JUNE 2013
6-1-13 - The television was on all night long, showing only shows like
DREAM #1 - I was in a library - dimly lit, and all the shelves had hand
made booklets about aliens - and every book was made of paper of the size 6 x 8
or 5 x 7. These booklets were all made by hand in black and white - with
no pictures - just text, and clipped on the left side with a black strip of
DREAM #2 - I was in a library - dimly lit, and all the shelves had hand made
booklets about aliens and every book was made of paper of the size 8 1/2 x 11.
These booklets were all made by hand in black and white - with no pictures -
just text, and clipped on the left side with a black strip of metal.
DREAM #3 - I was sleeping in a library - dimly lit, and all the shelves had
hand made booklets about aliens and every book was made of paper of the size 14
x 16. These booklets were all made by hand in black and white - with
no pictures - just text, and clipped on the left side with a black strip of
metal. The difference of these booklets, which were computer generated
obviously, some with fancy script on the titles of the booklets.
There were two tall men dressed in dark clothing guarding this library.
I pretended to stay sleeping while they walked through the library and finally
they left and I woke up.
6-1-13 - DREAM - (After watching General Hospital on TV) Two characters
from GH were going to get married, and the girl had many men to choose from, and
all the men stood in a large circle. The girl was supposed to choose the
man to marry who was in the exact center. However, she chose the man who
was 68 from the right and 73 from the left.
Wondering how many men there really were... There had to be a minimum of 73 I
would think, but maybe the minimum was 68 and she counted too many the second
time and went past 68 to get to 73?
It began with me editing web pages that were about the Bible, and creation.
Every statement had the number 6 in it, and I didn't believe that everything was
created in 6 days, that many things were created instantly, and other things
took much longer - so when I saw the number 6 and creation in the same sentence,
I edited the statement down to eliminate the number 6.
I then started to delete pictures of women wearing red and white polka dot
dresses (thats about alchemy) and anything that was related to females
because everything I saw was so negative.
I then went to a very large bookcase that I had full of religious books,
including Bibles, Concordances, religious explanation books by other people,
children's prayer books, and starting eliminating books that contained things I
didn't really believe. I ended up with 4 shelves empty - the top two and
the bottom two.
Another short dream brought in a man and woman who had religious teachings
behind what they did, that I had believed to begin with but were totally
negative and all about sex, so I had to remove them from my memory.
I was going to enter my own room, but I could see down the hall where another
woman wearing a blue and white polka dot dress, who was sitting at a desk was
looking at me and judging me, so I had to go into my room and get that woman out
of my life completely so I could focus on what I believed.
I then was with my husband who got a phone call from a religious man, and my
husband took his cell phone and went out on the porch to talk to the other man,
but I could still hear half of the conversation because my husband was talking
so loud, it was clouding my memory of all the good work I had done during the
night so I had to move to another room so I could start writing down my memories
of what I had done with the religious books and writings ... and once I started
writing I woke up so I could type up my memories for real.
Red and white can symbolize a multitude of feelings as red typically means love
and dedication, while white is commonly a symbol of grace, purity and new
Blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed. The color of sky and the
ocean, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives.
As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to
produce chemicals that are calming; however not all blues are serene and sedate.
Electric or brilliant blues become dynamic and dramatic, an engaging color that
expresses exhilaration.
6-2-13 - NAP DREAM - I was apparently a teenager 16 or 17 years old, living
somewhere in my parent's home in the country.
It was cold outside, but not really winter yet and my parent's had gone out
for the day after church to visit some people.
I was planning to surprise them by making a nice gift for some friends of
theirs they could deliver later after they came back home. It was going to
be a nice surprise.
We had a shed attached to the house similar to what we would call a pantry,
and I went out there to get some fruit for the gift I was going to make.
I found some nice grapes in a bowl, already taken off the vine and when I was
gathering them up to take them into the house proper, I heard a noise and when I
looked out the window, I saw a bear.
I was afraid of the bear naturally, so slammed the door running back
into the house proper. I heard a noise behind me that sounded like the
bear breaking into the shed behind me.
I was really terrified, and decided I should go upstairs, further away from
the bear because I would be defenseless against a wild animal like that.
When I opened the door to where I thought the stairs were, I was actually in
a small room next to the stairway, and in that room I came across a young blonde
girl named Laurel. She was just coloring in a book of pictures with some
crayons, and I hadn't known she was there. I invited her to come with me,
and took her to the next doorway, which was the stairs.
I didn't tell her about the bear because I didn't want her to be scared like
I was.
We went up the stairs, and when we got up there, we met another young blonde
girl I was call Karen. She was also coloring in a book with crayons. I
didn't know the girls were in the house, and the girls didn't know I, or the
other girl was in the house either. I assumed they were cousins or
something and I didn't know why my parents didn't tell me they were there - or
perhaps they didn't know it either. That was a puzzle to me.
I didn't want to tell this other girl about the bear in the shed adjacent to
the house either, and both girls set about to color pictures, and I just
watched, and pondered what I was going to do about the bear situation.
Some time passed, and I didn't hear any more noise downstairs, and hoped the
bear had just left on its own, so I told the girls I was going to go downstairs
and find us something to eat.
I went downstairs, and the grapes I had been working with were still sitting
where I left them, and the bear apparently hadn't come into the house, so I
called the girls down and suggested that we take the grapes to my parent's
friend's house and go visit them.
The girls were willing, so I took the grapes in a bowl, and took the girls
out to a car parked in the driveway, and since we saw nor heard a bear out
there, I hoped we were safe.
So I quickly drove over to where my parent's friends' house was in the dimly
lit streets, and pulled into their driveway.
There were no lights on in the house and no car in the driveway, so
apparently they weren't home either, but I got out of the car and knocked on the
door anyway.
A young teenager, about my own age came to the door and I asked if his
parents were home, and he said 'No! I'm here alone with some friends.
You can come in and wait for them if you like."
I didn't like the idea of being in a house full of young men alone with my
two little girl companions, so I said that I would come back later, and he said
that would be fine.
I felt relieved that he didn't try to make me stay there, but now I had the
dilemma of worrying about what to do with the girls, and wondering if the bear
was in my house at home and was afraid to go back there too.
But I decided to go back home and face my fears, and when we got there, the
door to the shed was open and apparently the bear had left on its own and
everything looked fine until I looked in the shed and found that all the food we
had in there was gone. All the food we had was the grapes I was going to
give as a gift to my parent's friends.
And I woke up.
NOTE: The bear represents either the economy OR Russia
(I heard Dr. Bill Deagle say the other day in an interview that Russia is doing
weather war control on the U.S. to cause a drought in Texas and ruin our
Steve said the stock market went below 15,000 yesterday--a
bear market. I don't know what it's doing today yet. Did you notice the riots in
Turkey [your and my turkey dreams?] The president was born in February on the
cusp of Year of the Snake and Year of the Horse. He's relatively young--born
1954. So he might recover even though this is his danger year coming up in 2014/
Year of the Horse with his birth sign. The president of Syria is having a lot of
trouble but holding his own so far--he's Year of the Snake, so this year of 2013
is his birth sign.
Name meaning Laurel -From the
name of the
laurel tree,
ultimately from Latin laurus.
The laurel or bay tree.
Biblical context |
The Biblical baby
name Laurel is Latin in origin and its meaning is the laurel or bay
tree. The Greek word for laurel is Daphne.
Laurel is pronounced lawr-uhl.
Laurel is an evergreen and fragrant plant with dark green, shiny leaves.
Its leaves and young branches were woven into a crown with which the
winner of the ancient Olympic games was rewarded.
The laurel is not mentioned by name in the Bible, but an allusion is
made to it many times. The laurel crown is perishable, but true
believers shall receive the crown of glory which will never fade away.
Biblical reference for baby name Laurel:
Philippians 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 2
Timothy 2:5; 4:8;
James 1:12
Strong's Bible concordance - not applicable.
Name meaning Karen
Meaning & History
Danish short form of
KATHERINE. It has been
common in the English-speaking world since the 1940s.
Related Names
Katerina (Bulgarian),
Tina (Croatian),
Katka (Czech),
Trijntje (Dutch),
Triinu (Estonian),
Riina (Finnish),
Kalena (Hawaiian),
Kitti (Hungarian),
Ríona (Irish),
Rina (Italian),
Katrė (Lithuanian),
Kasia (Polish),
Cátia (Portuguese),
Karina (Russian),
Katka (Slovak),
Katica (Slovene),
Karina (Swedish),
Cadi (Welsh)
Grape Symbolism
Grapes can be said to have
multiple symbolisms.
 For example, they are considered symbols of
festivities and immortality, probably because they are used in the
production of wine. However, grapes also stand for blood and
 Religiously, grapes
brought out of the Promised Land represented the promise of a new
life God made to the Israelites.
 Bacchus is known as the
god of wine.
Source:Â Bruce-Mitford, Miranda.Â
“The Illustrated Book of Signs and Symbols,” Dorling Kindersley
Limited, London, 2004.
Dee Finney's blog. start date
July 20, 2013. ... milk,
famine, steel and plague, In the heavens
fire seen, a long spark running. Also ...
Dee Finney's blog. start date
July 20, 2011. today's date: April 29, 2013
. page ... year of summer that was more like winter
and a great famine occurred ...
The new look in intervention got a good test in
the Indian famine of '65 and '66 –
until .... ... Dee Finney's blog
January 1, 2013 page 415 GOVERNMENT
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day,
death, and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for ...
Dee Finney's blog. start ...
where biotech is heralded by proponents as a panacea
for famine and pestilence but where
anti ... FEB, MAR, APR. 2013:
Dee Finney's blog January 1,
2013 page 415 GOVERNMENT -
CHEMTRAILS ... ... Famine - Behold
The Black Rider of Goldman Sachs and The Pale Rider
of ...
2013 JAN FEB MAR APRIL: page 289
... FAMINE? page 387 November 27,
2012 EVERYTHING COSMIC : page 311 ... BLOG
INDEXES : 2011: JAN, FEB, MAR, …
... that Mt. Tambora in Indonesia had exploded and
cause a whole year of summer that was more like
winter and a great famine ...
... that Mt. Tambora in Indonesia had exploded and
cause a whole year of summer that was more like
winter and a great famine ...
March 22, 2013 volcano activity.
... causing famine. At the same
Dee Finney's blog. start date
AND STARVATION IN ... It's about the great comet
that is coming in 2013. page 265
8-6 …
Dee Finney's blog. Start date
July 20, 2011. ... when famine
came, but beyond that ... in May 2013
with a below-average number of sunspots.
> > Year of the Snake will be 2013.
... I already know that two are drought and
famine. ...
Dee Finney's blog. start date
July ... the Keystone go-ahead decision would be
delayed at least until early 2013,
... com/sacred/famine.htm ...
Google will post the above guest message on its
popular blog and Google also will
promote the story with three prominent technology
(This drawing was submitted to me on 1-3-2013,
and gratefully received. An accurate description is
listed below the Arizona Wilder Video link below,
along with who ...
6-3-13 - DREAM - This seemed like a web page, and I was deleting
numbers and I realized that everything was coming to the number 11 that was
6-3-13 - WEIRD DREAM - I was on a date with a man who looked like John F
Kennedy, Jr. (but I think it was Jim) and we were out by a car and he was
describing two little kids and putting them down into a box in front of the car
like in front of the driver's seat, and just then a whole bunch of other young
men came up in another car from behind, and I woke up suddenly afraid for those
kids. He said one of the kids was a two year old boy.
6-5-13 - DREAM - I was in a house somewhere with a lot of people, none
of whom were in normal circumstances, and I just wanted to be with my own
husband, but he was laying on the floor sandwiched between my daughter-in-law
Becky and some other people. I walked by and told him, "There is no such
thing as 'normal' anymore." All we wanted to do was be with each other -
and it was impossible. Too many other people interfered with that.
6-6-13 - DREAM - I was looking at a piece of paper with words on it, but I
had the sense that it was like journeying down a river, and the journey was to
get to the word 'grandfather' which was colored gold.
6-6-13 - MEDITATION - DREAM - I asked the question: "What is going to
happen next with my life?"
I fell into a dream where I was standing near the road and I could see some
bright headlights coming, but there was a small dip in the road and I had to
wait for the car to come over the little hill before I could see who it was who
was coming to see our property.
