For specific Native American Tribe Links Go Here:


For specific Native American Chiefs Go Here



The Native American Tradition -

from a Navajo Wedding Ceremony

Now you have lit a fire and that fire should not go out. The two of you now have a fire that represents love, understanding and a philosophy of life. It will give you heat, food, warmth and happiness. The new fire represents a new beginning - a new life and a new family. The fire should keep burning; you should stay together. You have lit the fire for life, until old age separates you.

'Words of Power'; Voices from Indian America


Coyote Press


Wotanging Ikche - Newsletters

News From Indian Country: Nations Native Journal

Noah's News

Native Media - Organizations, Journals and Newspapers, Radio and Television

Indian Voices Radio Show
and links

Native Peoples Magazine

Four Winds Native News

Native American Journal

Native American Journalists Association

Native Americas Akwe:kon's Journal of Indigenous Issues

North American Periodicals

Native Village - Current News

The American Experience / Wayback:
Monthly online magazine aimed at middle school students

American Comments Web Magazine

American Indian Radio on-line



American Indian Law Scientist

Directory of Tribes - in the Lower 48

The Aboriginal Law and Legislation

The Indian Child Welfare Act Links

Senator Daniel K. Inouye Home Page

U.S. Department of Interior

Tribal Sovereignty and the Federal Communications Commission's Grant of Licenses

U.S. Department of Interior - email addresses

Treaty of Prairie du Chein
Treaty 7 Tribal Council Treaties and Reports

The Indian Defense League of America

International Indian Treaty Council

List of Federally Recognized Tribes

Native American Rights Fund

Legislation pertaining to American Indian languages

National Indian Justice Center (NIJC)

Native Political Action group
Native American Political Issues

Bureau of Indian Affairs

BIA: Branch of Acknowledgement

Native Organizations and Urban Indian Centers

Listing of lands tribally owned.

Canada-Indian Treaties

Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act

Native American Prison Issues

New York Indian Law

Selected United States Supreme Court Native American Law Decisions

18 U.S.C., Chapter 35 (Indians)
Provides the full text and a keyword search.

28 U.S.C. § 1362 (Indian tribes)

42 U.S.C., Chapter 22 (Indian Hospitals and Health Facilities)
Provides the full text and a keyword search.

Fort laramie Treaty of 1868 with the Lakota and Dakota (Santee)
Lakota Treaty of 1825: Teton River
Lakota Treaty of 1825: Lookout River
Lakota Treaty of 1851: Fort Laramie
Agreement of 1882 with Lakota and Dakota People

Federal Treaties Made with Individual Native Nations Alphabetical Gopher Listing

The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851

The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868

Tribal Sovereignity

Indian Tribes - Population Rankings
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)

U.S. Department of Interior (Responsible for the Bureau of Indian Affairs)
U.S. Department of Interior - email addresses

Bureau of Indian Affairs
U.S. Census Bureau

Iroquois Constitution

Laws and Treaties with the Cherokee, Choctaw,

Flags of the Native Peoples of the US

All US Tribes Main Access Map Index

American Indian Reservation Summary

BIA Criteria for Acknowledgement as an Indian Tribe

Indian Tribal Courts of the Southwest

Indian Identity: Who Is Drawing the Boundaries?

Indian Nations: The United States and Citizenship 1983

Map of Native American Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks Smithsonian Institution

Native American Population Statistics US Census statitics for 1980 and 1990 compared for Native Americans

Native American Socio-Economic Characteristics Education, Occupation, Income
American Indian College Fund
Supports Native American students

The American Indian Graduate Center
The American Indian Science & Technology Education Consortium Network web site.
Native Education Directory
Organizations and resources for educators of Native Americans. 

Native American Languages Spoken in the Home

Tribal Leaders Discuss the Importance of the April 1, 2000 U.S. Census

Tribal Leaders List and Agency Information Bureau of Indian Affairs

U.S. Census Bureau General Information

U.S. Federal and State Reservation Map

When is a Tribe a Tribe?

Native American Documents Project Cal State at San Marcos: Professor E. Schwartz

Native American Constitution and Law Digitalization Project Tribal constitutions and codes are the heart of 
self-government for over 500 federally recognized tribes, and are the lifeblood of Indian sovereignty. 
The University of Oklahoma Law Center Library and the National Indian Law Library work with tribes whose 
government documents appear on this web site; these tribal documents are either placed online with the permission 
of the tribes, or they are U.S. Government documents, rightfully in the public domain.

Treaties by Nation Native American Web Services (Nawebs) has published nearly 400 downloadable full-length treaties. 

Code Talk Code Talk is a federal inter-agency Native American website that provides information for 
Native American communities. Code Talk is hosted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 
Office of Native American Programs.


U.S. Goverment Bills Concerning American Indians

Big White Lies



Custers Last Stand

George Armstrong Custer

The Little Bighorn National Monument
Battle of the Little Big Horn
The Custer Battlefield National Monument 1986
The Little Big Horn Coverup
Notes from The North American Indian E.S. Curtis

The Battle of the Greasy Grass (c. 1898) by Mato Wanartaka (Lakota: 1846-1904). The Southwest Museum, Los Angeles

The Battle of the Little Bighorn: Two Perspectives

Indian Memorial at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
"If this memorial is to serve its total purpose, it must not only be a tribute to the dead, ; it must contain a mesage for the living...power through unity..." Enos Poor Bear, Sr. , Oglala Lakota Elder

Killing Custer A review of the book by Blackfeet-Gros Ventre author James Welch

Red Horse A Lakota account of the battle

Kate Bighead A Cheyenne's woman's account of the battle

Custer's Last Stand - The Finale

Biography George Armstrong Custer (1839 - 1876) by THE WEST TV Series
Biography George Crook (1828 - 1890) by THE WEST TV Series
Tom Custer Died Alongside Brother George

The Little Bighorn-Description of the events of "Custer's Last Stand" by ES Curtis.

The Army's greatest Indian fighter, George Crook, may have contributed to Custer's defeat at Little Bighorn. However, during his last years he campaigned vigorously on behalf of the Lakota Indians. Cheif Red Cloud once said: "Crook never lied to us. His words gave people hope".


Crazy Horse (1996 Col.) TV-film Michael Greyeyes.
Chief Crazy Horse (1955 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Crazy Horse (1943)
Crazy Horse and Custer - The Untold Story (1990)

Biography Marcus A. Reno (1834 - 1889) by THE WEST TV Series
Officer in charge of the only unit to survive the battle of the Little Bighorn.

