, like a female/male pair. The "female" had 288 circles. The "male" had 156 circles. The total seems significant: 288 + 156 = 444. |
Dee's Page
After writing to Dr. Currivan, I began this article. While looking for information, I discovered that Dee had an article that included information from Dr. Currivan, including an astrological chart.
The Coming of the New Age of Aquarius
Person in the Tree
Sometimes it is confusing trying to figure out the left and right Pillars of the Tree of Life and the symbol interpretations. In certain cases they seem reversed. For example, the masculine side of the Tree is associated with love, forgiveness, compassion, and intuitive abilities. In our world, many would say these are more feminine than masculine. Another example is that Venus, sphere 7, is on the right masculine Pillar, and associated with Jesus, Lucifer, and Quetzalcoatl (Kulkukan), the Feathered Serpent of Mesoamerica.
I believe the confusion can be resolved because it is said that when we view the Tree from without, it is like a mirror image. When we picture ourselves inside the Tree, as illustrated above, the various symbolic attributes are reversed.
Integrating The Shadow
The graphic above illustrates the shadow Tree behind the Tree of Life. It is a symbolic way of showing the idea of The Shadow side of the self, that needs to be integrated. The following is an excerpt from Jude on the subject --
The journey of the soular hero
Jude Currivan PhD
Along the long journey that was still to unfold, I found myself discovering that to become whole I needed to recognize and accept all of myself, light and shadow. Only when we’re ready to take this third step can we integrate in-to-great - all aspects of ourselves and begin to heal our dis-membered psyche. As we do so though, something almost miraculous happens.
As though a veil is being lifted, we begin to see beyond the limitations of the polarities that pervade the manifest world to the wholeness that lies beyond. We all dissipate our energies to some degree by dwelling on the past or projecting our hopes or fears into the future.
Carl Jung was a leading proponent of the idea. Here is an excerpt --
Jungian Psychology
The Shadow is Carl Jung’s term for all of the aspects of ourselves that, due to inner conflicts resulting from our upbringing, socialization, traumas or from other origins, have been rendered unacceptable to us and that we therefore repress, suppress, deny or disavow through the use of our defense mechanisms.
The Shadow can consist not only of parts of us that our culture at large would view as shameful or destructive, but may also include a “Golden Shadow” made up of otherwise constructive talents and strengths that, for one reason or another (ie: they posed a threat to an authority figure’s status), were not valued or were shamed by influential people in our lives. Elements cut off from consciousness within the Shadow may exert an enormous unseen influence in our lives and relationships.
As long as we refuse to acknowledge their existence within ourselves, they threaten to project themselves onto others, with the potential for either exaggerated idealization, as may occur in hero worship or romantic attraction, or intense demonization and scapegoating. Indeed, the very occurrence of such experiences points to a likely unconscious origin within some aspects of our own Shadow.
The Celestial Tree of Life
Around 1998, I received an e-mail from a young man. He informed me that one of the graphics in my article about the 1999 solar eclipse was quite like another -- a diagram of the of a three-dimensional version of the Tree of Life projected into the celestial vault. He directed me to this web page --
The Unified Field of Gnosis:
The Gnomon, The Labyrinth & The Celestial Tree of Life
Vincent Bridges
The idea is to imagine oneself in the center, with the Tree projected all around. The upper two graphics below show the two hemispheres of the projection, Northern on the left and Southern on the right. The various spheres of the Tree of Life, with the corresponding numbers, are depicted.
Sphere 1, Kether, is aligned with the North Ecliptic Pole, and sphere 10, Malkuth, with the South Ecliptic Pole. Sphere 6, Tiphareth, is on the ecliptic, shown at four points on each diagram. Spheres 4 (Jupiter) and 5 (Mars) are in the North. Spheres 7 (Venus) and 8 (Mercury) are in the South. The spheres are related to to various celestial objects. In terms of the Valentine's Day 2009 alignment, Jupiter and Mars may show a duality in the Northern vault of the heavens, while Venus and Mercury show a duality in the South. Sphere 2 (fixed stars) is in the center part of the North, while sphere 9 (the Moon) is in the center part of the South.