While I was standing there waiting for that to happen, I heard a girl crying
from a distance away towards the east.
I asked, "Who is crying?" and a male voice said, "Someone pushed
Bernice down onto an air conditioner".
I said, "We'll have to take her to the hospital to see if her knees are
Then I said, "Someone will have to stay in the house and wait for the phone
to ring."
6-7-13 - DREAM - I was living in a house with Joe's grandmother Zora. I
had a tree with me by the name of POWER, which I've been dragging around with me
for years, and I finally planted it.
Then I was in a closet and found Joe's old baby shoes, full of dirt. I
said, "Zora! Do we have to have a ceremony to throw away these old shoes,
and she clearly said, "No!" so I did.
6-9-13 - DREAM - I was getting ready for a family party and my Mother
(grandmother) was the guest of honor.
One of the gifts for her was being crocheted (woven) and it was on the last
row. I told my daughter who was the one creating it (and I saw it at
the diningroom table) that she should make sure it was done by the party time,
and she said it would be. When I saw the afghan, it was called "Earth
Mountain View".
While setting the table for the dinner, I said, "This will be the last potato
salad with peas in it.
(That is important, because I already made the last picking of the peas in
the garden and those that are still in the garden will be the seed for next
NOTE: The next party we would be for my real life mother would be her
anniversary - July 6th. Her birthday is October 6th, but there are no peas
grown in October, so my guess is its for her anniversary.
6-10-13 - DREAM - My husband and I were in bed at night, and a blonde
woman drove around our house and hit the back of our house with her car.
She came running into our bedroom to tell us she had hit the house and I saw
that it was the comedienne Joan Rivers.
She did this five times, increasing the damage each time. By then I
realized she was doing it on purpose.
When I realized this on the 5th time, I saw her headlights coming up the
driveway and decided I would run out there, catch her in action and shut off the
lights to the house so we wouldn't get electrocuted or something. I was then
going to call the cops on her.
When I ran outside to shut off the electricity and came back in, I found her
in bed with my husband where I had been laying. She was trying to take my
I woke up before I could say or do anything about that.
Joan: name meaning:
Joan is mainly a
female name in
the English language, but can be a male name in
Dutch and in
French. It is related to the names
Johan, Joanna,
Jovan, Ioan, Jan, Jann, Yanne, Jouan, Sean, Ioan,
Siobhán, and
The English female name is an English form of the
Old French
name Johanne,
a female variant of the male name
The name ultimately derives from the
Hebrew name יוחנן Yôḥānān, short for יהוחנן Yəhôḥānān, meaning "Yahweh
is merciful". Some commonly known uses include:
Joan of Arc (French:
Jeanne d'Arc, IPA: [ʒan
daʁk]; ca. 1412 – 30 May 1431), nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans"
La Pucelle d'Orléans), is
a folk
heroine of France and a
Roman Catholic saint. She was born a
peasant girl
in what is now eastern France. Claiming divine guidance, she led the French army
to several important victories during the
Hundred Years' War, which paved the way for the coronation of
Charles VII of France. She was captured by the
Burgundians, transferred to the English in exchange for money, put on trial
by the pro-English Bishop of Beauvais
Pierre Cauchon for charges of "insubordination and heterodoxy", and was
burned at the stake for
heresy when she
was 19 years old.
Twenty-five years after her execution, an inquisitorial court authorized by
Pope Callixtus III examined the trial, pronounced her innocent, and declared
her a martyr.
Joan of Arc was
beatified in 1909 and
canonized in 1920. She is – along with
St. Denis,
St. Martin of Tours,
St. Louis IX, and
St. Theresa of Lisieux – one of the
saints of France. Joan said she had received visions from God instructing
her to support Charles VII and recover France from
English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King
Charles VII sent her to the
siege of Orléans as part of a relief mission. She gained prominence when she
overcame the dismissive attitude of veteran commanders and caused the lifting of
the siege in only nine days. Several additional swift victories led to Charles
VII's coronation at
Joan Rivers birthday:
Joan Alexandra Molinsky (born June 8, 1933), better known by her stage name
Joan Rivers, is an American television personality, comedian, writer,
film director,
She just started a new comedy show on television as well.
April 26, 2013
Posted by John J. Moser at 02:30:00 AM on April 26, 2013
more than 50 years in show business, comedian Joan Rivers says she found herself
being the unwitting center of attention at every dinner party — people
enthralled, and, of course, amused, by her stories.
That’s what led to Rivers doing “My Life in Show Business: 135 Years and
Counting,” a lecture tour that comes to Reading’s Sovereign Performing Arts
Center Friday and Wilkes-Barre’s F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts
In a recent call from Los Angeles, Rivers spoke about her busy life, her
stage lecture – and some celebrities, too.
She talks about starting her career in the late 1950s in a short-run play
called “Driftwood” in New York City’s Greenwich Village playing a lesbian with a
crush on a character played by a then-unknown Barbra Streisand.
And about working with Woody Allen and Bill Cosby and being “Tonight Show”
host Johnny Carson’s permanent guest host before a falling out over her getting
a competing talk show on the then-fledgling Fox network. And why her coarse
comedy as a guest on Barbara Walters’ ABC-TV morning show “The View” kept her
from a permanent seat.
What’s hard to figure is how Rivers has time to do the tour, with the success
of her WE Network TV show “Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?” and their E!
Network show “Fashion Police,” as well as a hit Internet series, “In Bed With
She’s also doing guest appearances on the new season of NBC-TV’s “Celebrity
Apprentice,” had a recent best-selling book (her 11th) and a Showtime special.
Here’s a transcript of the call:
RIVERS: “Hello”
LEHIGH VALLEY MUSIC: Hi, is this Joan?
“Yes it is. How are you? You’re right on time; that’s very good.”
[Laughs] Just fine thank you. Where are you? Where am I reaching you
“I’m staying in Melissa’s house in California, and I’m getting ready to go do
voice-overs for [the show] ‘Joan and Melissa,’ and also then do ‘Fashion
Oh, great. I won’t keep you too long.
“That’s fine. No problem.”
I’ll write a story to promote your show at Reading’s Sovereign center
on April 26.
“Very good. And I’m doing a lecture. It’s not stand-up. It’s like a lecture
on my life in show business.”
I read that. So tell me about that – what’s the difference and why
are you out on a lecture tour now?
“Well because every time you sit down at a dinner party and start telling
stories, people are always saying ‘That’s funny, that’s funny, that’s funny,
you should tell that story, you should write a book, blah, blah blah. So they
said, ‘You should go out and just tell all the stories going back to Barbara
Streisand in Greenwich Village and Woody Allen and Bill Cosby, and moving on to
Ed Sullivan and Carson, and the mix-up with Carson, and then going on to ‘The
View’ and why I wasn’t picked for ‘The View,’ and Barbara
Walters, and going up into modern day with Kelly and Regis – just stories. And,
of course, this whole thing now with late night wars – and with the morning
wars, now.
“So it just became a thing – go tell the stories. And it’s funny,
and it’s been very successful. Go figure.”
[Laughs] Well, it’s certainly something that interests me. So it’s
pretty much a retrospective?
“Well, it’s just stories about everybody. It’s gossip, and it’s funny – the
way ‘Fashion Police’ is funny. And it just tells about all the different things
and the people I met in the business.”
You know, just the fact that you are out on tour with so much already
going on just speaks to me of how hard a worker you are. And I’m just wondering
– why do you do it?
“Two reasons: One, I love the business. I love, love, love, love the
business. And two, in our business, you go when they want you. We’re a very
fickle business and at the moment I’m in a very good spot. And I love doing what
I do, so I’m taking advantage and enjoying it.”
I’m going to run through just a couple of things that you have been
doing lately and just get you to comment on them.
“Absolutely – whatever you want.”
Your latest book – it’s been out a little while, but …
“We’re in paperback now. We just hit the paperback.”
OK – it’s ‘I Hate Everyone, Starting With Me.’ Tell me how it came
about – why did you write another book?
“Well, I wanted to do a funny book. You know, all my books have been
autobiographical or self-help … I’ve done a lot in self-help. Melissa and I – my
daughter and I – we work very hard in suicide prevention and stuff. So I just
wanted something funny and silly. And everything is so politically correct today
[makings snoring sound]. I just wanted to write down what I really think
and say to my friends, and that’s how it started. Children on planes – you know,
old people in line in front of you at Costco who can’t remember their names.”
“And everything that just annoys me – expressions. You know [in a cheerful
voice] ‘My bad!’ Go f--- yourself, you know, I don’t want to hear that. [Laughs]
So that’s the kind of stuff. And the book was very successful.”
Yeah. To prepare for the interview, I read several reviews, and
pretty much every one of them starts out with, “This book is so offensive. But
it’s funny! And I can’t put it down.“
“Yeah, exactly. And that’s what it should be. Comedy should be very, very …
comedy should shake you up a little bit.”
Yeah. Another thing that you are working on: A YouTube series?
“Oh, yes. Called ‘In Bed with Joan.’”
Yeah, now tell me how that came about?
“That came through my reality show on WE-TV, ‘Joan and Melissa,’ I got very
upset one day because I was being censored for some morning show. And I said,
‘That’s it!’ That came out of the Costco [incident], where Costco wouldn’t carry
my book, ‘cause we did the word ‘bitch’ on the back. For god’s sakes. And I
said, ‘That’s it! I want to do a show which I’m in control of. So I said I’m
going to do something on the Internet, ‘cause the Internet is wide open. So I
started doing it – which Melissa is really thrilled about – out of my bedroom,
in Melissa’s house. She’s really happy with her whole life here [laughs].
“And it was so cute and funny on the show, we just moved it into a real show.
And so now it’s on the Internet every week. And all the
comics are coming over to do it – which I think is so wonderful. Nick Kroll,
Margaret Cho came by, Sarah Silverman. I mean, it’s an amazing group that
just said, ‘Yes, we’re coming.’ Jeff Ross – they’ve all been on the show
And then last fall, you had a new Showtime special.
“Yeah, I had a new Showtime special, and that was great, ‘cause I like to do
a special about every three years, when the material is new. George Carlin used
to do one every year, but all he did was work on it, you know? And my material
changes more slowly because I don’t spend full time on the act. And so that was
my third. I have another one coming up in two more years.”
With all that you do, was it your choice not to be on the “Celebrity
Apprentice” all-stars this
“Yeah. And it’s so cute: They wanted me to come back and do it, but … I won –
why would I want to come back – to lose?”
Rivers with Donald Trump, left, and Trump's wife
[Laughs] Yeah, good point.
“I said, ‘Uhhh,’ I won. Now I ‘m going to go on and lose? To Clay Aikin? You
know, or whomever. So I said no, and so Donald said, ‘Would you come and be a
judge?’ So I’m a judge on it four times this year. And I loved it. That side is
Yeah, you get to be the …
“Oh, it’s so much easier.”
Um, at this point in your career, you’ve reinvented yourself so many
times, I have to imagine you’re reaching the point – and maybe more that once
removed – where a generation knows you only as a reality TV star.
“And the younger ones know me only from ‘Fashion Police.’ And it’s wonderful.
It’s so exciting to be … ‘cause I feel very much a part of the current, totally
the current scene. I mean that’s totally what I talk about, what it’s all about.
And so I love it when people say, ‘Carson? And then they give you a look – like,
even who was Carson?”
Yeah, exactly.
“And that’s fine with me.”
Let me ask you how much, in the reality show with Melissa, how much
of it is actually real?
“A lot.”
Is it really?
“A lot more than a lot of the others. A lot of the others are so contrived,
and we truly – we go out and we find real life things happening, and hen work
around that. The only thing, we are very careful with [her grandson] Cooper. You
know, my grandson. We don’t need – we didn’t want a stage brat. And so if he
wants to be in the scene, he’s in the scene. If you don’t want to be in it,
you’re not in it. We’re not going to make you, ever ‘You have to do this,’ you
know? And that’s Melissa. Melissa’s an amazing mother.”
well. My only vantage point is as a viewer of the show, but what I see is what
you say: For someone who has lived most of her life in front of a camera,
Melissa seems to be very well adjusted as a mother.
“Yeah, and that goes – I have to say – to my husband [Laughs]. No, I think I
was a very good mother – she said humbly. But I do – I think I was a terrific
mother. As much as you can be.”