Biography John Gibbon (1827 - 1896) by THE WEST TV Series
Infantry Commander with General Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn and commander at other battles.

Biography of Alfred H. Terry (1827 - 1890) by THE WEST TV Series A military commander under general Custer.
Biography Philip Sheridan (1831 - 1888) by THE WEST TV Series
A ruthless general during the wars against the plains Indians, with no concern for casualties among innocent non-warriors.

Little Bighorn Coverup






The Story of the Potawatami Death Trail



BY President Andrew Jackson - 1830

The Indian Removal Act, signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830, required all tribes east of the Mississippi to cede their land to the U.S. government and migrate to the western plains. The journey west, called the "Trail of Tears," took its tool on the four southern nations (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Cherokee) forced to move. Many Indians left behind comfortable homes and fertile farmlands, and one-third of the migrants perished in their new surroundings. This depiction of the Trail of Tears shows how little the Indians were able to take with them on their mandatory relocation.

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 - The Trail of Tears
Note: The Indian Removal Act empowered by president Andrew Jackson allowed the U.S. Government to move eastern Indians west of the Mississippi, mainly Cherokees. The purpose was to put pressure off arising conflicts since the flawed thinking was that the white settlements would never penetrate that part of the continent. The project was ill-conceived and culturally chauvinistic. Even the staunchest defenders of this act were admitting defeat at the time. In the spring and summer of 1838, more than 15,000 Cherokee were removed by the U.S. Army from their ancestral homelands in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. They were held in concentration camps through the summer and fall then forced to travel nearly 1,000 miles during an extremely harsh winter to Indian Territory in Oklahoma.
It is estimated that almost 4,000 died of hunger, dysentery, exposure and other causes during the trek. Members of the tribe call the forced evacuation of their homelands and the horrendous journey "Nunahi-Duna-Dlo-Hilu-I", which translates to "Trail Where They Cried". The infamous removal concept was later refined into the reservation idea.

The Indian Removal Act of 1830

North American Indian Removal Policy
Andrew Jackson Addresses Congress.


Trail of Tears

The Trail Where They Cried
nu na hi du na tlo hi lu i

The Cherokee Trail of Tears - 1838/1839

The Cherokee Trial of Tears - Timeline

History of the Florida Indians

Isaac McCoy Papers

John G. Burnett's Story of the Removal of the Cherokee's

The Trail of Tears Across Missouri

The Trail of Tears, by Joan Gilbert
Accounts of the "Cherokee Trail of Tears"

Fighting For Our Lives

Indian Removal Policy

Black Seminoles

The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears

Andrew Jackson and Cherokee Removal

Quotations From The Trail Where They Cried

The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears

The Removal

Historical Documents - The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears Association

Indian Territory in U.S. history, name applied to the country set aside for Native Americans by the Indian Intercourse Act (1834). In the 1820s, the Federal government began moving the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw, and Chickasaw) of the Southeast to lands West of the Mississippi River. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave the President authority to designate specific lands for them, and in 1834 Congress formally approved the choice. The Indian Territory included present-day Oklahoma N and E of the Red River, as well as Kansas and Nebraska; the lands were delimited in 1854, however, by the creation of the Kansas and Nebraska territories. Tribes other than the original five also moved there, but each tribe maintained its own government. As white settlers continued to move westward, pressure to abolish the Indian Territory mounted. With the opening of W Oklahoma to whites in 1889 the way was prepared for the extinction of the territory, achieved in 1907 with the entrance of Oklahoma into the Union.


Wounded Knee (1890) Note: Wounded Knee Creek, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota December 29, 1890.
For the Plains Indians this was the last act of defiance ending in a massacre carried out by Colonel James Forsyth's Seventh Cavalry. There would be no more battles but this 100+ years old memory is still a wound in many hearts. Perhaps the most famous Indian-fighting general in the U.S. Army at the time, General Nelson A. Miles, accused Forsyth of "blind stupidity or criminal indifference" and relieved him of command. General Miles called this "a useless slaughter of Indian women and children". But the war department, determined to portray this finalconfrontation of the Indian wars in a heroic light, stopped any further investigation of the incident.

Wounded Knee:
Historical facts and information

- approved by traditional elders on the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River reservations.

The Murder of the Wind of Peace

A Massacre Survivor Speaks...

Dr. Wagner's Wounded Knee Testimony

Bringing Lost Bird Home

Medals of (dis) Honor

The Medals of Wounded Knee

Medals of dis-Honor

...more Medals of dis-Honor

Medals of dis-Honor Campaign
An email campaign has been initiated so as to force the U.S. Government to rescind the twenty medals of dis-Honor awarded participants in the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Your help is input form is provided for your convenience

Lieutenant Bascom Gets His Due..

Rescindment Petition Comments

Senator McCain Responds to the Rescindment Petition

My Response to McCain

Wokiksuye Canpe Opi...a site dedicated to rescindment of the "medals of dis-Honor."

So proudly the Army displays it's flag with over 170 battle streamers at the Pentagon, White House, West Point Military Academy, museums and Army posts throughout the world. The Pine Ridge battle streamer has the highest number of Congressional Medals of (dis)Honor (20) of all the streamers...

Use of the Army Flag at EPA Events: The September 1999 directive from the EPA Office of Civil Rights, and the memorandum from The American Indian Advisory Committee.

Heroes of Wounded Knee Creek - 1890

Wounded Knee Survivors Association Testimony - Senate Hearing, September 1990

A Chronology of Events Leading Up to the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre

Note that the Massacre at Wounded Knee did not happen in a vacuum, it was not an unrelated incident. The fires of hatred and racism were fueled from many quarters and a volatility was building. Contributing a good deal of fuel were newspaper articles and editorials such as those mentioned below.

"The death of Sitting Bull removes one of the obstacles to civilization...He was a greasy savage..." So reads an article published on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1890 in the St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, Missouri.

Writing in his newspaper the "The Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer", Aberdeen, South Dakota, L. Frank Baum opined with regard to the Indian Nations, that "We cannot honestly regret their extermination..."

Thus fueled was the murderous firestorm that was Wounded Knee.

A Proposed Tribal Park?

A Massacre, A Tribal Park, A Farce...

Who Should We Believe?

Wounded Knee...Are We About To Do It Again?

Wounded Knee Landowners Reply to Wasichu...