The lower two diagrams are my creations, based on four triangular shapes, which correspond to the Barbury Castle pictogram crop formation of 1991. A number of coincidences happened with the idea. The lower left diagram fits will with Ezekiel's vision of the Four Living Creatures. See --
The diagrams have a similarity to a baseball field, which is a major dream symbol these days. See --
Dee had a dream where she was shown a rectangular shape with golden balls and threads of light. She noted that it was like the Tree of Life. See --
After Dee told me about her dream, I recalled that I had seen a similar image on-line, with the 3D Tree spinning --
Pagan Origins of Valentine's Day Like other Christian holidays, Valentine's Day had its origins in the ancient religions. The older religions, which had a pantheon of gods, were called pagan by the Christians. This is taken as negative by many people today, but students and scholars of mythology tend to see the subject in a more positive way, as the so-called "gods" are generally taken as symbols. The following article covers the subject well -
The Real Meaning Behind Valentine's Day
These are some of the keywords in the article: Purification of The Mother,
Sacred Heart, Flaming Heart, The article seems to be written from a non-Catholic Christian perspective. It is a condemnation of the "pagan god worship," and pagan-based Christian holidays. Personally, I do not worship gods, but I do see symbolism in the stories, which so often fit with the dreams of people today. At times, they fit with events, such as Valentine's Day 2009. |
The ancient Sumerians had their own versions of the Tree of Life --
![]() |
A search of the Internet brings up similar images.
String Theory as Geometry & Tree of
Stephen Phillips, Ph.D. has written many articles about string and superstring theory in relation to sacred geometry, the Platonic solids, and the Tree of Life. String theories, according to Dr. Phillips, has a Pythagorean nature. The various polygons are composed of triangles known as Pythagorean tetraktys. Each tetraktys has ten markers, called yods. Various numbers are associated with the shapes, based on the total number of yods.
This is one of many examples --
Note the similarity to the diagrams above about the The Celestial Tree of Life.
Pythagoras (582 BC 496 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician --
The triangle above his head is the basic tetraktys, composed of ten yods.
This is the web site of Stephen Phillips, Ph.D. --
Crop Circle Photographers
We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them.
Patricia Murray |
A.J. Samuels |
Andreas Müller |
Jim Miller |
Frank Laumen |
Clemens Richter |
Doe Kelly and |
Rob Speight |
Seiichi Nakazato |
David Russell |
Richard Wintle |
Andrew King |
Richard Harvey |
Russell Stannard |
Andrea Felliziani |
Summer Garland |
Graham Tucker. |
.. |
Aquarian alignment 14th February 2009
Jude Currivan PhD
The Coming of the New Age
of Aquarius
Dee Finney
- England Crop Glyph Comparison
(Mercury and Venus Symbols)
Dee Finney
Hod - Tree of
Dee Finney
Humanity On The Pollen
The Leap to the Heart Chakra
Joseph E. Mason
Return of the Feminine
Dee Finney
Kabbalism - Mazal
- Wisdom - The Bride
Dee Finney
The Next Pope
- The Anit-Pope & The Hanged Man
(The Last Pope) - Joseph E. Mason)
The American
Tragedy: A Symbolic Event
September 11, 2001
Joseph E. Mason
The Crown Diamond of the Believers'
Tree of Life:
The Measurement of the Tabernacle of David
Bora Finton
Help Links
The History of Valentine's Day
Astrological Symbols - Wikipedia
Planets in Astrology - Wikipedia
The Immortals
(Greek gods with equivalent Roman names)
If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add a link to this page, please e-mail JMason4557@aol.com
This page was originally uploaded February 9, 2009.
This page was last updated February 16, 2009.