Rivers with her daughter, Melissa
Right, exactly. You mentioned the late night wars. Do you have
any thoughts – are you aware at all – about what’s going on with Jay Leno [the
call was before confirmation that Jimmy Fallon would take over the show in 2014,
and Leno was publicly criticizing NBC] and do you have any thoughts?
“Uh, I think Jay Leno should shut his mouth and say ‘Thank you’ to NBC for
taking him and giving him $500 million. I find this such ingratitude. He was an
opening-act comic. He got ‘The Tonight Show’ because – I was there – Garry
Shandling turned it down. Jay was not first choice. He campaigned to get it, and
he’s had some great life and some great run. Don’t start making terrible remarks
at the NBC people.”
Yeah, especially after he got the second chance after Conan.
“Exactly. You got it. I mean, I find this just … come on. How about you look
at your f-----g bank account.”
[Laughs] Yeah! Really … well, I’ll get off my soap box, but …
“No, stay on your soapbox – go ahead.”
Well, it’s like, come on, he’s had such fortune with that, he should
be walking away and smiling.
“Yes! Smiling and saying, ‘Thank you – where and what
previous life did I do good things that this life has been so terrific. He was a
very ordinary comic. He wasn’t Louis C.K. you know what I’m saying? Everyone
wasn’t talking about him. He was an ordinary comic and he got it because Garry
didn’t want it.
“And that’s the stuff I talk about on stage.”
Would it offend you if I asked you what it feels like looking at your
80th birthday coming up in a couple of months?
“No. It feels like nothing. I’m in very good health – great health. Nothing’s
going wrong – yet [Laughs]. So to me, I mention it all the time because I can’t
believe it.”
Nor I. I mean, I’ve watched you now for …
Yeah, I won’t say for how many years, and I can’t believe I’m as old
as I am, so ...
“And that’s exactly it. I think, ‘This is stupid.’ And so I mention it a lot,
because it’s so stupid. You know when you say to people, ‘I can’t believe it?’
It’s like, I’m king now. If they called you up and said, ‘You’re king now,’
you’d say ‘I’m king?! OK, that’s nice, I’m king. It means truly nothing. And my
manager, they all want to make a big deal out of it, and I just keep going,
‘This is so stupid!’
“You know, if the president is involved, why not?”
Are you and Adele having lunch today? [Rivers recently caused a stir
by calling singer Adele fat]
“Adele? [Laughs] Adele, America is overweight. Let’s start with that. Adele
is doing very well. She is heavy. It’s like the emperor’s new clothes. They get
made at me because I dare to say it’s not. Adele is fat. She’s a wonderful
singer, she’s a beautiful woman. She also lives in a castle now. I don’t think
Adele cares that Joan Rivers says she’s fat.”
6-11-13 - DREAM - I started cooking early in the morning, for a crowd of
people that grew larger during the day.
When I first got out the crock pot to make the chili or whatever it was I was
cooking, the pale colored crock pot was cracked and looked like it needed to be
repaired, but I had larger metal pots which I turned to next.
As the men gathered for a meeting during the day, they had clothing on, but
all the men had their shirts open and were bare chested, not that they were
necessarily doing it to show off their chests, but that it was hot outside.
I got the impression that everyone wanted to be naked - it was that hot.
While I was getting the ingredients together to cook with, I was using
Costantino tomatoes.... bright red can...
While I was cooking, I looked out the window and there were two very large
long haired orange cats sitting there, like they were smelling the air from my
cooking as well.
At the tip of Italy’s “boot” lies Calabria. It is a beautiful, mountainous
region populated by fishermen and small farmers. Rosetta Costantino grew up in
this rugged landscape—her father a shepherd and wine maker and her mother his
tireless assistant. When her family immigrated to California, they re-created a
little Calabria on their property, cooking with eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers
from their garden, fresh ricotta made from scratch, and pasta fashioned by hand.
A frugal people, Calabrians are master preservers, transforming fresh figs into
jam, canning fresh tuna in oil, and sun-drying peppers for the winter. Now
Rosetta shares her family’s story and introduces readers to the fiery simplicity
of Calabrian food. The first cookbook of a little-known region of Italy, My
Calabria celebrates the richness of the region’s landscape and the allure
of its cuisine.
Costantino's Kitchen is proud to offer our first pasta sauce. Combining
the sweet taste of tomatoes with the spiciness of great Italian basil, fresh
sautéed carrots, onions and garlic creates a wonderful depth of flavor and
sweetness. We use an old and treasured recipe that has been in the family for
four generations and make it the same way now as it was back in Italy.
San Costantino Calabro (Greek:
Aghios Konstantinos Kalavros) is
a commune
(municipality) in the
Province of Vibo Valentia in the
Italian region
located about 50 km southwest of
and about 4 km southwest of
Valentia. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 2,320 and an area
of 7.0 km².[1]
San Costantino Calabro borders the following municipalities:
San Gregorio d'Ippona.
I couldn't stop thinking the word volcano too:
It extends along the slopes of volcanic of Vulture and is
a large sub-area of
Basilicata ... His successor, Italy became farmers,
pastoralists, instituting the "
Syssitia". ... In 2009, Thomas Hauschild accompanied
the famous art historian
Hans Belting ..... Ruvo del Monte · San Chirico Nuovo · San
Chirico Raparo · San
Costantino ...
After the funds allocation of 2005 by the Italian Ministry
of Cultural Heritage and
the ... models, have been exhibited to the public at special
events since 2009. .... (
like in the cone-shaped baetylus of "Tamuli" and "San Costantino
di Sedilo", and
in ... by the proximity of Montiferru, a region that hosts an
ancient volcano, site of ...
Jan 6, 2013 ... T3.1 “Passive monitoring of Mt Etna
volcano to probe the upper atmosphere” by
Jelle. Assink, Alexis ... Costantino, Heinrich ....
results taken during the major
stratospheric warming of January 2009. ... Mount Etna,
Italy (37 N).
To connect with Ciao A Tutti (Italian Lessons), sign up
for Facebook today. ....
Etna is erupting again ... have a look at some beautiful pictures of
this amazing
volcano! .... Chiacchiere ( (Recipe adapted from
Rosetta Costantino) ..... and an
ex-government official charged with manslaughter over the 2009
Paolo Antonio Costantino Galli a,b,*, Jose´ Alfredo Naso a
Dipartimento della
Protezione .... P.A.C. Galli, J.A. Naso / Journal of
Structural Geology 31 (2009)
128–149. 129 ..... (partly coming from the Roccamonfina
volcano, and partly from.
Etna's 2002 eruption, photographed from the ISS.
... Mascali was rebuilt on a new
site, and its church contains the Italian fascist symbol of
the torch, ... 6 July 2009,
making this the longest flank eruption of Etna ...
Mt Etna Volcano, Italy - John Seach. ...
Mt Etna has the longest period of
documented eruptions in the world. Etna is noted for the
... 2009 Eruptions
Eruptions ...
Mar 6, 2013 ... Mount Etna, Europe's highest active
volcano sent plumes of ash and lava into the
night sky on the island of Sicily. ... registered increased
explosive activity by the
volcano, Italy's Civil Protection agency said. ...
15 Dec 2009 ...
Fall 2009. Eruptions of Mt. Etna.
Mt. Etna is the second largest active volcano in
It is the highest mountain in Italy south of the Alps. Etna
covers an area of 460 ...
Feb 20, 2013 ... Lava continues to spew from Mount Etna
in Sicily on Wednesday after an initial
eruption from its south-eastern crater.
Mar 10, 2011 ... The initial phases of the 2008–2009
Mount Etna eruption: A multidisciplinary
approach for hazard assessment. A. Bonaccorso,; A. Bonforte, ...
Deformation and eruptions at Mt. Etna (Italy):
A lesson from 15 years of
observations. Marco Neri1,; Francesco ... Article first
published online: 28 JAN
2009 ...
Mar 22, 2013 ... Repeating volcano-tectonic (VT)
earthquakes, taking place at Mt. Etna ...
earthquakes at Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy)
during 1999–2009 ...
6-12-13 - DREAM - It seems I was myself, but someone else who
looked like me.
This whole dream was dimly lit. It seems we were on a ranch
somewhere in the country.
I and another woman who looked a lot like me, but with shorter hair were
in love with the same man.
This scenario had music connected to it, and musicians, like Randy
Jackson (a black man) and a very tall thin white man with a lot of hair - rather
I was also blonde with shoulder length hair - the other woman was blonde
with ear length hair.
I seemed to be wearing a long coat, colored green and yellow tweed.
The coat was cinched at the waist, but flared out from there. I saw myself
in a reflection in the window talking to the other tall woman. We were
very much alike except for our hair.
All of a sudden, the other woman and the tall white man disappeared
together and I knew what they were doing without it being said. I felt
sad, but simultaneously okay with it because I wasn't available for some reason.
6-12-13 - DREAM - I was at work at a place that had Allis-Chalmers type
stuff, but was on the first floor.
My desk was green, and while I was out at lunch, a bunch of workmen came into
my office and moved everything into another office.
I didn't find it at first, but when I did I was very upset.
The workmen had moved my refrigerator and left it standing out in the
I saw Bob the Painter (he worked for me in Milwaukee at Juneau Village Garden
Apartments) He was coming out of the building and had his wife with him.
(He was divorced when he worked for me and his marriage long over)
He said he didn't have time to talk with me as we went out to his car, but
his wife turned out to be my new boss in the new office.
Another young woman was rummaging through all my stuff that was in the
drawers - pages I had been saving out of catalogs, etc.
When I talked with the older woman who was my new boss, I told her when I
discovered the mess the workmen had made, I had almost cried. I tried to make
myself seem very human and sympathetic to other people's circumstances, while
grateful to get my stuff back the other woman didn't want in the desk she was
going to use.
I told the woman how good a typist I was and she said, "Take a look at this!"
and she showed me a brochure she had created that was from a church she
had begun. Because I was a good typist and she was my new boss, she
automatically expected me to work on her church material.
I felt a little awestruck, embarrassed at bragging at how good a typist I
was, plus fearful that I couldn't live up to my bragging about how good I was.
Feeling a little fearful, I started to wake up, and saw my brother Marty
standing in front of me - his whole person, facing to the right - and underneath
him, were the words I AM A WALKIN - and then it changed to I AM right here!
6-13-13- DREAM - I was living in a small wooden house somewhere that had wrap
around porch and two doors into the livingroom.
I was with my small children (I don't know whose children - not really mine)
I don't recall what I was doing while I was watching the children, but the
radio was playing over by a window with nice music on with no words to it.
A little chubby girl came to one of the doors and asked to play with the
children. I recognize her as Angela, a little girl I knew in Washington
State, who was loud and obnoxious but her mother and I were friends and I was
stuck with her child then while her mother was doing something else of value.
Finally, the mother came to the door (not the real mother of Angela)
and she had some writing materials with her and said she was writing a book and
wanted to know if I wanted to hear some of it. (This woman was about 5 feet tall
with short dark hair, and I've dreamed of her before, but I don't know her name.
The closest I can come is the mother of one of my daughter's childhood friends,
but I can't remember her name either. She lived on the hill behind our
house. She became a local political expert with women voters.) (Her name
is Vera)
Latin Meaning:
The name Vera is a
Latin baby
name. In Latin the meaning of the name Vera is: Faith; true.
American Meaning:
The name Vera is an
baby name. In American the meaning of the name Vera is: True.
Russian Meaning:
The name Vera is a
Russian baby
name. In Russian the meaning of the name Vera is: True.
SoulUrge Number: 6
People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving
family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated.
Expression Number: 1
People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than
followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific
goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to
implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be
courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they
tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient.
I said, "Sure! I bet if you tell me who the characters are, we could
write totally different stories about the same characters."
She agreed, and moved over to the radio to turn it off so she could tell me
her story, and she broke off the tuning dial in the process so I could not only
not change the station in the future, the radio continued to play non-stop.
So, I pulled out the plug from the wall, and the music continued to play anyway
and I had no way to stop it, so she couldn't tell me her story.
The little chubby girl decided to take one of my kids pull toys outside, so I
followed her outside, and the little girl decided to pull it out into the
country and we went through a deep canyon that was grassy. I noticed now
that she had a little baby in the pull toy wagon, and the way the canyon went -
you could continue on through the bottom, or take the path that was a little
farther up on the side of the canyon. (The feeling of this grass - the
softness was similar to the brown chair I was sitting in while dreaming.)
As it went, I took the high path and the little girl took the low path, which
was not a good thing, so I decided to slide down the grass to get onto the low
path for the sake of the baby in the wagon, but as soon as I did, she came up to
the high path just as I started to slide down the grass.
By then, I couldn't stop myself and it was farther down than I expected it to
be, but the grass was soft and slowed my downward progress so it didn't hurt me.
But then the girl was on the high path and I was on the low path.
I somehow got separated from the girl and came to a house that was rather
like a pavilion for women to go to the bathroom.
Since I had to go to the bathroom by now anyway, I decided I would go pee as
long as I was there.
However, when I went into the bathroom, there was a long stall made by a
short piece of grey tarp about 5 feet tall, and when the young woman out from
behind the tarp, I went behind it, and there was no toilet. There was a
sink on one end - a small one - and a large Jacuzzi tub on the other end, and one
doesn't go pee in someone else's beautiful Jacuzzi, so I decided to use the sink.
As it happened, the sink was metal and removable, so I was able to take the
sink off the counter (I hate those new styles of sinks by the way) and I went to
pee in it and noticed I was wearing a bright yellow smock dress with tiny
flowers and leaves all over it. I had to take it off to pee so I wouldn't
get it wet, trying to pee into it.
Just then, another woman came in and saw the empty sink in my hands and took
it away from me so she could use it, and I woke up still needing to go pee.
NOTE: There are a lot of clues in this dream.
The Angel girl (Angela) loud and unstoppable.
The Author woman with a story to tell
The radio playing unstoppable music and the tuning not being able to be
stopped. See:
it's akin to ascension of consciousness and of earth which is universal (not
just earth)
The Baby (mother with child)
The High Road and the Low Road
The yellow dress (third chakra)
Needing to go pee: See:
- -
Similar to sing a new song - the tuning -
Dreams of the Great Earth Changes
7-29-02 - DREAM - I was sitting in a car with a
blond woman who was doing the driving. A dark haired girl we called Carol
was sitting in the back seat. A third ...
7-12-02 - Dream of the Tuning: Paul,
Michelle, and their 3 children were driving in their van and went to buy
'coffee' at 'Quick Carver'. As they left the parking lot, ... -
Similar to THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT - Dreams of the
Great Earth Changes
The number 888 comes up in the following dream about
the singers and the tuning. DREAM - THE SINGERS. 1-31-06 - When my
piano rehearsal was over, ...
Similar to 888 - 08-08-08 - Dreams of the Great
Earth Changes
The number 888 comes up in the following dream about
the singers and the tuning. DREAM - THE SINGERS. 1-31-06 - When my
piano rehearsal was over, ...
Similar to HAARP VS THE SUN - Dreams of the
Great Earth Changes
On Saturday - the day when there were 0 sunspots - the
dark forces of the Universe tried to force the tuning to occur and
failed. They were unable to do it.
Similar to A NEW IDEA - A DREAM - Dreams
of the Great Earth Changes
11-2-2000 - DREAM - I was in a large warehouse
type place. .... set is made up of two letter 'A's. The letter 'A' is
the central key on the piano used for tuning.
Similar to Crop Circles - Their Meaning and
Connections to Dreams
Dreams and coincidences and how they relate to
ancient symbols from myths and religions, are ... The Tuning
and Our Part In It ... Dee's dream and meditation) .
1-9-98 - DREAM: "I found myself riding a GREEN
BICYCLE very fast down a ... We provide the FINE TUNING TOOLS
& APPLY THE ENERGY to MOVE the bike.
Similar to GRID SHIFT AND ALIGNMENT - Dreams of
the Great Earth Changes
I woke up exactly at 7:21 a.m. the same numbers that were
noted throughout the dream. THE TUNING What its going to take to
be successful!!! Ps 33:3 Sing unto ...
Spirit Message 15 - THE TUNING
6 days ago ... 6-7-13 - DREAM - I was living
in a house with Joe's grandmother Zora. I had a tree with me by the name of
POWER, .... Dee Finney's blog February 8, 2012 page 131 GLOBAL
Apr 17, 2012 ... IT IS ABOUT THE TUNING,
2-19-`12 - DREAM - I ...
6-13-13 - VAGUE DREAM - This dream was vague and darkish - like a daytime
dream with no lights on in the room. The walls were all wood (like
paneling) I recall someone saying to me, "I thought you said you could
move at a moment's notice!" The number 8 keeps coming to me (August ?)
There was a man in the dream, but I don't know who it was.
I was having a strange dream about not having time to do a complete wash and
dry cycle of the baby's diapers at night. I was instructed to put them in
the washer at night. Sleep while they were washing. Take a shower
and put essential oils on my crotch. Put the baby diapers in the dryer to
finish the cycle while I got dressed for work.
My eyes popped open and I looked at the clock =- it was 4:32 a.m.
My eyes closed and another dream started promptly.
I was in the bedroom panicking about not being able to wash the baby diaper
cycle completely. The large television, though it didn't look like it was
on, was playing loud music like in the radio tuning dream of yesterday. I saw
that there was no knob or button to shut it off. I started to clean the heavy
dust off of the blonde furniture in the room, and I saw that the nail was coming
off of my left thumb.
I started to panic and the name St. Sylvester jumped into my mind.
I opened my eyes to wake up and it was exactly 6:00 a.m.
My eyes closed again and I completed the baby diaper drying cycle.
My eyes opened again and it was exactly 6:33 a.m.
and I knew I was done dreaming and got up.
Oddly enough, as I'm typing this dream, I looked at the clock above my
computer, and it's 6:20 a.m. (how is that possible?)
In the West, the liturgical feast of Saint Sylvester
is on 31 December, the day of his burial in the Catacomb of Priscilla. This
is the last day in the year and, ...
- -
Similar to St. Sylvester - Saints &
Angels - Catholic Online
St. Sylvester, born in Rome, was ordained
by Pope St. Marcellinus during the peace that preceded the persecutions of
Diocletian. He passed through those days ...
Similar to CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Pope Sylvester
I - New Advent
Pope St. Sylvester I (314-335). Date of birth
unknown; d. 31 December, 335. According to the "Liber pontificalis" (ed.
Duchesne, I, 170) he was the son of a ... -
Similar to Symbolism in Saint Thomas More
Chapel - St. Thomas More
Beside the saint is an owl, the symbol of Aristotle,
with a laurel branch pointing ... the hands, right index finger touching
left thumb, a symbol of accurate research. -
Similar to First Chakra: Mooladhara Chakra
Left thumb corresponds to Swadisthan, the chakra of
pure knowledge. .... He pointed to the role of symbolic forms such
as Mandala as expressions of the need ...
Similar to Codex Magica - 11 - Biblioteca
An X is an ancient symbol for change or
transformation.. .long associated in .... of the right hand
touches the left temple, and the left thumb the right temple...9.
This is the point where the next move would
logically be to move the left thumb to the tip of the left index
finger. There is a lot of symbolism in the 108 repetitions, ...
Jan 6, 2013 ... The syntax can be pretty much
anything; the symbols can be pretty much ... the machine head
of the G-string of $g$ twice, with one's left thumb.
It is a symbol that represents one note. This
symbol means that you use your left thumb to press down
the 5th string on the 7th Hui (dot) and use your right index ...
- -
Similar to The Benefit of Clergy Plea - Research -
Colonial Williamsburg
In open court, he marked the “Brawn of the left
Thumb” with an M for ... Whether or not branding became merely
symbolic as the eighteenth-century wore on is ...
- -
Similar to the zodiac is in your hand - Libra
Each of these fingers has three parts which
symbolize the three modes -cardinal, fixed, and ... Your right
thumb is the Sun and your left thumb is the Moon.
... naturally under the left thumb, thus
a Taiji symbol (diagram of cosmological scheme) is formed. This
etiquette interestingly combines the connotation of Taoism ...
- -
Similar to Human Genetics
It is believed this trait is caused by a recessive gene
(h), meaning (2) copies are ... hands, some people will always
place their left thumb on top while others will ...
Oct 11, 2011 ... There are philosophical martial
arts meaning about this practice: The left palm ... The left
thumb is slightly bent to mean that one should not be ...
... thumb is on top. Feels strange and
unnatural, doesn't it? Dominant (have it) __ Recessive (don't have it) ___.
Hand Clasping Left Thumb On Top Is Dominant ...
... intersect the fingers with the fingers,
coming like this, the right thumb on the left and the left thumb on
the right. ... That explains The meaning of the nine points ...
Similar in meaning to the Sanskrit word
'Namaste', the gesture is a symbol of ... extend upward with
the left thumb pressing into tip of the right middle finger.
Make the sign for COLOR; then rub with tip of right
index the small segment at upper end of left thumb nail, or point to
something white. WHITES (meaning: cap ...
nails become important factors as ... on that particular side,
depending on whether it is the right or the left thumb. ...
split nails, nails receding from the flesh - all have a
definite meaning and are of ...
... endowed with so many revolting symbols of
impurity and degradation, could ... a trice, Bhairava ripped off Brahmā's
guilty head with the nail of his left thumb.
Overflowing with anger, Shiva created a blazing Bhairava in human form,
addressing this Kâlabhairava as "Lord of Time-Death" (kâla)
for he shone like the god of Death: "You are called Bhairava because you are of
terrifying features and are capable of supporting the universe. You are called
Kâla-Bhairava, for even Time-Death is terrified of you." He ordered him to
chastise Brahmâ, promising him in return eternal suzerainty over his city of
Kâshî (Vârânasî), the cremation-ground of the Hindu universe, where final
emancipation is assured. In a trice, Bhairava ripped off Brahmâ's guilty head
with the nail of his
left thumb. Seeing this, the terrified
Vishnu eulogized Shiva and devotedly recited his sacred hymns, followed in this
by the repentant Brahmâ. Thereby they gained his protection by realizing and
acknowledging the supreme reality of Shiva. The severed head immediately stuck
to Bhairava's hand, where it remained in the form of the skull, destined to
serve as his insatiable begging-bowl. Enjoining him to honor Vishnu and
Brahmâ, Shiva then directed Bhairava to roam the world in this beggarly
condition to atone for the sin of Brahmanicide. "Show to the world the rite of
expiation for removing the sin of Brahmanicide. Beg for alms by resorting to the
penitential rite of the skull (kapâlavrata)."
Creating a maiden renowned as ‘Brahmanicide’ (brahmahatyâ),
Shiva instructed her to relentlessly follow Bhairava everywhere until he reached
the holy city of Kâshî to which she would have no access.
6-16-13 - DREAM - I had just moved into a second floor apartment that
was right above an apartment on the first floor that Daphne had just moved into.
I noticed that the floor of my apartment had very thick soft plush brown
We had a mutual friend, a black man by the name of David (his name means
David came upstairs wearing a heavy winter coat of a dark color and when he
sat down on the sofa next to me, I asked him if Daphne could hear me walking
around upstairs, and he said, "Yes! You do hurt her!" like he misunderstood what
I had said.
I was going to repeat what I had said when Daphne also came into the
apartment, also wearing a heavy winter coat of a similar dark color. She
said that she was missing so many things in her apartment and I was going to
offer her whatever she needed, and Daphne said that her angel contact had told
her that she tried to keep everything in one bubble, rather than allowing things
to be in their own bubbles. She mentioned her angel contact's name, but I
immediately forgot what it was.
While she talked to me, her face, though still human shaped, was changing
colors of gold, purple, pink, and yellow about half way over the right side of
her head like underneath her human shape, she was also an angel.
I woke up because Joe walked into the bedroom and made a noise with he door.
6-17-13 - DREAMS - I had multiple short dreams - I was female and I was
arguing with older, dark curly haired men over which Byzantine countries I
could or could not rule over.
(Lucrezia Borzia)
A TV show had been on which Joe and I watched her commit suicide at the end
over the body of her illegitimate brother (they were the children of Pope
6-17-13 - DREAM - This was really a nightmare. I was managing a large
apartment building - a place I had just moved into.
I really loved doing the work and meeting the people and finding them a
lovely a apartment they loved in turn.
I was in my own living room then, working on knitting a sweater of pink and
light grey yarn (I have one already done but the sleeves not sewed in yet) and
in the dream, I was missing a piece and put it on a soft covered living room
square chair until I got the last piece done. (That would probably be a sleeve)
Meanwhile, I got a phone call from a woman who said UPS had just brought her
a package that she didn't order. I told her that it was a scam and I'd
have UPS pick it up again. She needn't worry about it and she said,
A few minutes later, one of my own male tenants called about a similar issue
- his name was Paul (a previous boss of mine from A-C (Allis-Chalmers). He was
really mad about UPS bringing him a package he didn't order. I assured him
that I'd make UPS pick it up again. Paul lived on the highest floor in the
nicest apartment.
I had really fallen for the scam myself, so I owed it to these people to
clean up my own mistake.
Paul, then still angry, brought the package to my apartment, accompanied by
all the young men who worked in my maintenance department (some of these young
men actually are stars on TV soap operas I watch and are popular actors)
I then tried to find my husband who was upstairs somewhere. I ran to
find him to tell him we had to move because I was in big trouble, and when I
found him, he was with some of the maintenance guys and they were blowing fake
dust everywhere in the building to make it look like I wasn't doing my job.
When I confronted him about the fake dust everywhere, I asked him, "You don't
even want to move! Why are you doing this so I have to move?"
He just gave me an evil smile, and I knew then that he wanted the power for
himself to run the place and it wasn't going to be me!
When I realized that, I went back to my apartment to get my stuff together to
move, and while I was trying to get my things together, a small boy about three
years old (probably Jesus) came into the apartment to show me a small tree that
was held up by a copper tripod gadget of wide copper strips. He showed me
the little tree quickly and when I reached to take it from him to look at it
closer, he ran with it back to the apartment, where when I followed him fast,
the older dark haired woman who had constructed the copper tripod for the tree,
took and showed me that she was making more of them, and each one was equally
beautiful. They would be all brand new trees and everyone could have one
of their own.
I woke up then, feeling equally awestruck by the beautiful trees being
constructed by the women, and the off-putting thought that the men only wanted
power and were going to do whatever it took to get the women put out of their
NOTE: This also fits Lucrezia Borgia, whose father was Pope Alexander.
She was forced to marry a man she didn't love for political reasons, and she was
really in love with her own brother - another illegitimate child of Pope
Alexander. Pope Alexander had her captured from the palace where she
lived, and brought in a gilded cage to the Vatican where she was placed into
huge rooms to live in luxury but without her beloved brother.
At the end, her beloved brother confronted the man she had been forced to
marry and there was a sword fight and the brother died a few day later despite
everything the doctor could do to help him. When her brother died, she
took some poison out of hiding, which she had once tried to kill her own Father
the Pope with (it only made him sick) and she took more of it, and
committed suicide over the body of her beloved brother.
Lucrezia Borgia (1480 – 1519) was the illegitimate daughter of
Rodrigo Borgia and the younger sister of
Cesare Borgia. She was a member of the
Order, and later became the Duchess of
During her lifetime, Lucrezia was ruthlessly betrothed by her father twice
before her thirteenth birthday, in order to secure political alliances. She was
also rumored to have been sexually abused by her father and brothers.
Lucrezia later assisted Rodrigo and Cesare in their attempt to keep
Rome under
their control, mainly by monitoring the events that took place when her father
and brother were away or unavailable. She was also responsible for
Caterina Sforza, the Duchess of
when she was imprisoned in the
Castel Sant'Angelo.
Frank Cadogan
Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in
the Absence of Pope Alexander VI
© The estate of Frank Cadogan Cowper
Display caption
This is a re-creation of an obscure and
scandalous incident from the history of the Popes.
In 1501 the illegitimate daughter of Pope Alexander
VI, Lucrezia Borgia, took his place at a meeting.
Frank Cowper has invented this suggestive moment in
which two noblemen part Lucrezia’s dress so that a
Franciscan friar can kiss her shoe. The room in the
Vatican in which Lucrezia Borgia appeared still
exists. It was
decorated by the Italian Renaissance
artist Pinturrichio. Cowper went there to copy it
and painted the faces of the Cardinals from their
original portraits.
Pope Alexander VI (Latin: Alexander PP. VI, Italian:
Alessandro VI, or Alexander
Sextus), born Roderic Llançol i de Borja (Castilian Spanish: Rodrigo
Lanzol; ...
6-18-13 - DREAM - Joe and I moved into a country house with his son Michael.
While I sat out in car awaiting Joe to come back from an errand I went
through the chakra system five times, and the order of the colors was different
than I've ever experienced them before. There was no red or orange -
it used pitch black - and the spinning disc was the size of a toilet paper roll
in diameter. The colors were brilliant in color.
Besides the color, each one expressed a scene of some kind, none of which I
could bring with me, and I tried to repeat the scenes as well as the colors, the
scenes were not the same each time, and I cannot remember what any of them were.
However, when I got into the house with Michael, there was a newspaper
article flyer (like the Sunday paper has every week) but it was daily, also with
scenes about the earth changing in various places, and I knew I had to start
saving those.
But the most important thing was to do the chakras, using black instead of
red and orange, because it was more grounding and peaceful.
NOTE: I have 266 web pages explaining my visions while meditating on the
chakras and what I saw in the visions - too numerous to mention here, but I just
came across this page, which I had forgotten about as well.
It's about the secret of the chakras... which I said needs investigating.
6-18-13 - NAP DREAM - I was sitting in my meditation chair watching The
Bold and the Beautiful TV show and I got tired, paused the show with the remote,
and closed my eyes to rest them.
I found myself sitting in the chair in the same room but in another
dimension, but the room was not stacked with boxes like in real life, and I was
watching the TV just like I had been doing in real life.
The front window had a sliding opening in the lower half, and it opened and
the UPS man shoved a long box into the room, over the TV set, and past the
fireplace. It was a very long box.
The box opened up by itself, and out of the box came sliding what looked like
a chakra meditation from this morning's dream printed on a long piece of paper
and in between the chakra discs were the numbers of the chakras, with green
striations on the paper like it had slidden over wet grass and the paper was
twisted between each number as well like it had been folded in a special way to
keep each of the chakras separate from each other.
When that was done, some young men, who were like criminals came into the
room to steal something and as it happened, I was able to take a bottle of water
(my bottle says 1 pt .09 oz wt. on it) and I could hold it such that I could
throw it across the room like a baseball or bullet and hit the criminals in
their bodies and chase them out of the house.
I then went outside, and my husband and I got into the car and chased after
the criminals and we had a car chase and somehow I got ahead of them as I was
doing the driving, and when I reached the bottom of a hill, there was a noise
behind me, and the criminals were up on the hill, and I was at the bottom, and
the chakra winding sheet that had been in the living room was now stretched out
between me and them. The winding sheet was stretched out completely so
that I could pull myself back up the hill and save my husband from the
6-19-13 - DREAM - I was living in a very large house or apartment with
linoleum floors. I was in process of cleaning in advance of guests
arriving. There were some dark objects on the floor I had to sweep up (I'm
frequently the sweeper woman in dreams) There was also some dust and
objects on ledges built into the upper corners of the rooms I had to clean up.
There were several doors into this building and there was a group of young
men at each closed outside door like they were gatekeepers. I felt rather
intimidated by them though they didn't do anything specifically to make me feel
that way - its just that they were always there.
One of the men who arrived looked rather like Jerry Seinfeld who brought his
wife to work with me.
Before I talked to them, we all needed to go to the bathroom, and I had
enough bathrooms so that each person could go into their own bathroom, and this
Jerry Seinfeld guy kept following me and there didn't seem to be any doors on
the bathrooms, and he wasn't bothered by watching me, though I didn't like being
watched going to the bathroom, even though it was just to pee.
When I came out of the bathroom, this Jerry Seinfeld guy and his wife and I
were walking down the hall together and at that moment, my choice of topics was
developing a career path.
I began by telling them how I had started out on a career path in one
direction, and then by choice, broadened the scope of the skills I had because
otherwise, one can stray off into one direction or another on a career path that
actually takes you off the path you wanted to go in the beginning, and I used
wide hand gestures to show that one could actually get off the path by doing
6-19-13 - NAP DREAM - I went to dance class, and when we were in the
costume room, choosing our dance costumes, someone commented that Antonio Vega
and I had survived 8 years together dancing.
Both Antonio Vega and I, while circling each other on the dance floor while
conversing were both astounded to hear that there was anything to 'survive'
because we didn't have a bad relationship - we were just there at the same time,
neither one of us had a bad personality that we had to 'survive' each other as a
dancing partner.
The other students of dance were assigned various partner to dance with and
Antonio Vega and I just continued circling each other while this was going on -
still dumbfounded.
I then went outside, where it had been raining and out next to the parking
lot was a mess of dirt, rock, and puddles.
A little baby in a diaper sat near one of he puddles, and I decided to watch
him so he didn't go into a puddle, so to entertain him, I picked up handfuls of
rocks and debris and dropped them into a stream of water so the baby could watch
the rocks tumble down into the water, one after the other.
Posted by: andreamaser on: December 8, 2012 ...
Vega or Alpha Lyrae is the brightest star in the constellation
Lyra, and the fifth brightest star in the sky. ... sequence
star only 25.3 light years away, making it one of the closer stars
to Earth.
Resolving Vega and the inclination controversy with
J. D.
Monnier (1),
Xiao Che
Ming Zhao (2),
Ekstrom (3),
Maestro (4),
Aufdenberg (5),
Baron (1),
Georgy (6),
Kraus (1),
McAlister (7),
Pedretti (8),
Ridgway (9),
Sturmann (7),
Sturmann (7),
ten Brummelaar (7),
Thureau (10),
Turner (7),
P. G.
Tuthill (4) ((1) University of Michigan, (2) Penn State, (3) Geneva
Observatory, (4) U. Sydney, (5) Embry-Riddle, (6) Lyon, (7) CHARA, (8)
Scottish Association for Marine Science, (9) NOAO, (10) U. of St. Andrews)
(Submitted on 26 Nov 2012 (
last revised 27 Nov 2012 (this version, v2))
Abstract: Optical and infrared
interferometers definitively established that the photometric standard Vega
(alpha Lyrae) is a rapidly rotating star viewed nearly pole-on. Recent
independent spectroscopic analyses could not reconcile the inferred
inclination angle with the observed line profiles, preferring a larger
inclination. In order to resolve this controversy, we observed Vega using
the six-beam Michigan Infrared Combiner on the Center for High Angular
Resolution Astronomy Array. With our greater angular resolution and dense
(u,v)-coverage, we find Vega is rotating less rapidly and with a smaller
gravity darkening coefficient than previous Interferometric results. Our
models are compatible with low photospheric macroturbulence and also
consistent with the possible rotational period of ~0.71 days recently
reported based on magnetic field observations. Our updated evolutionary
analysis explicitly incorporates rapid rotation, finding Vega to have a mass
of 2.15+0.10_-0.15 Msun and an age 700-75+150 Myrs, substantially older than
previous estimates with errors dominated by lingering metallicity
uncertainties (Z=0.006+0.003-0.002).
Submission history
From: John D. Monnier
[v1] Mon, 26 Nov 2012
18:27:35 GMT (95kb)
[v2] Tue, 27 Nov 2012 01:46:01 GMT (95kb)
6-20-13 - MULTIPLE DREAMS - This was very short dreams, but saw them
multiple times.
A woman took a gun and shot at the sky and split it in half.
A second woman took a shotgun, aimed it at the corner of the sky (like in an
enclosed room) and hitting the spiral target right in the corner - split East from
NOTE: Apparently this woman was my friend Daphne, and she did a channeling
that used the same words I did in this dream, plus the word crystalline which I
dreamt earlier.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=f01ed1e89c0e71d9&biw=1280&bih=850
Mikki and I lived in the same apartment complex. I was the Manager, and
she was the tenant.
I lived in the front building facing East, and she lived in the back building
facing the courtyard, but also facing East.
We each had the best apartments in our respective buildings.
What I saw as a problem was that the building income of a third building was
going to have a shortfall, unless I could raise the income somehow by at least
10% or we would lose it all. I saw that building as colored green in a
diagram - a deep green.
I tried to think what I could add to the apartments in order to charge higher
rents - and all I could think of was gold faucets. That would make each
apartment look more valuable.
However, it was not up to me to make that decision, and it would take some
investment from someone to put in the new thing that would make it a better
place to live.
To do this, I decided to have our husband's have a meeting to discuss the
For some reason, when my husband was getting ready for the meeting, we had to
discuss the route he would take to get to the meeting because we were out in the
country living - not in the building itself. I described to him in detail,
which I could see in my mind, was to the take the freeway to the intersection
where there was a very high storm fence of silver diamond shapes and get off the
freeway at that point.
I knew what Mikki's husband looked like - (it was not Paul. It was a
dark-haired man who resembled a movie star or singer I've seen before.
NOTE: Joe and I tried to identify this movie star or singer, but
I was never certain who it was.
6-21-13 - DREAM - I was attempting to recreate a dream I had for my
friend Daphne's sake, but it turned out quite different.
I went to a church where Daphne attended and as it turned out I had also
gotten married in (a Catholic church). Daphne was there as well.
(I got married at St. John's Cathedral in Milwaukee, WI.)
As it turned out I sharpened a pencil to write down what happened in the
dream, and the pencil, when it sharpened, had red lead like the pencil of Bob
Woodward who writes the secrets of the government of Washington D.C. and I
somehow recreated three bright yellow chickens who flocked around me in the
church and at home, particularly after communion.
When the mass was over, I attempted to follow Daphne out of the church, but
was stopped by two dark-haired men who said they were relatives of my husband
and they had been at my wedding, and wanted to get to know me better.
However, I didn't recognize them, and all I wanted to do was quickly leave
and follow Daphne and tell her how recreating my dream had turned out with the
red pencil and the three bright yellow chickens. I was amazed even that
Bob Woodward's name was given to me because that was so important to know so I
could read what he had written.
NOTE: Bob Woodward's book 'Obama's Wars', uses the exact same wording
as in my dream, "Split East from West".
6-21-13 - NAP DREAM - I was in my car in a gas station on National Ave. in
New Berlin, WI.
I had ordered chicken from three different places in restaurants in New
Berlin, WI and needed to pick them up and take them home for a party.
The problem was, the traffic was so heavy on National Ave. in both
directions, and I needed to make a left turn through both lanes of traffic to
get to the first place I had ordered the chicken, and i just couldn't do it
because these big honking red and black trucks kept trying to get past me to get
into the gas station right where I was sitting in my car.
Finally, a really good looking guy stopped and said he would help me in my
woe and help me get the chickens. He managed to stop the traffic so
that I could make that left turn and get the first chicken, after that I could
just stop at the other two restaurants in a straight line and get home with
That being the case, I had to invite him to the party as well.
Now, back at home, I needed to use the bathroom, and I was unable to close
the door all the way and I could see into another bathroom where my daughter
was, and neither one of us could do what we needed to do.
Finally, my daughter came to the door and said my son Michael would fix the
problem, and within moments he did, and I was called back to the bathroom.
Michael had remodeled the bathroom, and made the tub into a sunken tub and
now the lip of the tub was at floor level just like the baths were at
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry and woke up.
Cairo, Egypt is much like
Alexandria in that the
history of Egypt during the
Greek period is much the same as the history of Alexandria. For Cairo, see:
Islamic Period
French Occupation Period
British Occupation Period
While the City of Cairo sprang from the foundations of a "recent" town, by
Egyptian historical standards, it is no wonder that this location developed the
foremost Egyptian city. With one of the few river crossings, the area around
Cairo was originally settled in Paleolithic times and later saw the development
of Neolithic trading communities.
Yet it was Menes, the legendary first King-God of the Dynastic period who
united upper and lower Egypt and established his capital at Memphis. While it
has been suggested that Memphis already existed upon Menes arrival, what is
known is that this city, with its ruins 15 miles south of current Cairo, was a
dominate influence throughout most of Egypt's Pharaonic history. Nearby Memphis
(nine miles north and on the opposite side of the Nile) was the contemporary
religious center of On located in the community the Greeks called Heliopolis,
not to be confused with the nearby modern suburb of Cairo by the same name.
In 525 BC, the invading Persians conquered Egypt and built a strategic fort
north of Memphis called Babylon-on-the-Nile. This was where the Persians
controlled Egypt until its capture by Alexander in 332 BC. During the Greek
period, the fort in Cairo held little importance, but after the Roman conquest,
it regained prominence as a stronghold because of its strategic location
guarding the Roman trade routes. The Roman general Trajan repaired the old Red
Sea Canal, originally built by the pharaohs, which allowed vessels to sail up
the Red Sea, turn west toward Babylon, and then down the Nile to the
During the Roman period, Babylon continued to be a dominant influence in the
region and a Christian community grew up around it, which was likewise a
prominent center of the new religion. It was here that St. Mark lived, and where
St. Peter sent his greetings from the sister church in Rome. But in the later
Roman period, the Coptic church of Egypt grew apart from most of the world's
Christianity. This split resulted in unrest and often persecution of the
Coptic's. Hence, when the Arab Muslims led by Amr arrived in 640 AD, Babylon was
an easy target and was captured after a disastrous battle for the Romans. Soon,
all of Egypt was in the hands of the Islamic Arabs.
Legend has it that when Amr departed the Babylon area to lay siege to
Alexandria, he left his tent standing in the tent camp next to Babylon. Upon his
return, the tent was still standing and a dove had built a nest in it. So it was
here that Amr built his Mosque, the first in Egypt, and around the Mosque,
Fustat or al-Fustat al-Misr (the Camp of Egypt), the City of the Tents and the
original Muslim capital of Egypt grew up from his original tent encampment to
finally become Cairo. This encampment was divided into khittat, or districts
which originally divided the various Arab tribes which made up Amr's army.
Throughout ancient times, Egypt has been one of the most important trade
routes for the world and so it was from that, just as the archaic cities which
proceeded Fustat, this new city also prospered from all manner of goods which
where transshipped to wealthy markets in Europe. They also developed their own
markets in spices, textiles and perfumes which were legendary throughout the
world. Beginning as a haphazard conglomeration of tents and huts, Fustat grew
into a sophisticated commercial center where its residents enjoyed great wealth.
They built high rise houses with rooftop gardens, public baths modeled from the
Romans (but smaller, earning the name al-hammamat al-far, or mouse baths). Their
architecture grew in both splendor and magnitude, and they even built covered
streets to protect themselves from the sun.
Read more: COCKS
Jesus said to him, "Truly I say to you that this
very night, before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three
times." King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Jesus said ...
Then he began to invoke a curse on himself and
to swear, “I do not know the man . ... and to swear --
'I have not known the man;' and immediately did a cock crow,
... It is forbid, by a Jewish canon, to keep cocks at
Jerusalem; it runs thus (c):.
[ More results from ]
The gospels Matthew, Luke and John record it
as Peter denying Jesus three times ... there has been certain
text in modern translations of the Bible that are absent or have
... as Cicero wrote: “Is there any time, night or day, that
cocks do not crow?
Oct 11, 2011 ... A cock's crow can be
heard from a long distance, depending on ... As well, based on
Matthew 26, Peter was in the courtyard of the High Priest.
Q: In Matthew 26:34, Jesus tells Peter that
before the cock crows, Peter will deny him three times.
..... Do they indicate, as some critics charge, that the
Bible is not from God? Absolutely not! .... Were there
multiple cocks?
6-22-13 - CLEAR LAKE, CA - Clear Lake was on TV last night - where Joe is
going for a birthday party today with his sons and family. They are going
to sleep on the floor on blankets. Something for kids - not for me.
DREAM - I went to Clear Lake for a gathering of some kind, and met a
man I really liked a lot. It wasn't long before we were on the couch
smooching with each other.
After some conversation we had with each other about whether we could have a
relationship or not, he said that he needed to live by the water, and I said I
needed to live on the Mountain, (meaning Sonora, CA), so we knew we couldn't
have a serious relationship - just a friendship - or even friendship with
benefits from time to time, and that would be it.
Probably a good thing I'm not going to this party. :-(
I was standing by a car with a lot of guys around it and they were all
drinking beer from tall large yellow glasses and getting drunk.
NOTE: After Joe got home and told me about the party which was a
combination 40 yr old surprise birthday party and family reunion of his ex-wife,
drinking and getting drunk was the theme of the party from what I was told by
6-23-13 - DREAM - this was very brief - at the party, there were 12 brides
dressed in white bridal gowns.
Rabbi Bob Rubenking:
I look and I am grieved
by some of the things I
see within and around
the Messianic Community
of this time. The
pseudo-Christian cults
are trying to infiltrate
the Biblical Covenant
Community, and some
within the Community of
Faith get upset and say,
"So what! If they desire
to be part of our
Fellowships, then let
them!" And that breaks
my heart, because I know
that they are not here
to learn but to
indoctrinate. And then
we have others within
the Community of Faith
who practice separatism
to the extreme, not
allowing any opinions
within their cliques
that do not agree fully
with their perspectives
on things. And that
breaks my heart, because
I know that if the
Sheliychiym (Apostles)
had done the same thing
in Acts 15, those very
same people would not be
allowed within the
Assembly for fellowship
and worship.
And since I have already
commented on the
infiltration of the
pseudo-Christian cults,
within the article,
"Warning! Cults Ahead!
Proceed with Caution!",
I will not spend any
more time on that
subject at this time.
However, separatism is
another subject.
Separatism can be
justified and it can be
unjust, depending on
whether one is truly
standing on Biblical
grounds. Those who have
Scriptural grounds for
Excommunicating an
individual or group from
their Fellowship do so
according to Scriptural
guidelines. But those
who exclude others from
their social circles,
simply because they do
not agree with one or
more of their opinions
or practices, do not
have justifiable reasons
for doing so.
Recently, I found myself
in a group of people who
automatically exclude
anyone who believes or
teaches the "Two House"
doctrine, and I was
grieved and moved to
take it up with the
group leader. And while
I accept many of the
premises of Two House
teachings as being
nevertheless, I cannot
be classified as a
follower of such. And I
told this person (in so
many words) that I
cannot take sides in
this debate.
I see Scriptural
evidence on both sides
of the issue. And I
firmly believe that
whenever there appears
to be a contradiction in
Scripture, one must
**always** take a step
back and seek to discern
how it is possible for
both sides to coexist
without conflict. The
ALMIGHTY does not lie,
nor does HE make
mistakes. Therefore,
those who are Two House
and those who are not
must learn to find
common ground, because
neither side has
Scriptural grounds for
1) The Two Houses of
* In Gen. 32, Ya'aqov
(Jacob) splits his
family into Two Camps.
* In Exod. 12:38, we
find that YHWH led forth
the Beney-Yisra'eil
(Children of Israel) --
a Mixed Multitude of
Hebrew and Gentile
together -- from out of
the House of Bondage.
And the Greater Exodus
(Ingathering of the
Elect) speaks to this
occurring again, but on
a larger scale, in the
End times.
* In Jer. ch. 3, and in
ch. 31, the Prophet
Yirmeyahu writes of Two
Houses, Yehudah (Judah)
and Yisra'eil (Israel).
* In Ezek. 37, the
Prophet Yechezq'eil
writes of Two Sticks,
the House of Yehudah and
the House of Yisra'eil,
being joined together in
his hand.
* In Mal., the Prophet
Mal'akhiy writes of the
Parents being reunited
with the Children.
* In the Gospel of
Yochanan, MESSIAH states
that HE has sheep of
another flock, and both
flocks shall be united
into one.
* In Acts, the
Sheliychiym (Apostles)
determine that Christian
Converts, being Gentile
(Goy) by birth, can be
welcomed into the
Fellowship with the
Jewish Believers, even
though they are not yet
Circumcised of flesh,
because the RUACH
will Guide them into
Torah observance, one
step at a time, in HIS
OWN Timing.
* In Rom. 11, Rabbi
Sha'ul (the Apostle
Paul) writes of two
groups, the Natural
Branches and the Wild
Branches, making up the
Covenant Community of
* In Rom. 15, Rabbi
Sha'ul writes of the
Christian Converts being
welcomed into Fellowship
by the Covenant Peoples
* In Eph. 2, Rabbi
Sha'ul writes of the
Christian Coverts being
welcomed into the
Commonwealth of
And all of these
passages give
credibility to the Two
House teachings... But
then we have two other
sides of the issue...
2) Yehudiy (Jewish): It
is not just a Tribal
Identity but a Spiritual
Identity by way of
Spiritual Rebirth and
* The Prophet Yesha'yahu
(Isaiah) writes and
tells us that MESSIAH,
the KING of the Jews, is
FATHER), implying that
HIS Genealogy is ours by
way of Spiritual
* And this is given more
credibility by way of
the Genealogies within
the Gospels of
Mattityahu (Matthew) and
* In Acts, we are told
that Rabbi Sha'ul is
Jewish, even though he
is from the Tribe of
Benyamin (Benjamin).
* In Rom. 2, Rabbi
Sha'ul clearly states
that we are all Yehudiym
(Jews) if we are truly
Circumcised of heart...
3) YHWH took Twelve
Brides to Wed at the
foot of Mount Choreiv in
the Wilderness of Siynay
(northwestern Saudi
Arabia), assimilating
the Converts/Proselytes
into the Covenant
* And in Rev. we find
that YHWH will Restore
HIS Twelve Brides,
assimilating Christian
Converts, into them, at
the Gates of the Eternal
Therefore, the only
thing that is 100%
certain is that there
will be no Dung Gate in
the Outer Walls of the
Eternal City for through
which Goyim (Gentiles;
pagans) may enter.
Everyone who enters must
identify with one of the
Twelve Tribes.
Anyone who is Two House
has no Scriptural
grounds to Excommunicate
others who are not, and
those who are not Two
House have no Scriptural
grounds for
Excommunicating those
who are...
Let us, then, stop
fighting among ourselves
and learn to get
6-23-13- NAP DREAM - I was at home with my son Joseph, and he had
been invited to a birthday party and we were expected to pay 1/12th of the price
of a Barbie Doll Bride for the birthday gift.
At Target, the price is $19.99 and this is a very plain bridal dress.
The groom doll costs $12.97
A very fancy Princess bridal gown costs $297.00
Bride price, also known as bride wealth, bride token, is
an amount of money
or property
or wealth paid
by the groom or his family to the
parents of a
woman upon the
marriage of their daughter to the groom. (Compare
dowry, which is
paid to the groom, or used by the bride to help establish the new household, and
dower, which is
property settled on the bride herself by the groom at the time of marriage.) The
agreed bride price may or may not be intended to reflect the perceived value of
the girl or young woman.
The same culture may simultaneously practice both dowry and bride price. Many
cultures practiced bride price prior to existing records.
anthropological literature, bride price has often been explained in
market terms,
as payment made in exchange for the bride's family's loss of her labor and
fertility within her kin group.[citation
The bride price may be seen as related to present-day customs of
for the wife in the event of the breakup of marriage, and family maintenance in
the event of the husband not providing adequately for the wife in his
will. Another function performed by the amount was to provide a disincentive
for the husband to divorce his wife: he would need to have a certain amount to
be able to pay to the wife.
evolutionary psychology explanation for dowry and bride price is that bride
price is common in
polygynous societies which have a relative scarcity of available women. In
monogamous societies where women have little personal wealth dowry is
instead common since there is a relative scarcity of wealthy men who can choose
from many potential women when marrying.
Ancient Mesopotamia[edit]
Code of Hammurabi mentions bride price in various laws as an established
custom. It is not the payment of the bride price that is prescribed, but the
regulation of various aspects:
- a man who paid the bride price but looked for another bride would not
get a refund, but he would if the father of the bride refused the match
- if a wife died without sons, her father was entitled to the return of
her dowry, minus the value of the bride price[citation
Jewish tradition[edit]
Hebrew Bible mention the practice of paying a bride price to the father of a
minor girl. The practice of the bride price is referred to in the
Bible, in the
Exodus 22:16–17 says:
- If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps
with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. If her
father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the
bride-price for virgins.
Deuteronomy 22:28–29 similarly states:
- If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and
rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty
shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can
never divorce her as long as he lives.
In the Jewish tradition, the rabbis in ancient times insisted on the marriage
couple's entering into a marriage contract, called a
The ketubah provided for an amount to be paid by the husband in the event
of a
divorce or by his estate in the event of his death. This amount was a
replacement of the biblical
dower or bride
price, which was payable at the time of the marriage by the groom.
This innovation came about because the bride price created a major social
problem: many young prospective husbands could not raise the amount at the time
when they would normally be expected to marry. So, to enable these young men to
marry, the rabbis, in effect, delayed the time that the amount would be payable,
when they would be more likely to have the sum. It may also be noted that both
the dower and the ketubah amounts served the same purpose: the protection
for the wife should her support (either by death or divorce) cease. The only
difference between the two systems was the timing of the payment.
Ancient Greece
Some of the marriage settlements mentioned in the
Iliad and
suggest that bride-price was a custom of
Homeric society. The language used for various marriage transactions,
however, may blur distinctions between bride-price and dowry, and a third
practice called "indirect dowry," whereby the groom hands over property to the
bride which is then used to establish the new household. "Homeric society" is a
fictional construct involving
legendary figures and deities, though drawing on the historical customs of
various times and places in the Greek world. At the time when the
Homeric epics were composed, "primitive" practices such as bride-price and
were no longer part of Greek society; mentions of them preserve, if they have a
historical basis at all, customs dating from the
Age of Migrations (ca. 1200–1000 BC) and the two centuries following.
In the Iliad,
Achilles that he can take a bride without paying the bride-price (Greek
hednon), instead receiving a dowry (pherne).[
In the Odyssey, the least arguable references to bride-price are in the
marriage settlements for
Ctimene, the
sister of
Odysseus; Pero,
the daughter of
Neleus, who demanded cattle for her; and the goddess
herself, whose husband
threatens to make her father
Zeus return the
bride-price given for her, because she was adulterous. It is possible that the
Homeric "bride-price" is part of a
reciprocal exchange of gifts between the prospective husband and the bride's
father, but while gift exchange is a fundamental practice of aristocratic
friendship and hospitality, it occurs rarely, if at all, in connection with
marriage arrangements.
"When a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged to
be married and has sexual relations with her, he must pay her bride
price, and she is to become his wife.
(Genesis 34:12); The "Bride Price": The
bride price was usually set at 50 ... This is seen in the
fact that although Mary and Joseph were betrothed, they had
never ...
In Bible times, Jewish marriage customs
regarding a couple's engagement were far ... A contract was
prepared in which the groom's parents paid a bride price.
Rachel: Bible ... at the end of the
week of the wedding feast, on the proviso that Jacob work another seven
years to pay off a second bride price
(Gen 29:15–30).
This can be seen in the case of Joseph and
Mary (Matthew 1:19), where Joseph upon ... The bride
price is set by the woman's father and paid by the bridegroom.
Bible verses about Virginity Before
Marriage. ... If her father utterly refuses to give her to him,
he shall pay money equal to the bride-price for virgins.
Similar to When a Virgin Gave Birth - Bible
By taking her to court, Joseph could have
impounded her dowry-the total assets she brought into the marriage-and
perhaps recouped the bride price if he had ...
Islamic law
Islamic law commands a groom to give the bride a gift called a
Mahr prior to the
consummation of the marriage. A mahr differs from the standard meaning of
bride-price in that it is not to the family of the bride, but to the wife to
keep for herself; it is thus more accurately described as a
dower. In the
Qur'an, it is mentioned in chapter 4,
verse 4 as follows:
And give to the women (whom you marry) their
[obligatory bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of
marriage] with a good heart; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit
any part of it to you, take it and enjoy it without fear of any harm (as
Allah has made it lawful).
Islamic law considers it
haraam for a
husband, the groom's family or the bride's family to take the mahr of the bride
without her willful decision. However, in many parts of the Muslim world, this
aspect of Islamic law is overlooked in favor of practices that more closely
align with pre-Islamic or extra-Islamic cultural norms.
Morning gifts
Morning gifts, which might be arranged by the bride's father rather than the
bride, are given to the bride herself. The name derives from the Germanic tribal
custom of giving them the morning after the wedding night. The woman might have
control of this morning gift during the lifetime of her husband, but is entitled
to it when widowed. If the amount of her inheritance is settled by law rather
than agreement, it may be called
dower. Depending
on legal systems and the exact arrangement, she may not be entitled to dispose
of it after her death, and may lose the property if she remarries. Morning gifts
were preserved for many centuries in
morganatic marriage, a union where the wife's inferior social status was
held to prohibit her children from inheriting a noble's titles or estates. In
this case, the morning gift would support the wife and children. Another legal
provision for widowhood was
in which property, often land, would be held in joint tenancy, so that it would
automatically go to the widow on her husband's death.
The tradition today
The tradition of giving bride price is still practiced in many
Asian countries,
parts of Africa
and in some
Pacific Island societies, notably those in
. The amount changing hands may range from a token to continue the traditional
ritual, to many
thousands of US dollars in some Thai marriages, and as much as a $100,000 in
exceptionally large bride prices in parts of
Papua New Guinea where bride price is customary. In some cultures, mostly in
Central Africa and parts of inner Mongolia, it is not uncommon to see brides
priced by weight.
6-24-13 - 6:30 a.m.
I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and couldn't remember dreaming. I knew that
today was Monday and that my friend Mikki was busy on Monday's and Fridays and
never called me on those days, so there was no reason that I had to get up and
be alert right then, so I just lay there and gradually it drifted down into my
physical consciousness that I had had a dream about my friend Donna and that we
had discussed how to think.
In that dream, I could see not only her, but I could see her words in the air
in large cursive writing that we learned in school after we learned to read and
write big block letters in first grade.
The words she was writing was a statement, very disjointed, but about The
Great Walenda, who I heard about on television last night, who was asked about
not being afraid to die when he walked the high wire, and he said he didn't
think about dying because he believed you only died when it was your time to
die, or you would live your whole life just waiting to die.
He did eventually fall to his death, but his family carries on doing the same
thing without him by their side, and they don't worry about dying either.
We studied penmanship so that every word we wrote, we wrote carefully so that
all the letters and words were identical in shape and size and easy to read and
very plain.
Later on I discovered that people didn't always write like that and when I
saw someone else's writing and there was a Capital letter I admired, I would
practice writing it until I made it my own.
Later on then, I discovered graphology and that the way people wrote had
meanings of the way they thought was how they made the words and letters and
word structure and the size of the letters and whether the words and letters
were attached to each other or not, the slant of the writing on the paper, all
that had meaning.
My own handwriting changed over the years and I discovered that my paternal
Aunt Mayron had handwriting that only I could decipher and I treasured getting
her letters that only I could read.
My own handwriting was changing over the years and finally no one could read
my writing either and I either had to carefully fake my own writing or type
everything because I couldn't even read my own writing when I looked at it weeks
or months later in my dream journals.
Now I type everything as my personal handwriting is a tangled mess even its
carefully written.
I gradually went into another dream in my apartment building where I lived
with my friend Susy.
Susy had a big problem as everything she touched broke.
At first I noticed that there were some cardboard boxes the size of shoe boxes
and they flew up into the closet and stuck there like they had large magnets in
The only thing available to get the boxes back down was a wicker stool three
feet tall and I discovered that the wicker seat was not even attached to the
legs of the stool that were wired together, so it wasn't safe to use and decided
to throw it away.
Susy said she didn't know what to do that day because she couldn't think of
I told her that I used to listen to radio shows on educational radio stations
that taught people how to think and each day they had a different topic and your
own mind expanded by listening to how other people thought about things.
After I decided to throw away the broken wicker stool, I went out into the
hallway to inspect the apartment building, and discovered that at every entrance
there were big bunches of fuzz gathering like dust bolls one finds under their
beds - gathering from the bedding in tiny threads that come together in a big
I wondered why the cleaning people had not swept them up.
I walked down a side hallway to check the doors on the far side of the
building, and discovered that the doors to the apartments on that hallway were
open and there were people inside giving lessons in raising consciousness.
In one of the apartment, there was a Hindu man teaching a chubby Caucasian
woman how to raise the tone of her voice in a higher range to make it sound
better. I listened to him toning to her so she could copy him, and when he
saw me watching and paused, I just said, "Beautiful!" and moved on.
In the next apartment, a young man was sitting outside his doorway at a
school desk.
I wondered if he was the hall monitor, so I asked him that question, and he
answered, "No! There is no school today, so I thought I would put my desk
out into the hallway like I am the hall monitor to make sure people don't do
anything they shouldn't. "
I didn't have a problem with that, so I let him just sit there without
telling him what else he might be doing when he wasn't in school. After
all, school isn't the only place that people can learn things.
There are wonderful places to learn - one of them is from people watching ...
and of course there are fabulous libraries everywhere where people can read
books from every generation in the past - and I still find it appalling
that the Library at Alexandra was burned to the ground... it makes me sick to
even think of it.
But now, we can purchase books by all kinds of people who have taken the time
to write them in hopes of making money by selling their words, but also hoping
to educate others.
I sometimes feel guilty for buying so many books I don't have time to read
them myself, but I use them for research so I can write words of my own, and I
do, and the internet has become a wonderful place to do research and find out
how other people think on every imaginable topic one can even think of.
In fact, there are experts in thinking, geniuses who teach others how to
think - like Win Wenger - my new favorite thinker.
6-26-13 - DREAM - I was a mall where a group of men were brought from
prison (including my husband Ed) and were being shown how to get along in the
outside world after being gone so long.
I was there with my green purse on a long golden chain, waiting for him to be
done with his class so I could take him to lunch.
While they were going through their class, I met a young woman who was
carrying a little baby who had been recently born. I thought perhaps she
was waiting for one of those men to be released as well.
On the spur of the moment, I decided to ask her to go to lunch with me and
when she walked out of the mall onto the sidewalk, I chased after her, and she
knew me from seeing me walking around, so I called her, "Hey! Would you
like to go to lunch with me across the street?" and waved my hand toward
the other side of the street to indicate where we could find something to eat,
and after seeing a couple stores that advertised food, I saw, "Burger King"
across the street, and I said to her, "It'll be my treat!"
She looked tired, and carrying the baby, she said, "Sure! I'll meet you
over there.!"
She started to cross the street to go to "Burger King", I looked down to my
purse and it wasn't there.
I then started to think maybe I had put it down to look at something in the
store, but now that I was outside, I couldn't remember which store I had come
out of.
The stores were closing down and turning off their lights even though it was
around noon, and I couldn't find my purse in any of them.
I then met a young man on the street, and he had heard me invite the woman to
lunch, and now I running around like a chicken with my head cut off, looking for
my purse, and thought about what she would think if I invited this guy to lunch
also, when I had just been going to show up with my husband.
The man sat down on a stool or something outside the store, and he said,
"I'm not perfect!" and I replied, "I'm not gold either."

6-26-13 - VISION - Joe went into the bedroom and shut the door.
I was sitting in my meditation chair with my eyes closed.
I saw the bedroom door and in the center, it had the number 8 on it.
6-27-13 - DREAM - I would venture to say that I was onboard a space
craft of some kind. It seemed to be a Saturday, and on this day of the
week, classes were held about star systems.
One woman gave me a $200,000 bill to have one of the books I had.
All the books in this library were loose leaf binders that were about 5 x 7
inches to which pages were added from time to time as new information was
learned about the star systems.
The one I coveted I saw was named Omega and the reason was that i could see
bright light coming from the top of it.
The women I met, some of whom had a child with them, had straight blonde hair
shoulder length, and I knew mine was cut the same.
I recognized the men from television shows I've seen.

Millions of Stars in Omega Centauri
Image Credit &
Gordon Mandell
Explanation: Featured in
this sharp telescopic image, globular star cluster
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) is some 15,000 light-years away. Some 150
light-years in diameter, the cluster is
packed with about 10
million stars much older than the Sun.
Omega Cen is the largest of 200 or so known
globular clusters
that roam the
of our Milky Way galaxy. Though most star clusters consist of stars with the
same age and composition, the enigmatic Omega Cen exhibits the presence of
different stellar populations with
a spread of ages and chemical abundances. In fact,
Omega Cen may be
the remnant core of a small galaxy merging with the Milky Way.
6-28-13 - DREAM "There is no more sign of Father Donovan" (a
chubby priest), Philip Burley, and Jack Abbott from the Young and the
Restless, Daphne K, and myself.
A previous dream had Daphne and myself in it, and as soon as I recognized it
was Daphne K, the whole dream was yanked out of my mind.
In the Father Donovan dream, he was teaching us something, and Jack Abbott,
Philip Burley (an old family friend of Joe and I ) and I were following him
around a very large dining room table, leaving tire tracks as we left the room
through what looked like spaghetti? piles in the doorway... we all went to the
bathroom to get ready to go home.
I was wrapped in a beige blanket, which felt very warm, and when it was my
turn to use the bathroom stall, Jack Abbott came out of one stall on the right,
a tall woman came out of the stall I was going to use, so I wrapped my warm
blanket around the half dressed Philip Burley, and Jack Abbott, also wrapped in
a beige blanket at that point stood and talked, and Philip said to Jack, "There
is no more sign of Father Donovan".
Outside of that I can't remember anything except a tall Christmas tree (with
no decorations on it) somewhere in the diningroom near the large dark brown oval
This news article refers to Mission Dolores in San Francisco and Father

Father James Donovan died in 2010
S.F. accuses church of dodging taxes
Marisa Lagos, Chronicle Staff Writer
Published 4:00 am,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
San Francisco's tax assessor believes the Archdiocese of San Francisco has
moved the ownership of various assets to a new nonprofit organization in order
to shield the properties from being seized or sold for potential
lawsuit payouts.
Yet the church has refused to pay the taxes for transferring the 232
properties, Assessor-Recorder Phil
Ting said. The tax bill, which the church has appealed, could reach $15
million - one of the largest in city history.
Both sides agree that the year-long battle, which will come to a head at a
June 16 appeals hearing, isn't only about the millions of dollars at stake for
the local
Catholic Church and city coffers. It could also have wide-ranging
implications for hundreds of other nonprofit groups.
Nonprofits are exempt from property and federal income taxes but subject to
property transfer taxes, which are collected if they sell or
transfer properties.
At issue is whether the church, in moving those San Francisco properties from
one Catholic nonprofit organization to another, was transferring the assets to a
separate entity, as the city argues, or simply undergoing internal
reorganization, as the church contends.
The properties in question include some of the diocese's most famous, such as
Mission Dolores, Old St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Francis of Assisi, as well
empty lots and commercial land throughout the city.
At the upcoming hearing, Ting plans to argue that the church moved 233
properties into a new nonprofit created expressly to protect the archdiocese
from losing those assets.
The diocese has sold other properties in recent years to help pay out more
than $40 million in settlements related to dozens of sexual abuse lawsuits, but
church officials strongly rejected Ting's accusation.
Archdiocese spokesman
Maurice Healy said any past litigation is not germane to the tax issue and
that the argument is "beneath" Ting and "shames the city of San Francisco."
Ting, however, compared the practice to a private business creating a limited
liability company or corporation in order to protect owners from bankruptcy or
other legal judgments. He said the move is completely legal but that the church
cannot have the asset protection and also escape the tax bill.
"They claim this is a mere reorganization, but those are usually cosmetic - a
company changing its name but the owners all staying the same," Ting said. "This
is not the situation. They have a different set of board of directors, members,
controls. In our opinion, this isn't just a change - these are separate
legal organizations.
"I don't care what their motivation is, but if they want separate legal
entities they have achieved it and by achieving it they also owe the city and
county of San Francisco a transfer tax," he said.
In an e-mail statement, Archbishop
George H. Niederauer argued that the reorganization is aimed at establishing
"simple ownership models" that "clearly distinguish the canonical assets of the
parishes and schools from those of the Archdiocese in general." He also wrote
that counties throughout the state have allowed similar reorganizations.
"This is a self-admitted cash-strapped recorder, and we think he is
misinterpreting transfer tax law and infringes on religious organization's right
to reorganize themselves," Healy said.
But Ting pointed to a letter written by Niederauer in 2007 that stated that
the restructuring of the San Francisco dioceses and others throughout the
country is in response to "issues raised by the civil courts over the past
several years."
There was also a 2007 story in a church-sponsored newspaper, California
Catholic Daily, that clearly states the changes are aimed at protecting "parish
and parochial school assets from being used to pay court settlements." The story
goes on to note that the question of property has been a "contested issue" since
Boston Archdiocese sold off millions of dollars worth of parish properties
in 2004 to help pay its sex-abuse settlements.
UC Berkeley assistant law professor
David Gamage said cases such as this one are not as clear cut as both sides
would like.
"I would say an inquiry like this is very fact intensive," he said. "The law
recognizes that taxpayers have the right to organize their affairs to minimize
their taxes, but only within the bounds of what is legal."
Both Ting and Healy, however, said the case could have wide-ranging
implications for other churches and nonprofits who decide to reorganize their
holdings. Ting said he has received calls from other religious organizations
"who are thinking about doing similar things and are looking with quite a lot of
interest at what happens in this case."
Healy said the church also views the issue as one "that extends beyond the
local Catholic Church."
A city appeals board - made up of the city controller, treasurer and head of
the real estate division - will
hold the hearing on June 16 to determine whether the church owes the taxes. If
his office is successful, Ting estimates the archdiocese could owe between $3
million and $15 million in taxes.
The church could appeal a decision to the
Superior Court.
The Old Cathedral of
Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception is a proto-Cathedral and Parish that
serves of the Chinatown and Nob Hill communities. Old St. Mary's Church was
built in 1854 as San Francisco's First Cathedral, and is a California Historical
Landmark. It has been served by the Paulist Fathers since 1901. It's not the
huge successor Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption on Geary (AKA Our Lady
of the Laundromat), and that's good. I love how the inner peace and humility
that this First Church effects this very spiritual non-Catholic.
Under the clock face of Old St. Mary's appears the words: "Son, Observe the Time
and Fly from Evil" (Ecclesiasticus 4:23). This sentiment was aimed at the men
who frequented the surrounding brothels in the 1850s and still presents a modern
message. It was in front of Old St. Mary's that Emperor Norton I collapsed in
1880, on his way to a lecture at the California Academy of Sciences. Old St.
Mary's survived the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, only to be gutted a day later
by the fires. The flames were so hot that they melted the church bells and
marble altar. All that was left was the exterior brick walls and the bell tower.
The renovation of the church was completed in 1909. The church further expanded
and built an auditorium, a library and a lecture room and used that space in the
future to host events for the servicemen and women of World War II.
A famous Abbott:
I'm going to call this dream THE THREE MONKS
6-28-13 - NAP DREAM - I was in a large room in what seemed like a school.
At some distance from me, was one of the men from the above dream - and I
think it was Philip Burley. He was watching me line up pictures
taken of all the crop circles from the current year (they are just starting in
Ernest now)
I was lining up the pictures of the crop circles, by name and by number.
Philip told me not to mix them up or he wasn't going to help me give the
6-29-13 - DREAM - The last of the crop circles had been alphabetized -
and the last one started with the letter ' I '.
My friend Dee from Milwaukee was there, and was moving to a different house.
All that had to be done to it was to repair the front porch railing so it was
safe to live in the house.
In this dream, I was shown two crop circle articles starting with the letter
As I woke up, I was the front page of an English (London) newspaper and the
long title started with the letter E.
The front cover of this newspaper had a large picture with two huge black
UFOs on it.
NOTE: A recent newspaper report has a large photo of a wind farm where
supposedly a UFO hit one of the wind fans and bent it. It was badly
I guess the UFO flew off.
6-30-13 - VAGUE DREAM - I was in a large classroom - like a lecture
hall with a bunch of kids, and apparently being taught about gardening.
6-30-13 - VISION - I was looking out the window in the kitchen towards
the east and out in the orchard I could see three men dressed in black suits and
derby hats sneaking through the trees towards the house.
I knew that it couldn't be real because the orchard is flooded with
irrigation water right now.
I opened my eyes and closed them again.
I saw the three men again, and it seemed that they turned into black horses
or black dogs - more like horse heads.
I opened my eyes again to make them go away, but when I closed my eyes, the
three men in black were even closer.
I open-end my eyes again, but a voice in my head said, "Now they are in your
It was time to get out of bed... so I wouldn't see them again.