Wasichu Sculptress Proposes Wounded Knee Memorial

The Wizard of Oz and Wounded Knee

Aberdeen Touts A Racist

Attack On An Attempt To Hold Baum Accountable For Genocidal Declarations

Twisted Footnotes to Wounded Knee

Commentary on Twisted Footnotes

Acknowledge L. Frank Baum's (author of The Wizard of Oz) Genocidal Declarations

Baum Petition Responses


Sitting Bull, In Memory

Black Hills Thievery Renewed

Wasichu's Continuing Gall...the Buffalo Nickle Act

Putting Enemy Heads On Pikes...
a response to the Buffalo Nickle Act

First Nations Site Index

American Indian Movement

Anna Mae Aquash Archive

Please provide an opinion regarding this article/site.


BigFoot Speaks from the Grave

Wounded Knee Massacre
with photos

The Murder of the Wind of Peace

Wounded Knee
Are we about to do it again?

Black HIlls Thievery Attempt - Part I
Black HIlls Thievery Attempt - Part II

Sitting Bull

Crazy Horse

Chief Joseph

Red Cloud

Like Grass Before the Sickle

Turning Hawk and American Horse The Native account of the massacre

Wounded Knee South Dakota

Wovoka-The Messiah The Ghost Dance

Lakota Oral History

Chief Bigfoot National Memorial Park

Assist the Elders

LYCOS Links to Wounded Knee

Sacred and Symbolic

Black Elk's Vision

Earth Prayers for The Great Spirit

Four Sacred Medicines

Honoring the Animal Spirits

Miracle, the Sacred White Buffalo

Native American Commandments

Power, The Force Of Life

Sacred Instructions

Sioux Heritage

Smudging--A Native American Tradition

The Sweat Lodge

The Totem Animals

Traditional Wedding Ceremony

The White Buffalo

Medicine Wheels, Symbolism

Bighorn Medicine Wheel Map
Bighorn National Forest Information from Rocky Mountain Region USDA Forest Service.

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Flag

Flags of the Native Peoples of the U.S.

Great Seal of the Chickasaw Nation
Explains meaning of the Great Seal seen here.

The Medicine Wheel
The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

Medicine Wheel: Sun & Star

Passamaquoddy Moons
Names of "Moons" of the Passamaquoddy Tribe Pleasant Point Reservation, Sipayik in Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada.

Powhatan Renape Nation

Prairie Island Indian Community
The symbols of the Prairie Island Indian Community

Sacred Mountains
Four Sacred Mountains of the Dine' (Navajo) Great Seal.

Seals & Logos
Web Page Translator.

Southeast Kituwah Nation
Colors and Cardinal Directions of the Tsalagi personally are not the same.

Tribal Flag and Symbolism
Symbols used for the Flag/Seal of the Southern Ute Tribe of Colorado.

Up There with Dr. Eddy, Dawn Stars
Big Horn Medicine Wheel's alignment

Petroglyphs and Rock Art

Chaco Canyon
Links to Chaco's Sacred Connections

Petroglyph - 1054 Supernova
Anasazi pictures in Chaco Canyon.

Rock Art Research Association
Upper Midwest Rock Art Research Association, petroglyph and pictograph research:

Sacred Pipe

Little Feather Center Website.

Jeff Savage Sculptures

Pipestone Indian Shrine Association

The Dakota War: A Closer Look at the Conflict Duke University

Al Intra NA Indian Websites

Alliance for Native American Indian Rights Home Page


American Indian Exposition - 1999
American Indian Culture Research Center
American Indian Expo
American Indian (Russell Means)
American Indian Links to Neat Places
American Indian Movement
American Indian Movement
American Indian Science & Engineering Society
American Indian Chamber of Commerce
American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Foundation
American Anthropological Association Statement
American West -- Native American page
American Indian History
American Indian Culture Research
American Indian Tribal Directory
American Indians Link Exchange
American West-Native Americans
American Indian Movement - The Arizona Chapter .
American Indian Movement - The Southern California Chapter.
American Indian Tribal Directory

 American Indian Resourse Center

Amerindian Folklore

An Indian Prayer
The Seven Sacred Prayers
Native Prayers

A Prayer to the Great Spirit

Art of the Southwest: Sandpaintings of the Navajo American !

Beading and Native American Culture
The beadedweb-

BearHeart and Spiritwalker

Choctaw Spiritual - Poetry

Colonization and Print in the Americas
Includes sections on: Viewers and the Viewed; Print and Native Cultures; Colonial Fictions, Colonial Histories.

Early Modern Trans-Atlantic Encounters: Spain, England etc.

Events in the West - 1830 - 1840

First Nations Histories

Four Corners Postcard:
Origin, history, religion, culture, and ceremonies of the Native American Indians of the Four Corners Region:
Navaho, Jicarilla Apache, Mountain Ute, Southern Ute

Great Lakes Tribal Council

Indigenous Earth - Wanbli Ableza

Western Historical Manuscript Collection

Will Rogers' Case File for Enrollment in The Five Civilized Tribes

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Lewis and Clark Expedition
A Washington State University Project

The Ethnography of Lewis and Clark: Native American Objects and the Quest for Commerce and Science
Text and Photographs provided by the Peabody Museum

Oklahoma State University Library
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904.

Engraving from Catlin's Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians (1841)

Native Nations Encountered by Lewis and Clark
Arikaras, Assinoboines, Blackfeet, Chinooks, Clatsops, Hidatsas, Mandans, Missouris, Nez Perces, Otos, Shoshones, Teton Sioux, Tillamocks, Walla Wallas, Wishrams, Yankton Sioux

Real Audio Commentary On How Lewis and Clark Dealt With Native Americans
A PBS sponsored site. Interview with Gerard Baker (Mandan-Hidatsa) on the significance of Lewis and Clark

Naming the Indians

Native American Ceremonies and Rituals

Native American Library Guide

National Museum of The American Indian

Native American Museums

National Museum of the American IndianNative American Goddesses

Navajo Spaceships, Star mountain and Life

The Milky Way - A Seminole Tale


Woodland Cultural Center Brantford, Ontario



Major Pre-Columbian Indian Cultures in the U.S.

A Native American Timeline

This Week in American Indian History

Timeline: Developed for the PBS Documentary: The West (1996)

Timeline: Northern Plains Native Americans

19th-Century Timeline of Native Americans
A Native American Navigator Project with important links to history

Tribe of Light: Enlightening Center

Tribes Directory
Tribal Directory by City/State

Tribal Directory by State

Tribal Names and Their Meanings

Tribes by State Map Index

Tribes Forced to Prove Existence

Tribes, Nations, and Bands

Touch the Earth, Theatre Production
The Ten Native American Commandments
The Turtle and the Eagle

THUNDERROLLS - no frames

The Dreamer
The Maps Page


Turtle House
Twin Shaman

timbers native american site
Tipi's Retreat
tl star home page
Tom Mahoney & Lenape Red Thunder
Tom Peterson
Touch The Sky
Tox and Blu's Native American Page
Trail of Hope
Trail of Joy, The Return
Russell Means
Tribal: Native N.A Culture, Tradition
Tribal Wear
Terrence Yazzie's Page
Teri Sodd (bio.)

The Rite of Throwing the Ball

The Thunderbird Myth

The Ghost Dance Movement
Tribal Voice
- A group of Native Americans hosts this site, explores traditional culture and history from a contemporary point of view.

Tasunka's Page
Tatanka Hawk's Native American Gallery
Tecumseh drama
tekayr's Home Page


The Use of a Pipestone

The Substitution of the Bone Hair Pipe
True's Home
Two Wolfs Den

Thumper's World
Thunder Chief 22
Thunderdrum 's Home Page
Thunderrose1's Garden
Thunderain's Way
Thunder Rolls


The Sacred Instructionsgiven by the Creator
to the Native People at the Time of Creation


The Soul of the Indian
Complete text of the 1911 book by Charles Alexander Eastman (Ohiyesa).

The White Buffalo Calf

Time Line of Removal and Resistance
Dedicated to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.

Tribal Names and Alternative Meanings

Animal Totems2

Bird Totem Main Page

Insect Main Totem Page

Reptile Main Totem Page

The West: A PBS Documentary 1996

Where Eagles Fly-Cherokee Poetry
Cherokee Stories


warrior98's Home Page

Daphne Odjig (Beavon)- Wikme ??????-Painter

American Indian Music

White Oak Singer-Powwow Music

NA Real Audio Files
NA web-sites

Native American Adventure and Action Center
Native Americans & the Environment

Native American Astronomy
Native American Directory

Native American History Timeline
Native America - 1750-1830
Native American History
Native American History
Covers 10,000 years of history of native peoples of NY and New England
Native American Index

Native American Indians

Native American Home - Charlotte's Web
Native American Links

Native American Links:
Native American Links
Native American Links Page

Native American Maps & Historical Sites

Native American Sites
Native American Text Resources

Native American Tribes Interesting Facts & Legends

Native American Web Ring
Native Legends from Stonee
Native Links Sources
#Native Voices


Native American Support Group
Native American Web
Native, Aboriginal, and Indigenous resources on seven continents

New Perspectives on the West
A history of the expansion of the American West;
biographies of Native Americans - SEARCHABLE

National Museum of the American Indian
National Museum of the American Indian
Native American Tribes - Population
NativeWeb Home Page
America West - Native Americans

Native American Technology and Art
Native American Clothing Patterns

Native Spirits: Artists
native art page 1
native art page 2
Native American Fine Art
NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art
Native American Indian - Culture, Education, Art, Science History: Native Sources .
NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art
 Native American Cultural Resources on the Internet
Peacetree Centre Native American Merchandise
Native American Lore
NativeTech: Source List for Native American Craft Supplies

Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
Native American Resources on the World Wide Web  

NativeTech: Source List for Native American Craft Supplies
Basketry birchbark containers cattail duck cornhusk dolls
bead weaving techniques dreamcatchers goose decoys Drum making
Native American Moccasins Native American Pouches and Bags Native American Moccasins and Mukluks Native American Tote Bags
Native - Leather Links

Medicinal Plants used by Tribes

More Tribal lists for herbs

Native American Clothing

Native American Ethnobotany
Search for herbs used by tribes
NA Flute Maker
Whirlwind flutes
 Wind Songs Flutes
 Lakota George Estes
leather bags and pouches

Spearpoints of New York

Native Music Pages

Native - Leather clothing Mittens and Gloves Medicine Tools Moccasins

Pale Wolf's Den -Beadwork, Glass

American Indian Heritage Foundation
Native American Studies and Research:
From the University of Maryland's
Diversity Database
Stereotypes of Native Americans
A Line in the Sand
US tribes-reservations imagemap

National Museum of the American Indian at the Smithsonian Institute:
displays and photographs about the Native Americans of the United States and Canada

Native American Museums

Native American Art Icons
Navajo Museum - Paul Apodaca
Native American Folklore
Native American Genealogy
NA Indian Genealogy Links

Native American Healing

Native American Spirituality

Native American Text Resources
Native Indians Children's and Elder Program

Native American Chat

Native American Books

Native Nations of Iowa

Native Talk
Native Voices

NA Indian Info Links+

NA Indian Music Site

NA Indian Websites Rings

al intra NA Indian Societies A-M& Org.

Native Traditions
al intra NA Indian Societies A-M& Org.2


Native American maple sugar food, health, and nutrition Indiginous agriculture
Ethnobotany Native Seeds Eastern Native Seed Conservancy
Plants and trees Native American use of fire Indiginous plant uses of the Northeast
Native American history of corn NATIVE RECIPES

Native American Wisdom

Native Earth's Theater Links
NATIVE-L (March 1995): Re: N.A./Black relations
The Native American Adventure
Native Maps and GIS Windows to Tribal Info

Native Art - Overviews
Native Languages
Native Language Page


Native American languages in Canada
Native American Language Resources on the Internet
Native American languages
Native Languages: Links and resources for study
NativeNet Native Languages Mailing List Archives

Native Moons -- the months of the year

National Association of Friendship Centres, Ottawa, Canada

National Indian Festival Association

Native American Net



Native Americans
Native American Actors
Native American Myths and Legends
Native Americans and the Environment Web Site
Native American - culture- community
Native American Commemorative Stamp Designs
Native American Entertainment links
Native American Indian Homepage Weblink
Native American Icons

Native American Indigenous Art
Native American Indian Actors
Native American Links
Native American Lore
Native American Links
Native American Sites
Native American Support Group of New York City
Native American Technology & Art
Native American Webliography
Native American Who's Hot
Native American
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
Native American Sites on the WWW
Native American Research Page
Native American Resources

Native Americans in the Kickapoo Valley

Native Americans of the Great Plains

Native - 23rd Psalm

12 step programs

Anishinabeck: People of This Place
Bandoliers: Native American Beadwork - Paula Giese

Manidoominens: Sacred Seeds--Native American Beadwork - Paula Giese
Southwestern Archaeology - Arizona
Museum of Ojibwa Culture

Nanooshke Gallery
Glows with creative aura of Anishinabe art.
River of Song: Music Along the River - Ojibway Music from Minnesota

Whetung Ojibwa Centre, Curve Lake Reserve, Ontario

Nevada Native Story Telling
Nevada Tribes

Nez Perce Treaty - 1855
Big Hole National Battlefield


Northern Paiute Duck Decoys
Making a Washoe House - Paiute?
Phil Zastrow Hoopa Tribal membership

North American Native Authors Catalog

Petro-Lifts -and Native American Artifacts
People of Peace -Peoples of Many Nations

Northern Lights Lodge

Norval Morisseau Art Page

Nyte Shadow's Pages Poetry and Art

American Indian Computer Art Project (AICAP) - Turtle Heart, an Objibway artist
Ojibwa Artist
Song Catcher Frances Densmore Of Red Wing-Ojibwe
Instructors' Program, Bookstore Resources
Native American Authors: Chippewa Tribe
Native American Authors: Ojibwe Tribe

Dan Anderson's Bibliography of Native Resources.

OKTALONLI  - Cherokee Art

On "Borrowing" Native American Culture

Original Native People of the Americas Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut

Region 7: Indian Land Areas-
Indian Lands of the Southwest


Lummi Nation - - 1 Tulalip Tribes - - 2 Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe - - 3 Shoalwater Bay Tribe - - 4
Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California - - 5 Reno Sparks Indian Colony - - 6 Lovelock Paiute Tribe - - 7 Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians - - 8
Sycuau Tribe-Morougo Band - - 9 Salt River Pima Maricopa Tribe - - 10 San Carlos Apache - - 11 Hopi Tribe - - 12
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes - - 13 Santa Clara Pueblo - - 15 Shoshone Tribe - - 16
Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes - - 17 Sac & Fox Nation of Oklahoma - - 18 Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma - - 19 Cherokee Nation - - 20
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma - - 21 Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma - - 22 Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma - - 23 Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians - - 24
Poarch Band of Creek Indians - - 25 Sault Ste. Marie Chippewa - - 26 Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe - - 27 Ho'Chunk Nation - - 28
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa - - 29 Menominee Indian Tribe - - 30 Oneida Tribe - - 31 Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation - - 32

Native American tribes of North Carolina
Native American tribes of South Carolina

David Kaskaske (Otoe-Missouria artist)

OUACHITALK: Native American Resources and Communications


Ronald Roybal - Native American Entertainment
Roadrash's Page

The History Channel: Each month the History Channel takes new explorations into the past

Other Natives on the Net
Organizations & Business

Places that teach Indian languages

Planet Peace -
dedicated to the world-wide distribution of information regarding Indigenous and Environmental grassroots initiatives from around the globe.


Drum Sounds

Bluemountain's Native American Contributions

Books about Indians
Native American Contributions - from Blue Mountain Arts
Native Americans - info courtesy Blue Mountain Arts

Lance & Shield Home Page General Information

Language: The heart of a culture
The American Indian college Fund

Linguistics and Endangered Language Communities: Issue
Methods of language maintenance and revival with selected cases

League of Separated Tribes

Legends and Myths

American Indian Program (Cornell University)
American Indian Schools, Colleges, Tribes
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Essays and Articles - Native Tech
Ethnobotany of the American Indians
The Educational Native American Network (ENAN HotList)
Links to Tribal Homepages - Humboldt State University
Native American Education Facts

Fon Du Lac Tribal College 

Native American Indian: Art, Culture, Education, History, Science -
Navajo Community College
Navajo Learning Network
Northern Arizona University
NSMU - Extension Office - Jicarilla Apache Reservation
NSMU - Extension Office - Tri-State Navajo Nation, Shiprock
NMSU (New Mexico State University) - Indian Resource
NSMU - Extension Office - Zuni Reservation
Science and Mathematics for Indian Learners and Educators

The SunDance Page

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)
The Educational Native American Network (ENAN HotList)
The History Channel Native American Hot List
UCLA Indian Studies Center

Native American Dancing

Native Recipes

Ableza -Native American Arts

American Indian Verteran's Memorial Org. 

Buffy Sainte-Marie

 Buzzs Home Page 


Doc Tate-A Life of Tradition
Do and Don't-Teaching NA Culture Canadian Native Artist

Charles Littleleaf 

Cowboy & The Lady Native American Craft  

 Coyote Oldman

Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation

 Dream Messenger's Insight

Grand Hall Museum

 Great Native American Leaders

 Heyoka's Tepee

High Eagles Music Nest 

 Indian Culture & Art

 Indian House Records

 Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers


Kevin Locke

Lakota Historical Society

 Native American Art

 Native American Images

 Native American Prophecies

 Native America I

 Native American Pride  NativeWeb NA Indian Music Site

National Museum of Native American

Oklahoma Indian Art Gallery Rainbow Walkers Music Productions Robbie Robertson Music for the Native Americans

Ronald Roybal's Homepage

 Shamanism Animal Spirit Guide

 Snow Fthers Home Page

 Tatanka Hawk's Native American Gallery

This Week in American Indian History
Stellar Flutes/Musical Products

Official Sites/Government Agencies

A Guide to the Great Sioux Nation
Aboriginal Organizations
Funding American Indian Libraries
General info. on Indian Reservations (Summary)
Government Resources for Native Americans on the Internet
Guide to Southwestern Tribes & Reservations
Harvard University Native American Program
Harvard University Project on American Indian Economics
International Intertribal Association
NABA's Homepage (Native American Bar Association)
NAMCOR Population, Ages, Income and other Statistics
Native American Women Resources on the Web
The History Channel Native American Hot List


21st Annual Odawa Pow Wow
 Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival

The Pow Wow and Its Meaning
Charlie's Rules:
Charles Phillip Whitedog's general rules for Pow Wow first timers
Gail Lang's
page on Pow Wow etiquette and terminology
list of Drum Groups & Native Singing Groups
KTCA public television
Pow Wow links on the Grand Entry, Dances, Regalia, etc.
Paul Gowder's
Native American dancing and Pow Wow information
Pow Wow Highway: Provided by Ronald Roybal
Powersource Consultants
Native American ceremonial dances. 
Southern Pow Wows: Includes Pow Wow dance styles
University of Michigan's
Cultural Heritage Initiative Pow Wow site.  

New England Powwows & NA
Powwow Schedule/NA Events
Pow Wow Dancing
Pow Wow Dancing of New England
Pow Wow Highway
Pow Wow Trail
Pow Wow Dancing:
North American Pow Wow Calendar
Powwow Schedule for New England -
Native American cultural events for New England.
P.P. Deeere's Home Page
Southern Native American Pow Wows
Powwows & Calendars
Chefvpaul's Home Page  PowWow Dancing
Chief Tom's Pow Wow - General Information
Hawaii Warrior Society Powwow May 1999
The Spike:News Letter,powwow listings
Pow Wow Trail
Chief Tom's Powwow

Blackfeet PowWow Page
OCB Trading Post & Pow Wow list
American Indian Exposition -

held in August each year in Anadarko, Oklahoma!
Black Hills Powwow - October 2000.
Chehaw National Indian Festival - Albany Georgia
Cherokee of Georgia Annual Spring Powwow - St. George, Georgia
Council Tree Powwow - Delta, Colorado, September 22-24, 2000
Denver March Powwow
Eastern Woodland Powwow Video
Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial

Gathering of Nations Powwow
Gathering of Wounded Warriors and All Their Relations Powwow
- Warm Springs, Oregon
Great Lakes Powwows - Native American Celebrations of the Northeast
Huron-Wendat Gathering
Illinois Powwows
StrongHeart Singers -Powwow
Land of Lakes Gathering of the People traditional powwow -Warsaw, Indiana
Native America Online
listing of powwows and tribal events around the country.
Native American Weekend
Native Powwows and Events in North America
(from the Lenni Lenape Historical Society and Museum, and with an Eastern U.S. focus)
NativeWay - powwow info for the southeast U.S.
New England powwows
Northern Colorado Intertribal Pow-Wow Association
Omaha Indian Music
Powwow Calendar - for the greater Los Angeles area.
Powwow Calendar - from the fine folks at Four Winds Trading Co.
Pow-wow Connection - listings for mostly MN/WI/MI/Ontario powwows
The Powwow Editions
Powwow Music & Dance Traditions
Powwow Listings -
covers the whole country, not just regional events
Pow Wow Times -

listing of powwows in the southwest & southern California
PowWow! - Native Americans and the Environment
 Pretty Moon  - Buckskin Dancer
Southern Powwow -
THE SPIKE - newsletter of East Coast Native events
The 28th Annual Stanford Powwow -
Thunder in the Desert -
Powwows and Festivals

The Last Ghost Dance
 The Official Homepage of POW-WOW
Toshavik's Pow-wow Page
University of St. Thomas 12th Annual Powwow -St.Paul, Minnesota
Virginia State Powwow Calendar
Wacipi Powwow of South Carolina
Chief: Harold Hatcher Email: Waccamaw!
Tribal Grounds: Bluewater Road, Aynor, SC
Next Principal Event: November 4 - 6, 2005, 
The Thirteenth Annual Pau Wau of the Waccamaw Indian People, 
Tribal Grounds, Aynor, SC 
(Our pau wau has been listed as one of the top ten tourist events for the state.)

World Peace and Prayer Day June 21, 2000
- supported by Arvol Looking Horse,
Lakota Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe.


Artists & craftsmen, education, genealogy, news, organizations, pow wows & festivals, traditional indian recipes and tribal information. -->

American Native Indian Artists

Costanoan-Ohlone Indian Canyon Resource

Indian Tribes - Population Rankings
Reestablishing Native American Traditions
Reference Library--Indiana
Religion & Cosmology

Red Path Native Theatre (Chicago)

Native Sites on the Net

Geographical Index to Tribes of the United States and Canada

Native Net

Groups and Events

Native American Technology and Art

Native American Resources

National Museum of the American Indian

Pueblo Cultural Center

This Week in North American Indian History

Native Nations

Native American Maps

Native American Resources

Native American Links

Four Corners Postcard

Links to other NativeAmerican language and resources sites

Links to Tribal Homepages
Information on Individual Native Nations

Tribal Colleges, Native Studies Programs, and Indian Education


Sources for Indian Music

General Indian-Oriented Home Pages


An Historical Perspective
A super place to begin.

Native American History Archives
A whole library of documents, articles, speeches, and historical material.

Religious Orders, The Indian, And The Conquest: Fifty Years of Dispute and Contradiction
Article by Maria Paz Haro, in Encounters, Issue 9.

Listening to Native Americans: Making Peace with the Past for the Future
By John Barry Ryan, Professor of Religious Studies and a member of the Peace Studies faculty at Manhattan College.

Native American Religious Freedom

American Indian Religious Freedom Act
Enacted by 95th Congress, August 11, 1978.

American Indian Religious Freedom Act: Amendments of 1994
President Clinton's Executive Order on Indian Sacred Sites

Native American Spirituality

Prayer Page
Prayers posted by Native Americans.
The Soul of the Indian
Complete text of the 1911 book by Charles Alexander Eastman (Ohiyesa).

Compact Histories
Short histories of some 40 tribes.

Amerindian Mound Culture and American Amnesia

Native American Conquest
Spanish Conquistadores traveled from Florida to Chicago to Texas in the 1540's. They were the first Europeans to record inland America.

Social Equity & Environmental Justice
The challenges facing the native peoples of Alaska, Canada, and Russia.

The Sacred Use of Tobacco

 The Village of First Nations
Links to Aboriginal Resource

"I" is NOT for Indians : The Portrayal of Native Americans in Books for Young People

The Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian

This Week in American Indian History
This web site lists events which happened to or affected Native Americans when such events could be traced to an exact date.

NativeWeb Home Page

First Nations/First Peoples Issues

Theodore Roosevelt's Forward to "The North American Indian"

The Harriman Expedition-A precurser to The North American Indian?

Introduction to "The North American Indian" by Edward Sheriff Curtis

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

 Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

The Little Bighorn-Addendum to the Curtis account by The Curtis Collection

Demise of the Buffalo

Native American Biographies and Portraits (gravures)

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Native American Biographies and Portraits (gravures)

Ceremony of the Bowl (Hidatsa)-An essay for Volume 4 of The North American Indian

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Native American Biographies and Portraits (gravures)

Foreward by George P. Horse Capture to Native Nations First Natives as seen by Edward S. Curtis

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Note on the Indian Music by Henry F. Gilbert

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

  Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

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Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

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Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

 Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

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Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

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Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

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Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

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Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

 Index to Portfolio Images-Portfolio 1 to Portfolio 20

Index to Volume Images-Volume 1 to Volume 20

Links to information about how Ancient Cultures dealt with death First Americans:

Origins of the Native Americans to 1000 BC: Historical background; facts and information

Curtis Visits the Kuakiutl-Devil Rock/Octopus Hunting

Old World - New World: A summarized article about Native American ancestors

Prehistoric People: Historical background on: The earliest Native Americans, their homes, mound building, how they lived, planting, food, hunting, clothing, jewelry, religion, tool-making  

The Bladder Feast, a description of the ceremony from volume 20

North Carolina's First Colonists: 12,00 Years Before Roanoke

First Americans, Native American Indian Studies for Grade Schoolers:
First Nations Histories Site Index:

Native American Clothing:

From War to Self-Determination: A history of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Native American Curriculum
lessons with links
Native stories and legends
totem poles tribes of the Northwest

Ableza's Web-Cast Site

Native Web

A. J. Isbister, Native Artist

The American Indian Movement

Hupa Language Resources

Turtle Mtn. Chippewa Heritage Center

Lakota Declaration of War

Dakota Territory Native owned store

Kola Indian Action Campaign - Cheyenne

Native American Sites and References

Native Americans
Nativetech: Native American Technology and Art
OTA's Native American Resource Page
Pathway to Excellence

Native American Astronomy Site

Native American Genealogy
Native American Information Sites
Native American Maps including GIS (Geographical Images
Native American Programs
Native American Sites
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet

Oldbear's Genealogy HomePage

Quick's Page of Tipis & Twang
Pat's Little Corner of the World
Snow Princess's ForestCoyote Thunder
Frank Severa's Useful URLs

First Nations/First Peoples Histories (Lee Sultzman)

History of The Northwest Coast
History of the Ranch and Mission Days in Alta, California"
ILT History: Native American Tibes
Leaders & Great Chiefs: From American Horse to Wovoka
Links to Tribal Homepages - Humboldt State University

Map of Native American Tribes, Culture Areas & Lingustic Stocks

Julia White

Native American Home Page

NightHawk's Page

Tommy Wildcat Flute Player


First Nations/First Peoples Issues (Lee Sultzman)
Intertribal Technology Network
Map of Indian Reservations
Sources for American Indian Nations and Issues

The Vision & Sound of NDN -Blackfoot

Creation/Migration/Origin Stories  

Native Americans and the Environment Web Site

Midwest Conquest Trails - Louisiana and Texas

Sky's Home Page  - Flutist

Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers

SQUAW - Facts on the Eradication of the "S" Word

Sonny Nevaquaya - Flutist

Stanford Native American Studies

Shea's Native Place

Silver Turtle -Silversmithing

Sundance Productions Native Visions Native American Actors Calendar
Sacred Earth Gallery
Sunshine Studio - Santa Fe Indian Traders

Sacred Instructions to Native People

Sun Bear

Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Sen'klip Native Theatre Company

Future Fate: Predictions by Sun Bear

A Sun Bear Sweat Lodge Ceremony

Sun Bear's Unofficial Home Page

Southwest Museum
Spirit of the Wolf Srpiiy'e Dyuuwe

Sacred Animals

SSILA language sites and Internet resources
Stabilizing Indigenous Languages

Stories & Philosophy

Society of Native American Culture - powow listings, upcoming events
Shamanism Web Circle
the Soul of the Indian

Stanford American Indian Organization

American Indian Computer Art Project

ArtsEdge at the Kennedy Center (National Arts information)

NATIVE AMERICAN Art, Culture, History, Science

Redwood Productions

Native American Books List

John Rustywire, Navajo poet and writer


Turtle Island Native Films

Native Children's Books

American Indians as Ideological Objects

Akwe:kon Native Press

Native Resources at

National Association of Friendship

Index of Native American Resources on the Net

Walk on the Red Road - Native American Spirituality

Walking in Balance  Metaphysical

<< >> Wadulisi's World << >> Native American Tech and Art

American Indian College Fund
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
American Indian Cultural Resources Center
American Studies Center
Center of the American West
Cyndi's List of Geneaology Sites on the Internet
Native American section on the index."

Indian Health Services
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
Indigenous Peoples Archive: NativeWeb
Lakota Information Home Page
Mohican Indian Page
Native American and Indigenous Resources
Native American News
Native American Genealogy
Native American Home Page
Native American Resources
Native Language Homepage
Native American Activist Resources on the Internet
Native American Information and WWW Links
Native Events Calendar
National Museum of the American Indian
Native American Culture
Native American Internet Resources
Native American Resources on the Internet
Native Tech
Navajo Code Talking
Northwest Coast Indian History
Russell Means Home Page
USGenWeb Project: Native Americans
Southwestern Indian Polytechnical Institute

American Indian Oral History Collection


Intertribal Technology Network
Navajo Learning Network
Navajo Community College
Sun Valley Indian School
Northern Arizona University
Tri-State Navajo Nation Extension Service
Office of Indian Education Programs (OIEP)
BIA Grants, Scholarships & Fellowships
Science and Mathematics for Indian Learners and Educators Program (SMILE)
The Educational Native American Network (ENAN HotList)
National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) Legal education
UCLA Indian Studies Center
Nativetech: Native American Technology and Art
Native American Education Facts
MSU (New Mexico State University) - Indian Resource Development.

NSMU - Extension Office - Tri-State Navajo Nation, Shiprock
NSMU - Extension Office - Zuni Reservation
NSMU - Extension Office - Jicarilla Apache Reservation
ASU - Arizona State University - Experts on Native American Issues: History
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)
Pathway to Excellence A report on improving Library and Information Services to Native American Peoples.
Native American Astronomy Site

Harvard University Native American Program
Harvard University Project on American Indian Economic Development

General Native American Resources

Native American Programs
Native America
Native American Sites and References
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet

American Indian Schools, Colleges, Tribes
Native American Home Page

The "information superhighway" running through Indian Country

Native American Information Sites "You can almost hear them"
Sources for American Indian Nations and Issues
Map of Indian Reservations
Map of Native American Tribes, Culture Areas & Lingustic Stocks (ILTWeb)

Picture Atlas Arizona & Southwest (D&D Nerding)

General info. on Indian Reservations (Summary)
NCPA Executive Report: Reservations - Third World U.S.A.
McFarlin Native Americans Library Guide
Native American Culture and Links - by P.J. Criss

The West - TV Series - The Native American View
The Nations of Native Peoples of North America

Native American Indian: Art, Culture, Education, History, Science - Native Sources
Native American Women Resources on the Web
Bluemountain's Native American Contributions
The History Channel Native American Hot List
Funding American Indian Libraries
Native American Maps including GIS (Geographical Images Systems)

History of The Northwest Coast

History of the Ranch and Mission Days in Alta, California" From the Century Magazine 1890, Museum of San Francisco.

Native American Sites


History of the Cherokee
Cherokee Messenger
United Keetoowa Band of Cherokee Indians WWW
Ethnobotany of the Cherokee Indians
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
North Georgia's Cherokee Indians
The Hopi Way - Cloud Dancing
ILT History: Native American Tibes

A Guide to the Great Sioux Nation
Lenapi Delaware Tribe of Indians
First Nations/First Peoples Issues (Lee Sultzman)
First Nations/First Peoples Histories (Lee Sultzman)
The Tlingit National Anthem from Alaska's Tongass
Miami Nation Homepage
Pyramid Lake Pajute Tribe
Costanoan-Ohlone Indian Canyon Resource
Links to Tribal Homepages - Humboldt State University
The Stockbridge Munse Tribe of Mohican Indians The Muh-He-Ka-Ne-Ok
The Official Home Page of the Lumbee Tribe

 Tumahawk - Native American Jewelry


(Biographies presented by THE WEST TV Series)
Frank Cushing (1857 - 1900)

A pioneer Ethnologist and friend of the Zuni Pueblo Indians, one of the most important white observers of Native American culture in the 19th century.

Alice Fletcher (1833 - 1923)

A pioneer Ethnologist and a leader in the movement to bring Native Americans into the mainstream of white society.

Panoramic Picture

This picture will take some time to upload (JPEG image 1890 x 400 pixels). Unspecified site, presumably in California. Picture link to NARA.
Text: "H.A. Brooks, June 1916. The best Indians I have ever (indecipherable) in pictures."

More Images of Native Americans Presented by University of Nebraska.

Chetro Ketl Great Kiva in 3D

This is a 3D reconstruction of a Great Kiva (a ceremonial hall), found in many prehistoric Anasazi communities in S.W. USA. The images show the Chetro Ketl Great Kiva in Chaco Canyon, located in N.W. New Mexico. Best to view with a large monitor and a late version browser.

Seth Eastman's West

A series of water colors of the foremost 19th century pictorial historian of the American Indian. American History Feature. Link to The History Net.

Native American Historical Images on File
California State University, Long Beach - Contributed by Professor Troy Johnson.
Images arranged chronologically from prehistory to 1990.


This is a list of, at present, 43 movies (Hollywood-style) that to various extent presents Native Americans, some films provides a respectful image of the Native American, some less so. These films is connected to a database that provides a lot of detailed information on each film, such as actors, directors, etc.

Dances With Wolves (1990 Col.)

Kevin Kostner. Won Oscar for Best Picture. 4-stars (maximum) acc. to Leonard Maltin's Annual Movie and Video Guide. PLOT Summary.

Little Big Man (1970 Col.)

Dustin Hoffman. 4-stars (maximum) acc. to Leonard Maltin's Annual Movie and Video Guide. PLOT Summary.

Thunderheart (1992 Col.) 3-stars by Leonard Maltin. PLOT Summary. (My 2 cents worth...I think this is a *great movie*!!!! I've watched this...maybe fifteen times??!! WDB)
Last of the Mohicans (1992 Col.)
3 1/2-stars by Leonard Maltin. PLOT Summary.
Last of the Mohicans (1936 B&W)
3-stars by Leonard Maltin.
Last of the Mohicans (1920 B&W Silent)
3-stars by Leonard Maltin.
Last of the Dogmen (1995 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Crazy Horse (1996 Col.) TV-film Michael Greyeyes.
Chief Crazy Horse (1955 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Crazy Horse (1943)
Crazy Horse and Custer - The Untold Story (1990)
Geronimo - An American Legend (1993 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Geronimo (1993 Col.) TV-film
Geronimo (1962 Col.) PLOT Summary.

Geronimo (1939 B&W)
Son of Geronimo (1952 B&W)
I Killed Geronimo (1950)
Tecumseh - The Last Warrior (1995) TV-film PLOT Summary.
The Broken Chain (1993 Col.) TV-film "Above average" according to Leonard Maltin.
Tell Them Willie Boy Is here (1969 Col.)
The Vanishing American (1955 B&W)
The Vanishing American (1925 B&W)
Soldier Blue (1970 Col.)
Will Fight No More Forever (1975 Col.) TV-film
A Man Called Horse (1970 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Cheyenne Autumn (1964 Col.)
Duel In The Sun (1946 Col.)PLOT Summary.
Powwow Highway (1989 Col.) PLOT Summary.
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Fort Apache (1948 B&W) PLOT Summary. John Wayne, Henry Fonda.
Drums Along the Mohawk (1939 Col.) PLOT Summary. Henry Fonda.
Broken Arrow (1956 B&W) TV-series PLOT Summary.
Broken Arrow (1950 Col.) PLOT Summary. James Stewart, Jeff Chandler.
Sitting Bull (1954 Col.) PLOT Summary.
Sitting Bull At The Sprit Lake Massacre (1926 B&W Silent) Iron Eyes Cody, J. Carroll Naish.
Buffalo Bill And The Indians, Or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976 Col.) PLOT Summary. Paul Newman, Frank Haquitts, Geraldine Chaplin.

"Stagecoach" (1939 B&W) PLOT Summary. John Wayne.
"My Darling Clementine" (1946 B&W) PLOT Summary. A longer PLOT summary can be found:HERE - Henry Fonda.
"The Searches" (1956 Col.) PLOT Summary. A longer PLOT summary can be found:- HERE - John Wayne, Henry Brandon, Chief Thundercloud.
"How The West Was Won" (1962 Col.) PLOT Summary. - John Wayne, Henry Fonda, James Stewart, Richard Widmark.
"The Trial of Billy Jack" (1974 Col.)
"The Legend of the Lone Ranger" (1981 Col.) PLOT Summary.
"Back To The Future III" (1990 Col.) PLOT Summary. Michael J. Fox.

Link to The History Net, original article appeared in Wild West Magazine, June 96 issue.

Lakota "High Noon" 1876

Link to The History Net, original article appeared in Wild West Magazine, June 1996 issue.

An Ungrateful Nation - Navajo Natives Suffering

February 1997 - American History Feature. Link to The History Net.

Native American Support Group

Support Group for Native Americans re. current land issues, intrusion to Indian lands, etc.

Biography of John M. Chivington (1821 - 1894) by THE WEST TV Series

The Butcher of Sand Creek...and he was a minister!