Site URL: http://www.greatdreams.com/joestuff/jude/jude.htm
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Extra Data
From: http://www.evenstarcreations.com/AGEAQUARIUS.htm
FEBRUARY 14TH AGE OF AQUARIUS this is from an email from mikael koch pontfx333
OH MY GOD.....I KNEW IT.... Every journey I have been on has been moving towards this time of mankind coming together in harmony and love. The driving force as to why we are here, to fulfill our destiny. This year the exact alignment spoken of nearly 40 years ago will occur with the end of a Piscean influenced society, reflected through the American government of the past, and the old financial institutions. The old regime has been driven from power by the unification of a single, collective, awakened voice. The new Aquarian era has begun in the United States of America and is being extended through a hand of partnership to the world to join in unison. The alignment of Mars and Jupiter, with the Moon in the 7th house occurs as Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron the Wounded Healer, the Sun and the North Node all align in Aquarius. To make this even more significant it occurs on February 14, 2009, Valentines Day, at 7:25am (GMT). For those of us on the Pacific Coast, that is 11:20pm the night before (February 13th). On the East Coast 2:20am on the 14th and those in Switzerland and Germany 8:20am on the 14th. The Seventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Partnership. Within this House, we see a shift away from the self toward another - a partner. In cooperating and relating to others we unite for the purpose of achieving something grand. Purpose is important to the Seventh House the act of accomplishing something great. In uniting with others, we become a more valuable member of our world: we make a contribution, one small cog in the wheel of life. We have purpose. Cooperation and partnership help to expedite our purpose in life. We are on the cusp, leaving the Age of Pisces and moving forward into the Age of Aquarius fully. The alignment of Jupiter with Mars has occurred twice already once in 1973 and again in 1998. Reflect on what was occurring in your life at this time as it has a significant message for your journey forward. Open your heart and visualize the emerald green and magenta ray of light coming together to restore balance. The Age of Aquarius is symbolic of a great spiritual transformation, a new sense of democracy, freedom and humanitarianism. The end of religious separation and the return of the first religion, earth religion and a deep spiritual connection to one another. This transitional period between two ages is considered to be a process that occurs over many years, not on an exact day or year. The alignment will last for approximately 18 minutes so make a commitment to join with people from all over the world at this time and pray that our leaders of all nations are guided by love and peace and we as citizens of the world come together to support the changes of this new era. Be the change you dream about. Join together with the world this night and pray for unification and healing. It starts with us. |
Subj: ANOTHER POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY Hi Everybody, We are moving through this monumental year of change at warp speed. We are receiving incredible assistance from On High through the synchronicity of both Global and Universal Activities of Light. Today I am sharing an E-mail from Barbara Wolf and Jude Currivan PhD. This information is valid, and it reveals that February 14th will provide another very powerful opportunity for all of us to join our hearts and minds to add to the Light of the world. Please read the following information carefully, and respond according to your heart's call. I AM eternally grateful for YOU and your willingness to add to the Light of this blessed planet and all her Life.
God Bless You, ------
Hello, everyone, this is Barbara Wolf. THE AQUARIAN ALIGNMENT, February 14, 2009
From the website of Jude Currivan PhD, We measure our global sense of both space (latitude and longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. We can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event (February 14th) by looking at the alignment from this globally centered perspective. When we do, something extraordinary and exquisite emerges. At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation. Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the New Age into our collective awareness: "When the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars." At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of Love and Peace, and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of Cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment. Mercury also in the twelfth house but just beyond the cusp in Capricorn, allies with transformational Pluto to communicate and anchor the Shift throughout our global structures and institutions. The Moon in Libra in the seventh house emphasizes harmonious real -ationships. Venus in Aries in the first house energizes and empowers dynamic co-creativity. And whilst Saturn the great task master in opposition to Uranus the unexpected awakener is suggesting an ongoing confrontation as the dregs of the unsustainable old paradigm reluctantly give way to the untested hope of the new, their placements in Virgo and Pisces brings practical altruism and visionary inspiration to the transition. At 7:25 a.m. on 14th February - and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, into the Universal Heart, to add your own intention for Love and Peace, and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. Join in whatever way feels appropriate for you. You may choose to align with 7:25 a.m. (UT) or 7:25 a.m. your own local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth. =============== Peace, Love, and Light,
Barbara Wolf You may freely send the newsletters to anyone. |
Subj: The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius On Valentine's Day Hello Patricia and Barbara. Dee and I at greatdreams have been putting out the word. See --
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius On Valentine's Day The ideas fit quite well with my research, especially various crop circle formations, including the Tree of Life. The various planets, along with the Sun and Moon, are associated with the various spheres of the Tree. Within the Tree, there is a duality between the right and left Pillars. Four spheres representing planets are close to the Sun, two above (Jupiter and Mars) and two below (Venus and Mercury). The middle Pillar indicates the balance between the duality attributes, which relate to masculine and feminine or Sun and Moon, or rational and intuitive, or head and heart, or love and judgment, etc. It is apparent that we have been in a cycle of time of being out of balance. The masculine aspect has been dominant. We are starting to see symbols and real changes, indicating the return of the feminine that will restore the balance. The actual starting point of the Age of Aquarius is controversial. In any case, this Valentine's Day certainly seems to be a sign of the times. Regards,
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason |